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» Brooder for raising chickens. What is a brooder, making your own special box for raising poultry How to make a brooder for chickens from polystyrene foam

Brooder for raising chickens. What is a brooder, making your own special box for raising poultry How to make a brooder for chickens from polystyrene foam

When raising chickens, it is incredibly difficult to do without a brooder. IN natural conditions The chicken always monitors the condition and vital activity of the young animals, but during breeding large quantity chickens, and even using the incubator method, there is no one to monitor the young animals. In this case, a brooder is built, which is a home for the chickens during the first 2 months of their life. You can read about what a chicken brooder is, its arrangement and equipment, as well as the method of building it yourself, in the article below.

What is a brooder?

Chick brooder

Translated from English word"brood" means "to bear." And to some extent, the name of this design fully suits its purpose. A chick brooder is a small box that holds newborn chicks until their first 60 days of life (sometimes less). This structure contains everything necessary for their normal life and development (food, heating, water, dry bedding, ventilation, lighting).

If a brooder is purchased in a store, it is important to inspect it for safety, and also remember to check the operation of all systems (heating, lighting, ventilation, etc.).

If you take into account all the main points regarding the purpose and arrangement of the brooder, you can make it yourself - it’s not at all difficult. The main thing when building is to take into account that it should be comfortable for the chickens. After all, big, healthy chickens and roosters will grow only if they are initial stages developments were grown in the right conditions.

Features of brooders

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What features should a good chicken brooder have?

  • The size of the brooder should depend on the number of chickens that will be kept there. Average dimensions are 1.5x1.5 meters. On average per square meter there should be no more than 25 chicks.
  • Dry, non-slippery floor. As for the pallet, there are a lot of contradictions. On one side there is a mesh floor and a tray - this is convenient for the breeder (makes cleaning easier). But on the other hand, chickens are uncomfortable walking on a mesh floor and may even damage their feet on it, so you may want to think twice before installing a mesh floor.
  • Temperature and lighting must be adjusted as chicks require different amounts at certain stages of growth.

Chickens that have not yet turned 50 days old must be handled very carefully and not disturbed unnecessarily.

  • There should be low humidity inside so that the chicks do not get sick.

What is needed to make a brooder?


If you make a brooder for chickens yourself, you need to make sure that you have everything at hand necessary details and tools. For construction you will need:

  • saw or jigsaw;
  • roulette;
  • self-tapping screws, nails, screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • felt-tip pen or pencil;

In addition, you must purchase good material, from which the brooder will actually be built. As a rule, wood, chipboard, plywood, multi-layer cardboard or something similar is used that keeps heat and is safe for young animals.


Sometimes ready-made boxes, barrels, bedside tables, tables, boxes, and containers are used as the basis for a brooder. The main thing is that they are comfortable, durable, and that there is an opportunity to improve them a little.

How to make a brooder with your own hands?

Making a brooder does not take much time. This is a fairly simple design.

  1. The frame is not a mandatory item, but desirable, to make it easier to fasten the parts together. To make the frame, take a wooden block (not thick) and make a base from it. 4 pieces need to be made 50 cm each and 4 pieces 100 cm each. They are fastened together so as to form a frame in the shape of a parallelepiped.
  2. A sheet of plywood 1.5x1.5 meters and 1 cm thick is taken. A piece measuring 50x150 cm is sawn off from it.
  3. Now the piece that remains (100x150 cm) needs to be divided into 3 equal parts (100x50 cm). This is the future tray (or floor), back side and top of the brooder. They can now be safely attached to the frame (in their places).
  4. From the piece that was made at the beginning (50x150 cm), two pieces measuring 50x50 cm are sawn off. These two pieces are the side walls, which are also attached to the frame.
  5. In the foreground (entrance to the brooder) you need to make a frame of thin wooden beams - slats. It is needed to hang doors on it and close them from the outside. The frame is made of 2 long (100 cm) and 3 short (50 cm) crossbars. Long crossbars are attached to the ceiling and floor, 2 short ones on the sides and one is placed across the long ones, in the middle. Thus, there are 2 windows (entrances) to the brooder. A latch is attached to a short crossbar in the middle so that the doors can only be opened from the outside.
  6. The doors are made of crossbars and mesh. A base or frame is made from the crossbar according to the size of one of the entrances (windows). Each door should be approximately 45x31 cm. A mesh is inserted into the door frame on one side, and glass or plastic with holes on the other (so that you can see what is happening in the brooder). When two doors are ready, you can screw them with hinges to the frame and check how they open and close.
  7. A hole is made on the side or top for a light bulb. Wires and equipment for heating and humidity measurement are installed inside. But they need to be placed so that the chickens cannot reach them. Typically, devices are placed outside, and inside only sensors and a lamp (light).
  8. Now all that remains is to place the drinking bowl and feeder inside.

The brooder is checked for safety before use. All electrical devices should work well.

Raising chickens

Raising chickens in such a small space as a brooder is not difficult at all. All you need is to be attentive and take care of the kids on time. What are the responsibilities of a breeder?

  • Regular feeding.
  • The water is changed several times a day, because the chickens quickly smear it, or a nipple drinker is installed.
  • Temperature and lighting are adjusted as needed (more on that below).
  • Cleaning is carried out as needed. Often this is also bad, because the chicks are nervous and for them any interference in their space is very stressful. But they shouldn’t sit in the dirt either.
  • It is important to ensure that the inside of the brooder is always dry!

Temperature and lighting

Young chicks need a certain temperature, so it is constantly adjusted.

  • On the first day of life, the temperature in the brooder should be 34-35 °C.
  • From 2 to 5 days – maintained at 28-30 °C.
  • From days 6 to 10, the temperature inside should be about 27-29 °C.
  • On days 11-20, the temperature drops to 24-26 °C.
  • From 21 to 30 days you can set the temperature to 22-24 °C.
  • 31-40 days – temperature 20-22 °C.
  • From 41 to 60 days, degrees can be reduced to 17-20 °C above zero.

You can heat the chick brooder using a simple incandescent lamp, an infrared lamp or infrared film, which is placed on the wall of the brooder.

Lighting is also adjusted as the birds grow. So for the first 3 days it should be turned on for 23 hours. Then the amount of light is reduced daily by 1 hour until the daily day reaches 12-15 hours. After this, the lighting adjustment is stopped and maintained at this level.

Raising chickens in heated brooders is an excellent solution for poultry farmers who buy day-old chicks or hatch chicks using an incubator. IN natural environment brood hens take care of the chicks, and during incubation hatching this responsibility falls on the shoulders of humans. Professional brooders are quite expensive: their cost reaches 10 thousand rubles. Therefore, many poultry farmers prefer to make brooders for raising chickens with their own hands from available materials.

In order for the inhabitants of the brooder to be comfortable, it must meet the following requirements:

  • optimal temperature at all stages of chicken development (it should be possible to measure and regulate it manually or automatically);
  • non-slippery and dry floor (provided by installing a mesh bottom and a removable container for litter);
  • space (one chick requires about 0.1 sq.m. of space);
  • good ventilation and protection from drafts;
  • safety (construction details must be carefully polished, and the lamp must be located at such a distance that birds cannot touch it).

The design should provide two zones with different temperatures: if the bird overheats near the lamp, it should be able to move to a cool part of the room.

It is good if the brooder is not located in a house or barn, but in the open air. This way you will ensure good ventilation air and allow the young animals to enjoy natural sunlight. This will help improve the health of the chicks and also reduce the cost of heating the brooder. During the day wooden structure will heat up, and in the evening you can cover it thick fabric and maintain a comfortable temperature for a long time.

The note! If you place the brooder outdoors, be sure to protect it from drafts and precipitation. To prevent raindrops from entering through screen doors, you can cover the roof large sheet slate.

To make a brooder, you will need the following tools:

  • jigsaw or regular hacksaw;
  • tape measure or long ruler;
  • screwdriver or drill;
  • hammer;
  • pliers;
  • metal scissors.

Before you start work, make a drawing of the future structure. This will help you more accurately calculate the dimensions of parts and the amount of materials.


To make the brooder base, use natural materials, which are highly durable, are not afraid of moisture and direct exposure sun rays. At the same time, you don’t always need to make a box yourself: you can use an old bedside table or barrel as a basis. This design will be less reliable and durable, but you will spend less time and money on its construction.

If you want to make a brooder from scratch, you will need the following materials:

Table 1. Materials for making a brooder from scratch

Wooden bars or slatsThese are used to make the base of the brooder, the frame for the mesh floor and the container for the litter.section 30×30 mm.
Plywood sheets, oriented strand tiles or fiberboard or chipboard sheetsThey can be used to make the walls, floor and ceiling of a future structure.thickness from 1 to 2.5 cm
Galvanized metal mesh with small cellsIt can be used to make floors and doors. Through such a mesh, bird droppings and spilled food will fall into a removable tray, and the brooder will remain dry and clean.cell size –10×10 mm
Plastic meshSuitable for making doors.cell size –10×10 mm
Incandescent or infrared light bulbIt is installed in the upper part of the structure and allows for optimal temperature and light conditions.power up to 40–60 W
Thermometer and automatic thermostat (dimmer)These devices are installed in the brooder so that the bird owner can constantly monitor the air temperature.-
Self-tapping screws, nails, stapler with staplesNails are used to make a static structure; if you want to make a collapsible device, you should use self-tapping screws. A stapler and staples will be needed to attach the mesh to the wooden frame.-
Metal corners, hinges and latchesUsed to make walls and doors.-
slate sheetThis material will be needed if you are going to keep the chicks outside. It will protect the brooder from precipitation and excessive overheating.-
Plastic panels or oilclothSuitable for lining a litter container.-

The note! Multilayer cardboard is often used as a basis for a brooder. plastic panels or oriented strand board. However, structures made from these materials are not durable. After raising the first batch of young animals, it is difficult to clean and disinfect. Therefore, you should not save: choose wear-resistant materials that are not afraid high humidity and exposure to high temperatures.

Making a brooder

The standard dimensions of a brooder are 1×0.5×0.5 m. Its frame is made of wooden blocks, and the walls and bottom are made of thin plywood(or other similar material). It provides nipple drinkers, feeders, doors, mesh floor and removable litter tray. The room is conventionally divided into two compartments: for food and for heating.

The note! To extend the “life” of the brooder, before final assembly Coat all wood and metal parts with wood and metal primer.

Step 1. Making a box

Table 2. Making a box

1 Cut a sheet of plywood and make blanks for the walls. You should end up with 3 blanks measuring 1x0.5 m (for the back wall, floor and roof) and 2 blanks measuring 0.5x0.5 m (for the side walls).
2 Assemble a box from the blanks. To fasten sheets of plywood together, use metal corners and self-tapping screws. Before screwing in the screw, make a hole: this way you will avoid cracking the plywood. Ready product place it so that the front part (without the wall) is in front of you.
3 Make guides for the removable floor and tray. To do this, take 4 bars 0.48 m long and 2 bars 1 m long. Using self-tapping screws, attach one long bar to the back wall of the box so that it is exactly between the wall and the floor (in the corner). Then attach short bars to the side walls so that they are between the walls and the floor. It is advisable that they do not reach the front of the side wall by 1 cm. Then, at a distance of 3 cm from the first row of bars, attach the second row.
4 Strengthen the walls of the brooder with stiffening ribs. To do this, take 4 bars about 0.4 m long and attach them to the sides so that they rest against the ceiling and rise about 3 cm above the upper guide bars.
5 Make a frame for the doors. To do this, attach 2 bars approximately 98 cm long between the stiffeners in the upper and lower parts of the brooder. Install another rail between the upper and lower beams so that it divides the front part of the product in half.

The note! When making guides, make sure that the bars are located at the same distance from each other. This will ensure that the tray glides easily and makes it easier to remove litter.

Step 2: Making the floor

Table 3. Floor production

1 Make a removable mesh floor. To do this, make a 1x0.5 m frame from the bars and attach a galvanized mesh to it. Insert the resulting structure between the stiffeners and the top row of guides.
2 Make a litter tray. To do this, make another 1x0.5 m frame, attach a 1x0.5 m plywood blank to its lower part and line the inside of the resulting container with oilcloth or thin plastic panels.
3 Attach a front wall to the tray, which will make the brooder airtight and prevent the spread of unpleasant odor. To do this, take 1x0.1 m plywood and attach it to the front of the pallet (the width may be different: it depends on how large the gap is left between the bottom and the future doors). Insert the tray between the first and second row of guides.

The note! Metal grid may injure the chicks' delicate paws. Therefore, in the first days of keeping chickens in a brooder, you can put a fine nylon mesh on a large mesh. After 3-4 days it will need to be removed: it is difficult to clean from droppings and quickly becomes dirty. The nylon mesh can be replaced with newspaper.

Step 3. Hanging the doors

Table 4. Hanging doors

1 Make doors from wooden beam. To do this, make two blanks (their dimensions are about 49x40 cm) and attach a fine metal or plastic mesh to them.
2 Install doors at the front of the drawer using hinges. Place latches on them and also attach a stopper that will prevent them from closing inward.
3 Place feeders and nipple drinkers in the brooder so that the birds cannot spill the feed. Ideal option There will be bunker feeders that can be installed on the doors.

Lighting and temperature conditions

1. It should be warm and light inside the brooder, so you need to provide a place in the design for an incandescent lamp or an infrared lamp. To do this, make a hole in the top of the brooder for the cartridge so that the chicks do not have direct access to it.

2. Next, take a piece of cable (its length depends on how far the brooder is from the outlet) and attach a plug to one end. Place the other end of the cable in the previously prepared hole and attach the cartridge to it. Screw the lamp into the socket.

3. Place a reflector on the lamp. It will prevent birds from getting closer to the light source and organizes the space in such a way that there will be cool and warm parts in the brooder. The chickens will be able to move from the heated part to the cold part on their own.

4. To make it easier to control the temperature, back wall Attach a thermometer to the brooder.

The note! So that it is always preserved in the brooder comfortable temperature, you can install an automatic thermostat. If the temperature drops below a certain point, the incandescent lamp will turn on and inner space will heat up. If the temperature is too high, the lamp will turn off.

Temperature conditions in the brooder

Table 5. Brooder temperature

Age of chickens, dayst near the lamp, ºСt in the brooder, ºС
1–5 34–35 24–26
6–12 33–34 22–23
13–20 30–32 21–22
21–30 25–29 20–21
30–60 18–24 16–19

If you are going to keep a lot of chickens, make several brooders and stack them on top of each other in tiers. This way you will have an excellent design for raising a large number of young animals.

Video - DIY chicken brooder

To raise young birds, you need a specially equipped place - a brooder for chickens. This is a box, cage or fenced corner in a room with a heated floor. After all, chickens need warmth, light, and air. There it is necessary to provide for the organization of feeding the young animals. Cleaning the floor from waste products is also an important stage of care. This process should be simple. After all, chickens growing among the litter peck at it and get sick. This could lead to their death.

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    Brooder for chickens: purpose, features

    Often, a poultry farmer needs to raise young animals without the participation of a hen in the process. Then you need to create for chickens the necessary conditions for growth, healthy image life.

    Chick brooders must meet the following requirements:

    1. 1. Air must flow into them.
    2. 2. Sunlight is essential for the health of young animals.
    3. 3. Temperature conditions are very important: it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature in the cage depending on the age of the chicks.
    4. 4. Should not be allowed large cluster individuals in one compartment: chickens, huddling together, trample the weak ones.
    5. 5. Daily cleaning of bird droppings from the floor is a mandatory procedure. To simplify this process is the task of the master.
    6. 6. Providing convenient feeders and drinkers for chickens is an important part of the work on equipping a place for raising young animals.

    Methods for making a place to keep chickens:

    • carton boxes;
    • old aquariums, terrariums;
    • old bedside tables;
    • wooden boxes-nursery;
    • heated wooden cages with trays and doors;
    • multi-storey heated cages, with trays and doors for keeping a large number of young animals.

    Each option has its advantages and disadvantages.

    Carton boxes

    The simplest and cheap option keeping chickens. The place where the brood is kept is made from waste material. Anyone can make such a nursery for broiler or quail chicks with their own hands: no drawings or special skills are required. It is enough to figure out how to heat the chickens, and the “room” itself is already ready.

    Chick brooder made from cardboard boxes

    Another advantage of using cardboard boxes for raising poultry is that they do not need to be stored until next year.

    Disadvantages of using cardboard boxes:

    • the inability to clear the floor of droppings, which is why the smell of ammonia in the room where the chicken coop is located not only causes trouble for the poultry farmer, but also harms the pets;
    • high fire hazard;
    • poor heat retention inside, so when heating with electricity, costs are high;
    • cardboard warping due to indoor humidity;
    • inconvenience when keeping a large number of chickens: when placing boxes on top of each other, the chicks suffocate; when using shelves, caring for the young becomes very difficult.

    Cardboard boxes are used for short-term replacement of stationary heated cages or when keeping a small number of chickens.

    Aquariums and terrariums

    The use of glass containers for keeping young birds is possible. Even if a crack has appeared in the wall of the aquarium, it has become unsuitable for its intended purpose; it can be given a second life in the form of a house for chicks.

    Brooder for aquarium chickens

    Advantages of choice:

    1. 1. Glass is easy to clean.
    2. 2. The design of aquariums and terrariums is rigid.
    3. 3. The material of such a brooder is more durable than cardboard, and if used carefully, it is more durable than wood.
    4. 4. The walls transmit light well.
    5. 5. Thermal insulation is high, which ensures energy savings for heating.

    The disadvantages of glass poultry houses are:

    • it is difficult to ensure good air flow;
    • glass is fragile.

    Boxes made of plywood or boards

    Wooden structures in the form of boxes without a top - mangers - are easy to make if the craftsman is familiar with working with a hammer, nails and a saw. Typically, a brooder of this type is put together in the shape of a pencil case.

    Wooden brooder nursery

    While the chicks are small, the top is left open. Then, as the chicks grow, they try to jump out - a net is required to cover the brooder. It is not recommended to use a solid roof: air flow is hampered and there is no access to sunlight.

    If there are holes in the brooder roof and using heat sensors connected to the heating system, you can cover the brooders with tight lids at night to save energy costs. And chicks without light reduce their activity and become quiet.

    Such mangers are inconvenient when cleaning the floor from waste products. Chicks need to be moved to another place during cleaning, which is fraught with loss of time for the caretaker, nervous stress of the young, and the search for boxes for temporary housing of the chicks.

    From old bedside tables, kitchen tables

    If there is unnecessary furniture left in the house, it can be used as a brooder frame.

    Brooder from an old bedside table

    To improve the design:

    • windows are cut out in the doors (or the inner plywood part of the doors in kitchen tables is removed);
    • they fill the windows with tulle, a plastic mosquito net, and a metal grill with small cells;
    • a heating element (for example, an incandescent lamp) is attached to the upper surface;
    • a thermostat sensor is attached closer to the floor (just above the chickens’ heads) to avoid overheating of the chickens;
    • according to the instructions attached to the thermostat, it is connected to a heating element and a switch;
    • the bottom board of the bedside table is removed;
    • instead, a fine metal grid is pulled over it;
    • A tray is installed under the brooder, which can be easily pulled out for cleaning.

    Possible at side walls fill the slats from below. They will serve as rails for the pallet. This will make cleaning the brooder more comfortable.

    Brooder tray for collecting bird droppings

    A double floor in a poultry “house” will save chickens from poisoning and reduce the mortality rate of young animals. The droppings instantly fall down. The chicks do not have the opportunity to peck it.

    Heated brooders are usually installed indoors. Poultry farmers use them during the first period of life of chickens or if a brood appears in early spring when it's still cold outside. IN warm weather in the open air, other cages are used for walking young animals, without additional heating.

    Wooden brooders with trays and doors

    The design of this structure is the same as in the version described above - “Bird houses from old bedside tables, kitchen tables"Only the master makes the walls here himself. To make a heated cage, you will need a drawing.

    Drawing for making a brooder frame for chickens

    The sizes can be arbitrary. Here we offer the optimal 30 heads of young birds for keeping. This design is suitable for indoors and outdoors. IN home version heating of the chicks is used; when outdoors, they do without it.

    Wooden chicken brooder

    You can complete the job according to the instructions in a few hours. The main thing is to have everything you need on hand:

    • plywood sheet;
    • slats for fastening parts of the frame, decorating a door with a mesh, constructing rails for a pallet;
    • door latch;
    • hinged door hinges;
    • door mesh;
    • metal floor grating;
    • nails;
    • hammer;
    • saw.

    First, the side and back walls are cut out of plywood.

    Side walls of the brooder

    On the sides and the rear wall along the bottom, slats are stuffed: for the grate and pallet rails.

    Ready-made side walls for the brooder

    Vertical slats play the role of stiffeners.

    Now the side and back walls need to be knocked together.

    It is important to ensure that the points of the nails do not protrude anywhere. Even small nicks can cost chicks their lives.

    The master can design the front wall-door at his discretion with two or single doors. Depending on this, hinges are placed on the door.

    DIY chicken brooder is ready

    After this, you can stretch the mesh over the door, securing it to the overall structure. You need to stuff a metal grid at the bottom. The roof is optional - home brooders can do without it.

    The pallet is cut to size, and slats are stuffed around the edges to ensure that the litter is collected without the possibility of it falling out on the floor. The brooder frame is ready, all that remains is to install the feeder and drinker inside, install the thermostat sensor and heating.

A chick brooder is a box in which favorable conditions for raising young animals. The peculiarity of these structures is that they are equipped with a microclimate control system, which allows you to change the conditions of detention: temperature, lighting, humidity.

Purpose and types

People begin to think about building or purchasing a brooder when there are no hens taking care of their offspring. Many farmers do not breed purebred birds, but crosses, the representatives of which lack maternal instinct.

More often these are meat birds. For such crosses there are summer and winter options.

Therefore, to produce offspring, you need a brooder for broilers, which differs from the one intended for chickens only in name. Thanks to the special design and equipment, in any device it is possible to create the conditions that are optimal for a given breed or cross.

Chickens are kept in these houses for no more than a month. In one room measuring 100x50x50 cm you can keep no more than 35 chicks aged from 0 to 30 days.

Grown-up babies are seated in two brooders.

Cages for raising young animals vary in size and materials. The most simple designs constructed from cardboard boxes.

Purchased brooders are more convenient to use, but not every novice poultry farmer has the funds to purchase them.


All structures for raising young animals, both purchased and homemade, must consist of the following elements:

  • Walls, floor and roof;
  • Lamp for lighting and heating;
  • Feeder;
  • Drinking bowl;
  • Openings for air exchange;
  • Tray for collecting litter;
  • Door.

An important element of equipment for a brooder is a thermostat. Universal devices for this purpose are equipped with sockets and temperature sensors. Can work in conjunction with cooling devices. You can buy an analog or digital thermostat.

Installation of equipment for microclimate control is simple: plug the device into an outlet and set the required temperature on the panel. Automation will monitor its maintenance. If necessary, the cooler or heater will start operating. The range of adjustable temperature in the brooder is from +16°C to +40°C.

How to build a brooder with your own hands

At the stage of designing and creating a drawing of the future house for raising chickens, its dimensions are determined. You can make a long brooder consisting of several rooms connected by holes with doors.

But a small house is enough for a novice poultry farmer. You can take the dimensions of the factory brooder model you like best as a guide.

Selecting wall material

For reusable structures, you need to choose wear-resistant and easy-to-clean materials. It is important that they do not absorb water and odors, do not change their properties under the influence of heat and light, and do not emit toxic substances when heated.

These requirements meet:

  • Moisture-resistant plywood (it is recommended to use sheets 25 mm thick for constructing a brooder);

As connecting elements, you can take bars with a cross section of 30x30 mm. All wooden materials covered with special antiseptic solutions.

To make the walls of the chicken room easier to clean, internal surfaces can be pasted over or upholstered with thin linoleum or polycarbonate.

Choosing flooring material

For the floor you will need a galvanized mesh with a mesh size of 10x10 mm or 12x12 mm. It is convenient for chickens to move on such a surface, and droppings and leftover food will fall down. This ensures cleanliness and reduces the risk of disease in young animals.

Those who are already quite experienced in keeping chickens are sure that the galvanized mesh proposed above is not the best choice for floor installation. For reasons:

  • Due to the small cross-section, droppings often get stuck in the cells, which dry out and accumulate.
  • It is difficult to remove it from metal rods and you have to use scrapers.
  • The chickens will certainly begin to peck their droppings.

In this regard, experienced poultry farmers advise installing a floor made of mesh with a mesh size of 10x20 mm or 12x20 mm.

The rod should have a cross-section of 1.5 or 2 mm. Chickens move on this mesh without difficulty, and droppings easily fall through the holes.

Selecting pallet material

It is advisable to make the pallet from galvanized steel. To do this, all 4 sides of the metal sheet are cut and bent upward, forming the sides. You don’t have to weld the corners, but fill the gaps with a moisture-resistant sealant.

Suitable for tray and plastic devices. If necessary, you can simply place a piece of PVC panel under the mesh floor (used for wall cladding).


Influx is important for chicks fresh air and lack of dampness. Therefore, high-quality ventilation is necessary in the house. It can be arranged on the principle of natural air draft, ensured by the presence of two holes in the walls of the room.

  • One should be located at a distance of 5-10 cm from the floor.
  • The second is on the opposite wall and at a distance of 5-10 cm from the ceiling (roof of the brooder).
  • The cross-section of the holes is 30-50 mm.

Device forced ventilation relevant for large houses. To do this, you will need a fan, which is installed under the cover.

Lighting and heating

Infrared lamps are used as a heating element. To control the temperature, a thermostat is installed.

  • For brooder standard size(100/50/50 mm) a 250 W lamp is required. It is placed on one of the walls, in its upper part.

In a small space, such a powerful lamp will get very hot and needs a heat-resistant socket.

  • To control daylight hours, you will need a switch, which is installed on outside the wall on which the lamp is located.

How to make a door

The brooder door can be hinged or sliding. It is easier to make the first one, but it requires devices to hold it open. This could be a hook or latch.

The door can open in any direction: top-to-bottom or left-to-right and vice versa. This structural element must be made of durable material: metal, wood, plastic. But it's easier to do wooden frame and cover it with polycarbonate.


Equipment installation algorithm:

  1. Frame structure. The brooder must be located at a certain distance from the floor surface, so the structure requires legs 5-7 cm high. And also to install the frame, you will need 4 wooden blocks, the length of which exceeds the planned height of the house by 5-7 cm. The frame elements are connected to each other using metal corners and wood screws.
  2. Wall cladding. Parts corresponding to the dimensions of all walls are cut out of plywood sheets. The sides and back are attached to the frame using self-tapping screws.
  3. Floor installation. Using metal scissors, cut out a metal mesh sheet of the required size and attach it to the frame.
  4. Threshold installation. From wooden block a threshold is made, which is attached from the front side of the structure to the bottom of the frame.
  5. Door device. A sheet for the front wall is cut out of a sheet of plywood, taking into account the height of the threshold. They cut out an opening for the door. Install the hinges. A door is made and the corresponding parts of the hinges are attached. Equip the door with a latch or hook.
  6. Installation of lamp and switch. WITH inside the cells are mounted with a socket and a lamp, and on the outside - a switch. It is recommended to install a mirror reflector on the lamp, which will allow the space underneath to be heated more intensely. If the chicks are cold, they will gather under the lamp. If they feel hot, they will find a cooler place.
  7. Installation of thermostatic equipment.
  8. Making a pallet.
  9. Installing the front wall.
  10. Installation of feeder and drinker.

If desired and necessary, you can make several similar structures and build a battery out of them. It is most convenient for keeping chicks of different ages.

How does a metal brooder for 50-70 chickens work?

To create a brooder for chickens with your own hands, you need to study the design of popular models offered by manufacturers.

Most popular models are made from galvanized sheet steel. The choice of this material is not accidental: the metal does not rot and has an easy-to-clean surface. The litter collection tray is also made of galvanized steel.


  • Thermostat;
  • Automatic drinking bowl, adjustable in height;
  • Metal, easy to clean automatic feeder;
  • Lamp.

The floor is made of galvanized mesh with a mesh size of 12x12 mm. Design dimensions (L/W/H): 750x450x450 mm.

It's easy to buy everything necessary materials for making your own chicken house. Temperature control equipment is a mandatory attribute of these structures. Low-power devices for small rooms are inexpensive and are able to maintain the desired temperature.

Breeding broilers is a profitable business, but quite troublesome.

To get eggs and meat, you will have to take care of the poultry house, purchase of feed, and vaccination.

If you purchased day-old chicks or young animals aged two to three days, the birds need to be provided with comfortable conditions, since broilers are very sensitive to external factors.

In order for broiler chickens not only to survive, but also to grow and develop, they will need a brooder - a special box where chickens are placed in the first hours and days of their life.

The brooder creates the necessary temperature and humidity conditions that are so necessary for small chickens.

Why do you need a brooder for broiler chickens?

A brooder is a box, box or part of a room equipped for raising chickens.
Its use is extremely important in the first days of life of the chicks, since during this period the greatest mortality of birds is observed.

The cost of ready-made brooders in stores starts from 6,000 rubles; you can also purchase drinking bowls, feeders and other useful devices for them.

Then the price for the device will increase up to 10,000 rubles. But why overpay if you can make a brooder from scrap materials.

The advantages of homemade brooders include:

  • material savings,
  • the ability to make a structure of any size to suit your livestock,
  • original design (for example, you can paint the structure in one color or another).

For these reasons, many farmers decide to make their own brooder rather than buy one from the store.

Let's consider how and from what materials this structure can be made at home.

What are the requirements and dimensions of a brooder for broilers?

The main requirements include the following:

  • a litter tray must be placed under the floor,
  • Good ventilation is important in a brooder,
  • there should not be high humidity inside,
  • It is important to protect the heating source from access to chickens,
  • the floor surface must always be dry and non-slip,

The dimensions and design of the brooder for broilers are individual and depend on the selected materials for its manufacture.

Materials for production:

  • multilayer cardboard,
  • pieces of wood or QSB boards,
  • sip panels.

From what you might have on your household, wooden boxes and plastic containers are suitable.

When deciding on the size, keep in mind that the permissible density of chicks per square meter is no more than 25 pieces. If there are few broilers, a simple wooden box will be enough.

For 30-35 birds, a brooder measuring 120 cm x 45 cm is suitable.

Instructions - making a brooder for chickens with your own hands

Consider the option of creating a brooder from inexpensive materials, you can buy them at any hardware store.

For this you will need:

  • two sheets of plywood measuring 1.5 m x 1.5 m,
  • mesh,
  • screws and metal corners,
  • door hinges,
  • rail measuring 50 mm x 15 mm,
  • socket and 60 W bulb,
  • piece of cable.


Operating procedure:

  1. We make blanks for the frame. We saw the plywood sheets in half. We saw one piece of plywood again. You should get two squares measuring 0.75 m x 0.75 m, they will go on the side walls. The remaining pieces are 1.5 m x 0.75 m for the top, bottom and back wall.
  2. We make a frame. Using self-tapping screws and metal corners, we fasten three pieces of plywood. To prevent the material from breaking, it is recommended to make a small hole for it before tightening the screw.
  3. Preparing the floor. To do this, we use a mesh with a cell of 10 mm x 10 mm. It needs to be attached to the frame. We make a frame from wooden slats measuring 5 cm x 100 cm x 1.5 cm and 5 cm x 47 cm x 1.5 cm. We attach guides to the walls, they are also made from slats. We attach the floor to them.
  4. We make another frame from slats to attach plastic panels to it. We place the structure under the floor. This will be a tray for litter.
  5. To secure the doors, you need to make a frame of slats around the perimeter of the brooder and secure it with self-tapping screws.
  6. The doors themselves are also made from slats. First, we make a frame and attach a fine mesh to it. Then we fix the doors to the brooder using hinges. We install a door stop on each door to prevent the door from slamming inward.
  7. We provide lighting. We use a plug, cartridge and cable. We attach a plug to one end of the cable, and a cartridge to the other. Next, we fix the cartridge on the ceiling of the structure.

Worth purchasing infrared lamp, but if there is none, a regular 60 W one will do.

If desired, the structure can be painted, and drinkers and feeders can be placed so that the kids are comfortable.

They should not be glass, but wooden. It is better to use standard or bunker type. Chicks will not throw away food from such feeders. Take small drinking bowls so that the chicks do not drown in them, and the water does not increase the humidity level in the brooder.

If you do everything correctly, the design will provide baby broilers with the necessary comfort.


It is not enough to simply build a brooder. It needs to connect both heating and lighting.

  1. IN ready brooder It is also necessary to create temperature conditions and lighting. IN plastic containers and paper boxes use simple table lamps.
  2. In more complex structures install infrared devices, which are used for both lighting and heating. You can install heating pads at the bottom of the box, and incandescent lamps at the top. To control the temperature, a hanging thermometer is used, which is attached to the side wall
  3. In the first seven days of life, chicks need a temperature of +27C, then it is reduced to +25C. In this case, lighting should be around the clock, and then the intensity is reduced. Control over these indicators falls on the shoulders of the farmer
  4. To create young animals comfortable conditions for growth, it is necessary to use flooring, and in summer thin litter. It is better to avoid straw and corn husks, as these materials quickly become moldy, and the chicks can be poisoned by the fungus and die.
  5. Sawdust, which birds can eat, is also not suitable. Use dry peat, seed husks or sand.

The mesh for the floor should have small cells so that the chicks do not fall through. Optimal size 10 mm x 10 mm.

To ensure that the chicks grow well:

  • keep the brooder clean,
  • ensure good ventilation,
  • Avoid drafts.

Thus, using available means, it will be possible to easily and with minimal financial costs build a high-quality and reliable brooder for broiler chicks, which will successfully replace their mother hen.