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» Churches on the Asian side of Istanbul. Istanbul. Asian side. District Fashion. Fish paradise. Fashion District - the center of attraction

Churches on the Asian side of Istanbul. Istanbul. Asian side. District Fashion. Fish paradise. Fashion District - the center of attraction

Few people can be surprised by a trip to Istanbul. True, most of the tourists visit the standard set of local beauties, usually Sofia, Topkapi, Blue Mosque, Cistern, Suleymaniye, Galata Tower, Istiklal, “tour of the Bosphorus”, Grand Bazaar. This time we decided to break out of the vicious circle of the most popular attractions and move to the Asian part of Istanbul.

I’ll say right away that it’s unrealistic to get around all the sights of the huge Yusküdar in one day. We did not take this moment into account. But they still managed to do quite a lot, and even captured a small piece of neighboring Kadykoy. Before the trip, I bought the Afishevsky guide, but it seemed too superficial and subjective in terms of attractions. I had to buy my unloved “Around the World”. And unexpectedly it turned out to be very neat and thorough, a quite suitable book. They walked along it. Thanks to the authors istanbul_blog . I took the clever text in quotes from their website
Attractions from the report on the Asian part on the map of Istanbul:

So, let's begin. We got to Üsküdar by ferry from the Eminönü pier. The pleasure is quite inexpensive, just like a regular tram. For about 30 rubles. you have the opportunity to gaze at the Bosphorus and views of Istanbul from the water. For example, the Dolmobahce Palace can be seen in the distance after this trip.

And here is the Dolmabahce Mosque.

At the Üsküdar pier, it immediately becomes clear that you are in Asia. Even against the backdrop of the rest of the bustle of Istanbul, real hell reigns in the square: heat, crowds of people, crazy arrogant buses, etc.

The first attraction, the Iskele Mosque, is also located on the pier. Actually, this means “pier” in Turkish.

“Religious complex in Yusküdar in 1547-1548. built by the architect Sinan for the beloved daughter of Sultan Suleiman I - Mihrimah from his fourth wife - the notorious Roxalana. The architect used an unconventional solution for that time, covering the fountain for ablutions - shadyrvan - with the roof of the entrance gallery. For this reason, the interior of the mosque turned out to be quite dark.”

I admit that, in my profane opinion, all the mosques in Istanbul look the same. So “Sinan’s masterpiece” stuck with me only for its dark galleries (see photo). Usually the courtyards near mosques, where Turks wash their feet, read newspapers, just sit relaxed, open, but here with a low roof. Moreover, this is one of the few mosques in Istanbul where there are a lot of visitors. From what I saw, only the Fatih Mosque had more people praying; most of the others are completely empty during the daytime.

A five-minute walk from the pier, the next point is the Yeni Valide Mosque. IN architectural plan I found her more interesting than Iskele. However, Yusküdar Yeni Valide (there is another with the same name next to the Egyptian Bazaar) was built a century and a half later.

“Emetullah Rabia Gulnush Sultan was kidnapped as a child from the Greek island of Crete and brought to Topkapi Palace. Fortunately, she did not get lost among other concubines, but became the beloved wife of Mehmed IV and bore him two sons, both of whom later became sultans - Mustafa II and his younger brother Ahmed III. The court architect Mehmed Agha designed the Valide Sultan mausoleum in a very unusual way - the octagonal tomb has no roof, and a decorative metal lattice serves as a dome. Therefore, it is often compared to a delightful “bird cage”. As the legend goes, the mother simply asked to be buried so that the rains would wash her. After all, in Islam, rain is considered a manifestation of God’s forgiveness.”

We returned to the embankment again to look at the last mosque of the famous Sinan.

“The mosque, named after the ruler of Anatolia and Rumelia, Shemsi Ahmed Pasha, who served at the court of Sultan Suleiman I, is located right on the banks of the Bosphorus. The construction, which was carried out by the architect Sinan, was completed in 1580...This complex became one of the small and last works of Mimar Sinan. According to legend, not a single bird will sit on the dome or minaret or stain the mosque as a sign of respect for the work of the great architect. Perhaps that is why another name for the mosque is Kushkonmaz (Kuşkonmaz - the bird will not land).”

Externally, the mosque was not at all impressive. Yes, and it seemed to me that the arrogant, soulless seagulls were still secretly shitting on the domes.

For photographing this innocent monument to Ataturk, I was almost shot by a local soldier. Behind it was the office of some Turkish Ministry of Internal Affairs. When trying to translate a quote from the monument, Google returned something strange: “How happy is Turku alone.” In fact, this is Ataturk’s catchphrase “What a blessing to be a Turk!” Almost plagiarism of the famous Suvorov aphorism.

By the way, the first impression that “the Asian part of Istanbul is so Asian” turned out to be deceptive. Further along the embankment there were quite pretentious and wealthy mansions.

True, I also came across ordinary Istanbul wooden junk.

And of course views of the Bosphorus and Europe.

“In Turkey, holy springs are called Ayazma... Since ancient times, religious buildings were built in such places and people went there to drink clean, healing water and ask God for help or healing. The Ayazma Mosque in Yusküdar was built on the orders of Sultan Mustafa III between 1758 and 1761... They say that this master used almost 9 thousand eggs, over 800 kg of honey and large quantity mercury purchased for a thousand kurus."

I liked the mosque with its very cozy and green courtyard.

But the holy spring itself was somewhat disappointing. Or is it not him?

Undoubtedly, a big plus of Istanbul mosques is the presence of a free toilet. True, they are somewhat specific: very low booths, a hole in the floor, an obligatory water hose and a jug. However, everything is quite clean and well maintained.

By the way, here is a house in a typical Istanbul coloring. This is the same Ottoman pink, although somewhat faded in the sun and sea winds.

“When the news of Saddullah Pasha’s suicide reached Istanbul, his wife Necibe Hanim did not believe it. She put on an elegant red-brown dress that her husband liked so much and vowed that she would wear it until she saw her betrothed again. As is known, "Ottoman pink"- not the best best color clothes for a Muslim woman mourning her husband. But the widow kept her promise - despite the disapproval of neighbors and relatives, she stubbornly continued to wear this dress until her old age. On the second floor of her residence on the Asian shore of the Bosphorus, in a room with a red-brown interior, dressed in a dress of the same color, the faithful wife silently and patiently waited for her husband's return for many years, not believing in his death. She lived in this “Ottoman pink” grief until 1917, when she died at the age of 80.”

The Yusküdar embankment turned out to be endless. There were practically no tourists, so there were no restaurants that looked decent. Our girls began to show slight anxiety. Finally I found something decent in a two-story wooden house overlooking the Bosphorus. But here a set-up awaited us: the menu was only in Turkish, and accordingly, the local waiters did not understand anything other than Turkish. In principle, it doesn’t matter, but Olka categorically does not accept lamb, which makes up 90% of Turkish food. “It’s like snatching a dog,” she says. I had to act out a pantomime, depicting a cow and a sheep. "Baee, meee, muuu!" - rushed across the entire terrace from our table. The waiters were very impressed by our clownery, which is probably why they brought Olka lamb, of course.

How funny Olka and I were back in 2010.

Then we were attacked by bliss. And there was a reason. The aborigines (you can read more about them) sat in flocks on the coastal rocks and stupidly did nothing. Although no, they still condescended to do two things: husk huge white seeds and drink beer. True, the young Turks shyly dived into the crevices of the stones. But no one was ashamed of the seeds; the husks filled the sidewalks, much like poplar fluff in Moscow in June. We bought several bags of seeds from a passing cart and also indulged in this debauchery.

"A white tower standing on a rock about one cable's length from the Asian shore of the Imrahor-Salajak region, where the waters of the Bosphorus meet Sea of ​​Marmara, has long become not only a romantic symbol of the Yusküdar district, but of the whole of Istanbul. Locals call it Kyz Kulesi (Kız Kulesi - maiden tower), but Europeans prefer to call it Leander's Tower. Both names connect it with beautiful legends of love. The first tells how a young man named Leander sailed every night on secret dates with his beloved Hero, who was a priestess of Aphrodite and, for the sake of her betrothed, broke her vow of celibacy. Every night Leander swam, guided by the fire of the torch that Gero lit. But one day the torch went out and Leander, lost in the darkness, drowned. Having lost her beloved, the girl climbed the tower and threw herself into the sea... the second legend."

We ignored the tower; even Olka’s photo shows that the island is just an anthill of tourists. But the view of it is quite satisfying.

The sun was already setting, and we had only seen a small part of the sights of Yuskudar. I had to speed up sharply, and finally the towers of Selim's barracks appeared. Having overcome an unimaginably high staircase, we moved from the embankment deeper into the area. As a prize we got a couple of lustful Istanbul cats.

"The construction of new barracks began in 1828 during the reign of Mahmud II and was fully completed only under Abdulmecid I. The barracks became the headquarters of the First Turkish Army - the largest military unit in the country. A rectangular building in plan, with four sides adjacent high towers, amazes with its palace splendor. In the center of the courtyard there is a spacious parade ground, and the total length of the barracks corridors is about 2.5 km."

The barracks are really huge. It was not possible to really remove them due to the thermonuclear sun and the menacing-looking soldiers guarding the entire perimeter and glaring unkindly at our five.

A stone's throw from the barracks is the Selimiye Mosque (1805).

On the one hand, there is a pretentious and huge building, such a typical imperial building.

On the other hand, it is quite elegant and light in appearance, with a shady garden in courtyard. The only thing that made us nervous was the ubiquitous soldiers in full gear with M-16s at the ready.

We wandered around the streets of Yuskudar a little more. The area seemed quite calm and not at all touristy, I didn’t notice much color, the residential areas were rather boring. And then we came to a giant cemetery. I didn't take a photo, but it's impressive. Here is a short excerpt from the guidebook:

"Karaja Ahmed is not only one of the oldest, but also the largest Muslim cemetery in the Stambul. ...The oldest grave that has survived to this day dates back only to 1521. On the area occupied by the cemetery there is about a million graves. The ornament of a gravestone carries information about the deceased. Over men's graves top part stelae are usually made in the form of a headdress. Thus, a luxurious turban shows the high social status of the deceased, and the size of the fez, which since 1828 was worn, for example, by every civil servant, also speaks of this. The burials of members of the Sufi brotherhood are easily recognized by the tombstones with cone-shaped caps. And a characteristic sign of the janissary’s resting place is a kind of headdress with a shlyk hanging from behind, symbolizing the sleeve of the holy dervish. Monuments to female persons are easily distinguished by their more sophisticated decorations - carved flowers, hats, scarves. By the way, the number of flowers on the tombstone usually corresponds to the number of children the deceased had."

A minibus stop was spotted at the entrance to the cemetery. Shouldn't we stop by Kadikoy for an hour? And we stopped by.

The Asian region struck me with its Europeanness. We didn’t go too deep, although we walked through the famous Moda and the surrounding streets, and the first impression turned out to be very pleasant. Next time we will definitely have to finish off this area.

The Asian part of Istanbul plays a secondary role compared to the European part. But if you look at it, it will become obvious: the “other shore” is no worse than Sultanahmet or Taksim. To start your journey, you need to take a ferry to Kadikoy. A number of intriguing sights already await there.

What to see in the Asian part of Istanbul

Street market on Tuesdays

If you are lucky enough to visit Kadikoy on Tuesday, you can visit the famous street market. Saly Pazari became a local landmark back in 1969. Naturally, as the population of Istanbul grew, the scale of the market also increased. The bazaar sells mainly fruits and vegetables, but the atmosphere itself is truly priceless Istanbul market. And on Sunday, sellers of antiques, furniture and jewelry come to replace food vendors.

Kadikoy Daily Market

Without waiting for Tuesday, you can visit the daily market. There are many good pastry shops, bookstores and cafes with terraces. Some restaurants take up entire blocks. It is also advisable to look into the shops and buy fresh cheese or nuts. Marzipan, Turkish delight, and also inexpensive wine - all this definitely deserves the attention of buyers.

Fenerbahce Park and Fenerbahce and Kalamysh Pier

Fenerbahçe and Kalamış pier has a total of 1,120 ships, making it the largest in Turkey. You can find the pier 200 meters from the Fenerbahce stadium. And then you should go to the park of the same name, which is famous for its many cafes and charming view to the Sea of ​​Marmara. Visitors are welcome in a well-kept park blooming flower beds, and every corner of Fenerbahce is simply filled with romance. Newlyweds are constantly photographed here, and in the evenings local residents stroll along its alleys.

Baghdad Avenue

Today, the area around Baghdad Avenue (or Baghdad Street) is an upper-class residential area. The avenue itself is well known for its chic shops of local and famous brands, shopping centers, department stores, pubs and restaurants serving Turkish and international cuisine. In this atmospheric area, almost all shops are open daily, making Baghdad Avenue a true paradise for any shopaholic.

Haydarpasa Station

Anyone who takes the ferry to Kadikoy cannot miss the Haydarpasa port and train station. The first is Turkey's oldest and main container terminal, while the second is a neo-Renaissance building built in 1908. The station served as the starting point for the Istanbul-Damascus and Istanbul-Baghdad routes. The main building is located on an artificially created peninsula.

Uskudar District

This area of ​​the Asian part inherited from Ottoman Empire mansions, fountains and palaces. One of the interesting buildings is the Beylerbeyi Palace, which intricately combines Eastern and Western styles. It was built from stone and white marble, and as a result, the palace turned into one of the most beautiful residences of the sultans. If we briefly list other notable attractions, then it is worth paying attention to the Selim Barracks and the Akhmet Fountain. Uskudar is also famous for its streets where colorful markets are hidden.

Maiden's Tower

The tower, which can only be reached by boat, has given rise to a lot of legends. It is believed that it was built by the Greeks. Over its long history, the Maiden Tower has been a prison, a lighthouse, a customs office, and today it is a recognizable symbol of both the Asian part and the entire city. Currently located here Observation deck and a restaurant. Getting to the tower is easier and cheaper from the Asian area, from the Salacak quarter.

In Russian, market and bazaar are synonyms. Well, or almost synonyms. After all, we are talking about the meaning of these concepts in household level, right? And we do not touch upon their conceptual ambiguity either in sociology or economics. The word bazaar is of Turkic origin; it reeks of something noisy and chaotic. The word market suggests something more orderly and civilized. That's the whole difference for a Russian person.

But not for Turkey. Here, in order to be understood correctly, to understand that you meant exactly this specific concept, and not a store at all, you should use the word “bazaar”.

In Asian countries, including Turkey, a bazaar is a place where you can buy and sell food and goods. The significance of this element of social structure is great. For some it is a source of existence, for others it is workplace, someone sells surplus harvested crops or their handicrafts there, someone makes money on resale, someone buys goods in a more convenient place and cheaper.

But for all the locals, this is an invaluable opportunity for an Oriental person to communicate, play clever verbal games during bargaining, and an opportunity to show off and see people. That is, something more than just a place of trade. For any region of the country, the bazaar is its unique face, the place where the flavor and cultural traditions of this particular part of the country are revealed to the world. This is the place where you can observe real people of a particular country in their true form.

The bazaar itself consists of space directly for trading activities and a place for buyers. But there are also numerous additional elements on its territory that are very attractive especially for guests of the country - these are all kinds of places where you can have a snack or ancient mosques.

Sometimes the bazaar buildings themselves are architectural monuments, while the value of others is determined by the fact that they function in their usual role for a considerable time. Such bazaars are called historical; they were and remain places where people buy and sell. But at the same time, they acquired a completely different atmosphere: the breath of past times is palpable here, shopping is a small journey into the past of Istanbul.

Historic Balik Pazari Market – A Delicious Food Feast

It is often called the fish market, but many markets in Istanbul, a city located on the water, are known by this name. But contrary to the name, the fish markets in Istanbul sell more than just fish.

The crowded Kadikoy street market, which is located near the pier, spreads across large territory narrow streets and alleys. On one side it is bounded by Sogutlu Cesme Caddesi streets and the beginning of the Sun Street (Gunesli Bahçe Sokak), and on the other by the Mooring Mosque (İskele Camii). This is a separate world, lively, noisy, colorful, capable of delighting any gourmet.

This is a kingdom of shops selling the freshest (bright red gills and bulging eyes!) and the most varied fish, squid, mussels, octopus, meat, groceries, gastronomy, herbs, vegetables, all kinds of nuts, delicacies, dried fruits, fruits, dozens of varieties of bread , sweets and wonderful hot pastries.

There are also numerous eateries specializing in cooking various cuisines. On the territory of this Kadikoy market there is the famous Ciya restaurant, or rather, all three of its branches are located here, a stone's throw from each other.

In the grocery stores of local traders, among traditional goods you can find marinades, pickles, rare cheeses, spices, seasonings, various teas, healing herbs from all regions of the country. The business of many owners has existed for several, sometimes three or four, generations. The walls of the shops are decorated with photographs of the ancestors of the current owners, all those grandparents and uncles who previously ran the business.

Professionalism, which has been honed over several generations, is visible even in the movements of sellers. For example, a person just cleans, cuts and packs fish, but how does he do it! Economical, precise, dexterous, dance-like movements of a true master!

You can look, walk, try, whatever, even inhale the smells of the market for a long time. And what a pleasant time it will be!

Bottomless Cornucopia – Tuesday Market Salı Pazarı

There are 5 major markets in Istanbul:

  1. Fatih
  2. Besiktas
  3. Yesilkoy
  4. Salı Pazarı (Tuesday Market) in Kadikoy

In total, more than 200 markets operate in Istanbul every week. In Turkey they offer more than just fruits and vegetables. Or rather, they sell almost every conceivable product there. The quality varies greatly - from ideal to practical defects. Therefore, check the quality of the products. And - bargain, this is the east!

Open on Tuesdays or, more modestly, on Fridays, the huge Salı Pazarı market offers a huge variety of goods: fish, fruits and vegetables, cheap clothes, dishes and much more.

It was once located in the center of Kadikoy near Altıyol Square, but in 2008 it moved to a new, more spacious location. Now you need to get to it by taxi or, if by bus, then this: from the ferry, take bus 8 or 8A and go to the “Mandıra Caddesi” stop (if I remember correctly).

However, we were deprived of the joy of visiting it because we were there on Wednesday.

Fashion District - the center of attraction

The somewhat confusing name of this area means the same thing in Turkish as it does in Russian. There are a lot of options for its origin. The simplest one associates the name with the fact that at some point in the 19th century this place became extremely popular, that is, fashionable.

Fashion District Istanbul - occupies a peninsula in the south of Kadikoy. People with a rich imagination compare the outlines of Kadikoy with a face in profile, the nose of which is Fashion. Well, I don’t know, I didn’t see the similarity.

Moda is a traditionally residential and prestigious place, a favorite place for Kadikoy residents of all ages. There are magnificent views of the sea, wonderful Fresh air, there are numerous cafes, parks, ancient houses with colorful pastel facades.

You can get here on foot along the embankment from the ferries or by retro tram, although it does not reach the very tip of the peninsula. Among the attractions in Moda there is a small theater, several churches, lyceums, and many good restaurants.

Destination – Kadikoy Fashion

When you walk towards the tea gardens along Moda Street, there are a couple of places where you can grab a bite to eat. One of them is with reasonable prices– near the intersection of Moda and Cem Sokak streets. The second thing, called Moda Kup, look for it near Ali Usta ice cream, it has a rich assortment. The landmark is the intersection of Moda Street and Ferit Tek Sokak.

From this fork you can go right, towards the tea gardens. Or head left to get to Koco, a seafood restaurant that has been around for nearly a hundred years.

We're going to the right. Along Ferit Tek Street, where cafes and restaurants Dodo, Kırıntı, Casa Di Moda, Guvert Cafer are lined up one after another, we enter the park - to the Moda tea gardens.

Why do people love Fashion?

Do you know what incredible ice cream is here? They say that people specially come from other cities to eat Ali Usta’s ice cream. Deliciously delicious, with nuts, vanilla, cognac... What I ate, unforgettable, was with almonds and caramel. And Kemal Usta’s waffles are crispy and tasty, exactly the same as they were in childhood...

Here's another reason to love. Moda is known for its pleasant tea gardens. They were placed on an artificially leveled rock base. From them there is a view of the Sea of ​​Marmara, on the contrary, across the water, the historical peninsula is visible. On the left we look at the Fenerbahce lighthouse, the Princes' Islands, on the right flank in front of us is Haydarpasa.

An unforgettable feature of the Kadikoy area is the fantastic view of the horizon and the beautiful embankment that stretches like a snake along the edge of the earth.

It's a mess in the tea gardens

I don’t know which drink in Turkey – tea or coffee – is more popular, but I know that they love tea here. At any time of the day, at work or at home, Turks drink a rich red drink. This color is referred to here as the color of rabbit blood. In Turkey, tea is not brewed, but boiled. And they are served in small special glass cups, and not at all in cups, as is customary in our country. The glasses are very elegantly shaped. They are called "mess". They are transparent so you can admire them beautiful color tea.

They drink their favorite invigorating drink not only at work and at home: there are special places for this - the so-called “tea gardens”.

Well, what is all the trouble with the head in the tea gardens? It's simple. Turkish tea (surprise!) – tea. The request for a glass of tea sounds like this: “bir mess tea.” Well, if you want more, then we boldly say: “your head is a mess.”

In the park, under the crowns of hundred-year-old trees and among flowers, it is a place for retirees and mothers with children to walk. Here we are greeted by a giant plane tree, the trunk of which is covered with ivy. We pass by and see that there is a spot on the path sunlight, the dog is lying at ease. This is the local inhabitant, her name is Rimbaud. It is a nobody's business, that is, it is public. She has a friend - also a social one - the cat Ramadan. They roam freely in the tea gardens. Animals are vaccinated. It is clear that they are well-fed and in good condition. Therefore, guests should not be afraid when a cat sits down next to them, on the next chair. It happens that for some things that are particularly attractive to her, the cat jumps onto her knees and easily settles down there, pretending to be dozing. But in fact, everyone’s favorite is waiting for a treat, which she gladly accepts.

In the evenings in the tea gardens there is nowhere for an apple to fall. You need to come from morning to noon on weekdays, then there are no such crowds of people. You sit on a bench and look at the sailing boats of the local yacht club, ferries and sea buses going to the Princes' Islands. It's like you're on a continuous excursion. This is a wonderful place to watch the sunset and the stars appearing in the sky. And if the sea is calm, then you can see a magical light moonlit path on the water.

And now we are heading to the pier in Moda. Forgotten and left to the mercy of fate for many years, it is now the calling card of the quarter. There is a river nearby that flows into the Sea of ​​Marmara. Ataturk once visited these places and, enchanted, said: “Let a yacht club be built here!” And, of course, a yacht club arose on the banks of the river.

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Istanbul is a city of contrasts. No matter what they say, it’s interesting, original and informative. Everyone here has their own history, their own customs and traditions. In addition, each of them has its own local attractions, each of them has its own entertainment and interesting places. If you want to see the real Istanbul, head to Kadikoy on the Asian side of the city. No matter how strange it may sound, even the air here is Turkish.

Today we will tell you about the most ancient district, the place from which the history of the Turkish capital began - the Kadikoy district.

Historical background of Kadikoy district in Istanbul

Kadikoy (Turkish: Kadıköy)- this is the most old district in the Stambul. Back in the 7th century BC, the Dorians founded a city on this site with the name Chalcedon, which translates as “the village of Kadyya.” Perhaps the name came from the fact that this place was handed over to the qadi (prosecutor).
Interestingly, the Fourth Ecumenical Council was held in this area in 451. And today in this area there are several Orthodox churches Metropolis of Chalcedon, subordinate to the Patriarch of Constantinople.

Nowadays, many transport lines connecting the European and Asian parts of Istanbul pass through Kadikoy. Large marinas, ports, yacht clubs, and a wide coastal area have made this area a busy place in the Asian part of Istanbul.

What to see in Kadikoy - attractions and entertainment

The advantage of the area is that there are no large flows of tourists. It is in this area that you can feel the real spirit of Turkey, so tart and real. Take a map with you so you don’t waste time searching for this or that place.

Walking towards the embankment, you will find yourself on piers of fashion, which offers a magnificent view of the Sea of ​​Marmara and the Princes' Islands. It is especially beautiful here at sunset. Go to Armenian Church, where the ceiling resembles the sky. Kadikoy embankment decorated in the style of “Turkish neoclassicism” and resembles the set of a Hollywood film.

Chapel of St. Catherine- This unusual place, as it is located one floor above the restaurant. There is a holy spring here, where healing water is taken from. Many tourists travel to Kadikoy specifically to see this church. Also in this area is the famous Fenerbahce Stadium.

Walking along the Kadikoy embankment or in the local parks, you will definitely see tea gardens. These are places where, under the canopies of hundred-year-old trees, everyone, young and old, enjoys the elegant taste of traditional red tea. People usually gather in the gardens in the afternoon and evening to enjoy the sunset and the moonlit path.

Concerning nightlife this area, then there is nightclubs and bars, but locals require them to close no later than 2am.

Kadikoy Hotels

There are about 100 hotels in the Kadikoy area, among which you can find a suitable accommodation option in terms of price and quality. Among the hotels business class it is worth noting:

  • Wyndham Istanbul Kalamis Marina,
  • Double Tree By Hilton Istanbul – Moda
  • and Hilton Istanbul Kozyatagi.

The cost of daily accommodation varies from 80 to 120 euros. You can find a hotel cheaper, for example, Hotel Suadiye, My Home Garden, Melek Hotels Moda, where is the room price around 50-70 euros per night.

If you want something unusual, you can stay in Parkhouse Hotel & Spa. Here, in addition to the standard set of services, I offer you, for an additional fee, to mark the spa on the hotel premises. In addition to all the above hotels, you can find small boarding houses or hotels where you can rent a room for 20-30 euros. But this does not guarantee you a comfortable stay.

Shops and markets in the area

There are a lot of shops, souvenir shops and workshops in the Kadikoy district of Istanbul. Most of them offer a wide range of clothing, shoes, furs, jewelry, jewelry self made, antiques and much more. You should definitely look into antique and second-hand bookstores, stroll along the street of artists and craftsmen, and go to a designer clothing studio.

Located in the Fashion district on the embankment fish market where fish and seafood are sold. If desired, they will be cleaned for you immediately. There are also sellers of flowers, bagels, and fresh newspapers here. If you walk straight from the pier and then turn right, you will find yourself at the largest market in Kadikoy - Salı Pazarı. There is everything your soul desires: olives, spices, fish, pickles, nuts, sausages, cheese and much more.

Kadıköy Tarihi Çarshi- this is another unique market where, in addition to trade, you can try National dishes, drink coffee brewed over coals and listen to fortune telling from local mediums. Another place for active trading is Baghdad Jaddesi street. Here, mainly, there are clothing, fabric and shoe stores.

Restaurants and cafes in Kadikoy district of Istanbul

Cafes and restaurants in Kadikoy are very diverse. There is a restaurant here that is dedicated to Ottoman cuisine and its history, serving dishes that are over a thousand years old.

If you want fish, go to “Canli Nemnet Balik Galeresi”. This restaurant serves freshly caught fish and seafood. The prices here are reasonable, the average bill per person is approx. 20 euros. Another thing worth noting Ciya restaurant, whose branches are located throughout Kadikoy, and a small Cafe Moda Kup where the food is tasty and cheap.

Be sure to try Kadikoy ice cream in Ali Usta cafe which enjoys worldwide popularity. You can choose classic ice cream, or with nuts, or with cognac, or with vanilla, or with all of them at once.

Kadikoy is famous for its coffee. It is here that mediums come from all over Istanbul to tell fortunes using coffee grounds. In such establishments they will brew you excellent coffee, and after you drink the aromatic drink, they will tell you your fortune for a small fee. Before entering the tea gardens on the embankment, you can visit the following establishments:

  • Dodo
  • Casa Di Moda,
  • Kırıntı,
  • Guvert Cafer.

How to get to Kadikoy area

The Kadikoy district is located in the Asian part of Istanbul, so to get to it, you need to cross the Bosphorus. To do this you need to sit down on one of the ships or sea buses in the European part of Istanbul and in about 20 minutes you will be on the shores of Kadikoy.

Buses and ships depart from Karabash, Eminonu, Besiktas and Karakoy piers. Before you go, ask if the vehicle goes to Kadikoy, as ferries and buses operate from these piers to other destinations as well. This boat trip will give you a lot of pleasure: a light breeze, gentle waves, the cry of seagulls and the incredibly beautiful sights of Istanbul against the backdrop of the sea.

Kadikoy district on the map of Istanbul:

The Asian side of Istanbul is an excellent alternative to the European side, where, as is commonly believed, the best attractions of the city are located. Tourists pay much less attention to the Asian part, although there is something to see there too. Quiet and mostly prestigious districts, which are separated by the Bosphorus Strait, allow you to see Istanbul in a completely different way, without crowds and constant chaos.

Many visitors try to combine a visit to the Asian part of the city with a Bosphorus cruise or a day trip to Beylerbey Sarai, the summer palace of the Sultans. But there are many more attractions worthy of travelers' attention. For those who have a limited amount of time, we can advise visiting the main areas - Kadikoy and Uskudar. Üsküdar has the largest number of architectural gems in this part of Istanbul, including beautiful mosques, several monuments and synagogues. Kadikoy has a noisy shopping mall, Bazaar, Opera House and some of the best restaurants in the city.

And so, to the list the most famous sights of this coast Istanbul includes:

  • Kadikoy market,
  • Baghdad street,

Kadikoy district and the market of the same name
The best way to start exploring Asian Istanbul is to take the ferry to Kadikoy and visit the market under open air. This perfect place to spend some incredible interesting hours while viewing products and making purchases. There are many good pastry shops, bookstores and cafes where you can take a break from shopping. On Tuesday the market is the busiest, but on any other day of the week closer to the pier there is also active trading. True, it will be a little less exciting.

Once you visit Kadikoy, you should not miss the opportunity ride a nostalgic tram, which runs between Kadikoy and Moda districts. This type of public transport allows you to explore the surroundings of the most beautiful areas of the Asian part of Istanbul. At the Moda İskele Pier you can relax in a nice cafe or restaurant, enjoy local coffee, listening to the splashing of the Sea of ​​Marmara. In the southwest of Kadikoy district, you will find piers:

  • Kalamysh
  • and Fenerbahce.

To get there, just drive parallel to the sea from Moda until you see the Fenerbahce football stadium. Then you need to go to Kalamış Park, it will be on your right, and then there will be a marina. If you continue in the same direction, you won't be able to see the sea right away, but don't worry. After you pass Kalamis Kiosk, you will see Fener Kalamış Street on the right. Turn there and keep driving until you come to Fenerbahce Park. There are many good cafes there, a green area overlooking the Sea of ​​Marmara.

Haydarpasa Station
If you take the ferry to Kadikoy, the first stop on the Asian side is opposite the huge, magnificent building of the current terminal of Istanbul Haydarpasa Station. Built between 1906 and 1908 in neoclassical style, the station was a gift to the Turkish Sultan from Kaiser Wilhelm II, and was located on the Istanbul-Baghdad and Istanbul-Damascus-Medina railway lines.

Baghdad Caddesi
Bağdat Caddesi is the most famous street in the Asian side of Istanbul and is easily accessible by any minibus heading to Bostanci. It is surrounded by fashionable residential areas, but the street itself is like a large open-air shopping mall, known for its chic brand stores, department stores, restaurants, cafes and bars. The atmosphere is relaxed, there is a sense of style almost everywhere and most shops are open every day. Baghdad Caddesi has a length of 3.7 km from Bostancı to Kızıltoprak, running almost parallel to the coastline.

Uskudar District
As for Usküdar, the history of its creation is no less interesting than the main attractions located there. It was founded as a Greek colony in the 7th century BC. BC, the area grew outside the city walls Byzantine Constantinople and was densely populated by Turks during the Ottoman Empire. Today there are many beautiful mosques, fountains, hydraulic structures and palaces.

The main attractions of this area modern Istanbul are:

  • Ostrorog house,
  • Edib Efendi mansion,
  • Beylerbey Mosque,
  • Yeni Valide Mosque,
  • and the Ahmet III fountain on Üsküdar Square.

There are also many large ancient cemeteries in the area, including Jewish and Orthodox (Christian) cemeteries, Karacaahmet Mezarlığı (one of the largest cemeteries in Istanbul). You can get to Üsküdare Square by taking a ferry from Eminönü and Besiktas or taking a taxi from Kadikoy.

Maiden's Tower
It is located on the top of a small island, which is located two hundred meters from the shore of Usküdare. It appeared in the medieval Byzantine period, but opened its doors to the mass public only in 2000. Today the tower has become a symbol of Turkey and can be seen in many drawings and paintings. In the James Bond film The World Is Enough, it is introduced as the secret hideout of the villainess Elektra.

Besides the fact that Kız Kulesi is a real historical value, there is a bar, cafe and restaurant. One of the best views in the city. The Maiden Tower can be reached by boat from Üsküdare Salacak, or from Ortakoy and Kabatas pier on the European side.

Princes' Islands
In addition, the Princes' Islands are located 1.5 miles from the Asian side of Istanbul. If you have time, be sure to go there and enjoy beach holiday in an ecologically clean area.