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» How to clean a chimney on a metal sauna stove. Removing soot and soot from a chimney: how to properly clean a chimney in a bathhouse. Use of chemical reagents

How to clean a chimney on a metal sauna stove. Removing soot and soot from a chimney: how to properly clean a chimney in a bathhouse. Use of chemical reagents

Own bathhouse summer cottage– a heavenly place where it is so pleasant to relax after a hard week of work. However, not everyone knows how to properly care for the structure, which leads to various breakdowns. The most common of these is a clogged chimney. How to clean a pipe in a bathhouse with your own hands and how to prevent the formation of blockages, we will figure out below.

The need to clean the chimney arises due to improper operating conditions of the stove. Some of them can be prevented at an early stage, and some are eliminated only as they appear.

The most common causes of blockages in pipes include:

  • condensation accumulation;
  • soot formation;
  • ash accumulation;
  • getting into the chimney foreign objects.

Soot formation

If the pipe in the attic is not insulated, drops of moisture form on its surface. They absorb combustion products produced by firewood, forming soot. With each use of the stove, this layer gradually thickens until the pipe is almost completely overgrown.

Condensation accumulation

When using raw wood to light a stove, it creates a large number of pair. It accelerates the process of overgrowing the chimney with soot, blocking the draft. Try to keep wood in a dry, ventilated place.

Foreign objects getting inside

If the chimney opening is wide enough and not covered with a protective cap, various foreign objects can get into it. Initially, they do not have a significant effect on the operation of the furnace, but as they accumulate, the draft begins to get worse and worse.

Resin deposition

Many bathhouse owners do not suspect that the material of wood used to fire the stove directly affects the rate at which the pipe becomes clogged. When used for kindling coniferous species A large amount of resin evaporates into the air, some of which settles on the walls of the chimney. It is prohibited to place objects made of plastic, chipboard and plywood sheets into the firebox.

Note! Experienced bathhouse owners advise using wood made from hardwood for ignition.

Ash accumulation

Chimneys made with a large number of bends become clogged with ash faster than usual. When designing a chimney, try to choose a simple design with a minimum number of elbows. If the situation forces you to use complex, bent structures, install special hatches near the bends, through which it will be convenient to clean out ash and other debris in the future.

How to check the status

If the oven begins to function intermittently, it is necessary to determine the cause of the malfunction. For this use:

  • visual inspection;
  • special video systems;
  • are guided by indirect signs that indicate a clogged chimney.

Visual inspection

Most affordable way, which does not require owners to have specific tools or skills. Enough:

  • remove the pipe;
  • check its insides for blockages.

Special video systems

If you don’t have the strength or desire to dismantle the chimney, use special video systems. They are placed inside the chimney and inspect it for blockages along its entire length. This option requires significant financial costs, but you will know with 100% accuracy Current state ovens.

Indirect signs

If you don’t have money for a video system, focus on indirect signs that appear when problems occur with the pipe. These include:

  • penetration of smoke into the room during ignition;
  • firewood burns slowly;
  • flakes of soot fly in the air;
  • during operation, the stove emits unpleasant odors;
  • the fire goes out randomly.

Slow kindling

Due to poor ventilation inside the chamber, smoke quickly fills its entire volume, and the firewood burns more slowly than usual. If this happens to your stove, it's time to think about cleaning it. There is no point in delaying this, since the chimney is already in critical condition and will soon fail completely.

Smoke comes in

In the event that smoke begins to penetrate through the damper in the stove, ignition must be stopped as soon as possible. In this case, the situation is extremely deplorable, since the chimney opening is completely clogged with combustion products.

Poor traction

Pay attention to the color of the fire in the firebox while the stove is operating. With good draft, the flames are directed upward and have a bright color. If the flame is dim and the reeds constantly fluctuate, it means that the draft is not sufficient, and the pipe needs preventive cleaning.

Black smoke

Black smoke escaping from the chimney indicates:

  • poor quality firewood;
  • pipe clogging.

Soot flakes

Soot flakes flying in the air during kindling indicate severe clogging of the pipe. If this is not corrected, the chimney will become completely overgrown with soot, making it much more difficult to clean.

Arbitrary flame extinction

There are often cases when the flame in the firebox suddenly goes out. This occurs due to a lack of oxygen in the firebox, since the draft is minimal or completely absent. It is not worth continuing to use such a stove, as nothing good will come of it.

Unpleasant odor during heating

The cause of the unpleasant odor is carbon monoxide. It is not removed through a clogged chimney, but goes indoors. If such a situation occurs, you should immediately stop ignition and ventilate the room.

Methods for cleaning a chimney

Chimneys have been around for hundreds of years, and during that time many ways to clean them have been invented. Highlight:

Which one to choose depends on your capabilities and preferences. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Mechanical method

Previously, this method was used everywhere, and there was even a special profession - chimney sweep. Now it has almost gone out of use, but the method is still used due to its accessibility and effectiveness. You will need:

  • a brush whose diameter exceeds the diameter of the pipe being cleaned by 2 times;
  • a strong cable with which the brush will be immersed inside the pipe;
  • a heavy weight, the diameter of which should not exceed 50% of the cross-section of the pipe being cleaned.

Chemical method

The chemical method involves burning special substances that destroy the blockage without damaging the pipe material. Today, there are many types of drugs that have their own positive and negative properties.


A drug used to prevent blockages in chimneys. The principle of purification is based on the catalytic effect, through which soot is destroyed, turning into carbon dioxide.

Thanks to the special formula, the possibility of soot igniting in the chimney is prevented, which makes the cleaning process easy and safe.

Chimney sweep

Another preventative agent, the use of which prevents the formation of plaque on the walls of the pipe. It is recommended to use the Chimney Sweep at least once every 2 weeks, subject to intensive use of the stove. If the bathhouse is rarely used, you can throw the product into the firebox once every couple of months.

Anti-carbon chemical composition

A powder made using a special formula, the use of which allows you to combat plaque that forms on the walls of the chimney. On average, about two hundred grams of the substance are consumed when burning one ton of wood. The amount spent may vary depending on the manufacturer.


It is used only to prevent the formation of blockages and is not suitable if a thick layer of soot occurs. Algorithm of actions:

  • light the stove;
  • throw a handful of table salt into the firebox;
  • a chemical reaction is formed that prevents the deposition of harmful substances.

It is necessary to apply at least 2 times within a month, otherwise the method will not give any visible results.

Smoke box

The box is filled with a special mixture and is placed in the firebox while the stove is in use. Within a few hours, the product acts on the blockage, destroying and removing it. The effect lasts for 2 weeks, and repeated cleaning will be required no earlier than after 3 months. The product does not have an unpleasant odor, which is positively noted by many customers.


A log weighing 750 grams, made from recycled wood. Helps remove harmful deposits and soot. It is enough to place a log while using the stove and let it burn completely.


It is used to clean the chimney, and the action algorithm is as follows:

  • light the stove;
  • place POLESHKO-TE in the firebox;
  • wait 1.5-2 hours until the product burns out completely;
  • We leave the ash in the firebox after ignition, since the residual effect lasts for another 1-2 uses of the stove.


An environmentally friendly product used to prevent blockages. Allows:

  • clean the chimney from soot;
  • increases the heat transfer of the kindling material;
  • increases cravings;
  • valid for 2 weeks after use.

Traditional methods

There is no desire to clean the pipe with a brush, and there is no money for expensive chemicals - do not despair. Folk remedies will come to the rescue, allowing you to clean the chimney almost as effectively, without additional financial investments.

Metal pipes are cleaned with ordinary water, and brick pipes are cleaned by burning potato peelings.

The essence of cleansing with water is as follows:

  • water is poured into the pipe from the street side;
  • You don’t need to pour a lot, a small volume of liquid is enough;
  • as soon as dirty water starts to seep into the firebox - light the fire;
  • continue to gradually add water into the pipe;
  • As soon as the wood burns completely, pour a bucket of water into the chimney - all the soot flows down, coming off the walls.

Potato peelings

A simple method that requires half a bucket of potato peels. It is dried in the sun, after which it is placed in the oven on preheated coals. The starch released during combustion softens the soot layer, and it peels off from the pipe, falling into the firebox.

Vacuum cleaning

In order to clean a chimney using a vacuum method, you need special equipment. Fits in the pipe special device, which forces air inside. Under high pressure the blockage is knocked out, clearing the entire length of the pipe. The advantages of the method include:

  • efficiency;
  • removal of deposits even in difficult areas of the chimney.
  • When using the method, a lot of dirt is thrown out, which settles throughout the area.

Thermal method

A dangerous method that involves burning deposits with flammable materials. It is not recommended to use if there is a large amount of deposits, as the chimney structure will not withstand the load.

Cleaning the outer walls

It is not necessary to clean the outer walls of the pipe, since this will not have any serious effect.

Perhaps the heat transfer and service life of the pipe will increase slightly, but these indicators are too insignificant to affect anything.

Making your own cleaning brush

You will need:

  • broom;
  • metal cable;
  • hairpin;
  • washers;
  • clamps.

We bend the pile on the broom, and then thread a pin with a pre-installed washer into the lower part. We press on the base of the broom and put on the following fasteners. We secure the cable and adjust the pile to the diameter of the chimney. We attach a small metal weight to the brush, the weight of which should be at least 2 kilograms.

There is a lot of advice from experienced specialists, the main ones are listed below.

How to prepare properly

Proper preparation includes:

  • selection of tools;
  • following the instructions from the manufacturer.

Combination of methods


In order not to disassemble the entire chimney and not spend huge amounts of money on restoring the stove, do not forget about preventive measures. One prevention per month is enough to forget about a clogged pipe for a long time.

What weather is best to do it?

It is better to carry out cleaning in dry weather, in the absence of wind.


When cleaning the chimney mechanical method Don't forget about the safety rope that will protect you from falling off the roof.

Refusal of resinous tree species when burning

Coniferous trees contain a lot of resin, which settles in large quantities on the walls. If you use deciduous trees, you can forget about blockages for a long time.

Instructions for chemicals

Follow the manufacturer's instructions on the chemical container. You should not experiment, because it will not lead to anything good.

Operating rules

The basic rules for operating the furnace are as follows:

  1. Do not add firewood one log at a time.
  2. Heat often, but little by little, using several full stacks of firewood at a time.
  3. The next bookmark is made after the previous one has burned out by at least half.

Heating boilers such as stoves and fireplaces, despite their perfect design, require periodic maintenance. The chimney becomes clogged especially quickly; the rate of clogging depends on many factors: the type of fuel used, the quality of the operating conditions of the device, the type of stove design. Even if all normal conditions are met, the pipe still needs to be inspected and cleaned at least once a year. You can invite a specialist to carry out the operation, or you can clean the chimney yourself. Knowing how to clean it using traditional methods, doing the work yourself will not be difficult, and the benefits will be great: the pipe is in order, the draft is good, the heating is efficient, and it is safe for yourself and others.

Why do you need chimney cleaning?

Combustion products, one way or another, clog the chimney, the gap in the pipe narrows over time, the draft becomes weaker, and as a result, the smoke, unable to escape outside, begins to move in the opposite direction, that is, settles in the room, filling it with smoke, filling it with carbon monoxide, dangerous to human health. Also A blockage in the pipe leads to other troubles and threats:

  • with low draft, more condensate accumulates inside the pipe, which only accelerates clogging;
  • soot is an excellent thermal insulator; when it accumulates in a thick layer, the furnace channel stops heating to the required temperature, so the efficiency drops significantly; much more fuel will be needed to ensure normal heating of the home;
  • solid particles accumulated in soot do not have time to burn completely, remain flammable and at any moment, in the event of gas flows rising upward, they can give a spark and ignite, and this is fraught not only with the rapid burning of the pipe walls, but also with the ignition of the entire house as a whole. The entire area becomes vulnerable to an accidental flash of a spark, which could fly out of the pipe at any moment. It is for this reason that fires most often occur in buildings and private houses heated by such stoves;
  • from a chimney clogged with soot, lights can fly out into the street, hot solid particles can spread to neighboring buildings, and this is already a threat to neighbors.

Given the totality of all the troubles, and they often happen all at the same time, tragic consequences in the form of a fire and losses after it simply cannot be avoided, so it is very important to periodically check the chimney and carry out effective cleaning in a timely manner. It is best to start cleaning in early autumn, choose a cool day and examine the entire structure in detail and thoroughly.

How often should the pipe be cleaned?

If furnace device If it is properly coordinated and installed correctly, then the chimney will serve well for 2-3 years, and without any cleaning during this time. Nevertheless, cleaning the chimney should be done 2 times a year for confidence and peace of mind, because a lot depends on the fuel used, the pipe becomes clogged faster from burning garbage, bags, plastic bottles. Over time, firewood also leads to clogging, no matter how high-quality it is, especially when it is stored raw or the room is heated with resinous spruce and pine trees. The best material For the firebox, dry logs that have lain in the woodshed for at least one and a half years are considered. Only with such dry material does the chimney become clogged much more slowly, and there are practically no unburned particles left.

If the pipe is overgrown with soot, it is not difficult to determine: the smoke coming out of it will noticeably change its color and become darker and dirty. Ideally, the smoke exhaust duct should be light, clean, and easily ventilated. When soot accumulates in the chimney, it itself begins to smolder, the escaping smoke becomes dense, dark, with strong soot, and the color of the flame itself changes; instead of a light orange color, it becomes intensely dark and viscous. All these signs indicate that it is time to clean the chimney, otherwise you can create unnecessary problems for yourself, dangers such as fire, smoke in the room.

Ideally, it is better to check the chimney 2 times a year, in autumn and spring, especially since it needs to be inspected not only because of accumulated soot, but also because other waste products get inside the pipe, bird droppings, nests, cobwebs, dry branches get into the hole from the outside, leaves.

There are many popular methods for cleaning a chimney pipe; after inspecting the device, all you have to do is choose the best option for cleaning and get down to business, removing all the contaminants and other waste present in the pipe.

Traditional methods of cleaning a stove chimney

Soot is a product of the breakdown of burnt fuel and consists of 90% carbon. It begins to burn at a temperature of 1000-1100 degrees, and not every pipe can withstand such heat. Also, not only the chimney, but also all adjacent elements become very hot, and the risk of a fire in the entire building increases significantly.

How to clean a chimney from soot using folk remedies? We suggest considering the most popular options:

  1. Rock salt. Salt is sprinkled in a thin layer directly onto the wood in the firebox during the combustion process. At high temperatures, salt crystals react with oxygen, thereby damaging the soot. Salt must be poured into the firebox constantly, every time the stove is fired. This is an excellent preventive measure for the pipe; it will clog slower. But you don’t need to sprinkle a lot of it; with a small stove, a handful of crystals sprinkled on top of the burning fuel material is enough.
  2. Aspen. This method of cleaning stoves has been known for a long time, since the material was the most accessible for cleaning the chimney from soot in huts; aspen was also added to the stove for preventive purposes; the pipe became clogged more slowly. Today this material is rarely used, although the method is considered the best, since aspen burns well, releases a large amount of heat, and burns the accumulated soot on the walls of the pipe without leaving a trace. Only when igniting the aspen do the valve doors need to be tightly closed to prevent huge white flakes from flying out of the pipe under the influence of high temperatures. Thanks to aspen, the soot burns out completely, and the stove itself even hums. But the cleaning method is dangerous, not every pipe can withstand strong heating above 10,000 degrees; if this indicator is exceeded, it may simply burst, combustion products will begin to shoot, fly out of the pipe in the form of sparks, and this can lead to the fire of adjacent buildings; in windy weather, the spark may spread to neighbors' houses.
  3. Naphthalene. Cleaning stoves in this way is popular among people, but when using it you need to first check:
    • are there any cracks or other damage to the outer surface pipes. If defects are found, they must first be eliminated and sealed thoroughly and hermetically.
    • What is the approximate heating temperature that your pipe can withstand?
    • Are there any by-products or other waste in the pipe itself? Naphthalene can only be used if all precautions are taken. You need to throw one tablet into the stove space directly onto the burning wood. The heated soot will begin to fly out in white flakes. But it is worth considering that cleaning a chimney with your own hands using mothballs is not a safe job. Naphthalene itself is explosive, especially if the quality and condition of the pipes have not been previously checked, their sudden destruction, burning, or ignition of the outer walls is possible. The fire is just a stone's throw away.

It is difficult to clean with mothballs, the substance is hard, the crystals emit a characteristic odor when burned, their use can be a real test. It is better and easier to use a proven method, for example, salt. You can use alder, according to the same principle as when using aspen. The only difference is the price of wood and its combustion temperature.

The air heating temperature of alder is higher, the flame is brighter, so the draft is significant, soot flies out perfectly. Nevertheless, we must not forget about security measures.

All methods are effective, but crude, fraught with ignition and the spread of sparks flying from the chimney to neighboring buildings. The method of cleaning with naphthalene by specialists is recommended to be carried out with a soot layer no higher than 10 mm; if the level is exceeded, it is better to choose another, more safe method chimney pipe cleaning.

  • Potato peelings. First, you need to prepare the peeled potatoes for use, that is, dry them thoroughly, put them in a bucket and keep them dry for several days. Then you can clean the chimney with them, adding them to the firebox, taking into account the size of the stove itself. During combustion, cleaning begins to release starch, which negatively affects the soot, decomposing it, and the soot falls off the walls gradually, falls into the oven itself, settles in the ash pan, which then simply needs to be cleaned by removing the ash. After using the cleaning agents in the huts, residents carried out an additional procedure. They tied a thick, strong rope to the core and ran it throughout the entire cavity of the pipe, thereby thoroughly cleaning the inside, then they cleaned the oven itself.


How to clean a chimney from soot yourself is outlined in step-by-step instructions:

  1. Wait until the stove cools down completely, remove unburned wood and other materials from it, that is, completely clean the combustion space.
  2. Remove the damper.
  3. Chimney sweep cleaning a pipe with a brush

Using the brush, sweep the entire cavity well, on the sides, in hard-to-reach places.

  • Sweep the raised areas of the pipe, for this it is better to take a brush with a long handle.
  • Remove loose soot, other debris in the form of cobwebs, dry twigs, leaves, and bird nests. Close the chimney and rinse the brush with warm water.

How to clean a chimney with chemicals

What chemicals can be used to clean a chimney? Chemical products are usually the most effective at cleaning pipes. They allow you to clean the entire cavity without leaving any residue, even the stubborn soot that has dried inside the pipe. Chemicals should be used when wood is burning. Then substances begin to be released that have a destructive effect on soot deposits, while being absolutely harmless to human health. The soot quickly falls down into the ash pan, after which it is simply raked out into a bucket, then the stove is completely cleaned.

Effective chemicals for cleaning chimneys from soot are:

  • PHC– a potent composition in powder form is sprinkled on firewood and burned directly with the packaging. Do not pour too much, normalize the consumption, read the instructions before use, follow the indicated doses.
  • Kominichek– a product from the Czech Republic, sold packaged in 14 grams. One package will last for 3-4 months, it all depends on the number of chimney cleaning procedures you have performed. It is worth considering that the product is effective only when the soot level is no more than 2 mm; if the level is exceeded, it is better to choose another, stronger product.
  • Chimney sweep– a log for cleaning the chimney, sold in small blocks. Releases special substances when burned. They reduce cresot deposits.


In fact, cleaning the chimney on your own is not a problem; choose the best option for cleaning your chimney, taking into account its condition, the degree of blockage of the channel, and the amount of accumulated soot. Try not to throw unnecessary plastic bottles, all kinds of cans, milk and juice cartons into the firebox. By following all the points of the instructions described above, you can completely cope with cleaning the chimney yourself; assistants and specialists will not be needed in this matter. However, if you are not confident in your abilities or do not want to get dirty, invite a professional who can carry out the work efficiently and competently. Nevertheless, it is necessary to periodically clean the chimney of soot. The traction will be better, the service life of the pipes will be longer, the device will be safer for you, as well as surrounding people and buildings.

How to clean a chimney using folk and chemical means

Cleaning the chimney using traditional, chemical and mechanical methods. Why and how often it is necessary to clean soot from the pipe.

How to clean a chimney

Heating a house, cottage or bathhouse is rarely complete without a stove or boiler. For our winters, this equipment is optimal: it can produce the required amount of heat. But both stoves and boilers require maintenance, and one of the mandatory procedures is chimney cleaning.

Why does the chimney become overgrown with soot?

The combustion process of fuel is an oxidation process, and this requires oxygen and high temperature. If at least one of these conditions is not met, soot appears - this is the result of insufficient oxidation of carbon. Externally, the presence of soot can be determined by the color of the smoke - if it is black, it means it contains soot particles, but most of it settles in the chimney, especially in places of turns.

Now a little about what can cause active soot formation:

  • Damp firewood. If you put undried wood on the fire, it will dry out first. This takes a lot of energy, which greatly reduces the temperature in the firebox. We get underheated carbon, a large cloud of black smoke and, after some time of using raw fuel, we will have a clogged chimney.

Using damp firewood leads to the accumulation of soot deposits

The rate at which the chimney becomes overgrown with soot also depends on the type of firewood. Resinous spruce and pine are not the best choice in this regard, but not everyone has the opportunity to burn with expensive oak or other hardwoods. In any case, you can make sure that the firewood is dry. To do this, it is worth building a larger firewood shed so that it can accommodate a supply for 2-3 years. Then you can use the most seasoned and dried logs, and let the fresh ones lie and reach condition.

How can you clean a chimney from soot?

There are three cleaning methods chimney:

Chimney cleaning with a chimney sweep

  • Mechanical. A brush is inserted into the chimney, with the help of which the soot is knocked off the walls. The disadvantage of this method is that you need to have access to the pipe, which is not always easy. Not everyone is able to climb onto the roof, and cleaning from below requires flexible rods and access. Another unpleasant moment: all the contents fall down, you will have to collect it and take it out, and then spend a long time cleaning the soot from the stove or fireplace. Therefore, before starting cleaning, place some kind of container into which everything will be poured.
  • Chemical chimney cleaning - powders and briquettes (logs). When the system warms up, the powders are poured into the fire, and logs are placed under the firebox. The substances they contain soften the soot, it gradually flies into the pipe, but can fall down and block the passage altogether. So it is better to use these products for prevention when there is still a little soot.
  • Traditional methods. The problem of chimneys becoming overgrown with soot is not new, and our ancestors knew how to deal with it without chemicals. There were, of course, chimney sweeps, but they worked in cities, and their services cost a lot. Nevertheless, the problem was dealt with, and very by simple means- salt or potato peelings.

There is another cardinal solution - go to the fire department and call specialists. They are no longer called chimney sweeps, but perform the same functions, albeit by different means. The solution is not bad, they know their job, since soot is explosive, as long as they don’t give permission to anyone. The only negative is the cost of such services.

Mechanical chimney cleaning products

Cleaning chimneys using brushes has been used for centuries, and they are still available today. A brush-ruff is attached to the end of a long elastic and flexible cable. Diameter - individually depending on the size of the chimney. A small metal ball can be tied under the ruff to make the tool go down easier. This structure is lowered into the chimney, raised, lowered again and raised again. Do this until the passage is clear. Everything works simply - the bristles knock off the soot from the pipe.

Chimney cleaning brush

This chimney cleaning has one peculiarity: if there is good draft, most of the soot flies out into the chimney. Therefore, firstly, you need to tie yourself down so that you don’t fall off the roof due to involuntary movement, and secondly, put on safety glasses and a respirator. Gloves would also help, but they are needed to prevent the cable from injuring your hands.

If you decide to make a chimney brush yourself, hang the ball below, and a centered one. Kettlebells or spanners don't fit - sooner or later they become a waste in the chimney. You will be lucky if you can remove the tool without disassembling the pipe.

You can hang a ball below

The chimney is not always such that it can be cleaned from above - a sandwich pipe can rise several meters above the roof. You can’t put a ladder up to it, you can’t get close to it in any other way. In this case, the chimney is cleaned from below. For this purpose there are brushes on flexible rods. Fragments of the rod are connected to one another, the brush moves along the pipe. In this case, part of the soot is also carried away by the draft, but some falls down and this must also be taken into account. Professional chimney sweeps use special vacuum cleaners for collection (not household ones, since soot is explosive); if you clean it yourself, you will have to collect everything by hand.

Cleaning the chimney from below

If you have a fireplace, everything is simple - access is free, but if it is a boiler or sauna stove, the matter is more complicated. If the chimney has a glass to collect condensate, by removing it, you can run a brush into the pipe without any problems. If there are no revisions, you will have to try to get to the pipe through the firebox. If this is not possible, you will have to disassemble the chimney. Then it’s better to immediately redo it by installing a tee with a glass.

Chimney cleaning products

Clean the chimney using chemicals You can, as long as it's not too crowded. If the pipe is brick, these products help make mechanical cleaning less frequent. How independent remedy can be used for ceramic chimneys or made of stainless steel. All these powders or logs for removing soot from a pipe are preventative. It is not always possible to clean the chimney from a large amount of soot with them. There have been cases when the soot that fell after burning the powder clogged the chimney tightly. I had to take a brush and clean it by hand.

Despite these shortcomings, the products are used and here’s why: during processing, the soot that is in the boiler, sauna stove or smoke ducts also softens. Pulling them by hand is a small pleasure, but regular use does a good job of eliminating the problem.

There are plenty of products for cleaning chimneys from soot in stores, but here are the most popular:

  • Kominichek. This is a Czech-made drug. The packaging contains paper bags with granules packaged in them. This soot remover is placed in a well-heated oven without breaking the bag. The whole paper bag is placed on the firewood; there is no need to tear it to pour out the product. According to reviews it works fine. The most effective is as long as the soot layer is no more than 2 mm - it cleans the chimney to clean walls.

Powder for cleaning chimneys "Komichek"

Chimney cleaning log

After using all chemicals, the room must be ventilated and the stove or fireplace must be cleaned. Please note that after treatment, the soot may still fall off for a couple of days - the remnants fly off.

Traditional methods of chimney cleaning

The easiest way to prevent soot formation is to heat an already heated stove with aspen wood. They burn with a very hot flame, and the soot in the chimney burns away. The action is effective, but dangerous - if a lot of soot has accumulated, it explodes when ignited and can rupture the pipe.

Place a couple of logs when firing the stove and preventive cleaning of the chimney from soot is done

There are safer folk remedies that make chimney cleaning both effective and safe. Add half a kilogram of salt or about a bucket of potato peelings to a melted and well-heated oven. It is better to dry the peelings or add raw ones little by little - so as not to reduce the temperature in the firebox. The effect is approximately the same as when using chemicals, only a little softer - the soot flies out of the chimney for another three days.

Chimney cleaning: methods, means, folk methods

What methods are used to clean a chimney, how does the procedure take place, what are the methods for cleaning a chimney from soot, how to use them.

How to clean a chimney from soot at home

Previously, when all houses had stove heating, there were no problems with chimney cleaning. The head of the family knew exactly how, with what and when to clean it, and the profession of a chimney sweep was held in high esteem.

Over time, boilers replaced stoves, and today only a few can guess why the fire stops lighting and smoke does not come out when kindling. But the most a big problem not even this - but the fact that carbon monoxide, without passing through the contaminated pipe, begins to concentrate in the room, which creates a direct threat to the life and health of household members. In order for you to avoid such problems, we will tell you how to clean a chimney from soot at home and why it gets dirty in the first place.

Why does the chimney get clogged?

First, you need to understand that during long-term use any chimney, even one made using technology and from the right materials. In any case, it is necessary to clean the chimney at least once every 1-3 years, depending on the intensity of use.

Much more often, soot accumulates in the depths of the chimney due to a violation of the design or manufacturing technology. For example, the following main reasons can be identified:

  • improper pipe laying and masonry mortar residues on the inside;
  • violation of the operation of the stove or fireplace;
  • the chimney is made of low-quality material;
  • lack of a protective umbrella on the chimney, due to which birds fly into it, debris, leaves, etc. get in;
  • violation of the size of the chimney pipe lumen.

Improper operation of a stove or fireplace means using firewood with a high concentration of resin as fuel or burning “chemical” waste - polyethylene, plastic, rubber.

  • Often the cause of rapid clogging of the chimney pipe is poor quality material, which was used in masonry - both brick and mortar. This leads to chips, falling parts that get stuck in the chimney, etc.
  • A narrowing of the lumen of the chimney pipe, caused either by one of the reasons or by several in combination, disrupts the draft during ignition, prevents smoke from escaping, and increases the time it takes for the chimney walls to warm up.

If you notice these signs, it's time to clean your chimney. In addition to the fact that, as mentioned earlier, carbon monoxide accumulates in the room, when soot deposits increase, at some point they ignite and a fire starts.

How to remove soot

Of course, there are specialized specialists on the labor market who clean pipes using various chemical and mechanical methods, but the price of their services is quite high. On average, the tariff depends on the type of heating device (stove, sauna stove, fireplace or barbecue) and ranges from 9 to 12 thousand rubles for a one-time service. It is clear that it is much cheaper to figure out on your own how to clean a chimney from soot at home, and not to apply family budget crushing blow.

The simplest household methods chimney cleaning

Potato peelings

Oddly enough, this is an excellent tool in the fight against small (.) soot deposits.

Potatoes themselves do not remove soot from the pipe, but soften it, which makes it possible to quickly and easily remove it mechanically.

For this method, prepare 0.5 buckets of dry potato peelings or finely chopped potatoes, also pre-dried, in advance. When the wood burns out and the coals remain smoldering, throw them on potato peelings. When burned, they release starch vapors, which softens the soot to an acceptable state.


This is rather a preventative method that is recommended to be used every time you light a fireplace or stove. Salt is poured onto burning wood and the released chemical elements prevent soot from settling on the walls of the chimney. Of course, over time it still settles, but not in such quantities and not so viscous.

Chimney Sweep Logs

You can purchase a special log at a store for stove makers or use birch firewood. If possible, you can also buy aspen logs; they have the same effect.

It is imperative to remove the bark from birch logs.

This firewood is for a short time increase the temperature in the firebox to the maximum, after which the soot simply breaks into shreds. This is a good way, but requires constant human presence. If enough soot has accumulated, such a powerful fire from an aspen or birch tree is quite capable of setting it on fire. Don't be lazy and stay near the fireplace all the time until the wood burns out.

Chemical methods for cleaning soot

It's much more effective ways combat even significant soot deposits.

The following proven effective drugs exist:

  • Saltpeter mixture copper sulfate and coke in equal parts. The composition is poured onto smoldering coals; during combustion, a number of chemical elements are released, causing the shedding of a significant amount of soot.

The maximum dosage is 200 grams of the finished composition.

  • PHC (anti-carbon chemical composition) is a very effective composition for combating soot, which must be burned directly in the package.

Be sure to read the instructions - the effect of the drug is so strong that it can even cause cracking of the chimney pipe. It is strictly forbidden to violate the dosage.

  • Kominichek is a Czech drug for combating a small layer of soot deposits (2-3 mm). One package is enough to clean a standard chimney for 2-3 months. For regular use of a stove or fireplace, it is recommended to use the composition at least 3 times a year.

The active substance is copper chloride CuCl2, so during use it is necessary to create a very good draft in the room and, if possible, not be present in it.

  • A chimney sweep log is a natural birch or aspen log, additionally impregnated with CuCl2. When burned, it releases a number of chemical elements that provoke the detachment of creosote deposits - tar deposits.

Considering that these drugs are also not cheap, you should use them no more than once a year or two. It is much easier and cheaper to take a number of preventative measures and clean the pipe mechanically.

Methods for mechanical chimney cleaning

You purchase the tools necessary for such work only once, so this method will not be expensive in the future.

So, you will need:

In addition to the basic tools, you will need a respirator, thick cloth gloves and safety glasses.

All stoves are cleaned from above, and fireplaces - from below.

Cleaning the stove, including the bathhouse, is carried out in the same way as you used to wash milk containers with a brush. Using gentle circular movements, scrape off the soot that falls to the bottom of the well. Select the tool depending on the thickness of the canal. Initially, you can burn the wood with seasoned salt or potato peelings to soften the soot and make work easier. Then use brushes or brushes and, if necessary, a cleaning rod or hook.

To carry out cleaning activities, choose a sunny, windless day. Be sure to securely secure yourself near the pipe to eliminate the risk of injury.

The fireplace is cleaned mainly with hard brushes with long handles from below.

Be sure to clean the bottom of the well after the pipe is cleaned - scoop out all the soot that has fallen off the walls with a poker and scoop and throw it away.

How to clean a chimney from soot at home using folk remedies: photos and videos

The average price tag for the services of a professional chimney sweep is 9-12 thousand rubles. It’s cheaper to figure out how to clean soot from a chimney at home, and do it at minimal cost.

How to clean a chimney from soot using traditional methods

Many residents of private houses are interested in the question of how to clean a chimney from soot using folk remedies. Due to the accumulation of soot, it is difficult for smoke to escape, and there is a possibility of intoxication of the people living there. Therefore, from such a problem as burning, black soot in chimney, we need to get rid of it.

Simple Cleansing Methods

The layer of soot on the thick walls of the chimney affects the quality of the stove itself and safety. Heavy fumes accumulate inside and can enter living rooms, and soot particles deposited on the chimney can be highly flammable and cause an accident. All this can be avoided if you promptly clean the chimney near the stove; you can do this yourself at home.

The simplest method for cleaning a chimney is using traditional table salt. These manipulations are of a preventive nature, because they will not help clean a thick burnt layer, but they can remove fresh layers of soot and soot. If you regularly use this simple technique, carbon deposits will reappear over a longer period of time.

The essence of this simple way is as follows: you need to add a handful of kitchen salt to dry firewood. At the moment of combustion, it is this that is capable of influencing the chemical processes taking place inside the furnace; as a result, soot settles on the walls of the pipe less quickly and intensively. This method of cleaning a pipe is most effective only if it is not yet thoroughly clogged with a layer of soot.

The second risky method of cleaning the passage of furnaces is to completely burn the existing deposits on the walls of the pipe. It is done with an emphasis on chemical composition soot in stove chimneys. The whole point is that the oily compounds deposited on the walls of the furnaces are incompletely burned heavy chemicals that were not processed due to lack of oxygen. Therefore, if you heat the firebox to required temperature, then the soot inside burns out on its own, without the need for additional manipulations.

In order for the soot to warm up properly, it is necessary to put in a significant amount of firewood; dry alder or aspen are suitable as such. The stove must be thoroughly melted, after which you need to open all the available ash pans, after which a large armful of dry firewood is sent into the firebox.

The risk level of this method of how to clean a pipe is that not every home stove can withstand the test of elevated temperature. At the time of such a risky burn, it is worth very carefully monitoring all the sparks that come out through the open chimney in the stove. It is necessary to carry out a similar cleaning procedure until the stove begins to produce white flakes of smoke. When a characteristic hum appears, this is a signal to stop such an emergency fire.

Another method of cleaning pipes with folk remedies is to use simple potato peelings, which usually go into the garbage disposal. It lies in the fact that the released starch actively interacts with the accumulated soot, effectively breaking it down. Such raw materials will be required in the amount of half or a whole bucket, here the consumption depends on the dimensions of the furnace itself. Also, instead of such peelings, you can put fresh whole potatoes if their final quality is not satisfactory.

After the potatoes are completely burned, starch vapors rise through the pipe, actively interacting with accumulated soot and deposits on the walls, modifying the structure of the soot itself. After some time of this interaction of burnt starch with soot, the latter simply begins to fall off the walls by itself. If the rate at which soot deposits fall off is insufficient, you can also tap the chimney wall with a stick. This way you can clean the chimney pipe without resorting to any expensive means.

High-quality mechanical cleaning

One of the most popular ways to clean a chimney from soot is gentle mechanical cleaning. When wall deposits become 2 mm or more, such manipulations are already considered necessary. In such a situation, other methods will only serve as prevention and a means of delaying time a little. As effective tools For such cleaning, the following are used:

  • Convenient metal brush with weight.

It looks like a small brush with metal bristles, which is suspended from a strong cable or rope. A weight is attached to the bottom of the brush; this can be a regular core or a metal weight. Only objects with a stable center of gravity can be used as a reliable weight for the brush, otherwise there is a risk that the selected weight may simply get stuck in the passage and it will be possible to remove it only with full analysis pipes.

Under the influence of gravity, the brush is carefully lowered into the passage; a regular cable is used to lift the structure.

Using this simple design, you can not only effectively break through a clogged pipe, but clear the chimney of soot. Thanks to convenient carabiner connections, all brush components are easy to assemble and separate, which makes this design very convenient to store.

In the arsenal of many homes there is also an ordinary design of a brush with a convenient removable handle. This handle extends significantly, making the cleaning process easier. Such a tool allows you to clean the oven not only outside, but also inside. If there is a screw connection inside the chimney sections, it is not advisable to turn the brush, since there is a risk that part of the tool may become firmly stuck in the passage. Such devices have been used before by everyone who first wondered how to clean a chimney.

If the deposit in the furnace has a thick layer, then more serious cleaning measures are required. For example, to better remove accumulated fumes, you can use a regular scraper, which in appearance resembles a construction chisel. The handle is also made composite with the possibility of extension so that you can reach the most remote sections of the pipe. With this reliable scraper you can remove even the most voluminous oily burnt deposits. With this tool, there will be no questions about how to clean a pipe yourself with minimal effort.

Before starting mechanical cleaning, you must ensure that all stove openings are tightly closed. If desired, the firebox can be covered with rags. All these measures help to avoid contamination of the room with burning particles. When the chimney is completely cleaned, the remaining ash is collected through special openings. The firebox itself must be cleaned at the end of the entire procedure. For this purpose, you can use a special, convenient vacuum cleaner with the function of cleaning fireplaces or stoves. After choosing the appropriate method for cleaning the chimney of all unnecessary things, you need to familiarize yourself with some safety measures that must be observed during cleaning work.

Safety precautions

  1. 1 It is prohibited to carry out work on the roof in rainy weather, with excessive humidity or strong gusts of wind.
  2. 2 It is worth taking care of insurance.
  3. 3 In the absence of a special safety system, you can tightly tie the belt with a strong rope.
  4. 4 Before starting cleansing, it is not advisable to take any medications that act to reduce the reaction rate. It is not advisable to drink alcohol before this, as all this can negatively affect stability during the necessary work on the roof.

All these safety measures will help to avoid possible risks when cleaning the chimney, because when working in such an unsafe place in the house as the roof, there is always a certain instability.

Chimney cleaning: folk remedies for removing soot at home

Many residents of private houses are interested in the question of how to clean a chimney from soot using folk remedies. Due to the accumulation of soot, it is difficult for smoke to escape, and there is a possibility of intoxication of the people living there.

Outside the city, a favorite place for many people is the bathhouse. During the combustion of some materials, soot and soot accumulate on the walls. If you heat a sauna with wood or coal, sediment will form on the inside of the pipe quite quickly. Against this background, the clearance of the pipe decreases, which can cause a fire. There are several ways to clean the chimney and remove blockages in the stove channel in the bathhouse.

Types of blockages in the chimney pipe

When wood burns, it releases carbon monoxide and smoke. The black tint is the result of soot, coal and creosote.

Pipes in a bathhouse can become clogged for several reasons:

  • formation of soot and soot;
  • condensation accumulation;
  • foreign objects getting inside;
  • resin deposition;
  • accumulation of ash.

All wood contains resins. When heated, they decompose and evaporate. Subsequently they settle on the walls of the pipe. At frequent use deposit baths are layered on top of each other and there is a high probability of complete blocking of the passage opening. The thickness of the layer depends on the structure of the surface.

Soot accumulation on the inner surface

The formation of blockages can be affected by violation of the rules for laying the chimney, as well as poor-quality material from which the channel is made.

The chimney pipe can become clogged when burning garbage: plastic bottles, plywood, firewood with paint, etc. As a result, the oxide from the garbage will settle faster.

The rate of heating of the bath and the combustion activity of the products will depend on how the chimney pipe is cleaned.

If the chimney is not cleaned, the smoke will not be able to escape outside, which means it will accumulate inside the room. In the future, this can cause suffocation. Over time, the walls will begin to collapse due to high temperatures and chemical reactions. In addition, there may be poor draft and a large amount of ash can lead to fire or fire.

When and how often to clean the chimney

The main signs that indicate that it is time to clean the chimney:

  1. Poor draft from the stove during combustion;
  2. Black smoke from the chimney;
  3. Soot flakes fly from the chimney;
  4. Smoke enters the room;
  5. You have to open the lower damper more to make the wood burn;
  6. Arbitrary flame extinction;
  7. An unpleasant odor appeared during heating.

Black smoke is one of the signs that you need to clean your chimney.

If the coating layer is thick enough, it can ignite from sparks during combustion. This may contribute to the destruction of the chimney system.

If the design simple type, then you can clean the chimney yourself. Work should be carried out from the inside and outside of the building.

The stove chimney is cleaned regularly every six months. However, the procedure can be carried out earlier if characteristic signs of blockage are observed.

Cleaning methods

Depending on the length of the chimney and the material of the pipe, cleaning can be done in several ways: mechanical and chemical. There are also traditional methods, which were used by our ancestors. If you carry out the work using one of these methods, the sauna stove will clog much less often.

You can clean the pipe yourself, and if you have any questions, seek help from specialists.

To avoid problems when cleaning smoke channel All methods should be considered, and additional factors should be taken into account: access to the pipe, clogging, and the material from which the chimney is made.

Mechanical method

This is the simplest and most popular method of cleaning a chimney. It is important to know what you can use to clean the channel without damaging the entire system.

Using this method It is advisable to assess how clogged and narrowed the lumen is. To clean using this method, you should purchase special brush. Thanks to it, you can remove the resulting layer of soot or soot. This brush has a flexible handle, which allows you to thoroughly clean the pipe. You can use a special flexible stick that is screwed into each other.

Cleaning brush

If the chimney is metal, then you cannot use a brush or a brush with a metal base, as this can damage the structure. It is recommended to use a polymer brush made of plastic.

When choosing a cleaning tool, it is important that it matches the size of the pipe. The device moves up and down.

Some craftsmen attach a weight at the bottom of the brush, which is put on a cable. It is advisable to take a cable that is designed for cleaning sewers. It spins well and doesn't bend. This method is used when a congestion has formed and the brush does not pass further.

Ruff with load

Before you begin cleaning, you should close all openings that lead into the house. This will prevent soot from getting inside. An open fireplace should be covered with a wet rag. Mechanical cleaning is recommended when the soot layer thickness is more than 1.5 mm. You can do the cleaning yourself without involving other specialists.

Chemical method

You can get rid of soot and soot using chemicals. The substances destroy formed deposits and do not harm health.

Most popular means for removing soot and soot are:

  • "Kominichek";
  • "Chimney Sweep";
  • Anti-carbon chemical composition.

These are convenient and safe means that allow you to clean the chimney without physical effort and expense.

In construction and hardware stores you can find a wide variety of different chimney cleaning products in the form of tablets, briquettes, and logs. The operating principle is as follows: the chemical decomposes combustion products, which prevents the formation of soot. Under the influence of high temperature, the granules melt and a substance is released that dissolves the soot. This occurs through a catalytic reaction - the soot burns without forming a flame.

Exposure to chemicals

The product is placed in an oven and burned with wood. If the blockage is severe, you can use several packages. At least these chemicals are harmless, but at high concentrations they can be dangerous to the skin and mucous membranes. To avoid this, you do not need to remove the protective shell. After cleaning, the room should be ventilated.

Traditional methods

One of the methods for cleaning a chimney from accumulated soot is the use of aspen firewood. Wood differs from other types in the absence of resins and low density.

First you need to prepare the firewood. They must be dry and clean. First, light a fire using birch or other traditional wood. Then load aspen logs into the firebox. The oven door and damper must be opened. The firewood should burn strongly and the resulting flame will penetrate the chimney. The soot will then ignite on the chimney walls. During the heating process, you can hear the hum of the stove, orange smoke above the chimney, and white flakes on the ground around the bathhouse. These signs indicate that the process has reached a certain phase.

Aspen firewood is a good method to clean a chimney pipe

If the soot blockage is strong, you can break it through with boiling water. Before heating the stove, you need to pour a few liters into the pipe from above hot water. Cool boiling water will soften the build-up and promote the destruction of hot combustion products. As a result, plaque will fly out along with smoke.

To prevent soot formation, table salt should be used. During combustion, you need to add a small amount of sodium chloride to the firewood.

Effective remedies for soot accumulation are potato peelings and naphthalene.

  • Before you start cleaning, you need to cool the stove and clean the firebox, and also remove the dampers. Work should be carried out using protective equipment. During the procedure harmful substances may fly apart and land on mucous membranes.
  • It is advisable to combine methods for cleaning chimneys for preventive purposes.
  • Over time, soot may again appear in a cleaned pipe, so for preventive purposes it is recommended to carry out work at least 1-2 times every six months.
  • Work should not be carried out in rainy or windy weather. If the deposit thickness is more than 2 mm, a major cleaning will be required.
  • When cleaning a chimney on the roof, you should prepare a safety device.
  • It is recommended to prevent excessive soot accumulation and avoid it altogether, as cleaning requires a lot of time and effort.
  • It is not advisable to use resinous rocks for heating.
  • If the blockage is severe, then you can combine two methods: first clean it using chemicals and then mechanically.
  • When using chemicals, you should read the instructions. Some of them can be used in different ways, so it is important to know all the nuances: whether or not to remove the wrapper, whether it is necessary to ventilate the room, etc.
  • If during mechanical cleaning If you use objects with a displaced center of gravity, there is a high probability that they will get stuck in the pipe. To remove it, you will need to completely disassemble the chimney.

The listed tips are useful to know not only for beginners, but also for experienced craftsmen.

Good and regular cleaning of the chimney is necessary even when your stove comes from expensive and modern modular systems. But even with very careful and careful operation, soot still settles on the walls of the pipes, and if you also heat it with not the best firewood, then its volume may surprise you. Soot collects even on the smoothest surface, and it needs to be cleaned off - unless, of course, you want your sauna to burn down. But the time when only a professional chimney sweep could clean a chimney is behind us. Today, in fact, there is no such profession - instead, in some schools they train only “cleaners”, although they cannot boast of special skills. True, occasionally you can find advertisements for the private services of a real chimney sweep. And this makes sense - a professional will not only clean your chimney efficiently, but will also check it itself technical condition chimney. Therefore, if your chimney has bends, it was not made by you and you do not really understand all these subtleties - hire a specialist, it will be safer for your health and life. But if construction is a fairly close topic and the chimney is the work of non-visiting migrant workers, and its design is quite simple - feel free to pick up a brush!

Why does the chimney get clogged in the first place?

Let's take a closer look at this process - and much will immediately become clearer. Thus, when wood burns, smoke is produced and gas is released. White smoke comes from water vapor from wood, and black smoke comes from coal, soot and creosote from the same wood. It is from black smoke that a coating forms on the inner surface of the pipe, and the rougher it is, the more soot will settle on it.

The result: it is more difficult for smoke to pass through, thrust decreases, and fuel does not burn completely. In the best case, the chimney will deteriorate over time, in the worst case, the bathhouse itself will burn down.

How can you get rid of accumulated soot?

Sometimes, rather than hiring a non-professional, it’s much easier and safer to remove soot from your own bathhouse yourself - using brushes, modern chemicals for cleaning chimneys and even “old-fashioned” methods, and without necessarily climbing onto the roof!

Let's look at the most popular options for cleaning soot from a chimney and how to do it.

Using a special brush - a simple and proven method

Of all modern mechanical and chemical means, a brush is the simplest and safest. It is only important to choose one that is suitable for your chimney - both in diameter and in length, so that you do not worry about how to clean your chimney of soot along its entire height.

Particularly good is a nylon brush with stiff bristles, which is easy to clean a chimney of any material. Nylon pile is flexible and adapts well to any pipe shape, while simultaneously coping with the most stubborn plaque. But at the same time it does not scratch or damage its inner surface.

The most difficult thing is to choose a good brush for chimney bends. This is where the soot settles, and it is not so easy to get it out. Nylon bristles are most suitable for this - they will easily penetrate into the most inaccessible places, while hard brushes will simply scratch the folded areas. And more scratches - less smoothness - more soot clings.

It is important what kind of handle the brush has - it must have sufficient flexibility so that it can fit into the most invisible nooks and crannies and at the same time be easy to control your movements.

Potato peeling - the old-fashioned method

Here's how to clean a chimney in this way: throw a bucket or half a bucket of fresh potato peelings into a well-heated stove - that's how much will fit into it. During their burning, starch will be released, and it decomposes the soot. Within two to three days it will almost completely fall off the walls of the chimney and partially fall out. After this, tie a brush made of twigs to the brick and clean the top of the chimney in the classic way - it will be easy!

Aspen wood - with fire from the chimney

Cleaning a chimney with aspen wood is as old as the hills. But this method cannot be called safe - let's figure it out.

We put aspen wood in the stove and light it well. They burn well and produce a very high temperature. At this time, all doors and valves of the stove should be open, and do not forget to add more firewood. The result is that the soot itself lights up and the stove begins to make a loud noise. If you go outside at this moment, you will see fire pouring from the chimney on the roof of your bathhouse! And the surrounding area will quickly become covered with large white flakes. But the chimney will be cleaned, and cleaned well. If only it can withstand this test - after all, not every chimney is designed for 1100 ° C, and it is at this mark that soot will burn in it.

Aluminum cans - unusual, but effective

The cans need to be burned once in ten fires - this is enough, and very little soot will be collected. The only condition: the fire must be made hot, with a large amount of hard coal - so that the cans actually burn, and do not lie on the wood and change color. Normally, one can should burn out in five minutes.

Hose - whatever is at hand

Some bathhouse attendants don’t bother themselves much with newfangled methods and clean the chimney with a regular watering hose. The whole procedure looks like this:

  • Remove the glass from the bottom of the chimney.
  • We insert a hose from below (preferably from above), preferably a hard one.
  • A few cleaning movements - all the soot is already at the bottom.

You can additionally attach a chopped bottle or brush to the end of the same hose - and you will see how easy it is to clean the chimney effectively and cost-effectively!

Chemical cleaning is unpopular and unpleasant

Chemical cleaning of chimneys is more of a preventative measure than a real cleaning. The bottom line is that after this the soot will fall off in places, but you will still have to use an additional brush. Plus, the smell in the bathhouse can last for several days. Therefore, if potato peelings are not available to you, you can buy some “Komichek” or “Log-chimney sweeper”.

How to properly clean a chimney with a brush?

First of all, before cleaning, be sure to cover the furniture in the bathhouse with plastic wrap and cover the windows thick fabric. Protect yourself from soot: wear gloves, safety glasses and preferably a respirator. Next is this: in most models of stoves and chimneys, manufacturers install special inspection doors to make cleaning easier and more convenient. Pay attention - do you have these?

So, here's how you can clean your chimney well:

  • Step 1. We wait until the stove has completely cooled down and remove any remaining firewood or any other flammable materials from it.
  • Step 2. Remove the damper at the entrance to the chimney.
  • Step 3. Holding the brush firmly by the handle, insert it into the chimney hole.
  • Step 4. Move the brush in the most different directions, trying not to miss any hard-to-reach places.
  • Step 5. Move the brush further up, and now clean the highest places of the pipes.
  • Step 6. Remove the accumulated soot.
  • Step 7. Close the chimney and rinse the brush with regular warm water.

It is necessary to clean not only soot from the chimney, but also cobwebs, accidentally flying debris and sometimes even bird nests. Even if you cleaned the pipe well, and then didn’t use the sauna at all for a month or two of summer, still pick up the brush.

The fact is that during this time the birds could actually build a nest in the chimney, and the small inhabitants of the corners could weave new webs. And if you carelessly light the stove, it will all burn, and it burns with special smoke and unpleasant smell, and even caustic soot, which will instantly stick to the walls and will “delight” you with a suffocating aroma all winter. Do you need it?...

How to make a good brush with your own hands?

Here's how to make a great budget chimney brush:

  • Step 1. We buy this on the market: a synthetic round broom, a steel cable along the length of the entire chimney, clamps, 2 ears and a pin with 8 mm thread and washers of different diameters.
  • Step 2. Unbend the pile in different directions - it is hard and elastic, so make an effort. The result will be something like a bouquet. If it doesn’t work, put it in boiling water.
  • Step 3. Take a hairpin and screw the ear - from one end, after which we put on the washer and insert it into the hole at the bottom of the brush, then the washer again. The diameter of them just fits the holes of the broom.
  • Step 4. Press down on the base from above and carefully screw on the second fastener. The more you twist, the more the bristles of the brush will diverge to the sides.
  • Step 5. Turn the brush over, see the eye of the fastening and tighten it to the desired size.
  • Step 6. We fasten the cable to the brush using a bracket, measure the chimney opening and cut the fibers exactly to the size of the chimney pipe. If it turns out to be less, it won’t be cleaned. And for accuracy, first try on and cut out a template from cardboard.
  • Step 7. We attach the load - this can be a regular weight from 2 kg.

That's all! You can put up a ladder and go clear the chimney of soot. Good luck!