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» How to open the door without a key - several available ways. How to open a lock without a key

How to open the door without a key - several available ways. How to open a lock without a key

Surely each of us at least once in his life lost the key to the front door. When you see a door in front of you that closes access to a house or other room, you begin to think about how to get inside without having a key. To make it easier to understand, you first need to evaluate the design of the door, because on all models there are different types castles. Below you will learn about the most common methods to get into locked rooms without a key. But at the same time, I would like to remind you that in order to successfully solve this problem, you will need some experience.

Is it possible to unlock the lock with your own hands if there is no key?

If you are left without a key and you urgently need to open the door, then there is no need to panic. Try to evaluate the problem. After all, when a flimsy interior door blocks the entrance, it can often be unlocked without a certain skill. But if you have to deal with a metal front door from well-known manufacturer, then here even a specialist will have to sweat. If you are not sure of success, then do not waste time and effort and spoil the design doors with hand tools. In such situations, it is recommended to entrust this work to professionals.

If a specialist is taken to work, then he will be able to open the lock of any design. He is familiar with the features of many locking mechanisms, so it will not be difficult for him to unlock the door in an intelligent way, keeping the lock mechanism intact. Therefore, deciding to use the services of a specialist, it will not always be a reasonable decision. Reliability of some models may be imaginary, and therefore, if you have the necessary tools, then you can open them quickly enough. We will talk about the most accessible of them further.

Opening the locking device of the interior door

How to open a lock without keys without resorting to the help of a professional? If you are dealing with an interior door, then opening it will not be difficult for you. Most often, such door blocks are equipped with locking mechanisms, in the design of which a latch is provided on one side, and on the other there is a part resembling keyhole. Given that these doors are rarely locked, owners lose their keys in the first weeks or months after installation.

Often the door is locked due to the carelessness of young children. Once in the room, they can slam the door, close the latch and, contrary to the persuasion of adults, do not want to open the door. Naturally, parents are afraid for their baby, as he remains alone in the room. Because of this, it is important to open the lock as quickly as possible so that it retains its working condition afterwards. You can solve this problem by performing the following operations.

  • find the keyhole and familiarize yourself with its design;
  • find a tool that is suitable for opening the lock;
  • start opening the door, doing everything very carefully.

How to open locks of different shapes?

There are such models of locks in which the well has round shape. In this case, to open it, it is best to find a thin knitting needle, a large open paper clip, an awl or a toothpick. Having decided on the right tool, place it in the hole, then push lightly with one hand and at the same time start releasing with the other hand or turn the knob. If everything is done correctly, the door will open.

The same should be done in a situation where the lock well has flat shape. In order for you to be able to handle this lock, you will need to find a flat tool. For this purpose you can use sharp scissors, a knife with a narrow blade, a nail file or a teaspoon handle. Having chosen a tool, you need to stick it into the well, then press it with one hand and at the same time with the other we begin to twist it and lower it door handle.

Unlocking the cylinder lock without a key

Great difficulties can arise if the locked door is equipped with a cylinder lock. Given the great secrecy of such locking devices, intelligent methods of opening will not always help to solve the problem. Although with experience, you can get inside if you use a paperclip or a very thin, curved screwdriver.

Speaking in more detail about the intelligent method of cracking cylinder lock mechanisms, then here from a person you need to perform certain actions with a paper clip and a screwdriver, where the first will be used as a master key, and the second will act as a fold. When trying to open a lock with such methods, keep in mind that here is the most important point- insert the hook well in such a way that the fonts of the secret are accepted correct position. They must be placed in turn, all the time helping with a roll. With due perseverance, the larva will begin to be sold. To understand if the fonts are installed correctly, you need to visually assess their location relative to each other and focus on the sound.

Using a paper clip, you need to move all the pins one by one, helping with a roll. And each time you need to check whether the cylinder can be rotated. Only when he starts to give in, you will be able to solve your problem. Pay attention to what what sounds come from the well while working on opening the lock. So you can stop in time if you do something wrong. Otherwise, you can simply break it.

Using the rough method

If a homemade master key did not help to cope with the lock, you can turn to a more rough method of breaking. However, here there is one important nuance : you can count on success only if the larval lock does not have protection against folding and drilling. If you decide to use this method, then you need to prepare the following tools:

  • electric drill - preferably as much power as possible;
  • drill for metal;
  • thick flat screwdriver;
  • a hammer.

Immediately get ready for the fact that after applying such a hacking method, it will be necessary to install a new larva. First, try a powerful roll. To do this, take a screwdriver and place it in the lock as far as possible. You can even put a couple of blows on it with a hammer. After that, we begin to screw it. Realizing that the larva begins to spin after the screwdriver, you need to pull the screwdriver and extract the secret. After doing this, you will be able to get inside.

Opening a door with a padlock

If, after inspecting the doors, it turns out that it is equipped with a rack and pinion lock, then you can calm down. Of course, for such locking devices sufficient good protection from brute force. However, if you use intelligent methods against them, you can easily deal with them. To make it easier to open such a lock, it must be lubricated, for which WD-40 liquid is used. Next, you can choose any of the following hack methods.

  1. As a tool, you can use two flat screwdrivers with thin rods. Keep in mind that here it is necessary to use such screwdrivers that can together effortlessly enter the lock hole. First you need to place one screwdriver inside in such a way as to fix the notch of the crossbar with it. Then it needs to be shifted a little, after which it is necessary to take another screwdriver and fix its position. After that, you need to perform the above steps again: we find a new notch, move everything and move it with another screwdriver. We do this until the lock is opened.
  2. We use a wooden wedge-key. You may not have a key wedge. However, don't worry about this. You can easily make it yourself. For this any soft wood will be required, from which it is necessary to make a wooden wedge suitable sizes. Next, we take this wedge and insert it into the lock well until it stops, applying physical effort if necessary. After that, it must be removed. After examining the wedge, you will see notches on it, thanks to which you can modify it to look like a real key.
  3. We unlock the lock by pressing the door. Your task of opening the lock will be much easier if the locking mechanism is placed in such a way that you can wring out the door leaf. To do this, you need to take a "crowbar", place it between the jamb and the canvas, and then you need to try to squeeze it all the way. After that, insert a screwdriver into the created slot and remove the lock bolts to the side. The door will be open.

Most of us do not know how to behave in a situation where the key is lost, and it is urgent to get inside. Although experts know how to open door locks without damage, any of us can also solve this problem. There are quite a few quite easy to implement methods, allowing to open the lock, regardless of its design. Therefore, if you want to get inside yourself, try to do everything very carefully. If you do not have confidence in your abilities, it is better to contact a specialist.

In every city there are emergency lock picking services ready to help anyone with a slammed door, lost or broken key. You can find such masters by entering in the search engine "open the door the name of the city."

As a rule, the specialists of these companies react quickly and cope with any locks. If necessary, you can immediately repair or change the lock, as well as make a duplicate key. The services of the masters will cost a pretty penny, but you will save your nerves.

If the lock is not very difficult and you are confident in your abilities, you can try to open it yourself. There are options both with damage to the mechanism, and without. If one doesn't work, you can always try another.

How to get the key if it is broken in the lock

This usually happens with worn cylinder locks. The well is narrow there, and the key is flat, so if you overdo it in the fight against a jammed mechanism, it will only get worse.

First of all, you should try to open the door with the rest of the key. To do this, you need to drown it all the way into the slot, and then insert a nail file or other thin object and try to turn it, opening the lock.

If the key is broken so that part of it sticks out of the well, you're in luck. The chip is quite easy to get with pliers or a similar tool. Borrow it from your neighbors and carefully pull the rest of the key, taking good care of the part sticking out.

You can also try to turn the key and open the lock.

Didn't work? Well, then you have to get a jigsaw file. It must be inserted into the keyhole on the side of the key, pointing the teeth towards itself.

When the nail file enters the slot until it stops, turn it 90 degrees to pick up the key, and try to get it out.

Another option is to remove the remains of the key by gluing the broken part to it. Gently apply to the kink and connect both parts.

Wait a little while the glue dries, and try to slowly get the key out of the well.

How to open a padlock without a key

This is the most common and primitive lock, consisting of a body with a shackle and a larva with a pin mechanism inside. You can open it without a key without much difficulty.

Method 1. Master key from tin

  1. Cut out the letter "T" with large shoulders from any tin can.
  2. Insert the pick into the slot between the lock body and the shackle.
  3. Fold the long ends of the pick together and twist them to release the locking tab.
  4. Pull the shackle towards you and open the lock.

Method 2. A master key from paper clips

  1. Take two paper clips and bend them as shown in the video.
  2. Insert the first paperclip into the hole of the lock and turn it a little to create tension.
  3. With the second paper clip, try to press the pins inside.
  4. Operate both paper clips at the same time until the lock opens.

Method 3. Wrenches

  1. take two spanners more.
  2. Insert them inside the bow and rest against each other.
  3. Press down on the keys until the shackle or lock body breaks.

How to open a cylinder lock without a key

Such locks are locked using pins assembled in a single block - the larva. It has a rotating core with a series of spring-loaded rods cut into two pieces.

When there is no key in the well or it is incorrect, the pins enter the core and block it. Key with correct profile raises the pins to such a height that the upper one hides in the body of the larva, and the lower one - in the core, allowing it to rotate freely and open the lock.

It turns out that you need to drown all the pins to free the core of the larva, and then turn it. For mechanisms with several revolutions, the procedure will have to be repeated.

Method 1. A master key from hairpins

  1. Bend an L-shaped lever from a hairpin or wire, and make a master key with a bent tip from another hairpin.
  2. Insert the lever into the hole and try to turn with minimal effort.
  3. At the same time, use a master key to sort through the pins, alternately pressing them.
  4. When the pins find their place, the core will turn.
  5. Repeat the previous steps on each turn until the lock opens.

Method 2. Master key from a plastic card

  1. Bend, rounding it a little, and insert it into the gap between the door and the door frame.
  2. Moving an impromptu pick in the castle area, try to push it deeper.
  3. As soon as the tongue of the mechanism moves, the door will open.

Method 3. Drilling pins

  1. Mark with a punch a place for drilling just below the core of the larva.
  2. Drill the body of the larva, destroying the rotation-blocking pins.
  3. Lightly tap the grub with a hammer or other object.
  4. Turn the core with a screwdriver or other key to open the door.

How to open a lever lock without a key

The mechanism of such a lock is based on a set of levers - special plates with figured slots. In the correct key, the protrusions on the beard coincide with these slots. When the key is turned, the levers rise to desired height, forming a path along which the locking pin moves.

To open the lever lock, you need to raise all the plates, line them up the right way and move the bolt. It sounds easy, but it's actually much more difficult. Especially for those who do it for the first time.

Method 1. Master key from the knitting needle

  1. Bend a pick with a curved tip from a knitting needle or hard wire.
  2. Insert any other similar key and turn it a little, creating tension.
  3. Move the lockpick, trying to raise the levers, and at the same time try to turn the key.
  4. When all the plates are raised, the lock will give.
  5. Repeat the procedure for the next turns of the key until the door opens.

Method 2. Drilling the bolt shank

  1. Find a diagram of your lock on the Internet and find out the exact location of the fastening of the deadbolt.
  2. Check Right place and drill through the lock case with a drill with a diameter of 10–12 mm.
  3. Insert a screwdriver into the hole or use a sawn-off key to move the bolt and open the door.

How to open an intercom without a key

The easiest way to get into the entrance is to call one of the apartments and ask to open the door. If this is not your option, do otherwise.

Try to use the service menu of the intercom, from which you can give the command to open the door. Access to this menu is carried out using a special combination. Individual for each intercom model, of course.

However, finding suitable teams on the Internet is not difficult. It is enough to drive “intercom codes” into the search, enter the necessary characters, and the door will open.

Have you lost your apartment keys, or have you inherited a locked safe without keys from your grandfather? Most likely, a logical question immediately arises: “How to open the lock without a key?” If for some reason you are not satisfied with the options for calling the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations or specialists to open locking devices, then you can try to do it yourself. In this article I will talk about some ways to open locks, and even then elementary ones. You will ask why?" I will answer with the words of Lev Soloveichik from the film “Peculiarities of National Fishing”: “You need to start with the simplest methods of fishing - for a worm, then smoothly switch to a lure.” So in our case, we first need to learn how to deal with simple locks, and only then move on to the study of more complex mechanisms. So, today we will talk about how to open the lever type. Consider also the cruciform pin.

What is the first option (suvaldny)? This is a well-known locking mechanism from the times of the USSR, it can be found on old office safes, fireproof cabinets, on the doors of apartments. True, they are becoming rarer, but still there are still plenty of them. How to open this type of lock? The key to the device in question was called the "butterfly" because of its shape. and the reliability of such mechanisms is quite low, and they can be easily unlocked using special tools. But they are unlikely to be at your fingertips. I will tell you about the available method. We go to the "flea" market and buy keys of the indicated type from junk dealers, the more the better. Then we take a file or and cut off one side of the key. Such a "master key" in certain circles is called a "boy". We do this with all instances, only we select them in such a way that the profile does not repeat. The photo shows the key to the lever locking device and the "boys" for it. We insert our master keys in turn into the well and try to make a turn. Here we also have considered, type. This method is also applicable for modern devices, only the problem will be to find the required number of keys, but everything is in your hands.

Now let's look at how to open a pin-type lock with a cross-shaped key. Again, I will keep silent about highly specialized methods and will only talk about what can be useful to a simple layman who has fallen into hopeless situation. These devices have a very weak core, so it is easiest to roll them up with a special “fold” or a regular Phillips screwdriver. To do this, insert the tool into and turn it strongly. True, after such an operation, the core becomes unusable, and it will have to be replaced, but the goal will be achieved.

Now you know a few simple methods on how to open a lock. To go to the showdown more complex devices, it is necessary to study their mechanisms. To do this, it is best to buy such a lock, disassemble it, understand the principle of operation. There are no locking mechanisms that cannot be opened, the only question is how much time, effort and money you are willing to spend to solve the problem.

Finally, let me remind you that opening someone else's doors without the knowledge of the owners is strictly prosecuted by the law of any country. Don't forget about it!

If the key is lost or broken and there is no duplicate, opening the door lock may be the only way to get inside the room. There are two ways to resolve this situation: try to open the door yourself, or contact a commercial company that provides such services. There is another option: to invite a locksmith from the Housing Office, but in this case you can’t count on a quick result, because first you have to fill out an application for a call, and then be patient and wait for the visit of the master, the only one for the quarter. It will not be easy to open the lock on your own, especially if we are talking about about the front door, which has two locks. Let's take a closer look at all the possible options.

Least of all problems delivers opening interior door, since simple locks are often installed in such structures. Such designs are equipped with a latch on the one hand, and a keyhole on the other. Parents of inquisitive kids often have to deal with this problem. A child can easily slam the door and turn the handle, but the reverse process can be difficult for him. Then parents face two tasks at once: how to open the lock, and how to keep the door itself safe and sound. Here's what to do in this situation:

  • examine the design of the castle, the shape of the well;
  • pick up a tool that can be inserted inside the well;
  • carefully open the door, being careful not to damage the canvas and the lock.

The choice of tool depends on the shape of the keyhole. If it is round, then you will need a thin solid object: an awl, a straightened paper clip, a knitting needle or a toothpick. For a well with an elongated shape, you will need something flat: a screwdriver, a nail file, scissors or a knife. To open the door lock, you must insert the tool into the well. Pressing on it, turn the door handle. The main thing is not to overdo it so that the tool does not break and get stuck in the well.

There is another way to open a slammed door. To do this, a flat object is inserted between the end of the door and the box, with which you need to slightly push the latch towards the lock. It is enough to move it just a few millimeters.

If the lock has a well on each side, and an inserted key remains in one of them, it will not be difficult to deal with the problem if the design does not provide for a threshold. Under the door you need to push the spread out newspaper as far as possible. Then we push the key out of the well with a sharp object, which should fall on the newspaper. We take it out and open the door.

Opening entrance doors

More difficult task is the opening of entrance doors, since they usually have at least two locks. It is worth thinking carefully before trying to solve such a problem on your own: an unprofessional approach can adversely affect the state of the door itself, and replacing a metal entrance structure is not a cheap pleasure. When getting started, do not forget that the main goal is to open the locked locks, and not to break the door.

The process of this event will depend mainly on the type of castle. If a broken key became the reason for opening the door, you must first remove the chip from the larva. To do this, first pour a few drops of lubricant into the keyhole: WD-40 or machine oil. It will take 15–20 minutes for it to spread evenly over the well, after which the chip can be removed. If a small part of the debris protrudes, this simplifies the task. It should be carefully hooked with pliers or tweezers and, swinging from side to side, pull it out. If it is not possible to hook a chip on the outside, two thin objects will be required, for example, an awl. We grab the stuck part with the tips, swing it and try to move it. When the chip is removed, you will open the door to the apartment very soon: good master will make a duplicate of the two broken halves, and this will solve the problem.

Now let's look at ways to open the door without a key if the key has been lost and it is not possible to make a duplicate.

Options for opening a cylinder lock

If you set the task to open cylinder lock and keep it in working condition at the same time, then you need to have virtuoso abilities as a cracker. Such devices have high level secrecy, but experienced craftsman it will be easy to open the cylinder lock with a hairpin or an ordinary paper clip, however, it would be more convenient to use master keys. Consider an emergency option: how to open a door lock with a paper clip. We will use it as a master key, but we will also need a “fold”, which will serve as a screwdriver. The task is to straighten the paper clip, slightly crochet the edge and insert it into the larva. Now you have to focus on hearing. Our task: to put the pins of the secret mechanism in the correct position. They must be lifted in turn, using an impromptu master key and a roll. As already noted, this is a very difficult task, which is almost impossible to cope with without proper skills.

There is a less delicate but more affordable way break the door lock. It will require tools: an electric drill with a drill designed for metal, a flat screwdriver and a hammer. Sometimes the lock can be cracked without drilling, so you should first try this option:

  • insert a flat screwdriver into the larva as deep as possible;
  • with considerable effort, try to turn the screwdriver inside the lock;
  • on a successful attempt to pull out the screwdriver, along with which the secret should be removed.

This task is completed - the door can be opened. If this method was unsuccessful, you will have to take a drill. We direct the drill directly into the larva and drill until we have gone through the whole secret to the end. After that, we take out the larva and open the door.

It is important! The method of drilling or knocking out a cylinder lock is completely powerless if the device has burglary protection.

Ways to open a lever lock

Using master keys Drilling

The lever mechanism can be broken or you can try to open it in a delicate way.

To break the lock, it is necessary to remove the main pin of the structure, which is responsible for moving the levers. To do this, you need a drill with a drill for metal, a hook or a bent strong wire, a paper clip. But even with a tool, this task will not be easy, since you need to drill strictly in the place where the reference point of the secret mechanism is located. When it is drilled, you need to insert a bent hook into the hole and turn it. In this case, all levers move freely, and the door can be opened. As in the case of cylinder mechanisms, this method is completely ineffective for locks that have protection against picking.

Now let's look at how to open a door lock with a lever lock using master keys or items that can replace them: paper clips, hairpins, pins. The opening of lever door locks is performed with two master keys. The first is inserted into the keyhole until it stops against the main board. The second one must alternately select the desired position of the levers so that the main pin moves. You should be prepared for the fact that this process can take a lot of time and end in complete failure if you have never opened locks before. Therefore, it is more expedient to invite specialists after all.

How to open a rack lock

If a rack mechanism is installed on the entrance structure, it will not be very difficult to open the door lock without a key. Since the rack lock is well protected from rough impact, we will not consider options for how to crack the front door. With a normal tool at hand, we can carefully open the mechanism in one of three ways.

  1. Take two flat screwdrivers. They must be thin in order to freely enter the well at the same time. First, we put one screwdriver into the well. We need to put it on the notch of the crossbar and move it to the side. Then we insert the second screwdriver and with its help we fix the position of the crossbar. Repeat these steps until the lock is opened.
  2. We can open front door door locks using wooden wedge key. To make it, we need wooden wedge from soft wood. In size, it must correspond to the parameters of the well. The wedge must be driven into the well, then pulled out. Notches will be visible on the surface of the wood. We'll have to cut the wood a little to make it look like a key and open the door.
  3. This option is available only if there is a distance between the door leaf and the box where the crowbar can be inserted. The tool is placed in the gap between the jamb and the door, then wring it out until it stops. We have a gap where you can insert a flat screwdriver and move the crossbars inside the lock with it.

Opening a padlock

Method 1 Method 2 Method 3

Padlocks are not very strong, but quite often they are used for protection. utility rooms, sheds, cellars. If the keys are lost, such locks are usually picked because they are of little value. Here's how to break padlocks:

  1. Take two open-end keys and insert them in such a way that each of them captures one lock shackle. In this case, the keys must be in contact with the side ribs. The free edges of the keys must be pulled together. As a result, part of the lock near the latch breaks.
  2. We cut out a small plate from a tin can, bend one edge. With the uncurved side, we insert the workpiece into the slot, which separates the lock body and the opening shackle. Push the plate inward with a screwdriver. As a result, the latch opens.
  3. For the third option, we need a self-tapping screw and a nail puller. We screw the self-tapping screw into the lock cylinder, then we hook it with a nail puller and pull out the cylinder.


Losing your keys is not a reason to panic, but it's also not the best time to urgently master the skills of a locksmith. Open doors without a key, even if you have one at hand essential tool is not an easy task. Inept handling of the lock can only aggravate the situation. If you are not confident in your abilities, it would be advisable to contact specialized company, whose specialists have all necessary equipment and they know exactly how to open the front door without a key, so as not to spoil the door and lock.

Using improvised means: how to open mortise lock at home

Imagine a situation that you lost, forgot somewhere or broke the key to your home. How to open the door without him and get into the apartment? We will show you how to solve this problem.

If the key is lost

When the door does not open and there is no key, you can try to open the lock (see Installing a lock on the front door) with available improvised means that many women carry with them.

For example, a hairpin will do. Although it is not easy to open the lock with it, sometimes this method will help. It is necessary to break the pin into two parts, and then bend one in such a way that a lever is obtained, which will need to be used to turn the mechanism.

You can use the second part of the stud as a pin sinking tool. Of course, locks of other types cannot be opened in this way.


  • When products are equipped with a cross-cylinder mortise lock, you need to carefully drill a small hole above the keyhole. Then, using a master key, it is necessary to lift the stopper and move the bolt hook.
  • If the design has a pin mechanism, you can make a small hole in the cylinder, insert a wire and, turning the element with a master key, open the door.
  • In cases where the built-in lock is equipped with a tongue, you need to try with a screwdriver or other tool (it is only important that its thickness allows you to put it between the canvas and the box) to press it.
  • Next, turn the handle and open the door. By the way, such locking devices can be opened even with an ordinary plastic card.
  • When you need to open the lever lock in a wooden door(see How to embed a lock in a wooden door, professional instructions), you need to go this way: pull the canvas away from the box as much as possible using paper clips or another tool, and move the levers away.
  • When faced with a latch type lock, then using a screwdriver or other tool, unscrew the screws that secure the handle and remove it. Then, remove the metal socket that covers the lock mechanism. And with an improvised tool with a sharp end, we feel for the latch. Click on it, and without missing it, turn the doorknob.

Attention! When the door lock won't open, don't try to pick up the keys! In most cases, you will only make the situation worse. The key may be stuck inside. And if this happens, you will have to call a specialist.
An extreme option for those who are afraid to forget (lose) the key is to always carry a master key with you. It can be bought at the store. Using a master key is easy even for people who have never opened locks. However, the master key can also be lost, like the key. Well, how to use it, see the video.


  • When the lock structure is not too strong (see How to choose the front door to the apartment), it is not difficult to destroy it accessible method(for example, knock out the lock cylinder from the inside with a hammer).

True, this method may result in a subsequent repair. The possibility of its use depends on which direction it will open. Entrance door. When outside, it is very difficult to crack it yourself without the help of a specialist.

  • You can contact the house management and call a locksmith. He will do everything that is written above.
  • In large cities, there are private organizations offering lock picking services (they can also crack). A specialist will come to the rescue before a locksmith, and the work will quite possibly be done more accurately. True, the price of such a service will be rather big.
  • The best way to avoid problems is to avoid them. It is best to install a modern door lock of a special design that does not need keys and does not have a bore at all.
  • Pay attention again! When all efforts to open the door on your own and using improvised means did not lead to a positive result, call the experts. They will open quickly and accurately. closed door at home.

If the key is broken

It happens when, when opening the front door, the key inserted into the lock hole breaks. This is a serious problem, but quite fixable.

In order not to destroy the locking mechanism, and not to spend money on an expensive replacement in the future, we must try to open it using the methods given later in our material. A set of tools will help you with this. Their specific choice depends on where it should open - inward or outward.

What tools will be needed:

  • Pliers
  • Bulgarian
  • Jigsaw file
  • crowbar
  • Screwdriver
  • Drill


  • First you need to pull the broken key out of the keyhole. Ask your neighbors for a jigsaw file. Insert it into the hole of the lock so that the teeth of the nail file look up.
  • Then, slowly turn the file, trying to hook the key. After - slowly pull out the nail file with the key from the lock hole.
  • When a piece of the key sticks out of the door, you can open it with pliers. It is necessary to catch them on the protruding edge of the broken key, carefully turning it in the direction in which it turned when the door was opened.
  • Opening the door, you need to drag the key towards you.

Pay attention! No need to take risks trying to climb from the neighbor's balcony to your apartment. Assess the situation realistically. This can only be done by taking care of reliable insurance in advance.

  • When they were able to remove the key, but the lock does not open, for sure, its device has broken. It is necessary to try to get into the internal mechanism of the locking device. This is not difficult when the door is equipped with an English lock.
  • To get into the internal mechanism, you need to drill the cylinder, and then remove the lock cylinders.
  • Further applying metal hooks, it is necessary to hook the drive mechanism, as a result of which the crossbars will fall into the lock body.
  • If locking bolts are visible between the frame and the door leaf, they should be cut with a grinder.
  • When there are even small backlashes in the door, you need to try to pry it with a crowbar and a strong screwdriver. Such manipulation will determine the most vulnerable point of the door. As a result, it becomes possible to open the door without damaging it.

Our advice! The easiest way to solve the problem is to call a service that deals with opening doors. When the landlord has proof of living in the apartment, specialists will help you get into the dwelling.

We hope this article has given you enough information about how the front door should open if the key is lost or broken.

Opening different types of locks

Lever and tongue mechanisms

Lever and tongue mechanisms

Locks with a double-bit key are in special demand, because they are considered to be very reliable. But such locking structures are opened with master keys or improvised tools. When opening such locks with a standard key, one beard raises the levers, and the second moves the crossbars. When the device is opened with a master key, the opposite is done: first, the crossbars are loaded, after which the levers are raised with a hook.

They open a similar lock in a vandal way. First, a suitable key or blank is inserted into the well and, hitting hard, the levers are knocked out. The result is not possible the first time, but the method is effective. When you need to open the lock with a tongue, a screwdriver or a thin plate will help. inserted handy tool into the gap between the door and the frame. It is necessary to press on the tool and try to move the tongue, then open the door.

Cylinder mechanism

To open this type of lock, you will need master keys that can be made at home. They are 2 parts: one is made in the shape of the letter L and has a flat tongue, and the second looks like a hook. The first item (fold) is placed in upper part larvae of the lock and turns the device in the direction of opening, and with another master key they press the pins in turn until the combination is selected. After that, the door will open.

Cylinder mechanism

It is possible to open the locking device, also destroying the cylinder mechanism. To do this, remove the trim from the door leaf and get to the core of the device. Then the protruding part of the cylinder is folded with pliers, and the second half is pushed inward. Then you need to feel for the bar of the crossbars and move it away. Moreover, then the broken constipation cannot be restored.

How to open locks of various shapes

Sometimes it is necessary to open the locks of utility rooms, in particular, hinged and mortise crossbar devices. Rack locks are often placed on garages. And sometimes there are situations when you need to get into the room, but the key was left at home.

In this situation, you can use a thin screwdriver or knitting needle. The picks are placed in the keyhole, and the teeth of the rack are carefully shifted towards the opening. Moreover, it is especially important that the rack bar is constantly held. Otherwise, under the influence of the spring, the crossbars will return to their place.

It is often said that cross-key locks are easy to open with a screwdriver. This option is available when the device is installed on a mailbox. But if it is a hinged or mortise constipation, then you can’t do without a special tool. Such constipation has 3 groups of pins, which means that the tool must have the same number of hooks. It is made according to the principle of a collet grip. By placing the device in the keyhole, and passing through the pins several times, the constipation opens.

Alternative opening options

Knowing the type of mechanism, along with the traditional method of opening the locking device special tool, you can try to open the door in other ways:

  • Key selection. This option is suitable for cylinder mechanisms, there may be problems with levers.
  • By drilling the secret part (pins), or knocking out the lever and opening it with a screwdriver.
  • Pressing the door. Press the latch with a screwdriver or a knife until it comes out of the striker.
  • Removing the lining, and opening with a screwdriver.
  • By pouring acid or liquid nitrogen into the keyhole, then by folding the roll mechanism.

Before you open the lock yourself, you need to be sure that you can do this work without breaking the locking device. Otherwise, it is better to contact specialists.
