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» How to paint asbestos cement sheets. DIY slate painting. Painting new slate

How to paint asbestos cement sheets. DIY slate painting. Painting new slate

Slate is the most popular roofing material, although it is inferior to others in decorative properties, and natural grey colour, over time, under the influence of precipitation, it darkens, which makes the roof nondescript, moreover, it starts to collapse.

To make the service life as long as possible, painting slate roofing , thus protecting it and giving the house an original look.

In the latter case, the result will also be positive, but additional work will have to be done.

Since slate is made of asbestos and concrete, its structure is partly similar to plasterboard and concrete slabs, so all painting work is carried out in the same way. Recommended to use the following types paints:

  • Acrylic;
  • Polymer;
  • Solvent paint for slate.

Only these solutions will help give the roof new aesthetic appearance and at the same time, they will protect it from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and precipitation.

The surface of the slate is necessary clean thoroughly using metal brushes to remove moss and dirt growths, rinse with water if necessary; if there are holes in the roof, then these areas should be replaced, and if there are small cracks, they should be sealed with cement.

After the roof surface has dried, apply each subsequent one after the previous one has dried, and then apply paint. It is better to paint with a regular brush or spray, in three layers.

Since the roof, including slate, constantly takes on any weather phenomena, and this is not only precipitation in the form of rain or snow, but also hard ultraviolet radiation then she must be reliably protected.

Previously, oil paint was used for these purposes, which is why positive effect was minimal and this coating lasted only a few seasons. Now, homeowners are offered a variety of solutions, with a wide color scheme, allowing you to protect slate for a period of five years or more.

The bulk of them are carried out acrylic or silicone based, such as organosilicon paint “KO-slate”, contains various fillers and dye. After drying, it forms a durable coating that is resistant to damage and also prevents the release of asbestos particles into the atmosphere.

One of the most famous is paint "Triora" on acrylic base , is applied in two or three layers, while it is possible to select a shade by tinting.

Tikkurila coating - based on a modified acrylate dispersion, this brand considered the most expensive, however, the resulting coating is capable of maintaining elasticity even at very low temperatures.

Slate can last a long time and even if it is covered with moss and blackened, it can be painted, giving the building and the roof in particular, a completely new look.

The most ideal option there would be painting of slate sheets on the ground, followed by installation above, but this is only possible if a major renovation is carried out truss structures, in other cases, painting is carried out, being directly on the roof.

Slate should be cleaned of dirt using a metal brush, if necessary, rinse with a sprayer, pay special attention to the places where the nails pass, since if the fasteners are with homemade washers and without rubber gaskets, then a lot of debris and dust accumulate there.

You should carefully inspect the roof for cracks or holes, if any, the fragment will have to be replaced, and cracks are eliminated using cement plaster.

After preparing the surface, it needs to be primed in three layers with a special composition, applying the next layer after the previous one has dried. The paint is applied with a spray for a large roof area or with a wide square brush for small areas.

Also see interesting video video about painting slate

Asbestos slate is gradually losing its position in the market building materials. The reason is its nondescript appearance. In this article we will consider the topic - how to paint a slate roof, what paint to use to make this roofing material presentable. Topics will be discussed regarding the benefits of painted slate roofing, as well as the types of paints used to paint slate roofing structures today.

Why should you paint slate roofs?

The first reason is indicated - plainness. Keep up with the slate in terms of design design It is difficult to clean ondulin, corrugated sheets, metal tiles and other roofing coverings. There is only one way out - to cover it with paint. This will not affect the cost of the roofing structure, because slate is the cheapest material. Having painted it, we cannot talk about high costs for paint per 1 m2.

In addition, the paints and varnishes used today for painting slate roofs, there is no shortage, their variety is quite wide, so there will be no problems with choice. The dyeing process itself is simple. One worker is enough for a team of craftsmen to paint the roof of a large house.

The second reason is protective. Slate is a porous material. Over time, microcracks form on its surface. What this entails is probably not worth explaining. But we need to pay attention to this point. In winter, water penetrates into cracks where it freezes. Ice simply breaks the asbestos fibers, thus reducing the strength of the material itself.

The same applies to the process when mosses and lichens grow on slate. With their roots, they penetrate deeply into the body of the slate, widening and deepening the cracks.

Therefore, painting is a protective layer that will not only become a barrier to water, but also an insurmountable barrier for plants. The film formed on slate from dried paint is very durable. In any case, she will be able to cope with the loads described above for several years. This means that a roof covered with slate will last longer.

The third reason is the harmfulness of asbestos. Several decades ago, propaganda against slate began in the West. It also moved to Russia, and was supported by manufacturers of more expensive building materials. Although it has long been proven that this is just propaganda to give other roofing materials the opportunity to be present and sold on the market. But if this aspect haunts you, then with the help of paint you will solve this problem.

So, let’s summarize why painted slate is better than unpainted slate:

    Increase decorativeness roofing structure.

    Using a certain type of paint, you can give slate matte or gloss.

    Make a surface smooth without pores or cracks.

    Don't give it a chance to grow mosses and lichens.

    Install protection from the appearance of asbestos dust.

    Increase lifetime. Painted material will last 1.5 times longer.

Types of paints for slate

A roof, even one covered with paint, requires special treatment. It is subject to all known natural stresses, so the choice of paint must be approached with special care. That is, it must withstand sunlight, changes in humidity and temperature, and mechanical stress. At the same time, it should adhere well to asbestos-cement slate.

That is, you cannot paint slate with whatever paint comes to hand first. Here is a list of suitable colors:




    enamels called "Liquid Plastic".

Let's look at each variety separately and determine their technical characteristics, as well as their pros and cons.

Acrylic paints

This is the most extensive line of paint and varnish products with intense color and to varying degrees gloss (from highly glossy to highly matte). This category of coatings is divided into two groups:

    on water based , they are also water-dispersed;

    based organic solvents.

Group No. 1

Composition: latexes, also known as acrylic copolymers, pure water, pigments and various additives that improve the quality of paint (antifreeze, biocides, etc.). It should be noted that the percentage of water in the paint is no more than 15%. It functions as a diluent and solvent.

Here are the advantages of acrylic water dispersion material:

    This environmentally friendly material , which under the influence of natural loads does not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere;

    high adhesion to any building materials, including slate;

    high hiding power, within 200-300 ml/m2;

    ease of application;

    sustainability to precipitation;

    This non-toxic material;

    high fire resistance, because the base is water;

    not necessary add chemical solvents;

    dries within 1-2 hours;

    paint layer increases frost resistance slate;

    increases waterproofing properties roofing material;

    service life – 5 years.

In the group of water-dispersed acrylic paints there is a subgroup called “rubber”. These are all the same components, only the structure of the material is thick mastic. It is applied to the roof in a thin layer, which, after drying, forms an elastic flexible film, very similar to rubber. Hence, in principle, the name.

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The film is not only elastic, but also very durable. At the same time, it covers cracks up to 1 mm wide well, preventing them from expanding later. Mastic has high adhesion to porous surfaces. And it is one hundred percent waterproofing coating. It is represented on the market in a fairly wide range. It is available in cans and buckets labeled “Rubber Paint.”

Group No. 2

Acrylic paint for this type of slate roof is not diluted with water. For this purpose, solvents of organic origin are used, most often white spirit is used. There are also matte and glossy paints, which differ from each other in the amount of acrylic resin added to the composition. The higher its percentage, the higher the gloss of the material.

How does this variety differ from water-dispersed:

    colorful film applied to slate stronger;

    higher water-repellent characteristics;

    increased elasticity coatings;

    for a long time holds original color.

The disadvantages include a pungent odor that gradually disappears, a slightly higher consumption - 250-350 ml/m2, drying time is longer - within 10-24 hours. Here you can add not the widest range presented on the modern market.

Silicone paints

Silicone paints consist of pigments and silicone binders that give paint and varnish material special strength and elasticity. Therefore, silicone-based paints are rightfully considered reliable and durable coatings, and not only for slate. Only they can close cracks up to 2 mm wide.

So, what are the advantages of this type of paintwork:

    increased strength applied layer;

    maximum possible elasticity;

    added to the paint supplements, which prevent the formation of colonies of harmful microorganisms on roofs;

    high waterproofing quality;

    high dirt-resistant properties;

    silicone paints can be applied to the slate of the latter;

    high fire safety;

    This non-toxic material;

    life time within 10-15 years.

The only negative that should be noted is the high price compared to other types.

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Alkyd paints

Composition: alkyd resin, pigments and organic solvent. It should be immediately noted that this type of paint and varnish product belongs to the category of quick-drying ones. After 30-90 minutes the paint dries completely. The applied layer is quite elastic. No cracks form on it throughout its entire service life. And the term is not the longest - only 5 years. Although this is a normal indicator for a roof.

To the advantages of alkyd paints we add high moisture resistance, good adhesion, and ease of application. Using them, there is no need to coat the slate roof with primers. And another important advantage that many craftsmen have highlighted is the ability to tint white alkyd paint.

Video description

The video shows the process of painting slate:

Polymer paints

“Liquid plastic” got its name for a reason. It consists of suspensions of various polymers. This can be PVC (polyvinyl chloride), polystyrene or polyurethane. Each of them is the main paint and varnish product. This also includes pigments, additives that improve the quality of paint, and solvent. It turns out that after applying the paint layer, the solvent evaporates from it, and the polymer dries and hardens, forming a thin layer of plastic on the slate roof. In this case, the surface may be either glossy or matte.

Advantages of this material:

    absolute moisture resistance;

    dries out within half an hour;

    one hundred percent environmental friendliness;

    material inert to chemistry;

    plastic - material incombustible;

    paint can be applied without preliminary priming;

    doesn't lose its design qualities under the influence of sunlight, precipitation and wind;

    highest frost resistance, you can apply paint to slate even at a temperature of -10C;

    life time– 10-15 years.

So, we examined those types of paint and varnish products that answer the question posed by the topic of the article - how to paint slate on the roof. Now let's move on to the section on how to properly paint a slate roof.

Slate painting technology

It should be immediately noted that even the most expensive and quality paint, chosen for the design of slate laid on the roof, does not guarantee that the applied coating will withstand its service life. The most important point is a competently carried out painting process. It is divided into several stages, the sequence of which must be strictly observed.

Stage No. 1

First of all, the slate laid on the roof must be prepared. That is, the slate roof is being cleaned. This is done in three ways:

    Mechanical. To do this, use scrapers, brooms, brooms, brushes and other identical hand tools and devices. With their help, dust, dirt, debris, and small vegetation are removed from the slate surface.

    Hydraulic. To do this, use a stream of water under high pressure. You will need a long hose, a nozzle, a pump and a container of water (you can connect the pump to the water supply).

    Combined. They combine the two previous methods, which is more effective, especially when old slate coverings are prepared for painting.

Stage No. 2

At this stage, the roofing material is primed. Usually it is selected according to the technical characteristics of the paint. It is better if the primer and paint are from the same manufacturer. As mentioned above, some slate paints can be installed without prior priming.

If a primer is necessary, it is applied to the slate with brushes, rollers or a spray gun. Last option simpler and more convenient to apply, and also more economical. It is better to apply the primer in two layers, ensuring that the first one dries well before applying the second.

Stage No. 3

This process is no different from priming. It is carried out with the same tools. The material is applied in two layers, the first must be dried before applying the second. The first layer is considered the base layer. With its help, all irregularities and defects in the roofing material are covered. Therefore, it is very important to paint the joints, corners, slate ends, as well as ridge and gable elements.

The second layer is already the finishing (painting) layer. It is with its help that it is created color design roofing structure. It is this layer that creates a bright, uniform color; there should be no streaks or smudges left on it.

Video description

The video shows how easy it is to paint slate on a roof with a brush:

Conclusion on the topic

So, we have sorted out the topic - how to paint old slate on the roof, and how to do it correctly. As you can see, the paints that can be used to paint slate roof structure, a lot. Each has its own pros and cons, but they all have one quality - they tolerate natural stress well. This means that slate roofs painted with these paints will delight you for many years.

Whatever one may say, but correct painting anything is ensured by two things - the right choice coloring agent and, of course, thorough adherence to the technology of its application. No exception in this regard is this roofing material, like slate - with the right approach to the point, you can enhance its aesthetic characteristics for a long time, and this can be done with the help various materials. In this article, together with the website, we will deal with the question of how to paint slate - we will study the materials used for this purpose and become familiar with the technology of painting it directly.

How to paint slate on a roof photo

How to paint slate: why you need to do it

There are not so many reasons that motivate a person to paint, and in most cases it is the desire to get a decent-looking roof with high aesthetic characteristics. At least, this is what an ordinary person who wants to reduce manufacturing or home costs thinks. In fact, painting slate also has other goals - with the help of this process you can achieve a significant increase in operational parameters and a host of other technical characteristics of this roofing material.

You can also note such a fact as a reduction in emissions in environment toxic substances - it’s no secret that the asbestos contained in this roofing covering is by no means beneficial for humans and all living things. In general, painting slate is not only possible, but also necessary - many modern manufacturers This material is even offered as painted slate with improved characteristics. But, as they say, why pay more if painting slate can be done quite easily with your own hands? The main thing is to know what to do it with and how to do it correctly.

How to paint slate on a roof: materials

In most cases, acrylic or enamel is used to paint slate. This special paints, developed exclusively for slate. They are able not only to give this roofing material some shade, but also to strengthen it, reliably sealing every pore and microcrack formed during operation. What exactly should you choose for painting slate? Enamel or acrylic paint? By and large, both options cope perfectly with the tasks assigned to them - both acrylic compositions, and the enamel forms a thin layer after drying on the slate surface protective film, which is reliable protection.

There is a third option for solving the issue of painting slate - these are modern polymer compositions, which today can be called universal. They withstand almost any operating conditions perfectly - they work polymer paints on a double principle. They are also glue - they penetrate deeply into the pores and cracks of the slate and at the same time stick to its surface. In this way, a reliable coating is formed, which in its characteristics is not much inferior to the protective polymers used to protect metal during the production of corrugated sheets or metal tiles.

What paint to paint slate and application technology

Before you start learning how to paint slate, the first thing to note is that it is best to apply paint to new roof covering– protection made from the very beginning is the most best protection. In principle, you can apply paint to old slate, but to do this you will have to thoroughly clean it of all kinds of contaminants, including moss and lichen. Moreover, the surface layer of old slate needs to be cut off, as it usually represents the main problem in the process of painting slate - this can be done with a metal brush or a soft roller mounted on.

In general, painting slate with your own hands can be presented in the form next sequence actions.

In principle, painting slate is not a difficult task, and the most important thing here is to fully comply with the requirements of paint manufacturers. As a rule, the entire technology for applying a particular coloring composition can be found on its packaging.

And in conclusion to the topic of how and with what to paint slate, I will say a few words about the manufacturers of such coloring compositions - there are quite a lot of them, and it is quite difficult to make a choice here. The only one the right decision in such a situation, it will be to trust the reputation of the manufacturer. VGT slate enamel has proven to work well - it is a weather-resistant paint with antiseptic additives. A good choice would be acrylic paint"Shikril." Alternatively, you can use another paint - the main thing is don’t buy too cheap and everything will be fine!

Not so long ago, painting slate roofs was extremely a rare occurrence, and it was carried out oil paint, which was associated with the fragility of the coating. Nowadays, painting this roofing material is commonplace, since the durability of modern painting compositions is disproportionately higher.

Of course, in order for the painting to turn out to be of really high quality, it is necessary to follow a certain technology and choose the right paint coating. Next we will look at all these nuances.

How to paint slate

First of all, let’s figure out how to paint the slate on the roof. You can often hear that painting slate and other asbestos-cement materials is extremely short-lived. Skeptics argue that the paint layer begins to crumble after the first winter, so it is better not to mess with this procedure at all.

In fact, it all depends on the choice of paintwork and compliance technological requirements. Even in a year it will lose its attractiveness.

Today, deciding what to paint a slate roof with is not difficult. Special coloring compositions for coating asbestos-cement materials are produced both foreign and domestic producers. They are made on a silicone or acrylic base, which ensures high reliability of the coating.

Among the most common paint coatings on the market for these purposes, the following brands can be distinguished:

  • Triora is a domestic slate paint made on an acrylic base. This composition has excellent performance properties, including moisture resistance and light fastness. The paint is applied to the primed surface in two layers.

Initially, the composition is white, however, with the help of tints, you can give the coating almost any color and shade. Another advantage of this paint is its low price.

  • KO-slate– this composition includes a mixture of silicone-based dyes and fillers. Has good adhesion, excellent decorative properties and resistance to mechanical stress.
  • Kilpi from Tikkurila– paint for slate roofs, made with a modified acrylate dispersion. This is quite an expensive coating, however high price justified high quality. The coating does not lose its elasticity even at very low ambient temperatures.

When choosing paint, keep in mind that they differ not only in properties and composition, but also in consumption. Therefore, low cost does not mean savings.

It must be said that all these types of paints are intended for application exclusively to asbestos-cement surfaces.

However, on the roof there are often all kinds of metal constructions, This:

  • Roof ridges;
  • Visors;
  • Chimneys;
  • Fencing, etc.

Therefore, in addition to paint for slate, you should prepare compositions for metal surfaces in advance. For example, fire-retardant metal paints Polistil are suitable for chimneys.

Paint for metal surfaces – Zinga

With corrosion protection for skates and others metal elements Zinga conductive paint can do the job. Moreover, it provides not only passive (barrier) protection, as regular paint, but also active (cathode).

Painting a slate roof

Of course, you can involve specialists in performing this operation. However, before you make a decision, you should ask how much does it cost to paint a slate roof? It is quite possible that after receiving the answer, you will decide to do it yourself, besides, this process is not particularly labor-intensive and does not require experience.


Like any other surface, before painting a slate roof, it must be carefully prepared for this. If the slate has been in use for several years, then work should begin by cleaning the surface from dirt. To do this, you can use ordinary metal brushes or grinding machine with the appropriate nozzle.

Advice! Special attention Pay attention to the northern slopes, where moss may form. All this vegetation also needs to be removed.

In the photo - preparing slate for painting

After cleaning, the roof should be checked for integrity.

If found small cracks or breaks, they must be sealed with a special mixture, which you can prepare with your own hands from the following components:

  • PVA glue;
  • Fluffed asbestos;
  • Cement.

The next step before painting the slate roof is to remove dust and debris that may have formed during previous manipulations. To do this, you can use water, the only thing is that the roof must dry thoroughly afterwards.

Advice! Before painting, it is advisable to treat the slate with antifungal agents, which will extend the life of the paint and the slate itself.


An important stage of work is the application of a primer recommended by the manufacturer of the coloring agent. It is this that ensures good adhesion of paint and slate, which means the durability of the coating. In addition, priming will reduce the consumption of the coloring composition.

You can coat the roof with primer using a roller or a brush. During this procedure, it is extremely important to ensure that there are no untreated areas left.


The final stage of work is the painting itself. For these purposes, you can use a roller and a brush, however, it is much easier and faster to apply the composition using a sprayer.

Advice! It is advisable to start painting the slate after they are finished. Otherwise, you risk staining the painted surface with paint.

Before you ask yourself how to paint flat slate, it is advisable to find out what kind of material it is.

Slate is a facing layer for construction, roofing works. A common material is asbestos-cement flooring. It is available in the form of flat and corrugated sheets. It has a drawback - a limited period of use. But if you paint a slate roof in time, its service life will increase.

Why paint slate

Painting slate with your own hands is done according to certain rules. Before you begin the process, you need to become familiar with the types of paints and roof preparation methods.

Building materials have positive and negative sides. Slate is no exception. Along with accessibility and ease of use, it has a number of disadvantages. Due to availability negative aspects Slate roofs are recommended to be painted.

The disadvantages include:

  • material porosity;
  • release of asbestos dust.

Dust, dirt, mold, moss, and fungi collect in the pores. They retain moisture, which under the influence of low temperatures turns into ice and destroys the material from the inside, deforming it.

Slate coverings are used as roofing material. The asbestos dust released by it is believed to affect human health. There are still no clear conclusions on this issue. Therefore, painting slate is an acceptable preventive measure.

Slate is destroyed under the influence of temperature changes. Its heating or cooling leads to wear and tear on the roof of the house. Paint minimizes risks and increases the service life of the roof.

Types of paints for slate

Before painting slate on the roof of a house, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the types of paint coatings. Only after this do they decide what paint to paint the roof with.

First of all, the composition must be marked “for facades” (for work on the street). Otherwise, painting will not produce results; the coating will become unusable and begin to fall off in pieces. Secondly, the pigments must withstand direct Sun rays, do not fade, and the level of moisture resistance protects the roof from getting wet and prevents it from deforming.

These include acrylic, alkyd, silicone paints and “liquid plastic”.


Acrylic paints are common compositions in construction. Some types are water-based. They are odorless, non-toxic, and dry in 1-2 hours. Coating with this material is done in 2-3 layers. The second type of paints, acrylates based on organic solvents (service life - 5 years). The disadvantage of this type is the presence of a pungent odor.


Alkyd paints are made from organic solvents. These are fast-drying enamels that form an elastic film. The type of paint is resistant to moisture, has good adhesion, does not require prior priming and can withstand temperature changes. Service life up to 5 years.


Silicone (silicon-containing) paint coatings, are a mixture coloring pigments based on liquid silicone. They can mask cracks up to 2 mm in size.

Advantages of silicone paints:

  • moisture resistance;
  • camouflage ability;
  • elasticity;
  • antibacterial properties;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • no odor;
  • Possibility of painting without prior priming.

Silicone coatings are applied to dry surfaces.

Liquid plastic

The coating consists of polymers, pigments, and solvent. Drying on the surface, the paint forms a thin layer of plastic (polyurethane, vinyl, polystyrene). It is produced in both matte and glossy versions.


  • moisture resistance;
  • fire resistance;
  • color fastness;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to sub-zero temperatures;
  • lack of interaction with chemical agents;
  • durability;
  • no pre-priming.

Available for sale mixed options(for example, alkyd-polyurethane coatings). These compounds are very durable.

Color selection

Before you paint slate, you need to decide what color to paint it. Common type: paint red, green or brown flowers. For self-creation new shades are recommended to be used white paint and color. With its help you can easily achieve a certain color. On sale they correspond to the color catalogs RAL, NMS, Symphony.

On the color packaging, the manufacturer indicates the exact dilution proportions.

Preparatory work

After selection suitable type It is advisable to learn how to paint slate correctly so that you don’t have to redo it a year later. Regardless of whether it's painting flat slate or wave sheets, you need to approach the process competently and follow the necessary sequence of actions.

The old painted roof is carefully prepared. The roof can be cleaned manually (using an iron brush), using a medium-power mini-wash, or a combined method.

Cleaning the roof with a brush or drill with an appropriate attachment is done while wearing a respirator and safety glasses.