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» How to paint heating radiators. How to paint a heating radiator: step-by-step technology for painting radiators. Is it possible to paint hot radiators?

How to paint heating radiators. How to paint a heating radiator: step-by-step technology for painting radiators. Is it possible to paint hot radiators?

Mechanical damage, natural wear and tear of paintwork, renovation work and the addition of new elements to the system - all this leads to the fact that the radiators in our homes lose their appearance. Do complete replacement heating appliances is usually impractical - this is a very energy-intensive and financially expensive process. For a budget update, heating radiators resort to painting.

To ensure that the result does not disappoint, it is important to choose the right paint, and then, before applying a new coating, carefully prepare the surface. The wrong choice of paint, poor preparation, most often ends with the coating quickly wearing away and the battery again requiring renewal.

Main selection criteria:

  • Safety - the absence of dangerous components in the paint that evaporate when heated.
  • Heat resistance - the paint must be resistant to thermal stress (80-90°C).
  • Resistance to fading and mechanical abrasion determines how long the coating will not require updating.
  • Adhesiveness - in other words, the ability of a paintwork composition to firmly adhere to a surface.
  • Anti-corrosion properties of the paint and varnish coating, i.e. the presence of substances in the paint that protect the radiator from rusting.

Note! Good remedy To cover radiators, it must meet all the above criteria. Only a stable, safe, easy-to-use product can provide long-term not only visual appeal, but also to keep the radiators in working condition.

Before painting, it is important to make sure that the paint composition is specifically designed for painting radiators. The purpose of the paint is noted when labeling. But if for some reason this information is missing, you need to choose heat-resistant dyes.

Based on their composition, they distinguish between alkyd, oil-based and water-based paints:

  • Oil paints take a long time to dry, emit a strong odor when painted and during the drying process, wear off quickly, crack when exposed to high temperatures, have little protection against corrosion, and are not recommended for use for painting batteries. Low price, cannot smooth out all the disadvantages when working with oil paints.
  • Water-dispersion paint is safe, has low cost and high drying speed. However, this type of paintwork material is short-lived and not resistant to abrasion, therefore, this coating will need to be updated quite often. Acrylic paint also belongs to this group of dyes, which is distinguished by its resistance to temperature changes, durability in relation to mechanical impact. It is durable, retains its attractive appearance for a long time, and does not fade over time. Using acrylic paints, a durable coating is created that has a rich, bright color, looking like plastic with a slightly shiny tint.
  • Alkyd paint is suitable in all respects for use as a coating for radiators: it has a uniform composition and is highly resistant to abrasion. Part alkyd paints includes substances that resist corrosion processes. One of interesting species alkyd - hammer paint. With its help, a coating is created that distinguishes uneven surface, which looks like embossing, this allows you to hide irregularities and gives originality. However, alkyd coating, with all its advantages, has a stable bad smell, which takes a long time to erode, and sometimes, when the batteries are very hot, appears even after complete drying. The paint dries very slowly, and it is best to use it only where there is good ventilation. In addition, the paint does not retain color well and begins to turn yellow over time.

Note! When choosing alkyd paints, it is better to choose a glossy coating compared to a matte one; it is able to retain the color shade about 20% longer and does not give yellowness.

  • Other types of paint coatings that are suitable for painting radiators include dyes based on silicate resins and aluminum. If we ignore the only drawback - the strong pungent odor that they emit during the painting and drying process, then this is one of the most stable types of coatings that have excellent adhesion: painting does not require the use of a primer, since the paint itself ensures strong adhesion of the composition to the surface.
  • Serebryanka - a mixture of aluminum powder and varnish - is another type of paintwork material that is often used for painting batteries; it can be applied both to the primer and to old paint due to its high adhesiveness.

It is very difficult to find a person who has never held a brush in his hands. Therefore, many people do not think about how to paint a battery, believing that there is nothing special in this process. In fact, without some attention, the radiator will become the same as before the repair: rusty, with peeling and swollen paint. This is why many are forced to update the appearance of heating elements almost every year, instead of learning how to paint the battery correctly. But then you can return to this task no more often than once every five years or even ten.

Which batteries can and should be painted?

Traditionally, any painted radiators need updating, especially cast iron ones, as the paint on them begins to chip off over time, and rust appears in exposed areas. It not only stains curtains, but also destroys equipment.

Aluminum or factory enamel coated steel batteries They usually don’t paint a new sample, especially because they don’t like the color or want to change it. Otherwise, their appearance will be spoiled, and the heat transfer from them will be significantly reduced. Therefore, it is better to disguise them with a suitable decorative screen.

Review of paints for radiators

The most common options are enamel paints . They can be acrylic or alkyd. The first ones were created using organic solvents. They allow you to create a beautiful, glossy finish. The latter are very durable, easy to clean, and practically indestructible. Alkyd enamels also have a huge advantage - wide color scheme. Their disadvantage is that they include white spirit, which has a strong odor.

Traditional paints and varnishes containing harmful substances, gradually move aside. Although they are quite effective - they give a long-lasting color, are applied evenly and are durable. In addition, the cost of such materials is affordable.

However, they can be replaced with more environmentally friendly materials- the same water-soluble paints . They are absolutely safe, dry quickly, apply smoothly and do not emit carcinogens. However, when purchasing, you should be careful - not all such products are suitable for use, since water causes metal corrosion. It is better to choose paints from it acrylic base, keep in mind that radiators will still require careful surface preparation. The disadvantage of these materials is also that they are not wash-resistant and can stain the curtains.

Alternatively you can use enamel in spray cans , intended for radiators. Although it is not entirely safe, it can get the job done in a matter of minutes. True, it will only allow you to refresh the surface without penetrating into hard-to-reach places.

Choosing what paint to paint batteries with is not difficult. When purchasing, you just need to make sure that it is designed specifically for radiators. This must be indicated on the packaging.

Required tools and materials:

  • small brushes with soft bristles or a foam roller;
  • For hard to reach places you need to take brushes with a curved handle;
  • drill with an attachment in the form of an iron brush;
  • sandpaper;
  • film;
  • putty knife;
  • paint, primer, solvent.

Fast surface preparation

When choosing what paint to paint batteries with, you should keep in mind that their preparation will be different in each case. Also, a lot depends on what kind of result you want to get in the end: to refresh the surface or give the radiator the appearance of a new factory product.

First you need to clean all surfaces from dust, dirt, and cobwebs. If you are short on time and want to complete the procedure faster, then it is enough to clean off the loose paint with a spatula, sand the uneven areas and remove the rust with sandpaper. Next, all the resulting recesses should be treated with a primer that protects the metal from corrosion and puttied. All these steps are carried out for painting with enamel.

To prepare the surface for acrylic paint, you need to completely coat the radiator with an adhesive primer and let it dry. Otherwise, the metal will quickly begin to rust.

Careful surface preparation

In this case, the remaining paint is completely removed. This is done like this:

  • the radiator is heated using a gas burner;
  • then large pieces of paint are broken off with a spatula;
  • the surface is thoroughly cleaned with sandpaper, or better yet, with a drill with an iron brush attachment.

After these procedures, the radiator is wiped damp cloth, in order to degrease and get rid of dust. If you paint it properly after this procedure, it will definitely look like new.

By the way, in order for it to work as if it had just been brought from the factory, an additional procedure must be performed. Namely: you need to remove it, drain the water, heat it up very much, let it cool, then disassemble it and clean it of accumulated debris and rust inside. Then, carefully assemble it back, using rubber cut from ordinary tires as spacers.


Now let's look at how to actually paint the battery. First of all, you need to dilute the paint to 1% kefir. That is, very liquid, but not watery, but so that the brush can be pulled at least 30-40 cm at a time. Next, you need to carefully apply the first layer, starting with inside batteries.

After this, you need to wait a day or in some cases 7-8 hours, depending on the quality of the product. Then you need to paint the radiator again in the same way. By the way, the second layer of acrylic paint (if you use it) can be applied immediately, without waiting for it to dry.

Is it possible to paint hot batteries?

Many professionals do not recommend painting radiators at the height of the heating season. However, using alkyd enamel, resistant to high temperatures, or sprays, it is quite possible to paint hot batteries. You just need to do this carefully, carefully and quickly, so as not to get burned and so that the paint lays evenly. The latter is quite difficult to do, since on a hot surface from 50°C it dries almost instantly.

If you doubt that you can quickly and accurately complete the procedure, it is better to wait until the end of the heating season. Or, if time is running out, do not immediately paint hot batteries, but first turn on the heated water supply to them. Moreover, if you cannot do this yourself, you can contact the Housing Office.

In order not to stain the flooring, baseboards and wallpaper on the walls during work, it is necessary to carefully isolate the areas using film, which it is advisable to attach pointwise with stationery tape so that it does not move. Newspapers are worse in this regard - they tear in the process when paint gets on them.

If there is a need to paint the battery more thoroughly, then it is better to remove it, since otherwise this will not be possible. If it is not possible to do this, then you need to start painting from the inside, where access is difficult, so the likelihood of getting dirty is reduced.

If you have never used paint, keep in mind that at first you will do it very slowly, you will be uncomfortable, everything will get in the way. Such is the specificity of this matter. Therefore, beginners should not paint hot batteries, since with a 90% probability the result will not be very good: stains, drips may remain, and the enamel will lie unevenly.

During operation of the heating system, it may be necessary to paint the batteries. The quality of the work performed determines the appearance and durability heating device. Therefore, it is important for users to know how to paint a heating radiator with their own hands.

Paint selection

Taking into account the specific operating conditions of radiators, the paint coating is subject to special requirements of the following nature:

  • high temperature resistance. The coating must be designed for continuous operation at a temperature of 80-90 degrees;
  • color stability. The coating must retain its original color for a long period;
  • high protective qualities. It is necessary to choose paints that provide effective protection from corrosion;
  • good adhesion. The paint should adhere well to the metal surface and not peel off during operation of the radiator;
  • high strength and wear resistance of the created coating;
  • safety. When heated, the coating should not release toxic substances or foreign odors into the air.

Modern acrylic paints best meet all these requirements.

Dyeing technology

Before painting the heating radiator, it must be cleaned of the old coating. This can be done manually using a wire brush. You can also use a grinder with special attachments. Another option is to use special chemicals. For example, it is convenient to use aerosols, under the influence of which old paint peels off easily. After removing the paint, it is also necessary to get rid of rust, dirt, and thoroughly degrease the surface.

The cleaned surface must be thoroughly primed. To do this, select a primer recommended for use in conjunction with the selected paint.

After this, you can proceed directly to coloring. At least two brushes are used. One regular brush is used for painting external surfaces. The second brush should have a long curved handle. It easily penetrates into hard-to-reach places, so it is convenient for painting inside the radiator fins. Before use, you need to fluff the bristles of the brushes, which will help get rid of loose hairs. First the coloring is done internal surfaces, and then - external ones. In this case, painting is done from top to bottom, which helps prevent the formation of streaks and drops. The radiator must be painted in two layers. In this case, the second layer is applied only after the first has completely dried.

Painting bimetallic and aluminum radiators

Available already from paint coating. It is applied using the method powder coating in factory conditions. This coating has high protective properties, mechanical strength, wear resistance, temperature resistance. Thanks to this, these radiators do not require painting during operation.

The exception is cases of mechanical damage to the radiator coating during transportation, installation, or operation. You can use automotive putty to remove chips and scratches. It is also best to paint damaged areas with auto enamel, the quality of which is comparable to the quality of the “native” coating. It is convenient to use aerosol cans for application. It should be taken into account that car enamel dries better and faster on hot radiators.

If you need to completely repaint aluminum or bimetallic battery, then this does not require removal of the old coating. The surface must be degreased and coated with a primer. After this, you need to apply two layers of paint of the appropriate color with a spray gun. Water-based or alkyd paint is best.

Many people, when renovating an apartment in winter time The question arises whether it is possible to paint hot batteries. With modern paints you can paint a radiator at absolutely any time of the year. Heating devices not only perform their main function - heating the room, but also act as part of the interior, so they must have an appropriate appearance. By painting the battery correctly, you can make it suitable for any room decor.

Choose the paint color for the battery based on the color of the room

Paint selection

People often think that you only need to paint front side batteries, but this is absolutely not true. Rust appears on the surface of the metal, which spreads over time if it is not eliminated. The problem of corrosion can be solved by using quality paint. To do right choice, you need to know the main characteristics of this product.

The paint must be resistant to high temperatures, because in winter the battery gets very hot. High quality coating will allow the color to last for several years.

For correct selection paint you need to understand the types of paint available for sale:

  1. Acrylic paint has no odor at all and can even be used in a children's room. In addition, its color remains natural for a long time. This option is most suitable for winter repairs, since there is no need to ventilate the room after painting.
  2. Alkyd paint is quite resistant to elevated temperatures and is an excellent material for covering a radiator. Its main disadvantage is its strong odor, which means its use during the heating season is not recommended.
  3. Battery paint is a type of acrylic paint that must be mixed with a solvent. This material has its advantages: it can be used without prior priming the surface, the coating is glossy and uniform.
  4. Oil paint has fallen out of use over time, although it is known to everyone.

In this video you will learn how to properly paint radiators:

This list is suitable for cast iron batteries. For panel radiators It is preferable to use auto enamel in an aerosol.

White radiators are no longer in fashion. You can experiment with color, but keep in mind that the battery must fit into general concept apartments. The radiator in a child’s room can be decorated with patterns or even a landscape.

Everyone chooses for themselves a more acceptable option for coating material, but in order for the paint to apply evenly, you need the following tools:

  • sandpaper;
  • sharp spatula for removing the old layer of paint;
  • 2-3 types of brushes;
  • small roller;
  • rags for cleaning.

This kit is needed for high-quality painting, which will transform old and rusty batteries into a beautiful piece of furniture.

Preparation for work and painting

In order to figure out how to paint a radiator, you need to know the principle of this work.

Like any type of work in the construction industry, painting is carried out only after surface preparation. First of all, you need to remove dirt and inspect the product for corrosion.

After removing the old layer of paint and dirt, the battery should be washed with a cloth soaked in water. Swelling areas must be cleaned with sandpaper; if rotten areas are found, be sure to eliminate them.

At the final stage of preparation, the entire surface of the radiator should be coated with primer. If a material that does not require a primer will be used for painting, then this step is skipped.

In order to clean the device from the old layer of paint and various contaminants, you can use one of the following methods:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical

For the chemical method, special solutions based on solvents and acids are used. The mixture can be purchased at a specialty store or prepared independently at home.

For homemade solution need to prepare:

  • 1 kg of soda ash;
  • 1 kg slaked lime;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • 10 liter container.

The solution is prepared simply. Soda dissolves in water at a temperature of 60 degrees. After it is completely dissolved, lime is added in small portions. It must be introduced strictly gradually so as not to lead to the formation large quantity foam.

To paint batteries yourself you will need some material.

At mechanically sandpaper or a special scraper is used. Manually cleaning the surface is quite difficult and time-consuming. You can use a special attachment for a drill or a grinder. In this case, you must strictly follow safety rules and act very carefully so as not to damage the battery.

Thinking about how to paint hot battery heating and whether it can be done without special skills, you shouldn’t be afraid. Even a beginner can handle this, you just need to know the basic rules of operation.

Before painting you need to prepare workplace, lay polyethylene or newspapers on the floor, protect the wall by attaching thick paper or cardboard to it, and also prepare tools.

The paint is applied with a brush in smooth movements from top to bottom - this way you can paint warm radiators without leaving streaks. The layer must be made thin and even. After the first layer has dried, the second is applied.

It is recommended to paint the internal surfaces of the battery first, so as not to get your hands dirty in the process. If it is difficult to do this with a brush, then you can use a small roller or even an old toothbrush with a bendable head.

Even without special skills, anyone can beautifully paint a heating radiator if they take into account the recommendations and some rules. There are a few simple tips from specialists:

  • there should be no drips on the painted surface - to do this, you need to apply the paint in as thin a layer as possible, making smooth movements;
  • It is more convenient to paint the back surface of the battery with a curved brush or toothbrush;
  • when cleaning the device chemically it is necessary to adhere to the rules of personal protection;
  • upon completion painting works When using any paint, the room must be ventilated, but it is better to use odorless paints;
  • hidden heating elements and pipes do not need to be painted, this will ensure better heat transfer;
  • before the purchase paint and varnish materials you need to carefully study their characteristics.

There is no need to worry about whether heating radiators can be painted while they are hot. Modern materials able to withstand fairly high temperatures without losing their properties. If you follow all the rules for preparing and painting the radiator, you can achieve the feeling of purchasing a new battery.

How you can paint hot radiators and what kind of paint to do it with - everyone decides for themselves. When asked whether batteries can be painted acrylic paint, you can confidently answer in the affirmative.

Often, residents of apartments and private houses ask the question: “Is it possible to paint hot radiators?” The answer is quite simple - you can, but not all coloring compositions available on the market are suitable for this.

What tools and materials are needed for the job?

Not always and not everyone has the opportunity to change batteries. A universal way out of this situation would be to paint the radiators in any color you like. To work, you do not need to have any specific skills, but you will need to purchase some materials and stock up on tools. The purchased paint must be resistant to high temperatures. This property is mandatory, since in winter the radiators heating system heat up and become very hot.

In addition, the composition must retain its original color over a long period of time. Enough important factor The paint is also considered to be odorless, so that after work there is no need to ventilate living areas. Before you learn how to paint, you need to understand the paints suitable for this. So, you can always find acrylic compounds in stores. They are distinguished by the absence of a pungent odor and the ability to retain their color for quite a long time.

Another suitable composition These are alkyd mixtures. They are characterized by resistance to elevated temperatures. Because of this, they are most often used to work with hot batteries. Among the disadvantages is the presence of a strong odor, so residents will still have to ventilate the premises.

Oil formulations are also often found in stores, but not many people buy them. This is due to the emergence of safer compounds of the first two types. All of these paints are suitable for the job to one degree or another. Painting heating radiators with your own hands using these materials will give a positive result if you follow the operating instructions and dilute the paint with solvent in the proportion specified by the manufacturer.

To get the job done quickly and not be distracted, you will need to stock up on the necessary equipment. So, you will need:

  • fine-grained sandpaper;
  • a knife or other sharp object for cleaning radiators;
  • several brushes of different shapes:
  • small roller;
  • old rags.

With everything you need at hand, you can get to work. It is very important to stock up on rubber gloves and a protective mask, which will help protect your skin from stains and your respiratory tract from fumes.

Preparation and painting - learning the algorithm

Before you paint the heating radiator with your own hands, study the plan upcoming works. As the others repair activities, battery renewal begins with preparation. First, you will need to clean their surface from dust and stains. Also check the radiators for signs of corrosion. After cleaning the battery, wipe with a damp towel. As soon as the radiators are dry, a thin layer of primer should be applied to their surface. However, be careful - often some modern compositions do not require preliminary surface preparation.

If there are old stains on the surface of the battery that cannot be washed off with ordinary water, you can try to wipe them off with a special solution. To prepare it, take:

  • 1 kg of soda ash;
  • 1 kg slaked lime;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • large mixing bowl.

First pour into a bowl hot water and dilute soda in it. After this, gradually add lime to the mixture, stirring the product regularly. As a rule, this mixture quickly deals with even the oldest stains. After cleaning, you will need to prepare a work area. To do this, cover the area under the radiators with old newspapers. Place a piece of thick cardboard behind the radiator so as not to stain the walls. You need to apply paint to the surface of the batteries with a brush, moving the tool from top to bottom. This way, no drips will appear on the radiators when working. Try to keep the paint layer even and thin. Next, apply several more layers of the composition to the painted batteries.

The second update method is to remove the batteries

There is another way to change appearance batteries It is more labor-intensive, because you have to completely remove the radiators. However, the result will be much better at keeping your batteries free of rust and dirt. First you need to reset the heating risers. After this, you will need to completely unscrew all the plugs and blind plugs, as well as remove the jumpers. Next, you need to anneal the battery (heat and hold it under high temperature) using a powerful household hair dryer. Then we disassemble the radiator into sections, using a special key for this. Don't forget to tap the radiators with a mallet to remove any rust. After this, the sections are cleaned with a wire brush.

In the next step, reassemble the battery using ordinary rubber gaskets. In this case, the size of the outer part should be slightly smaller than the end of each section. After this, install and connect the radiator to the heating network. Apply primer to the surface of the clean battery and begin painting. The operating algorithm is almost the same. The only difference is that the batteries will not be as hot as in the first case. This will make them take a little longer to dry. Often, residents of houses paint radiators immediately after dismantling them. In this case, it is possible to paint the surface both in front and behind the battery. In addition, there will be no risk of staining the wall behind the radiator.

Tips for painting radiators - let's listen to the experts

Many owners of apartments and private houses ignore the experience of specialists, trying to do everything themselves. As a result, the paint on radiators cracks very quickly and falls off in whole pieces. To prevent this from happening to you, we advise you to study the recommendations on whether and how to properly paint hot radiators. Experts advise not to rush when working. Try to apply the paint so that there are no streaks left on the surface. It is better to promptly remove excess parts of the composition or smear them on the battery.

To apply paint evenly back radiator, you must use a curved brush designed specifically for painting hard-to-reach places. When cleaning batteries using a solution made from lime and soda, experts advise using a mask and protective gloves. To ensure that the residents of the house do not suffer, it is necessary to ventilate the premises in which the work was carried out. Many experts advise using decoupage of radiators, which is very popular today. After use, your batteries will look very stylish. At the same time, you won’t spend much on updating.

To work you will need:

  • white matte paint;
  • acrylic paints;
  • decoupage paper with a pattern;
  • varnish with increased heat resistance;
  • PVA glue.

To refresh your batteries, clean them. Then apply a thin layer of white matte paint to the surface. It will take at least 20 hours to dry. As soon as the composition has dried, you can start gluing the paper. After pasting, you can finish drawing your elements - make a background or create an original drawing. At the end, all that remains is to apply a thin layer of heat-resistant varnish.