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» What is the inside of the sauna lined with? Interior decoration of the steam room and sink: how to decorate it, what options are there, examples with photos. Finishing the bath: choosing the best materials for the steam room, washing room and changing room

What is the inside of the sauna lined with? Interior decoration of the steam room and sink: how to decorate it, what options are there, examples with photos. Finishing the bath: choosing the best materials for the steam room, washing room and changing room

How to line the inside of a bathhouse and how necessary is it? The question that worries the owners of these premises may have several answers. So, if the bathhouse building is built from natural logs, the walls inside do not need to be sheathed, unless you use clapboard for elegance.

After completing the construction of the bathhouse, you should think about arranging it from the inside. For cladding, the most various materials, which are selected depending on the material of the bath itself.

The walls of brick or stone, gas or foam concrete buildings must be sheathed. Firstly, this is the only way to achieve maximum insulation of the room. Secondly, bare walls look unaesthetic.

You can cover the walls of a bathhouse or sauna with different materials:

  • clapboard made of wood different breeds or block house;
  • wooden boards;
  • glass-magnesium sheets.

You can make a choice that suits your tastes and material capabilities by familiarizing yourself with the requirements for lining the inside of a bathhouse and the characteristics of different materials.

What should you consider when choosing cladding for a bath?

In steamy rooms, you should never use fiberboard or chipboard, as they emit toxic substances when heated.

Before you start choosing the skin, you need to consider that wood is the most suitable material for a bath. However, in the steam room, dressing room, and relaxation room, you can and should use different breeds of it.

For rooms with the lowest humidity and stable temperature (dressing rooms, rest rooms), pine can be used. This inexpensive wood does not crack, is characterized by low thermal conductivity and beautiful design. The phytoncides that pine wood has released for many years are very beneficial for health. Pine wood impregnated with resin is not afraid of fungi, dampness, or mold. However, it is completely unsuitable for steam rooms or interior spaces sauna: when heated, pine begins to release resin. Using the steam room becomes inconvenient. And the heavy aroma of pine needles may make breathing difficult rather than easier.

For covering rooms with very high humidity and temperature, alder, linden, abashi, aspen, poplar or larch are suitable. Firstly, even at temperatures above 100°C, these rocks do not heat up very much. Secondly, such wood dries quickly and is not afraid of mold and mildew. It does not emit resinous substances.

Important: in the bathhouse (especially in steam rooms) you cannot use materials obtained by chemical means. Fiberboard and chipboard, linoleum, laminate and similar materials emit very toxic substances when heated: poisoning can occur. They are also very flammable. The only exception is magnetite, because it is produced without the use of chemical resins and is environmentally friendly.

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Wooden cladding for a bath

It is clear that the best cladding for a bathhouse is wood or materials made from it. But what is the best way to cover a bathhouse? Ordinary boards? Block house? Wooden clapboard? Let's consider the features of all these materials.

Lining for finishing a bathhouse from the inside is excellent option. It is inexpensive and quite easy to install.

  1. Regular boards. The plank upholstery is attached to the sheathing, always at a right angle. But ordinary boards are rarely used. Untreated with antifungal compounds, they can quickly rot. A ready-to-use board is relatively expensive, but it looks worse than, for example, clapboard or a block house. Planing boards yourself and treating them with special impregnations is time-consuming and expensive. Using them to level walls is not easy. In addition, the boards may contain a certain number of knots, which negatively affects both the operation of the cladding and its appearance. That is why regular boards often prefer clapboard or block house.
  2. The advantages of lining are undeniable. It is the one most often chosen for internal lining walls in different bath rooms. Here are its main advantages:
    • since lining and eurolining are made from different types of trees, you can always choose exactly the type of wood that you like best;
    • even amateurs do not have a question about how to line a bathhouse from the inside with clapboard: convenient tongue-and-groove locks allow you to cope with facing works for both the novice master and the experienced professional;
    • clapboard cladding looks very aesthetically pleasing, attracting visitors with its unique wood pattern; the panels allow you to visually align any wall;
    • The technology of laying the boards requires that tiny gaps remain between them; they improve air circulation in the bathhouse, help the walls “breathe,” and prevent condensation.
  3. A wonderful alternative to lining is a block house. Externally similar to natural logs, this material is many times superior in strength and ease of use, does not dry out, does not crack, and does not warp. How to cover a bathhouse with a block house? The same as with regular clapboard. First you will have to build a sheathing (frame), and then use nails, staples or clamps to secure the block house. Be sure to be at right angles to the sheathing.

When choosing a lining or block house for a steam room and other “hot” rooms, you cannot choose coniferous species (except larch).

The market for finishing materials today is truly huge, but for the interior of a bathhouse, where humidity is always high and temperatures are high, there are restrictions on the use of cladding. It is quite natural that you cannot use materials here that, when exposed to high temperatures, will release substances harmful to health: plastics, chipboards and others. This is probably why people’s favorite wood of various species is widely and universally used for the interior decoration of bathhouses - a natural, affordable and easy-to-work finishing material.

Although, if the bathhouse is built from timber or logs, which look appropriate and natural in the interior, the bathhouse may not be lined with anything from the inside at all. After all, if all construction technologies are properly followed, the owner will not have to rack his brains about additional insulation. Although in this case, it is quite possible to line the inside of the bathhouse with clapboard - this is the most common and beloved cladding. Lining is the name given to carefully dried and planed boards made from wood of different species.

Let's take a closer look at the features of different types of wood so that you can choose and buy the most suitable lining option for finishing your bathhouse.

In this video, a professional team is covering a sauna with clapboard:

Which tree is better to choose?

When choosing what to cover the inside of a bathhouse with, consider the conditions under which the lining will be used: for finishing a steam room, some species will be the best, for a relaxation room - others, and for a washing room - still others.

The clear leader is linden, especially when used for steam rooms. Charging human body positive energy, it releases various essential oils with anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, helping to improve health and enhance the diaphoretic effect. And it smells just wonderful. In addition, linden does not burn the skin and does not heat up much due to its low thermal conductivity.

Aspen, also, is very pleasant to the touch, and is useful for health, drawing out negative emotions and various ailments from the body. It does not rot, even in constant contact with water, and is quite soft, so it is easy to cut without breaking. The price of aspen lining is much lower than linden.

Larch is a conifer that produces many phytoncides and has a positive effect on a person’s well-being and the body’s resistance to various infectious diseases. This material would be great for decorating shower walls. And floors made of larch, a reliable and durable material, only become stronger over time. In addition, no wood beetles or rodents are afraid of this wood.

Hard, very hot wood species - oak and ash - are resistant to rotting, moisture and temperature. Due to the fact that this wood does not deform, barrels, fonts and doors are made from it. Oak wood darkens over time, which only decorates products made from it. Ash is lighter than oak, but still rots under conditions of high temperatures and humidity, so it is subjected to special treatment and used in finishing interior interiors baths, in the manufacture of doors, furniture, stairs, railings or parquet.

The most durable of the hardwoods discussed here is black locust. It surpasses even oak in strength and is resistant to rotting, so products made from it are not deformed and almost do not break. These products are distinguished by their particular durability and wear resistance, which allows the use of acacia in bathhouse areas with the highest humidity - for doors and steam room floors. Acacia boards darken under the influence of temperature and time, acquiring deep, beautiful shades.

Today, bathhouses and saunas, loggias and balconies, walls and facades of houses are sheathed with this beautiful, reliable and natural wood material. to his appearance a block house is similar to a log, surpassing it in strength many times over. After undergoing special drying, this material reaches a humidity of no more than 12%, so when installing this board, you don’t have to worry that it will dry out or become deformed.

The internal lining of the walls of the bathhouse is made with a block house of hardwood or coniferous species. Since denser conifers have greater heat transfer, it is not recommended to decorate the steam room with spruce or pine materials, because leaning against a pine wall in high temperatures can cause a burn. But lovers of a specific pine aroma in a steam room often choose a block house made of cedar for its cladding - over time, its resin ceases to stand out from this material.

Glass-magnesium sheet (VMS) MAGELAN

Market under the MAGELAN brand building materials Since 2007, innovative, highly functional and reliable glass-magnesium sheet - SML - also called “magnelite” has been rapidly gaining ground.

LSU is made on the basis of magnesium chloride and oxide, finely dispersed wood shavings and other binding components, reinforced on both sides with a fiberglass mesh with a cell diameter depending on the purpose and class of the material.

This material has many advantages:

  • Magnelite – environmentally friendly pure material, which lacks such harmful substances, such as resins, asbestos, adhesives and phenols. Odorless, it does not emit toxic substances even at high temperatures.
  • LSU has high fire resistance, withstanding open fire and significant temperature changes and preventing fires.
  • High moisture resistant characteristics Magnelite makes it possible to successfully use this material in areas of high humidity - swimming pools, saunas, showers. With prolonged exposure to water, LSU does not soften or deform.
  • The antiseptic properties of LSU prevent the formation of fungi and mold, which again allows it to be used in rooms with high humidity.
  • This material is light and easy to process; it can be installed quite quickly and does not require any special devices or tools.
  • On front side LSU can use any decorative and finishing materials, which gives unlimited possibilities in interior decor premises.
  • MAGELAN is also distinguished by its high sound-proofing properties, its surface is not electrified, excluding the formation of sparks - these qualities of the material allow it to be used in the production of structures for various special purposes.

The best way to decorate the inside of a bathhouse is for everyone to decide for themselves. But the accessories, shelves and loungers in the steam room are, of course, made of traditional wood.

We told you about the most preferred materials for finishing a bath, from traditional wood to modern MAGELAN material, and we hope that we were able to greatly facilitate the process of choosing a material for the interior finishing of a bath.

During the construction of a bathhouse, there comes a time when it is necessary to decide on its interior decoration. It is very important to choose a material that will not only be beautiful and functional, but also be able to withstand the specific microclimate of a given room. Based on this, many people wonder how to inexpensively line the inside of a bathhouse and what qualities should the chosen material have? A properly equipped steam room is the key to a comfortable and pleasant stay, which is why the finishing of all its surfaces must be approached as responsibly as possible. In this article we will look in detail at the process of improving this room, starting from the choice of materials and ending with the technology of their installation.

Choosing the right material

To the question of how to inexpensively cover the inside of a bathhouse, there is one correct answer - wood. Why them? Because this is the only one 100% natural material, meeting all the requirements for operation in rooms with high humidity and high temperature. This finishing gives the space a special aesthetics, creates a pleasant atmosphere, and, most importantly, retains heat perfectly.

For those who are interested in what can be used to line the inside of a bathhouse other than wood, mention should be made of glass-magnesium sheets. This new material, which is made from wood chips and fiberglass with the addition of various binding components.

The slabs are produced in light colors and can be used in rooms with high humidity. Since this is a relatively new product, it is rarely used for bath cladding, so we will not dwell on it for long.

From wooden materials actively used: block house, panels and lining. For a bathhouse, these options are considered the most suitable.

What wood should you choose for a bathhouse?

When decorating walls and ceilings, you don’t have to limit yourself to just one type of wood. The combination of various varieties that differ in shade will allow you to create a more interesting and extraordinary design. But, before deciding which wood to cover the inside of the bathhouse with, you should take into account the properties and performance characteristics each tree species.

When cladding the ceiling and walls, it is better to use larch, linden, aspen and cedar. It is highly undesirable to place pine materials in a steam room, since when heated they release a pungent odor into the air, which can interfere with a comfortable rest.

But for finishing dressing rooms and rest rooms, this option is optimal. Pine has a beautiful texture, is easy to process and has a very attractive price.

It is better to sheathe the steam room and washing room with linden and larch.

These wood species are able to retain their original color for a long time and practically do not heat up when exposed to high temperatures.

Decorating a steam room

For finishing the surfaces of the steam room, only high-quality materials should be selected. Most often, lining is used here. For a bath, choose a board of the highest class from solid

The slats are located in a horizontal or vertical position and are secured with nails, gluers or staples in a hidden way. In order to ensure reliable retention of heat and steam inside the room, a layer of thermal insulation material is placed on the walls.

For this purpose the following can be used:

  • foil;
  • mineral wool;
  • polystyrene foam covered with foil;
  • glassine, etc.

It is very important that there is air space between the lining and the insulation. This can be achieved by installing a sheathing on which to install facing material. The distance between the slats should be no more than 50 cm.

The finished frame and lining are coated with an antiseptic. Processing is carried out before assembly begins. Wall cladding begins from any corner of the room, securing the boards on both sides with any of the above fastening materials.

Flooring: wood or ceramics?

The temperature in a steam room at floor level usually does not exceed 30 degrees, so they can be made of any material. Here it is more important to properly and quickly drain the water from the bathhouse. The subfloor is covered with polished or ceramic tiles.

Comparing these two coatings, it should be noted that the tiles are more durable. This is due to the fact that when exposed to moisture, wood darkens, rots and after some time fails. Ceramics, in turn, are not afraid of humidity, temperature changes and are not susceptible to rot and mold.

Despite this, very often wooden floors are installed in bathhouses. This material harmonizes perfectly with the surrounding interior and is much more pleasant when touched with bare feet.

When considering how to inexpensively cover the inside of a bathhouse, it is worthwhile to dwell in detail on the installation technology of both options.

Wooden floor finish

The finishing process with materials is very simple. First of all, the logs are laid on which the boards are mounted. They are placed on brick pillars, which are installed on the base of the floor. For the logs, choose boards measuring 20 x 20 or 25 x 25. They are laid in increments of no more than 1 meter. The floor level in the steam room must be 10-15 centimeters higher than in other rooms of the bathhouse. This is necessary so that you do not leave the steam room for as long as possible. warm air. To lay the finished floor, tongue-and-groove or edged material with a thickness of at least 30 cm is used.

Before sheathing the inside of the bathhouse with boards, all cladding and joists must first be treated with an antiseptic composition. This will protect them from colonization by microorganisms and extend the life of the wooden floor.

Floor finishing with ceramic tiles

For safe movement, you should choose tiles with a rough surface for floors. This will make them less slippery when in contact with water.

For styling ceramic coating it is necessary to make something durable concrete base. The surface must be perfectly clean, level and dry. Immediately before laying, the tiles are soaked in water for a couple of minutes. This is necessary so that it does not absorb moisture from the solution and the floor covering is of the highest quality and durability.

Start laying the tiles from the most visible corner of the room using sand-cement mortar or moisture-resistant glue. Upon completion of the work, the seams are hidden with a special moisture-resistant grout. It helps protect the tiles from mold.

For more comfortable movement on the tiles, you can place floorings made of wooden slats on the floor. Such designs are convenient because they can be taken out of the steam room to dry.


In order to properly plan your own budget, you need to understand how much it costs to line the inside of a bathhouse. The total amount depends on who will perform Finishing work and how high-quality the material is chosen for finishing.

If you plan to hire specialists to arrange a bathhouse, you need to be prepared to pay for their services. Thus, work is estimated at 130 rubles per m2. Cladding the walls and ceiling with clapboard will cost the owner of the premises from 350-500 rubles per m2.

In the event that the walls inside the bathhouse are lined with my own hands, only the costs of purchasing lining and related materials are taken into account.

A top quality board made from linden costs about 500-600 rubles per m2.

It will cost 250-350 rubles per m2, while material made from coniferous wood has a price tag of 150-200 rubles m2.

To these costs should be added the cost of fasteners, bars and thermal insulation.


In this article, we found out how and with what to inexpensively cover the inside of a bathhouse. In order to save interior design premises can be completed independently, without resorting to the expensive help of specialists. After finishing the floors, walls and ceilings, you need to take care of lighting and furniture installation. A variety of shelves and hooks on which you can put personal items and hang towels will not be superfluous. After completing all the work, you can begin bath procedures and enjoy your holiday with family and friends.

From time immemorial, not only the Slavs, but also Finnish, Ugric and even nomadic tribes made a significant contribution to the creation, which over time began to be called “Russian bathhouse”. In those days, the technology was very simple: a massive log house was used, which did not have any insulation inside. In our technological world, this option is not very practical, since it will require a significant amount of firewood and a lot of time to fire the bathhouse. Wood was once the cheapest material - this is no longer the case. Modern bathhouse easier to sheathe. There is enough information and photos for this. How to do it inexpensively and beautifully? This will be discussed further.

What sauna lining should I use and is it needed at all? An important question for steam room owners. Let's first figure out what functions it performs. The main task of the cladding is to reduce heat energy consumption and reduce the combustion time from 4 to 1-1.5 hours. Although, perhaps, this does not apply to baths that were competently built using old technologies - from solid timber. In this case, no insulation is required. However, construction costs will be completely different.

Steam room made of solid timber

So, when choosing a material, first of all, you need to think about the properties it should have. Of course, it must be non-flammable, steam-resistant and, undoubtedly, harmless to your health. Not recommended for cladding interior walls baths are unnatural materials.

The favorite material for interior decoration is lining; a little less often they prefer a block house with a spectacular appearance, or magnetite, which is just developing on the market. What, after all, should you prefer? Let's look at all the options in more detail.


Builders associate lining with beauty, practicality and reasonable cost. High Quality the lining partially regulates the air humidity in the steam room, prevents the appearance of fungal mold and condensation, and allows the walls to “breathe.”

Advice. Eat little secret when choosing lining, which allows you to significantly reduce the cost of its purchase. Very often on the building materials market, lining up to 1.5 m long costs much less than 2 m and above. And covering a bathhouse with material of this length is quite simple - you just need to make a strip in the middle.

Most often, lining is preferable for finishing the interior of a bathhouse, since it has a number of undoubted advantages:

  1. Saves heat. Lining significantly reduces heat loss and, accordingly, the amount of firewood (electricity, gas) used.
  2. Gives the room aesthetic appearance, hiding communications and uneven finishes.
  3. Prevents the formation of dampness.
  4. It lasts a long time.

Steam room lined with clapboard

You should also take the choice of wood for lining seriously, because the level of reliability of the material and the degree of financial costs depend on it.

  • Linden - perfect option for the steam room. The essential oils it produces have a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect. It enhances sweating without burning the skin and respiratory tract due to low thermal conductivity.
  • A less costly alternative to linden will be aspen. It draws diseases out of the body and is not susceptible to rotting after prolonged contact with water. This wood is very soft and cuts easily.
  • The best option for shower walls would be larch. It has a positive effect on well-being and increases resistance to infections. And floors made from this wood will be extremely durable and reliable. Even various small rodents and bugs will not be afraid of them.
  • The leader in strength among wood species is undoubtedly white share. It is even stronger than oak and will only get stronger over time. Acacia is not subject to deformation and rotting. Products made from this wood will be very durable and wear-resistant, so acacia is perfect for finishing doors and floors in a steam room.

Choosing a block house

Block house for a bathhouse - the optimal combination of price and quality. This material is so close in its external characteristics to a log house that it is almost impossible to distinguish a bathhouse lined with a block house from a log one. This material undergoes special drying, so it is not afraid of deformation or cracks. But periodic (once every few years) bactericidal treatment is still desirable.

Block house

There is a classification of block houses according to the degree of quality:

  • Class "C" - low quality material, processed only superficially. Various types of deformations are allowed (cracks, remains of bark, etc.);
  • Class “B” - average quality block house, allowing only a limited number of deformations ( small cracks, knots up to 3 cm, etc.);
  • Class “A” - perfectly processed material, without any irregularities (except for small knots - up to 3 cm);
  • "Extra" class - the most high level quality material with perfect surface finish.

For the interior decoration of the bathhouse, a block house of the last two classes is recommended. Deciduous and coniferous wood is used as material for the block house, with the exception of spruce and pine (since they have high thermal conductivity and can cause burns when touched).

Advice. In a steam room, you should never use chipboard or fiberboard, as they release toxins when heated.


A self-confident newcomer to the building materials market is a glass-magnesium sheet. It is made from fine wood chips, magnesium and other components reinforced with fiberglass mesh. This is an acceptable, but not the best material for interior decoration. However, certain advantages of this material cannot be denied:

  1. Insensitive to temperature changes and combustion.
  2. Does not rot and is impervious to moisture
  3. Easy to install.

Magnesium glass sheet Magellan

We introduced you to this material With possible options decoration of the interior of the bathhouse, starting from natural wood and ending with modern materials. Now, knowing the advantages of certain materials, it will be easier for you to make a choice depending on your wishes and financial capabilities.

From time immemorial, not only the Slavs, but also Finnish, Ugric and even nomadic tribes made a considerable contribution to the creation, which over time began to be called “”. In those days, the technology was very simple: a massive log house was used, which did not have any insulation inside. In our technological world, this option is not very practical, since it will require a significant amount of firewood and a lot of time to fire the bathhouse. Wood was once the cheapest material - this is no longer the case. A modern bathhouse is easier to sheathe. There is enough information and photos for this. How to do it inexpensively and beautifully? This will be discussed further.

What sauna lining should I use and is it needed at all? An important question for steam room owners. Let's first figure out what functions it performs. The main task of the cladding is to reduce heat energy consumption and reduce the combustion time from 4 to 1-1.5 hours. Although, perhaps, this does not apply to baths that were competently built using old technologies - from solid timber. In this case, no insulation is required. However, construction costs will be completely different.

Steam room made of solid timber

So, when choosing a material, first of all, you need to think about the properties it should have. Of course, it must be non-flammable, steam-resistant and, undoubtedly, harmless to your health. It is not recommended to use non-natural materials for lining the internal walls of a bathhouse.

The favorite material for interior decoration is lining; a little less often they prefer a block house with a spectacular appearance, or magnetite, which is just developing on the market. What, after all, should you prefer? Let's look at all the options in more detail.


Builders associate lining with beauty, practicality and reasonable cost. High-quality lining partially regulates the air humidity in the steam room, prevents the appearance of fungal mold and condensation, and allows the walls to “breathe.”

Advice. There is a little secret when choosing lining that can significantly reduce the cost of purchasing it. Very often on the building materials market, lining up to 1.5 m long costs much less than 2 m and above. And covering a bathhouse with material of this length is quite simple - you just need to make a strip in the middle.

Most often, lining is preferable for finishing the interior of a bathhouse, since it has a number of undoubted advantages:

  1. Saves heat. Lining significantly reduces heat loss and, accordingly, the amount of firewood (electricity, gas) used.
  2. Gives the room an aesthetic appearance, hiding communications and uneven finishes.
  3. Prevents the formation of dampness.
  4. It lasts a long time.

Steam room lined with clapboard

You should also take the choice of wood for lining seriously, because the level of reliability of the material and the degree of financial costs depend on it.

  • Linden- ideal for a steam room. The essential oils it produces have a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect. It enhances sweating without burning the skin and respiratory tract due to low thermal conductivity.
  • A less costly alternative to linden will be aspen. It draws diseases out of the body and is not susceptible to rotting after prolonged contact with water. This wood is very soft and cuts easily.
  • The best option for shower walls would be larch. It has a positive effect on well-being and increases resistance to infections. And floors made from this wood will be extremely durable and reliable. Even various small rodents and bugs will not be afraid of them.
  • The leader in strength among wood species is undoubtedly white share. It is even stronger than oak and will only get stronger over time. Acacia is not subject to deformation and rotting. Products made from this wood will be very durable and wear-resistant, so acacia is perfect for finishing doors and floors in a steam room.

Choosing a block house

Block house for a bathhouse - the optimal combination of price and quality. This material is so close in its external characteristics to a log house that it is almost impossible to distinguish a bathhouse lined with a block house from a log one. This material undergoes special drying, so it is not afraid of deformation or cracks. But periodic (once every few years) bactericidal treatment is still desirable.

Block house

There is a classification of block houses according to the degree of quality:

  • Class "C" - low quality material, processed only superficially. Various types of deformations are allowed (cracks, remains of bark, etc.);
  • Class “B” - average quality block house, allowing only a limited number of deformations (small cracks, knots up to 3 cm, etc.);
  • Class “A” - perfectly processed material, without any irregularities (except for small knots - up to 3 cm);
  • “Extra” class is the highest level of material quality with ideal surface treatment.

For the interior decoration of the bathhouse, a block house of the last two classes is recommended. Deciduous and coniferous wood is used as material for the block house, with the exception of spruce and pine (since they have high thermal conductivity and can cause burns when touched).

Advice. In a steam room, you should never use chipboard or fiberboard, as they release toxins when heated.


A self-confident newcomer to the building materials market is a glass-magnesium sheet. It is made from fine wood chips, magnesium and other components reinforced with fiberglass mesh. This is an acceptable, but not the best material for interior decoration. However, certain advantages of this material cannot be denied:

  1. Insensitive to temperature changes and combustion.
  2. Does not rot and is impervious to moisture
  3. Easy to install.

Magnesium glass sheet Magellan

In this material, we have introduced you to possible options for finishing the interior of a bathhouse, ranging from natural wood to modern materials. Now, knowing the advantages of certain materials, it will be easier for you to make a choice depending on your wishes and financial capabilities.