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» What to decorate the walls with besides wallpaper. Decorative painting of walls instead of wallpaper. Finishing with linkrust

What to decorate the walls with besides wallpaper. Decorative painting of walls instead of wallpaper. Finishing with linkrust

The choice of materials for finishing kitchen walls has always been difficult. But there were times when there was practically no choice. Managed to get tiles, and thank God. Today the problem is different: which of the numerous materials to choose?

When organizing a kitchen renovation in a private house or apartment, each of us faces this problem. We are all looking best option so that the material met all requirements, and the renovation turned out beautiful and was inexpensive.

Modern materials

Modern material should reliably protect walls from soot, greasy splashes, dirt, moisture and at the same time not cause problems with cleaning. Well, no one has canceled the aesthetic function.

The most popular finishing materials are tiles, plastic panels, lining, wallpaper, decorative plaster and paint.

let's consider each of them in more detail, then you will know exactly what material can be used to decorate the kitchen other than wallpaper and tiles.


Tiles are a material that can be called an old-timer in our kitchens. We owe its appearance to the inhabitants of ancient states.

Since then, tile manufacturing technology has been changed many times, to increase strength. Tiles include tiles, porcelain tiles, and clinker.

Today highlight the following advantages of this material:

  1. Tile looks great in any design solution . It doesn’t matter which style is chosen. You can choose a suitable color and texture for any of them.
  2. The main material in tiles is clay. Therefore, this material is one of the most environmentally friendly. It is non-toxic and hypoallergenic due to firing.
  3. Tile resistant to moisture, aggressive chemical substances, temperature changes. It does not burn, which allows it to be used even for decorating stoves and fireplaces.
  4. Regardless of the texture, the slab is easy to clean, while maintaining its color and texture. It is not recommended to use abrasive substances to wash tiles as they can scratch them.
  5. Modern market building materials offers a wide range of tiles different sizes and colors, including for decorating a wall in the form of a panel.

The disadvantages of tiles include their fragility. When hit by a hard object, it may burst and even crack.


Wallpaper for kitchen walls is chosen quite often. Of course, not all of them are suitable for this specific room.

Wallpaper must be durable and moisture resistant, easy to clean, meet the requirements fire safety. Paper wallpapers do not meet these requirements, unlike smooth or textured vinyl wallpapers (foamed vinyl).

When choosing wallpaper colors it is necessary to be guided by design kitchen, as well as its size. To visually expand a small space, it is better to choose wallpaper with a small pattern, and for a spacious kitchen, large ones are also suitable.

If the windows face north or west, It's better to stick to warm colors, and if the lighting is sufficient, you can make the walls both darker and brighter.

Photo wallpaper in the kitchen will not be easy to create illusion of space expansion, but also a special atmosphere. Especially if the drawing is in the form of an enfilade, or they depict a path going into the distance. A pseudo-window will also work. The main thing is that the kitchen has a minimum of furniture and a maximum of free space.

The main advantage of their wallpaper wide choice, low price, the possibility of replacing them in a few years.

Disadvantages of paper wallpaper and photo wallpaper - absorb moisture well, as a result of which they warp and move away from the walls.

They can only be placed on the opposite side of the wall along which the stove and sink are located.


To paint the walls in the kitchen, you must use waterproof paint. One of the most suitable species- water emulsion. She has no smell, since it contains no solvents. Its price is low and it dries quickly.

After applying paint to the walls, the moisture from it quickly evaporates. A water-repellent coating remains. But at the same time it allows air and steam to pass through, allowing the walls to “breathe”. And the color spectrum of water-based paints is almost limitless.

A type of water-based paint is antibacterial water-repellent. Its color is white, but you can change it by adding color. She does not turn yellow over time and dries quickly. Silver oxide gives antibacterial properties to this paint.

A significant disadvantage of water-based emulsion is inability to remove stains from a painted surface. And it cannot be applied at temperatures below +5 degrees.

Decorative plaster

Decorative properties are given to plaster its constituent fillers and additives, for example, stone chips or sawdust.

It can be plain or colored. Additives can be pearlescent, shiny, contrasting with the main tone.

The positive properties of decorative plaster include:

  1. Ease of application and versatility. The surface for its application can be wood, concrete, metal, brick.
  2. After application there are no seams left.
  3. There is no need to pre-level the surface, since the coating perfectly masks all unevenness.
  4. Decorative plaster contains no impurities hazardous to human health.
  5. It can withstand temperatures up to +70 degrees, which is important for the kitchen.
  6. Decorative plaster is an unfavorable environment for the development of bacteria and fungus.
  7. The coating is durable, fire resistant, easy to maintain.

Disadvantages of decorative plaster - high price and high consumption.

Wooden lining

Many people are attracted to the lining by the natural warm color of unpainted wood, on the surface of which a pattern of saw cuts is visible.

Useful properties of wood - environmental Safety, the ability to regulate indoor humidity.

Wood allows air to pass through well. After impregnation with a special composition or varnishing, it is easy to clean.

Before fixing the lining to the walls, you do not need to level them, but it is necessary to pre-mount the frame. Therefore, the volume of the room will decrease somewhat, which for small kitchen will be a significant disadvantage.

The most suitable materials for decorating a kitchen are pine, cedar, linden, oak or alder lining. It exudes a pleasant aroma, and coniferous wood also fills the room with phytoncides with antibacterial properties.

Disadvantage of lining - high price, as well as flammability. Therefore, the area around the stove must be finished with fire-resistant material.

Plastic panels

Plastic panels are another common material for finishing kitchen walls. Another name for them is PVC panels. They are usually sold as rectangular planks of varying lengths and widths.

They can be mounted on previously installed frame , like drywall, or directly onto the wall if it is level enough.


  1. It has high moisture resistance.
  2. The plastic is easy to clean, even if it gets splashed with grease and leaves stains.
  3. He doesn't spend electricity, which is important if electrical wiring will be passed behind the panels.
  4. Plastic panels are available in different colors and textures. They can perfectly imitate wood, leather, stone, metal, mirror or have a relief ornament.


  1. When hit by a heavy hard object, the plastic breaks, but the damaged panel can be easily replaced without disassembling the entire structure.
  2. Some types of PVC fade in the sun.
  3. When exposed to high temperatures, plastic melts and deforms.

What is the best way to decorate the walls in the kitchen?

The walls in the kitchen can be roughly classified into working and decorative. The working wall is the one along which the stove, sink, cabinets and cabinets are located.

Since the work wall is blocked by all these objects, only a narrow strip remains free between wall cabinets and pedestal tables. It is called a kitchen apron.

It is the apron that bears the greatest impact high temperatures, splashes from water and cooked food, impacts metal objects. Therefore, the materials for its finishing must be highly water-resistant, non-flammable, durable, and easy to maintain.

These can be called panels from tempered glass– skins, tiles, ceramic or porcelain tiles, artificial or natural stone.

Lining, wallpaper, painting– these types of finishes are best used to decorate non-working walls along which the dining area is located, or which serve only a decorative role.

Design options

Wall finishing materials themselves are only a means by which various design ideas can be realized.

The finish looks good textured plaster in combination with wallpaper. But at the same time, one of the materials must be monochromatic. Usually this is wallpaper, while plaster can include multi-colored inclusions.

Both materials can be used in equally, or one of them will predominate, and the other will play the role of a panel.

One of modern trendsfocusing on one of the kitchen walls. It can contrast with other walls in color or texture. For this design, they usually choose to paint the walls or finish them with plastic.

If the owners are wealthy enough, they can cover the walls with material such as decorative rock. They decorate only fragments of the wall, and not its entire surface. Decorative plaster or wallpaper looks good in combination with stone. An example can be seen in the photo below.

Ideas for decorating kitchen walls don’t end there. Anyone can become their own interior designer, you just need to follow the general principles of this art.

This video shows how to decorate a kitchen quickly and beautifully.

Wall coverings can be very different and if you do not take expensive materials, you need to highlight five main types of wall coverings used for walls, in particular, such as wallpaper, liquid wallpaper, modern plaster, wall painting, flock coating.

Any decorative coating is an excellent alternative regular wallpaper, especially since there are more interesting and environmentally friendly safe materials, so they can be used for any room without exception.

A worthy alternative to ordinary wallpaper is decorative plaster. However, it is worth noting that this type of finishing materials is quite expensive. Decorative plaster is applied to a previously prepared surface, which must first be finished with basic plaster and putty. With the help of decorative plaster you can give absolutely any color and shine, as well as the desired texture. You can artificially age it, imitating a rather old cracked wall, or you can make the wall somewhat textured using convex strokes.

The advantage of this coating is that:

  • Wall covering without seams;
  • Can be smoothed uneven surface walls;
  • You can choose any shade and texture.

This coating has many more advantages, because it is practical and durable.

Very interesting option is the flock coating. It is worth noting that this coating is free-flowing, so when applying it to the walls you must use special glue.

After such a loose coating has been completely applied to the wall, you need to cover it with a topcoat. As a rule, as finishing coating Mother of pearl or sparkles are used.

Such a decorative coating perfectly hides all imperfections and smoothes out uneven walls. In addition, it is very practical and durable, and is also highly environmentally friendly, so it can be used in absolutely any room, including a child’s room.

Decorative panels on the wall instead of wallpaper

Decorative panels are one of the most popular modern finishing materials used as wall coverings. When laying decorative panels, no preliminary preparation of the walls is required.

Such decorative wall coverings are available in a wide range and can be made according to:

  • Wood of various species;
  • Ceramic tiles;
  • Stone;
  • Metal;
  • Sand;
  • Marble.

This is simply incredible beauty, with which it is quite possible to decorate walls in absolutely any room. This will allow you to create a rather unusual and most non-standard room design. The most popular and in demand type of panels are those made from wood-based panel materials. Such materials have high strength and moisture resistance. They are able to withstand the maximum possible loads and temperature changes.

You can read more information about wall finishing options in the following material:

Fabric on the walls instead of wallpaper: modern materials

How can you decorate a corridor instead of wallpaper to create an exquisite design in an apartment?

Many people are interested in what can be used to replace wallpaper when decorating a corridor to make it look more spacious and interesting. When decorating a corridor, you need to correctly select the shade and texture of materials.

To make the room more spacious, you need to select lighter shades of finishing materials, however, it is best to use warm colors, because otherwise the room will seem cold and uncomfortable.

When selecting finishing materials for the corridor, you need to use durable and stable finishing materials that can be cleaned without any problems. This is very important, because it is in the corridor that accumulates greatest number pollution from the street.

Perfect for decorating a corridor Wall panels, which look quite elegant and unique. Provided they are placed horizontally, it is possible to achieve visual increase rooms.

Environmentally friendly and natural material is a beautiful decorative plaster that has wide range color solutions to create imitation of various structures. This coating is resistant to aggressive substances and mechanical damage.

Wall finishing options (video)

Whatever finishing material for walls, you must take into account all the rules for decorating the room. Each room should look simply unique, so you need to use your own unique style.

Wall coverings in the interior (photo)

Walls are a business card, and when entering an apartment, the eye first falls on them, so the main attention during renovation is paid to these surfaces. The starting point in this difficult task will be the planning stage, that is, you must understand exactly what you want, based on the available resources: the detailed footage of the apartment, location in relation to the sun, finishing materials and material costs in general. Unusual wall decoration with your own hands is not the easiest job, especially for a beginner.

Before you start working directly with materials, the walls need to be prepared and leveled. Usually putty or plaster is suitable for this; in especially difficult cases, you can cover the walls with plasterboard, although this method of leveling “steals” part of the space.

Also often used for finishing and leveling glass magnesium sheet(SML) – material obtained from magnesium chloride shavings. This sheet is designed specifically for areas with high humidity and large temperature changes. It is highly resistant to moisture, is not subject to combustion, and is easy to process into the desired shape.

Finishing LSU walls allows you to use this material as an independent coating, or as a base - paint, wallpaper, and tiles fit well on it. This material is easy to work with and does not require any special skills.

Most often used in interior and ceilings, as well as in the external cladding of the home. Finishing external walls with this material allows for better heat retention and improves the quality of sound insulation.

Well, the walls are leveled and you can move directly to the cladding. Can be used here various options– wall decoration involves a wide selection of decorative and finishing materials, this allows you to choose what is best for you. Next we will look at the most basic of them.

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Main types of finishes


Coloring - pretty old look decoration, but it goes well with other types. Currently, there are a lot of types of paints, and they all have the most various characteristics. But in order not to get confused, we will narrow the scope of our search.

To begin with, paints are divided into:

  • façade- for external decoration;
  • And interior- for internal.

We, of course, need interior ones. Then you choose where to paint.

  • For the kitchen and bathroom it is better to use moisture-resistant paint.
  • For the living room and bedroom, you can take a non-moisture resistant one.

We also look at wear resistance– how often will you wash painted walls?

  • Water-based, these are by far the most inexpensive and easiest to use. They are most suitable for painting dry rooms and are abrasion-resistant, meaning they can be washed. They are almost odorless and dry quickly.
  • Acrylic, well suited for wet areas. When dry, they form an impenetrable matte film that makes walls easy to clean. These paints mix well and create interesting color variations.
  • Oily, suitable for any premises, but in Lately They are rarely used due to their long drying time and specific odor, but this type of finishing material is quite durable and difficult to erase.
  • Decorative, latest generation paints. They allow you to create almost any visual effect on a painted surface - stone, wood, gold, velvet and much more. These paints are easy to apply, dry quickly and are highly durable and resistant to washing. Among other things, decorative paints are also environmentally friendly, so they can be safely used, for example, in a nursery.

A separate niche in the painting industry is painting. Agree, an intricate pattern created with your own hands, perhaps even a plot composition, looks much more original than just plain painting.

You can do the painting yourself, or you can involve your child, fortunately, nowadays the stores are full of paints that are easily washed off with ordinary soapy water. This perfect solution for the nursery, because your child is the rightful owner there and he will be delighted with the opportunity to draw on the walls. Introduce fairy-tale motifs, or draw your favorite cartoon characters - the atmosphere in any case will be very fabulous.


Wallpaper, despite the development of the modern industry, remains in a leading position among wall coverings. As a rule, their price is the most reasonable compared to other coatings. They are divided into paper, vinyl and textile, and each type has its pros and cons.

Wallpaper is one of the most interesting ways to decorate wall surfaces.

  • Paper— there are smooth and embossed, with a pattern and for painting. The cheapest and easiest to operate. This type of wallpaper can be changed frequently. However, they cannot be washed. Also, they tear quickly and are highly flammable, so it is better not to place heating devices close to them or glue them behind the battery.
  • Vinyl, very durable and water resistant. They are made of dense, usually polymeric materials, which makes it possible to well mask the unevenness and roughness of the walls. But when glued, they have the peculiarity of stretching, and then, as they dry, they return to their previous size and shape, often forming gaps at the joints. They also do not absorb glue well, so the process of gluing them may take a little longer.
  • Textile wallpaper not cheap, however, they are most suitable for those who like to experiment with the interior. They have good thermal insulation and noise absorption. But, unfortunately, they also easily absorb dust and moisture. Clean only with a vacuum cleaner and a dry cloth. And it is not recommended to install it yourself if you have no experience in this.
  • Photo wallpaper, as a rule, are made from modern polymer materials. Very popular due to the brightness and high clarity of the image. Easy to apply and last a long time. Depending on the material from which they are made, they may or may not be washable.

Decorative plaster

This decorative and unusual finish will become a real decoration of your apartment.

This type finishing materials are difficult to clearly classify, but they still have a conditional division.

  • Structural plaster It is a mass of small pebbles, wood fibers, pieces of mica and other minerals. Finishing a concrete wall with this coating will allow you to fantasize in any direction, creating real masterpieces within a specific room. You can care for such a coating using a soap solution and a soft brush or rag.

Note! This type of finish goes well with painting.

  • Stone plaster has no fundamental differences from the structural one. Only the inclusions are most often granite, stone or quartz, and in direct sunlight they look like pieces of multi-colored glass. Very original idea for design.
  • Venetian plasterdecorative material, accurately imitating natural marble. Apply several times in thin layers. Unfortunately, this material is very capricious, so only decorating professionals will be able to apply it correctly and achieve the desired visual effect. Pay attention to the photo above.
  • Also popular decorative putty plaster.

Ceramic tile

Ceramic tiles are a classic material for finishing walls and floors.

In order to use this material, you need to have a sense of style and at least basic design skills.

Tiles come in different structures, sizes, and colors.

Note! With the help of tiles you can either visually expand the existing space or reduce it - it all depends on the colors and patterns you use. For example, you can use small, mosaic or cubic tiles in cold tones - this will visually narrow and reduce the space. If you use large cells and warm colors– the space will seem larger, more spacious.

The easiest way is to make a sketch of your future room and experiment with colors and tile patterns. Laying it out is not difficult, the main thing is that the color of the grout does not contrast too much with the color of the tile itself and does not distract attention to itself, creating the feeling of a cage. Ideally, the grout will be a couple of tones lighter - then the tiles will look like a single pattern.

Wall panels

The biggest advantage of this finishing material, undoubtedly, is its ease of use and the ability to decorate walls, ceilings, arched passages; finishing a niche in the wall with wall panels also looks quite organic. And if you handle them carefully, you can use them more than once.

Wall panels are divided into slatted, tile and sheet.

Are being manufactured finishing panels from MDF, natural wood, fiberboard, chipboard and some other polymer materials.

  • Natural wood- the highest quality and environmentally friendly option, although not the cheapest. As a rule, whole fragments of various wood species are used for such panels.

They are impregnated with special compounds that reduce the fire hazard and prevent insects from damaging the wood. And the top is coated with wax or varnish, which increases water resistance.

Recently, they began to produce tiles consisting of several layers - this increases the service life and does not allow the wood to crack from water, temperature changes and direct sun rays.

  • Chipboard– chipboard tiles, created by pressing hot chips and a binder composition. In terms of finishing qualities it is not much inferior to natural wood, but does not tolerate a humid environment and sudden temperature changes - this can cause it to crack or delaminate, so it is better to use it in unheated room. Also, chipboard is a fairly fragile material, so it must be handled very carefully, otherwise it will crumble.
  • Fiberboard- wood-fiber tiles, also created by hot pressing using some other plant materials. However, fiberboard, unlike chipboard, tolerates a humid environment well, unless it is constantly exposed to direct water - then it can swell and crack.
  • Polyvinyl chloride panels (PVC)– appeared on the market relatively recently, but are already actively used. Made from high-quality plastic, such panels are not afraid of direct contact with water, are practically not afraid of fire and are easy to install.

A pattern imitating wood, marble and much more is applied to the surface of these panels, and the top is coated with a special varnish, which prevents damage to the pattern from direct exposure to water, light and protects against temperature changes.

Cork material

This material has appeared on our market relatively recently, but has already gained respect for itself, because it has many advantages. The first and most important thing is the natural origin of this coating.

It does not absorb moisture and does not slip, and also retains heat well. It is not very difficult to install if you follow a certain method: all components must be at the same temperature, that is, the glue, coated roll and sealant varnish must lie in the room for some time (about two days).

By the way, when purchasing a coating, you need to keep in mind that part of it will be used for repairs. possible errors and damage. After the coating has been glued and completely dried, you can apply the sealant evenly, or preferably in several layers.

It will not only protect the coating from dust, exposure to sunlight and moisture, but also, in some types cork covering, will allow you to reveal the true wood grain. As the sealant wears off, it can and should be reapplied. Once the coating has been properly treated, it can be washed, preferably with a mild, warm soapy solution and a soft cloth or brush.

Fabric finishing

This finish is far from the cheapest among coatings. But it is the most comfortable, allowing you to create a warm atmosphere. Fabric itself is a rather capricious material to work with, but it can effortlessly cope with problems that wallpaper could not cope with. For example, to hide roughness, protrusions and uneven walls.

Fabric, unlike wallpaper and paint, does not have to be the same in texture, density and color. It allows you to play with space as you please.

In addition, a room decorated with this material has good acoustics, it is easy to put it in order just warm water and soap, and it tears much less often than many wallpapers. The fabric has good breathability and, as a rule, is a natural material, and in combination with foam rubber or padding polyester it increases the heat and sound insulation of the room.


Summing up everything that has been described here, it should be noted that it depends only on you what your home will look like. And it’s up to you whether you and your family want to return there again and again. Even budget finishing walls, made by painting the surfaces, has the right to be, and can be, quite attractive.

Remember, to create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort, the main thing is that you like the changes that you have conceived and are implementing.

And the video in this article will help you finally make your choice, watch it!

Options internal lining premises offered at modern market, can be very different. In most cases, they are so easy to use that even a beginner can handle them, creating an interesting and fresh design.

Options for wall decoration in an apartment - from classic to modern

Now stores offer a wide variety of building materials, most of which began to be produced relatively recently. Options that have long been recognized as classics have undergone high-tech processing in the field of production technologies, so they definitely can’t be called old anymore. Dull and monotonous apartments, decorated with the same brush, are a thing of the past. Choose your solution to make your home stylish and modern in cheap and convenient ways.

Classic materials will never go out of fashion: wood, paper, metal, plastic and ceramic tiles. The joint work of scientists and manufacturers gave way to new options: plasterboard, non-woven lining, vinyl, linkcrust, fiberglass, fake diamond.

Material selection criteria - what is important?

When choosing building materials for decorating rooms in the house, you need to consider:

  • no allergy to the composition;
  • environmental safety, protection against the release of toxins;
  • simplicity and affordability of installation technology;
  • operational and specifications(abrasion resistance, easy care, hygroscopicity, resistance to temperature changes).

Each room needs its own approach. There is increased humidity in the bathroom, toilet and kitchen. Pay attention to the resistance of the facing coating to water and detergents - they will have to be used to avoid the appearance of mold, mildew and unpleasant odors, which are absorbed into the surface. In the bedroom and children's room, the air should be as clean and fresh as possible. Here we need breathable and environmentally friendly coatings that do not collect dust.

The walls in the hallway, corridor and living room need to be covered with wear-resistant materials; these rooms are walk-through areas and accumulate a lot of dust. The kitchen is a special area where not only fumes and odors accumulate, but also grease and other contaminants that arise during the cooking process. Washable materials without deep textures are suitable here.

Aesthetic components are also important - comfort and beauty. Don’t forget about the overall interior style: the rooms should complement each other and be part of the same style solution. Colors play an important role in design. The kitchen is decorated traditionally in light shades. Calm tones are suitable for the bedroom, natural and warm tones for the nursery. The color palette for the walls in the living room can be the brightest, because... This is where people gather to socialize.

Wallpaper: everything new is well forgotten old

This type of wall decoration is both familiar and new, because... has been in use for a long time, but has been significantly improved thanks to the latest methods production. The market offers traditional paper wallpaper and species that have appeared more recently. Up to 90% of apartments are decorated using wallpaper products. The main reasons are affordability and ease of application to the wall. Modern wallpaper There are vinyl, non-woven, textile, fiberglass. They can last from five to ten years. It depends on how correctly the technology of sticking them on the wall is followed.

The advantage over other methods of wall decoration is a large assortment of colors, textures, and patterns. Whatever style of home decoration you choose - modern, classic, Provence, high-tech, oriental - there is something for each of them. Non-woven wallpaper is made from cellulose, accounting for 70% of the total volume. The remainder accounts for binders. There are three types on the market: completely made of non-woven material, on a non-woven base, and on a paper base with a top layer of non-woven material. The advantages of this finishing material for walls:

  • high strength;
  • wear resistance;
  • allows air to pass through;
  • hides small defects on the walls;
  • elasticity.

Wallpaper made entirely of non-woven fabric consists of several layers. The top one is made in relief, monochromatic and is intended for subsequent painting, which can be repeated several times. The second type of non-woven base is covered with paper, textiles or vinyl. The third type, based on paper, is covered with foam interlining. It is the most spectacular, decorated with embossed reliefs, looks aesthetically pleasing, lends itself wet cleaning. This wallpaper is suitable for any room, including the kitchen, because... they can be wiped with a damp cloth. Thanks to their elasticity, they do not tear in the corners, which often happens with paper wallpaper when the walls are deformed.

Vinyl wallpapers for wall decoration they consist of three layers: paper, non-woven fabric (or textile) and polyvinyl chloride, onto which patterned embossing and paint are applied. Silk-screen printing is popular on the market: the top layer imitates silk threads. Vinyl wallpaper is very beautiful, resistant to ultraviolet radiation, mechanical damage, and does not allow moisture to pass through. The disadvantages of the material include the difficulty of gluing and an unpleasant chemical smell, which disappears within one to two weeks after attaching to the wall. Vinyl does not allow air to pass through and is suitable for “non-sleeping” rooms - the living room and hallway. Although the material is expensive, it makes the decoration of the room rich and sophisticated.

Previously, in the homes of the rich, it was customary to stick fabric on the walls - this made the design of the room expensive and original. Based on this idea, textile wallpapers were created, consisting of two layers - paper and fabric (cotton, linen, silk or a combination thereof). Advantages of fabric wallpaper:

  • absorb extraneous noise;
  • retain heat inside the room;
  • thanks to treatment with a special composition, they are immune to ultraviolet radiation;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • bactericidal.

Disadvantages of textiles:

  • collects dust, absorbs odors;
  • allows moisture to pass through and is not washable;
  • Expensive.

Velor wallpaper is attractive and unique: it has a beautiful velvet surface, thanks to which the color looks even deeper and more saturated. The room creates a special chic. You need to care for textile wallpaper using a vacuum cleaner. Analogs of fabric wallpaper are paper base with decorative covering made of jute or cork.

Linkrust and glass wallpaper - what is their novelty?

Linkrust is wallpaper with a pronounced relief. It is made from vinyl chloride based mastic mixed with a filler, such as wood flour. Linkrust is an imitation of stucco molding that masks shallow flaws on the walls well and looks impressive. It is easy to care for the material - a damp cloth is suitable for this. Since raised parts quickly collect dust, use this type of wallpaper to decorate individual sections of the walls, rather than the entire room.

Glass wallpaper consists of lime, quartz sand, soda and dolomite. They are environmentally friendly, vapor-tight, anti-allergenic, fireproof, dielectric. Due to their properties they can be used in any room. Externally suitable for kitchen, bathroom or hallway. After the sticker fiberglass wallpaper are painted. They have an average cost and are easy to use.

The material is made by weaving from glass fibers, which have different thicknesses and densities. Presented in two types - “cobweb” and “matting”. The first looks like a translucent thin sheet, reminiscent of a “blotter”. The second has a pronounced pattern in the form of horizontal stitches. Fiberglass can be used to reinforce walls and protect them from cracks.

Artificial stone – who is it suitable for?

Decorative stone is one of the most expensive types of wall decoration. This is the only drawback of the building material, which, like wallpaper, is presented on the market in a wide range. Thanks to high operational characteristics the stone can be used in any room. Recommendation: the material is not very suitable for decorating small rooms, because... it visually “weights” them down. Usually it is used to decorate either fragments of walls or their lower part. The stone is best suited for decorating hallways, areas in rooms near fireplaces or under windows. It goes well with plaster coated with paint of a harmonizing shade. This decorative element creates a feeling of solidity and reliability.

Modern technologies make it possible to produce artificial stone that cannot be distinguished from natural stone. They also significantly reduce the cost of the product compared to its natural “brother”, making it more affordable, easier and more convenient to use. There are various imitations on the market: rocks, limestone, sea braids, multi-colored bricks, small pebbles. Artificial stone can be painted, it is non-flammable, durable, and environmentally friendly. The process of attaching it to the wall is not so simple - you need to have tile laying skills.

Clinker tiles and porcelain tiles are materials with good performance

Clinker is made from shale clay by extrusion. The resulting material has advantageous characteristics: frost resistance, durability, strength, environmental friendliness, and attractive appearance. More often, clinker tiles are used for cladding facades, sidewalks, swimming pools, and stairs. Some of its options are great for decorating indoor walls. The material can imitate stone, have a glossy or rough surface. Available in a wide range color scheme. In essence, clinker tiles are cheap option artificial stone. With its help you can make, for example, an exact copy of brickwork.

Porcelain stoneware consists of quartz, spar, clay and coloring pigments. The name speaks about the appearance - with its help you can imitate such an expensive and beautiful finishing material as granite. The result of the production technology is strong heating of the composition under high pressure– is a monolith with a non-porous structure. The resulting substance has beautiful drawing and greater density. Porcelain tiles can be: polished, embossed, smooth, matte.

Most often the material is used for laying on the floor, but can also be mounted on walls. General idea decor can be continued at small areas walls, if the floor or stairs are already laid with slabs. Smooth porcelain stoneware is suitable for tiling surfaces in the bathroom, washroom, and kitchen. If you keep cats or dogs, use tiles on the lower sections of the walls to protect them from scratches. Combining different figures made of artificial granite, you can form original compositions or, for example, visually expand the room, make the ceilings higher.

What can be done with drywall

Drywall is two sheets of cardboard joined with plaster. They are convenient to use to create original shapes, which are then painted over or covered with wallpaper.

Drywall is good because:

  • is a “breathable” material;
  • does not emit harmful fumes;
  • can be moisture-resistant, fire-resistant (depending on the type of impregnation);
  • provides sound insulation;
  • lightweight and easy to use.

It is preferred by novice builders because the plasterboard sheets are perfectly flat. You just need to stick them on the wall, and you won’t have to level the surface. Using this technology, you can insulate a wall and disguise communications. The process is much cheaper than treating with plaster or attaching plastic panels to the sheathing.

Disadvantages of drywall:

  • low level of strength - it will not be possible to hang heavy objects on the walls; this will require plywood inserts;
  • The sheets must be installed as accurately as possible, otherwise they will warp and crack;
  • after installation, it is necessary to repair traces of fasteners and gaps between sheets;
  • The standard type of drywall is afraid of moisture.

The sheets are installed on a wooden sheathing attached to the walls using metal guides. A simpler option is glue. In the first case, you need to purchase slats and the necessary fittings and build a sheathing. In the second, simply glue the material to the leveled surface of the wall.

Having chosen a specific method interior decoration at home, do not forget to study all the nuances associated with it. This will help avoid extra costs money and time. Create unique images and interesting design, you will succeed!

When creating an interior, the designer, first of all, pays attention to the walls. You can choose an interesting one beautiful furniture, find accessories, arrange lighting, but if the decoration does not fit into the overall concept, everything was done in vain. For example, wallpaper with bright floral prints will fit perfectly into interiors in the style Provence or shabby chic, but will look clumsy next to furniture in the style high tech. Before deciding on the finishing material, pay attention to the condition of the walls. Some finishes may require more prep work than actual finishing.

Painting the walls

Take it and paint it - what could be easier. Brushes, a roller, a sprayer and a little skill are all you need to paint the walls in the desired color. But it's not that simple. Let's leave aside the design issues of color choice and look at this material from a practical perspective. interior walls houses and apartments most often use water-based, adhesive, enamel and oil paints. Everyone has their pros and cons. For your convenience, we've boiled everything we know down to this:

Wallpapering walls

The second most popular (and maybe the first) way to decorate walls in a house is wallpaper. Diversity, affordable price and the not very complicated gluing technique make them a favorite finishing material for owners and designers. We have already talked in our publications about how to choose wallpaper and how to glue it correctly. Let's not repeat ourselves, and let's focus on the most important points:
  • For perfectly smooth walls in the living room, bedroom or nursery, use paper wallpaper - they are inexpensive, environmentally friendly, and perfectly breathable. It is better not to glue paper onto uneven walls - all the depressions, potholes and cracks will be visible.
  • Vinyl and non-woven ones are more durable and stronger. But they do not allow air to pass through at all, which means they should not be glued in bedrooms and children’s rooms. But they are denser and can hide uneven walls.
  • Fabric wallpaper is dense, textured, and heavy. To stick them on yourself, you need to have a certain skill. They will fit perfectly into a classic living room, office or library. It is not advisable to use them in bedrooms and children's rooms: they accumulate dust and can cause allergies.
  • Liquid wallpaper is more like cellulose plaster. It can even be applied to a rough finish: a sufficiently thick layer of coating will hide all the unevenness. But they have a big drawback - they are too afraid of moisture. Therefore, it is better to glue them in dry rooms.
  • Photo wallpapers are used in interior design for a variety of design purposes. Depending on the material, they can be used in the living room, bathroom and kitchen. Big article about photo wallpaper in the interior is already on our blog - read and be inspired.

Decorative plaster

Just ten years ago, decorative plaster was considered an exotic and expensive type of finishing. Today it is affordable and practical look finishing.
  • Textured plaster. It is based on synthetic materials and all kinds of fillers, both artificial and natural. The relief of the plaster depends on the type of filler.
  • Terrasite plaster. It contains mica - its particles seem to sparkle and shine when the sun's rays hit them. Terrazed plaster is rarely used in apartments and houses, except for accent areas.
  • Latex plaster is very durable and is not afraid of mechanical stress.
  • Silicate types of decorative plaster do not swell and have dirt-repellent properties.
  • Venetian plaster looks like polished marble. The effect is achieved thanks to a special application technique.
  • Tadelakt is another type of decorative plaster without synthetics - natural ingredients and fillers. The material is not affected by moisture and can be used in wet areas.
Regardless of the brand, name and type, decorative plaster has one important thing: positive attribute: to apply it, you do not need to level the walls too carefully. It can even be applied to a rough finish: a layer of plaster will hide all the defects and unevenness of the wall, although such “putty” will become golden for you. Decorative plaster can be applied to concrete, wood, and metal - it adheres equally well to any surface . Caring for decorative plaster is simple: wipe the walls with a damp cloth or clean them with a soft damp brush. For which rooms should it be used? For anyone: plaster will be appropriate in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the hallway, and in other rooms.

Wall tiling

Ceramic tiles are a classic for finishing the walls of wet rooms. It’s easy to choose the desired pattern, color and shape: there is more than enough ceramics in construction markets. The advantages of ceramic tiles are that they are fire-resistant, environmentally friendly, and easy to care for. Disadvantages - not everyone will be able to lay it out on their own with high quality, so be sure to add the cost of the work of a craftsman to the cost of the material. Another plus - no special preparation of the walls is needed - the tiles are laid even on a rough finish. True, in the bathroom and toilet it is better to carry out waterproofing the room.Where to use? Undoubtedly in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen or hallway. And if in the hallway ceramic tiles are often placed on the floor rather than on the walls, then in the bathroom, shower and toilet everything is covered with ceramics. If you want, combine it with other types of finishes, for example, paint or decorative plaster.

Decorative panels and materials

Wood wall decoration

Sew up the walls completely wood panels, clapboard or planks, or add warm accents and combine wooden elements with other finishing materials - for example, paint or wallpaper. We have addressed the topic of wood in the interior more than once in our blog, dedicated wood finishing detailed articles and reviews.

Wall decoration with artificial and natural stone

Natural stone is perhaps the most expensive type of wall decoration. The stone is durable, strong, and environmentally friendly. Marble or granite always look solid and fit into any interior - from classic to avant-garde. Accents made of limestone or semi-precious stones also look interesting in interiors. The disadvantages of natural stone are its weight. Heavy material requires special fastenings and special preparatory work, including strengthening the foundation. Artificial stone is much lighter, cheaper and easier to install on walls. With all this, it is no different in appearance from its natural analogues. Manufacturers of natural stone offer so much artificial stone options that it is difficult to stop when choosing what you need. Natural and artificial stone are rarely used as the main material for finishing, more often as an accent. They decorate window openings, arches, and bed headboards. For example, it will fit organically into the loft space faux brick wall.

Plastic wall panels

Plastic wall panels - modern lightweight And inexpensive material. IN construction stores you can find panels for every taste and color: “wood-like”, “stone-like”, “tile-like”, “wallpaper-like” and so on - the range is simply huge. Wall panels are an excellent heat and sound insulating material. They can be easily washed with ordinary water and soapy water, are durable (unless, of course, you hit them with a hammer) and are attached directly to the rough finish using simple clamps or “liquid nails”. You can use plastic wall panels anywhere – in living rooms ah, in damp areas, in the kitchen. They are perfectly combined with other types of finishing - with wallpaper, decorative plaster or painted walls. The only condition is to be away from sources of open fire and heating devices: plastic panels burn well.

Cork wall covering

Cork covering is the same rolls or slabs of crushed and compressed cork that are used for floor coverings, just a little thinner. The material is completely environmentally friendly - the walls breathe perfectly. In addition, cork is an excellent heat and sound insulator. The coating is attached to the rough finish using special glue. They can be used in any damp rooms: in a nursery, in a bedroom, an office or a living room. Color range - warm shades brown, multi-colored options are less common and more expensive.

Other coatings

What else can be used as finishing? Yes, anything, for example, mirrors. Yes, yes, a mirror wall is a solution that is not suitable not only for dance halls, but also for living rooms. A mirrored wall immediately visually doubles the space and adds light to darkened rooms.
Another non-standard and undeservedly forgotten option is mosaic. This is a labor-intensive and very expensive type of wall decoration. Not only ceramic tiles, but also mirrors, metal, plastic, etc. are often used as mosaic elements.
Metal - why not? Metal panel made of mirror of stainless steel fits perfectly into a high-tech interior or steampunk, but matte, with scratches, metal panel will decorate a loft with brick walls.
As a finishing material, artificial and Genuine Leather. Leather panels combine perfectly with noble wood and classic furniture. They are often placed at the head of the bed in the bedroom.

Before finishing: a short checklist

So, the materials are more or less clear. But the question is open: what to take? Take a look at our small checklist:
  1. Perfectly smooth walls? Any type of material will do, everything will look great: thin wallpaper, water-based paint, wallpaper for painting.
  2. Not very well aligned walls? The best option- decorative plaster or thick wallpaper. You can use liquid wallpaper or panels.
  3. Rough finish? If you are not going to spend money on leveling the walls, take “thick” materials: panels, ceramic tiles, artificial and natural stone, decorative plaster.
And most importantly: when choosing a material, keep in mind the entire design concept of the future interior. Then choose required material it will be easy and simple.