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» Laying floor tiles diagonally. Diagonal laying of ceramic tiles Diagonal floor tiles

Laying floor tiles diagonally. Diagonal laying of ceramic tiles Diagonal floor tiles

One of the styling options floor tiles- this is laying tiles diagonally. This method is used to visually expand the room. By and large, laying floor tiles diagonally is the same traditional laying method as parallel to a wall. However, using this method, you can hide or make invisible some defects in the decoration of the room.

There are two variants of diagonal tile laying technology: "sequential laying" and "laying in three stages".

The technology of "successive laying" lies in the fact that the tiles begin to be laid from the wall or corner from the halves of the tile and sequentially lay out row after row. it simple technology, but with this method of laying, the probability of error is high. The error can creep in due to the unevenness of the walls, not perpendicular arrangement walls and miscalculations. As a result, the rows of tiles may not converge and it will be clearly visible that the tiles are laid unevenly.


The technology of laying tiles in “three stages” lies in the fact that at the first stage a base row of tiles is formed, at the second stage the entire tile is laid out on one side and on the other side of the base one, at the third stage tiles are laid against the walls (halves of tiles). The probability of errors when laying floor tiles in this way is reduced to zero, so it is used most often.

Laying tiles begins with the formation of a base row, which sets the direction of laying the rest of the tile. Therefore, before starting to lay the tiles, markup is first performed. As a rule, laying is carried out diagonally in the room, i.e. from one corner to another. The simplest markup option, without using special tool it's a stretched string. You can install two self-tapping screws at the height of the tile level in the corner of the wall and pull a thread (cord) between them.


If the room has an elongated shape, for example, a corridor or a loggia, and it is not possible to make markings along the diagonal of the room, then the markings are made parallel to the wall. In this case, the base row of tiles is laid diagonally. It should be noted that aligning the tiles in this way is somewhat more difficult than in the first option.


Instead of a cord or thread for marking, you can use laser level. This is enough convenient option, however, it should be remembered that it is not desirable to shift the laser level before the end of the laying of the first row.

After marking, the first row of tiles is laid. In this case, only whole tiles are laid, and the halves are laid on final stage. Laying the first row should be done especially carefully. Since the laying of the rest of the tiles depends on the quality of laying the first row. After laying the first row, it is necessary to allow the tile adhesive to dry well. Then you can start laying the rest of the tiles.

At the second stage, the rest of the tile is laid. Tiles are laid sequentially row by row. At this stage, only whole tiles are laid on either side of the first (base) row. You should pay attention to the fact that when laying tiles, you should leave a corridor to exit the laying area.


The final step in laying tiles diagonally is laying the halves along the wall. This stage causes the main difficulty when cutting parts of the tile. In order to precisely cut the required part of the tile, it is necessary to measure the length of the sides of adjacent tiles (already laid on the floor). On the tile to be cut, make marks on the sides and connect them with a line, this will be the cut line.

Tips for laying floor tiles diagonally

  • To lay tiles diagonally, you will need a tile cutting machine, in extreme cases, you need to have a grinder with a diamond wheel. The fact is that with diagonal laying, part of the tiles will have to be cut diagonally, and it is almost impossible to do this with a manual tile cutter, there will be a lot of damaged tiles. Given that the mentioned tool is not cheap, this circumstance must be taken into account before laying.
  • Often choosing the method of laying tiles diagonally, they try to solve the problem of uneven walls. This is justified by the fact that since the tile is not parallel to the wall, there is no even line that would make it possible to create the feeling that the wall is uneven. However, if the tile is laid at an angle of 45 degrees to the wall, then such a line will be formed by the corners of the tile, and accordingly the desired effect will not be achieved.


  • There are two ways to achieve the desired effect. Firstly, it is possible to lay tiles at an angle not of 45 degrees, but more or less, this is true for a rectangular room. Secondly, the direction of laying the tiles can be chosen in the direction of the light falling from the window, by analogy with laying the laminate diagonally.


  • Also, when laying tiles that are adjacent to the wall, one should take into account the fact that the plinth is able to close the gap of no more than 10 mm, and, therefore, it is impossible to leave a large gap between the tile and the wall.

Laying tiles diagonally in terms of laying complexity is no different from other ways of laying floor tiles. Wherein diagonal laying floor tiles allow you to hide the unevenness of the walls, and, no less important, visually expand the room. So essentially this the best option laying tiles in a long hallway or narrow kitchen.

Ceramic tiles are popular and are used in many apartments and houses. While laying tiles diagonally across the floor allows you to visually manipulate the space and create interesting solutions- it is rarely used. The reason is an unreasonable fear of increased requirements for qualifications and calculations.

Advantages of diagonal tile laying

There are several ways to lay tiles. Diagonal tile laying has many advantages. Among the most noticeable and obvious for every apartment owner are:

  • visual expansion of space. Diagonal tiles on the floor are literally able to push the walls apart, which is important for small rooms;
  • laying tiles diagonally on the floor allows you to create neat design rooms with open walls. With a certain method of forming a pattern, it is possible to make contouring, get rid of sloppy-looking, trimmed, with inappropriately shaped sections of the coating;
  • Diagonal tiles on the floor allow you to create interesting artistic solutions. Among the most common are rhombuses located inside the zone of a rectangular pattern, various contouring, work with elements different sizes, color manipulation.

At the same time, there are no increased requirements for the qualification of the performer. If a person works well enough with the rectangular laying technique, then he knows exactly how to lay tiles diagonally on the floor.

The minor difficulties that characterize laying tiles diagonally on the floor include an increased amount of work on trimming elements. This will have to be done carefully, with careful markup, preferably with a good and accurate tool. In this case, you can create an arbitrarily complex floor covering.

Flow calculation

The calculation of tiles on the floor diagonally is carried out according to the same rules as with standard accommodation styling elements. The only difference is that it is necessary to carefully determine the coverage area and give large tolerances for the increase in waste. The following steps are carried out:

  • the laying area is divided into simple figures, triangles and rectangles;
  • the area occupied by the tiles on the floor is calculated for each section of a simple shape;
  • the resulting figures are summed up;
  • the total area is divided by the indicator of one tile on the floor;
  • the resulting figure increases upwards.

The number that is the result of the calculation is the number of ceramic elements that can be used to lay tiles on the floor without trimming, fitting, pipe contours and other protrusions. To get a more realistic figure, you should increase the calculated figure by 10%.

After that, the calculation of tiles on the floor diagonally should take into account the increased yield of substandard residues when cutting off the elements of the coating. For such compensation, the calculated number of tiles, according to preliminary calculations, is increased by another 15%, rounded up. The evaluation of the purchase costs ends with the calculation of the number of packs. To do this, the last digit of the number of tiles is divided into pieces in the package and the initial data for going to the store is obtained.

If it is possible to buy tiles by the piece, you should not do this exactly according to the parameters obtained on paper. Laying tiles on the floor always requires an allowance for accidentally split or incorrectly cut elements. Therefore, it is worth rounding the number of packs up to 0.5. For example, if 10.1 packages were received during the calculation, you need to buy 10.5. This will give you more freedom of action and will save time and nerves.

Initial markup

To make the pattern on the floor look neat, you need to carefully calculate how to lay the tiles on the floor diagonally. To do this, the following actions are taken:

  • determine the center of the diagonal stacking. To do this, in a rectangular room, it is enough to stretch two strings from corner to corner;
  • create the direction of the corners, relative to which the tiles will be located diagonally on the floor. To do this, threads are pulled through the center (predetermined) of the laying area perpendicular to the respective walls.
  • Using two directrix guides, you can easily position the tiles. It is easy to orient the centers of the sides of the laying element along the strings stretched from corner to corner, along the lines perpendicular to the wall - the corners of the ceramics.

In order to lay the surface as accurately as possible, it is best to completely place all the elements of the future ornament without using adhesive composition. In this case, all the necessary consumables in the form of crosses or plastic wedges are used to form seams.

When rough laying out the ornament, you do not need to immediately cut individual tiles. This will be done during the main work process, when ceramics are mounted on tile adhesive. A rough layout is useful when working on artistic solutions. For example, it is easy to determine the location of diamonds, shift the pattern for optimal trimming or contouring, and solve other marking tasks that simplify future work.

Surface preparation

One important part of answering the question of how to lay tiles diagonally across a floor is to prepare the surface. It is desirable that it be as even as possible. If the screed has not been laid, the old coating should be repaired and leveled. For example, repair cracks, fill large pits and potholes.

If styling new tiles is made on a previously laid tile, read here how to prepare the surface.

The substrate must be well cleaned. To do this, sweep away all the garbage, spend wet cleaning. After drying, the surface is degreased by washing with solvents. greasy spots and other similar contaminants. After that, wet cleaning is carried out again, the base is dried. The final operation is double priming. Before it is loose or fragile concrete bases can be treated with strengthening agents.

Styling technique

During repairs in apartments, if the contractor does not have the highest level qualifications and is not going to create highly artistic solutions - there are two basic techniques for working with tiles diagonally.

Diagonal laying with a common contour

In small rooms, the following method is most often used: the tiles are laid diagonally, while a pattern can be created by alternating colors, a contour is made along the perimeter of the room, laid out with rectangular details. To carry out this work, you will need a line drawn perpendicular to the wall through the center of the room (as described in the pre-marking section). A row of masonry is oriented along it, going through the entire room.

The tiles are laid on the glue, the corners are guided along the twine, they immediately form the thickness of the seams by laying crosses. On the this stage it is important to place the cover elements as accurately as possible. To do this, you will need to try on how adjacent tiles will fall. But in general - with a certain care, everything can be done accurately and accurately. After the formation of the main long row, lay out the rest of the finishing elements.

When the diagonal masonry is ready, cut the tiles to form even edges. To do this, use a tile cutter, work slowly, cutting ceramics diagonally. After forming the line, you can lay the contour with rectangular elements.

Diamond work

To create a pavement where diamond-shaped areas with diagonally oriented tiles are located along the general background of the laying, careful marking will be required. In this case, laying is not done from the center line.

You need to work from the walls, carefully checking the position of the main elements. This approach will allow you to work in rhombus zones with a minimum number of corrections, even and neat seams. If the main coating is also laid with a diagonal technique, you should start laying from the corner farthest from the door.

As can be seen from the above, the diagonal pattern of ceramics on the floor is an achievable task for any home master. It is only required to give increased tolerances for waste. They can increase if the room has a complex shape. And reach 20% in the calculations, if the performer of the work soberly assesses the level of his qualifications and is ready for the fact that many frankly damaged coating elements may appear during cutting.

Of all existing schemes, laying tiles on the floor diagonally is the most difficult way. The main problematic nuances are related to markup. You also need to correctly determine the place from where you need to lay the first tile, and in which direction to move. Despite all the difficulties, diagonal styling allows you to realize many design ideas.

Which tile to choose for the floor, and how to glue it

Consider step by step guide for laying tiles with a rhombus, you must begin with the choice of material. This is what determines the quality of the end result.

The floor in the room is usually laid out with tiles or ceramic tiles. And what is their difference? Virtually nothing. The basis is clay, and only additives differ. The tile is a type ceramic tiles. Both materials are great for any room in a living space. GOST 6787-2001 applies to ceramic floor tiles. According to the standard, tiles with an unglazed surface are intended for balconies and loggias. Glazed tiles are laid in all other rooms.

Attention! GOST 6787-2001 does not apply to tiles used in rooms with a high concentration of alkalis and acids.

You can not save on the quality of the tile. Its surface must be resistant to abrasion, aggressive impact cleaning agents, as well as mild shock. Tile suffers the most in the kitchen and bathroom. Permanent moisture, grease, objects that have fallen on the floor should not harm the floor covering.

Now for the glue. Lay tiles on cement mortar- this is last century. There are a huge number of adhesive mixtures, but they need to be chosen correctly:

  • For small tiles, usually use adhesive mixture based on cement. It is sold in the form of a dry powder, and is inexpensive.
  • Plates large sizes It is better to lay with the use of epoxy glue. It is sold ready to use.
  • Gender with wooden base during walking, a person undergoes deformation. To prevent the tile from flying off, it is better to give preference to polyurethane adhesive because of its elasticity.

Incorrectly selected glue for certain operating conditions will begin to crumble over time. Large cracks will appear under the tile, and it will simply peel off the floor.

We calculate the materials and prepare the tool for work

Do-it-yourself tile laying begins with the preparation of materials and tools. First of all, you need to calculate the required amount of tiles on the floor. The complexity of the calculation arises in the fact that laying tiles diagonally requires a lot of trimming. This results in a lot of waste being left behind.

The calculation of the amount of tiles begins with determining the floor area by multiplying the length of two adjacent walls of the room. The result is divided by the size of the tile.

Attention! When using a diamond laying scheme, only square tiles. Another form of tile will distort the diagonal arrangement of rows.

When the total amount of material becomes known, you need to calculate how many whole tiles and pieces will be required. Every effort must be made so that after cutting both pieces of tiles can be used. The final result obtained is multiplied by 10%. The reserve is needed in case of a fight, marriage and other unforeseen situations.

To work, you need a tool:

  • bucket for mixing glue;
  • two spatulas for applying the solution with a smooth and serrated blade;
  • laser or regular level;
  • building cord;
  • pencil, tape measure, rubber mallet;
  • crosses for leveling seams;
  • grinder with diamond disc or tile cutter.

Another material you will need is a grout paste for joints, but it can already be purchased after laying the tiles.

Work order from A to Z

So, now we will consider the instruction, including step by step guide work performed.

Floor surface preparation

The tile must be laid on a clean, level and solid floor. This is the only way to achieve good results. Work begins with the removal of the old floor covering. If on concrete screed there are painted areas, bitumen residues, inserted wooden mortgages, then all this must also be removed. A completely cleaned surface is primed, and then checked by level. If the floor turned out to be perfectly flat, then you just need to putty the cracks, clean the protrusions and go through the primer again.

Most often, the surface of the old floor is uneven. The best way out is to pour a new screed from a self-leveling mixture. Dry powder is diluted with water, thoroughly mixing with a construction mixer to the consistency of sour cream. The solution is evenly applied to the floor, leveling with a spiked roller. After four days, the smooth surface is coated with a primer.

Two ways to mark the floor

In order for the tiles on the floor to look diagonally beautiful, you need to properly mark the floor. This is one of the most difficult processes and can be done in two ways.

In any case, in order to correctly lay the tiles on the floor with a rhombus, you need to choose the right landmark. The role of the guide line is played by a diagonal drawn between opposite corners of the room. If the walls are uneven, the two diagonals will differ in length. This will greatly disrupt the arrangement of the rows of diamonds.

The first marking method does not require you to stick to the diagonal. The landmark for the first tile is determined by an isosceles triangle. To build it on the floor, draw two lines of the same length from adjacent corners one wall. The size of the same segments can be taken at your discretion, but it is better to choose so that the marking of the triangle coincides with the diagonal of the tile. This will allow you to start laying with a solid tile.

The second markup method is suitable for square room. It requires orientation to the diagonal. First determine the center. To do this, find the middle on the four sides of the floor. Lines are drawn with a pencil, connecting opposite points. You should get two perpendicular segments intersecting at an angle of 90 o. This is the center. This is where the tiling begins. Two more lines are drawn through this point, connecting opposite corners. These will be the diagonals for orientation.

Correct application of glue and control of the position of the tile

Applying glue shouldn't be a problem. The finished mixture is evenly applied to the floor with an even spatula. Next, they take a tool with a serrated blade, apply it perpendicular to the floor surface, and, moving to the sides, make grooves on the glue.

Attention! When using a tile with a porous surface, it must also be lubricated with glue.

After applying the adhesive solution, the tiles are laid, gently tapping with a rubber mallet. Immediately you need to check the horizontalness of the tile with a level. When laying tiles diagonally, it is important to monitor its position. Diagonal rows should run at an angle of 45 degrees to the walls of the room. The evenness of the seams is regulated by plastic crosses. They additionally help to set the tiles horizontally.

Laying tiles from the center and corner of the room

You can lay out tiles with a rhombus from the center or corner of the room. It all depends on the features of the device of the room.

First way

So, from the center of the floor we lay tiles in the event that this part of the room will be on public display. That is, the place will not be filled with furniture or something else. Tiles must be laid in sectors. After marking, they get four pieces.

Taking a spatula in hand, we proceed to laying the tiles:

  • The first tile must be laid from the center of the floor. One corner of the tile is placed at the central point where all lines intersect. The edge of the tile is combined with the diagonal.
  • Next, you need to lay out the first row. Laying tiles with a rhombus occurs, adhering to the diagonal. The stacked row ends in the corner of the room. Now we need to return to the center again. From here, the second row is laid out in the same way in the opposite direction of the room. Upon completion of the second row, a straight diagonal of tiles will be obtained across the entire room.
  • The same actions are performed with the third and fourth row to get the second diagonal of tiles. Now the floor is divided into four sectors. They need to be tiled one by one.

Laying tiles in the sectors begins after the glue has hardened on the diagonal rows. The last tiles near the walls will have to be cut into triangles. It is optimal to use a tile cutter, but in its absence, a grinder with a diamond wheel is suitable.

Second way

In a bedroom or kitchen, often the center of the room is crowded with furniture or other items. The most visible place here is the area near entrance doors. Here it is reasonable to use the second method, which involves laying ceramic tiles diagonally from the corner. Moreover, the first lay tiles cut into triangles.

It is important to lay exactly the first row. It consists of two triangular tiles, and usually starts from the left corner of the entrance doors. Further, according to the scheme shown in the photo, the tiles are laid diagonally in the following rows.

With uneven walls is violated geometric shape rooms. Near the wall on the last row, it may be necessary to cut complex tiles in several places. In order not to be mistaken, a template is cut out of paper according to the size of the tile. Then it is shaped into a complex fragment, and the sketch is transferred to a solid tile. Now it remains to trim along the lines, and glue the piece into place.


The mishandled floor with tiles is left for a day until the glue completely hardens. When it is already possible to walk on the tile, the mounting crosses are removed from the seams and proceed to grouting. Pasta is prepared from a dry mixture. It is diluted to the consistency of non-liquid sour cream. The finished paste is pushed into the voids of the joints with a rubber spatula. After grouting the floor with a maximum area of ​​2 m 2, the remains of the mixture are removed. It is impossible to delay cleaning the floor from the paste, otherwise it will be almost impossible to wash it off after hardening.


The video tells about the rules for laying tiles diagonally:

This is the principle of laying floor tiles diagonally in any room. The process is complicated, but if you wish, you can do the work yourself at home.

Even among experts, laying wall or floor tiles at an angle is considered a daunting task. But, if you know some subtleties, you can achieve its ideal location. So, we will describe in detail how to lay tiles diagonally.

Pros and cons of diagonal styling

Designers very often use this technique when creating the most unusual interiors. The arrangement of floor or wall tiles at an angle will help to advantageously beat the space and visually expand the room. The diagonal laying method also allows you to:

Zoning space;

Visually expand the area;

Hide layout defects, small irregularities and protruding parts.

The room looks more spacious

However, laying at a 45° angle is technically more difficult than conventional classical method. After all, the tiles adjacent to the walls will have to be cut, and this is a laborious process. Plus, the probability of error in such work increases significantly. Yes, and the consumption of tiles when laying diagonally due to cutting increases.

Advice! When buying, be sure to compare several tiles. If the discrepancy in size is even a few millimeters, it will not work to get a perfect drawing.

How to calculate tiles diagonally

To avoid errors, before starting calculations, it is better to draw scheme on a regular sheet of paper. It is necessary to take into account any trifle: the location of pipes and radiators, the arrangement of furniture (this is necessary when creating complex drawings), etc.

When laying without a pattern, the method is simpler: you just need to separate total area on the area of ​​​​one tile;

When creating complex patterns, you will need a scale diagram and manually recalculate the required amount of tiles different colors and sizes.

After calculating the result be sure to add 10-20% tiles for cutting.

Please also note that:
2 tiles cut less than half count as one;

1 tile cut more than half also counts as one (see picture).

Counting scheme

Surface preparation

Any, even the most expensive tile will look awkward if you stick it on uneven walls or gender. Therefore, after removing the old coating, the surface must be leveled. This is an immutable rule when working with any kind of tile in any way of laying it.

To enhance adhesion (adhesion), the surface is worth prime- the tile will hold much stronger. Do it twice, first with a primer deep penetration, and then, after its complete drying, tile adhesive, diluted to the density of liquid sour cream.


Methods of diagonal laying. markup

The construction of the entire drawing depends on the location of the very first tile, so this moment must be taken more carefully. You can lay tiles at an angle with two different ways:

from the center: straight lines are drawn from the corners of the wall or floor, the point of their intersection will be the center from which work begins; the cut tile is laid last;

"from the corner": this option is used more often in small rooms, where there is little free space, it is more complicated, since for each subsequent row it is necessary to re-measure the lines; laying starts with halves;

corner stacking

Laying from the "center" is possible in 2 versions:

The first tile is located in the center of the intersection of lines extending from the corners (Fig. B), the next 2 are located on its sides, then a row of three, five, etc., until 1/4 of the entire surface, that is, the area, is laid out, limited by intersection lines;

The tiles are located at the corners to the central point, first the diagonal is laid along the lines, then the space formed by the tiles (Fig. A).

Location from the center

Advice! Laying is more convenient to produce along threads tightly stretched from corners or walls, located 5 cm from the floor.

Correct tile layout diagonally

Required tools and materials

In addition to the tile itself, we need:

Dishes in which the adhesive solution will be stirred;

Building level;

Two spatulas: notched for laying and leveling the mortar (the size of such a spatula depends on the size of the tile) and rubber
for grouting;

Bolgalka or tile cutter;

Rubber hammer (mallet) for knocking tiles in the right place;

plastic crosses;

tile adhesive;

Composition for grouting (fugue).

Glue is better cement-based, with the addition of plasticizers. He is not afraid physical activity and is considered the most durable. When working in unheated premises or on the balcony choose frost-resistant compositions.

The position of the adjacent tile relative to the first is verified by the building level

Laying tiles in stages

1. To avoid mistakes, you must first lay out the tiles on the floor according to the selected pattern (do not forget to place crosses at the same time), and only then, if the result is completely satisfied, start work.

2. When creating complex drawings, after laying out the “dry” tiles, they are numbered.

Numbering order

3. Glue is applied only on the base or only on the tile. The first option is preferable for large rooms and a large tile - so the work goes faster. When applied to a wall or floor, you can distribute the solution immediately so that it is enough for 4-5 tiles. When working in hard-to-reach places it is more convenient to glue the tiles.

Glue application

4. The adhesive begins to set in 15-20 minutes. During this time, it is necessary to align the location of the tile horizontally and vertically with the help of a level, and firmly press it to the surface. All tiles must be strictly on the same line, without zigzag edges. Every 3 rows vertically and horizontally, be sure to align building level.

5. In work, it is most convenient to use a notched trowel - it is able to evenly distribute glue over the surface.

Advice! So that the glue on the spatula does not dry out, it must be constantly kept in water.

Laying scheme "from the corner"

6. The tile is lightly pressed and slightly moved from side to side, distributing the adhesive. This method will avoid the appearance of voids. The glue around the edges should squeeze out a little. Then gently rubber mallet the tile is moved to the right place.

Advice! When laying "from the corner" work begins with the most viewed part of the room.

7. To prevent the tile from slipping, when laying on the walls, it is attached in 2-3 rows, the rest is glued only after the previous one has set.

8. Expose before the next tile two crosses, allowing you to fine-tune the size of the seam. Its width depends on the size of the tile - the larger it is, the wider the seam is made.

9. The crosses are removed after the glue has set, but before it dries completely. Excess glue from the seams is cleaned immediately before it hardens.

Arrangement of crosses

10. After passing one row, a flat board or a rule is placed on it, which is lightly tapped with a mallet. Thus, the entire row is aligned. If some tile is located below the level, under it solution is added.

11. Scrap stacking they start last, when the entire area is filled with tiles. First, the first triangle is filled, bounded by a thread stretched from the corners, then the second, and so on.

Tiles are laid first, no cutting required

12. Before starting cutting, a line is drawn with a pencil, paper tape is attached along it (it helps to avoid chips) and then the tile is cut with a grinder or a tile cutter. The edge is processed with a grinding stone or sandpaper.

Advice! The tile will be cut easier if you pre-soak it in water for 40 minutes.

Laying cut tiles

13. The seams begin to overwrite (joint) a week after the end of the work and the complete drying of the glue. The tile is well washed and the grout is pressed into the seams with a rubber spatula. Its excess is removed immediately, before it dries.


Video: How to lay tiles diagonally on the floor