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» What is the difference between a gymnasium and a regular school: on the example of my children. What is the difference between a lyceum and a gymnasium from a regular high school

What is the difference between a gymnasium and a regular school: on the example of my children. What is the difference between a lyceum and a gymnasium from a regular high school

A large number of educational institutions literally drives parents into a dead end. Finding an answer to the question of where to send a child is difficult. Therefore, it is worth figuring out what each of the institutions is like and how an ordinary school differs from a gymnasium and a lyceum.


This educational institution. In it, each of the disciplines is taught in equally with some exceptions. For example, if the school has classes with in-depth study of a subject.

The program complies with state requirements, loads - the norms established for a certain age. Free and study time is distributed so that the child has enough of it both to complete schoolwork, and for sections / circles and extracurricular activities.


It is considered an elite educational institution. In middle or high school, the so-called pre-profile training is introduced, which, of course, takes more time. The program and load are individual for each educational institution.
Also in the gymnasium there is often a division according to the interests of the child. This allows you to quickly determine future profession. The educational institution provides a universal and multilateral education.


Often refers to a specific university. Usually prepares the child for admission to this institution. In addition, the training is conducted by teachers of a particular university. The level of education is much higher. At the same time, the main emphasis falls on specialized disciplines. Sometimes this institution allows admission immediately to the second course.

The school has the opportunity to upgrade its status to a gymnasium or a lyceum, but this is difficult.

Cons of gymnasium and lyceum

To answer the question and the lyceum, you must first highlight the positive and negative sides these institutions. Let's start with the cons. In some of the institutions (in gymnasiums for sure, in lyceums - selectively) after certain classes, exams are held. If the results are poor, the child may face expulsion from the educational institution, and this is a certain stress.

Also, because of the pursuit of good performance, teachers and management are trying to weed out students who cannot cope with increased workloads. The methods for this are used in a variety of ways and sometimes negatively affect the self-esteem of a teenager.

The controversial point is the material support of the institution, which is an order of magnitude higher than that of a regular school. This aspect mainly falls on the shoulders of the parents.

Advantages of the gymnasium and lyceum

The teachers of these institutions must have the highest category. At the same time, the teaching staff must be fully staffed. Unlike the school, here each teacher teaches only one subject.

Since various students are eliminated at different stages, the level of the rest is quite high. And this makes children strive for great success.
In such institutions, they try to exclude various conflict situations and possible fights. Therefore, children are monitored more than in schools, and absenteeism and deteriorating academic performance are immediately reported to parents.

The variety of electives in these educational institutions is an important factor. It also provides training in at least two foreign languages, and in a more in-depth form. In an ordinary school, one is most often studied, less often two, but not so thoroughly.

What is the difference between a school and a gymnasium and a lyceum? Education

Since education in schools is state-owned and regulated by a set of rules and laws adopted by the relevant authorities, its level in these institutions is equivalent. Textbooks and additional literature are the same for everyone. At the same time, there are standard loads (a lesson of 45 minutes), as well as a regulation that determines the number of hours of load for a certain age. The age limit for accepting a child into school is 7 years.

All this slightly lowers the educational level of these institutions. The main task of parents is to interest the child in learning. After all generally accepted standards boring for kids.

Of course, a lot depends on the teachers. If they are able to interest a child in something, then the process of mastering the material is much easier. It's very hard not to go wrong with this.

But gymnasiums and lyceums adjust the load and the type of education for themselves. The teaching staff is interested in the good performance of each child. Therefore, a variety of programs and methods are being devised and selected. This will help you better understand the material. However, the level of workload is an order of magnitude higher than the school one. This is very exhausting for children, especially for elementary school students. Less free time. Therefore, if the child has any hobbies, sections, then there may not be enough time for them, and after all, no one has canceled homework.

What is the difference between a school and a gymnasium and a lyceum?

What is the difference between establishments? Now let's figure it out. The teaching staff is stronger and more complete in lyceums and gymnasiums. Education in them is conducted according to an expanded program and is multidisciplinary and more in-depth, unlike the school.

The school teaches only one foreign language. In addition, the choice of leadership. Whereas gymnasiums and lyceums prefer English as the main one and one or two more as additional ones. In gymnasiums and lyceums, electives and scientific work are carried out.

What's better?

We figured out how the school differs from the gymnasium and the lyceum. What's better? Every parent, of course, wants to give their child a quality education. However, it is worth considering his capabilities, abilities and desires. Even if the child is still small, it is possible to determine where he will feel more comfortable and confident. You do not need to increase your self-esteem and ambitions with the help of a baby who may simply not be ready for heavy loads. Therefore, when choosing an educational institution, you should look at your child. If the ability to master the material well and love for different kind learning manifested itself at an early age (the child began to read, count, write early), then it is most likely that in a regular school, where children learn the alphabet and counting in the first grade, he will be bored. Then there is a chance that the baby will lose interest in learning.

Although it also happens that before school the child did not particularly show himself. But having entered the first class, it suddenly turned out that he was madly interested in one or several subjects at once. Then you should try to enter, for example, a gymnasium after the 4th grade. Sometimes it is appropriate to choose an institution with an in-depth study of a favorite subject.

Also, when choosing an institution, it is worth considering the opinions of the parents of those children who have already been studying in it for some time. Then it's easier to understand where better teacher, attitude towards children and much more.


Now you know how an ordinary high school differs from a gymnasium and a lyceum. We have analyzed the features of each institution. We hope that this information was helpful to you.

Three letters. This is exactly how much, literally speaking, is the real difference between the school and the gymnasium. So is it worth arguing which form of education is better? Today's graduates of gymnasiums look with sympathy at the fourth graders who are faced with innovation. Those, I think, do not quite understand yet, either to be glad that there will be no usual entrance exams, or to be upset, since the usual gymnasium education is also not provided. And new ones will come to the classes - the recording will begin in less than a month. Including idlers and losers, hooligans and bullies - all those from whom the gymnasium walls have already weaned.


I think many still remember those times when the very word "gymnasium" had some kind of imperial connotation. Well, these are the children of the nobles who studied in gymnasiums. Then a portrait of a sort of strict student was drawn in the mind, with ink fingers blue from zeal, in an almost military blue uniform. Therefore, the term did not take root with us immediately. For a very long time, it was perceived as a school with a plus - the best. The rest had only to reach for this planochka. The teachers themselves were drawn to it. Teaching the old fashioned way is uninteresting, and irrelevant. Marina Ilyina, director of gymnasium No. 10 in Minsk, once pointed out in a conversation that a modern teacher should not only be a confident user of new technologies, but also be able to use them in the educational process. The ability to simply turn on a computer and type text today will not surprise anyone.

What besides this? Knowledge of the subject, the ability to interest them. However, in truth, good teachers are everywhere. Optional in high schools.

Meeting with the teacher primary school school number 125 in Minsk by Nikolai Shavlovsky, I think, turned more than one child's life upside down. In a good way. Not only because in the lower grades "mustachioed nannies" are rare, but because a teacher with a quarter of a century of experience treats each child with tenderness and trepidation. To such teachers as Nikolai Shavlovsky, go in a jamb. This is the case when the status of the institution fades into the background. And, let's be honest, they go to elementary school for motivation, love for learning, and not for deep knowledge. The race for them and for status quite recently began after fourth grade. When parents thought about the future of a capable child. In order not to lose this motivation.

And sometimes they didn't even think about it. Because often the school sounds no worse. If there is a leader who cares about the common cause, who will establish a sports base and organize interesting circles. So that parents do not have to take their children to remote areas of the city. And so that everything, as they say, in one set - both general education and School of Music and sports sections. As, for example, in Minsk school No. 56. Troublesome - yes, says its director Yury Kruglik, because the school was built for this.

Of course, a lot depends on the educational institution itself. But not all. For example, the level of knowledge and motivation to study with which the guys will come to their classes is unlikely. Let's be honest: schools are more prepared to work with different contingents. In gymnasiums, they simply forgot about the category of children with two grades - for many years only those who really wanted to study came here.

Well, yes, now the performance indicators will creep down, and there will be a little less places at the Olympiads. But that's not the point. Teachers will have to remember the forgotten psychological tricks and again explain to naughty children why certain knowledge is needed. And the wise men will again turn into "nerds" and "nerds."

And further. Alas, equal opportunities do not guarantee equal results. There will always be those who study and those who, so to speak, serve their service, no matter what opportunities they are given. And it doesn't matter at all what the name of the institution where they study will be - just a school or an elite gymnasium.

All parents sooner or later think about where it is better to give the child. The choice is usually small: school, lyceum, gymnasium. It needs to be taken seriously, because right choice parents depends on the quality of education of the student and his future.

Unfortunately, many educational institutions speculate with the terms "gymnasium" or "lyceum", and in fact in our country the most ordinary school can be called a gymnasium. The attitude of parents to such a school is better, since intuitively everyone understands that a gymnasium is better than some ordinary school. This question requires clarification.

How is a high school different from a lyceum?

In our country, the school is a general educational institution, and the program in it is established by the state. It is aimed at general development student (the first 9 classes exactly). However, the educational institution itself can set a higher bar for the humanitarian or technical direction, if it considers it necessary. From here, various gymnasiums and lyceums begin to form.

About the gymnasium

This educational institution boasts an improved educational program that provides the student with versatile and universal knowledge. Here the child is more likely to understand what is closer to him: science, art or any applied subjects. It is believed that in the gymnasium it is easier for a student to identify his strengths and decide on his future specialty. That is, the gymnasium differs from the school in a more expanded general educational program.

The concept of a lyceum

Here, the main emphasis is on a particular industry (say, construction). And in addition to general education subjects, specialized specialties are taught in the lyceum. Quite often, the lyceum belongs to a certain university, that is, it concludes an agreement with it and prepares graduates for subsequent admission to this university. The level of education that a student receives in a lyceum is much higher than a school one, but it clearly does not reach the level of an institute. But for students who studied well at the lyceum and organized themselves, it is much easier in the first two years of the institute than for students who entered after school.

This is the main difference between a gymnasium and a lyceum. In the first case, the general education program is expanded, in the second case, the program is made narrowly focused and often “tailored” to a specific higher education institution.

In any case, parents need to correctly understand the mindset of their child. Perhaps he will not be interested in some highly specialized knowledge, but he will show interest in some.

From the history

This school has its roots in Ancient Greece- that's where it came from. In the 5th century AD, gymnasiums were built throughout Greece, which were then an analogue of modern schools.

But lyceums do not have such ancient history. In Russia, they appeared in the middle of the XIII century, and then they were the most elite educational institutions. Education in the lyceum took place for six years, but the students received the same knowledge as in regular schools. Later, 11-year education was introduced, which allowed the student to make a good career as an official in the future. Of course, today's lyceums are far from those educational institutions that have existed in Russia since the 13th century.

What to choose?

Now that we know approximately how a gymnasium differs from a lyceum, we can talk about choosing an educational institution. If you understand and see what subjects are given to the child at school, or he himself knows who he wants to become in the future, then you can find a lyceum with an increased study of the desired subject. For example, if a student is good at mathematics, physics, geometry, then it is quite obvious that in the future a technical education will come in handy. Appropriate in this case find a good high school state institute and try to get there. In such lyceums, students are usually prepared for entrance exams, and quite well.

In the event that the student is well given technical and humanitarian subjects, then you can try to transfer the child to the gymnasium, where he will take an extended course. However, it should be borne in mind that the difference between a gymnasium and a school today is illusory. Therefore, graduates of GBOU gymnasiums most often do not have any advantages or more knowledge than graduates of ordinary schools. And in general, it all depends on the school or gymnasium itself, the skills and professionalism of teachers, and the abilities of students. Even the simplest village school with good teachers is able to prepare children better than a prestigious city gymnasium.

From a legal point of view

And although now we understand how the gymnasium differs from the lyceum, there is the federal law, which makes it clear that there is no difference between these educational institutions. Legally, they differ only in name and nothing else.

The fact is that before the entry into the law "On Education in the Russian Federation" (that is, until September 1, 2013) educational institution received the status of a school, lyceum or gymnasium as a result of state accreditation. At the same time, the type of each educational institution was defined in the first paragraph of the provision. There it was explained which institution can be considered a gymnasium, lyceum or school.

To date, there is no such division. There is only the concept educational organization", and the state accreditation procedure only confirms the compliance of the activities of this organization with educational standards. This means that even the weakest school in any village can be called a lyceum or gymnasium, and this will not contradict the law. Moreover, only the decision of the founder is enough (it can be a subject RF and even physical or entity) in order to turn an ordinary school into a gymnasium or lyceum. What is the difference between an ordinary school and a similar institution? Yes, nothing. It's just that such techniques can be used in order to raise the authority of the school, although in fact this does not lead to any changes: the staff does not change, the program remains the same, as well as the conditions of study.

Lyceum, school, gymnasium - the same thing?

Now you understand the difference. A lyceum and a gymnasium are educational institutions of the same level, so it should be assumed that the lyceum you choose yesterday could have been an ordinary school with a standard educational program. Unfortunately, many founders use the opportunity to change the name of an educational institution in order to tritely fool their parents, because it is not fashionable today to have the status of an ordinary school. Many parents still believe that a gymnasium or lyceum is higher than a regular school. This was before the introduction of the law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated September 1, 2013.

How to be?

In fairness, it should be noted that in Russia there are many really good lyceums and gymnasiums that have remained faithful to traditions and really deserve to have such a status. Therefore, before choosing an educational institution for your child, be sure to look at the rating of lyceums or gymnasiums, read a lot of reviews about the institutions you are looking at, visit them in person and even chat with the director or teachers.

This is exactly what should be done today, since the bill does not mention gymnasiums and lyceums, so their status is not regulated by anyone or anything. An ordinary and even the weakest school can legally have a similar status.

Every parent with special attention refers to choosing an educational institution for your child. When considering options - a school or a gymnasium - you should be aware of their differences, as well as the advantages and disadvantages.

How is a high school different from a high school? The difference in teaching staff

The gymnasium is a more elite educational institution than a school with a standard approach to learning. In terms of the number of institutions with in-depth study of subjects, there are much fewer than ordinary secondary ones.

Answering the question of how a gymnasium differs from a school, it is important to know that in order to assign the status of a gymnasium to an ordinary educational institution, it is necessary to completely replace the composition of teachers. Only then will it correspond to a special level of teaching.

To organize the educational process in lyceums and gymnasiums, teachers must have the highest qualification category, as well as participate in all competitions aimed at assessing pedagogical skills. When submitting documents for admission to work in such an institution, teachers must submit a portfolio with the results of their activities.

The staff of teachers is selected on a competitive basis. Many do not understand how a gymnasium differs from a regular school. However, everyone knows that most general education institutions are experiencing a shortage of teachers. In this regard, to work in ordinary schools, along with young professionals without experience in the field of teaching children, they recruit people who have not been trained at all in a specialized educational institution in this profile. Accordingly, such employees do not have a diploma and the required category. Of course, the use of cutting-edge teaching technologies is out of the question. The main task of the school principal is the issue of staffing and the continuous learning process.

Finance turnover

Another requirement for obtaining the status of a gymnasium is a high turnover of finances. The institution must be provided with modern and up-to-date equipment that will help organize the appropriate educational process.

It is worth knowing how a gymnasium differs from a school in Russia. Only an institution with the status of a gymnasium has the opportunity to collect funds, the amount of which, compared to ordinary educational institutions, is much larger. In other words, the better, the more expensive.

Development programs

Speaking about the difference between a gymnasium and a school, it should be noted that in an educational institution with increased requirements, students are provided with various development programs. This approach makes it easy to digest the material.

A high-status institution with special attention to the teaching of humanitarian subjects and foreign languages.

Learning foreign languages

Here is another difference between a comprehensive school and a gymnasium. The program of secondary educational institutions makes it possible to study only one foreign language. Gymnasium students must have knowledge of two or more. Their study takes place sequentially, due to the fact that the educational process begins with primary school. From the 1st to the 4th they teach one language. After the 5th grade, the child can study 2 or more. Training takes place in subgroups consisting of 10 students. In this way, it is achieved high efficiency learning discipline.

Advanced Knowledge

In an institution with a high status, like a simple school, in educational process standard textbooks and programs are used. In addition, students are provided fiction.

Children gain in-depth knowledge by studying:

  • artistic activity and culture;
  • the study of religion;
  • rhythm lessons;
  • philology lessons.

In order to understand the difference between a gymnasium and a school, one should consider the technology of the educational process in more detail. For example, a chemical-biological group is trained according to a special plan, and also participates in additional activities such as excursions.

Children, together with experienced mentors, develop their educational projects, present observations and the results of their activities, participating in a scientific conference.

When studying the question of how a school differs from a gymnasium and a lyceum, one should not lose sight of the fact that patriotic, choreographic and scientific associations and clubs exist in institutions with a high status.

Few schools, especially rural ones, can boast of having a modern technical base that provides conditions for conducting research and creating projects.

After analyzing the employment of students of the gymnasium, it should be noted the fact of using an in-depth training program. Such an educational institution is provided with everything necessary to reveal the talents of the student. For the comprehensive development of the child can visit:

  • various mugs;
  • extracurricular activities;
  • sport sections.

Joint activities with higher educational institutions and cultural institutions allow expanding the horizons of children and filling their lives with impressions of bright events.

The main thing for the gymnasium is discipline

Knowing how a gymnasium differs from a school will help parents make a choice. A high-profile educational institution maintains enhanced control over the discipline of students who must attend classes according to the schedule, without gaps. Also important condition, which must be observed, is special shape clothes. Now some schools are trying to stick to a strict appearance. However, this is more of a recommendation than a rule.

The gymnasium has the following distinguishing features:

  • own symbols, coat of arms;
  • hymn;
  • the presence of a bus for transporting students.

Behind appearance and the behavior of high school students is strictly monitored. With special attention, they monitor the number of children with the fact of being brought to the police and difficult children. Discipline and tidiness in gymnasiums concerns both students and the building itself.

Talking about the difference between a gymnasium and a school, it is worth noting the principle provided for by the charter of the gymnasium, the essence of which is that one teacher teaches one discipline. This avoids cases of teacher replacement.

Material and technical base

The school is at the forefront of this issue. Equipped with the necessary and modern equipment, teaching aids and the availability of computer classes with Internet access - all this is the hallmark of a school with a higher status. There are also libraries with two types of books: regular and electronic.

One cannot but agree that such an innovative approach to education is the basis for a decent education for children. Ordinary schools have a good material base, but still lag behind gymnasiums in this as well.

Now, in order for a first-grader to enter a gymnasium, he must pass an entrance exam, which helps to assess the abilities of a future student. This is not required to enroll in a regular school.

Every city has a department of education. Periodically, a commission of members of this organization checks all general education schools all advantages and disadvantages are weighed. After summarizing the results, a decision is made whether the institution corresponds to its status or not. It is possible that such a check will requalify the school as a gymnasium, if there are positive trends, the opposite can also happen.


Based on the foregoing, we can safely give an exhaustive answer to the question of how the gymnasium differs from the school. Secondary educational institutions in comparison with gymnasiums lose significantly.

The disadvantage of the latter is in expensive training. However, the quality of education is much more efficient and higher. In this regard, if you have the opportunity to enroll your child in a gymnasium, you should not even think about it. Children who graduate from high-status institutions will receive an excellent education and become full-fledged developed personalities.

Gymnasium or school for first graders, which is better?

What to choose: a prestigious gymnasium or an ordinary school? Whether our child is a high school student or an ordinary schoolboy is, perhaps, a more difficult question than Hamlet's. Because too many nuances need to be taken into account when choosing, starting from the "stuffing" of the curriculum, ending with the territorial position of the educational institution, from the number of children in the class to the financial situation of the family. What is the difference between a school and a gymnasium, what is its "elitism" - is it really so important for modern man get into the "circle of the elite"? Let's try to understand the pros and cons.

The craving for name changes has been sitting in us for a long time: streets and cities have changed their names, institutes have proudly been renamed Academies and Universities, former secondary schools have become gymnasiums, and some even lyceums. The skeptic within us insistently whispers that the outside doesn't always reflect the inside, and that, fundamentally, little has changed. Although, of course, it sounds nice: “I study at the “university”” or: “my son is a high school student.” Some kind of chosenness and elitism can be read in this, it's nice!

However, our skeptic will have to admit that he is still wrong in many respects, at least with regard to schools and gymnasiums. There are a number of objective characteristics approved and legalized in the highest level, which allow (or do not allow) the school to be called a gymnasium. This is a mandatory study of several languages, these are higher requirements for teaching staff- both professional and purely technical, for example, in an ordinary school there can be a single physics teacher, but in a gymnasium this is impossible. In a gymnasium, compared to a regular school, there is a much richer and more diverse training program, the latest novelties of computer technologies come to the rescue, much attention is paid to the general cultural level of students. The “corporate spirit” is actively supported, which is expressed in some signs of distinguishing the pupils of this particular gymnasium from others: a uniform, an emblem. As well as discipline, the atmosphere is also the “face” of the gymnasium, the worthy expression of which must be carefully maintained. There are many more features that distinguish an elite educational institution from an ordinary school.

That is to say, there are differences. So, dear skeptic, hide your smile. Everything looks more than chic - probably, after all, we will become high school students. Unless, of course, we get into a prestigious gymnasium through a competition, if we pull it financially ... Yes, often a gymnasium is a paid and very expensive pleasure. And if there is someone to carry the child to the other end of the city. Art requires sacrifice, but, apparently, it's worth the candle!

And here it is - the other side of the coin: are these sacrifices justified? Do not overshadow the benefits of training? We completely forgot about our future first-grader. Does he need an abundance of subjects and their in-depth study, is he ready for such loads? Learning Latin, fencing, staying in the saddle, being able to dance the waltz is, no doubt, very interesting. But is it really necessary? Maybe so, but not all and not always. Not every child can master the gymnasium marathon. And a long daily road, if the gymnasium is far from home, is a big test for a small student. And to be honest, not every gymnasium in practice corresponds to its own high rank, it happens that the learning process, despite the abundance of subjects, is formal, “for show”. So, do not torture the child and go to school in our yard?

I dare say that syllabus, the educational standard and all the programs taken together - this is far from the most important thing, especially in primary school. A friendly class, a kind and moral first teacher, a good friendly working atmosphere - perhaps this is the most important thing in the first years of study. And since it comes into play human factor- this is to some extent luck in any case, no matter where the child studies. Therefore, it would probably be wise to focus on the personality of the teacher recruiting the first grade, rather than staring so intently at the prestigious sign. A teacher from God can be found both in a modest secondary school in every sense, and in a luxurious gymnasium, and meeting such a person is a great success.

School or high school? The choice is up to the parents, the main thing is not to lose sight of the true needs of the child.