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» Numerical coefficient of expression: definition, examples. Numerical expression coefficient, definition, examples

Numerical coefficient of expression: definition, examples. Numerical expression coefficient, definition, examples

On sales volume. We divide 900 thousand rubles by 156,000 thousand rubles, we get 0.005769. This is the profitability of the enterprise for the period under review.


In a similar way, you can calculate the liquidity, capitalization, activity and profitability ratios of any organization. Keep in mind that in practice, specialists use dozens and hundreds of different financial ratios. Don't be confused - basically they are all derived from the coefficients of the above categories and are calculated in the same way.

Helpful advice

Practice calculating profitability ratios for any other data from a business's income statement. You can also use data from the company's balance sheet as a basis.

There are many definitions of profitability: return on invested capital, profitability economic activity, relative indicator of economic efficiency, etc. Simply put, it shows how much the company earned for each ruble invested, for example, profitability 10% means that for every ruble invested, the company received 10 kopecks of profit.


Why do you need to calculate profitability enterprise and individual areas of its activity? The fact is that the presence of profit as such does not allow us to judge the effectiveness of the enterprise. Assume that the company made a profit of 1 million rubles. Is it good? Yes, if we're talking about about a small enterprise renting an office and having the only one in the form of . But if we are talking about a large plant, then with 1 million rubles. The company is barely staying afloat. That's why there is profitability.

How to calculate profitability? It all depends on which one profitability you want to calculate.
Calculate profitability capital (assets) in one of the following ways:
- the ratio of net profit to shareholder (equity) capital;
- the ratio of net profit to investment capital;
- the ratio of net profit to all enterprises.

Calculate profitability sales, making the following calculations:
- P1 = K1/N, where K1 is profit from sales; N - sales revenue in prices;
- P1 = K1/N, where K1 is profit from sales; N - sales revenue in selling prices;
- P3 = K3/N, where K3 is net (retained) profit.
Calculate the total profitability enterprise, determining the ratio of net profit to costs, consumption of enterprise resources.


  • Why is profitability needed?

Diagram- graphical diagram of solving the problem of strength of materials when calculating strength characteristics and effective loads on the material. It reflects the dependence of bending moments on the length of the loaded section of any element. It could be a beam or a truss, another Basic structure.


Typically, diagrams of torsional and bending moments are constructed, as the most dangerous for the strength characteristics of structures. If it is necessary to study the distribution of longitudinal and transverse forces along the length of a loaded element, diagrams of longitudinal Q and transverse forces N are also calculated and constructed.

They begin to build a diagram by solving problems according to theoretical mechanics and strength of materials. Establish the nature of the element under consideration and the type of its connections (methods of fixation in space). In this case, take into account the following basic ones: - a system at rest is in equilibrium; - the sum of forces acting on a balanced system is equal to 0, as well as the sum of moments created by these forces; - moment is the product of a force by a shoulder, the distance perpendicular to the force the point of application of the force to the point of the moment; - an upward force is positive, a downward force is negative; - if the system turns clockwise when a moment is applied, the moment is positive; if it is counterclockwise, it is negative.

Take a pencil, ruler, paper. Draw, to scale, a schematic representation of the element in question (rod) and its connection ().

In accordance with the calculations, indicate the points of application and direction of the forces, their magnitude. Indicate the point of application of the moment and its direction.

Break the element into sections (sections), indicate in them shear forces, build diagrams for them. Determine the bending moments in the sections. Construct diagrams of bending moments.


  • how to build diagrams

Physicists from the University of Leicester (UK), using the laws of aerodynamics, calculated the speed of the main character of comics and films, Batman. For calculations, they analyzed an episode of K. Nolan’s film “Inception” (2005), where the bat-man, opening his cape, flies down from a skyscraper.

Having considered the episode of Batman's flight with tall building, future scientists David Marshall and his friends from the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy calculated the magnitude of the forces acting on a person during such a flight. The calculations were based on the conventional mass of the superhero being 90 kilograms and the height of the building being 150 meters. Physics students also calculated the scope of Batman's special cape. When this cape meets the air flow, it straightens and becomes rigid, while its span is 4.7 m.

All calculations were made in accordance with the laws of aerodynamics. Based on the data received, students concluded that lift a cape will be enough to keep Batman in the air, while the superhero's flight speed will be from 60 to 100 kilometers per hour.

According to these curious calculations, when jumping down from a building 150 meters high, the bat-man will fly 350 meters in three seconds, with a maximum speed of 109 kilometers per hour and a landing speed of 80 kilometers per hour. After performing all the calculations, the young physicists concluded that Batman can indeed fly with the help of his cape, but a sharp landing would be life-threatening due to the high speed in the last seconds of the flight - the superhero would simply crash into the ground.

As one of the authors of the calculations said: “If Batman wanted to survive such a flight, he would definitely need a bigger cape.” Physicists also advised the filmmakers to invent jet propulsion to extend flight speed and reduce landing speed if they wanted to keep the size of Batman's cape the same.

This work by four physics students, entitled “Trajectory of a Falling Batman,” was published in December 2011 in the Journal of Special Physics Topics and received mixed reactions from the public.


  • Brakes for Batman in 2019

Supercompensation is the main goal of almost any trip to the gym. This is the period of time during which the athlete’s muscles not only recover after training, but become stronger, more resilient, and more voluminous than they were before.

Supercompensation: what is it?

After graduation sports training tired muscles gradually begin to recover. This long process can be divided into several stages. During the first stage, the muscles return to pre-training levels. On next stage muscle growth occurs and their performance increases. The period during which the muscles not only rested after training, but also became stronger - this is supercompensation. Having reached its peak, athletic performance begins to decline and gradually returns to pre-training levels.

Peak supercompensation is the perfect time for your next trip to the gym. If you put a load on muscles that have not had time to recover as much as possible, the effect of the training will be insignificant, or even completely negative: tired muscles are at risk of overtraining. The effectiveness of training will also decrease if the right moment is missed: at the peak of supercompensation, muscle performance can increase by 10-20%, which allows the athlete to increase the load.

This - important point, since only a constant increase in load can ensure a stable increase in sports performance. Without increasing the load, the athlete will only be able to maintain the level already achieved.

How to determine the ideal moment for training?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to accurately determine the period of supercompensation. This process occurs individually and depends on many factors: the athlete’s metabolism, initial level of training, load intensity, nutrition, and general condition of the body. In addition, different functions and muscle groups are restored in different ways and the period of supercompensation is different for them.

It is also necessary to take into account this nuance: if the training was not intense and the muscles did not receive sufficient load, there will be no supercompensation and performance will not increase. In case of excessive load, overtraining occurs, and, as a consequence, a stop in the development of sports performance, or even regression.

Cyclic training - a solution to the problem of supercompensation

The solution to the problem of supercompensation is a competent training program designed taking into account individual characteristics athlete. One of essential principles such a program is a cyclic alternation of the intensity of the load that is received various groups muscles.

The essence of cycling in training comes down to dividing the sports program into separate periods, which are repeated with to varying degrees intensity: light, medium, high. Perfect option– split training, when the program is divided into several training days, during which the athlete works a separate muscle group.

It is also worth considering that for different parameters (such as strength, endurance, muscle volume, etc.) the period of supercompensation is different and requires loads of different intensity. Therefore, it is split training with cyclic changes in load that ensures the uniform development of all trained parameters.


  • Image: How to calculate the supercompensation period
  • Supercompensation: so that the body is super!
  • Super compensation
  • The role of supercompensation in bodybuilding



in algebra: a constant indicating how many times a term is taken standing nearby with her expression; in physics: a number that measures the strength of a Ph.D. phenomena, for example, elasticity.

Complete dictionary foreign words, which have come into use in the Russian language. - Popov M., 1907 .


in mathematics there is a constant quantity for which. an unknown or variable quantity is multiplied; eg in expressions 2x - the number 2 is k. If there is no coefficient for a variable value, then the coefficient 1 is implied. In physics, k is a number that is used to measure various specific actions of a substance and which is constant for the same substances; eg expansion of bodies - the ratio of the increase in the length or volume of a body from an increase in temperature by 1° to the original length or volume of the body.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Pavlenkov F., 1907 .


novolatinsk coefficiens, from cum, with, and efficere, to promote. In algebra, a quantity that appears before a quantity and indicates how many times that quantity is taken.

Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. - Mikhelson A.D., 1865 .


(new Latin coefficiens, from cum - with, and efficere - to promote). In algebra, a quantity that appears before a quantity and indicates how many times that quantity is taken.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N., 1910 .


(lat. coefficiens (coelfi-cientis) facilitating) mat. a usually constant or known quantity that is a factor of another, usually variable or unknown quantity; k. proportionality - a constant number which, when multiplied by any value of one quantity, gives a product equal to the corresponding value of another quantity proportional to the first; useful action - a value showing what part of the expended energy is converted into useful work; usually expressed as a percentage.

New dictionary foreign words.- by EdwART,, 2009 .


coefficient, m. [ New Latin coefficiens – facilitating]. 1. Numerical factor in an algebraic expression (mat.). || The number by which to multiply something. value (price, size, etc.) in order to obtain the required one under given conditions (special). Set a coefficient for converting old prices to new ones. 2. A number that quantifies something. property physical body(physical). Efficiency factor (ratio of quantity useful work, produced by someone. mechanism, to the amount of energy it absorbs).

Big dictionary foreign words.- Publishing house "IDDK", 2007 .


(Ian), A, m. (German Koeffizient lat. coeffîciens (coefficiēntis) facilitating).
1. mat. Numerical factor in an algebraic expression.
2. physical A quantity that determines something. property of a physical body or mechanism. TO. useful action(efficiency).
3. The number by which to multiply something. value to get what you are looking for. You can calculate your salary by multiplying the minimum wage by k. , corresponding to your rank.
4. decomposition Supplement to wages, compensating for difficult or abnormal working conditions. They are paid north k.
Coefficient- relating to coefficients 1-4, coefficients.

Explanatory dictionary of foreign words by L. P. Krysin. - M: Russian language, 1998 .


See what "COEFFICIENT" is in other dictionaries:

    In statistics, an indicator expressed as relative values. Reflects: the rate of development of any phenomenon (the so-called dynamics coefficient), the frequency of occurrence of the phenomenon (for example, the birth rate), the relationship of qualitatively different phenomena...

    COEFFICIENT, a number by which some unknown quantity is multiplied in an algebraic expression. In the expression 1 + 5x + 2x2, the numbers 5 and 2 are the coefficients of x and x2, respectively. In physics, a coefficient is a number characterizing a certain... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    Component, component, term, multiplier, factor, ratio, proportion, ratio, degree, percentage, indicator, index, parameter, characteristic; efficiency Dictionary of Russian synonyms. coefficient noun, number of synonyms: 9 gross coefficient ... Synonym dictionary

    coefficient- a, m. coefficient, n. lat. coefficients, ntis. 1. Mat. A multiplier (numeric or alphabetic) in an algebraic expression. Sl. 18. It should not be left to young men to make notes on algebraic multiplication and elevation of powers. As members... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (from Latin co together and efficiens producing) a multiplier, usually expressed in numbers. If the product contains one or more variables (or unknown) quantities, then the coefficient of them is also called the product of all constants, including ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Coefficient K1, proposed by V.S. Ivlev (1938) is a trophic coefficient determined by the equation: , where Q1 is the energy of the substance newly formed in the body (growth energy); Q energy of food consumed. Ecological encyclopedic... ... Ecological dictionary

    coefficient J- heel deviation coefficient The change in compass deviation for each degree of list of the ship to starboard, if the ship is heading north according to the compass. [GOST R 52682 2006] Topics of navigation, observation, control means Synonyms coefficient... ... Technical Translator's Guide

    - (from Latin co together and efficiens producing), a multiplier, usually expressed in numbers. If the product contains one or more variables (or unknowns), then the coefficient for them is also called the product of all constants, in ... Modern encyclopedia

    - (coefficient) Numbers or algebraic expressions that define the structure of a mathematical expression or equation. For example, in the equation y = ax2+bx+c, a is the coefficient of x2, b is the coefficient of x, and c is the constant term. Economy. Intelligent... ... Economic dictionary

    See Industrial Discovery Efficiency Ratio. Geological Dictionary: in 2 volumes. M.: Nedra. Edited by K. N. Paffengoltz et al. 1978 ... Geological encyclopedia


  • , Wilson Glenn, Diana Grylls. The book, written by famous British scientists, contains a selection of original tests for children aged 5-11 years, including tests for understanding the meaning of words, observation, logical...

In mathematical descriptions the term " numerical coefficient", in particular, when working with literal expressions and expressions with variables, it is convenient to use the concept of a numerical coefficient of an expression. In this article we will give a definition of the numerical coefficient of an expression and analyze examples of finding it.

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Determination of numerical coefficient, examples

In N. Ya. Vilenkin’s textbook mathematics for 6th grade the following is given determination of the numerical coefficient of an expression.


If a letter expression is the product of one or more letters and one number, then this number is called numerical coefficient of expression.

By the way, the numerical coefficient is often called simply the coefficient.

The voiced definition allows us to give examples of numeric coefficients of expressions. First, consider the product of the number 3 and the letter a of the form 3·a. The number 3 is the numerical coefficient of this expression by definition. Another example: in the product x·y·0.2·x·x·z the only numerical factor is 0.2, which is the numerical coefficient of this expression.

Now let's give a counter example. The number 3 is not a numerical coefficient of the expression 3·x+y, since the original expression is not a product. But this number 3 is the numerical coefficient of the first of the terms in the original expression.

And the product 5·a·2·b·3·c contains not one, but three numbers. To determine the numerical coefficient of this expression, it must be converted into a product containing a single numerical factor. We will figure out how this is done in the next paragraph of this article; this is the process.

It is worth noting that products of identical letters can be written in the form , so the definition of a numerical coefficient is also suitable for expressions with powers. For example, the expression 5 x 3 y z 2 is essentially an expression of the form 5 x x x x y z z, its coefficient, by definition, is the number 5.

You also need to focus on the numerical coefficients 1 and −1. Their peculiarity is that they are almost never written down explicitly. If an expression is a product of several letters (without a numerical factor) and there is a plus sign in front, or there is no sign, then the numerical coefficient of such an expression is considered to be the number 1. If a product of several letters is preceded by a minus sign, then the coefficient of such an expression is considered to be the number −1. For example, the numerical coefficient of the expression a b is equal to one (since a b can be written as 1 a b ), and the numerical coefficient of the expression −x is equal to minus one (since −x is identically equal to the expression (−1) x ) .

Subsequently, the definition of a numerical coefficient is expanded from the product of a number and several letters to the product of one number and several letter expressions. So, for example, in a product the number −5 can be considered a numerical coefficient. Similarly, the number 3 is the coefficient of the expression 3·(1+1/x)·x, and is the coefficient of the expression .

Finding the numerical coefficient of an expression

When an expression is a product with one numeric factor, that factor is the numeric coefficient. When an expression has a different form, then finding its numerical coefficient implies preliminary performance of some identical transformations, with the help of which the original expression is reduced to a product with one numerical factor.


Find the numerical coefficient of the expression −4·x·(−2) .


Let's group the factors, which are numbers, and then multiply them: −4 x (−2)=((−4) (−2)) x=8 x. Now the required coefficient is clearly visible; it is equal to 8.

« Numerical coefficient ", or simply " coefficient" is a term that implies the same mathematical concept. It is very simple to understand the meaning of the term, and to find the numerical coefficient on specific example even easier. But first, let's look at the official definition.

What is a mathematical numerical coefficient?

According to a mathematics textbook, if an expression consists of one number and several letter symbols multiplied by each other, then this number will be the coefficient of the entire expression. In this case, the number of letters does not matter - the number can be multiplied by one letter, by two or by five at once, it still remains a coefficient.

For example, consider the following expressions:

  • 5*a. In this example, there is one number - “5” and one letter “a”, and they are multiplied by each other. Accordingly, the number “5” will be the coefficient of the entire expression.
  • 7*b*c. Here we see an expression consisting of one number and two letter designations at once. But since the multiplication between them is preserved, the number “7” also remains a coefficient.
  • 6*9*a*b. IN in this case we see two letter designations- and two whole numbers. However, this does not change the situation, because the principle of multiplication is still present. To find out the coefficient, you just need to take the product of “6” and “9”, that is, “54”, and rewrite the expression as 54*a*b. The number "54" will be the coefficient of the expression.

It must be recalled that the last rule also applies to expressions where numerical designations are not next to each other, but are separated by letters. For example, 2*c*4*a - we can safely rewrite this expression as 2*4*c*a, because when multiplying, it does not matter in what order the factors are. And thus, the coefficient is still found easily and simply - it will be the number “8”.

Don’t get lost if the problem asks you to find a coefficient for a literal expression without numbers - for example, y*z. In this case, the number “1” is always used - since the expression from the example can be written as 1*y*z. The coefficient is found in expressions with both positive and negative factors.

In what cases is it impossible to find the coefficient for the entire expression?

The overall coefficient cannot be found if operations other than multiplication are provided. For example, if you take 3*c + a, then the number “3” will be a coefficient for only one of the terms, but not for the entire expression.

The equation of a reaction in chemistry is called the notation chemical process using chemical formulas and mathematical symbols.

This entry is a schema chemical reaction. When the "=" sign appears, it is called an "equation". Let's try to solve it.

Example of analysis of simple reactions

There is one atom in calcium, since the coefficient is not worth it. The index is also not written here, which means one. On the right side of the equation, Ca is also one. We don't need to work on calcium.

Let's look at the next element - oxygen. Index 2 indicates that there are 2 oxygen ions. There are no indices on the right side, that is, one particle of oxygen, and on the left there are 2 particles. What are we doing? No additional indexes or fixes in chemical formula You cannot enter it because it is written correctly.

The coefficients are what is written before the smallest part. They have the right to change. For convenience, we do not rewrite the formula itself. On the right side, we multiply one by 2 to get 2 oxygen ions there.

After we set the coefficient, we got 2 calcium atoms. There is only one on the left side. This means that now we must put 2 in front of calcium.

Now let's check the result. If the number of atoms of an element is equal on both sides, then we can put the “equal” sign.

Another clear example: two hydrogens on the left, and after the arrow we also have two hydrogens.

  • There are two oxygens before the arrow, but there are no indices after the arrow, which means there is one.
  • There is more on the left and less on the right.
  • We put coefficient 2 in front of water.

We multiplied the entire formula by 2, and now the amount of hydrogen has changed. We multiply the index by the coefficient, and we get 4. And on the left side there are two hydrogen atoms left. And to get 4, we have to multiply hydrogen by two.

This is the case when the element in one and the other formula is on the same side, up to the arrow.

One sulfur ion on the left, and one ion on the right. Two oxygen particles, plus two more oxygen particles. This means that there are 4 oxygens on the left side. On the right there are 3 oxygens. That is, on one side there is an even number of atoms, and on the other, an odd number. If we multiply the odd number by two times, we get an even number. First we bring it to an even value. To do this, multiply the entire formula after the arrow by two. After multiplication, we get six oxygen ions, and also 2 sulfur atoms. On the left we have one microparticle of sulfur. Now let's equalize it. We put the equations on the left before gray 2.


Complex reactions

This example is more complex because there are more elements of matter.

This is called a neutralization reaction. What needs to be equalized here first:

  • On the left side is one sodium atom.
  • On the right side, the index says that there are 2 sodium.

The conclusion suggests itself is that you need to multiply the entire formula by two.

Now let's see how much sulfur there is. One on the left and right sides. Let's pay attention to oxygen. On the left side we have 6 oxygen atoms. On the other hand - 5. Less on the right, more on the left. An odd number must be brought to an even number. To do this, we multiply the formula of water by 2, that is, from one oxygen atom we make 2.

Now there are already 6 oxygen atoms on the right side. There are also 6 atoms on the left side. Let's check the hydrogen. Two hydrogen atoms and 2 more hydrogen atoms. So there will be four hydrogen atoms on the left side. And on the other side there are also four hydrogen atoms. All elements are equal. We put the equal sign.

Next example.

Here the example is interesting because parentheses appear. They say that if a factor is behind the brackets, then each element in the brackets is multiplied by it. You need to start with nitrogen, since there is less of it than oxygen and hydrogen. On the left there is one nitrogen, and on the right, taking into account the brackets, there are two.

There are two hydrogen atoms on the right, but four are needed. We get out of this by simply multiplying water by two, resulting in four hydrogens. Great, hydrogen equalized. There is oxygen left. Before the reaction there are 8 atoms, after - also 8.

Great, all the elements are equal, we can set “equal”.

Last example.

Next up is barium. It is equalized, you don’t need to touch it. Before the reaction there are two chlorines, after it there is only one. What needs to be done? Place 2 in front of the chlorine after the reaction.

Now, due to the coefficient that was just set, after the reaction we got two sodiums, and before the reaction we also got two. Great, everything else is equalized.

You can also equalize reactions using the electronic balance method. This method has a number of rules by which it can be implemented. The next step is to arrange the oxidation states of all elements in each substance in order to understand where oxidation occurred and where reduction occurred.