Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Which is better PC or console? What is better for gaming: PC or game console. Sales and free games

Which is better PC or console? What is better for gaming: PC or game console. Sales and free games

It so happened that most of my conscious gaming life I played on a PC. I love beautiful games. I am one of those people who are ready to wander through levels for hours and look at its smallest details and admire the virtual landscapes. I want to see the game in all its glory: the way the developer intended it. That's why my machine needs to get the most out of games and that's why I play on PC. In order not to be accused of one-sided judgment, I hasten to say that I also managed to play with the console. I had an Xbox 360. I played fighting games that were not on PC (Tekken, MK (MK did not appear on PC right away), Naruto, etc.). Actually, it was only for this genre that I bought myself a console.

Four years have passed, and in the summer of 2014 it will be five years since I built my gaming machine. And then the question arose: is it worth building a new computer? Maybe it's worth taking one of the next-gen consoles? After all, a console is great - you don’t have to rack your brains or consult with anyone about assembling a PC. Buy yourself games and play for your own pleasure. Although, in terms of graphics, consoles still remain the same as PCs. At the moment this is one of the most popular holivars on the network.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t get used to the idea of ​​playing at anything other than maximum graphics settings, and I don’t even like a gamepad (how do you even play shooters on it?). But I became terribly curious: what is more profitable? Have a top-end gaming PC or the latest generation console at home? I decided to do a little research on this topic and calculate, for comparison, the average cost of a console and a gaming PC.

Assembling a gaming PC

I wouldn’t say that I have a great understanding of computer hardware, but I assembled the last two machines myself and have some idea. To assemble, I used the configurator of one of the popular online hardware stores. Prices are taken from the same place, because... they are quite democratic.

CPU INTEL Core i5 3570 K, LGA 1155, OEM8 600rub.

Quad-core processor with a frequency of 3.4 GHz. The processor has a built-in graphics core Intel HD Graphics 4000, so if the video player suddenly speaks, we can survive. We take the OEM version, because... We will buy a cooler for cooling the processor separately. The power of this baby should be enough for us to last for more than 4 years.

It will cool our processor TITAN TTC-NK35TZ/RPW(KU)700rub.

It fits freely on any sockets, the materials are aluminum + copper, and the noise level is only 27 dB. An excellent option for reasonable money.

Let's take two packs of RAM CORSAIR XMS3 DDR3- 2x 4GB, 1600, DIMM– 3600r × 2 = RUB 7,200.

To store information, take a hard drive 3.5″ WD Red WD20EFRX for 2TB and SSDPLEXTOR for 128GB for 3,800 rubles and 3,500 rubles, respectively, which in total gives RUB 7,300.

A 2TB hard drive should hold enough games for us, and there should even be room for videos and music. We used a faster SDD drive for the operating system so that Windows would boot and run faster. Both drives fit into SATAIII.

We will insert an optical drive into a traditional DVD-RW, for example DVD-RW SAMSUNG SH-224BB/BEBE for some 600rub.

There are different situations in life, so you shouldn’t skimp on the drive.

We’ve come to the most delicious part – the video card! Because we are not going to overclock (because we are assembling a gaming machine - and we want to get maximum pleasure with a minimum of problems) I decided to add to the kit PALIT GeForce GTX 780 JETSTREAM, NE5X780H10FB-110XJ, 3GB by price RUB 18,100.

A video card is always the most expensive purchase, but also the most important. I chose this model for simple reasons:

  1. Ports: 2 DVI, 1 HDMI + necessary adapters included
  2. Maximum resolution: 4096 x 2160 – a nice bonus
  3. Good power for the money
  4. No need for overclocking

This video card, purchased at the same time, may well be relevant for 4 years. Those. we should calmly play the latest titles at maximum settings with stable high level FPS

For a video card, we will need a power supply of at least 600W (as indicated in the specification of the video card). I decided to choose HIPER K700, 700W behind RUB 4,800. The money is not small, but we are paying it for a powerful power supply with a focus on the future and for removable wires, which, in my opinion, is very practical.

I chose the motherboard GIGABYTE GA-H77-DS3H LGA 1155, ATX behind RUB 2,800, because it fully satisfies all our needs.

All that remains is to choose a case into which we will put all our hardware. I chose THERMALTAKE Spacecraft VFI VN600 A1 W2 N behind 2 700rub. There is enough space for everything, there is a Reset button, it is not very expensive and quite nice.

So, we have assembled a beast that should serve us for at least 4 years, and ideally 6 years before upgrading (or buying a new computer). Our gaming machine will cost us RUR 52,800. The amount is not small, but we have just started, then we will see how much it will cost us full set consoles, and then we'll move on to buying games.

Buying Playstation 4

average price set-top boxes on Yandex.Market RUR 22,500. But I took as a basis the official price in RUB 18,990. For a full game we should purchase a Playstation Camera for 2600rub, and also pay for the Playstation Plus subscription every year, which costs ~ 2000 rub..

Total purchase of Playstation 4 will cost us RUR 21,600 + RUR 2,000 in year. Almost 2 times cheaper than a gaming PC! Let's move on to the next console.

Buying an Xbox One

I managed to find the Xbox One console for RUR 25,000 complete with Kinect. And don't forget about the Xbox Live Gold subscription to play online and get goodies in the store. So far in Russia an Xbox Live Gold subscription costs about 1800rub in year. But prices may change after the official appearance of Xbox One in the Russian Federation, along with the advent of Xbox Music and Xbox Video.

Total we spend RUB 25,000 + RUB 1,800 in year. A little more expensive than the console from Sony.

Now let's count the numbers

We will assume that life cycle console is 8 years old. Thus, our gaming PC will need at least one upgrade. To keep our PC up to date, we will only change the processor and video card, because... We took all spare parts taking into account a possible upgrade.

Since our research is about games, let's assume that in a year we will buy 10 games, 4 of which will be AAA games, and the other 6 will be bought on sales. To calculate the average price of a PC game, I went through the TOP 50 games on Steam and took the arithmetic average. The average price of games on PC sales will be 150 rubles. To calculate the average prices for console games, I took 10 games for each console on 5 different sites and calculated the average. And because PS Plus and Xbox Live subscribers receive 2-3 games per month; we will make appropriate adjustments to the price calculations for consoles. The results can be seen in the table below (all prices are indicated in Russian rubles).

Table 1. Ten games per year


Platform price

Additional expenses

Total for 8 years

PC 52800 (600×4+150×6) ×8 = 26400
PS4 21600 (2600×4+700×4) ×8 = 105600 2000×8 = 16000
Xbox One 25000 (2400×4+600×4) ×8 = 96000 1800×8 = 14400

Judging by the table, it is more profitable for an avid gamer to choose a PC as the main gaming platform, thus saving about 40,000 rubles over 8 years. But based on personal experience, I can say that with age people play less often, because... more important things come up. So let's do another calculation with a decrease in the number of games purchased.

Let's imagine an average gamer over the age of 25 who has good job and beloved woman. It is unlikely that he will play all day long, but how can he live without games at all? Let's create a new table and assume that our family gamer and diligent worker devotes no more than 2 hours a day to games and buys only 5 games a year (3 of them AAA titles and 2 free games for subscription).

Table 2. Five games per year


Platform price

Additional expenses

Total for 8 years

PC 52800 (600×3+150×2) ×8 = 16800 18100 + 8600 = 26700 (upgrade processor and video card)
PS4 21600 (2600×3)×8 = 62400 2000×8 = 16000
Xbox One 25000 (2400×3)×8 = 57600 1800×8 = 14400

Prices have become closer in value, although the Sony console will still cost us the most, and buying a gaming PC is comparable in price to buying an Xbox One.

So which is more profitable?

Having considered all the figures obtained, I made the following conclusions.

It is more profitable for you to buy a powerful one gaming pc If:

  • you have enough time to play
  • Are you used to a keyboard and mouse?
  • The graphic component is very important to you and, in your opinion, it should be at its best
  • you have the skills/friend who can help you choose/assemble a powerful PC
  • you need a desktop PC at home

But you should buy console If:

  • you don’t understand and don’t want to mess with computer hardware
  • you don't play games that often
  • you often/quite often invite guests, because... you can entertain yourself and your guests by playing fighting games or other games that can be played with two/four/eight players
  • It’s not so important for you that games run at maximum graphics settings
  • you just want to relax after work while sitting on the couch
  • do you like console exclusives?

And if your choice fell on the console, then, in my opinion, there is also a small division:

If you need a console purely for gaming, then you should buy Playstation 4. If you need an entertainment media center, then you should buy Xbox One.

Well, I remain true to my original course and continue to play on PC. And soon another hardware upgrade awaits me.

But still, it’s not so important what device you play games on, what’s important is the pleasure and experience that you get from them.

To get the most out of a computer game, you need to decide what to use: or a console. How will immersion into this fascinating world be more vibrant, impressive, and convenient? Each option has advantages, so it’s worth weighing the arguments and assessing the functionality, taking into account your own preferences and tastes.

Features of consoles: pros, cons

There is currently heated debate about the pros and cons of using consoles versus gaming PCs. But even ardent supporters of computers cannot deny that when using a set-top box, there will be no need for additional costs for its equipment. For example, in the next 5 years there will be no need for a new video card, which, when working on a PC, will use up its resource in 2 years. In addition, there are a number of other important advantages:

  1. Fans of console games note the affordable price compared to PC. Especially considering the constant rise in prices for video cards;
  2. Optimization. for consoles are already optimized and you don’t have to think about whether the hardware will handle this or that game;
  3. Exclusives. Many of the gaming masterpieces are not released for the computer. When choosing which is better, a console or a PC, it is important to take this into account;

The disadvantages of consoles are as follows:

  • It is quite difficult to switch to games after a PC due to the peculiarities of the controls: the force of habit will not allow you to quickly “switch” from the keyboard to the joystick.
  • Functionality: you won’t be able to edit a video, edit a photo, or design a website on the console. A console is a device solely for gaming.

PC Features: Pros, Cons

For a number of parameters, computers will never give way to game consoles in terms of functionality, ease of use, innovation, flexibility in control, configuration with the ability to improve operating parameters and support for old games.

Advantages of computers:

  1. When choosing between a computer or a console, for many, the most important advantage of the first option is the ability to increase productivity.
  2. Convenience and functionality of the device. If, for example, you need to type text on a set-top box or PC, then the choice is already obvious. The same situation applies to surfing the Internet.
  3. Opportunity remote access to the game. On the console, this functionality is only available using .

PC Disadvantages:

  • Overall dimensions (taking a computer with you, unlike a console, will not be easy).
  • Difficult to assemble.

So what to buy: console or PC

To decide which is better: a game console or a computer, you should focus on personal preferences, desires and tastes. For some, games are an opportunity to have a good time and take a break from work, for others it is a real passion. Consoles are ideal for gamers who have support for HD format and higher. 4K or Ultra HD resolution, which is supported by PS4 Pro, is now becoming popular. Gaming gadgets are portable, have a large supply of graphic power, and allow multiple users to use them at once.

And if, when choosing between a console or a computer, the preference lies in versatility, multi-functionality, the ability to run even old, but still popular games today (like “Heroes 2”), a PC will do. In addition, PC gamers note high quality pictures, no limit of 30 frames per second; among consoles, only top versions like PS4 PRO or XBOX One X support such parameters. Also, if strategy is your preference, then the console is definitely not suitable.

We understand the pros and cons of gaming devices

The computer offers better visualization, large quantity indie games and more accessible apps, while still being significantly more expensive than consoles. This may be due to compatibility and hardware issues. Consoles are cheaper to buy and can last for an entire generation. They are easier to maintain, but the games are more expensive.

You've probably come across a discussion of this topic somewhere on the Internet. Which is better for gaming, consoles or PC?

Both have many advantages with disadvantages. Which is better depends subjectively on both the user’s preferences and his budget. Let's look at two types of gaming platforms and decide which one is better for the user.

Types of PC and Consoles


In desktop computers, there are three OS on which you can work: considered the most popular today, and when discussed " computer games", my thoughts will turn to the Windows desktop. There have been plenty of apps released for Linux and macOS, but the limited selection makes Windows the only real choice.

Considering desktop computer and a laptop, remember that such laptops are too expensive if you do not plan to purchase. They won't offer the same value as a desktop computer. Their performance will also lag behind that of a desktop computer.


When it comes to consoles, there is a wider choice.

The main consoles, namely Sony PlayStation and Microsoft Xbox. They are the most popular and have the largest range of games. The same applies to the PlayStation Vita, which was originally released as a standalone handheld console but was eventually replaced by the PS4.

Random attachments. Aimed to offer entertainment for the whole family and use more creative designs and controls. Nintendo is considered the pioneer of consoles such as the Switch and the handheld 3DS, or the previous generation Wii and DS, which have sold more than 100 million units.

Take these types of consoles into account and decide what you need? Since the latest consoles are in a league of their own, PlayStation and Xbox are the ones that share the majority of their applications with PC and compete with it.



It was game consoles that helped games penetrate the mainstream. How did they do it? Simply more convenient and much cheaper than a gaming PC.

Estimated prices for current generation consoles:

Now these consoles are not only cheap, but also economical in the long run. If you take care of it, the console can last you more than 5 years until the next generation console arrives. You can play all the games released for this console without worrying about compatibility issues or hardware obsolescence. All current generation game consoles are available, with the exception of PlayStation. 4 Pro and Xbox One X have been expanded to support apps on TV.


There is no set standard for PCs. Each individual computer consists of a number of components that affect its price and performance: processor, video card, motherboard, RAM, HDD and the power source that powers it.

Based on performance, gaming PCs can be divided into the following:
  • Price of a simple PC and the performance is about the same as the cheapest consoles, but it will quickly become outdated.
  • The budget PC is a slight upgrade from the entry-level PC in terms of performance and is considered the best gaming PC, but is still far from the future.
  • Mid-range PC can cost between $500 and $800. Those that offer excellent Full HD performance and are capable of running at 2K resolution, and last for several years without becoming obsolete.
  • High end computers start at $800 but can go as high as $2,000. These are gaming PCs that can handle 2K games, and the most powerful ones can run apps flawlessly in 4K. Components are more likely to "die of old age" before they become obsolete.

One of the advantages of a computer is that you can generally update it, although some technological leaps can be limiting in this regard. Numerous replacement components can make troubleshooting a hassle.

People often overlook that in addition to the computer itself, there are also peripheral devices to consider: mouse and keyboard, monitor, headset, and possibly speakers. All of this adds up to a significant increase in the overall cost of a gaming PC.


What to choose?

Many games are developed primarily for consoles and then for computers. Consoles make up a major part of the gaming industry. Today, PC app launch dates coincide with console launch dates, but there are still a few instances of timed exclusives.

Console-exclusive apps exist, but few that are truly worthwhile and can sway your decision right now are Sony's top-notch apps. The computer has access to more advanced indie games.

Game availability

On consoles, there are two ways to purchase games: get them from the console's network (PSN or Xbox Live) or buy physical copies. In case of physical copies, you can use games at a low price.

PC users have more options. In addition to physical game discs and online platforms such as Valve Steam or EA Origin, there are also many other sites and stores that sell games. The most popular of which is Humble Bundle. There are so-called gray markets that serve as platforms for resellers, such as G2A or Kinguin.


Every app released for a console will run flawlessly on that console, regardless of whether it was released during the console's initial launch or after it was replaced by the next generation.

The same cannot be said about PCs. Because of large quantity Due to available hardware, games may encounter problems when trying to run on certain hardware. There are examples of poorly optimized applications that do not work correctly, regardless of the hardware.

Backward compatibility. Your computer will pretty much be able to run any game right out of the gate, regardless of release date. Alternatively, you may have to make some hardware or configuration changes until it runs reliably.

Backward compatibility on consoles is considered a somewhat dubious issue. Xbox One is fully compatible with older editions of Xbox, PlayStation 4 is not. This situation may change in the future, so it is unpredictable. It's unclear whether you'll be able to play a current-gen game on a next-gen console without having to pay extra for services like PlayStation Now.


If interested, can you find out which console to choose PS4 Pro or XBOX One X?

PC Console
Superior Performance More affordable
Best Graphics Easy to install and use
Availability of games over low prices Various console exclusive and high budget games
More expensive Questionable backward compatibility
Less powerful configurations are less promising Apps are a little more expensive than on PC
Cable mess Relies on battery for power
Some games may not perform well due to poor optimization Performance is not as good as on PC

The release of many excellent games on different consoles and PCs, the eve of SteamMachines, all this gave me the idea to write an article about what is better, is it even possible to use the word better, and if you are going to make a purchase, where to stop and what

The word "better" in this comparison of a computer with a console is a very vague concept. Which plan is better? In terms of functionality or as a gaming system? We need to figure this out a little.

Let's look at the pros and cons of a computer and a console (we won't take a specific platform, let's take consoles in general).


+ Exclusives

- Expensive games, more than 2000 rubles.

+ Convenient media device for the living room (In particular, new generation consoles)

- Playing shooters on a gamepad is more inconvenient and the accuracy is lower*

- Loses in PC graphics. more about this.


+ You can turn your PC into a console by connecting it to the TV and attaching a gamepad. It’s just that you won’t be able to play exclusives that are only available on one console or another, but that’s not a problem, because there are very few of them and it’s pointless to bet on them.

+ Flexible control in games with keyboard+mouse/gamepad

+ Licensed games are much cheaper than consoles. Moreover, it is possible to download from torrent trackers of prohibited sites.

+ Powerful and it is possible to easily install the part even more powerful.

- Sometimes it’s not “plug and play” and you have to work with your hands

+ Multifunctionality. A PC can do more than just be a media center. PC is everything.

+A huge variety of games. Only console exclusives are missing. There are not many games on consoles and there never will be that are on PC, in turn, consoles don’t have many exclusives for which on PC, but only a couple of worthy ones per year.

Conclusion: I think everyone will draw their own conclusion based on the facts presented. However, it is clear to the naked eye that a PC can be said to be a console (without exclusive games) and at the same time be a multifunctional PC. However, it is possible for those who do not like any difficulties in computers, but want to just take a gamepad and immediately start playing, for those who want a device only For games and related entertainment in the form of TV, music and video consoles will come in handy. Only PC can give more.

*The topic "Gamepad vs. Keyboard and Mouse" is probably worthy separate discussions.

Should I buy a console or a PC?

Some people doubt whether they should buy a console, a PC, or upgrade an old PC, or what to do at all. It all depends on what you are buying the device for. If you want to play console exclusives, then the choice is obvious. Otherwise, it is advisable to buy new hardware for your computer or if you have a desktop computer (Desktop), you can buy a laptop, but as a gaming platform it has several disadvantages compared to a desktop.

All the given pros and cons are laid out absolutely to the point, as is. If you want to add something, write in the comments.