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» What is better to choose - a boiler or a gas water heater? Electric or gas water heater: which is better to choose? What is the difference between a boiler and a geyser?

What is better to choose - a boiler or a gas water heater? Electric or gas water heater: which is better to choose? What is the difference between a boiler and a geyser?

Both types of this equipment have a number of features, including both advantages and disadvantages. If you don't know what is best to choose - boiler indirect heating or geyser, then we hope that our article will help you decide. So, geyser It is considered one of the most common methods of autonomous hot water supply. It is a flow-through water heater that heats cold water from the tap directly “on the fly.” Thanks to this, heating is carried out almost instantly, and the volumes of supplied hot water depend on the power of the speaker.

The gas water heater is compact and provides fast water heating. However, it requires that the house be connected to a centralized gas and, preferably, water supply. In many ways, the efficiency of such equipment depends on the pressure of the cold water supplied. Also, to install a gas water heater, a chimney is required, at least coaxial (for turbocharged models). In some cases, this may cause some inconvenience to the user.

As for the indirect heating boiler, it does not have a flow-through, but a storage principle of operation, accumulating hot water heated by a separate heating boiler in its container. Therefore, it is advisable to use this equipment (boiler + boiler) only in conjunction with each other. Some models of such water heaters have a built-in electric heating element that supports high temperature water. The advantage and, at the same time, disadvantage of this boiler is its bulkiness - it can store a large volume of liquid, but at the same time it requires a lot of space for its placement.

So, indirect heating boiler or geyser- which equipment will be more profitable? The column is intended exclusively for flow-through DHW heating in relatively small, household quantities. At the same time, the house must have a stable, good pressure of gas and cold water. It does not have a tank, so if the cold water supply is turned off, you will be left without hot water too. A gas water heater is ideal for apartments or houses with central heating, as well as stable water and gas supplies.

In turn, an indirect heating boiler is much more economical than a gas water heater, since it receives water already heated by the boiler and spends a minimum of energy maintaining its temperature. It does not require a gas pipeline to heat water; the boiler can operate on electricity or completely autonomously (using coal, wood, pellets). In addition, it stores hundreds of liters of liquid in reserve in its container, which is ideal for cases where increased DHW consumption is required. Its disadvantages include its bulky dimensions, as well as very high price a set of a heating boiler and an indirect heating boiler (which, however, soon pays off).

Many people resort to the need to purchase a device for heating water in the summer months, when the water supply is usually turned off. Residents also face this problem. country houses, since there is no centralized hot water supply at all in this case.

But what is better: a gas water heater or a water heater? Today we will tell you more about which one is better to choose for your apartment or house. To do this, let’s first get acquainted with the main characteristics and features different types devices.


In apartments and houses, the most popular choice is a gas heater. It is easy to use, durable, safe, practical and extremely reliable. In addition, it allows you to heat water much faster compared to the electric model.

Job modern devices is fully automated. The burner is ignited when the device is started. At this moment, gas is supplied, and in its absence, the flame is switched off. The main advantage of this type of water heater is its efficiency, since gas costs much less than electricity.

These heating devices can be of two types:

  • Cumulative;
  • Flow-through.

The first option is suitable mainly for large families that require a large amount of water consumption. In such a situation, you can install a tank with a capacity of about 200 liters, which is enough to shower two adults and three children. For a small family best option- This is a flow-through heater. When choosing it, you need to take into account the power. When using one point of water consumption, 19-20 kW is suitable, and for simultaneous use of water in two different places– not less than 24 kW.

The advantages of a gas water heater are:

  • Optimal gas consumption for heating;
  • High efficiency;
  • Low cost.

The disadvantage of the device is the need to install a hood when installing it, since during gas combustion harmful fumes and products are formed. They must be taken outside in a timely manner.

Electric water heater

The electric heater is alternative option gas, which is no less functional. It is usually used in apartments and country houses, in which there is no gas. It is also selected for installation in the bathroom and toilet, where gas supply is not possible.

In this case, water heaters are also divided into two types - storage and instantaneous. The first design option of the device heats the water in the tank to a certain temperature (usually about 37 degrees), after which it is maintained at a certain level.

When the tap is opened, the tank receives cold water, and when its full volume is exhausted, it takes a long time to heat the next portion. It depends on the type of heating element, tank volume, and also thermal insulation coating container walls. To reduce heat loss and save energy, the heater structure must be covered with special materials that retain heat.

Flow models have a compact design, but their disadvantage is high power and correspondingly high consumption electrical energy required for work. In addition, their installation requires specialized knowledge and experience, and only a professional can handle it.

What to choose?

You choose a device for heating water, but don’t know which is better - a gas water heater or electric water heater? For an apartment or house with a gas supply, the first option should be used. It has a low cost, leads to low gas consumption, and is easy to use. However, the use of a geyser is associated with high danger.

Everyone knows such a pressing problem as instability of hot water supply. The water can be turned off at the most inopportune moment. Is there a way out of this unpleasant situation? Certainly! Retail chains offer a variety of water heaters. Among them, geysers and electric water heaters are especially popular. various types(storage and flow). This article is for those who want to find out what is better and more profitable.

Types of water heaters

Gas water heaters are not new. Previously, speakers were bulky and inconspicuous, but today they are compact devices with an aesthetic appearance. The principle of operation remains the same. It lies in the fact that cold water entering the copper heat exchanger is heated natural gas. The undoubted advantages of such equipment are instant heating of any volume of water and the low cost of natural gas.

These products, both domestic and foreign manufacturers. To be completely confident in the quality of such devices, you should choose products from well-known and reputable companies. Among them are brands such as Neva, Ariston, Elektrolux and many others. High productivity, high power and low cost of gas resources contribute to high consumer demand for this equipment. Modern models Columns are divided according to the ignition method. They can be:

  • automatically - the device starts working the moment the mixer tap is opened;
  • semi-automatic - manual ignition of the wick is required to start the equipment.

Relatively new equipment is turbocharged speakers. The operation of this device is not affected in any way by the presence of draft in the chimney pipe. A turbine is a built-in fan designed to pump air masses into the combustion chamber and remove combustion products from it. The automatic operating mode of the system ensures the reliability and safety of the device. The column is equipped with sensors that record such important indicators, such as: pressure and temperature of the water, as well as the heat exchanger. Increasing the standards of these indicators leads to automatic blocking of the system.

For consumer convenience, manufacturers supplement the equipment with special options. These may include a convenient display, various indicators (on and heating) and a thermometer.

Boiler – storage water heater. Available in two types: gas and electric. The electric heater includes: a thermally insulated tank, a tubular heater and a water heating regulator. Water entering the tank is heated and used as needed. Gas boilers can be:

  • with a closed combustion chamber and forced draft;
  • With open camera and natural cravings.

The second heater option requires a chimney. Some models have additional options, ensuring comfortable and safe use.

An electric boiler is used to supply hot water Not only residential buildings, but also industrial facilities. Water enters the internal tank and is heated to a set temperature. Automatic operation heating elements allows you to maintain temperature conditions. Periodic heating contributes to economical energy consumption. This device is installed in the water supply system. A dense layer of thermal insulation of the tank helps reduce energy consumption for heating. Inner surface The tank is treated with a special anti-corrosion coating. Devices with a tank whose flask is made of of stainless steel. They are distinguished by reliability and durability, unlike specimens with an enameled tank.

Comparison factors

Each type of device has its own disadvantages and advantages. All of them directly depend on the conditions in which they are planned to be used.

Although, if you look at this situation from the other side, such equipment becomes the only source of hot water if the house does not have a centralized gas supply.

  • Installing a gas appliance for heating water in your home is a very troublesome task. To install a dispenser, it is necessary not only to install a gas pipeline, but also to ensure a properly functioning ventilation system, to which this equipment is connected. To install a gas appliance, it is recommended to purchase metal pipes, and for electrical equipment it is sufficient and plastic pipes. This is due to more intense heating of the column, and this can lead to damage plastic material. Electric heaters can heat water up to 90 degrees. The surface of the casing remains cool thanks to the clever thermal insulation of the device.
  • Usage of this equipment does not involve the presence of open fire. The fact of the presence of fire dictates strict conditions for the installation of gas equipment. It should be attached to a wall that has been pre-treated with a thick layer of heat-resistant materials. There are no special requirements for the installation of electrical equipment.

  • For legal installation gas heater you need to collect a package of documents, after which an official permit is issued. Installation of equipment may only be carried out by qualified specialists. Only compliance with all rules for installation, use and timely inspection of this equipment ensure complete safety. You can install the electric heater yourself. To do this, it is enough to have minimal knowledge of connecting the device to the water supply and electrical networks.
  • The most basic advantage of flow-through gas heating devices is the ability to instantly provide hot water in an unlimited volume. Electrical equipment has strict limitations on the volume of hot water due to the size of the tank and the time required to heat it. Devices with gas principle works heat 17 liters of water per minute. It takes 20 minutes to heat this amount of water with a boiler. This means that in order to heat a large tank to provide the family with hot water for the whole day, you need to spend 5 hours.
  • Important comparative characteristics is the water pressure with several flows turned on. If you turn on several taps at the same time while the column is running, you may notice a change temperature regime water. The temperature of the water supplied from the boiler, this action doesn't have any effect. Latest developments from manufacturers gas appliances allowed us to solve this problem. Modern water dispensers are equipped with an automatic relay that regulates the power of the burner fire in proportion to the water flow.

  • It is important to consider such a factor as cost-effectiveness. Comparisons are made difficult by the fact that the equipment has different power supplies. Modern dispensers consume an average of 2.3 cubic meters of liquefied gas. The boiler requires up to 3 kilowatt hours of energy. Different models of speakers use gas differently. In some models, gas is consumed constantly, in others - only when the water is turned on.
  • Gas-powered devices have undeniable leadership in terms of operation. This is facilitated by a long service life and minimal maintenance. Periodically, approximately once a year, it is necessary to check the level of system pressure. When the water temperature and the power of its flow decrease, you will need to flush the heat exchanger. Storage type devices require constant maintenance. It's connected with poor quality water resources. To extend the service life of this equipment, it is equipped with a magnesium anode, which requires periodic replacement. Constant water purification, removal limescale from the heating element and the inner walls of the tank help extend the service life of this device.

As you can see, both devices have a sufficient number of advantages and disadvantages, both in operation and in maintenance. The obvious disadvantage of the boiler is its size. An undoubted advantage is that its installation is possible on any surface of the house where there are water pipes and an electrical outlet. Wide the lineup drives, presented in retail chains, allows you to choose the optimal shape for your home (there are round and flat boilers) and size. Correct form device will provide optimization internal space premises. It is important to remember that this storage tank should be located at a level that will not complicate the process of cleaning the tank and replacing the magnesium anode.

According to safety requirements, it is recommended to place the gas heater in the kitchen. For safe use This heater requires a good ventilation system. One more prerequisite safety is the presence of a chimney. Using the column requires the presence of an open flame. This leads to oxygen burning. In order to exclude Negative consequences, regular ventilation of the room is necessary.

Column or boiler

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to guess that using a gas heater requires a gas supply. This means that this option is inappropriate for use in country houses or in houses where there is no centralized gas supply. Electricity, as a rule, is available anywhere. Means, electric heateroptimal choice for suburban housing without a centralized gas supply, especially if you live there permanently.

However, it is recommended to install a gas-powered heater for an apartment. The boiler will provide a family of any size with the necessary amount of hot water. Electrical equipment with the same capabilities has large dimensions. You will have to wait an average of 5 hours before hot water is supplied.

And in conclusion, I would like to note, no matter what device you choose, you can be sure that interruptions in hot water supply will no longer be a problem.

Due to frequent interruptions in the supply of hot water, especially in the cold season, residents of apartments and private plots are increasingly thinking about alternative methods heating water. The most effective of them are appliances such as geysers and electric boilers. Although they perform the same function - heat water, they still have many differences, such as: different time consumption for heating water, efficiency in operation, different safety parameters. Before choosing which is better: a geyser or a boiler, you need to familiarize yourself in more detail with their differences, advantages and disadvantages.

What is their difference

The main difference between these devices is the energy they use. The geyser is powered by gas, which is extracted by connecting to a central gas pipeline. Such a device was invented a long time ago, and during its existence it has evolved from a bulky unit that requires a lot of space into small compact devices.

The electric boiler has appearance a spacious tank with a tubular electric heater inside and a water heating control system outside. There are two types of such devices:

  • Flow-through is a small device that connects to the water supply pipe and heats the water when the tap is turned on.
  • Storage tank different sizes, which collects and stores water; heats the water when the tank is turned on.

Unlike a gas water heater, a boiler can work with large volumes of water, which is why various enterprises often choose it.

Advantages and disadvantages of geysers

The main advantage of a geyser is its efficiency, since gas is currently the most affordable and cheap look fuel. Other benefits include:

  • Long service life.
  • Ease of use.
  • Compactness.
  • Fast water heating.
  • No difficulties during repairs.

Gas water heaters are installed mainly in the kitchen, and most models are equipped with a thermometer and other useful functions.

A significant disadvantage of a gas water heater is the complexity of its installation. You cannot do this on your own and you still need to additionally purchase the materials necessary for installation, since they are not included with the device. Other disadvantages include:

  • The device runs on gas, it requires ventilation to remove combustion products from the room, which also adds complexity to the mount.
  • The installation of the device must be coordinated with gas services.
  • The temperature to which the column can heat water depends on the initial temperature of the water in the pipe, this means that if the water is too cold (for example, in winter), then the column will not bring it to a hot state.
  • Average level of safety, since gas-powered devices are always at risk of explosion.

Advantages and disadvantages of electric boilers

Electric boilers are more popular among users than gas water heaters, this is due to a number of significant advantages:

  • ease of installation;
  • no need to build a ventilation system;
  • safety in operation;
  • independence from the initial temperature and water pressure;
  • high efficiency.

The disadvantages primarily include the limited number warm water in cumulative electric boilers. When the hot water in the tank runs out, you need to wait until the water heats up again, depending on the size of the tank - this can take a long time. Among other disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • a large-volume boiler will not fit into every home;
  • energy supply costs are much higher than those of gas water heaters;
  • short service life.


In order not to make a mistake in choosing a water heater, the main question that needs to be answered is for what room it will be used. For the home, both gas water heaters and instantaneous and storage boilers will be equally effective. However, if a water heater is needed for a business that is visited by many people every day, then an electric storage boiler with a large tank volume is best suited.

The article described all the main issues related to water heating devices and this information is enough for the buyer to decide which is more profitable: a gas water heater or a boiler.