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» What to wish for a person who is sick. Wishes for recovery, in your own words, to your beloved and beloved - prose. Wishes for a sick friend

What to wish for a person who is sick. Wishes for recovery, in your own words, to your beloved and beloved - prose. Wishes for a sick friend

What happened, friend, to you, maybe scarlet fever?
Or mumps, diphtheria, a terrible sore throat?
Or maybe you caught this terrible AIDS?
Is it an intestinal disorder, or does your liver suddenly hurt?
No, of course, all these passions have passed you by,
But the disease still passes, we know this, fortunately.
Get well soon, we've been waiting for you,
Without you - believe me! - We only laughed once today...

Has my dear friend caught a cold somewhere in her ear?
Or did you catch a runny nose, or did you catch a cold on your feet?
Maybe she got into a puddle? Or even worse -
Got a bad flu? Her voice is hoarse
Maybe then a sore throat? In general, a good reason
You have time to lie down - no need to run anywhere!
You lie down, rest, gain more strength,
Don't worry about me: I can handle everything myself:
And I’ll run to the cafe for a date without being late,
I'll buy the blouse myself. Rest! Love you!

Are you somehow unstuck, my friend?
You say you’re sick, but I don’t believe it!
Enough to wallow, and life will pass,
And the groom will suddenly leave the sick woman for another?
Well, just one more day, and let's get up,
Conquer all your illnesses quickly,
Throw away the pills, lock up the syringes,
Let's all be healthy - we're so good!

The most important thing is health,
I want to correct it with love.
I will collect all my love down to the crumbs
And I will give it to my dear friend in the palms of her hands.
Take it and get well soon,
Forget about hospitals, doctors and ambulances.
Come back to your healthy life soon,
I believe you will be like a new ruble!

Have you heard, my friend, that vodka
Does it cure any diseases?
And also the love of a beauty
All medicines are healthier for us.
So, do you hear, don't get lost,
And take into account all my advice,
Get well soon my friend,
And if you get sick, forget about it!

Do you drink tea with raspberries and honey?
Microbes dance in circles
You outside and inside
I know - it’s hard, no matter what you say!
But everything is not forever, and the disease will pass,
Not only honey will help you,
After all, my wishes are so sincere:
Let all your illnesses go away!

Good Doctor Aibolit
He sits in a paid clinic.
Come to him for treatment
It will give you an injection in the buttock.
If your stomach suddenly hurts,
He gives compote from pears.
He treats stars and oligarchs,
Presidents and monarchs.
Zhanna Friske came to him,
He made huge friskis for her.
Kolenka Basque came to him,
And for only 100 bucks
There's cellulite off his butt
Dr. Aibolit cut it.
Sofia Rotaru came,
He made a guitar out of it.
Prostatitis, appendicitis
Aibolit heals quickly.
Well, don't worry,
Keep your tail cheerful
And let's get well soon.

Please get well soon!
How long can you lie in that ward?
After all, it’s time to go to the disco together,
We'll quickly run arm in arm.
I bought you a dress from the window,
Of course it's red, like an old scooter.
Put it on, and you'll be like in a painting,
It's good to be sick, it's time to go for a walk!

I wish you to get back on your feet as soon as possible,
Drink beer and have fun with friends,
After all, the beer is quietly waiting and the fish is on the table,
And he really wants to have it all in his stomach.
Well, that's enough, that's it, it's time to get away from the hospital,
Walk the streets, protect the entire area.
After all, the girls are sad and sit at home,
And they are waiting for you to gather the guys again.

Why, pray tell, are you sick?
After all, you're tired of a soft bed,
The disease will pass, you will overcome it,
Drive away the disease and stop being sick!
It’s certainly not practical to be sick,
I wish you health, carriage,
So that you feel great,
The evil microbes did not cause damage.

My dear friend, you are lying in bed,
You hide your nose in the pillow and barely mutter.
I wanted to come to you, but you won’t open the door,
You don’t want to see anyone in a sad state.
Therefore, instead of pills, jars instead of jam
I will send you my greetings only my poem.
Let it raise the tone and bring down the temperature,
Let your voice become more cheerful, and then your whole figure!

Confessions Good morning Good night I miss you Apologies For the mood Get well Love

Let every ray of sunshine of a new day fill you with ebullient vigor and the freshest strength, let all unnecessary ailments quickly scatter like shadows on the clearest afternoon, and let your well-being improve with every passing minute! Get well as soon as possible!

Get well soon! Let the power of your immunity go off scale, let all ailments scatter from your inspired gaze, let your heart beat evenly and tirelessly, dispelling even hints of illness, and let your health be stronger than the strongest diamond!

I wish you a speedy recovery! Supplement your treatment with jokes before and after meals, injections of positivity in the morning, passion rubs in the late afternoon and laughter therapy procedures three times a day. With this regimen you will get better quickly!

Get well soon, may illnesses and sorrows go far and forget the way to you, may your body be filled vital forces, cheerfulness, energy, and the soul - optimism, hopes and love, let inspiration awaken to create, dream and win again with a smile, with confidence!

With the first ray of sunshine, let all illnesses and illnesses disappear like nightmares, let the energy of dawn charge you for a speedy and complete recovery. I wish you a cheerful spirit and optimism, new hopes and achievements, new ideas, plans and desires and, of course, strength and good luck to realize all your plans!

I wish you that the caring Aunt Health with her daughters Vigor and Strength will constantly fuss around you, bringing Life to your house perfect order! Let the crystal purity of thoughts and ease of breathing be in tune with the silver bells of joy!

I wish you to gain strength, double your energy in order to drive away ailments, get rid of illnesses and with a great mood, with excellent well-being, with new hopes, return to your usual life, plunge into pleasant worries, feel the fullness and joy of life, and may health never cease will no longer give you a reason to be upset and despondent!

Come on, stop reading the sad book of malaise and open bright magazine happy and healthy life. Let the colorful pages of new hopes lift your spirits, and let the exciting story of strength and cheerfulness inspire you to new goals. Get well soon!

Let health, like a faithful dog, quickly settle down peacefully at your feet and follow you everywhere! Let the birds of bright thoughts and the magical ringing of cheerfulness fill the atmosphere of life with the jubilation of strength and vigor, and the blessing of fate strengthen your plans!

With all my heart I wish you to defeat the disease in as soon as possible! Know that any illness will recede if you follow all the doctor’s instructions, believe in a speedy recovery and smile radiantly! Let your mood be excellent, because cheerful people always achieve what they want faster!

Alina Ogonyok

Any time can take us and our soulmate by surprise. Those. get sick and subsequently experience all the bitterness of cough, fever and runny nose...

And if this has already happened, then you must agree that it would be nice to receive messages from social network or directly in SMS mobile phone a little warmth... But it would be better to say a little warm in person beautiful phrases from the SMS section to your beloved man or woman.

So let's get started...

The sun has already missed your smile, (name). It sent thousands of golden rays to you so that they would drive the disease away from your cozy home.

Get well soon, (name), the rainbow has already stretched its colorful path to your doorstep and invites you to set off towards new achievements.

Hurry up, drive illnesses away, (name), because the flow of time stopped when it did not see your important and good deeds on the planet. Get well soon, little one!

The illness has shackled your good mood, and the whole blooming world seems to have frozen without the positive that you, (name), give to others. Get well as soon as possible!

The flowers have sadly lowered their colorful faces and are sad without your greeting in the morning. Hurry up to get well so that the Earth will once again be decorated with bright flowers!

A shift in the planetary structure began when you became ill. They have lost their natural orbits and are spinning at random. Get well and save the Cosmos from chaos!

Get well soon, (name)! Let it come like a gentle sunbeam, let it inspire you like a feather from the heavenly birds, and delight you with a fairy tale!

You got sick, and the radiant body hid its warmth behind the horizon. The whole world will freeze while you are sick, so get well soon (name).

While you are sick, world scientists have already discovered dozens of new stars! Get well soon, my friend, so you don’t miss another discovery!

Pour yourself a hot drink fragrant tea with honey, apply warm compresses and wrap yourself in a blanket. In general, do everything to get better quickly, (name)!

Swallow your medications patiently - this will help you quickly overcome the influence of evil viruses! Don’t make a face when eating lemons – they will perfectly boost your immunity!

Since you have been sick, days without you, (name), have become black and white. Their brightness seems to have been stolen by the nasty microbes of your illness... Now go to bed, I wish you good night to your beloved, in your own words from the bottom of my heart!

Maybe you should warm yourself up with mustard plasters? Their burning breath will instantly defeat the evils of the disease that does not let you come to me, dear! Get well!

I want to give you billions of kisses, my beloved! But your cold doesn’t allow you to fulfill your wish... Get well soon, and I’ll come like a meteor!

Tell me, what unknown paths should I follow to find the source of eternal health? I will take a life-giving drink for you, and you will recover!

Collect hot sparks of positivity and direct them towards an uninvited cold. She will not be able to fight such a flow of goodness, and you will recover instantly, (name)!

The diamond of your health may have dimmed a little, but I will carefully warm it in my palms, and the stone will sparkle magnificently again. Get well soon, dear!

This message contains unlimited support for your health! I put into it a great desire for your recovery, and this will add strength to you!

I miss you, bunny... I angrily scold the gloomy weather that infected you with germs. Get well soon, baby, and I will try to protect you more in the future!

Cold winds brought viruses to our region, and one of them reached you, (name)... I will wrap you in the warmth of my heart, and you will soon recover.

I'll come to give you some flower tea. I will come to wrap you in a woolen blanket. I'll come to help you overcome that nasty cold!

Let the radiant heavenly stars share their healing brilliance with you, (name). He is able to blind the evil disease, and it will instantly run away!

Every spoonful of delicious honey, small piece a little sour lemon, every sip of herbal tea speeds up your recovery, dear.

I mentally send a piece of my own energy to you, sunshine, so that by merging with yours, it will contribute to your return to brighter days!

The gold of our health sometimes loses its shine. But its sparkle brings back Love and correct treatment. You have my Love and you will get better soon! Good morning darling, I want to hug you soon!

Bad weather outside brought dampness and colds. They, unfortunately, put you to bed. I will come, bringing the sun in a warm heart, and drive away the disease!

I will become, for a while, a powerful sorcerer who, with the help of smiles, Have a good mood and Love, will help you, (name), overcome the vagaries of a cold.

Butterflies, like weightless lights, swirl around your window. Listen, beloved, in the flutter of their wings you can hear a whisper: “Get well soon.”

A bright comet with its sparkling tail will catch your harmful disease, kitten, taking it beyond the boundaries of the cosmic fields along which the stars are scattered.

Get well soon, dear! Then we will walk together under the waterfalls of the sun, together we will admire the perfection, looking beyond the edge of the Milky Way.

From the site editor

Wishes for recovery, in your own words, to your beloved and beloved - prose

The article was prepared and edited by: surgeon

How to support a person before surgery. Examples of words of support in your own words, wishes, to a man, woman, child, mother, to a loved one, parting words before surgery on health.

In fact, for any person, surgical intervention by doctors to eliminate one or another ailment is an extremely serious test, not only at the physiological level.

In this situation, you need to be strong in spirit in order to decide on the operation itself, as well as courageously endure it. After all, if people do not believe in the ultimate success of treatment, then it is extremely difficult for them to fight their own illness.

Relatives and friends must definitely choose the best words for those who are about to go under the knife, wishes that can cheer them up and give them confidence in their own abilities.

Psychology above all else

Of course, the despondency of a person who has recently heard from a doctor that he will have to undergo a complex and expensive operation is very easy to understand. Sometimes a banal lack of funds for treatment puts the patient into a stupor. But the reason quite often lies elsewhere.

Before going on the operating table, people are afraid not only of the process performed on it, but also of the anesthesia, from which it is difficult for them to recover. This is especially clearly manifested in those who have never undergone such a “procedure.”
And here good psychologist there must be someone who can correctly configure their loved one to believe in the professionalism of doctors, as well as in the strength of their own body.

Of course, the approach to each individual in this matter should be purely individual. In this case, one should take into account not only the character of the patient, his age and gender, but also understand what kind of positive result the patient expects from the surgical intervention. Then it will be easier to set him up and motivate him for success.

It often happens that the surgeons themselves give parting and warm words to those who turn to them. Of course, the doctor cannot know deeply the characteristics of the patient’s character and his “ inner world" However, he must also have certain psychological skills and feel the situation from the inside, and not just work with a scalpel. In this matter, psychology acquires very important, if not paramount importance and is a kind of guarantee of overall future success!

  • a colleague;
  • familiar;
  • neighbour;
  • comrade.

It seems that you do something nice for people in this way, you encourage them in difficult times, but you don’t delve deeply into their souls.

Wishes for a person before surgery

Wishes for women before surgery should be especially warm, because, as you know, they are more sensitive than men. Here you can apply a method based on focusing on its natural beauty. For example, it is appropriate to say the following phrase:

“I wish you a successful operation, a speedy recovery and the natural beauty that you possess.”

For women, it is her appearance that plays a huge role. And if you emphasize her external beauty in this way, and also express support with warm words, this can give her additional motivation in the fight against the disease.

Representatives of the stronger half of humanity would benefit from parting words before surgery about courage, perseverance in the desire to recover, and strength of character in overcoming life's obstacles. In addition, you can express your own confidence that everything will turn out well for the patient.

“Darling, I have always admired your courage, and I know you are strong! It's normal to feel anxious before an upcoming surgery, just don't think you can't handle it. Think of this operation as a simple procedure. You won't fall asleep for long, and when you open your eyes from the haze of anesthesia, I want to be the first one you see. I believe that everything will be fine! "

If wishes come from employees at work, then they must be presented sincerely, without selfish intentions, with a feeling of concern for the person. It would be perfect for a high-ranking boss to have his subordinates acknowledge before an upcoming operation how much of a contribution he makes to the work process. And how they will miss the leader in the workplace during his operation, as well as recovery from it. It is advisable to do such recognition as a collective, since the effect from this can be much greater than from individual wishes.

If an ordinary employee undergoes surgery, then in the best words The following phrase may support him:

“We wish everything goes smoothly and the way you want it. We all sincerely worry about you and hope that you can cope with the disease. We look forward to great achievements in your professional field in the future. On it we want to see you, who is within the general team, because the best specialist difficult to find."

Of course, parting words of advice can be quite effective in this situation. kind word from the boss himself. He might say something like this:

"On at this stage Your personal health is of paramount importance. Everything related to professional activity, fades into the background. I have always appreciated and appreciate an employee like you, so I will sincerely worry and hope for your speedy recovery.”

If a neighbor in the entrance or yard is seriously ill and he has to go on the operating table, then here too you can cheer the person up. You can say warm words of wishes something like this:

“Dear neighbor, I know about your life difficulties related to the upcoming operation. Was always about you good opinion and I have friendly feelings towards you. Therefore, I want to see you again in our area and have a sincere conversation with you on various topics. In this regard, I sincerely wish that the operation goes as well as possible and that you recover quickly.”

But if a friend is ill and in his case it is impossible to do without surgery, then here the words should be chosen more deeply. After all, if this is a sincere friendship, then it is characterized by special fidelity, and therefore mutual assistance in difficult situation. Therefore, parting words from a friend should sound in a slightly different form:

"Dear friend. I learned about your trouble and came to support you in such a difficult situation. I am sure that you will cope, that everything will certainly be fine for you. In turn, I express my own support to you and will try to help in any way I can. Therefore, I ask you to inform me in advance about your needs that may arise during the treatment process. I will definitely try to resolve them!

Wishes before surgery for loved ones

Wishes for loved ones before their operation are fundamentally different from those addressed to others around them. After all, a loved one is especially dear to your heart; it simply cannot be replaced by anyone else. And no material values ​​can compensate for the loss of a beloved husband, son, father, grandfather, brother or beloved wife, daughter, mother, sister, grandmother.

And if they have to go through thorny path associated with the need for surgical intervention, then wishes from family members should be addressed with special love and compassion. Here you already know the patient’s character and understand at the level of intuition what exactly he wants to hear as words of support.

For young children, taking into account their great sensuality and not yet fully developed life credo and their own “I,” it is worth saying something like this:

“Beloved son. I know that you are already an adult and are ready to boldly face the upcoming difficulties. I know what you are going through, because this feeling of anxiety is transmitted even to me. But at the same time, I know that you are strong, brave and you will succeed. The operation will be successful, just believe in it. And after it you will become even stronger mentally. Know that I love you unconditionally and will always be by your side. I pass on my energy, all my positivity and strength to you, and I’m really looking forward to the moment when I see you again, but completely healthy.”
If your significant other is sick, then the support for her will be somewhat different:

“Beloved wife, you have forever captivated my heart. Therefore, during your absence it will be very lonely and difficult for me. In this regard, I am very much looking forward to your return home. I am sure that the surgeons will do everything in their power to get you back on your feet as quickly as possible. I believe in the best and in the success of the operation. I will certainly do everything that depends on me and will always be with you in my thoughts. I hope you will always feel my support."

The illness of parents is also difficult for their children. Even if they are already old, children still want to see mom and dad always healthy. And if the circumstances have already developed that the operation is simply necessary, then you need to choose the right words of support from the bottom of your heart. They might sound like this:

“My beloved, dear mother. I have already learned from the doctors that you need surgery. Of course, for our family this is a whole test, which we will certainly pass successfully. My love for you is limitless and it will always warm your soul in any situation. And we will certainly overcome the current illness with the help of an operation from professional doctors. I am sure that you will delight us with your presence and give us your life wisdom for many years to come! I have unlimited faith in your complete healing and I share this confidence with you too!

What are wishes for?

Of course, wishes before surgery for any person should be selected in such a way as to give him additional emotional strength to fight the disease.

Faith and love – the basis for always remaining strong in spirit and recharging your loved one with positive thoughts during a difficult period for him.

Wishes convey the emotional recharge needed at the moment to those who lay on the operating table. Sometimes words of support before surgery serve as a kind of additional “cure” for a terrible illness and give boundless moral strength to eliminate it!

How to support and reassure a person before surgery. Examples of words of support, wishes for a friend, man, woman, child, mother, loved one, parting words before surgery for health reasons.

I don't allow you to get sick
Come to your senses quickly!
Health is the main thing, I know:
It won't let you down!>

Illness has shackled me, my body has weakened,
And the muscles are weak and movements are timid,
But this is only for a moment, believe me,
Health will come, open the door for him,
And you are without shackles, prejudices and rules,
You will discard plexus diseases, leave them,
Along the flat meadow, towards the blue river
Let's run with you on the green grass,
And the wind plays with us in gusts,
And we are like children, and happiness beckons us,
We need only one thing for joy,
Get well soon, that's all!

What kind of deposits of snot?
The face frowns anxiously...
Get well soon!
It is impossible to cough forever!

When you're sick, everything makes you sad
And my nose is stuffy, my head hurts.
I want to wish you, don’t be sad.
You'll get better, that's what the doctor says.

Don't worry, dear, let the world be yours
Will be illuminated with happiness again!
My door is always open -
Know that I am next to you!
Get well soon,
Be the same as always.
And so that from your illness
There was no trace left.
To light up with a blush
Your cheeks, and the disease,
Gone somewhere far away
So as not to return in the future!

For your speedy recovery, I would cook a bowl of raspberry jam. And I would collect honey from all the flowers. Darling, be always healthy!

In the weightlessness of illness
Pain attacks loudly.
Get well soon,
Let us rejoice again:
And sunrises and sunsets,
Tender sun rays.
Gather all your strength gloriously -
Join us!
Let your fever come from illness
It will pass very quickly
Believe me, everything will be as before,
No pain - and your nose is taller!

Get well soon,
After all, a healthy person
He even walks more cheerfully
Alternating between walking and running

Be healthy, rich and cheerful,
I wish from the bottom of my heart,
What's up with that snotty nose?
Hurry up to get better!

Everyone should be healthy
After all, this is important for life.
Are you sick? Then heal yourself
Strive to get better!

I will help how I can,
And I will support you.
Just don't be sad,
And start healing!

Get well. I miss.
And I'm sick with you.
Like a doctor, I prescribe for us
To be together always and everywhere.
All sick people will run away in fright
From love that heals the blood.
And our eyes are happiness in a cube
The healthy ones will sparkle again.
Darling, you are somehow unwell,
And in my heart there is pain, longing and sadness,
I'll bring everything you want
I'll be back soon with love in my heart.
Flowers, sweets - this is for you,
My attention, my love from the heart,
They will help you return it quickly,
Your health will open the door to happiness.

Get well soon
Be cheerful and cheerful!
Down with the disease when you
Tired of waiting best friends!

Get well soon,
Drive away all diseases.
Get a little stronger
And take care of your health!

A fun day is just around the corner
It's been waiting for you for a long time.
You will soon be healthy!
Know that diseases are nonsense!

Well, my beloved is sad,
Why did you hang your head?
You're probably sick
Even though you didn't want it that way.
Get well, my love, stay strong,
Drink the mixture and quickly go to bed,
The doctor said that you have a sore throat,
There is a wonderful remedy: honey, raspberries.

Well why didn't you follow?
Looking for health and catching a cold?
I want to wish now
So that the disease goes away in one go!

Get well soon
Stop being sick again
I will warm your world with my warmth,
I'll come to look into your eyes,
In bottomless wells of love,
Where the fire burns with sparks,
Where the sun plays through the clouds,
And tears drip into the palm of your hand...
I'll hug you playfully
I will remove your illness from your soul,
And the heart will sing happily
Caressing the depths of the abyss...

Get well, my wonderful friend,
Get well soon dear
After all, without the look of your diamond eyes
Everything on earth seems darker to me.

My love, you are like a flower,
You are my heart, you are my calling,
You're sick, I'm bringing you
A heartfelt declaration of love.
Perhaps your heart will be warmed
My feelings from the heart are like spring,
Darling, I am more than anything in life,
I want you to be healthy.

Honey, get well soon.
I'm worried about you and really looking forward to it.
Just imagine - I’ll come to you, I’ll regret it,
I'll spend the day with you today,
I'll put you to bed, cover you with a blanket,
I'll warm up the milk and bring it,
I’ll kiss you and give you some advice -
I will save you from illness.
I'll sit with you until dusk.
In the morning you will wake up - alive and well.
You will suddenly remember me with longing
And you will understand: I am better than doctors.
And you'll want to see me like that!
Drop everything and come back in the morning.
Darling, you are my visionary!
I realized that I have been waiting for you for a long time.

Wish good health,
Let the flu be cured with love
And if that doesn't help,
Pour faceted vodka into a glass
And throw more pepper at it!
Pour it all down your throat
Lie down in bed under the blanket,
So that seven sweats escape from you
And a miracle awaits you in the morning -
Rise and shine: goodbye cold!

Get well soon!
The day will become warmer then,
There will be joy, there will be laughter
And the mood is the best!

We will forbid you to get sick,
Let's say in unison: “No!”
Don't let her into your house -
It's brighter all around without her!

One day our friend got sick,
So who doesn't it happen to?
But we are friends and that means
We don't abandon each other.
We all wish for the disease to go away!
Let your friend be cheerful, cheerful and strong!

My beloved, my dear soul,
I will cure you of all your ailments,
I love you, and my heart melts with pain,
When you're sick, that's what I want.
May you be healthy, my dear flower,
So that the soul blossoms with warmth,
To warm the world with your smile,
And then I will be very happy.

What a strange weather, you just can’t understand it,
Yesterday it was sunny, but today it’s raining again,
You, my love, got caught in the rain without an umbrella,
Here's the end of the cold for you.
Take your medicine and stay in bed,
Don't forget to ventilate the room,
Get well soon, my dear,
I miss you, believe me.

Girlfriend, I miss you
I wish you a speedy recovery!
So that you and I walk in the moonlight,
And rejoiced at life on earth!
Send your illness away quickly
I wish you great luck!

They told me you have a fever
You take various medicines.
Don't be sad, all illnesses are fleeting,
And believe me, nothing lasts forever.

Get well soon, get better!
Don't be discouraged and don't give up!
After all, I’m always next to you
All family and friends.

My dear sun, my light,
I'm sad that you're sick
I will bring a bouquet from my feelings,
My love, maybe you can
Accept it and happiness will blossom,
A smile will drive away illnesses,
And you will gain health and strength,
And let sadness and melancholy disappear forever.

Get well soon baby
Get well soon, dear,
Let's read books together
And we'll run with you.
Let's throw out all the pillows,
Then we'll go to the store,
Let's buy books and toys,
And a huge orange.
Mom will be very angry
For the pillows. How to be?
We'll have to apologize
Give her an orange.
Mom will scold you a little
And he will forgive. And then we
Along the asphalt path
The three of us will go to the park.
And the neighbor's boy
Let's invite you to go for a walk.
Just... my dear baby,
Get well soon, dear.