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» What is sold on the Internet. The most popular product in Russia

What is sold on the Internet. The most popular product in Russia

Our age of high technology is good because many things can be done without leaving the computer. For example, today it is not at all necessary to spend time shopping - all purchases can be made on the Internet. This makes it easy for a novice entrepreneur to start and successfully develop a business selling goods online. Before creating an online store, you should carefully study the sales statistics for last years. If you understand what is popular with consumers in 2019, your business will be profitable. However, you should not rely only on popularity, because bread, alcohol and tobacco products are very popular, but their sale will not bring much profit. So what is profitable to sell? So, according to statistics, we can assume that in 2019 the best-selling products on the Internet will remain:

  • Smartphones, tablets, irons, hair dryers, vacuum cleaners and other small items Appliances;
  • Shoes and clothing;
  • Tickets for transport, cinema, theater, concerts;
  • Perfumes and cosmetics;
  • Medicines;
  • LEDs;
  • Books;
  • Chinese products.

Depending on size starting capital must be selected price category what will be sold in your online store.

According to statistics in 2019, the most sold goods on the Internet are cheap goods. In times of crisis, the cost becomes more important criterion than quality. Therefore, budget furniture, inexpensive clothing and food are beginning to be in demand. In addition to ordinary buyers, former representatives of the “middle class” are also interested in this price category.

What should you not sell?

Among the best-selling products on the Internet in Russia in 2019, there are categories that should not be sold due to fierce competition. These include gadgets and household appliances. If you still decide to sell the most popular goods on the Internet in 2019, then your competitors will be not only well-known and little-known trading platforms in Russia, but also Chinese online stores.

Clothes and shoes

Although buying clothes and shoes usually requires trying on, these are the best-selling items online today. Why? – yes, because a quality item on the Internet costs much less than in a boutique. In addition, people need to dress and put on shoes regardless of the economic situation in the country. Therefore, there will always be a demand for “clothing” goods. Online clothing store – different. The main thing is to choose the right assortment, make high quality photos and product descriptions. Of course, there is a possibility that the item will not suit the buyer, so the risks of returns must be taken into account. To minimize such risks, you should carefully approach client consultations. At the right approach, selling clothes and shoes will bring good profits. Statistics show that, for example, last year dresses became the best-selling product for women.

Tickets for transport, cinema, theater, concerts

The times of resellers earning fabulous money are gradually gone. New technologies, including e-commerce, make it possible to purchase a ticket for any type of transport, as well as for all kinds of events, without leaving the couch. Electronic tickets can be called one of the best-selling products on the Internet. Of course, it will not be easy for a newcomer to this business, since competition in this segment is quite high. But if you are committed to serious work on the promotion and promotion of your ticket resale resource, then your business will be successful. Those who have potential partners – event organizers – can also make good money on tickets.

Perfumes and cosmetics

These categories are undoubtedly in demand among buyers even in difficult times. When opening an online store for perfumes and cosmetics, it is important to have a good website, conduct regular advertising campaigns and, of course, sell only high-quality products famous brands. If you think about what products are the most sold on the Internet during the holidays, then perfumes and cosmetics are one of the first options that come to mind. This product makes a wonderful gift for New Year, Valentine's Day and March 8th.


Medicines, herbs, medicinal teas and dietary supplements are also among the best-selling products in Russia. These categories, despite their popularity, can be harmful to human health. When reselling such products, be careful to sell only high-quality products. Special attention Pay attention to the shelf life of the product and the credibility and reliability of the manufacturer.


LED lamps can be considered the best-selling products in online stores in 2019. First of all, this is due to the fact that they consume half as much electricity as conventional lamps and last several times longer. The demand for these products is growing every day, as during the crisis people strive to save energy. The LED resale business is profitable, although competition in this area is already quite strong.


The rapid development of the e-book market has not been able to completely replace traditional ones. Are books among the best-selling products on the Internet, how to find out? – It’s very simple: take a closer look at what many people are doing in public transport. – They read paper publications! Finding a bookstore that sells the necessary literature is a troublesome task. Therefore, buyers look for books on the Internet. Consequently, the resale of traditional books is a profitable business, despite the fact that many of us consider the electronic form of publications and documents more convenient. The markup for this category of goods can reach 50–60%, the payback of the business is at least a year.

Cheap goods from China

Chinese businessmen have successfully implemented ideas for producing in-demand items. The purchasing cost of Chinese goods is ridiculous. And in 2019, the best-selling goods from China on the Internet remain counterfeits or, more correctly, replicas of things from famous brands:

  • Adidas;
  • NIKE;
  • UGG Australia;
  • Timberland;
  • iPhone from Apple;
  • Converse;
  • Lacoste.

Many of the best-selling items on the Internet are not original, but are made by the Chinese of very high quality. Consumers do not see the point in overpaying “for the name” of the manufacturer. In addition, many brands locate their production in China, so local craftsmen learn the secrets of the masters and successfully use them in their technological processes.

First of all, find suppliers. To avoid dependence on one supplier, keep several wholesalers in stock in order to quickly reorient yourself in the event of a sharp increase in the purchase price of the items being sold. You can search for them on specialized forums, ad sites, and at thematic exhibitions.

Depending on your capabilities, you need to choose a scheme for working with a supplier. There are several interaction options.

How to make money on Avito? Today thousands are asking this question Russian citizens. During the time when permanent place work no longer guarantees security for life, many are thinking about organizing income on Avito and receiving additional income from it. And some are so passionate about this area that business on Avito becomes their main source of income.

How can you earn money

Many people still don’t understand how to make money on Avito? The Avito resource is a full-fledged trading platform. Its main advantage is that people come to the site not just to learn about a product, but to buy something that interests them. As a last resort, choose to purchase for the near future. It turns out that there is a certain flow of already interested buyers.

To make money on Avito, you need to follow a simple step by step instructions:

  1. Place an interesting advertisement for the sale of a service or product.
  2. You update these advertisements periodically.
  3. Answer calls from potential buyers.
  4. Arrange a personal meeting with the subject who called.
  5. Selling your product.

How much can you really earn?

Selling goods on Avito is a really easy way to create passive income for yourself. But how much can you really earn?

If you have communication skills and at least a basic level of If you own a computer, you can sell goods on Avito without any problems. Much depends on what to sell on Avito and how exactly to do it.
It is difficult to name any exact amounts, since everything is purely individual. Someone will be able to earn 150 thousand, and for someone even five thousand will be given with great difficulty (figures taken from real examples from life).

Much will depend on factors such as:

  • Selected product (we will look at what sells best on Avito below);
  • Seasonality;
  • Your city of residence;
  • The time you are willing to devote to your business.

With enough diligence in the first stages, you can easily earn about 30 thousand rubles a month. In the future, the turnover will only grow. Here everyone decides for themselves whether it is a lot or a little.

How to start

Before you make money on Avito, you need to go through a simple registration procedure. Avito is a fairly serious resource that cares about its users. Therefore, nothing can be done without registration.

There is absolutely nothing complicated here. To register you need:

  1. Go to the resource address
  2. Find “Personal Account” in the top right corner.
  3. Click on “Register”.

In the field that opens, you will need to provide some personal information and a mobile phone number. Once you complete registration, you can add ads. We won’t dwell on this too much, since everything here is intuitive and rarely does anyone have difficulties at this stage.

We earn money without extra investments

Everyone has a lot of old things at home that no one uses anymore. Usually we just store them on the balcony or, at best, take them to the garage. And this continues until we finally decide to throw them away. But these things may be useful to someone. So why not sell them?

What can you sell on Avito to earn money? Yes, in fact, anything. There are thousands of examples when people simply wanted to throw away their old things, but for fun they posted them on Avito and they sold. The main thing here is not to try to decide for other people. Let them think for themselves what they want to buy and what they don’t.

How to make money on Avito without investments:

  1. Take inventory at home and find things you haven't used for a long time.
  2. You put these things up for sale.
  3. You sell them.

No matter how simple and banal all this may sound, this scheme really works.

Let me give you an example: “My wife and I started renovations. And in order not to throw them away, they put up old things for sale. All that was left was to be surprised at what people were buying. We bought a grille from old stove(I’ve been underfoot for a couple of years, but I couldn’t get around to throwing it away), baking dishes, old refrigerator, shower, table, mobile and even home phone. In just a week, all the extra junk disappeared. But the best part is that we got money for things that we wanted to just throw away.

Therefore, when they ask what sells best on Avito, I want to answer, “better ask what is not sold there.” Avito is a universal platform. You can sell almost anything on it.”

We resell goods

But unnecessary things will end sooner or later. And if you want to constantly earn money, you will have to buy goods. This can be done using funds raised from the sale of old items. Then the business will not require additional investments. Here you will have to study in detail what sells well on Avito. After all, you wouldn’t want to purchase a product and not sell it.

There is a simple trick on how to effectively sell on Avito by determining in advance what is most often bought on Avito. Just make a small list of what the most popular products on Avito are in your opinion. The longer this list, the better.

Now you simply find these products on the Internet or from other sellers on Avito itself. You can, for example, search in another region. If a potential buyer is searching throughout the country, then his ads are added so quickly that he is unlikely to be able to notice both your ad and the original at the same time. And if you search by region, then no one will see both ads. In addition, there is little chance that even if someone notices both advertisements, he will notice that they are posted by different people.

Now that the ads have been posted, we determine the best-selling products on Avito. To do this, we simply record which ad has the most requests. If it is possible to quickly find a product after a customer calls, then we find and sell it. If this is not possible, then we simply apologize to the person and say that we cannot help him with anything, because the goods have already been purchased from us. After that, focusing on the most popular requests on Avito, we purchase goods.

Most Popular Products

It was already written above that you can sell almost anything on Avito to make money. What is more important here is that the price matches, and the photos are taken with high quality. It is best if the photographs are taken by you personally. This is especially true if you order goods online. You should not take a photo from the site where you bought your product.

So What is profitable to sell on Avito:

  • Tablets and mobile phones;
  • Laptops and PCs;
  • Small household appliances, kitchen utensils;
  • Cloth;
  • Childen's goods;
  • Various accessories (watches, glasses, wallets, jewelry bags, etc.);
  • Everything for construction;
  • Furniture;
  • Animals and goods for them.

This is an approximate list of what is profitable to resell on Avito. In fact, there are many more categories. When you find your product, you need to decide where exactly to buy.

Resale from Avito itself

You can buy goods directly on Avito. This is beneficial for two reasons:

  1. Often people just want to get rid of some things and do not know their true value. They can be purchased and sold at a good premium.
  2. You can find many things that need a little work or repair. We repair and sell at a premium.

For example, you can buy smartphones, tablets and PCs. Broken they are usually quite cheap. We repair them. Then we resell them at the price of working equipment.

The first category of goods is a little more difficult. You need to look for them all the time, compare their prices and generally understand what and how much it costs. Everything here will depend only on your free time and desire to earn money.

The approximate procedure is as follows:

  • Find out the average cost of the selected product;
  • Find this product at a lower price;
  • Buy it, and don’t forget to bargain well;
  • Sell ​​at average price;
  • Get the difference.

We buy from Chinese suppliers

This option is even simpler, because you don’t have to constantly sift through ads to find an undervalued product. You simply purchase goods on Chinese Internet resources and resell them on Avito.
On sites such as Aliexpress, Alibabai and Tabao, you can buy goods two or three times cheaper than their actual price from us. In addition, there are always discounts for wholesale buyers. Therefore, buying in batches of 5-10 pieces or more can save a lot.

For example, you can consider phone cases that cost 300 rubles there, but on Avito you can safely sell them for 900 rubles. A threefold markup is quite serious.
If we consider more expensive goods, then the markup will no longer be three times higher, but the profit will still be significant. For example, bags that cost 10 thousand on Tabao, but here it can be sold for 15 thousand. Five thousand profit from each sale is pretty good. Just ten sales a month will bring an income of 50 thousand. And even if you spend half of it again on the product, these are already excellent indicators. And in the future the turnover will only grow.

We sell goods received for free

There is another great way to make money on Avito, which is really not talked about often. You can get used goods for meager prices or for nothing.
It's simple. IN in social networks(especially VKontakte) there are many public pages and groups in regions and cities with different names like “I’ll give it away for free” and others of that kind. They are in absolutely every city. So, in such public places, various goods are exchanged, from clothing to furniture and large household appliances. Many are given for nothing. You only need to pay for pickup.

Of course, something valuable is not always given away for nothing. But you can always find something useful if you look for it. If it’s for nothing, then why not take it and get the money?

It’s even easier with public exchangers. They don't give things away for nothing, but they are very cheap. In most cases, generally for food. They have names like “I’ll give it for a tasty treat.” There is always somewhere to roam. You can buy a baby stroller for rolls (700 rubles). On Avito they cost about 3 thousand. Finding profitable products in such groups is very easy. By the way, this is another way to raise initial capital to start a business if there is no money.

If you take the issue seriously, then in about six months you will be able to increase your income several times, or even leave your main job and go entirely into business.

What to sell in an online store: reasons for the popularity of online trading and market analysis + how to choose a popular product + 6 categories of goods that are profitable to sell on the Internet.

Recently, people have become accustomed to shopping online. The most interesting thing is that absolutely any kind of thing can be purchased online...

Despite the presence of large Chinese sites, not everyone is ready to wait about a month, especially if the item is needed completely suddenly and urgently, and there is no time at all to go shopping in search of a suitable one.

If we compare the statistics on the growth of income from online shopping and general trade turnover, we can notice a significant superiority of the first, in percentage terms.

Reasons for the popularity of online shopping:

We can talk about the relevance of online stores for a long time, but that’s just it: what is the most profitable thing to sell in an online store? is a really important question.

There is a certain range of products that have quite a lot of competition in the field of online sales.

For example, there are a lot of clothing sites that already have a name thanks to advertising on other resources. And some even managed to advertise their products on television.

Shoes, bags and other accessories are also common online, with the exception of designer items.

Analysis and market research, what is better to sell through an online store

Despite the fact that it is better to choose products that do not have very tough competition, sometimes you can be guided by what is most in demand during this period, since in this case the supply will not exceed the demand.

Of course, before doing so, it is worth conducting a marketing analysis, as well as researching the market in the region in which it will operate.

It is worth considering not only what product people are interested in, but also what methods of obtaining and paying for it are most often used.

In more detail you need to pay attention to such points as:

  • countries from which orders are most often made;
  • On the market;
  • pricing policy within which orders are carried out;
  • things that cause distrust in the online store.

If you believe the studies that were conducted in 2017 in Russia, we can identify the following countries that are popular among fans of online shopping:

You can also highlight the following list of the best-selling items through online stores:

% of customers who place an orderName
55 ClothMost often, it is women who use the services of such online stores.

The only drawback is that there is no way to try on the chosen outfit, but they are trying to cope with this problem using 3D modeling and various methods selection for the figure.

42/22 Technique42% belong to small household appliances and various gadgets (phones, tablets, etc.), and 22% are larger household appliances.

This is due to the fact that the cost on the Internet is usually lower than in retail stores.

36 Games and entertainmentConsidering the convenience when making a purchase, it is enough low prices and the ability to easily compare products - ordering toys and games via the Internet has gained the highest popularity among young mothers.
32 CosmeticsIt’s very convenient, given the opportunity to order expensive foreign cosmetics and personal care items at discounts.
14 Automotive partsMany entrepreneurs themselves order spare parts for cars in bulk, since in some cases it is more profitable than dealing through suppliers.
12 Sporting goodsSince in Lately The sports lifestyle is quite well promoted; many people are often interested in ordering sports goods via the Internet.

How to choose what to sell in an online store: basic parameters

After all market factors have been taken into account, the next thing to consider is own knowledge and skills.

The better the seller understands what he is selling, the higher the likelihood of showing the buyer that he needs it.

It’s hard to disagree with this, because if a person who is far from plumbing starts selling bathrooms, he may not take into account the fact that it would be nice to sell faucets, pipes and other related products on the same site.
It's the same with other areas.

It’s worth immediately determining the scale, namely the range.

Obviously, the more choice in the store, the more profit he will bring it, but is it true? What if you go too far and the business ends up not making the expected profit?

It is worth appreciating all the nuances. For example, in the case of bathtubs, it is a good idea to sell them together with other bathroom components, since it will be much easier for a potential buyer to order everything from one seller.

But in some cases, the store simply will not be able to compete with larger sites in all respects.

Capital expenditures- this is one of the main factors that influences the scale of sales through an online store.

If this is your first project, and initially there are no guarantees or skills to work on the Internet, it is better not to spend money on a huge and expensive assortment, but to pay attention to advertising the site and the products that can be ordered on it.

The creation itself also requires funds, especially in the case of a novice entrepreneur.

Just to create and promote the site, assuming that the entrepreneur has nothing to do with the creation, will cost about 170,000 rubles.

6 popular product categories for sale in an online store

    Despite the fact that the influx of various gadgets and reading devices has recently increased, books are still in demand. Often they are even purchased as a gift.

    Selling books through an online store has its advantages:

    • no expiration date;
    • do not require special storage conditions;
    • no problems with delivery;
    • no returns for faults.
  1. Pet supplies.

    Since now many people can boast of a purebred pet, there is no point in talking about the relevance of pet products.

    Pet products include:

    • feed;
    • toys;
    • sleeping pillows and other furniture for animals;
    • leashes, collars and other accessories.
  2. Toys for children.

    In this matter, it is very important to take care of the environmental friendliness of the products, since this is one of the main factors that a parent pays attention to when buying a toy for their child.

    • large markup (about 100%);
    • lack of seasonality or temporary popularity;
    • the presence of a specific consumer.
  3. Toys for adults.

    They can be very profitable, since not everyone has the courage to go into an intimate goods store and look at what interests him without any embarrassment.

    And as mentioned earlier, the Internet makes it possible to view the catalog without leaving home, as well as filter items by category.

    This can be either clothing or decorative items.

    Online hobby store.

    It can be absolutely any topic: dancing, drawing, fishing, etc.

    The most important thing is to understand for yourself what you are selling and have an idea of ​​who the client is and what he might need.

    It is better that he does not have the need to purchase something on other sites, but completely satisfies all his needs on one resource.

What is profitable to sell in an online store?

Having analyzed the market and the consumer, you can see that it is quite wide, but there is room for new entrepreneurs.

When choosing any topic and product for sale in an online store, you should pay more attention to the factors that worry the potential buyer the most:

  • Is the quality of the product adequate?
  • quality of service;
  • guarantees not to be deceived;
  • availability of fast delivery;
  • affordability.

In order to meet all consumer requirements, it is enough to simply do everything intelligently and honestly.

In the case of delivery, it will probably be most profitable to simply cooperate with a courier service that offers the highest quality service, as well as with those companies whose delivery prices are minimal, so that the buyer can always choose the service that suits him.

How to find a product to sell in an online store?

Listen to the expert’s opinion and draw conclusions:

Knowing which products are in greatest demand among consumers, you will accurately understand what to sell in an online store so that it brings stable income and moral satisfaction.

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In the age of high technology, e-commerce, that is, carrying out purchase and sale transactions on the Internet, is naturally popular. Online business allows you to reach a huge number of potential buyers, regardless of the geographical parameters of their stay, and also minimize the costs associated with organizing the trading process itself. precede the most important stages determining the sales niche, target customer audience, level of competition and other marketing features.

We determine the range of buyers, study competition in this area

It is extremely important for Internet sales to determine the target consumer audience and the level of competition in the chosen area.

The portrait of the target client and his purchasing power make it possible to identify market research, as well as special Internet services. Thus, the most advantageous audience is people of active working age, the so-called middle class. If the main buyers are teenagers or elderly people, it is possible that special recommendations on the site will be required on how to make purchases; the store interface should be as convenient as possible.

Level of competition Helps define sales strategy. If you have to work in a highly competitive environment, you will need to devote increased attention discounts and special promotions, improved delivery conditions, increased service in working with customers.

The rules for studying demand and testing a sales niche are described in the following video:

Ways to test a niche for sales

According to many experts, from the right choice niches More than half of the success of the proposed commercial event depends on sales. In fact, this is the main stage in organizing an online business, allowing you to determine the degree of demand for a product, as well as the characteristics of the competitive environment.

Forecast market size You can use Google and Yandex search engines. Special services will determine the volume of searches performed using keywords, that is, the demand for the desired product, as well as the amount of content offered by given parameters, that is, the trading offers available on the network.

If there is a stable high demand for any product, then this trade niche is in demand, popular, and has been developed for a long time. Its benefits will be enormous the target audience, easily recognizable products and brands. On the other hand, it is in this area that there is maximum competition, and in order to stand out and break into the sea of ​​offers, it is necessary to create unique conditions for sales , promote your service, win the attention of the audience.

If demand is low, then we're talking about about an emerging trading niche, which in the future may become a good, well-promoted option. Moreover, it is important here to be able to distinguish an as yet untapped niche from traditionally low demand for any product. Entering a new market is interesting and exciting activity, although this may take a lot of time.

Having chosen a suitable niche for sales, you must test her. This is not difficult to do if the online store is opened in addition to the actually functioning point of sale. If we are talking about the first experience of online sales, then first you can try to offer the selected product potential buyers through free message boards. Interest in purchases and the volume of products sold in this way will allow you to make an informed decision about the demand for this trade niche and the advisability of opening an online store.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way This can be done using online services that will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue and will completely replace an accountant at your enterprise and will save a lot of money and time. All reporting is generated automatically and signed electronic signature and is sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

What should you pay attention to when choosing a product to sell?

To successfully launch your Internet project and be able to break into highly competitive niches, you should take into account some factors that may affect sales volume.

When choosing an assortment for a virtual store, you must answer a series of questions:

  1. What knowledge does the seller have about the proposed product, how well does he understand all the intricacies of selling such a product? The more complete information If a businessman owns the assortment, the easier it is to make sales.
  2. What is the potential market size? The winning product will be a product with a small but sufficient market volume. For narrow niches it is very difficult to find buyers; this will require a lot of time, effort and money.
  3. What is the degree of demand for this product, how does it change (upward trend, downward trend, stable market)? For example, household appliances, electrical and photographic goods, phones and tablets, books, music and videos, clothes and shoes, cosmetics and perfumes, gifts, souvenirs, goods for children, furniture, medicines and food supplements, sporting goods, goods have been popular for a long time. for construction and repair.
  4. Is the proposed product sold within walking distance from the consumer’s home? Can it be found in provincial cities? It is known that people are more willing to buy everyday goods in supermarkets after work or on weekends.
  5. How much can this product be sold for and what is the markup? Online commerce is subject to state registration in the same way as retail, so it is necessary to recoup the fees, as well as the costs of advertising and promotion of the resource. A good markup will allow you to avoid unintentional losses and remain in the black after mandatory payments. The optimal line is considered to be a price of 1000-2000 rubles for most products.
  6. What are the delivery features of this product: dimensions, strength, cost, geographical coverage? Even before the start of sales, it is recommended to independently test the product for physical effects in order to understand the degree of risk of cargo transportation. If the products are fragile, then often when they are damaged, buyers make claims not to, but to the online store. The optimal product would be a durable product of small or medium size, convenient for packaging and transportation. It is advisable that the delivery cost does not exceed 300 rubles. For wholesale purchases worth more than 3,000 rubles, it is advisable to offer customers free shipping, if the goods are not large.
  7. What is the degree of reliability of the product, how much can it be? Here, household appliances, computers, and furniture are at risk. But the sale of accessories and components for computers, mobile phones, and tablets is relatively safe.
  8. Is the product seasonal, dependent on fashion? Products for holidays, school markets, clothing, etc. are considered seasonal. Also, clothes often go out of fashion if they are not intended for the mass consumer. Electronic models and, accordingly, accessories for them are constantly becoming outdated. It should be remembered that sales income will be variable. It is important to have time to sell the goods from the warehouse on time.
  9. Is the product disposable or consumable, is it necessary to constantly look for new customers? For example, people can purchase exclusive models of household appliances and electronics or jewelry only once in their life, while food products, cosmetics and perfumes, hygiene items, clothing and shoes are constantly required by customers.
  10. Can the product go bad? If we are talking about selling food products or goods with an expiration date via the Internet, this may require additional costs.
  11. Are there restrictions and rules for selling? The sale of chemical fertilizers, cosmetics, perfumes, and food products requires obtaining special permits.
  12. Is it possible to sell related products to the main one? The income from them will be a kind of financial safety net. So, along with clothes and shoes, you can offer for sale costume jewelry, leather goods, accessories, and wristwatches.
  13. Is it possible to purchase goods from a local manufacturer, saving on freight transportation? Working with local suppliers will greatly reduce costs when organizing online trading.
  14. How much product do you need to have in stock and how should you store it? It is important to find out the expected volume of trade turnover, and try to purchase such a quantity of goods that there is always enough of it, but there is also enough space in the warehouse to store it.

Tips for sellers on optimization of Internet sales:

  • With a small starting budget, the optimal option would be to purchase a medium-sized popular product with easy delivery.
  • In case of high competition, you should pay attention to unique brands or products, and also create special conditions customer service: fast or free delivery, promotions or discounts. Also the right decision will be the search for the supplier with the lowest prices.
  • SEO optimization of a website can increase sales several times.
  • It is advisable to calculate the assortment for different price categories of customers.
  • During a crisis, sales of expensive antiques and art, jewelry increase (wealthy people want to invest their money) and demand in the middle price segment decreases (people's incomes sharply decrease, they tend to buy cheap goods at the expense of quality).
  • During a crisis, when purchasing imported goods, it is necessary to take into account jumps in the value of the currency.
  • A good option is to resell goods from China, for which it is necessary to arrange supplies directly from Chinese manufacturers.
  • It’s better to start with 2-3 product offers and not try to cover everything at once.
  • Extensive geography is possible only for online hypermarkets; it is better for a beginner to focus on his own region. Using search engines, you should find out how many times buyers in a particular region or country as a whole searched for a particular product.

Product options for sale in the online store

Online trading currently provides almost unlimited opportunities for earning money if you correctly decide on the range of products sold.

The most popular and profitable in terms of possible costs and expected profits will be the following types goods:

Start sales with minimal investment

There are a number of products that you can start selling with minimal money:

Thus, the range of goods for sale in the field of virtual trade can be unlimited. However, it is important not only what to sell, but also how to sell it. Therefore, to achieve good level Sales should not forget about proper advertising, quality service and flexible pricing policy.

The following video is devoted to choosing a product for online sales:

In a free market, there are plenty of ways to make money without extra effort. Buy cheaper and sell more expensive, and put the difference in your pocket - what could be simpler? What goods to buy for profitable resale, where to purchase and resell them, how not to remain in the red - we’ll talk in this article.

    • What you need to know for this business
    • Where can you resell goods
    • Where to buy goods for resale
    • How can you resell services?
    • How to make money by reselling goods: useful tips

What you need to know for this business

The history of resale begins from the moment people learned to trade. If at the dawn of centuries the services of intermediaries were not in great demand, then as civilization developed, the chain of intermediate links between the manufacturer and the final consumer became longer and longer. Modern man buys many goods from all over the world - most of them have come a long way and have significantly increased in price in the process of resale.

Before starting this small business, many people wonder what products can be resold profitably in order to earn a lot?

Keep in mind that resale is a delicate matter: in order not to be in the red, you need to clearly understand the difference between the purchase price and the sale price, as well as the rate of sales of this category of goods. It makes sense to resell products with high margins, low overhead costs and fast turnover.

In order to make money on resale, you need to understand all the intricacies of the market, know about your competitors and understand what price is acceptable. Before starting this business, carefully study and analyze all these indicators.

Where can you resell goods

The easiest way is resale through bulletin boards. You buy a certain product and then resell it in your city through Avito or other free message boards. How much you can earn from this depends on the demand for the product, as well as on the ratio of the purchase price and average price sales of this product in your city. For example, you can cheaply buy some goods for children or phone cases on Ali Express, and then sell them for 2-3 times more expensive. For some categories of goods, the markup can be 100-500%.

It is important to understand whether there is a demand for this product and what price people are willing to pay for it. To do this, it is enough to test the demand by advertising before purchasing the goods. The advantages of this method include the fact that you do not need to register a company or become an individual entrepreneur, pay taxes, etc.

A difficult way for advanced businessmen is resale on a website/online store. You can make a simple one-page website yourself or order it from a freelancer. You can also create your own store or resell on existing large sites:

  • Ebay - on this largest platform you can buy or sell electronics and more. It is possible to sell at a fixed price and put lots up for auction.
  • Aliexpress - now sellers from Russia can register on the largest platform for Chinese goods. True, for this you need to be legal entity and enter into a contract with an intermediary - the PickPoint company.

Selling through websites is suitable for those who want to build a serious business on the resale of goods, and not just sell an item one time. It is clear that this will not happen without associated costs, including advertising costs.

These are the most popular ways to sell products online. Of course, no one can stop you from doing things the old fashioned way: renting a place in a store or market, or even going door to door, offering your goods. But in the twenty-first century, it makes sense to trade online - it is much easier and more profitable for any seller.

Where to buy goods for resale

So we come to the most important question - where to buy goods for resale? It cannot be answered unequivocally: it is one thing if you want to sell purebred puppies, and quite another if you decide to sell computers.

If you plan to purchase goods from abroad, you first need to select the country. The undisputed leader in almost all directions is China - there you can buy cheap clothes, equipment, and a million other goods. Resale of goods from China is increasingly gaining momentum. But for branded clothing, it makes sense to go to France or Italy. If you do not have the opportunity to fly to pick up the goods in person, you can order online with delivery to the desired city.

Ebay - on this largest platform you can buy or sell electronics and more. It is possible to sell at a fixed price and put lots up for auction. Aliexpress - now sellers from Russia can register on the largest platform for Chinese goods. True, for this you need to be a legal entity and enter into a contract with an intermediary - the PickPoint company.

It is not necessary to order the product from the manufacturer. If you plan to sell a product on Avito and other message boards, it may be enough to order it on AliExpress - provided that you are satisfied with the price offered there.

In rare cases, you can even purchase a suitable product from friends, neighbors, colleagues, etc.

How can you resell services?

Resale of blogs, websites, articles, videos. The essence of this method is that you are looking for a webmaster who will do some work for you cheaply, and you will resell it at twice the price to other people, acting as an intermediary. But here we must take into account that most people are not looking for a ready-made website/blog/article/video, but order them “from scratch” to suit their requirements. Therefore, it is more logical to take a specific order and give it to the contractor at a cheaper price than the customer pays.

This is what video marketers often do - they look for clients for a video, advertise, find a customer and negotiate with him, and the whole technical work give it to a freelancer. Neither the customer nor the final performer in this scheme know each other - they deal only with the intermediary. The functions of the intermediary can be reduced to communication with the customer and the performer/performers, or he can do some part of the work (for example, write a script for a video).

Reselling other people's services. Another way is to resell other people's services; it is very close to the previous one. The difference is that it’s easy to make money here, and your work is not limited to writing test tasks. You can make a website and offer certain services on it, receiving a percentage for it.

This could be the services of a company for exemption from the army, a company for finding domestic staff: housekeepers, nannies, gardeners, and so on. Another option is to just run contextual advertising or advertising on social networks. Many people, even being professionals in their field, do not know how and do not like to “sell themselves,” and happily transfer the sale of their services to someone else’s shoulders.

Watch the video life hack from Andrey Merkulov on this topic:

What products can you resell to make money?

Below are all the types of goods you can make money by reselling.

  • Electronics. The most popular product today is various gadgets: smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc. You can buy in bulk at one price and sell in your online store at a slightly higher price.
  • Kids toys. They can also be bought in bulk and sold on the above sites.
  • Antiques. These goods have been valued at all times: collectors are willing to give millions if the item is worth it.
  • Cloth. Most people buy clothes through online stores, so this category can be resold.
  • Site names. For each domain name you can earn $10 or more.
  • Cars. You can create a company and earn millions by reselling used cars.
  • Cases and other accessories for mobile phones, tablets and other gadgets. As a rule, such things are not cheap in regular stores, but on AliExpress or in China you can buy them for pennies. This also includes adapters, cords, etc.
  • Decorations. Nowadays many people make jewelry self made, but not everyone knows how to sell them. Handmade products are always at a premium, so you can take on the role of an intermediary and work for a percentage.
  • Small household appliances - you can find very cheap goods at sales in online stores (especially if you get promotions and discounts), but on Avito or your own website you can sell them for much more.

This is far from full list goods from which you can make money by reselling. You can sell anything, even greyhound puppies (literally and figuratively), as long as there is a demand for it, as well as the difference between the purchase price and the resale price that is acceptable to you.

If you want to engage in resale, it is important to follow a few important rules.

  1. Test demand. Before purchasing a product, advertise, pay for inexpensive advertising and see how many people are interested in your offer.
  2. Calculate your margin. It is important to understand how much you will earn from selling one unit of goods. Don't forget to factor in shipping costs and other costs.
  3. Consider force majeure. The goods may be delayed in transit, or problems may arise at customs - you must be prepared to deal with such problems.
  4. Prepare your sleigh in the summer. You must always be one step ahead. It is better to buy school backpacks not in August, when their prices skyrocket, but in March. It makes sense to order swimsuits in winter, and fur coats in summer.
  5. Analyze your competitors. You won't be the only seller on the market, so it's important to know what others are offering and at what price. Remember that the buyer almost always chooses the cheapest offer - if you can't undersell others, you'll have to work hard to account for the price difference.
  6. Love your clients - and they will love you back. Hold promotions, give small gifts and always honor your obligations.
  7. Advertise your product. Test different ways advertising and choose the most effective one.

Reselling goods and services can be quite profitable business, if you approach the matter wisely, carefully analyze the market and choose the right niche. If you want to know more about the best ways to make money online, click here: 50 the best ways make money online