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» What cancer expects from a woman. Cancer sexual horoscope. Cancers love tenderness

What cancer expects from a woman. Cancer sexual horoscope. Cancers love tenderness

Classic representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign strive to be the best in bed. The reason for this behavior is quite prosaic - it is not the desire to please a loved one, but the desire to gain maximum power over him. Cancers prefer to dominate in sex.

Cancer - integrated approach and dominance

For all zodiac signs, the choice of a partner for a pleasant pastime and long-term relationship is almost the same - an assessment of the potential partner’s appearance, temperament and character. It is on the basis of this comprehensive picture that decisions are made. For Cancers, everything is much more complicated, since there is a whole list of specific fetishes on which the image of an ideal partner is based. Which ones? Eye and hair color, favorite perfume scent, demeanor - every nuance matters.

As soon as Cancers find a suitable person, they strive with all their might to win them over and cause dependence. While seducing, remaining inaccessible is a whole art that representatives of this zodiac sign master perfectly. Cancers are dominant in bed. They are concerned about their own satisfaction, so very often Cancers get the role of teachers in the art of physical love. Since the zodiac sign is jealous, you should not tell them about when and with whom sexual experience was acquired. Let this remain your personal secret.

Cancers have sex according to their mood. Don't insist if you see that your partner is not in the mood for bed games. Cancers' need for carnal love is not so great that they put it first in their lives. Rest assured, when choosing between bed and work, Cancers will give preference to work.


Passion turns into stability

Due to the vulnerability and vulnerability of Cancers, it is better not to make comments. As soon as he hears that you don’t get pleasure in bed, he will immediately go in search of a more loyal partner. Cancers have a lot of “broken hearts”; they know a lot about destroying relationships. Cancers are very sensitive to any encroachment on their freedom. If you dream of breaking up with a partner who is boring you, talk to him more often about marriage and long-term relationships. It won't be long until he disappears from your horizon without a trace.

Do you have plans for Cancer? Be passionate, ready to have sex at any moment, shower your partner with compliments and praise. Cancer is easy to manipulate. It is enough to determine his erogenous zones and periodically “stimulate” them. Sensuality and passion in relationships will gradually lead you to a stable relationship.

Compatibility with other zodiac signs

The ideal union would be Cancer and Sagittarius. It combines complete opposites, which, as we know from school, attract each other. Relationships in a couple will be somewhat similar to Libra. Oscillating in different directions, they will be able to find balance.

Relationships with Scorpio and Leo will be unsuccessful. They have a chance to exist only as an outburst of emotions, since they can destroy the lives of representatives of both zodiac signs.

Recipe ideal relationship It’s not easy with Cancer - don’t cause jealousy and don’t compare your loved one with previous partners. Don't insist on sex if you see that Cancer is in a slightly different mood. At the same time, respond to any offers from your partner to have sex. Emphasize the superiority and importance of Cancers in your life, even if the situation is completely different. Do not encroach on the freedom of your loved one and forget about open manifestations of jealousy. Only by following these rules can you plan long-term relationships with representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign.

The material was prepared with the help of experts from the service.
The best psychics, astrologers and fortune tellers in Russia and the CIS -

People born under the sign of Cancer (i.e. from June 22 to July 22), unlike representatives of other zodiac signs, almost completely correspond to their “template” description.

I have never met a Cancer who did not perfectly embody the characteristics with which they are awarded. These people - all as one - are emotional, sensitive, active, think in images, and in friendship and love they are distinguished by an extreme degree of devotion.

Put all this together - and you will see that loving Cancer is the most rewarding thing in life. And here are 10 reasons why this is so.

1. Cancers will protect you and take care of you until death.

Cancer is the ideal partner for any business and any team. There is simply no zodiac sign that would be better suited to start a family with him. It's all about the devotion of Cancers.

And these people are not fighters at all. Quite the contrary: they are full of maternal instincts, and attack only when their family nest is under threat.

You can work with a Cancer, be friends with him, start a family with him. Everything gonna be alright. This person will never betray you.

The only thing worth remembering if you live with a Cancer is his jealousy. Its scale may come as a surprise to you.

On the other hand, this is not bad. It's just that Cancers care about you and want to protect what belongs to them.

2. Whatever they undertake, everything is done with absolute passion and love.

Cancer is the most sensitive and empathetic sign of the Zodiac. Everything he does is done with love - both in his mind and in his heart.

That's why these people are so gentle. That's why they are such great partners and such tender lovers. This is why your desires in sex are more important to Cancer than even his own.

3. Cancer is a “dreamy” zodiac sign.

Add to his love the power of his imagination - and you will understand that Cancer can turn the life of any of his partners into a real fairy tale. Well, or at least chasing a dream.

Cancers will never be satisfied with an “ordinary” life, they will constantly tell you their version of a fairytale life. And force you to step out of your comfort zone.

Isn't this what we all need right now?

4. Their ability to empathize makes them the best friends, lovers and allies.

If you need advice, ask a Cancer. Perhaps he will tell you something completely different from what you expected to hear, but at least he will really listen and delve into the essence of the issue.

Cancers are able to adapt, listen to others, understand other people's point of view. They are very wise, and their intuition usually makes them excellent advisers.

They are honest and caring. In any home, wherever they appear, an aura of comfort and peace appears. Need I say how important this is in personal relationships?

Cancer is a partner you can trust and with whom you can be honest and open.

5. They are resilient people.

“If it comes easy, it probably isn’t worth it,” Cancer thinks. Cancers know that all lives must be fought for, and nothing comes easy.

Therefore, they do not freak out over trifles, do not get nervous over trifles, and in general they are not as fragile as most representatives of other zodiac signs.

If something difficult and incomprehensible stands in the way of Cancer, this only motivates him to move even faster. Cancer doesn't give up. He knows: he just needs to do his job even better.

6. They know how to adapt.

Cancers know how to keep up with their partner and adapt to new conditions and circumstances. They can be both homebodies and partners who carry the whole family.

The main thing is not to take away Cancer’s freedom and independence. He won't tolerate this.

Cancer's ability to change quickly will not allow you to turn your life together into a routine. There may be a lot of stress, but there will definitely not be a routine.

7. Cancers are open.

Cancers are people who know how to think without depending on stereotypes. They readily accept everything new and generally refrain from judging other people. They believe that every person has the right to their quirks and shortcomings. This is part of their charm. That's why we love them.

8. Cancers are free spirited.

Cancers are people who always march to the beat of their own drum. While most other people choose to blindly follow the crowd, Cancers know that their path is not the path of the majority.

They do not strive to be the center of attention, sometimes even avoid publicity. Moreover, if you ask them directly about anything, they will almost always give a direct and honest answer.

Relationships with Cancer are always easy and pleasant: these people are able to be carefree, and they are comfortable within themselves.

9. Cancers will surprise you. Again and again.

Cancers are full of surprises and mysteries. They fascinate everyone around them with the desire to learn more about them. They always keep us guessing what's on their mind.

But all the surprises they will present to you are pleasant. So don't be afraid. Cancers are masters of improvisation. They know how to give gifts and give pleasure. Again and again.

10. They don't like arguments.

Cancer's real skill is in the way he argues. Almost always, these people remain calm and have a calming tone in conversation.

They don't like it when people close to them fight with each other. And they are ready to find good qualities in everyone.

Due to the fact that they are always able to consider any situation from all sides, they are excellent arbiters and conciliators of friends who have quarreled in the trash.

When they fight themselves, they are ultimately always able to admit their mistakes. They can apologize in time and help you solve the problems they created.

The main thing for Cancer is not to get hung up on quarrels, but to quickly sort them out and move on. Isn't this wonderful?

In order to avoid many possible misunderstandings, I strongly recommend that you delve into the following text.

“Cancer represents the element of water in the zone of creation. Here transformation (water) is primarily expressed in the idea of ​​a deep, essential perception of reality, as a result of which a person changes internally. If in Scorpio, the most developed expression of the element of water, the principles “I change myself” and “I change the world” are represented equally strongly, then in Cancer there is a clear emphasis on the first of them. In general, water signs are characterized by the aroma of mystery, riddle, and mysticism. Indeed, the result of transformation is never exactly known in advance; this is where the creative principle (free will) of the Absolute is manifested. No one knows what is happening deep in the soul of Cancer, including himself, but mysterious processes are constantly going on there and from time to time the result is shown on the surface and becomes available to the consciousness of Cancer - but not always to the general public.

The fact is that the typical Cancer is very secretive, and this is due not only to the fact that he guards the secret of his internal metamorphoses, but also to the fact that he is deeply emotional and therefore easily vulnerable. Essential perception is, of course, a good thing, and one should strive for it in every possible way, but still one must somehow maintain the stability of the psyche, and Cancer understands this like no one else. Therefore, in order to protect himself from too frequent transformations and too deep experiences, he grows a characteristic means of protection on himself - a thick shell. Thanks to this shell, Cancer, on the one hand, is difficult to get through from the outside, and on the other hand, he may seem unemotional and even indifferently calm, since his deep emotions and changes in the soul do not penetrate well through the chitin.

The typical behavior of a Cancer who encounters a new idea is as follows. At first he seems to completely ignore or deny it. Then (if there is not too much pressure on him) this idea is digested in the depths of his subconscious and then emerges in his consciousness as his own, to which he is deeply attached. However, here it should be borne in mind that in the process of “digestion” the idea changed somewhat, adapting to the system of ideas of Cancer, and in addition, the system of ideas of Cancer itself changed somewhat, while adapting to itself new idea, and thus Cancer itself changed; however, it is quite difficult to predict which idea Cancer will reject and which it will accept and adapt, and how exactly it will change.

Cancer is a very essential sign, for it (unlike Gemini) thought and emotions are fused together, and any change in external reality leads to a change in internal reality, which is quite painful. Therefore, Cancers very tenaciously hold on to their property, environment and system of mental ideas about the world in general and any fragment of it in particular. If Cancer does not want this, it is impossible to convince him, but, unlike Taurus, he will not stubbornly defend his point of view, but will remain silent. On the other hand, if you manage to gain the trust of a Cancer, you will discover his amazing ability to understand and very accurate emotional response; in general, what he wants to perceive, he perceives very deeply, and this is a rare gift, especially in human communication.

Cancer, in principle, if he wants it, can demonstrate excellent adaptation abilities. He is able to gradually adapt to life in rather rotten water, and although this does not apply to him best qualities, sometimes helps out in difficult circumstances.

Depending on the type of mental organization, there are two types of Cancers: hermit crabs and traveling Cancers. The Hermit Cancer uses the walls of his house (office) as his shell. In his home, the Hermit Cancer feels quite at ease and relaxed; there is such a psychological atmosphere there (how he manages to create it is not entirely clear) that you hang out as soon as you get there. When the Hermit Cancer goes outside (which he doesn’t really like and rarely does), he puts on a shell and secretly observes the unsafe outside world, remaining practically inaccessible to him.

A traveling Cancer carries his shell with him and can quite decisively change his place of residence if he is tired of his old one. Its protection is compact, but also less reliable. And when the protection of (any) Cancer does not work, it hurts him a lot, perhaps more painfully than any other sign of the Zodiac.

However, one should not think that Cancer’s self-realization follows the path of improving its shell. His main goal is to comprehend the world and externally express his emotions, which the world so needs; and the shell, naturally, is an obstacle to both. A developed Cancer is a psychologist who, after talking with you for two hours on a train, will sometimes solve a problem that has been tormenting you for half your life, and from the conversation he will receive from the conversation not only information that is essential for himself about the device human soul in general, but also deep emotional satisfaction. The unrealized Cancer's shell, despite its thickness, constantly cracks from external blows, and from the inside it is corroded by emotional and existential dissatisfaction with oneself, which very rarely reaches consciousness, and if it does, it is in a highly distorted form.

For himself, Cancer is very emotional and vulnerable (however, this also applies to other signs, but still not to such an extent), for those around Cancer there is always some kind of mystery and a “black hole”, he almost does not emit emotions, but for some reason this is very I want it (Cancer has tender meat, and everyone feels it). Cancer responds to an attempt to pressure either with silence, or with fuss (looks away), or with hysteria. In order to gain his trust, you need to understand what kind of environment he is surrounded by, and first adapt to this environment yourself, and then swim up to Cancer. This works best for Pisces and quiet Scorpios (if such exist). In other words, circumstances and methods are important to Cancer; he does not like to be controlled, but he loves to secretly manipulate people himself.

If you look at Cancer superficially, without taking into account his environment, you will not understand anything or will understand everything wrong. Cancer rules family life(and this is complete mysticism), the mafia (a large family, as the mafiosi themselves believe), the secret police. Cancer of the lower octave is unusually cunning and deceitful, and not a single muscle moves on his face. Cancer is intuitive, which often leads to pride, because it seems to him that he generally sees through people, and is too emotional, so it is difficult for him to understand that emotions are just waves on the surface of the existential ocean of life. Higher Cancers are prone to religious quests associated with mystical religions, and, like all water signs, they strive for a direct sensory experience of God or, at least, the astral plane. Higher Cancers are spiritual teachers, religious leaders, saints.

... a strong lower Cancer can reveal to the world the abyss of vice, perfectly coping with the role of a black teacher.”

Absalom Podvodny, “Lectures on Introduction to Astrology”

Let me (as a solar Cancer) make a few comments on this description of A. Podvodny, magnificent in psychological accuracy.

In this fragment, it is important to pay attention not to the coincidence (or discrepancy) of forms of behavior and other external manifestations, but to those internal reasons that cause them.

And they are:

  1. Extreme psychological (and sometimes physical) sensitivity, and, accordingly, vulnerability. Cancers (solar, lunar and ascendant) are very sensitive to the emotional atmosphere of their environment, and they cannot always distinguish where they are own feelings and emotions, and where are strangers. Those. sometimes they have to worry about them and for others.
  2. The need to live “in the depths”, i.e. experience strong and deep feelings. (Cancer has to go through them, whether he wants it or not). The sun sign essentially indicates the type of energy that is the “source” of a person’s life in a given incarnation. Cancers thus “feed” on the energy of deep feelings.
  3. With any change external environment Cancer HAS (or feels the need) to radically CHANGE INSIDE. This, among other things, requires time and great emotional investment, which is very desirable for people who are in a close or related relationship with solar Cancer to understand.

It is from these innate qualities and needs inherent in any Cancer that both his positive and negative ones are born (such as ostentatious “insensitivity,” capriciousness or even hysteria, attempts to manipulate others (in which, however, he can never compare with Scorpio) ) external forms of manifestation, of which in reality there can be countless numbers - as many as there are solar Cancers. And, of course, it is not possible to describe them all.

There is one girl who I... how to say... . In general, I checked many times, but when I hint to her that I like her not only as a person, but also as a girl, she says that there can be nothing but friendship, and I don’t understand why.

The site gave the following:

Overall compatibility: 52%

Physical - 48% - not compatible
Emotional - 57% - overlap
Intellectual - 80% - almost the same
Cardiac – 18% – not compatible
Creative - 62% - overlap
Intuitive - 74% - compatible
Highest - 22% - not compatible

According to the sign of the Zodiac (position of the Sun in the sign) - I am Cancer, she is Pisces (signs of the same element).

Characters 3 and 3
Family 5 (for her) and 4 (for me)
Temperament 2 (for her) and 6 (for me)

So what's up?

Alexander, it looks like there is much more sympathy on your side than on hers: on the “female” side, emotional compatibility is 57%, while on the “male” side, intelligence is 80% and creativity is 62%.

There is also an intuition between you that works very well for water signs 74%, but it is not so easy to reveal and feel from afar, without close communication.

Of course, our current version of the In-contri script does not yet reveal many details (but we are working on it). One of these details is that women of Water signs, being naturally soft and vulnerable in their souls, try to choose a man who is clearly tougher in character as their partner. Because of this, by the way, they often fall for Fire signs and get burned with them.

In your case, it also plays a role that she is a Pisces, which means “big brother” for your Cancer sign. Perhaps a Scorpio girl, whose sign is “little brother” for Cancer, would look at you completely differently.

Good day! I already wrote to you, apparently there was a long message, and you did not answer. I am worried about the question: why did a man with whom we have good compatibility, as many as 4 maximums and everything is in order according to Pythagoras, prefer another to me? With whom they have continuous dissonances, and besides, she is married. According to our compatibility, he should be drawn to me in the same way as I am to him, but because of him I can’t look at others at all. We have general views and ideals, and his friends respect me, I’m not deprived of attention either. I feel that the interest is mutual. As for age, I’ve been engaged in self-development for a long time, so it should sort of suit him. 07/10/1989, he 11/5/1977, she 11/25/1977. Help me to understand(((

Ksenia, we found your first letter dated November 26 last year and then separately you sent the birth dates of all participants. Well, quite a powerful review in terms of content. I regret that he was left without attention. But, alas, it is simply physically impossible to read and process everything. And long stories like yours are not bad at all. On the contrary, they sometimes provide more information for thought than in 10 short reviews. One problem with long stories is that responses to them sometimes take 2-3 days to write.

Judging by the fact that even after so much time you do not give up and are trying to get an answer, this situation and your partner will not let you go and the answer is extremely important. In this case, we won’t make any guesses about the timing, but in the near future we’ll try to figure it out deeper.

But with us it’s the other way around... I’m a Cancer, and he’s an Aquarius (July 16, 1995 and February 3, 1997). And it was I who, as he says, frayed his nerves and it was he who opened his veins because of me and there were attempts to throw himself under the train. Most likely, the relationship between a boa constrictor and a rabbit does not exist, since Aquarius personally does not affect me as you wrote. Well, which one of us is a rabbit and which one is a boa constrictor? Moreover, I don’t suffer for him at all, but because of me he becomes an alcoholic and I feel sorry for the boy, he’s not himself.

Milana, if this is not “The Boa Constrictor and the Rabbit,” then what? What are all these nerves, opening veins and rehearsing the role of Anna Karenina performed by a man?

The overall percentage of compatibility is 82% (not everyone manages to meet such a couple in life)
Physical 96% (maximum)
Emotional 96% (maximum)
Intelligent 75% (high)
Cardiac 97% (maximum)
Creative 36%
Upper 80% (high)

We’ve already talked about your signs - Cancer (you) and Aquarius (him). Accordingly, he is kind of like a “Boa Constrictor”, and for him you are a “Rabbit”. However, serious adjustments to the pair are made by the characters according to Pythagoras: you have a confident leadership 1111 and a soft 11 for him. And the funniest thing in the finale: the guy got even in temperament: 5 for him and 4 for you. As a result, the cards are as confused as possible.

Well, if you were 10 years older, you would have taken a completely different experience from this relationship. And so youthful maximalism and its characteristic inability and reluctance to build, value and develop something (alas, this is typical for 90% of young partners in relationships) multiplied by the girl’s advantage in age and character, and then all this raised to the degree of intensity of the couple’s passions “Boa Constrictor and Rabbit” led to a fierce, but usual for such a couple, confrontation. The rabbit won based on his own strength and the weakness of his partner’s character. Although, to be honest, there is nothing to be happy about. Both will remember this relationship as a madhouse for the rest of their lives.

Hello. I am extremely glad that I found myself on such a site. And I’m incredibly surprised - there are a lot of sites on this topic, but here it’s so precise, clear and interesting, it’s truly fascinating)

I always paid attention to horoscopes, etc., but now it has become more interesting. After all, this can really help in life. My story is funny, actually.

Right now I am divorced from my ex-wife (I - 10/29/1987, she - 06/18/1975). When I checked the compatibility on your website and read the type of relationship “boa constrictor - rabbit”, I just fell out of my chair))) word for word as I had... for six years the “rabbit” lasted)) but that’s not what I want to say. Right now there is only one girl in my head (07/06/1989). The trick is that he started dating her while he was still married, but soon he “sort of” broke up with her. The reason is probably mainly emotions. There was little heart-to-heart talk, but there were occasional outbursts. Or rather, my “stamp in the passport” greatly depressed her, saying “busy.” I felt like she could open up, but she didn't do it as much as I wanted. Right now she is apathetic towards me. The feeling that I was carried away by someone. I want to get her back, and I'm working on it. Your site gives strength and hope. I’m pleased with my intuitive biorhythm with her, although this may not be the main thing)

Can you give any comments/additions? calculations/personal view of my story?)

And by the way, maybe add names to calculate compatibility? Or does it not matter, what do you think?)

Antonio, you are one of the lucky few who wrote a review while a new comment was being written for the site. Of course, reviews that appear right before your eyes are impossible to ignore.

But, I won’t hide, what attracted attention in your story was, of course, your birth dates and ex-wife: 1987 and 1975. To put it mildly, not very traditional in the public understanding. I remember the almost sensational program on YouTube with Malakhov about an unequal marriage. Let’s leave behind the scenes the age at which you got married and pay attention only to the fact that today you are 27, less than two weeks old, and your ex-wife is... 39 years old. Cool. Most readers' eyes, like mine, are probably widened. I wonder what they will remain if we calculate compatibility based on your dates:
– Overall 55% and compatibility in emotions (74%), intellect (65%), heart (70%) and creativity (82%)
— characters 3-3, family 4-2, temperaments 6-5

Many would actually envy this situation. If it were not for “Boa Constrictor and Rabbit” in the horoscope. Although I am sure that it was the specifics of the relationship between “Boa Constrictor and Rabbit” that brought its spark to the stormy beginning of this relationship, which led to a very controversial marriage from any point of view. Be that as it may, the beginning was dizzying. Well, the end, however, as in most novels of such a pair of characters. But there will be something to remember. Although I had to go through a lot. But don't despair, Antonio, and don't rush into quick solution about a new companion.

Still, if we talk about the prospects of your relationship specifically with the girl of 07/06/1989, then it’s more likely no than yes. I see that you yourself have noticed a lack of emotions. And for good reason. Water signs are the most emotional. And their union, in this case, is logical that it should be based on common emotions. Which, as you see in calculations and in practice, is not observed. For all readers, I would like to note that apart from the physical and intuitive maximum, against the background of the seemingly favorable pair of water signs Scorpio and Cancer, nothing else is observed.

Yes, you, as a man, are driven by maximum physical compatibility; perhaps there is also maximum intuitive compatibility. But the real depth of a relationship, believe me, is felt after some time of communicating with a new partner. And doubts, emotional coldness, apathy, and literally a chasm in temperament - 1 for the girl and 5 for you (with maximum physical compatibility with her!). All this does not add positive points to the forecast. I would especially like to note that temperaments 1 feel a little uncomfortable under the pressure of temperaments 4-5 (by analogy with characters). And it has been discussed more than once that the higher the temperament, the higher the partner’s loyalty, especially when paired with a similar temperament. But the lower the temperament, the higher the tendency to go to the left. So here, Antonio, your premonition may not let you down. In connection with all of the above, I propose to take a more sober look at the prospects in this pair and not build any special illusions. It’s just that if your plans fail, it will be easier for you to accept and analyze everything.

Names really do not play a role in the calculation of compatibility. This is more about SMS predictions and other miracle services))

I sincerely wish you success, Antonio, in finding a harmonious couple!

For some reason, the calculation does not take into account when the date of birth is in the extreme numbers of the sign. In theory, the signs are Aries and Cancer, and a plausible description is obtained when you shift them for a couple of days, as for Pisces and Leo.

Pavel, once again for you and other readers, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the extreme dates by sign were brought into line with the Western standard of astrology. In general, it seems to me that this eternal dispute about border markers will never end. Therefore, here it is better to analyze yourself personally more deeply and take the position that most closely matches reality. I can also say from experience that the approved format is more accurate, because... The vast majority of people born in the last decade of their sign tend to exhibit traits of the next sign. What can we say about people born on the very last day of the sign.

My name is Pavel) I’ve known this site for about a year)

Hmmm, where was he before at least 4 years ago) when I thought that I was a failure in life and because the relationship was not working out) I looked at the compatibility, then 30%, then 36%, then 49%) and everything fell into place.. I started get acquainted with high percentages of compatibility.. well, when and how) you know percentages are percentages, but you can’t order your heart)

About 2 months ago I wrote to a girl and a profile without her photos) and then it started... communication from morning to evening.. and everything is so simple) and the humor is great) favorite writers, directors, musicians, composers, general views on life, we are both studying at the Faculty of Psychology) we even both once collected coins) at the first meeting I was fascinated by her) Today a declaration of love is planned!! Just a huge thank you!!!

Cancer Virgo

Physical 67% - compatible
Emotional 72% - compatible
Intelligent 67% - compatible
Cardiac 71% - compatible
Creative 81% - almost the same
Intuitive 83% - almost the same
Highest 67% - compatible

Pavel, great review! I'm rooting for you now. Well, and, of course, success!

Hello! I wrote to you earlier, but since I haven’t received an answer yet, I decided to expand the question.

My husband and I have been a couple for 10 years, 4 of which we live together and raise a child (he is my first man). The relationship was never smooth: there was a period (before marriage) when I was looking for a relationship on the side, because... there was a lack of understanding on his part. She left a couple of times, and then decided to transform the relationship into non-binding sex. And this went on for a couple of years: I communicated with other men (more emotionally than physically), while simultaneously dating my own. The fear of being alone prevented me from leaving completely.

During this period of “open” relationship, I met another man whom I still periodically remember. He is 18 years older than me. The sympathy arose at first sight. He took the initiative (calls, meetings, kisses). But he was in no hurry to move to a more serious level. I was okay with that for a while (dating two men). But then, when the calls began to come less and less often, I tried to “shake” him. But due to her youth, she did it too clumsily and emotionally, which probably scared him off and gave him a reason to do what he already intended: stop communicating with me.

After several months of suffering, I came to terms with the fact that my “love” was unrequited. I finally returned to my boyfriend (future husband) who, already a 30-year-old man, said: “I gave you time to think, now it’s time to decide” - he made it clear that he would look for a girl for marriage if I didn’t hurry up. Realizing that in pursuit of “dreams” I might miss the chance to connect my life with a sensible person, I forced myself to forget the past and a year later I moved in with him and we had a child.

At first, life together was like a powder keg. We often argued, and it was infuriating that instead of calming me down (I can be overly emotional), he reacted doubly emotionally. To which I responded three times sharply... A couple of times he promised to “hit” me if I didn’t shut up.

In order to somehow control myself, I went to work. And this became a salvation for us - a kind of substitute for those men, communication with whom in the period before marriage allowed me to maintain a relationship with my current husband.

My husband complains that I work too much. But on the whole I am ready to put up with it. I am satisfied that he is an ideal husband and father for our child. And provided that he does not interfere with my creative development I am ready to put up with the incessant fear that if I let my guard down for a moment and give him more freedom than my security can guarantee, he will do something stupid...

At the same time, sometimes I really want to experience again what I felt in relation to the man I wrote about above (((especially after our compatibility has broken through:
physical - 44%
emots. - 54%
intellect - 83%
heart - 85%
creative - 65%
intellect - 72%
highest - 71%

To this we can add the fact that our signs are from the same element (Virgo and Capricorn), the temperament is the same (5 and 5), and his character is 1 higher. Nepotism: I am “spontaneous”, he is an “idealistic family man”. The only confusing thing is that in this couple I am the “parent” and he is the “child”. Maybe this was the reason for his inertia? How do you see this situation? It’s very interesting, although it’s too late to change anything.

P.S. For several years now, fate has been confronting us regularly. Every time he shows sympathy. I tried to start a conversation and linger. On the contrary, because of my once wounded pride, I pretended that I didn’t notice it and tried to run away as soon as possible (I wouldn’t want that terrible situation of uncertainty when they don’t call you to happen again)

Here's me and my husband:
physical - 43%
emots. - 53%
intellect - 59%
heart - 14%
creative - 68%
intuitive - 72%
highest - 71%

Our signs: Virgo and Cancer. By character he is a leader, in a couple he is the father - I am the child, but his temperament is a little let down: I have 5, my husband has 3 :)

I know that everything is clear here. But for short comment I will be very grateful for the above.

Alya, thank you for such a deep and detailed story. Alas, I have not met either her or your pseudonym in the site’s mail before.

Let's start with an overview of your and your husband's relationship. To be honest, I got the impression that your choice, as happens with girls, even those who have great success with many men, was not due to the fact that this partner was the best for you, but because you simply knew your husband longer than others , so by default your credibility in him was greater. Moreover, it turns out that he put you before a choice and pushed through with his will 5 units multiplied by the strength of the role of “big brother” in relation to your sign. You know, such situations often surprise the male brain, when, a girl who was sought after by many interesting men, ends up choosing “the guy from next door", with whom I have known since childhood. Simply because she has known its pros and cons for a long time, got used to it, found some kind of mutual language. And this, as we see, is present in your couple with your husband. Although it is strange that you are not used to tolerating the emotionality inherent in Cancers, like all water signs. But here, rather, the problem is not that the husband’s emotionality is too high, but that she is irritable for you, because... simply incompatible. More precisely, a kind of unpredictable swing in half of emotional compatibility. There is an opinion, by the way, that sometimes dissonance in compatibility is better than such half-hearted swinging levels. But you don’t have dissonances other than those close to it in the heart chakras, but there are a little bits at each level. We see the highest compatibility at the highest levels, which gives illusory hope for the development of these relationships in the future. After all, as has been said more than once, it is compatibility in the 3 highest levels that influence the progress of relationships in the long term.

But, alas, there is no harmonious basis for relationships without the two lower “female” levels. The lack of a strong emotional and heartfelt connection pushed you to look for new partners. It’s not for nothing that you even made a reservation that communication with them was more emotional. However, you chose a compromise from an “ideal husband”, a “efficient person”, and simply someone who had the will to influence you in order to finally persuade you to make a choice in your favor.

They say that all meetings in our destiny are not accidental. So it was no coincidence that for you it was a meeting with that man who is much older than you, but, despite this, aroused those feelings that cannot fade away to this day. His detailed chakra compatibility with you is very interesting: don’t you notice that this seems to be a more successful copy of your husband? To such an extent that at some levels the differences are literally plus or minus a couple of percent. Only the main advantages of this mature man are, finally, almost maximum “female” heart compatibility with you and a strong overlap in “male” intellect. If these two detailed calculations were examined by an imaginary Compatibility Doctor, he would say: “darling, you have a pattern!” What does it mean to have an image of a potential partner ingrained in the mind, formed due to unsuccessful past or existing relationships.

It is difficult to say what causes the appearance of patterns. But it should be noted that their influence on attraction to a partner is no less than when there are maximum compatibility between people. Psychologically, the search for a partner similar to one of our former or current ones may be due to the fact that our consciousness wants to make another attempt at the “same relationship,” but this time it will be successful. Surely, you have noticed more than once how young girls say that they are “lucky” for certain types. So this is actually not luck at all, but rather a subconscious search for patterns in surrounding people of the opposite sex. Therefore, Alya, it is very likely that you see in the Capricorn man some kind of alternative to your current Cancer husband and a more successful opportunity for the realization of a relationship.

And if this were not so, then you would hardly have written. The hope for a more successful attempt is read between the lines. And, it should be noted that it does have some basis. With your brain you compromise in your current relationship, write that “everything is already clear.” But the heart chose that second partner. And, it seems to me that after so much time after trying to have a relationship, fate does not push you against him... but pushes you. Don't fool yourself. Try to restore this communication and then everything will become clear to both of you. It’s better to try and regret it once than not to try and regret it all your life.

Hello! I really like to check my compatibility with men on your site. But! One thing confuses me, here I come out as a virgin, although I am a Leo according to the Sun, I study the natal chart, so I know that I am a Leo. Therefore, could you tell me what my compatibility is with a man, taking into account the fact that I am still a Leo) My date: 08/23/1991. Its 07/01/1986. Thank you in advance.

Suraya, if you take only chakras/biorhythms, then everything is pretty good - as many as 3 very powerful compatibility:

But then there are only contradictions: the Cancer guy, being 5 years older than you, has 2 times less strong character according to Pythagoras - 2 versus 4 for you. And also the unclear situation with your sign, as, indeed, in most cases with border signs.

Well, if you take Leo and Cancer, they will be friends and neighbors." Best friend and the best enemy." The couple is not that incompatible, but rather from the category of “you can live.” By the way, for the sake of sport, statistics on pairs of characters from In-contri readers were already collected, and this particular pair turned out to be the most popular. So there’s no point in putting an end to it.

Negatively in in this case one thing: the confrontation between your elements of Fire (Leo) and Water (Cancer), where victory will, with varying success, go to either the older and experienced Cancer man, or the more explosive and strong-willed Lioness, that is, you. Only Cancer does not like such confrontations at all and every victory will not only please, but depress. After all, at what price did she get it? Let me tell you that usually men can’t stand something like this for long. Either they leave, or their inner core breaks and they give up. Strong woman for more weak man- another test.

78% - Cancer and Aries - excellent compatibility - pure truth - passions in sexual relations no - but everything is calm and stable, otherwise - I can’t imagine life without my Aries! Close and beloved relative! Grown to each other - can’t be torn apart! Communication on some top level… Thank you!

Natalya, although a couple of signs are of different parities, the interaction can be positive. And with your 78% in chakras/biorhythms (this is powerful compatibility!) you can count on good chances. Good luck to you!

Hello! I became interested in the compatibility of zodiac signs after breaking up with a man with whom it was interesting and exciting at first, and then simply unbearably difficult. Having read about how a Taurus woman and a Sagittarius man get along, I was surprised how accurately astrologers reflect all the subtleties of such relationships, as if they were writing from us))). And of course, off we go... I started looking at compatibility by year of birth, then date of birth (interesting!!!), and having plunged into the study of compatibility with other signs, I then thought: I wish I could meet Cancer. The relationship with Sagittarius was long and painful (and there were no others), that I just wanted to believe the stars. Six months later I met my Cancer, understanding at a glance, ease of communication, common interests, etc. Of course, I checked the compatibility on different sites: the relationship is harmonious, long-term, but as they write on one of the sites, it leaves a mark of unhappiness on me, and I couldn’t find exactly how this manifests itself. Maybe you can tell me? I am 05/12/1983, he is 07/05/1963.

Opinion of In-contri and classical astrology:

Full calculation (by chakras/biorhythms, the total is 69% - above average):

Date of Birth 05.07.1963 12.05.1983
Physical 80%
Emotional 84%
Intellectual 28%
Cordial 38%
Creative 89%
Intuitive 90%
Higher 73%
Zodiac signs Cancer - Water Taurus - Earth
Pythagorean square
Character 3 4
Family 2 5
Temperament 3 5

Another pleasant thing, as we have already seen, is the pair “Elder brother - younger brother”, where Taurus, that is, you, Alena, is for the elder. And, as happens in most couples with roles assigned by the Zodiac, the same thing is confirmed in Pythagoras - 4 in your character versus 3 in Cancer. Although with a large share it can be assumed with certainty that initial stage a more mature Cancer man with a “golden”, but nevertheless impulsive character, will try to show himself as a leader. But over time, you will come to natural roles where you are given the place of the first number.

It is also extremely important (this is the second main point after the favorable compatibility of signs) - high compatibility in all three higher chakras. For partners your age, and especially your date, this is key compatibility. Therefore, now we need to start working on revealing it, planning our lives together, sharing our experiences and our life philosophy with each other - in general, to build relationships, also as a deep spiritual union.

I think, Alena, that you have already read enough promising forecasts about your couple and, including on this site, you have found additional confirmation. This is all good. Only now, I’m afraid that the main problems will await you outside. What can I say: a 30-year-old girl and a 50-year-old man. Surely, in the eyes of the majority, this will look at least like an unequal marriage of convenience. From your environment: “the old man decided to shake off the old days”, “why do you need such a thing, I should have found a young one.” From his environment: “she needs money/property from you, and then she will divorce you,” “she was deprived of her father’s attention as a child, so now she is with you, but this will pass.” And everything like that. There’s no need to even guess here—these are stereotypes of society. And this is precisely why you need to focus on the strongest and deepest aspects of compatibility in your couple in order to counter this public opinion. So that no one even has doubts about the strength of your union.

Yes, your couple probably doesn’t look traditional. Whereas in reality it is very harmonious. And hardly many people know that a Cancer man, even at an advanced age, remains at heart a sophisticated romantic and a dreamer. And next to a much younger girl, such a man himself gains a second youth. So enjoy your meeting, develop a foundation of common interests, but do not rush things regarding marriage just yet. Still, your chosen one has family type 2 and this, as a rule, needs some time. Although the initiative will most likely come more from you, Alena. And there is nothing wrong with this, but, I repeat, everything has its time.

Z.Y.: about the “seal of misfortune.” Naturally, I understood what kind of site it was. I saw him too. But, alas, he is one of those who circulate several standard answers for all couples in circles and, believe me, the “seal of misfortune” is given out right and left to every third couple. This can already be called a feature of such a site. And, by the way, there are also quite a few funny sites, by the way, much more popular than ours, where all couples are perfectly compatible with each other. Therefore, everyone chooses what they like. And if we talk about chips, then on In-contri, as you, I hope, noticed, there are no two pairs with identical calculations. Everyone is individual. As, indeed, are the people themselves.

While we're on the subject, that site uses synastry calculations, which is practically very difficult to implement as a script on the site. It can be truly reliable if two conditions are met:
- calculated manually by an experienced astrologer (I know one of these and have seen this happen)
- you know exactly down to the minute your and your partner’s time of birth

And just with the second point, everything is not as simple as it seems. We really only know from rumors and memories from our parents, at best, what time we were born. Therefore, when the error in our time of birth is added to the error in the time of birth of our partner, then such “seals” are then obtained in practice. And in synastry it may be that a person born at 9 o’clock in the morning and, let’s say, at 10 am already have a completely different set of qualities. In my opinion, such an approach has a right to life, but its emphasis is often placed completely incorrectly. If a person is a Taurus, like you, for example, then he is first and foremost a Taurus and secondly and thirdly has the qualities of other signs. And not the dominant qualities. And in similar calculations, everything can be turned around so that you have nothing left of Taurus. Let me remind you that a difference in just one hour of birth can lead to this. Whereas in the In-contri calculation we see that a difference of a day or two in the date of birth will not lead to dramatic changes. Unless these days or two fall on border markers.

Here, Alena. It's my opinion. You can argue or agree. I wish you good luck in love, development, mutual spiritual growth and, of course, I would like to write in a year how things are going with you. Good luck to you!

Cancer is the only sign that can find mutual understanding with everyone, but it finds special happiness with Scorpio, Virgo, Capricorn, and Pisces.

From June 22 to July 22 – Time of Cancer. This zodiac sign is ruled by the Moon. This fickle planet, changing phases 4 times during its cycle (28 days), makes Cancers - their wards - very emotional, easily moody, sensitive and sensual people.

When they fall into a good lunar cycle, they look like a fairy baby with a curl on her forehead, which will be lovely if she has good mood, but terrible if bad. Cancers are very shy and fear rejection more than all other signs combined. They are sensitive and emotionally vulnerable, indecisive and not as aggressive in love affairs as men of other signs. They are ideal in bed, but they require emotional content in every sexual encounter. They expect exceptional love, understanding, amazing, supportive, in return they will give themselves entirely and surround their partner with tenderness.

For Cancers, life is boring and empty without love. They love selflessly, completely surrendering to their feelings. They tend to subordinate themselves entirely to the character of their partner, and this is not difficult for them, since they have very developed intuition. They are ideal if they feel loved. And they are the hardest people in life if they do not feel love, while they themselves live a difficult and painful life. The reason for their unhappiness is shyness, painful vulnerability, resentment and a highly developed sense of possessiveness. In a romantic relationship with Cancer, you need to give up excessive curiosity about him. inner world while you haven't known each other for long. Cancers need the confidence that they are communicating with a person who can shower them with tender care and love.

For deeper relationships, you need to learn to communicate on a soul level. Cancers do not like it when people make fun of them, especially in front of people. If you want to maintain a relationship for a long time, avoid putting pressure on him, act with the help of persuasion and affection. In their youth, Cancers are romantics, they dream of perfect love. Imagination is ahead of life experience.

Partnerships are of great importance for Cancer - this is a support for him in all matters. He himself has a special sense of patronage. He is usually shy, but when he is in a circle of like-minded people, he opens up like a tender lily after the rain, surrounding you with care and deep understanding. At the same time, being in his company, you intuitively feel that this man is a defenseless child who needs maternal care, support and tenderness.

Deep down, Cancer suffers deeply if there is no one next to him who could come to his aid at any moment and stand guard over his safety. He remains a child all his life, he always needs care. He is an eternal dreamer and romantic. He believes, and quite sincerely, that his chosen one will want to give him all of herself without reserve, will not only appreciate his undoubted merits, but will also come to terms with his shortcomings. Heartache over love problems and strong feelings are not for him. Cancer can be compared rather to a stream of water, slowly flowing along its bed and only sometimes falling like a stormy waterfall... Gusts of passion are good for him from time to time, he will not withstand prolonged tension, a constant storm of feelings.

A woman who has dealt with Cancer at least once in her life knows what real tenderness is. A man born under this sign has all the qualities to make an impressionable woman with a subtle nature happy. First of all, Cancer expects warmth; it is extremely pleasant for him to meet a warm-hearted and sincerely friendly person. He will feel disarmed in front of such a woman - affectionate, devoted, loving almost like a mother. He will want to see in her his wife, sister, mother and lover at the same time. When Cancer gives his love, it seems that his feelings are those of an innocent child who does not know lies and deception. If he loves, then he gives his whole heart, his whole soul without a trace. He believes that as soon as he exposes all his weak sides, there can be no question of being deceived or offended.

If the woman he loves does not live up to his trust, he will withdraw into himself and will not want to leave his “shell.” He will become secretive and begin to doubt whether he should even reveal his feelings, thoughts and dreams to anyone. Under no circumstances should Cancer be wounded, although this is easy to do - he does not know how to defend himself at all. He experiences every action, every thoughtless word addressed to him very painfully - some insignificant remark can greatly offend him.

Each manifestation of cynicism, self-interest or cruelty gradually destroys his idea of ​​​​ideal love. After all, he himself is ready for complete dedication, for absolutely selfless love, not demanding anything in return except love. Only such a sublime feeling enriches him spiritually and gives him faith in goodness and the meaning of life. For Cancer, disappointment can be a blow from which it is difficult for him to recover. He withdraws into himself, plunging into a fantasy world where he can dream of ideal love. He will prefer this particular path and will not look for another that could lead to the fulfillment of his dreams, because he is so afraid of being disappointed again! Cancer does not like it when they do not understand and accept him, and do not show him leniency. If criticism of his actions or character is added to this, he simply will not tolerate it - already he is complex, unsure of himself and suffers terribly, not feeling safe.

Cancers can live both the richest and most painful lives - it all depends on whether they were able to solve the problem of their relationship with their mother. Why with your mother? The Moon, their patron, symbolizes the mother in astrology. This explains the strong dependence of Cancers on their mother. Cancers rarely marry at an early age, as they have difficulty leaving their parents' home and are too attached to their mother. The success of Cancer as an individual depends on whether he was able to resolve the problem of his relationship with his mother, whether he was able to free himself or whether he remained dependent on her. If Cancers do get married in early youth, they are rarely married later than 35 years. This is a critical age for Cancers. Rarely do Cancers live with the same spouse after 35 years.

If the woman whom Cancer met along the way considers motherhood the most important thing in life, if all her thoughts are aimed at creating a family, Cancer will very quickly come to the conclusion that this is his ideal. A strong family union promises him the desired sense of security. At the same time, it is very important that his chosen one remembers his psychological and emotional dependence on the family: a good relationship with his close and distant relatives will once again convince him of the correctness of his choice. Naturally, his mother plays a primary role in this sense - it is on her that his decision ultimately depends.

But even in this case, Cancer, making an important decision about marriage, may feel insecure. A woman must help him cope with this task: demonstrate that she can be an exemplary housewife, a wonderful wife and - most importantly! - the magnificent mother of his future children. Cancer is created rather for life in the comfort of home, away from the intrigues and harshness of the surrounding reality. If, in addition, he is surrounded by children, this is real happiness for him! It is not suitable for performing any tasks of an “external” nature; the purpose and meaning of life in his understanding is in the family, in people close to him.

The stronger he feels his connection with them, the higher his assessment of his own existence.

Do you have the impression that Cancers are ideal lovers and spouses? Why then is there a myth in astrology that Don Juan was a Cancer? It is said about him that Cancer is a cunning merchant in love, a complete materialist, who in the economy of love stands head and shoulders above all his astrological brothers. Cancers, perhaps, can compete with Gemini in their changeability and inconstancy (Until the relationship develops into a family one, of course). And I think that Cancer Gemini will win! But we'll talk about this next time.

Cancers, depending on the time of birth, can be different. Some are very suspicious and rarely show their inner self. But if they fall in love with a woman, there is nothing that Cancers will not do to please the object of their love. They can be peaceful, calm and simple, and their love is faithful and unshakable. These people make devoted husbands and fathers who live only for their family. They are often homebodies, devoted to their loved ones, friends and family and can do almost anything for them. An emotionally mature Cancer is a wonderful father. He is fiercely protective of his wife and children. Cancer is capable of great feats for his family and children. But, oddly enough, he instinctively avoids those women who purposefully seek his support. And he is most often attracted to strong women. Life with Cancers should be based on mutual respect and sympathy. It is very important to maintain peace and tranquility in the house, to be, like him, sensitive and romantic, to remember everything significant dates life of the family and all household members, appreciate delicious food and care around the house.

Typically, Cancer's behavior in intimate situations is determined by some “feminine” qualities of his character. You should not suppress the individuality of Cancer or show emotional coldness towards him. Due to his heightened sensitivity, he absolutely cannot tolerate cooling of relationships or criticism addressed to him. What will hit him hardest is criticism of his relatives, with whom, no matter what they are, he is always very closely connected emotionally, one might even say he is dependent on them. Therefore, it is impossible to destroy the authorities and ideals that have developed in his mind. If he has to, God forbid, choose between his wife and his relatives, then he may well give preference not to his wife, but to his parents, brother, etc. Therefore, in the name of love for Cancer, you should not talk about the shortcomings of his relatives - this will hurt him very much. You can’t have constant noisy parties in his house or joke about his heightened sensitivity.

Cancer is a faithful family man, delicate in character, but overly impressionable, which one day may become a very serious problem for his chosen one. Leading a calm and measured life, he may begin to irritate her with the fact that he was and remains an unadapted child, very attached to his parents. She will face eternal problem daughters-in-law and mother-in-law, and her husband will not be able to choose which of the two “mothers” to please. He will begin to maneuver between them, which will only complicate the situation.

He is very susceptible to the influence of others and considers the arguments that he hears at the moment to be correct, and this simply leads to paradoxical situations! The Cancer father, who madly loves his children, tries to isolate them from what he considers to be bad influences. environment. He will treat his wife in a similar way, subconsciously trying to limit the scope of her communication, since it seems to him that any of her contacts with the world threaten them. family well-being. This is his nature - he has a very strong need to feel safe, and he sees a threat to this in everything around him. This concern for safety can sometimes lead to complete isolation.

Another type of Cancer is capricious, a mystery to itself, sophisticated and ambiguous. This type wanders from woman to woman in search of his ideal. They are fickle in their affections mainly because they do not allow anyone into the depths of their feelings - the action of the love drama takes place on the surface. If these Cancers do not divorce their spouses after 35 years, this often happens due to financial dependence or love for children, but not at all out of loyalty to their spouse. Their married life exists solely for the sake of convenience, while they can secretly court young people. Of course, this type of Cancer devotes a lot of time to creating a cozy home life, they are looking for a faithful wife, and giving birth to offspring. But as soon as this is achieved, they secretly find satisfaction in their hobbies, justifying their adventures with social activities, affairs, etc.

The only way for such a Cancer to overcome sexual attraction and remain faithful is to get into a situation where this is impossible: at work, at a conference, in a hospital where he is immobile due to a cast, or in the arms of his beloved wife. He cannot be faithful unless he is connected with his wife by a common cause or work, when they constantly see each other. This type of Cancer is the most promiscuous of all the zodiac signs. Changeable in mood, he can easily find himself in a web of sexual exploits. However, by creating an attractive façade of naivety, he forces the woman to take the first step.
At the same time, these Cancers can be possessive and very jealous. These romantics can even be tyrants. They demand firm rules from their partner, which they themselves do not follow. No other sign is capable of displaying such false virtue, loyalty, sensuality and hurt feelings as Cancer when he is personally at fault. What a heartbreaking mask - those wet, sad eyes - that Cancer can wear: a little boy who was offended, insulted. They cannot be “put against the wall”, even if they are guilty of something. They would rather continue to lie than to admit or pay for their sins.