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» What does a child need to adapt well to school? Psychological features of a child’s adaptation to school. Types and levels of adaptation

What does a child need to adapt well to school? Psychological features of a child’s adaptation to school. Types and levels of adaptation

How to properly survive school adaptation with your first-grader child? This problem worries many parents whose children are on the threshold of school. Adaptation (lat. "adapt" adaptation, habituation) is a process that almost every person goes through when finding themselves in new conditions, for example, due to a change in place of residence or activity. In children, adaptation processes are most pronounced during their transition to school education. Just yesterday - this is a preschooler, Small child, who needs to be looked after, and today he is already a schoolboy and he is presented with quite complex requirements: to come to lessons on time, to complete homework independently, and to strictly adhere to school rules. And there is a lot more that a little student needs to do; for this, he is required to adapt to new conditions as much as possible! This is why experts warn parents:

In order for a child to adapt to school quickly and painlessly, it is necessary to prepare for schooling in advance.

Everything you need to know about school adaptation

According to psychologists, the features of adaptation (timing, characteristics) are determined by many factors. Experts consider the following to be important:

If about significance family relations And proper upbringing parents know quite well, then about the totality of psychological, physiological and social readiness Most children have a vague idea. Teachers primary classes note that families sometimes underestimate these types of readiness, directing all their efforts to special training (the ability to read, write, count). There are even mothers and fathers who do not fully understand that all small schoolchildren go through an adaptation period, and believe that this does not threaten their child. Meanwhile, one child (prepared) adapts in a few days, while another will take several months to get used to it. Changes in the behavior of first-graders are also characteristic: some become capricious, irritable, others become lethargic, tired, and others, on the contrary, become aggressive and excited. Relatives need to support the child at this moment, understand his mood and help him overcome all the difficulties of addiction. And in order to make it easier for parents to determine the state of a junior schoolchild during the adaptation period, you can use a simple test that will help both observe your student and identify problems of adaptation to school life. Parents are asked to determine their child’s position based on the following indicators:

High level of adaptation

A high level will be characterized by the following behavioral reactions of a first grader:

  • positive attitude towards school;
  • appropriate perception of school rules and teacher instructions;
  • easy to learn program material;
  • desire to study more complex knowledge;
  • interest in lessons;
  • doing homework independently;
  • desire to complete class assignments;

Average level of adaptation

This level is considered normal, since most children adapt to school conditions exactly this way. It is characterized by:

  • a positive attitude towards learning without negative experiences;
  • assimilation educational material with its detailed and visual presentation;
  • mastery curriculum;
  • independent decision typical tasks;
  • completing tasks and instructions under the supervision of the teacher;
  • displaying high concentration only when performing an interesting task;
  • preparing for lessons and doing homework under adult supervision;
  • conscientious fulfillment of class assignments;
  • good relationships with classmates.

Low level of adaptation

Characteristic of children who may be influenced by certain circumstances, for example, errors in upbringing (spoiling or, conversely, rejection of the child), unfavorable family environment(discord among loved ones, drinking parent), failure to attend kindergarten, features nervous system(hyperactivity, increased excitability or, conversely, inhibition). Children with a low level of adaptation exhibit:

  • negative or indifferent attitude towards school;
  • justifying your reluctance to study with health complaints;
  • predominance of depressed mood;
  • frequent violations of discipline;
  • poor mastery of academic subjects;
  • inability to work independently with a textbook;
  • performance homework only under pressure from an adult;
  • constant assistance from adults to understand and assimilate new knowledge;
  • passivity and avoidance of class assignments;
  • unpopularity among peers.

School maladjustment

An extremely negative and difficult moment during the adaptation period is school maladjustment, which manifests itself in the following student behavior:

  • inability to organize while studying;
  • complete lack of motivation to study;
  • inability to regulate attention, thinking processes, memory;
  • reluctance to adapt to the pace of school life;
  • increased fatigue, difficulty falling asleep in the evening and waking up in the morning;
  • constant complaints about teachers and classmates as the reason for reluctance to study;
  • academic failure.

Important: Dear parents! If you notice that your child is having difficulty getting used to school and have determined a low level of adaptation, try to use the recommendations of specialists to help the first-grader adapt to new conditions as quickly as possible.

How to properly prepare for school

To make it easier for loved ones to find ways to visit a young student during a difficult adaptation period and support him, experts have developed a number of important recommendations. And if the child is still a preschooler, then the recommendations will be useful for organizing. Psychologists say that the degree of adaptation depends on how well all types of readiness are developed ( psychological, physiological and social ). What is important to know and try to observe in family education?

Psychological readiness

School teachers constantly remind parents that the success of education is based on the development of all mental processes(memory, attention, thinking, speech) and their volitional regulation. Almost all adults understand the importance of the mental development of children and send them to school preparation centers, where qualified teachers intensively work with the children. But at home they sometimes forget about this, thinking that 2-3 times a week is enough to prepare for school. Meanwhile, work on the formation of mental processes should continue at home, since motivation for learning must be constantly maintained and improved. This will help the little student quickly adapt to school, easily master academic subjects and prevent overwork and loss of interest in learning. Teachers also note that it is important to work not only on the development of memory, attention, thinking, but also on the ability to manage emotions, since in younger schoolchildren the processes of excitation still prevail over the processes of inhibition. This means that we need to teach a first-grader to respond correctly to adequate grades, consciously obey the school rules, and manage his own performance, switching from one type of activity to another.

Physiological readiness

It is important for parents to know that during school or homework exercise stress per student increases, since they must sit for quite a long time in a motionless position, listen carefully, strain their eyes and ears, and work a lot with their hands. In this regard, the motor activity of first-graders decreases, but the need for movement remains the same. Because of this discrepancy, problems arise in the physiological adaptation of children; students need time to adapt. Therefore, experts distinguish several stages of addiction:

In the form of the so-called "physiological storm" , which occurs in the first three weeks of school. At this moment, the maximum stress on the child’s body and all its systems increases, as the first-grader faces heavy loads in the form of complex requirements, new academic subjects, and increased study time. In particular, doctors explain by this the increase in morbidity among children, the exacerbation of chronic diseases, sleep disturbances, and loss of appetite, precisely in September, after the start of school.

The next stage, lasting three to four weeks, experts believe for now "unstable device" .At that time organism begins to develop defensive reactions to difficult conditions of habituation, the “storm” decreases. In order for the student to develop additional resources that help during the adaptation period, parents do not need to panic, demand high grades, or jealously compare with other students. On the contrary, you need to be patient and help your child strengthen the body’s defenses, for example, provide more opportunities for rest, properly organize the alternation of activities and walks, offer distracting activities (games, reading fun books with school content, watching cartoons, stories about your own school childhood , excursions on weekends).

Experts consider the main stage "relatively stable adaptation" , when the child’s body reacts to educational loads with less stress, it produces suitable options adaptation to new conditions, for example, hand motor skills become more developed, efficiency and perseverance increase, visual-spatial coordination develops; “eye and hand” become friends with each other.

Social readiness

Social adaptation of younger schoolchildren presupposes the desire of a first-grader to take on a more complex social role - the role of a schoolchild. It is believed that this The final stage adaptation, since the student already knows how to build his relationships in a group of classmates, recognizes the authority of the teacher, has acquired some skills in educational activities, and has become familiar with the criteria for self-assessment. Therefore, if the desire for a new social role is absent in the child, parents need to help him adapt during the adaptation period. Experts offer:

  • To develop the learning skills necessary for successful study (the ability to listen and hear the teacher, plan your work, independently look for ways, analyze the result, correct if there are mistakes), you can use games and exercises, for example, “Find the extra object” , “Find the treasure according to plan”, “Don’t say yes or no”, “What’s missing” and many others.
  • To create a successful position among classmates, it is necessary to teach the child to establish contacts with other children, contact the teacher, and be sociable and interesting for classmates. This will also be helped by game tasks, participation in school events, holidays, family evenings, reading books (funny stories by V. Dragunsky, N. Nosov, I. Pivovarova, etc.), conversations with children.
  • It is very important to develop in a primary school student the ability to adequately evaluate his own actions and the actions of his classmates (in terms of knowledge, skills, interests). This skill will help create stable learning motivation and reduce the student’s anxiety about unreasonable claims to a higher grade, resentment for not being praised, etc. This will help not only the child, but also parents, who sometimes place high demands on the student.

Important: emotional states (positive or negative) expressed by students who are adapting to school will be the main indicator of how their adaptation to school, classmates, and behavioral norms is progressing.

What can parents do to help their first-grader adapt to the school environment? Experts have developed recommendations that can be used in the family.

Important: Dear parents! Remember that adaptation to school is a difficult time in the life of a young schoolchild. Before starting school, every child experiences excitement and anxiety, as he enters a new life. Your task is to help him cope with all the difficulties of the adaptation period, then learning will become an interesting and exciting activity for him.

The second month of school has arrived, and many parents feel that the hardest part of first grade is already behind them. They chose a school, survived September 1, the child became friends with the children, Parent meeting It’s all gone, it seems, you can breathe a sigh of relief. But psychologists advise staying alert.

Starting school is not only about studying, new acquaintances and impressions. This is a new environment and the need to adapt to new operating conditions, which include physical, mental, and emotional stress for children. To get used to a new environment, a child needs time - and this is not two weeks or even a month. Experts note that primary adaptation to school lasts from 2 months to six months. At the same time, there can be no general recipes; adaptation is a long and individual process and largely depends on:

  • personal characteristics of the child;
  • degree of readiness for school (not only intellectual, but also psychological and physical);
  • depends on whether the child is sufficiently socialized, whether he has developed cooperation skills, whether he has attended kindergarten.

Signs of successful adaptation to school

The child is cheerful, calm, quickly makes friends among classmates, speaks well of teachers and peers, completes homework without stress, easily accepts the rules of school life, the new daily routine is comfortable for him (does not cry in the morning, falls asleep normally in the evening, etc. ). The child has no fears about peers and teachers, he responds adequately to the teacher’s comments.

Signs of maladjustment

You often see your child tired, he cannot fall asleep in the evening and has difficulty waking up in the morning. The child complains about his classmates and the teacher’s demands. It is difficult for him to meet school requirements; he internally resists, is capricious, and offended. Typically, such children experience difficulties in learning activities. Only by the end of the first half of the year, with the help of the work of a teacher, psychologist, and parents, do they adapt to the school environment.

It often happens that the external manifestations in children are the same - most often it is tearfulness, resentment, fatigue - but they have completely different reasons. And they need to be dealt with individually.

Irina’s mother, in a conversation with a psychologist, noted that the girl spoke negatively about her classmates; negative emotions manifested themselves in the form of screams, tears, and reluctance to go to school. As psychologists later found out, Irina’s motor skills are underdeveloped, concentration and attention span are poorly developed, and the girl lacks the will and effort to sit through the lesson.

In the middle of the first grade, Savelya’s mother began to complain to the psychologist: the boy was rude, did not respond to the teacher’s comments, and almost burst into tears. A conversation with the teacher made it clear that Saveliy has a hard time with mathematics, he has difficulty counting and does not remember well. Problems accumulate and accumulate, and the punishments of adults and their severity only get in the way.

Quite often, parents unknowingly make life difficult first graders that:

  • load with new mugs (during the adaptation period they can lead to overload; it is better to leave only what the baby has known and can do for a long time);
  • dramatically change family relationships (“You’re big now, you have to wash the dishes yourself,” etc.)

How to help a child?

  • In the first weeks of school for a first-grader, it is important to help the child believe in himself, in his strengths and capabilities.
  • Show interest in the school and class in which your child is studying. It is very useful to simply listen to a child.
  • Do not criticize your baby, even if he writes poorly, counts slowly, or is sloppy. Criticism, especially in front of strangers, will only increase his problems.
  • Consider your child's temperament as they adapt to school. It is difficult for active children to sit in one place for a long time, and for slow ones it is difficult to get used to the school rhythm.
  • Encourage your child not only for academic success. Any moral stimulation or words of support from adults help the child feel significant in a particular activity.
  • Never compare your child with anyone - this will either lead to increased pride or to envy and a drop in self-esteem. You can only compare your child’s new successes with his previous achievements.

And remember that children's problems are no easier than adults'. A conflict with a teacher or peer, in terms of emotional stress and consequences, may be more severe than a conflict between an adult family member and his superiors at work.

The success of adaptation at school largely depends on the parents, and teachers and psychologists will definitely help you.

Natalya Katsevich psychologist


good article

Thank you for the article

Hello! What should I do if my child goes to first grade? I chose a stricter teacher for him, who loves children, as I was told. And this teacher, after the second week in the lobby in front of everyone, starts yelling and saying quit your job, take care of the children, they are at the 4-year-old level, this is about everyone, go to psychologists, I will expel you, etc. Are these emotions? How to understand this After this, an adult goes to school and is afraid, what does the day have in store for me? And I’m afraid to imagine what children experience. what to do? The child says “I tried!” and cries. This is despite the fact that speech therapists now work with children in the kindergartens and additionally worked for a whole year for a fee. A child cannot hear, so how can he be taught to hear all the letters in a word? We also made an appointment with a speech therapist. I hope everything will be fine. The child entered music school and I can’t hear sounds, it’s some kind of absurdity. Maybe these are different things, but we are deletants, so tell us what’s right, shouldn’t we do it for our children and help them! You are the experts!!! Thank you! Emotions, sorry for mistakes, cry from the soul

Comment on the article "1st grade and adaptation to school: 6 tips for parents of first-graders"

Raising a child from 7 to 10 years old: school, relationships with classmates, parents and 1st grade and adaptation to school: 6 tips for parents of first-graders. Section: -- gatherings (school 1468 parent meeting for first-graders June 19, 2017 reviews from parents). went...

Section: School (child’s impression of school). First-graders - tell us about your children’s impressions of school. How are the children's mood? do you like everything? Preparation for school. ? parents of first graders. Please tell me how big the difference is in first grade children from those who...


Complete delight! There is no remote control, only if you miss it. The most vivid impression of the school is “There are girlfriends and breakfasts there!”

can you tell me about yours???))))
The first of September went well, although due to a storm warning the line was in the dining room (although the weather was amazing!!!) - stuffy, hot, crowded... but my daughter met her only kindergarten friend, and he ended up in the same class as we - that’s why everything was positive)))))
Now I also like everything, I listen to the teacher and say that it’s hard to sit for 30 minutes, but I think it’s a little hard for everyone.
I liked the parents - the meeting was active, cheerful - I’m happy too))))
There will be homework - the teacher immediately said, because without it by the end of the year “we will have zero” - her words.
After the first lesson they feed me so heartily - at least for me there is no need to feed me breakfast in the morning)))
In general, the flight is normal so far - at least it will continue to be the same)))
Tomorrow, by the way, we will go to school for the first time in kaikwando)))) My daughter can’t wait)))

Question for parents of first graders. HELP. School. Child from 7 to 10. Look at other discussions: English for first-graders: tips for parents. How to get your child to school: 4 questions for parents. 1st grade and adaptation to school: 6 tips for parents...


I would give it to the sports section. It’s better to go into wrestling (Judo, Sambo), where “fighting” is prohibited by the rules. There the boy will be able to give vent to his energy and learn discipline faster.

If you are talking about adaptation, then today is the 9th, and adaptation goes from a month to the 6th.
But I’m not sure that when adapting, we need to wring the hands of other children. This, in my opinion, depends on the child - there are a lot of children who adapt very poorly, but do not bother anyone.

Difficulties in adapting to school. Children's age-related crises. Child psychology. Difficulties in adapting to school. September is behind us - the first month of school, the most difficult for all students, and especially And the main advice is not to make problems out of the difficulties that arise.

for those who have first graders... School. Child from 7 to 10. My left-handed first-grader has always had problems with his hands. I knew long before school that we would have problems in this matter. 1st grade and adaptation to school: 6 tips for parents of first-graders.


My first-graders write reluctantly, slowly, and most often do not try: (Although they can write beautifully - when they try, the result is amazing, but motivating them to try in this area is not at all easy. It seems that motor skills are not so bad. For example, with With great pleasure and diligence, they unscrew and tighten tiny screws with a tiny screwdriver, disassembling and assembling something, they really love to invent and draw games with descriptions, rules and instructions, which are usually carefully written out, though in block letters, but when it comes to writing in notebooks, the writing goes at random... There is no desire to do as the teacher asks, but there is a great desire to do it exclusively in your own way. :)

we are already writing letters: a, o, and; numbers up to 5.

how does he write? tries. He sees for himself where it is written sloppily.
From the second week we had drafts at home, where we repeated writing letters and numbers.
then notebooks appeared where the teacher writes the assignment: (for example, line o, o; half a line 2,3,4,5). On the one hand, this teaches you to do exercises, and on the other, it reinforces and trains.

we do the task right away. without drafts, because their hands get tired quickly. does it himself, without my presence. then he evaluates what has been done (without underlining). critical fair

After a break, he sits down and writes letters and numbers in rough notebooks. one line at a time if they were crooked and half a line if everything was OK in the final copy.

He tries. not with his tongue hanging out :-) tries to keep it clean and tidy. Now he is practicing his skills. I believe that in this case, indifference is untimely.

First-grader crisis. School. Child from 7 to 10. First-grader crisis. Somehow we can’t get out of it: (I started going to school well, not to say with pleasure, but without whining and tears. Here there is interesting tips on interaction with first-graders: [link-1] 04/09/2018 1st grade and adaptation to school: 6 tips for parents of first-graders.


Yes, definitely go to school psychologist. They are just there for situations like this. She's great too. will talk with his hand.
And then you yourself must go to the class teacher to talk (better without child witnesses). The more a mother worries about her child, the more attentive she is to this child. You tell her everything and ask for help: to help overcome this period without loss, perhaps to increase praise for the child and give grades more gently. If the class teacher resists, push, even make a slight scandal, threaten to go to the director.

The problem of school adaptation is not new. However, due to modern conditions(mobility and globalization of the world; social, economic and political changes) and the structure of the education system (system-activity approach; changing the goal of education - “teaching how to learn”, new standards) the relevance of this problem has increased significantly.

Studying at school, moving from one level to another and admission itself always requires the child to special costs. But the situation of entering school deserves special consideration, especially since over the past few years it has acquired new features while maintaining established ones.

  • Technological progress and the informatization of society, as well as the introduction of educational standards, complicate the adaptation process.
  • Federal state educational standards require serious expenses (physical, moral, psychological) from first-graders. In addition to the usual educational knowledge, skills and abilities, the child needs to achieve subject, meta-subject and personal results, to correspond to the portrait of a primary school graduate.
  • Overnight, the first grader finds himself in a new status and role, environment, system of responsibilities and rights. The child receives an endless stream of new information.

Adapting to school is kind of difficult life situation for the child and parents. At the same time, it is the primary adaptation to school that influences the entire further educational, professional and personal path of the individual.

What is adaptation to school

The problem of school adaptation is at the intersection of a number of sciences (psychology, pedagogy, sociology, medicine). Speaking about school adaptation, we will consider it as a psychological and pedagogical phenomenon.

  • The very concept of adaptation relates to biology and means the adaptation of an organism to changing environmental conditions. According to V.I. Dolgova’s definition, adaptation is the process and result of internal changes, external active adaptation and self-change of the individual to new conditions of existence.
  • For a person, this is a process of assimilation of norms and values, changing conditions, responsibilities and requirements.

School adaptation is the process of a child’s acceptance and assimilation of a social situation. schooling, their new status (school student) and new systems of interaction (“child – teacher”, “child – peer”); developing new means of behavior.

From a psychological point of view, school adaptation can be characterized by 4 specific criteria:

  • The child’s mastery of a new social situation in the unity of its components.
  • Acceptance of a new social position and status, reflected in the internal position of the student.
  • Mastering new forms and means of social interaction in the emerging systems “student - teacher”, “student - student”.
  • Differentiation of the “child – adult” relationship, purposeful restructuring of the child’s entire lifestyle (the initiator and manager is the adult).

The period of adaptation to school can last from 2-3 months to a year. Therefore, the first class is considered the most difficult and important.

Structure and types of adaptation

Adaptation to school is a systemic process. It is divided into social, physiological and psychological adaptation, each of which goes through:

  • orientation phase (2-3 weeks);
  • unstable adaptation (2-3 weeks);
  • relatively stable adaptation (from 5-6 weeks to a year).

In the first phase, all systems of the body are tensed, in the second – the body is looking for optimal solutions, in the third – the tension subsides, the body’s systems return to normal, and stable forms of behavior are developed.

Requires the ability to:

  • listen;
  • respond to the teacher;
  • complete tasks independently;
  • organize and analyze their implementation.

At the same time, it is important to be able to establish contacts with peers and adequately evaluate oneself and others.

Physiological adaptation

It assumes that the body is tense due to heavy loads. Regardless of what kind of activity a child is engaged in at school, his body works to the limit. This is dangerous due to overwork.

Depends on the child's readiness for school. Assumes:

  • desire to learn and complete tasks;
  • the desire for their successful implementation and understanding.

A developed ability to remember and process information is important. You can read more about this element in the article.

Impact of adaptation

From the above it follows that school adaptation affects the entire body and personality as a whole. We can distinguish 3 main areas and characteristic changes in them during dysfunctional adaptation:

  1. Mental (cognitive component). When problems arise, internal tension (anxiety) and stress arise.
  2. Psychophysiological (emotional component). When problems occur, emotional maladjustment and physical manifestations of stress occur.
  3. Psychosocial (behavioral component). In case of problems, it is noted that it is impossible to form new communication connections.

This can be tracked (table below).

Components of adaptation Criteria Indicators
Cognitive The level of development of self-awareness, the presence of skills, opinions, attitudes, stereotypes, views, knowledge about school The child’s awareness of his rights and responsibilities, the presence of adequate ideas about what school is needed for
Emotional Self-esteem, level of aspirations Adequate self-esteem, high level of aspirations
Behavioral Child’s behavior at school, relationships with other people The desire to meet the role expectations of adults, a formed idea of ​​one’s social role, and appropriate behavior

Criteria and indicators of a child’s adaptation to school (according to V.V. Gagai)

Signs of successful adaptation to school

  1. The child’s satisfaction with the learning process, mastery of learning skills.
  2. Independent organization of study and homework; appropriate behavior.
  3. Satisfaction with relationships with teachers and classmates; established contact.

Levels of adaptation

A. L. Wenger identified 3 levels of school adaptation (low, medium, high) and the following components of school adaptation: attitude towards school, interest in educational activities, behavior, position in the class (see table below).

Level of adaptation Student characteristics
Short Negative or indifferent attitude towards school; lack of interest in studying; often violates discipline, ignores assignments, needs direction and control from parents and teachers; has no friends, knows some classmates by name
Average Has a positive attitude towards school; easily copes with basic material; maintains discipline and carries out assignments; makes friends with classmates
High Has a positive attitude towards school; absorbs quickly and easily even additional material; takes initiative in class activities; class leader

Levels of school adaptation (A. L. Wenger)

From the table it can be stated that a low level indicates, a medium level indicates mild manifestations of maladjustment and risks, a high level indicates the successful adaptation of a first-grader.

Adaptation Success Factors

The success of adaptation to school depends on a number of factors. External and internal factors of school adaptation are distinguished.

  • External ones include relationships with the class, teacher and family.
  • Internal ones include educational motivation, readiness for school, health and stress resistance of the child.

External and internal factors are interconnected. There is no consensus on what is secondary and determines the rest. This issue has not been fully studied. But many psychologists and teachers (S. N. Vereykina, G. F. Ushamirskaya, S. I. Samygin, T. S. Koposova, M. S. Golub, V. I. Dolgova) agree that the family is paramount. The child’s health (physical, psychological and mental), preparation for school, educational motivation and the ability to establish social contacts depend on the child-parent relationship.

The role of family in adaptation

V.I. Dolgova calls the child-parent relationship the main factor in a child’s adaptation. The author, in her study to identify the impact on school adaptation, relied on 2 indicators of adaptation success: and educational motivation. The results of the study showed the following:

  • in families with the “symbiosis” type, children experience increased anxiety;
  • high parental control contributes to a decrease in the child’s educational motivation;
  • The “cooperation” style and the ability of parents to accept the child’s failures contribute to the reduction of anxiety.

The best position (style) in the family when adapting a first-grader is recognizing the child as an active subject of family relationships; adequate control in the form of emotional acceptance of the child and voluminous, clear, feasible, consistent requirements.

These children adapt well to school. They:

  • active (socially, physically and communicatively);
  • are proactive;
  • independent;
  • empathic and friendly.

However, what really prevails in most families is the subject-object attitude of parents towards the child. This causes problems with the child’s adaptation and socialization.


School adaptation is a crisis situation, since the child finds himself in new conditions without the appropriate “tools” and experience similar situations. Studying in first grade coincides with the 7-year crisis. This makes the adaptation process even more difficult. The period of school adaptation can be called a contradictory period of transformation of a preschooler into a schoolchild.

If the child is ready for school and has the support of the family and teacher, school adaptation can take place in 2-3 months. Otherwise, the process may last for a year and be accompanied by problems or result in maladjustment (the child’s inability to psychologically and physically accept a new way of life).

The democratic style of education has a beneficial effect on the development of the child and his adaptation to any conditions. Child-parent relationships in which each family member acts as an active subject, is interested in the affairs of others, supports, is involved in everything that happens and expects the same from others.

On September 1, your child - dressed up, serious and excited - solemnly goes to first grade. Several months will pass, you will gradually get used to the new roles: he is the role of the student, you are the student’s parents. And it turns out that not only difficulties with the educational process awaited you, but also some psychological problems... How to adapt a child to school? How to help a first-grader get used to new conditions?

Psychological assistance to first-graders is a matter in which parents are obliged
play the most important roles...

How quickly everything changes...

Usually all children go to school with joy and a desire to learn. But a week or two passes, and the enthusiasm disappears somewhere. Many sweet and smart children eventually turn into malicious underachievers. Why is this happening?

Not everyone manages to successfully cope with the difficulties that await a young student at school. It is generally accepted that the adaptation, or in other words, the problem period ends after a month or two. But in practice everything is completely different. It happens that a child feels uncomfortable at school even after a year.

So, there are four main problems that a child faces during the adaptation period.

Difficulties in communication

At first, each student experiences double pressure: from the teacher, who introduces new rules of life, and from classmates. Keep in mind that the children's group has very strict rules. In the first grade, children establish informal relationships with each other - they find out who will play what role in their new “game”. Kindergarten child in more advantageous position- he already knows his place in the team. And a child who was raised with his parents is used to always being the center of attention of the family, so he expects his first roles here too. But at school this, alas, is impossible.

Tips for parents:

  • Socialize outside of school as much as possible!
  • Support any friendships your child has with peers. It is very important that he is not alone, that he finds a comrade, or even better, several.
  • Don't compare him to other children. It is better to compare his own achievements - yesterday and today.
  • Don't set your child up for excellent results. As a rule, many things don’t work out in the first grades. The baby should not feel guilty and see parental disappointment.
  • Do not scold your child under any circumstances if he does not succeed. It’s better to praise what you did.

Difficulty perceiving and concentrating

It is sometimes very difficult for a first grader to concentrate on a topic. But the lesson requires constant attention. If the parents did not teach the child to perceive information, talked to him little and did not take his children’s questions too seriously, then problems cannot be avoided. Today, most children are hungry for human interaction. Parents are increasingly entrusting the process of education " to the best friend» modern children - to TV. And this does no one any good.

Tips for parents:

  • Talk to your child about school every evening. Start by asking what new he learned today.
  • If it happens that your child does not want to go to school, sound the alarm immediately. Talk to the teacher, together you will find the reason easier.
  • Attention and concentration skills can be developed. There are special coloring books and games for this. Consult your teacher about their choice - this way you will quickly find exactly what you need.
  • Don't try to cram as much information into your little head as possible. At this age, it is much more important to learn to listen to others and express your thoughts, to separate the main and the secondary, to develop hard work and accuracy.

Organizational difficulties

A first-grader must be able to serve himself, for example, change clothes. It is important to teach him how to organize his “work” and put things in order on the table. It is better to choose school supplies together. And it happens that parents buy the most fashionable and expensive backpack, but the child cannot even open it. I remember we had such a very beautiful pencil case that even I had difficulty opening. Of course, this may seem like a small thing for parents, but not for the child. The first days at school he is already in extreme nervous excitement, so every such “little thing” can easily drive him crazy.

Tips for parents:

  • Help your child organize a routine for activities and recreation outside of school.
  • Always ask him to change clothes after school - this helps the child to switch gears and relax.
  • Don’t put off completing your homework until the evening; it’s better to do everything “hot on your heels.”
  • Do your homework for no more than one hour!
  • Don't be alarmed if your child suddenly wants to rest in broad daylight - a nap during the day will only benefit him.

Difficulties associated with poor physical health

Poorly developed arm muscles, decreased hearing or vision, fatigue, speech problems, etc. create difficulties in the learning process.

Tips for parents:

  • Try dancing with your children and “writing” the elements of letters with your hands in the air; good to write on large sheets. The child learns to hold his hand freely, and this is very useful for copywriting.
  • One of the most common mistakes is to force a child to do his homework first on a rough draft, and then rewrite it into a clean copy. Why do you need the extra load?
  • If you see that the child has begun to scribble, it is better to stop for a while and rest. The letter should not be a punishment for him.
  • If there are any hints of problems, contact a medical professional.

In addition, there are several more extremely important aspects, the right parental attitude towards which will help your first-graders quickly adapt to school. Among them:

Teacher's authority

In kindergarten, the child had two teachers, two nannies, a music worker, etc. At school, everything is different - “my first teacher!” And the most important thing for a first-grader is to establish contact with the teacher. After all, the personality of the first teacher sets the tone for his entire future school life and attitude towards learning.

If contact is established, the child may even develop some dependence on the teacher’s personality. In response to all your comments, he can easily say: “But at school Irina Petrovna tells us that this is not how it is written (pronounced, pasted, etc.) ...” Have the wisdom not to be offended - it will pass as it passes any period of “cult of personality” in a child’s life. Remember: at first his “everything and everything” was his mother, then his father, then his grandfather or beloved uncle, and now his first teacher.

They are especially worried about “ new love"tenderly loving mothers of first-graders. In this case, psychologists advise not to suffer from senseless jealousy, but to try to form an objective view in the child. But don’t go too far - healthy skepticism should not turn into unhealthy cynicism!

And of course, in no case should you ridicule or ignore the recommendations and assessments of the teacher voiced by the child. The following options are unacceptable: “What does she understand about aquarium fish, your Marina Vladimirovna!” or “Did they tell you to paint it gold? Let her paint it herself - it will just be some kind of ugliness, not a craft.” If your child is sufficiently developed, you can encourage him to think about the recommendations, and not follow them blindly; speculate on what they wanted from him in this or that case, what the purpose of such an order and task was.

Bunny - with you?

A doll in a backpack, a teddy bear in a pocket, etc. are very common things for first graders. Both girls and boys often take toys with them to school. Mothers are usually perplexed: how to react? Psychologists answer unequivocally: calmly. A toy taken to school from home is a “helper” in a child’s adaptation to new conditions. It turns out that the child, as it were, brings with him part of his home, family, and familiar friendly environment. With a bear in his pocket, he feels more protected, stronger, and braver.

The most wrong parental reaction is to prohibit, laugh at, shame: “Well, you’re already so big, and you’re still messing around with bunnies!” Most likely, the child will still continue to carry toys with him in his backpack, but only secretly from you. But a sediment will remain in the child’s soul, trust in the mother will be somewhat lost, and authority will be shaken, just a little.

The habit of carrying toys to school, as a rule, disappears by itself by the end of the first year. school year. But if your child, already an experienced schoolchild, still continues to put rabbits and bunnies in his schoolbag, it’s worth thinking about. This is a symptom of the discomfort he experiences in the team, the brewing of problems in relationships with classmates. Be sure to talk about this with your teacher or school psychologist.

Occupational therapy

Modern children are very tired at school - now the load is much more serious than even five to seven years ago. Therefore, most mothers try to do everything possible to ensure that their child gets full rest at home, and they themselves remove their children from even basic household duties: washing a plate and cup, wiping the dust in the room, taking out the trash, cleaning shoes. Of course, all this can be done faster and better by the mother herself, the grandmother, and the housekeeper. But household chores are necessary, first of all, for the child himself - for the development of his personality! The same cleaning and washing of dishes disciplines oneself, teaches one to value household work (otherwise how can one value something with which one is unfamiliar), prepares a girl, and even a boy, for a future independent adult life. By the way, now many schools are reintroducing “class duty,” which was abolished several years ago as a “Soviet relic” and has now been rehabilitated under the name “occupational therapy.”

In other words, the advice to parents is simple: do not “take away” their child’s simple household chores just because he is now a first-grader who is very tired at school. On the contrary, easy and feasible household chores will help him stay in good shape...

School years are wonderful

Well, the most important thing. Dear parents, keep in mind: the first school year is the most difficult for a student. A new life has begun for the child - in every sense of the word - and there will be no return to the old, “childish” period. And you, parents, should this year more closely than ever, but unobtrusively monitor all areas of your child’s life.

Don't be afraid to overpraise your student! Accompany every slightest success of your child with intense joy, turn the most insignificant (from your point of view) school-related event into a family holiday. Keep your first grader positive about school life.

Agree with grandparents and other relatives that they take a more frequent and sincere interest in the child’s success at school: for a first-grader, the joy of the mother, the approval of the father, and sweet Nothing grandmothers. Allow your child to bring home classmates and play with them, organize children's parties, take part in school events and excursions.

And then for your child school years will really be wonderful!

The child goes to first grade. The event is both joyful and exciting. Opens in front of the baby new road. His future depends on how correctly the little student takes his first steps. Of course, the little one cannot cope on his own. Correct adaptation of children to school is the task of the teaching staff, as well as parents.

What is adaptation?

The concept itself implies getting used to new conditions. For a child who has recently visited preschool, had a flexible daily routine, spent a lot of time playing games, I have to adapt to a different way. You will need to learn to listen to the teacher, follow homework, find mutual language with classmates. This, in essence, is the child’s adaptation at school. 1st grade in an educational institution is rightfully considered the most difficult. It is especially difficult for children who have not previously attended kindergarten. We also have to deal with the difficulties of socialization.

Adapting children to school is a real stress for some parents. To a greater extent, mothers worry that they will not be able to cope with their responsibilities, that through their fault the child will lag behind his classmates. It really falls on fragile shoulders difficult task. It is necessary to help the child adjust himself to other living conditions. At the same time, a mother should under no circumstances show her experiences to her son or daughter! And what you definitely shouldn’t do is raise your voice at a little schoolchild who can’t read or write.

The success of a child's adaptation may depend on many factors. First of all, this is the temperament of the little student, as well as the model of relationships in the family. If a child loves to be the center of attention and does not tolerate loneliness well, he will probably quickly be able to get used to a new team. Also, if there is harmony and mutual respect in the family, and the baby has no complexes, adaptation will take place with minimal losses.

However, socialization is only a small part of the whole process. It is not enough to get used to the new team and teachers. Adaptation of children to school is, first of all, the presence of interest. The child must understand that he attends school not because it is necessary, but because here he will be able to learn a lot of new and useful information. Getting the child interested is the task of parents and teachers.

Degrees of adaptation

No two people are alike. Likewise, children have their own psychological characteristics. For some, just a few days are enough to get used to new conditions, while others will feel uncomfortable in a strange team even after a month. Psychologists traditionally divide children into three groups. The first is kids with an easy degree of adaptation. This includes guys who quickly join the new team and make friends. Such children get along well with teachers; all their attention is directed to learning new subjects.

The second group of guys is considered the most common. This includes children with an average degree of adaptation to school. The period of adaptation to new conditions is longer for them, taking from several weeks to two months. On initial stages learning, children do not accept the conditions in which they had to find themselves. During lessons, they can talk to their friends and not listen to the teacher’s comments. Such children initially do not show interest in studying. This group especially often includes children who did not attend preschool. Children's adaptation to school will be faster if parents have an appropriate conversation with the children long before September 1. It is worth explaining to your child that interesting changes are coming in life that will be beneficial. If necessary, a psychologist can work with the child.

The third group are children with a severe degree of adaptation. The child exhibits negative forms of behavior, he does not listen to teachers, and offends classmates. The exact opposite manifestation is also common - a small schoolchild withdraws into himself. The child behaves very quietly, does not speak, and does not answer the teacher’s questions. In most cases, such guys practically do not learn school curriculum. The problem of a child's adaptation to school most often has a reason. This is either psychological trauma or family discord. You cannot do without a specialist in this situation.

Difficulties still to be faced

Successfully adapting a child to school is not an easy task. Even if a son or daughter belongs to the first group, that is, he easily establishes a common language with a new team and shows interest in learning, you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to face difficulties. The most common complaint of most parents is the laziness of the little student. In fact, the child is not to blame for anything. He just lost his motivation. He is not interested in attending this or that lesson or doing homework on a specific subject. Surely many parents have noticed that children enjoy attending classes such as singing, physical education, and drawing. Because you can have an interesting time with them. The task of teachers and parents is to interest the student in attending the subject in which interest has been lost.

Verbilism is another problem that many parents of first-graders have to face. The problem is that many moms and dads early years The baby pays great attention to the development of speech. A poem about a bear sung by a two-year-old child is touching. The baby is admired, which increases his self-esteem. At school, it turns out that all a student can do is speak beautifully, clearly, and clearly pronounce complex sounds. At the same time, the thinking processes are quite slow. The program (children's adaptation to school is a difficult path for every first-grader) must necessarily include subjects that stimulate productive activity. This is drawing, modeling, designing, mosaic, etc.

Chronic underachievement

At the beginning of education, every child is Blank sheet. Why does it happen that one kid turns into an excellent student, and another into an avid loser? Blaming a child for poor education is stupid. Chronic underachievement is primarily a failure of parents, and only then of teachers. What's going on? The little student cannot cope with the task assigned to him, and his mood decreases. At the same time, many parents only aggravate the situation and begin to scold the child. Uncertainty about own strength for a small student it grows exponentially. He does not want to continue his studies so as not to experience again negative emotions. This is how chronic underachievement develops.

During the period of children's adaptation to school, parents should be patient. Moms and dads need to be prepared for the fact that the baby will not succeed in many tasks right away. If you properly encourage your child and reward him for successfully completing his work, the student will want to attend lessons again and again.

Every year, domestic educational methods are improved. Many educational institutions today have decided not to grade first grade children for their work. The results are already visible. Adaptation of children to school conditions is less painful.

How can a teacher help a child?

The first teacher is the person with whose help the baby gets used to new conditions. A special program is used to adapt the child to school. Methods are developed taking into account psychological and age characteristics students. The teacher can judge the degree of adaptation thanks to special tests that can be carried out on one of the cool hours. To get a clearer picture, testing should be carried out at the end of the first quarter of training:

  1. “Paint” technique. The teacher gives the children felt-tip pens or paints, as well as sheets of paper on which objects related to certain lessons are depicted (number - mathematics, pen - writing, brush - drawing, accordion - singing, etc.). Students are asked to color the pictures. If the baby colors a certain object in dark color, this indicates possible difficulties associated with it. The technique allows you to determine the progress of each child in one direction or another.
  2. Methodology “What I like at school.” The teacher offers to draw a picture on a given topic. From the image you can judge the psychological state of the child. You should pay attention to the children whose drawings are far from school life. Teacher with a pointer blackboard the images may indicate high level educational motivation.
  3. “Sun, cloud, rain” technique. Students are given pieces of paper that depict the described weather phenomena. The teacher offers to describe the state at school, at home, with friends. The child circles the drawing he likes. In this way, the teacher determines which children have already fully adapted to school life (circled with a sun).

At the end of the first quarter, you can conduct a short survey. Answering the questions will help identify the level of adaptation of each child in the class. Questions could be:

  1. Do you like school?
  2. If you were told that everyone didn't have to come to class tomorrow, would you come to school?
  3. Do you like your classmates?
  4. Would you like another teacher to work with you?
  5. Are you happy when classes are cancelled?
  6. Are you friends with many of your classmates?
  7. Would you like the breaks to be longer and the lessons to be shorter?

To get honest answers to the questions, you should invite the children to fill out the questionnaire at home, together with their parents. Having identified the level of adaptation in the class, the teacher chooses a further work strategy. Practice shows that by the end of the first quarter, 90% of the children have already fully adapted to the new conditions.

Play as a way to adapt

For children who are just adapting to new conditions, it is important to present new information in a form that is interesting to them. It is no coincidence that the first lessons in many educational institutions are held in the form of a game. The most difficult task for any first-grader is to sit in one’s seat for an entire lesson. 40 minutes seems like an eternity. The game “Diligent Student” will come to the rescue. The children are asked to portray high school students who know how to behave at school. And to make the game interesting for kids, it is advisable to include a competitive aspect. At the end of the lesson, the teacher indicates the most diligent students who are awarded prizes.

A child’s psychological adaptation to school will be easier if the child knows his classmates. Therefore, before the start of the school year, school staff are recommended to conduct interesting event in an informal setting. Perfect option- hike. During fun games kids will be able to get acquainted in nature. Parents, in turn, will have the opportunity to communicate more closely with the teacher.

What can parents do?

Moral support is very important for a child who is just starting school. The adaptation of the little student to new conditions depends on how correctly mothers and fathers behave. It is worth supporting the child in all his endeavors and under no circumstances scolding him for failures. You should never compare your child with other students. It is necessary to ensure that the student focuses on his own results. For example, if today your son made only two mistakes in his homework, and yesterday there were three, this is already a real success that is definitely worth celebrating!

What else should parents do? Work to adapt children to school is based on the formation of a certain daily routine. You need to teach your baby to go to bed on time so that he can get up in the morning without any problems. Haste is additional stress for the baby. The child must know exactly the procedure. In the morning - to school, at lunch - homework, in the evening - on time to sleep, and on weekends you can have fun with your parents.

Motivating a child to study school subjects also partially falls on the shoulders of parents. Mom should explain why it’s worth studying English language(“You learn, and we will travel without any problems”), mathematics (“You can count how many toys you have”), reading (“You can read the biggest fairy tale on your own”).

Children's adaptation to school affects the functioning of the student's immune system. It is especially difficult for children who have not previously attended preschool. The kids begin to get sick often and miss classes. This also affects psychological adaptation. Frequent absences lead to the child not having time to establish communication in the team. How to deal with this? A pediatrician will help solve the problem by prescribing a suitable immune-stimulating drug. You cannot self-medicate.

It will be possible to reduce the incidence rate if the first-graders’ office at school is moved to a separate block, where the children have contact only with teachers and peers. Your daily routine also affects your health. If a separate room is allocated, it will be possible to reduce lessons in the first quarter to 35 minutes. Classes must be held in the first half of the day. At this time, the guys are very active. The ability to organize daytime naps is a huge plus. For children aged 6, rest during the day is still very important. In this way, it is possible to restore brain activity, as well as physical activity.

Signs of successful adaptation

How do you know that children’s adaptation to school is going well? The following signs may indicate this:

  • the child comes home from school cheerful and talks about his impressions of the day;
  • the baby has new friends;
  • homework is completed without tears or stress;
  • the child becomes upset if, for a number of reasons, he has to stay at home rather than go to school;
  • The child sleeps well, falls asleep quickly, and wakes up in the morning without any problems.

The presence of at least a few of the listed signs indicates that the child’s adaptation to school is proceeding normally. 1st grade can be full of vivid impressions and memories. But, unfortunately, not all children have a smooth adaptation. If your child doesn’t sleep well, comes home from school tired, or complains about the lack of friends, you should consult with the teacher. Children with a severe degree of adaptation need the help of a psychologist.


The child’s pedagogical adaptation to school will be quick and painless with proper interaction between teachers and parents. Success largely depends on emotional state baby. A pleasant team at school, warm communication with the family - all this will lead to the solution of the task. The child adapts to new conditions as quickly as possible and accepts the educational institution as part of his life.