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» How to work with mounting foam with a tube. How to use polyurethane foam - scope, recommendations for use, important tips. The temperature at which the foam can be applied

How to work with mounting foam with a tube. How to use polyurethane foam - scope, recommendations for use, important tips. The temperature at which the foam can be applied

I am glad to welcome readers of my blog! At the beginning of this summer, I decided to remove the window slopes in the country house, remove the old foam and replace it with new one. As a result, I was convinced in practice that the choice and purchase of quality material is only half the battle. To reduce costs, you need to know how to use mounting foam. Before I clarified these points, a lot of the contents remained in the container, and work with it took place on the principle of how it will turn out. Do you want to use the maximum material and seal the joints with high quality? Then use my step by step instructions.

Throughout the use of polyurethane foam, manufacturers have improved its composition, obtaining universal or highly specialized mixtures in which certain properties are enhanced. Therefore, the modern construction market is replete with different types mounting sealants based on polyurethane, which are not so easy for a simple layman to figure out. Quality installation work or the quality of seam sealing depends on right choice type polyurethane foam.

What is foam and how to use it

The use of mounting foams is based on chemical reaction polymerization of macromolecules (prepolymers). An elementary polymerization reaction occurs during the reaction of polyesters and isocyanates, when the mixture solidifies (polymerizes) in 5 minutes. With an excess of one component, the polymerization reaction slows down and stops. Upon contact of the mixture with water, the reaction resumes, the polymer chains of the polyurethane lengthen until complete curing.

The classic one-component polyurethane foam is a mixture in one container of an excess of polyesters with isocyanates, as a result of the reaction between which macromolecules of prepolymers are formed. Under the action of injected aerosol gases, the prepolymers break out after opening the valve and react with atmospheric water molecules. As a result, the foamed prepolymers harden. At the same time, it highlights carbon dioxide, which forms the porous structure of the material.

Varieties of mounting foams: which ones are better to use

Depending on the state of the components inside the can, there are two types assembly compositions based on ready-to-use polymers:

  1. One-component. This type is distinguished by ease of use, slow solidification, and the possibility of repeated use of an incompletely used cylinder. The shelf life is limited, since the polymerization reaction takes place inside the container from the moment it is filled at the enterprise.
  2. Two-component. In these cans, the polyesters and isocyanates are contained in two separate reservoirs inside the aerosol can and are mixed just before exiting the can. They are distinguished by a high polymerization rate. There is no need for the presence of water, but after opening the bottle, you will have to use the contents in 5-10 minutes, depending on the air temperature. The shelf life is theoretically unlimited.

Which mounting foam to choose: important criteria

Professionals at work use large volumes mounting sealant, so canisters for a gun for professional work allow you to accurately dose the foam output to the work surface. In this they differ from conventional cans with a polyethylene tube for domestic use.

In addition to prepolymers and aerosol gases (propellants), there are additives inside the can that regulate the size of bubbles and their number, the ratio of opened and whole bubbles in the foam, the degree of adhesion to the surface, accelerators or retarders of the polymerization reaction. Their combinations dramatically affect the properties of the foam, among which the following are important:

  • output volume;
  • primary and secondary expansion;
  • density and porosity;
  • fire resistance;
  • moisture resistance;
  • the speed of drying, the primary formation of a surface film;
  • operating temperature range.

The quality of the mounting foam is determined by the balance between the number of bubbles formed, their calibration, diameter and the ratio of open and closed cavities inside the structure formed after solidification.

How to choose and use foam correctly, adjusted for conditions

Depending on the above qualities, mounting foams are divided according to their purpose:

  • Foams with a large and moderate output volume, which is selected taking into account the volume of installation work or the size of the cavity to be filled. Exaggerated output volumes exceeding 70 liters from a 750 ml can indicate a poor-quality product or a dishonest manufacturer. The increase in volume is achieved by increasing the number of bubbles and their diameter, and exceeding certain limits reduces the mechanical and insulating qualities of the foam. The output volume is indicated on the can in large numbers, since these values, according to the manufacturer, should make a guaranteed impression on the buyer.
  • For delicate mounting finishing materials release canisters with a low amount of aerosol gases, thereby achieving the effect of low primary expansion of the foam after exiting the canister. For filling joints, sealing joints with numerous internal voids, foam with a high coefficient of primary expansion is used.
  • Compositions intended for use in extreme weather conditions. Moreover, winter trains are designed to work in conditions of low atmospheric humidity, which characterizes the negative temperature.
  • Depending on the content of flame retardants, ordinary and fire-resistant compositions are distinguished.
  • Moisture-resistant formulations are characterized by a high content of surfactants that form whole bubbles. In such a foam, the number of unopened bubbles exceeds the number of opened ones (up to 90%), which prevents the absorption of moisture. Due to this structure, moisture resistant foams are more prone to secondary expansion and shrinkage with temperature fluctuations. environment.
  • Foam gels and adhesives ( liquid foam) compositions for the installation of foam concrete blocks.

Many species are considered moisture resistant due to the dense surface film that forms when dried. When sealing joints, surfaces in contact with water, the excess polyurethane that has come out is not cut off so as not to violate the integrity of the film.

Properties of polyurethane foam: how to use them

The material has a number of useful qualities:

  • high filling and sealing properties;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • the ability to work with different materials and their combinations (except for polyethylene);
  • after hardening, polyurethane acquires mechanical strength;
  • the ability to quickly remove excess protruding from the cavity;
  • convenient use;
  • moisture resistance and sound insulation;
  • after the completion of the polymerization reaction, the release of any substances into the atmosphere completely stops;
  • does not collapse paintwork materials(with the exception of materials based on nitrocellulose);
  • the ability to compensate for thermal deformations of structural elements, while maintaining the integrity of the seam.

The main disadvantage of foams is sensitivity to ultraviolet, from which the polymer is destroyed. This requires protection in the external seams by painting or puttying.

Scope of application of polyurethane foam

This material received wide application in different areas of construction:

  • installation and sealing of windows, door frames;
  • filling of cracks and joints of load-bearing structures, sealing of roofs, openings for pipes;
  • installation of panels finishing work, installation of plumbing, foam concrete blocks;
  • due to its waterproofing properties and buoyancy, this material is used in shipbuilding.

How to use the option in cylinders correctly

How to use mounting foam: step by step instructions

To avoid common mistakes when performing installation work or sealing joints, professionals recommend following these recommendations:

  • Before work, the surfaces are cleaned of dust, dirt and degreased. In this way sufficient adhesion can be achieved.
  • For household types the output is 30-45 l, so the seam must be filled by 30% of its volume. After expansion, the foam will fill the entire volume of the space, and the amount of protruding material will be negligible. Proper dosing will optimize material consumption and reduce the risk of contamination of adjacent surfaces.
  • Winter foam has a low yield, but is characterized by a high coefficient of secondary expansion. This is explained by the rapid formation of the primary surface film upon the long completion of complete polymerization.
  • During operation, the can is held upside down. Otherwise, aerosol gases will come out first, and the liquid components will remain inside the container.
  • To accelerate the polymerization of the surface, it is recommended to sprinkle with water. For the same reason, do not wipe off splashes of foam that have fallen on adjacent surfaces with a damp cloth. To remove contaminants, special washes or acetone are used.
  • When working with winter foam, before use, the cylinder is kept at room temperature so that it warms up to 20-24 ° C.
  • When installing wooden door frames, compounds with a small secondary expansion are used. Strong expansion deforms the box. In any case, you will have to use spacers and gaskets.
  • Materials with low secondary expansion are denser and therefore have high waterproofing properties. Such qualities are typical for expensive professional polyurethane foams.

Mounting foam has accelerated and simplified installation work in construction, which significantly increased labor productivity.

How to use mounting foam correctly

Mounting foam today is a popular building material, with the help of which a lot of obsolete products have been replaced. For example, tow, adhesive compositions, cement mortars.

It is divided into several types. Popular - high resolution. It is relevant in those works where maximum sealing is achieved. The gap, the hole, are filled with the composition of the cylinder. After a few seconds, it expands, filling the space and getting into hard-to-reach places.

A variant with a much lower expansion coefficient is also available. It is relevant in works when the gap that is filled is small, or there are connecting elements that are fragile and delicate with a possibility of damage, or where access is left.

How to choose the right mounting foam, taking into account the properties

This mounting foam is used for holes with a diameter of one to 10 centimeters. Due to the large number of works where polyurethane foam is used, manufacturers produce:

  • With a minimum expansion coefficient, but implying high pressure for ease of application;
  • Differing in average indicators;
  • And familiar, expanding.

Depending on the type of work, one of the proposed options is purchased and applied. Expanding foam for easy installation window frames, doorways, when building partitions in the house. The average expansion coefficient is relevant for small holes, if you use the usual expanding one for them - the mounting foam will mostly come out of the hole without filling it.

In addition, the consumption increases. When there are a lot of holes, then the consumption of expanding foam, in comparison with that with average indicators, is 2-3 times more.

Mounting foam types: acrylic and silicone

As such, polyurethane foam is made on two bases: acrylic and silicone.

Silicone has high adhesion, it is convenient to work with almost all existing building materials. Via silicone version you can easily work with materials that have a smooth surface - enamel, glass, ceramic products.

In addition, silicone mounting foam is durable and strong, it is not susceptible to deformation, mechanical or atmospheric influences.

Acrylic foam is based on resins. It does not contain any organic solvents, so this foam is easily diluted with water.

The relevance of its use is undeniable if deep cracks or seams are poured.

Such foam is distinguished by quick drying, although this is a minus - as the foam hardens, it will become less elastic than its silicone-based counterpart. In addition, the seams created with acrylic foam are rough, they are painted over, which silicone foam does not offer.

Acrylic foam tolerates sudden changes in temperature, more often used for indoor work.

How to choose the right mounting foam

When choosing a foam, it is determined what types of work to be done with it. Depending on this, one or another type is selected.

It differs in terms of expandability and ease of use. Simple Options imply a cylinder with a mechanism similar to that used on fresheners - the user applies foam by pressing a key and it comes out of a small tube that is a guide. This design is more common on cylinders containing material with a high degree of expansion.

The second option involves the use of a special "gun". A balloon is inserted into it, and the user can apply the agent to the surface or into the hole with great convenience.

If the upcoming front of work is small, the first option is suitable, if the scope of work involves the use of foam in large quantities, the second one will do.

Based on them choose suitable option for a specific case.

It is worth remembering that if you have to work with a small space, a mounting foam with the property of small expansion is suitable. If it is necessary to obtain tightness by filling holes of a large volume, then it makes sense to choose the one that gives 50-60% expansion from the original state.

How to use a foam gun correctly

Low expansion foam is not only used to fill holes with a small volume or small diameter. There are some tricks that are applicable for the professional and novice builder.

If there is only such foam, and a considerable volume is filled, then fill the gap or hole with small pieces of brick and finally blow it out with foam.

In addition, depending on the scope of work, purchase a special gun, along with which professional cylinders are used. They are larger and give better performance. It is much more convenient to work with a pistol.

In any case, choose the material that is suitable for solving the problem. Or should I buy both. With expanding blow out large spaces, and with the help of a low coefficient, finish the job by eliminating minor errors and filling small gaps and holes.

Appearance in modern construction industry windows of a new generation has opened up wide possibilities for the use of modern polyurethane-based sealant - polyurethane foam. It is designed to connect various structural elements to each other. Installation plastic windows now can't do without construction foam. Previously, the installation of windows was notable for the inconvenience and increased laboriousness of sealing due to the use of tow on cement mortar, which ignored numerous small inaccessible spaces. Mounting foam is able to fill them, thereby providing heat, sound insulation and sealing properties during installation. Filling voids and cracks in doors and window blocks, water pipes, roofing materials and others building structures, polyurethane foam creates not only tightness, sound insulation by filling voids, but also reliable fixation of elements.

Features of mounting foam

Construction foam, as a rule, is stored in aerosol cans of various capacities, as it is a mixture of polyurethane substance and pressurized gas in a ratio of 3/1. In this proportion, the foam easily fills any voids, cracks, potholes.

The ability of the mounting foam to provide the structure with thermal insulation, tightness and resistance to various kinds of influences can be increased, provided that its feature is taken into account to collapse under the influence of direct sunlight.

The advantage of building foam is its relatively low cost. It is used with almost all building materials - concrete, wood, plastic, glass, brick. The exceptions are plastic, teflon, silicone, polyethylene. If, nevertheless, foam is applied to these materials, then their surface is pre-treated with acetone. Labor costs and time costs when working with polyurethane foam are insignificant due to its rapid polymerization.

Note! The disadvantages of mounting foam include its chemical base (ventilation of residential premises and the use of protective equipment - gloves, a respirator - when working with aerosol) are required), instability before ultraviolet rays and natural precipitation - rain, snow. Therefore, the gaps filled with mounting foam must be covered with paint, sealant or covered with a casing.

It is also worth noting that the cost of an air gun for a foam cylinder is much higher than the cost of the cylinder itself, but thanks to its repeated use, it will pay for itself in a short time.

Mounting foam is one- and two-component. When spraying a one-component foam, a chemical reaction occurs with the formation of polyurethane foam, capable of transforming into a solid consistency in an environment with 35% humidity, the volume of which increases by 250%. The ambient temperature should vary between +5-+35 degrees Celsius. Ideally, the air temperature should be 20 degrees, air humidity - 60-80%.

Note! There are types of specialized foam, which is used in winter conditions(at sub-zero temperatures), but under the main condition - sufficient humidity. Otherwise, the mounting foam will not harden.

Operating principle

Before understanding how to apply mounting foam, it is important to know the principle of its formation. In an aerosol can, mounting foam is contained in the form of polyurethane ingredients, which are placed in the center of the container. In its lower part are diisocyanates, in the upper part - gas. The main condition for the use of the contents of the container is the mixing of the components, therefore, before applying the mounting foam, the can should be thoroughly shaken. Under the influence of gas, the foam is forced out of the balloon, increases in volume due to the interaction of polyurethane and diisocyanates, and then absorbs moisture from the environment and hardens, forming a dense plastic.

Note! For hardening (polymerization) of the foam, at least 8 hours are required, for complete drying - 2 days. After drying, the foam gives some shrinkage of 5% or more (50% shrinkage gives household sealant). The smallest shrinkage (5%) allows foam applied with an air gun.

Surface preparation and material handling

Depending on the scope of work, preference is given to either mounting foam with a tube in the cylinder valve (“amateur”), or its application using an air gun (“professional”). According to the chemical composition, such foams are no different from each other. For sealing small gaps, an “amateur” package with a tube is suitable, which becomes unusable a few hours after use due to the foam hardened in it. "Professional" packaging with a special thread on the valve to connect the gun is important in case of a large amount of "fine" work, where accurate, economical dosing in hard-to-reach places is required.

When applying foam, the following procedure should be followed:

  • Remove debris (wood chips, etc., old foam is removed mechanically) from the places where the foam was applied. Foam is used for gaps 2-8 cm wide. Gaps up to 2 cm are sealed with a different sealant, gaps wider than 8 cm are reduced.
  • Moisten the surface on which the mounting foam will be applied with a spray gun, avoiding dripping moisture.
  • The temperature of the foam can must be the same as the air temperature. To do this, the balloon is lowered for several hours into a container with water of the desired temperature.
  • Shake the balloon for 1 minute for the foam components to enter into a chemical reaction.
  • Apply foam from bottom to top with smooth movements for 1/3 of the gap. The cylinder must be in the upside down position.
  • Deep cracks and large voids are filled with foam in layers or by 50% with breaks of 10 minutes for the foam to swell. The diameter of the foam jet is 1 cm. During the break, as well as during storage, the cylinder must always be in an upright position.
  • After removing the gun from the cylinder, you need to clean them from the remaining foam using a special solution, apply technical vaseline to treat the screw, socket and gun muzzle.

After the foam has hardened, its excess is removed with a knife, the places of its application are protected from environmental influences with a layer of paint, sealant or putty, or covered with a casing.


How to work with pistol foam, see below:

If it becomes necessary to fill a hole, a seam or a gap, polyurethane foam is most often used. This material is used for rough finishing, installation of door frames, double-glazed windows, repair of balconies, construction of various buildings (for sealing).

There are several types of mounting foam - for different conditions and tasks.

The product is sold in bottles of different volumes (from 300 ml to 1 liter).

Approximate composition (may partially differ, depending on the manufacturer and type):

  1. Prepolymers (polyol, isocyanate) - the basis of the foam. Upon contact with air, this component enters the polymerization process, expanding and foaming.
  2. Propellant (propellant, mixture of butane and propane). Displaces the composition from the cylinder when pressed.
  3. Additives. Additional components that improve adhesion, regulate the degree of foaming, are necessary to change the operating temperature.


Technical characteristics of mounting foam:

  • Extension. Indicates the volume that the mixture occupies in 2 stages: leaving the container and solidifying. The larger the expansion, the denser the gap (seam, hole) will be foamed. Average rates are 10-60% for household formulations, and 180-300% for professional formulations.
  • Adhesion. Indicates the tenacity of the composition with the surface inside the foamed space. The higher the viscosity, the less foam will slip. Actual if you need to foam holes on vertical surface(on the wall) or on the ceiling (from where the foam can drain before it hardens). In numbers, 0.4-0.48 MPa is considered a normal parameter.
  • The volume in the container and the volume at the outlet. Common options: 300 ml (will give about 30 liters of hardened foam), 500 ml (will give about 40 liters of foam), 750 ml (will give up to 50 liters of foam) and 1000 ml (80-100 liters). The volume of cured foam is approximate, under normal conditions (room temperature).
  • The temperature at which the foam can be applied.

These characteristics are indicated on the cylinder.

Purpose and scope

Mounting foam is used in construction at the following stages:

  • Rough finish.
  • Installation of door frames, balcony and window frames.
  • Laying communications (for sealing between water pipes, sewer pipes, ventilation ducts, gas pipeline and wall so that there is no vibration).

Its purpose is to seal holes, cavities, seams and joints between structural elements if their width exceeds 2-3 cm. Previously, cement and tow were used for such tasks, but this method is longer and more complicated.

Pros and cons of using foam as a sealing material

The advantages of the application include the following nuances:

  1. Easy to use (working with polyurethane foam does not require special experience or knowledge).
  2. High speed of application and hardening (300-500 ml balloon can be completely released in 5-10 minutes, it will harden in 3-12 hours, depending on air humidity and temperature).
  3. Can be applied to any type of material, including metal, plastic and polymer surfaces.
  4. Strong adhesion to surfaces (after hardening, it will be difficult to tear off the foam, but if necessary, it can be cut off or washed with a solvent).
  5. Moisture resistance (the layer of hardened foam does not rot, does not mold).
  6. The presence of compositions with different characteristics(for different temperatures, with varying degrees fire protection).

Of the main disadvantages - susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation. Under sunbeams the foam dries out over time, but it is usually used at the stage of rough finishing, and is not left in sight - either covered with plaster or covered with panels (plastic, for example).

Types of mounting foam

All compositions can be divided into:

  • The number of components.
  • Method of application.
  • temperature.
  • Flammability levels.

By number of components

There are compositions:

  • One-component. Sold in cylinders under pressure, do not require additional components: the composition can be applied immediately by spraying it from a container.
  • Two-component. Sold in 2 separate containers. The contents of the containers must be mixed in certain proportions, and the resulting mixture should be applied using special devices.

In hardware stores, most products are single-component formulations. Two-component ones are usually used only for industrial purposes, with large volumes of work and, if necessary, to obtain the highest possible characteristics of the composition.

By way of application

There are compositions:

  1. Professional. Foam is sprayed from a cylinder that is inserted into a construction gun. A more convenient option than spraying with a tube, it allows you to quickly work with a large volume (for example, to foam the gaps between the plates).
  2. Semi-professional (household). A plastic tube is put on the cylinder through which the mixture will pass. Suitable for small volumes (for example, to foam a gap when insulating a balcony).

Plastic nozzle tubes are sold as a set with low volume volumes. They can be used several times (if the work is carried out in several stages, if several cylinders are used), for which it is necessary to blow out the tube after application (so that the foam does not freeze inside).

Foam guns are sold separately. The minimum cost is about 300 rubles, the average is 500-800. The device is reusable, at the end of work it must be washed with a special cleaner (composition based on acetone solution). Even if the foam hardens inside the nozzle, it can be washed off with a cleaner or cleaned mechanically.

The temperature at which the foam can be applied

By temperature conditions there are such types of compositions:

  • Summer: designed for use at +5º…+35º.
  • Winter: designed for use at −18º…+35º.
  • Universal: used at −10º…+35º.

The temperature of the surfaces to which the foam is applied is indicated, not the temperature of the air in the room. Therefore, when working in cold weather (for example, if a balcony is glazed in winter, or the seams are foamed in a building under construction without heating or without windows), it is necessary to heat not the room, but the surface.

Also, the surface temperature affects the volume of the mounting foam: the colder, the less ready solution will come out.

According to the degree of flammability

It is relevant if the work is carried out in a room with the possibility of fire (for example, in a bathhouse).

Product classes:

  • B1: fireproof.
  • B2: self-extinguishing.
  • Q3: combustible.

Popular manufacturers

On the Russian market There are products from these manufacturers:

  1. Macroflex (Makroflex, Finland).
  2. Bison International (Netherlands).
  3. Soudal (Belgium).
  4. Tytan, Hauser (Poland).
  5. Bau Master, Domos (Estonia).
  6. Master Gvozd, CHIP, Putech (RF).
  7. Ceresit (Germany).

Rules for the use of mounting foam

Foam is used, observing the following rules:

  • The width of the gap or hole should be in the range of 2-10 cm. Narrow cracks (up to 2 cm) are best sealed with putty or sealant. Wider gaps are best sealed with brick, wood or foam, and the remaining leaks should be foamed.
  • When working in cold weather, the foam cylinder will need to be heated: lower it into a container with warm water(up to 30-40º approximately).
  • You can cut off the excess only after 25-30 minutes after applying the foam, when it completely hardens. You can do this with a construction knife.
  • The cylinder must be held upside down so that the gas pushes out the foam. If you hold the bottle upside down, the gas will come out of the container, but the foam will remain.
  • After removing the cap and attaching to the gun (or tube), the container must be shaken.
  • A cylinder with "household" foam is used completely in 1 run - an open container cannot be stored for a long time, it will harden.
  • The gap cannot be foamed by more than 50%, because when expanding, its volume increases.

Complex nuances

To not have to cut a large number of foam and redo the structure, please note:

  1. If the hole is 3-4 cm wide or more, the foam is applied in several steps: first, 1 layer, after it hardens, the next ones in succession.
  2. It is better not to fill through holes with foam. On the one hand, it is recommended to cover them with something tightly (for example, with a board), and remove the “lid” only 30 minutes after foaming, when the composition has hardened.
  3. When installing door and window frames, they must be fixed with dowels and spacers. If this is not done, the expanding composition may warp the box, and it will have to be installed again.

Stages of work

Step by step, the foam is used like this:

  • The surface is cleaned of small debris, if any.
  • The surface is degreased (acetone).
  • The surface is moistened (sprayed with water using a brush or spray gun). Foam hardens faster and better if the surface (or air) is moist.
  • If the room is cold, the balloon is placed in warm water.
  • The balloon is opened, inserted into the gun (or a tube is put on it) and shaken.
  • The end of the tube is inserted into the slot, and the foam is fed in portions, 5-10 cm in length of the slot, moving from bottom to top.
  • After complete solidification (after 25-30 minutes), the protruding pieces are cut off with a construction knife.

Safety measures when working with polyurethane foam

Mounting foam - chemical composition in a pressurized container. Therefore, you need to work with it, observing the safety rules:

  1. Do not drop or heat the cylinder.
  2. Do not use the cylinder near hot surfaces or open flames.
  3. The work is carried out with gloves (if the foam gets on the skin, it will be difficult to clean it off).
  4. You need to keep a sponge and a rag on hand - to clean off the composition if it gets into an “unnecessary” place.

Removal of foam in contact with "unnecessary" surfaces

Mounting foam sets to the surface quickly, so if it gets somewhere other than the right gap, it will be hard to clean it off.

Ways to clean different surfaces:

  • Leather. If the composition is not frozen, it is removed with a sponge, and the residues are washed with acetone or a solvent. If it is frozen, it is cut off and rubbed off with a scrub.
  • Textile. The uncured composition is collected by any solid object (a piece of a board will do). Frozen pieces are cut off, and small residues are washed off with a solvent. In both cases, a stubborn stain may remain on the fabric.
  • Plastic window sills, frames, slopes. The fresh composition is removed with a sponge, the remains are washed off with a cleaner for plastic surfaces. The dried layer is cut off, the remnants are washed off.
  • Linoleum, laminate. Fresh foam is removed with a solid object (a spatula, a piece of board), the remains are collected with a sponge dipped in a cleaner.

In order to prevent such situations, in addition to the skin, it is necessary to protect the surfaces around. It is advisable to cover them with plastic wrap, rags or newspapers.

Polyurethane mounting foam is an excellent sealant and insulation. It is used both for the installation of such large-scale structures as doors and windows, and for the repair of minor defects. This material is used to patch various cracks and crevices, restore tightness at the joints, and even make other Construction Materials. Foamed polyurethane is quite easy to use, but you need to follow certain rules for working with it, be quite careful so that the seam is even and lasts a long time.


The hardened polyurethane foam is an elastic solid material of a yellowish-white color. This very light substance has excellent heat and noise insulation performance. It very quickly loses its properties under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, therefore it is mainly used indoors.

Such foam has a number of advantages that favorably distinguish it from other materials:

  • increased moisture resistance, high rates of sound and heat insulation;
  • low current conductivity, which allows it to be used in the installation of electrical networks;
  • many types of foam are resistant to fire, which allows expanding the scope of its application;
  • after exiting the cylinder, such foam expands in volume and fills even those microcracks into which it is impossible to insert the gun tube;
  • polyurethane can be used to glue surfaces made of different materials, for example, wood or brick;
  • the foam is completely non-toxic, while being resistant to chemical attack.

Almost all of the above properties must be indicated by the manufacturer in the relevant certificates, which can be requested from the seller.

The following information should be printed on the packaging itself:

  • foam expansion volume. It can be from 10 to 300%, but most often, in fact, the foam still turns out to be somewhat less, since this percentage is indicated for ideal conditions;
  • its viscosity;
  • the volume of the container itself.

Most often, all these characteristics depend on the type and purpose of the foam, so you need to know which polyurethane and what it should be used for.

Release form

All types of polyurethane insulation differ in several criteria.

Depending on the method of application and the form of release, they can be of two types.

  • Professional foam is produced in special cylinders that are inserted into a plastic gun with metal clips. Such a gun allows you to use polyurethane economically and in equal portions. The main thing is to thoroughly rinse the device after use so that the remnants of the substance in it do not freeze.
  • Household foam packs are equipped with a small tube instead of a gun, which is put on the lever. It is not suitable for large repairs, but it will perfectly cope with minor flaws.

Depending on what time of the year and at what temperature the polyurethane will expand and solidify, there are the following types mounting foam:

  • summer - used at temperatures from +5 to +35 degrees;
  • winter - used at temperatures from -18 to +35 degrees;
  • universal - it costs much more, but it can be used all year round.

It should be noted that the temperature ranges are indicated not for air, but for the surface on which the composition will be applied. The lower its temperature, the less will be the expansion of the finished layer.

In addition, foam may vary in types depending on the flammability class:

  • B3 - combustible substance;
  • В2 – self-extinguishing substance;
  • B1 - refractory compositions.

Finally, mounting foams differ in composition. They can be one- or two-component. However, the latter type of foam is so difficult to handle that it is practically not used for private construction and do-it-yourself renovation of the premises. Two-component foam hardens in a quarter of an hour and there is practically no time left to eliminate defects, therefore only experienced professional builders use it.

Scope of application

Most often, mounting foam is used in the process of installing windows and doors, laying electrical wiring and pipelines. Due to the high thermal insulation in this way, it is possible to foam seams and recesses in cooling and heating systems, cracks in the roof and when insulating the surface of walls, floors or ceilings. She fits perfectly Wall panels and foam boards, providing excellent waterproofing. It is applied outside steel baths or cast iron baths to reduce the heat transfer of the metal when filling the bath hot water. With the help of polyurethane, you can insulate the space behind the sheathing of PVC panels. In almost half of the repair processes, it remains an indispensable material.

In order to avoid any problems both with small and with overhaul own house or apartments, you need to be able to use both professional and household mounting foam. To work correctly with the first, you must correctly install and use a special construction gun.

Gun installation includes the following steps:

  • to begin with, the foam balloon is heated in warm water to room temperature and then shake it vigorously for 30 seconds. This will give the polyurethane a homogeneous state, which will allow it to exit the cylinder smoothly and in full;
  • the protective cap is removed from the upper container of the gun, it is turned with the handle down and the cylinder is screwed into it. The container is screwed in with force until a hiss appears, which means that the mixture has begun to flow into the tool;
  • if the gun was previously used and was not washed well, then hissing will not be heard and you will have to purchase a new tool;
  • the system of connected elements is shaken strongly a few more times, turn the adjustment screw a quarter of a turn and, holding the trigger, begin to apply.

Working with such equipment does not require specific skills, but will require considerable dexterity if this is the first time.

Applying foam from a gun is carried out as follows:

  • first you need to clean the work surface from dust and dirt, then lightly wet it with a conventional sprayer, since the foam interacts better with a wet surface;
  • the tool nozzle is directed to the surface;
  • foam is fed into the right amount smooth pull of the trigger;
  • to pour the composition into a vertical recess, it must be applied from the bottom up;
  • wide spaces are filled with zigzag movements by no more than a third of the volume, since the foam expands greatly in air;
  • it is better to supplement the area after than to cut off the excess of the solidified substance.

The barrel of the gun is quite long on its own, but in order to glue the materials in hard-to-reach places, for example, to fill the voids between the false wall, it is worth additionally purchasing an extension hose that is put on it.

Despite the fact that the packaging most often indicates a hardening time of up to 8 hours, in fact this process can take up to half a day. After complete solidification, the excess is cut off with a regular stationery knife or a metal saw.

Unlike a handy construction gun, household polyurethane foam is equipped with just a small PVC tube that fits onto an adapter. In principle, the sequence of work itself is practically the same, however, more efforts will have to be made to fill the gap of the same volume. Such a tube is convenient for small volumes of work, because with it it is impossible to release the solution in equal portions. In addition, the balloon has to be constantly kept upside down, which is why the arm is constantly numb, so it is difficult to maintain smooth movements. If such a tube and adapter were not sold complete with polyurethane insulation, then you will have to buy them separately.

You will learn more about how to use mounting foam from the video.

Most often, mounting foam is purchased in the right amount at a time and after use, even if it is unfinished, it is thrown away. And also it is not bought in advance, as it has a limited shelf life. It is worth considering in more detail the nuances described below in order to be able to save.

Can it be applied multiple times?

It is widely believed among buyers that professional foam with a gun can be reused, but household variety with a flexible tube, alas, it is disposable and it will not work to re-apply it to the surface. Indeed, most often, if you leave the cylinder on the gun and block the trigger with a dispenser, the gun will not allow air to enter the cylinder and the composition will not harden. At the next use, it will be enough to remove the remnants of the hardened foam from the nozzle and you can start working again. However, exactly the same can be achieved from household remedy. To do this, you need to start releasing the foam from the cylinder, but, without letting it go out, bend and pull the soft tube with a wire. The foam at its end will harden, but the fold will not allow air to penetrate further and spoil the entire volume of the substance. At the next use, the cured edge of the PVC tube is simply cut off and the foam is ready for use. The container can be stored in this form for no more than a few weeks.

Mounting foam is a difficult material. FAQ people who want to carry out construction work on their own - is it possible to use mounting foam if there is no gun. To do this, you need to know its properties and basic rules of application.

In contact with

Mounting foam with a tube

First you need to determine which type will be used for repairs. In hardware stores you can see two types of foam:

  • household;
  • professional.

In hardware stores you can see two types of foam.

How to choose the right composition? For processing a large area, the volume of the balloon should be taken into account. The quality of household composition is worse compared to professional brands. In this regard, for serious repairs, foam for professionals is required.

Here are the basic settings for how to use mounting foam with a tube:

  • Need first shake the balloon for 30 seconds, ensuring the mixing of the material inside it until homogeneous and thereby increasing the output intensity.
  • The cap is removed, a PVC tube is fixed on the valve. It is included if it is a sealant household type. For a professional cylinder, the tube will need to be purchased separately.
  • The free end is brought to the place where the sealant needs to be applied. The gap is filled by 30-50%. Compound expands after application as it dries. Partial filling reduces consumption. At correct application the gap will eventually be filled to 100%.
  • If the foam dries and it becomes clear that it is not enough, you can apply another layer. But sealing without a gun is best done the first time, because the composition comes out in excess and is less amenable to accurate dosing.
  • The material enters first into the tube, and then to the right place after pressing the cylinder valve.

If the gun is not at hand, this does not mean that the work will have to be postponed. You can use foam without a gun in the following ways:

  1. Premium material requires tubing, but high pressure a lot of excess composition can come out, increasing consumption and thereby costs. To avoid this effect, you can take two tubes with different lumen diameters. First, put a tube of a larger diameter on the cylinder, then it is good to fix a tube of a smaller diameter in it. This reduces pressure and helps save material.
  2. Household polyurethane foam without a gun is already equipped with a special plastic tube.

If the gun is not at hand, this does not mean that the work will have to be postponed.

Rules for working with mounting foam

Foam is pretty easy to work with. The main thing is to follow the detailed instructions:

  1. Gloves are worn on the hands so that the sealant does not get on the skin, as it is difficult to remove.
  2. The place where the sealant will be laid, first carefully free from debris and dust. When the gap is of great depth and width, it is first laid with small pieces of foam.
  3. Shake the can as directed, usually 30-60 seconds. Thanks to this, the composition becomes homogeneous, it comes out better, which simplifies the work several times.
  4. The planes inside the recess are wetted, but moderately, the water should not flow along the walls.
  5. The cap is removed from the bottle, which limits its operation unnecessarily. A tube is put on the ledge, replacing the gun.
  6. The free edge of the plastic tube is brought to the hole at a distance of 5 cm, now you should press the valve. The hole is filled by half or a little less, as the volume increases when it dries.
  7. After 30 minutes, you should carefully examine the place of foaming. If pits or empty cavities are visible there, a solution should be added.

Before filling the gap, you need to make sure that the ambient temperature meets the recommendations in the instructions for the sealant. It is necessary to carry out work when the ambient temperature within 5-20 degrees of heat.

Before filling the gap, you need to make sure that the ambient temperature meets the recommendations in the instructions for the sealant.

Important! In heat over 30 degrees, work should be postponed, and in severe frost, you can use a special

When applying, you need to constantly adjust the pressure so that it is uniform and the contents of the balloon come out in equal parts. If it gets on any surface, the composition is poorly cleaned, there is a risk of damage to the coating. When applied to the desired areas, it must be given time to harden, only then cut off the excess. The composition contains toxic components, so the working space must be well ventilated.

Complete solidification of the composition occurs after 8 hours. No need to worry if swelling has formed at the processing site - they are easy to cut off with a clerical knife.

How to remove foam from the floor or walls, where it should not be? After hardening, this can be done with acetone. As a precaution, protect your eyes by wearing clear goggles. To protect your hands, gloves are suitable, because the composition excellent grip on the skin. Removing it will be painful and traumatic.

When applying, you need to constantly adjust the pressure so that it is uniform and the contents of the balloon come out in equal parts.

Balloon reuse

If you need to use the cylinder without a gun repeatedly, for example, within a month, then you need to bend the tube, fixing the fold with adhesive tape. Then press the valve to keep the pressure in the tube. So a balloon with polyurethane foam can be used without problems for 2 months.

If the balloon is needed again only after 5-6 months, there is another way to store it. You can use acetone. The tube is carefully removed from the balloon and washed with acetone. They also drip into the valve hole. Repeat the manipulation two or better three times. So the balloon will stand for up to six months.

To work with a professional-type cylinder without a gun, you will first need to choose a suitable plastic tube, figure out how to press the valve.

For this purpose, a hand-made tube of 3 parts is suitable:

  • the first is flexible;
  • the second is solid;
  • the third is flexible.

The first part presses the valve, the second helps prevent splashing, and the third directs the foam jet to the right place.

To work with a professional-type cylinder without a gun, you will first need to select a suitable plastic tube.

Prices for polyurethane foam with a tube

mounting foam with a tube

We make a gun with our own hands

You can make a gun for polyurethane foam from a pneumatic sprayer and a failed gun. They are combined and a well-functioning device is obtained. Here small instruction how to make a foam gun:

  1. The essence of the connection of these structures is to replace the paint tank of the pneumatic sprayer. Instead, a bottle of sealant is screwed on. To do this, first attach the cylinder connector, removed from the broken foam gun.
  2. But the threads of the connections do not match, therefore, to fix and secure the connection, use epoxy after cleaning both threads.
  3. So that the glue fills the threads and does not get into the necessary holes, they are first drowned out with hot glue. When the desired holes are plugged, you can design further.
  4. Epoxy glue is diluted according to the instructions: 10 parts of resin per part of the hardener. In a regular 10 ml syringe, 10 ml of heated resin is drawn, and then 1 ml of hardener. Mix everything thoroughly, heating as needed. First, the resulting adhesive is applied to the thread of the connector so that there are no empty spaces left.
  5. The body of the spray gun is securely installed, and into it the connector is glued. Everything is ready.
  6. The final step on how to make a foam gun is to heat the joint to a temperature so that the hot melt adhesive that clogs the holes melts and flows out.

Important! The sealant is a flammable material and must not be exposed to fire.

Useful video: how to reuse a can of polyurethane foam with a straw

For a quick repair work sealant is used qualitatively and at the lowest possible cost. But first it is important to calculate the approximate volume required material. For simple jobs sometimes even one household cylinder is enough around the house - it is used with a tube that comes with the kit, which greatly simplifies operation and reduces work time. If the finish is large-scale, it is recommended to purchase a professional composition. In any case, it is most convenient to use such a sealant with a gun, but if it is not available, then improvised designs will do.