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» What types of window frames do you prefer? Types of plastic windows according to the method of opening. Types of finished structures

What types of window frames do you prefer? Types of plastic windows according to the method of opening. Types of finished structures

Today, windows are made from a variety of materials and can have the most different shape. Based on this, you can ask the question: what are the windows? The correct answer to the question is the classification of products.

For example, they can be divided into types according to the material used to make them:

  • PVC structures;
  • wooden;
  • aluminum;
  • combination windows.

In addition to the material, the frame can be divided into groups according to the design:

  • paired;
  • separate;
  • single.

Today, products can be with single glazing or double-glazed windows.

Classification of windows by material

Today, systems are manufactured using very sophisticated technologies, which achieve excellent result in heat and sound insulation. PVC products are very popular today. But for those who prefer the classic version, wooden frames are also made using new technologies. As a result, the finished product is radically different from the old wooden ones.


Metal-plastic structures have been known to the world for over 50 years. On the territory of our country, they appeared much later. All products were imported from other countries, since domestic production was not established. Today, using the technology of leading brands, products are manufactured in the country. The metal-plastic device consists of:

  • PVC profile;
  • amplifier made of galvanized steel, which is located inside the profile chambers;
  • high quality fittings;
  • double-glazed window.

By using PVC profile under production conditions, you can create a window of a completely different configuration.

Aluminum windows.

Aluminum is associated with industrial buildings, offices, shops. It is in such establishments that aluminum window frames are most often used. Due to their strength, such frames are installed in houses where they will be subjected to intense loads. Also very often such metal frames are used for the construction winter gardens, balcony glazing. It is this frame that will allow you to create a large window.

Wooden windows.

Previously, only wooden windows were installed in houses, which deformed over time, cracks formed through which heat was lost and cold entered. Today, in order to create a wooden window, new technologies are used. For the manufacture of such windows, solid wood or a three-layer beam is used. It is the use of glued laminated timber that completely eliminates the possibility of any deformation. The glazing is modern double-glazed windows with one or two chambers.

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Combined type of windows

According to experts, such windows in the near future will take a leading position in the field of glazing. This is due to the fact that several materials are used in such windows, for example, wood and aluminum, wood and plastic, etc. Having absorbed the best qualities of the materials used, such windows will last a very long time without delivering extra hassle in your service.

by the most bright option combination window is a structure made of a three-layer profile. The first layer is decorative, made of wood. The second layer is made of metal, it protects the structure from impact. environment and also gives the frame rigidity and stability. The third layer is made of polyvinyl chloride, the main purpose of using this material is to significantly increase the thermal insulation qualities.

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Key Features

Windows are the source natural light in the apartment and access to fresh air. This is especially important in apartments where ventilation systems don't work so well.

But at the same time, they create significantly greater heat losses in the cold season. It is through the glazing that the greatest amount of heat is lost. In order to significantly reduce such losses, it is necessary to choose the right profile, clarify the design of the double-glazed window, and check all the joints. Blinds and curtains can be additional measures to keep the heat in.

Double-glazed windows.

A very important role in the preservation of heat is played by the number of glasses in a double-glazed window. There are options for windows with one glass, but heat loss in this case will be maximum.

Double-glazed window, in which two glasses are installed, forms a certain air layer which will reduce heat loss. Modern double-glazed windows may have two or three sheets of glass. Additionally, the space between them is filled with dry air or gas.

All joints are closed with sealing profiles.

In addition to light through the windows, extraneous sounds and noise penetrate the room. Sound insulation will depend on the number and thickness of the glass. To minimize the passage of extraneous sounds, it is worth taking care of sealing all joints, not only the window structure, but also the junctions of the window with the opening.

When choosing a system, Special attention give the type of opening. Today, thanks to fittings, products can be:

  • folding;
  • rotary;
  • swing-out;
  • deaf;
  • sliding.

Silent design.

This design does not involve opening the valves. The product is much cheaper than other options, and is as reliable as possible. It is rarely used in homes, since it is almost impossible to wash it from the street if it is not located on the first floor. The only option may be to completely remove the double-glazed window and then reinstall it. Blind windows can be installed on the side walls of the balcony or in the entrances. They can also be installed in private homes as a source of natural light in a corridor or terrace.

Folding design.

If the window is equipped with hinged fittings, it can be opened to the ventilation position (vertical opening). Normal opening is not available in this case. Like a blind window, this design does not have access to outside which prevents the window from being cleaned. Such a window can be installed in a place where full opening cannot be carried out. This is possible if the layout of the house does not have enough space to allow the sash to open fully. But, unlike a deaf one, such a window makes it possible to gain access to fresh air.

Swing window design.

The swivel design opens in the traditional way. This method allows access to the outside and adjacent doors. This design is very easy and convenient to care for. The disadvantages include the need for free space, which will allow you to freely open the sash. Such elements are installed in almost any room.

Swing-out design.

The most popular and common type of opening. Those. allows you to open classic version and leave the element in the ventilation position. They are also installed almost everywhere.

Sliding system.

Such a metal opening system plastic windows appeared relatively recently. This method of opening allows you to open all windows completely even in the narrowest room. Most often, such a system is used on loggias and balconies. The quality of windows with such an opening system is no different from the usual opening system. All joints are completely sealed and do not leak cold air inside.

The window is very important and an integral part of our home. What does it represent? This is first of all appearance at home, its comfort, warmth, peace and tranquility. Can all windows provide your life with the above qualities?

Surely not all. And, probably, you have been thinking about changing windows for a long time, but you just get lost in all the variety that the modern market is saturated with.

What types window frames most in demand? We will try to understand this issue and help you choose the best option for your home.

Tightness, ergonomics, attractiveness

With the help of plastic windows, you can realize any idea of ​​​​the designer.

So let's start with everything modern window from the outside they look very simple, ergonomic and at the same time attractive.

Beautiful appearance is organically combined with ease of use. However, the internal construction of the window itself is quite complex.

It consists of a sealed double-glazed window installed in the sash, and the sash is attached to the window frame.

A double-glazed window is a non-separable structure consisting of two, three or four glasses, which are tightly sealed at the seams.

Since temperature fluctuations can provoke the appearance of condensate, a special tape containing silica gel granules is laid inside the double-glazed window along the contour. This helps to dry and defuse the air between the panes.

Due to the tightness of the double-glazed window, the window is protected from dust, insects, moisture and, most importantly, due to this, its thermal insulation properties increase.

A sealed double-glazed window with a special energy-saving film passes less air (and, accordingly, heat) from the apartment to the street and reduces heat loss by almost 8 times. Plus, these windows help save on heating.

If you do not want curious passers-by to constantly look into your windows, the best option there will be a double-glazed window with a special film (color or mirror).

However, with such windows, the room will need additional lighting.

You can also use additional protective films enhance the strength of the double-glazed window. This will protect the house from hooligan tricks or even (if necessary) from a bullet.

The degree of impact resistance will depend on the manufacturing technology. For example, the usual "triplex" will protect the glass from shattering into fragments, and the most durable - from a bullet.

In addition, glass can be selected and tinted under blue, bronze or green color depending on where it will be installed.

After that, you can even give the glass a heterogeneity, which is very convenient when using it in the bathrooms of cottages or as a partition between rooms.

Additional decor will be given by layouts (made of gold, silver or white aluminum) inside the double-glazed window and false bindings on the glass outside.

Wooden windows and doors

In addition to double-glazed windows, window systems ah, a profile is naturally needed - glass and frames. This is where the glass pane will be attached.

Profiles can be made from:

  • Tree;
  • aluminum;
  • combinations of these materials.

The material used determines the cost of the window as a whole, as well as the period of its manufacture. For quality finished product hardware affects - a set of components and mechanisms that open / close windows and ensure a snug fit of the sash.

It is the fittings that provide ease of use, reliability of the entire structure and anti-burglary protection.

Wooden windows - modernity and functionality

We have been accustomed to wooden windows since childhood. This natural material pleases the eye, fits perfectly into the interior and is highly environmentally friendly.

Now there are wood processing options that help to achieve excellent window functionality. Wooden windows fall into two categories:

  • Windows made of solid timber (very environmentally friendly, have an acceptable cost, but can be deformed under the influence of moisture);
  • Glued laminated timber windows (highly stable due to good material preparation).

Making a wooden profile is a rather complicated process. During the production process, the wood must have a certain moisture content. It is pre-dried and then primed. The strength of the structure is achieved due to the multi-layer (up to three layers of timber).

To prevent the window from becoming covered with fungus and mold, it is treated with an antiseptic and covered with three layers of paint. Modern wooden windows are very durable and well resist the effects of natural factors.

Currently, three series of wooden windows are produced, which are distinguished by the refinement of forms and various possibilities.

For example, the Serrabitto model is sheathed in copper or steel, sometimes painted with aluminum. This avoids additional care for the outside of the window. This profile has excellent sound insulation.

The composition of elite window frames includes high-quality wood species: miranti, larch, pine.

Plastic windows are a worthy alternative to modern wooden windows.

original window handle

PVC windows do not let in cold air, are unpretentious in operation, and the biggest plus is that they are now available to almost everyone.

Let's look at the design of PVC window systems. In their profile, everything is thought out to the smallest detail. They are made of high quality and durable PVC.

Metal reinforcement is placed inside the profile for strength. The modern production of plastic windows is different in that the configuration of windows can be any, depending on the architecture of the building. Even in old buildings it is possible to install antique windows.

The undeniable advantage of PVC windows is that they are not subject to corrosion, well resist atmospheric influences, absolutely harmless (according to manufacturers) and unpretentious.

Inside the profile there are jumpers that form various compartments for forced air exchange. Such qualities as noise insulation, thermal insulation, tightness and durability depend on extruders - plastic shirts, from which the profile is produced.

The birthplace of plastic windows is Germany. From there, we are supplied with the main volume of profiles.

Different companies can offer additional "tuning" for the window: lamination special films main profile to change colour, matt or glossy, double counter-sealing. You can even order the color of the profile, which will already be painted with special paints at the factory.

aluminum windows

This group of windows is perhaps the most unpopular on the market. window structures. Such profiles are used rather for loggias, winter gardens and facades.

Aluminum is a stronger material than PVC or wood. At the same time, it has a greater indicator of flexibility, which means that windows of the most complex configuration can be made from it.

However, among the pluses there are some minuses. These include: susceptibility to anodic oxidation and the coldness of the metal (this does not quite correspond to our ideas about home comfort).

But modern production has found a way out and now there are two directions on the market: cold and warm profile. In a cold profile, there is no special chamber, which is called an isothermal insert.

This profile is very light and at the same time durable, but it does not have high thermal insulation performance. Such profiles are unreasonable to use in residential areas. They are rather used for stained-glass windows, visors, shop windows, etc.

Types of window frames

"Warm" profiles are more often used in residential areas.

In such structures, a special thermal bridge is installed. It retains heat well and does not let noise through.

Outwardly, it practically does not differ from a plastic window. The aluminum profile is not covered with a film. It is painted with a special powder paint.

Combined window options

The most optimal option at present is a combination of different profiles, the benefit of technology modern production allow you to do this. What is a combined profile?

This is a profile consisting of aluminum, wood and plastic. As you can see, all possible materials are combined.

Double-glazed windows combined species windows

It looks like this: the outer component of the window structure is made of aluminum, the inner one is made of wood or plastic. However, some firms produce structures with a more complex combination of materials.

In such window models, the outer part is made of aluminum (white or brown), the inner part of the profile is made of wood (for example, oak) and both these parts are connected with a hollow plastic thermal bridge.

How to care for plastic windows?

Caring for plastic windows is not difficult

It was already mentioned earlier that plastic windows are very unpretentious and do not require expensive detergents or additional care.

The main thing to remember is to lubricate the fittings and moving mechanisms. After your windows have been installed, remove all construction residue (cement, whitewash), otherwise these substances will cause damage.

When washing windows, it is advisable to use mild detergents without abrasive particles, so as not to damage the surface of the profile. Can't use aggressive means, including the solvent. This will also damage the profile and seal.

It is recommended to clean the frame with a simple soap solution if it is not possible to purchase detergent free of solvents, acetone and abrasives. Chemical composition PVC windows are not resistant to acid solutions.

For a long time, wood was the only material for making windows, and this continued until about the beginning of the nineteenth century.

With the advent of new materials in construction, other types of windows began to appear. Basically, window block can be made from a wide variety of materials, up to Ivory. However, since we are talking about consumer goods, cost restrictions begin. In addition, there are design and engineering limitations.

The window block as an element of the building envelope can be used in rather harsh conditions. So, when operating in a cold climate in winter, it is at the “heat-cold” border, which causes the problem of temperature deformations.

On the southern facades, ultraviolet radiation is added to the temperature loads. There is also the impact on the window structure of rain, snow, dust (the problem of erosive wear). Thus, the material of the window structure must be sufficiently weather-resistant. In areas with strong wind(on the upper floors high-rise buildings) the strength characteristics of the window structure are very relevant.

When choosing a material for the manufacture of windows, fire safety issues must also be taken into account. On the other hand, windows are an element interior design and here they are presented not so much technical as aesthetic requirements.

Due to such numerous and often conflicting requirements, a peculiar “ natural selection» materials for the manufacture of window blocks. It is also clear that, due to objective reasons, one "ideal" material does not exist. More or less "ideal" is a combination various materials where each of them shows their strengths.

To date, the following main materials can be distinguished in the production of windows.

Wood of various species

Wood of various species - traditional material. For the manufacture of windows, both exotic tropical species and cheap conifers - pine, spruce - can be used. The profile for the manufacture of modern window blocks has long been glued from several lamellas. Various impregnations are used for wood processing. paint coatings. Now this is not at all the old "carpentry" of poorly dried and painted knotty wood. Due to modern finishing materials, the weather resistance of wooden windows has also become much higher.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

Highly good combination price-quality, which made this material the most popular in the production of window blocks.


By different reasons application of this material, despite a number of very good technical parameters significantly inferior to PVC.

Aluminum. Lightweight, durable, weather-resistant material for the manufacture of window blocks and facade structures. Such a minus for windows as high thermal conductivity is compensated by the use of "thermal bridges", or rather, thermal breaks

Combinations of different window materials:

Wood-aluminum window units

Timber window clad with outer side aluminum profiles, which in this situation serves to protect wood from weathering and performs decorative functions.

Aluminium-wood window blocks

A window made of "warm" aluminum lined with inside wood profiles are usually "noble" species. AT this case wood practically does not carry operational loads, is not subject to atmospheric influences and plays the role of a beautiful finishing material(plus some contribution to thermal performance).

PVC + wood combination

PVC carries operational loads, wood plays the role of a finishing material.

Some window materials have appeared as a result of recycling woodworking waste (sawdust) and PVC recycling (sawdust and trimmings). The brightest representative of such window materials"Fybrex", developed by the American company "Andersen Windows". The material consists of approximately 60% wood waste and 40% PVC waste. It is extruded into window profiles using conventional PVC extruders. Lamination of such profiles is mandatory, but they do not need reinforcement.

The main advantage of wooden windows is strength, reliability, high sound and heat insulation. Wooden windows differ in the way the sashes open and in their design.

Construction of wooden windows

Window with a separate wooden part (Russian windows)

Such a window has one frame and two sashes that open in series, both with glass. The wooden part consists of solid pine, not glued beams. Shutters with a thickness of not more than 40 mm. Main disadvantage such a wooden window - due to high humidity and temperature differences, warping and deformation occur.

The narrow profile does not allow for multi-profile milling, which in turn excludes the possibility of installing several sealing contours. Therefore, the sashes in such a window do not have a tight fit to the window frame.

The absence of an aluminum profile on the box, which closes the porch of the box and sashes, allows water to flow from the outside onto the window sill. These wooden windows are equipped with conventional non-adjustable hinges and handles. Such fittings make it impossible to adjust the sashes and tilt for ventilation.

Double-glazed windows - wooden euro windows (German windows)

The name - eurowindows appeared from the fact that they are installed. It is installed around the entire perimeter of the sash of a wooden window, it is possible to adjust and tilt-and-turn opening, there are many locking mechanisms.

The design of a wooden eurowindow consists of a window frame and a sash. A double-glazed window is installed in the sash, usually two-chamber, most suitable for the Russian climate. The window opens in one motion. Therefore, when washing windows, we have only two sides outside the window and from the side of the room.

Video: Types and range of glass for windows

Manufacturers of wooden windows mainly use timber with a thickness of 68 - 78 - 88 mm. The thickness of the beam allows you to make a multi-contour seal, as well as grooves for fittings and a double-glazed window with a width of 44 mm. The design of a wooden eurowindow has many advantages: warm, reliable, comfortable, durable.

Service life - more than 70 years. The long service life is due to glued laminated timber, which is glued from 3 lamellas. The lamellas are glued in such a way that the wood fibers are located in different direction. Such a glued construction does not allow it to dry out, warp and lose its geometric shape.

Window tree - aluminum

Let's take the described above and sheathe it on the outside with aluminum, then as a result we get the so-called. That is, in fact, this is a wooden euro-window, only best quality. The advantage of this window is that it practically does not require restoration of the outer paintwork.

Aluminum window - wooden

The name is consonant with the previous window, but they are completely different in design. In this window, the load-bearing part of the window is completely made of aluminum. In principle, this is completely covering it from the inside of the room.

The wood panel makes the window warmer and more beautiful. Being in the interior of the room you will see a wooden window made of such precious woods as: oak, beech, ash. The design combines the lightness and durability of aluminum with the warmth and beauty of natural wood.

On the Russian market aluminum-wood windows are a rarity, due to high cost aluminum profile, which is purchased in European countries.

Finnish window

The wooden window has a wide frame up to 180 mm and two sashes that open in sequence. The outer sash is equipped with simple glass, and is inserted into the inner sash. The outer sash can be wooden or aluminum.

Between themselves, they are connected by a joint opening mechanism, which will allow them to be opened simultaneously or separately by opening the mechanism. The frame and sashes of the Finnish window are made of solid wood, not glued beams.

Unlike eurowindows, the cross section of a Finnish window is only 40 x 40 mm, so although it looks more attractive and elegant, there are no advantages of glued beams. The sashes in the Finnish window do not have a tight clamp around the perimeter due to their fittings, so there can be no tilt and turn.

All these are structural differences of wooden windows, but they can still differ in the way the sashes open.

Blind wooden windows

The window has no moving parts and cannot be opened. The cost of such windows is cheaper, due to the fact that they do not use fittings. A blind window may have several double-glazed windows between which there is an impost. Before deciding to install a blind window, you need to think about how you will wash it and ventilate the room.

Single sash tilt and turn wooden windows

At the single leaf pivot window the sash opens in only one direction - horizontal. Basically, they open inside the room, there are options with external opening. swivel flap opens both horizontally and vertically - ventilation mode.

Double-leaf, blind - tilt-and-turn window

They are made from glued laminated timber, have two wings. One deaf and one second - tilt-and-turn which opens and leans back on the lower suspension into the ventilation mode. Such double-leaf wooden windows are very popular.

Double-leaf, pivot and tilt-and-turn window with mullion

Impost - a profile made of wood, with the help of which several wings are connected in single structure. used for porch sashes and their hanging. A wooden window with an impost is the most convenient, reliable and durable option. By equipping the window with tilt-and-turn fittings and additional profile, the price of this window is higher than a deaf one.

Double-leaf pivot and tilt-and-turn wooden sash windows

Such windows open according to the same principle as described above. The window sashes are dependent and connected by a shulp. The first sash is equipped with turn-and-turn fittings with a handle, the second without a handle.

The second sash opens only when the first one is open. With open sashes, the window opening will be completely free, since there is no impost, and the shtulp is attached directly to the sash and is not visible.

Now knowing at least a little about the types of wooden windows and their design differences, you can choose the right wooden window for your house or apartment.

Video: Installing imposts, seals and fittings

Our company "Windows Sky", as you already understood from the materials of this site, manufactures and installs plastic windows and glazing for balconies and loggias. But having decided to replace windows and glaze a balcony, you should first know the main features and advantages of all options solutions to this issue in order to choose the best solution for you. Several types are possible: wooden, plastic and aluminum frames.

1. Wooden frames

Previously, the loggia was protected from adverse climatic phenomena with the help of window frame installations. They were made from wood. The device was assembled using a variety of tools. In windows of this type, single glasses were most often inserted, the thickness of which was no more than 4 mm. Fixation with wooden pegs was added to them.
Due to the lack of tightness, there was a lot of heat loss. The sashes themselves were not pressed completely against the frame. Even sealing tapes did not help.
Wooden frames were not very expensive, which can be considered one of their advantages.
You can install them only in those places where they will be used only in the warm months.
If energy saving is important, you will have to install something like "eurowindows". They are made from timber, which is then given the desired shape. For the glazing process, sealed double-glazed windows are used.
In this case, all the advantages of wood are preserved. But do not forget that from time to time wooden structures must be treated with water-repellent solutions. Otherwise, the frames will be deformed.

2. Plastic windows

It is worth noting that wooden devices nowadays it is used less and less. Basically, the loggias are glazed with the help of metal-plastic structures.
Frames and sashes are made from a multi-chamber profile, reinforced with planks having a thickness of 1.2 to 2.5 mm. Double-glazed windows are installed in the opening parts, which provide the highest level of energy saving.
A special mechanism ensures that the sashes are pressed against the frame. It also helps to ventilate the room.
Universal metal-plastic windows have a lot of advantages:

Windows with steel reinforcements protect the balcony from extraneous sounds and have the ability to retain heat. Their strength depends on the reinforcement.
- The mechanism expands the functions of products, ensuring their safety. Installing fittings adds more features to products and ensures safety and convenience for them.
- You can also install colored windows. Thus, the room will be transformed from the outside.
Such designs also have disadvantages: many do not like the very view of the balcony with plastic surface. Sometimes the price bites.

3. Aluminum gears

If your balcony has a width of more than 5-6 m, you better fit aluminum. The value of such structures is protection from adverse climate. There is aluminum "Warm" and "Cold"
The most versatile glazing with "Cold" aluminum is called sliding. The frames will interfere with a special mechanism. They, moving aside, form a crack. To fill the gaps that have appeared, anther brushes are used.
Glazing made of "Warm aluminum" is very similar to metal-plastic structures. It is worth noting that this aluminum heats the room very well.
An object that experiences a strong wind load is suitable for just this type.


After analyzing the described three types of windows and glazing frames, you can come to the conclusion that it all depends on where exactly you will use the chosen design, on your desires and financial capabilities.