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» Horizontal filter for a small aquarium. Step-by-step instructions for creating an external filter for an aquarium with your own hands Homemade internal filter for an aquarium

Horizontal filter for a small aquarium. Step-by-step instructions for creating an external filter for an aquarium with your own hands Homemade internal filter for an aquarium

A couple of decades ago, acquiring an aquarium, amateurs installed a minimum of equipment in it: a lamp and a compressor. It was believed that plants were enough to purify the water. However, the volumes in those days rarely exceeded 30 liters, and the fish were quite unpretentious: guppies, swordtails, gourami. A lot has changed since then.

Aquariums of 150-200 liters have become commonplace, and their population is now more exotic and fastidious. For a comfortable and healthy life, many fish require certain water parameters. And some species, such as cichlids, do not accept any vegetation. However, water for them must be carefully cleaned. So filters are indispensable.

Filter types

Filters are divided according to the placement method:

  • internal,
  • external.

The former work while being directly in the aquarium, while the external ones remove and purify water outside of it.

External filters also differ depending on the type of construction, filling and power. There are small hanging filters-backpacks for small aquariums, phytofilters, canisters and rather impressive filtration systems - sumps.

The advantages of external filters are obvious:

They also have their drawbacks:

  • require separate space
  • much more expensive than domestic ones.

However, even in a small apartment, you can disguise the filtration system, and in some cases even make it beautiful. As for the cost, it is possible to make a filter with your own hands and thus save a decent amount. In addition, it will be possible to customize a home-made system for the characteristics of your aquarium and its inhabitants.

Budget airlift external filter

An airlift is a type of pump designed to raise water to a certain height.

What will be required

To make such a filter you will need:

  • small plastic container for bulk products,
  • air compressor,
  • filter filler (expanded clay, foam rubber),
  • silicone tube,
  • syringe 20 ml,
  • hose,
  • silicone sealant.

Working process

Top of container a hole of the same diameter as the syringe is melted. The syringe plunger is removed, the syringe tube itself is inserted into the hole. Further, a hole is melted in the syringe itself, into which a silicone tube is inserted. The nozzle for the needle of the syringe is sealed with silicone. A slot is made at the bottom of the tube for the hose from the compressor.

A hole is made near the bottom of the container for a silicone hose through which water will return to the aquarium.

Locations of all joints are treated with silicone sealant so that there are no leaks. A synthetic winterizer or filter sponge is placed in the container at the bottom. Expanded clay or pebbles are poured on top.

How does it work

Once assembled, the filter is placed next to the aquarium. After turning on the compressor, water under air pressure will rise through the tube. Getting into the container, it first passes through expanded clay (mechanical cleaning) and then through a sponge (biofilter). Under its own pressure, it flows out through the hose at the bottom of the container, returning to the aquarium already cleaned.


Consideration that the silicone tube should not reach the ground at the bottom of 5-6 cm. The hose that returns the water back is laid behind the back wall of the aquarium and should rise smoothly. The container itself must be installed so that its middle is slightly above the water level.

This homemade filter has a low cost and is suitable for aquariums up to 50 liters.


This is also a kind of external filter. It is not difficult to make it with your own hands. This method of water purification appeared relatively recently. Its meaning is that plant roots are involved in the process. Thus, nitrogen compounds are neutralized. This filtration method is especially good for cichlid aquariums where there is no underwater vegetation. The disadvantages include the fact that such a filter must be located above the aquarium. The undoubted advantage of the phytofilter is that this method of water purification forms an almost closed, interdependent ecosystem, combining two hobbies into one.

How to do

To make such a filter you need a rectangular container. You can take a plastic box for flowers. Some craftsmen glue a glass parallelepiped on their own or order it to professional aquarists. In a glass box, it is necessary to make partitions with holes for water circulation. In a plastic flower container, you can put walls cut from five-liter eggplants for water. Partitions should be below the sides of the box. They are needed so that the flow of water is scattered and does not erode the soil. Holes are made at different ends of the box for water inlet and outlet hoses. You'll need a pump.

In the box, in the first and last compartment (they should be slightly smaller than the others), they put a sponge or padding polyester. The rest of the volume is filled with expanded clay or aquarium soil. Plants suitable for hydroponic growing are planted in it:

  • spathiphyllum,
  • anthurium,
  • tradescantia,
  • violets, etc.

Under the action of the pump, the water will rise into the box. In the first compartment, mechanical cleaning takes place with the help of a sponge, then water, passing through the soil, gets rid of nitrogen compounds, which are so necessary for plants, and is saturated with oxygen. In the last compartment, thanks to foam rubber or synthetic winterizer, small particles of soil will be retained. Further, the purified water goes back to the aquarium through the hose.

According to these principles, you can make many different filters for aquariums with your own hands. The main thing is to show ingenuity, patience and perseverance! Homemade equipment is an opportunity to save money, get what a particular aquarium needs and spend time interestingly and profitably.

Aquarists, especially beginners, are bound to face the challenge of filtering water. An aquarium, a living organism, and if you let things take their course, it will die. The most effective filter is sand. How sand grains manage to destroy harmful metabolite substances and leave the fish and plants necessary for life is not known for certain. Typically, a sand filter is made remote, that is, a place is determined for it outside the aquarium. The basic scheme of its work looks like this:

Water from the aquarium is pumped using a special pump or airlift. In an airlift, air bubbles from a compressor serve as a vehicle for water. The manufacture of such a filter is laborious and not everyone can do it. But, as practice shows, the problem has a solution and the effect is quite acceptable. The schematic diagram of a simplified filter looks like this:

Such a filter is good because it constantly pumps water through the soil in the aquarium and does not allow it to silt. It is very beneficial for plants.
Now, after a brief theoretical introduction, let's get down to business.

To make a filter, you need three main things:

  • not very dense foam rubber;
  • a piece of PVC garden hose;
  • tubular aquarium sprayers.

We cut out a strip of foam rubber measuring 3x3x45 cm. The length can be different and depends on the size of the atomizers and the overall design of the aquarium. And the section length x width should be 1.5-2 cm larger than the diameter of the hose.

In a strip of foam rubber, we cut a groove for sprayers. We make incisions to a depth of 1-1.5 cm.

It is convenient to cut the foam rubber from the groove with ordinary scissors.

The result should be something like this. In the future, sprayers will take their place in the groove.

Now, according to the size of the foam rubber blank, we will cut off a piece of garden hose.

Cut the hose along the entire length. Do it comfortably and safely with scissors.

With a hot awl, we will make holes in the hose. It is necessary to heat the awl so that the holes do not shrink.

Holes should be made often close to each other. You can do two or three rows.

In order to fix the filter on the bottom of the aquarium, you will need suction cups. We sew them with a nylon thread or fishing line to the foam blank.

In this case, three suction cups will be enough.

We will place sprayers in the foam groove.

Put a hose on top of the structure.

You should get something similar to the design shown in the photo. We close the ends with pieces of foam rubber so that the air comes out through the holes from above.

We connect the compressor and install the filter on the bottom of the aquarium.

Air bubbles rise to the surface of the water and carry water particles with them. The flow of water carries away the water turbidity and leaves it in the filter elements.

From above, the filter can be decorated with aquarium soil. Soil (coarse sand) will be the main element of the biofilter. Bacteria will settle on the edges of the grains of sand over time. These bacteria feed on metabolites that are harmful to fish and plants. Thus, the biological balance of the reservoir will be maintained for a long time. In small aquariums, filters of this design work great and do not spoil the landscape, because they are practically invisible. Air bubbles create a fabulous screen in the background, which makes the whole picture of the underwater world only win.

Aquarium water must be constantly filtered. This is known to all owners of domestic ornamental fish. In pet stores, there is a fairly large selection of aquarium filters of various designs. However, such a device can be made independently from improvised material.

Some aquarists believe that it is not worth saving on the fish themselves and their food, but you can find replacements for expensive aquarium equipment. Some accessories and accessories, including a water purifier, are quite capable of being made by hand. Of course, for this you need to know the basic principles of aqua filtration, as well as have some skills of a home craftsman.

How to make an internal filter yourself?

What is necessary?

Materials for the simplest interior are freely available in ordinary hardware stores. The only exception, perhaps, is the compact electric pump. However, it can also be bought at a construction hypermarket or an electrical goods store.

So, for work you will need:

  • a plastic container with a tight lid (a container for storing bulk products is suitable);
  • thick porous material or sponge;
  • hermetic water pump with a fitting for attaching to the container lid;
  • ceramic granules or rings for biological filtration (for fine cleaning, you can use plain cotton wool as a filter element);
  • 2-3 suction cups, adhesive resin.

Operating procedure

  • Then a sponge for coarse cleaning is tightly placed in the container, and a material for fine cleaning (cotton wool or biofilter elements) is placed on top.
  • A hole is cut in the container lid according to the diameter of the pump fitting.
  • The fitting is inserted into the hole and sealed around the circumference with resin or silicone.
  • The pump itself is screwed onto it, which creates compression inside the container.
  • In the upper part of the wide side of the container, 2 or 3 household suction cups are attached.

In principle, the internal filter is ready. Suction cups will securely hold the homemade device on the wall of the container.

Such a filter can also be placed directly on the ground. The latter will act as an additional filtering level.

If a plastic nozzle with a long tube extending outward is attached to the pump outlet, then simultaneously with water purification, it will

DIY external aquarium filter

What can be made from?

Making such a device at home will take more time.

  • As a body, you can use a round high plastic canister.
  • If there is none, then a piece of large-diameter plastic garden pipe will do. True, the top and bottom covers will have to be cut and fastened independently.

Working process

First step

  • A hole is cut out at the bottom of the canister, where a metal or plastic fitting with a one-way inlet valve is screwed tightly.
  • 2 holes are made in the cover: for mounting the water outlet valve and the electric pump.
  • The pump itself is attached to the inside of the cover through a fitting.

Second phase

Now you need to make cassettes, or cartridges, with filter elements. They can be made from plastic flower pots by cutting off the top wide part evenly.

The diameter of such homemade cassettes should be slightly smaller than the inner diameter of the canister.

At the bottom of each cassette, holes are burned to allow water to pass through.

The first cartridge, where the sponge is placed, is inserted into the canister so that its bottom is slightly higher than the adapter with the inlet valve.

Next, a second cartridge is installed, where the filter material can be fiber, synthetic winterizer or cotton wool. The cassette with filtering biomaterial is installed from above so that it is lower than the pump attached to the lid of the canister.

If the external filter housing is self-made, its bottom and cover are sealed with silicone or resin.

Third stage

Pipes or hoses are attached to the inlet and outlet adapters with valves. Their length is adjusted depending on the depth of the aquarium and the distance to the filter.

The external aquarium water purifier is ready.

As in the first case, a running pump creates pressure, under the influence of which water is first sucked into the canister, goes through all the stages of filtration and then flows back into the aquarium.

Before starting operation, it is necessary to check the canister for leaks within 24 hours by filling it with water.

The main element of the cleaners is the pump. When choosing it, you should consider the volume of the aquarium. For example: for a 70-liter aquarium, a pump with a capacity of 300 liters per hour is suitable, and for a 200-liter one, 1000 liters per hour.

Instead of a conclusion

At home, you can make and. However, this is already a more difficult task, which is within the power of real craftsmen.

A fairly large number of aquarium owners prefer not to spend money on expensive equipment. Aquafilters, diligently made by hand, work just as well as expensive branded devices. And the technology and frequency of their maintenance is the same as in the models sold. In addition, a self-made device has a slightly different moral value. Is not it?

Video on how to make an external aquarium filter:

Many people think that aquarium fish are the most unpretentious pets. In reality, things are different.

In order for the representatives of the underwater world to feel comfortable, not get sick and die prematurely, it is necessary to supply the aquarium with a number of additional devices, one of which is an external filter.

Purpose of an external filter

An aquarium filter is a mandatory attribute of modern homes for domestic fish. Life in an aquarium that is not equipped with a filter is possible, unless there are a large number of living plants in it.

The main tasks of the filter are the mechanical purification of water, the removal of waste products of the inhabitants of the aquarium, as well as the movement of water masses and their saturation with oxygen. With the correct selection and installation of the device, the lower and upper layers of water will constantly move, which helps to improve gas exchange between the aquarium water and the surrounding air.

At the same time, the upper layer of water releases carbon dioxide and sinks down - this contributes to the fact that the fish will not accumulate on the surface of the water, but will be distributed more or less evenly throughout its volume.

Filters for an aquarium are both internal and external. The latter, due to the possibility of increasing their volume, often have more power and can be installed on aquariums of impressive size. Among aquarists, such a model of a filtering device is often called a bucket.

The undeniable advantages of an external filter over its counterpart with an internal installation are:

  • higher filtration quality;
  • ease of cleaning and maintenance;
  • the possibility of providing several stages of purification (mechanical, biological), as well as the possibility of softening water through additional additives.

Among the shortcomings of the devices under consideration, one can note the high cost and the need for space for its installation.

Purchased outdoor filters

If you decide that you absolutely need an external filter, you will definitely think about which one is better in your particular case. First of all, it should be borne in mind that a large number of companies are engaged in the production of equipment for aquariums. The most reliable manufacturing companies in this market segment are deservedly considered:

  • Eheim;
  • Tetra;
  • Jebo;
  • aquael;


An external high-quality water filter will please its customer not only with the quality of its functions, but also with a long trouble-free service life. You do not have to constantly be in search of spare parts for such a device or face leaks.

Each specific modification of the external filter has its own technical characteristics, including the size of the aquarium for which the device is intended.

Important! The power of the filter, as well as the amount of water pumped through it, can be indicated for an empty device. When loading its canister with filter materials, these indicators will decrease. Also contributes to their reduction during operation clogging of fillers and hoses.

Based on the foregoing, the choice of a device for water filtration should be made with some margin. For example, for an aquarium with a volume of 200 liters, it is advisable to install a filter designed not for 150-200 liters, but for 200-350.

In addition, when choosing an aquarium external filter, you should pay attention to the possibility of purchasing spare parts for a specific model, as well as the availability of warranty and service from the seller and / or manufacturer. It is not advisable to purchase unknown brands that have bred in the modern market. Of course, they will attract you with a modest price, but this savings is very doubtful and may soon result in additional financial costs.

For those who do not want to overpay for the brand of one of the above companies, one can only recommend the Chinese manufacturer Atman, which has been producing equipment for aquarists for quite a long time and has established itself well both in the market of its native country and abroad. This is one of the best options for price and quality.

Homemade aquarium filter

Those lovers of aquarium fish who want to save as much as possible on an external filter, and also have hands growing “from where they should”, can be offered to make a canister filter for the aquarium on their own. This will require:

  • two plastic pipes with a rubber cuff inside, joined together;
  • a pair of plugs for pipe ends;
  • fitting;
  • small faucet;
  • electric pump;
  • nuts;
  • FUM tape;
  • spanners;
  • plastic bottle;
  • unnecessary CD;
  • rubber hose.

In addition, to fill the filter, filter materials are needed, which can be purchased at almost any self-respecting pet supply store, such as:

  • filter wool;
  • ceramic rings;
  • bioballs;
  • sintered glass;

  • ceramic tubes;
  • zeolite;
  • Activated carbon;
  • peat.

The very process of making an external filter for an aquarium with your own hands can be described as the following algorithm.

  1. At the bottom and top of the pipes holes to be made into which fittings will be screwed. The threads of the latter should be pre-wrapped with sealant tape. Inside the pipes, the fittings must be fixed with nuts.
  2. So that the inlet organized at this stage (at the bottom of the pipe) for the inflow of water is always free, you can make a cap for it with small holes(from a plastic bottle), on top of which fix a kind of grid with holes (from a CD).
  3. Selected fillers must be laid on the grid(each with 2 layers), alternating them with each other.
  4. To fix the pump, use a piece of hose by attaching it to the fitting at the outlet of the filter.
  5. The water intake tube must be fixed on the back wall of the aquarium. so that its end rests on the bottom. You can do this with a suction cup. It is enough to hang the water return tube on the edge of the aquarium, slightly immersing it in water.

Aquarium water needs constant filtration. Depending on the volume of the tank, an external or internal filter is selected. For aquariums from 100 liters, a device from the outside is suitable, which does not take up space and does not spoil the view of the reservoir. To save on purchases, an external filter for an aquarium is made by hand.

The cleaner is created from improvised materials that are sold in hardware stores. One device is used in containers up to 500 liters. For a larger aquarium, two units are needed. Before manufacturing, it is worth understanding the principle.

How does it work

Homemade external aquarium filters provide biological filtration. Purification proceeds according to the following scheme:

  1. Water is pumped with a pump through a tube.
  2. In the device, the liquid passes through the filter parts. Bacteria convert ammonium to nitrate.
  3. Clean water returns through the outlet pipe.

After starting, the filter works like a mechanical one, after 2-4 weeks the number of beneficial bacteria inside the filler increases, and the aquarium environment is naturally cleaned.

Necessary materials

To design an external filter, you will need:

  1. base (bottle or canister);
  2. material for filter cassettes (plastic pots);
  3. hoses or flexible pipes;
  4. electric pump;
  5. fitting;
  6. synthetic winterizer or cotton wool;
  7. foam sponge.

For an aquarium with a volume of 100 liters, a plastic bottle is suitable, for spacious vessels - a canister or a plumbing pipe with plugs. The material for the filter cassettes is also a kitchen net, a box for vegetables or a container that is suitable in diameter. New components are bought, as the old ones contain toxins accumulated during operation. Materials must be non-toxic. Metal elements without lubrication and protected from direct contact with water are suitable. Hoses are better to choose durable and without kinks.

Of the devices useful:

  1. silicone sealant for aquarium;
  2. spanners;
  3. drill;
  4. bolts.

The filter material is suitable for various:

  1. bioballs;
  2. biofilm;
  3. Activated carbon;
  4. peat;
  5. filter wool;
  6. zeolite;
  7. ceramic rings.


You can design an external filter with your own hands in five stages:

  1. Make a hole at the bottom of the canister into which the fitting is inserted. Make two holes on top of the base of the cleaner for the outlet hose and wires from the pump. Using the fitting, fix the pump on the inside of the cover.
  2. Lubricate all joints with aquarium silicone.
  3. Make filter cassettes. To do this, holes are made in a pre-shortened garden pot. The diameter of the cassettes should be slightly smaller than the canister. A layer of foam rubber is laid at the bottom. A synthetic winterizer is placed in the second container. The third is filled with filter material, such as coal. Combining several types of filler will give more effective filtration.
  4. Secure inlet and outlet hoses with sealant. Carefully measure the length of the hoses. If the pipes are too long, water purification will be slower, and if the hose is not long enough, it will not be possible to set the unit correctly. The sealant dries for at least a day, it is impossible to test the equipment ahead of time due to the risk of leakage.
  5. Before launching into the aquarium, the filter is checked for leaks. The base is filled with settled water. If no leaks are detected during the day, use equipment to maintain cleanliness in the aquarium.

Other models

In addition to outdoor, there are other filters for the aquarium.


Such devices purify water at the expense of air. Gradually lose their popularity due to low efficiency. Inexpensive, they are made at home. You can make an air filter from a plastic tube. At the upper end, a square is made that supplies water. A hose is inserted from the bottom of the tube, on which a sponge is placed.


For a small aquarium, you can make a hanging filter with your own hands. For manufacturing, a glass or plastic container is suitable, in which partitions are made. A synthetic winterizer is placed in the first compartment, the remaining compartments are filled with a filter substance. Water is supplied by a compressor.


Purifies water chemically, destroying odors and turbidity. Along the way, useful substances disappear, so constant use is undesirable. This type of device is made independently from a metal mesh. Two cylinders of different diameters are made, plugs are attached to the bottom. The smaller cylinder is placed inside the large one, the structure is fixed with a self-tapping screw. Coal of a large fraction is poured in, a sintepon pre-filter is located on top.

How to care

It is necessary to carefully monitor the operation of the equipment: filtration takes place without interruptions and leaks. As the pollution increases, the power decreases, and the pressure of the water weakens. The filter sponges are periodically checked and replaced with new ones when worn.


The filter device must be rinsed with water taken from the aquarium in order to prevent disturbance of the bacterial environment. The filler is washed with extreme care. Thorough rinsing is detrimental to beneficial bacteria.

Full flushing is carried out every six months.

Differences between internal and external

  1. accommodation;
  2. allowable volume of filtered water;
  3. filtration quality;
  4. the choice of fillers for the filter;
  5. price.

External cleaners are more complex in structure, and the price of some models is commensurate with the cost of a large aquarium. The filtering quality of external models is much higher.

Common Mistakes

  1. When assembling the external filter, the constituent elements are not sufficiently glued, which increases the likelihood of leakage. Do not spare the sealant when gluing.
  2. Failure to check for leaks or not enough time to detect defects can lead to leaks. The time and conditions for holding the adhesive must also be fully respected.
  3. The lack of pump power will not provide the necessary filtration of spacious containers. For an aquarium with a volume of 100 liters, a pump with a capacity of 500 l / h is suitable.

If there are doubts about skills, it is better to buy a ready-made external filter. Poorly made equipment will cause a lot of problems for the aquarist and fish.