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» What is hazing in the Russian army and hazing? Army hazing: origins, and is it possible to get rid of it?

What is hazing in the Russian army and hazing? Army hazing: origins, and is it possible to get rid of it?


The phenomenon of hazing in the army is not considered uncommon, despite the fact that the state is doing everything possible to combat it. It is generally accepted that hazing arose absolutely groundlessly and instantly took on a total character. The state has not yet been able to fully cope with the phenomenon; now one can often find information in electronic and printed sources about hazing detected in military units, that “grandfathers” beat up recruits.

It was hazing that became one of the main reasons in Russia that evasion from the army became widespread. Despite attempts by state and municipal media to hush up the facts of the death of recruits at the hands of “grandfathers,” information about the crimes is disseminated thanks to committees of soldiers’ mothers. Today government bodies They do their best to convince conscripts and their parents that there is no hazing, but the effect of this is exactly the opposite.

About the history of the issue

Individual cases of hazing exist and, it seems, will remain in the ranks of the Armed Forces for a long time. What should new recruits do? In such situations, professional lawyers recommend acting strictly within the law, which provides for criminal liability for hazing. Whether hazing can be eradicated or not is also a rather controversial issue. There are three points of view on the emergence of the unofficial institution and culture of “grandfathers” in the army, which claim that hazing is:

  • a natural phenomenon in modern society;
  • the results of mistakes and miscalculations of the leadership of the Armed Forces;
  • coincidence.

But the versions of experts and sociologists do not make it any easier for the conscript. It is generally accepted that hazing appeared in the Red Army during the years of Khrushchev’s “thaw”. Initially, only heavy work was transferred to the recruits, but then the “grandfathers” improved and outright bullying of the old-timers began against the recruits.

The question of how to deal with such a phenomenon has social, psychological, economic, and historical aspects. As long as military service is mandatory and the Russian Armed Forces do not switch to a contract basis, manifestations of hazing will remain. In Russia, it is positioned that the army is almost 100% contract, but every year tens of thousands of young people are drafted into it, presented by law with a fact: they must pay their military debt to the state.

General education institutions also have their own hazing between students, and grown-up children carry this experience into adulthood and into the army. Continuity of traditions, even negative ones, is a powerful factor. A soldier who has endured the bullying of old-timers, rising to the rank of “grandfather,” in most cases himself begins to mock the new recruits. Now the cult of hazing is maintained due to the fact that in the army it is customary to despise “informers.” If a soldier who cannot bear the bullying submits a report in an attempt to protect himself from hazing, this document is often “lost” within the unit, and the young man receives a large portion of bullying, including physical violence.

Non-statutory economic relations in the Armed Forces can still be detected today. No one will be surprised by soldiers working in farmers' fields or guarding a private person's dacha. From time to time, the military prosecutor's office reveals such facts, the perpetrators are held accountable, and after a while the media reports about new offenses. It is impossible to say that the military prosecutor's office and committees of soldiers' mothers are inactive. The widespread legal education of conscripts also played an important role in reducing the level of hazing. But there is a problem of hazing. A long-standing decision by the authorities to attract prisoners from prisons made a significant contribution to its emergence. During the Great Patriotic War, this was a necessary step, but the military personnel brought with them the subculture of the zone, which acquired the features of hazing by the time of Khrushchev’s “thaw”, and during the years of perestroika and the collapse of the USSR reached its peak.

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What happened before?

It is paradoxical that in pre-revolutionary Russia - right up to the reign of Alexander I - there was a severe system of punishing soldiers, but there was no hazing, as well as fraternities, which are often mistaken for one of the forms of hazing. Some regiments were recruited on the basis of nationality or religion, which did not allow discrimination to flourish, especially since the word “nation” did not exist for the tsarist military. The soldier took the oath in the presence of a priest, rabbi, or mullah on a book revered by his religion, and this officially ended all issues related to nationality.
Military service lasted 25 years in war conditions, which left its mark on the relations between soldiers. The unspoken title of “grandfather” was honorable, but “for doing injustice to recruits” there was at a minimum execution, and at maximum hard labor. The first glimpses of hazing began to appear closer to the revolution - among officers. The title “grandfather” secretly gave older students at the institutions where cadets were trained to look after the younger ones, but the phenomenon quickly developed into bullying.

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Either remain silent or defend yourself

The army is a traditionally closed community, and one of the reasons why there is hazing is the forced service. The reduction in the level of hazing was greatly influenced by the fact that today soldiers are provided cellular communication and at any time they can inform their relatives about the real situation. There is another strict pattern: the lower the level of social and living conditions in the unit, the higher the hazing. If military personnel are forced to perform chores that have nothing to do with the goals of their service, then these tasks, as a rule, are transferred to recruits.

Some military personnel strenuously explain that hazing and hazing are two different things. Commanders try to hide the facts of hazing, because identifying them will bring them a reduction or removal military ranks, criminal liability. And as a result, new recruits are faced with the fact that, having received a transfer or money transfer from their relatives, they must take “greetings from home” to the old-timers, and they will take from it whatever they see fit.

So, about “hazing” in the army. Probably, we must first determine what EXACTLY is hidden behind this term: “hazing”? The politically correct name “hazing”, in my opinion, only confuses the issue! My opinion is this: if (God forbid!) the army tries to act STRICTLY according to the letter of the regulations, it will turn out to be not only demoralized, as it is now, but COMPLETELY paralyzed: any relationships between soldiers and between soldiers and officers will become simply impossible! Imagine for a moment that EVERYONE and ALWAYS in the army walks towards each other! They salute each other and address each other only by rank...

No, whoever argues, when it comes to OFFICIAL matters, this is how it will be, this is how it should be, but not in a constant and Everyday life! Only robots are able to communicate with each other like this! In 75-77, we punished informers with “Regulation”. EVERYONE ADDRESSED THEM STRICTLY ACCORDING TO THE CHARTER, and all the sergeants demanded the same from THEM. It acted more cruelly than physical violence - reports were filed about transfers to other units, there were even suicide attempts, although there was no BULLYING: just LITERAL COMPLIANCE WITH THE CHARTER! but this is one side of the coin! I want to talk about something else: whether in PRINCIPLE an army is possible without one form or another of “hazing,” and what kind of “hazing” benefits the army, and what kind brings unacceptable harm and must be steadily eradicated. Let's try to figure it out!

In my opinion, it is not at all important for THIS question whether the army is staffed on a professional basis, on a conscription basis, or on a mixed basis, when both contract soldiers and citizens conscripted for a certain period of time serve. One way or another, people come to serve who are absolutely morally unprepared for the most important thing, which is the meaning of the existence of any army... If we put everything aside beautiful words and look at the very essence, the task of the army is...what? Defense of the fatherland? - Correct! But what is this? - warfare! War, that is! And in peacetime, the ARMY MUST be ready for war! And in war, they kill... And first of all, soldiers are killed (and officers, of course, too). If anyone says that the defense of the fatherland is not connected with KILLING enemies, then I will not believe him! There have never been bloodless wars! So, people join the army for whom killing a person is absolutely unacceptable! It contradicts internal installations normal person! Moreover, murder is not in a state of passion, not after an insult, not in the fight for one’s life - no! often this is murder on the orders of someone who has not done anything bad to you personally yet! And is it so important how the murder is carried out, whether by pressing the trigger of a machine gun, throwing a grenade, or pressing the “start” button on the remote control - it’s still the result combat use army is murder, even call it rebuffing the aggressor, even defending sacred boundaries, or even upholding “Democracy” - blood is blood! I won’t reason and pretend that everything is one, no! But one way or another, a soldier must be mentally prepared to KILL! And the task of psychological preparation for initial stage services MUST solve this problem! Otherwise, such an Army is worthless, it is only suitable for parades...

But the raw material, so to speak, for future soldiers, is not at all ready to kill! How to achieve this? Since the time of the most ancient armies of the world, since the time Ancient Egypt and China, Assyria and Babylon, the recipe was simple: Press vat! Constant psychological pressure from the very first day of service! The young were pressed in the Macedonian phalanxes, and in the Roman cohorts and in the Slavic armies - always! In most modern armies of the world, this pressure is placed on junior commanders - sergeants and corporals. At first, they constantly put pressure on the young recruits, breaking the stereotypes that have been established in civilian life! Yes, they arouse the hatred of their subordinates, and when he is ready to KILL his sergeant, the job is done! Civilian life is a thing of the past, a soldier was born! As a rule, at this moment the attitude towards young people changes SHARPLY, they BECOME THEIR FELLOW in the army! and there is no need to drive them SO further!

But in Soviet, and later in Russian army Unfortunately, the importance of the sergeant corps has been sharply belittled! (it was belittled). It’s one thing when 18-19-year-old boys are chased by a 25-28-year-old sergeant, it’s another when the sergeant is six months older, or even the same age! This is how hazing appeared in the SA... As usual, especially when the bar for selection into the troops fell below the plinth, and people with already distorted psyches began to enter the army, this hazing began to take on perverted, terrible forms, and ceased to work on EDUCATION of perseverance and endurance , has become simply a complete mockery of some over others! Moreover, which is typical, where the service was characterized increased risk, high physical, moral and intellectual stress, hazing there did not take goblin, ugly forms! This was the case (at least in the mid-70s of the last century) in the Airborne Forces, in the Fleets, in the Strategic Missile Forces, in the technical troops, where physical readiness was required the highest level, or good knowledge military specialty. Where the psychological, intellectual and physical stress was lower (Author companies, utility platoons, Construction battalions, etc.), hazing took on horrific, ugly forms that did not educate, but crippled soldiers! I'll tell you what I know personally. The grandfathers in the unit, after training, kicked us in the tail and mane, but! There were never any attempts to force people to work for themselves (“slavery”), any hemming of collars, haircuts and ironing of uniforms, and the like! If attempts happened, they were, as a rule, severely repressed either by the old-timers themselves or by the officers! But to press on you during physical training - yes, that was in the order of things! After the shooting, everyone also cleaned it themselves! But they could hit the gaping spirit, so that the raven would not catch it with its beak! And they explained: “boy, the enemy won’t warn you!” True, when one spirit responded to the grandfather, which is called, “From the heart!”, and he “reached into the bottle”, the “old men” themselves held him back - “why are you digging into it? The hedgehog did everything right!” And another such moment! A sense of pride was constantly cultivated in us: we are a landing force! Others can't stand what we do! You could submit a report and you would be transferred to serve in other troops... All this led to the fact that there was no obvious antagonism between conscriptions! Both young and old employees understood when it was possible (and necessary) to drive the young and when it was necessary to help. After all, tomorrow you may find yourself behind enemy lines, and the one you are chasing today will have a machine gun! To the credit of the officers, they regularly conveyed this idea to every senior soldier. I won’t lie that we had brotherhood and goodwill in the air, but I don’t remember any special atrocities.

It’s a completely different matter when the crazy “Grandfathers”, considering themselves the navel of the earth, begin to abuse the young... Here, perhaps, only one thing can be said. The commanders who allowed SUCH a development of events must be mercilessly judged under the article “undermining the defense capability of the armed forces,” because it cannot be anything else. Pressure, even hard, almost cruel, but thoughtful and calculated, has nothing to do with the morals of the “black zone”! The task of "hazing" is to make soldiers out of conscripts, and not cripples, physical and moral. And it depends very much on the Officers what exact forms the notorious hazing took in his unit or unit!

I would appreciate your comments and thoughts expressed in the discussion!

I didn’t write anywhere that this is the norm.

I would like to be wrong and be happy for Lithuania, but the situation is a little more complicated than it seems. Perhaps you've heard of the Stanford Prison Experiment?

Volunteers selected not from criminals, but randomly selected healthy socially adjusted adults were randomly divided into guards and prisoners. So a third of the guards showed sadistic tendencies. This is the result of a closed society (barracks situation in the army) and imposed social role(subordinate soldiers and soldiers, one way or another appointed to control and restore order). Second, i.e. the appointment of "guards" is optional.

In any team (medium and large) there are people who take pleasure in showing aggression towards others. In any team there are people with weak wills who find it easier to endure than to enter into conflict.

I asked and talked with my fellow soldiers, so imagine, they also believe that there was no hazing. But this does not mean that it really did not exist.

There are two rules. What doesn't concern you, you don't notice. What may torment your conscience, but you cannot change, you do not notice. If people’s psyches did not have such a property, they would quickly burn out emotionally. This is what happens to those who are professionally obliged to notice. It is a medically documented fact, not in Russia alone, but everywhere, and initially studied in Britain and the USA, that doctors, teachers, and police officers suffer from burnout syndrome.

You don’t pay attention, but aggression, pressure on the weak, is everywhere. The fact that people don't notice this in schools, for example, which everyone goes through, is sad. When your neighbor teased the fat, weak-willed boy in your class, that was what would later become “hazing” in the army.

When the USSR began conscripting criminals into the army, this did not give birth to hazing, but made its forms criminal.

As long as it does not take criminal forms, we simply do not notice it and do not understand it. In our unit, for example, no one noticed anything special and no one thought that anyone was doing anything criminal. Well, yes, ordinary stupid jokes, ordinary stupid half-joking attacks, demands, the strong one will simply smile and send, and then answer Vitas’ question - “we had nothing, what are you talking about?” But we got a weak one, and everything was bad in his family, he couldn’t stand it and shot himself. It turned out that what was ordinary was criminal.

Regarding history, returning to criminals and the USSR, in fact, violence as everyday life in the army was born before the Red Army itself. Open the encyclopedia of Russian life "Quiet Don" - how Gregory begins to serve in the army. I think there are plenty of other examples, this is the first thing that comes to mind.

Hazing in the army is a real scourge of our time. Although it is believed that the first cases of hazing began to appear during the Great Patriotic War in the USSR, in fact, this problem is hundreds of years old. Even in the days of knights, mercenaries often abused recruits.

Hazing was and is in almost every army in the world. Proof of this can be the novels of Remarque, who describes hazing in the German troops, and Junpei, who described the life Japanese army. Now many are interested in whether there were hazing between employees in tsarist army, or did it only appear in Soviet time. Earlier than the deadline He had 25 years of military service, so, logically, one could become a “grandfather” only after 12 years.

Dyadkovshchina and hazing - what are the differences?

During the times of Pushkin and Lermontov, soldiers served for 25 years. At that time there was dyadkovism. The famous “tell me, uncle, it’s not without reason...” is the appeal of a young soldier to an experienced comrade. Since times were turbulent, each recruit was assigned an experienced soldier who taught him how to behave correctly in a new environment.

The famous corporal punishment and massacres, which were widely practiced in the tsarist army, were the work of non-commissioned officers, although sometimes senior command staff did not disdain them. The soldiers themselves tried to make life easier for each other, since it was already difficult for them. But the non-commissioned officers, who themselves were former soldiers, were real “grandfathers” in the modern sense of the word. Fist reprisals were not considered something out of the ordinary unless the soldier became crippled as a result.

At the same time, the best officers and commanders understood that it was impossible to humiliate the dignity of the defenders of the fatherland, so they actively fought against the assault of lower ranks in their units. Along with hazing, the extent of which no one knew for sure, until 1904 there were also official corporal punishments. In 1915, due to the difficult situation at the front, they were introduced again, completely undermining the morale of the army of Tsarist Russia.

It often happened that some tyrants “non-commissioned officers” and officers mocked their subordinates for no reason:

  • General Arakcheev did not hesitate to personally pull out the mustaches of offending grenadiers;
  • In 1903, Lieutenant Kuidorov forced his orderly to lick his boots, since he did not have a shoe brush. For this, the unit commander sent the lieutenant under arrest;
  • In 1916, the reprisal of a rear lieutenant against a Cossack front-line soldier led to an uprising at the recruiting station;
  • Non-commissioned officers often organized competitions among themselves to see who could knock out the most soldiers' teeth with one blow. It happened that the soldiers themselves dealt with them, and the authorities turned a blind eye to this.

If we take the situation as a whole, then hazing in the tsarist army was expressed only in the taking away of part of the salary and the forced exchange of uniforms with old-timers.

Hazing in the Red Army before and during the Second World War

The Soviet government, which personified freedom from slavery, had to immediately abolish corporal punishment, which it did. Although the former non-commissioned officers who occupied many command positions in those years were still not above assault, the situation was much better than under the Tsar. Any victim only had to report such a case, after which the culprit was quickly dealt with.

According to eyewitnesses who served in the Red Army in the 1920s and 1930s, there were no flagrant cases of hazing in any of the places of service. Any attempt to unite all the old-timers was regarded as the creation of a counter-revolutionary group. Hazing among soldiers was expressed only in jokes and practical jokes, which showed the recruit his place in the army.

As for military service during the Great Patriotic War, according to eyewitnesses, hazing was initially expressed as follows:

  • “Voluntary” shoe exchanges were widely practiced;
  • If a newcomer received new uniforms, they changed them too;
  • Food that was collected for the future soldier by relatives was taken away.

In general, such cases were suppressed by sergeants and foremen, and the squad commanders did not welcome it. At the front, newcomers quickly joined the friendly soldier family, and the status of the “newcomers” changed after the first battle.

The first to widely introduce hazing in the USSR army were prisoners released in 1941. Although back then there were rarely real criminals among them, prison life had already left its mark. New soldiers often tried to shift some of their responsibilities to new recruits, suppressing them both mentally and physically.

The situation changed radically in 1943, when a new batch of prisoners entered the army. These were real criminals and murderers. In each detachment, in which there was one “thieves”, groups quickly appeared, reminiscent of the prison hierarchy in their structure. But since the brotherhood of soldiers was not yet an empty phrase, and the presence of weapons in the hands of potential victims stopped the bandits, hazing never became widespread.

In 1950-1960, military service was considered necessary and honorable. The stories of their fathers about the war were still fresh in their memory, so the soldiers tried to support each other in everything. Although by that time there had already been a clear division between “newcomers” and “old men,” cases of beating of fellow soldiers were extremely rare. They tried to help the recruits, but sometimes they mocked them. During the young fighter’s training course, such cases were completely excluded, since the junior command staff closely watched the newcomers.

In the 1970s, when society began to gradually degrade against the backdrop of a long era of “stagnation,” the first mass cases of hazing began to appear. Most main problem became the size of a huge country. Moreover, representatives of warring parties often met in the army. ethnic groups who tried to humiliate their opponents. Service far from the homeland gave rise to complete impunity, so hazing in the USSR began to rapidly progress.

Victims of hazing in the 1970s and 1980s

For those who served in the USSR army in the 70-80s, the word “hazing” is familiar firsthand. It was in those years that military discipline began to be based on hazing. Many platoon commanders shifted all the work with their subordinates to sergeants, who controlled their colleagues with their fists. At the same time, any attempt to talk about hazing in the army was brutally suppressed.

It was almost impossible to combat military hazing. The old-timers were a tightly knit group that strictly looked after their vital interests. Senior conscription soldiers were covered by commanders who could make the life of a young soldier unbearable. In addition, any physical rebuff to a senior in rank was considered a war crime.

According to the oral military code, it was forbidden to complain about old-timers. Such a soldier was immediately identified by an officer, after which the “grandfathers”, at best, gave him psychological persecution. At the same time, the sergeants could calmly complain about their subordinates, which was strongly welcomed.

The dissatisfied “spirits,” who in the early days managed to find friends among the young soldiers, tried to resist as a group. If they succeeded, then the “grandfathers” acted together with the officers. The disobedient were convinced that hazing in the unit was inevitable, it was better to endure a little, and then become a “grandfather” yourself.

At the same time, there were many units where real officers served, who strictly suppressed all cases of hazing. In such parts the charter internal service was strictly observed, and sergeants spent their days training soldiers at the training grounds.

The history of hazing in the 90s

After the collapse of the USSR, hazing in the Russian army sharply intensified. The main reason This was caused by a huge outflow of qualified military personnel, who were not satisfied with the low wages in those years. They were replaced by graduates of military departments who had practically no understanding of military affairs. The so-called “jackets” were satisfied with the rules that their “grandfathers” established in their companies. This gave them the opportunity to do nothing, while ordinary soldiers suffered from extortions.

This situation in the army remained until the mid-2000s, after which the prestige of the military profession began to revive again. A host of benefits and salary increases have once again made the army a desirable place for many professional soldiers. With their arrival, hazing began to weaken, but it has still not been possible to remove it.

Hazing in the US Army

Many people believe that there is no hazing in the United States Army. To some extent, this is true, because the American army is completely professional. Every young recruit who joins the army immediately goes to a special training center, very similar to Russian training. There, sergeants, who in the USA are professional military men, get down to business. They are not only military personnel, but also psychologists who determine the abilities of new soldiers.

In addition, professional soldiers of the American army, as a rule, have gone through several local wars, so they are not interested in the chaos that can happen in the barracks. A person who has entered into a military contract clearly knows why he came here and will not assert himself at the expense of others. An important role is also played by the fact that among the sergeants there are often women, to whom men must also unconditionally obey.

If a recruit is not satisfied with something, he can complain to the military chaplain. This is not just a priest, but an officer who is endowed with serious powers. He must understand a variety of religions in order to advise soldiers of different faiths. If a recruit is not fit for further service, the chaplain can have him discharged.

However, a lot has changed in the US military over the past 20 years, and hazing now occurs there too. This is due to the fact that these principles are drilled into military schools. All cadets can be divided into two categories, freshmen and seniors. Freshmen are called rats, and they are in a subordinate state throughout the year.

Any complaints are not allowed to proceed, calling this state of affairs glorious educational traditions. In these educational institutions, cases of escape from hazing are not uncommon. If you can still leave school, then in the army such flight is called desertion and is punishable by law.

The second reason for hazing in the American army was that many street gangs specifically send their “fighters” to the army so that they learn how to professionally use weapons and master combat skills. Once on duty, street criminals continue to maintain contact with gangs, threatening and beating not only soldiers, but also officers.

Features of hazing in the Belarusian army

The Army of the Republic of Belarus has its own characteristics. In the “dashing 90s,” hazing here sharply declined, since they had to serve in a small country, not far from hometown. Any “grandfather” could simply be threatened that he would be punished right next to the unit by the young soldier’s friends. Due to the country’s tough political course, aimed at establishing the “cruelest” order, hazing, it would seem, was completely destroyed.

Every case that came into the hands of the press was immediately reviewed and measures were taken. It would seem that any mother of a soldier could sleep peacefully. But suddenly in 2018 all the former Soviet Union Tragic news spread around - the body of a hanged guy was found in a Belarusian educational institution known as “Ovens”.

Details of the death of Alexander Korzhich

On October 3, 2018, the body of a hanged soldier with his legs bound was found in a military unit near Borisov. It turned out to be conscript soldier Alexander Korzhich, who had disappeared a few days before. According to the official version, the soldier turned out to be psychologically unstable and committed suicide. There were no further official statements.

Relatives and friends of the deceased did not agree with the investigation's version, since the young man always had a cheerful and cheerful disposition. By using social networks, they managed to raise public awareness and find a lot of video materials that proved that hazing in a military unit near Borisov is commonplace.

It soon became known that several sergeants organized a real gangster group in the unit, which extorted money from recruit soldiers. The mother of the deceased was allowed into the case by personal order of the president, but she still does not know how everything will be decided. The mother who survived such a blow was informed that all the sergeants of this company were taken into custody and an investigation was underway.

Nevertheless, thanks to the initiated case, it was possible to restore order in a single company, but it is unknown how many such companies remain. The authorities are deliberately trying to hide the truth from Belarusians, saying that this case single

Hazing in modern Russia

There is no clear answer to the question of whether hazing exists today. If you turn to official information, which is provided by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, hazing in the Russian army has been defeated. However, numerous videos on the Internet and stories from soldiers indicate that hazing is still the main evil in the army.

Violation of the statutory rules of relations between military personnel in the absence of subordination relations between them is regulated by Article 335 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Persons affected by this law may be imprisoned for up to 10 years. Despite this, most cases are hidden from the public, and criminals continue to abuse their colleagues.

Modern hazing is significantly different from the Soviet one and even the one that existed in the 90s. Because in modern society main role money plays, then the army becomes the same. Hazing has long taken the form of a special form of racketeering, which is so popular in places of detention. Having money in the army, you can pay off beatings and abuse, hire yourself a bodyguard or servant who will do most of the hard work.

The task of real commanders, for whom the honor of the uniform is not just a sound, is to promptly stop such phenomena by bringing the criminals to military court.

Hazing exists in any army. Only professional troops are susceptible to this infection to a much lesser extent. Professional soldiers are a close-knit family where fighters have to rely on each other in battle.

The problem of hazing in the orderly ranks of the army worries school graduates from the moment they begin to prepare to enter higher education. educational institution. In fact, it is now advisable to defer military service by enrolling in training.

Does hazing exist in the army in 2018? Is she as scary as they say she is? Let's try to figure this out.

Hazing 2018 lie or truth

Is there a difference between hazing and such a concept as hazing? Maybe this is the same thing or there is still a difference in concepts.

First, I will give a decoding of the concept I took from Wikipedia.

Hazing is an unofficial system that has developed in the armed forces. It is expressed in the attitudes of low-ranking soldiers and their discrimination by senior-ranking soldiers. Low army ranks include:

  1. Ordinary soldiers.
  2. Corporals.
  3. Sergeants.

Discriminatory relations are very often semi-criminal in nature. They can be expressed not only in the use by older soldiers of younger ones, in physical, but also, in addition, in moral violence against people.

It's horrible. I get scared when I read what is written. But there is a small bit of truth in this. I do not agree entirely with these words.

And what will happen next? What a substitution of concepts. A stereotype has long appeared in people’s heads that the army is a real hell. And hazing makes it so. Constant assault, beatings, grandfathers beating guys with chairs at night and other nightmares.

I have no desire to come up with abstruse words. That is why I will say everything briefly, but to the point.

What is hazing?

Hazing is a teaching process, and, in my opinion, a correct one. Here, young soldiers are trained by old-timers, they are called grandfathers or demobilizers.

As in 2016, soldiers now serve in the army for one year.

  • I want to start a conversation about hazing on specific examples. What is this? And these are additional tasks given by old-timers in drill training. This is because when they join the army, no one knows how to properly walk in the ranks, they do not know the rules of addressing officers and army comrades. Newcomers are encouraged to maintain discipline among military conscripts;
  • There are many such examples that can be given. But the meaning is always the same. Hazing is a kind of support for the quick adaptation of recently arrived military personnel under the supervision of senior comrades, old-timers. This includes junior sergeant. He is the deputy platoon commander;
  • how things really happen. The guy is called up for military service, he is assigned to military unit, where he arrives. Soldiers who arrived here from the previous conscription are already serving here. They will be the ones who will train newcomers in all the basics and basics of the service. They help you get comfortable without quarrels, public insults, or humiliation.

I want to classify hazing as a useful custom, an old tradition that is very useful for serving in the army. This is not face-punching, which you can often watch on the YouTube channel by searching for the video “army hazing 2015.” Everything was exactly like that for us, that’s how they tried to teach us. And we, in turn, in our battalion, have made such a tradition. And all because we love and honor the charter.

Hazing in the army

It's hard for me to argue with Wikipedia here. She gives us a clear, and most importantly, short description. And precisely this is the relationship between military personnel who grossly violate the charter, its requirements and often violate the law.

I agree with this 100%.

Hazing is:

  1. Fights.
  2. Morodok.
  3. Humiliation.

All this is welcomed in the army, and Russia is no exception. Over the past six months, I have communicated with various military personnel from different parts of the country, so I can say this with 100% confidence. There is hazing in most parts. But ours doesn't have it.

We nip all attempts at insults and fights in the bud. From the moment I started serving, we were all told stories about how rude the cadets were, how the soldiers fought, how they impudently pushed their comrade, who fell and broke his eyebrow. But this is a small matter. These are small things when compared to what is happening now in the army and its units.

What's the result? The culprit was sent to disbat for 2 years. After he returned, he served his time. That is, two years in a disciplinary battalion, and then the army. He just pushed. One can only imagine how much he regrets what is happening. Although now I'm not talking about him.

Relatively recently I was talking with some friends. They are now serving in the army. In those units where they work, there are also hazing practices.

My goal is for you to understand the difference between hazing and hazing. I want justice to prevail. Therefore, I want to sum it up by making a summary.

Bottom line

As has already become clear, hazing and hazing are different concepts. Hazing is not a type of hazing. I note that hazing is a custom established in the army. Not here we're talking about about assault and similar things.

Both concepts are present in the army. Separately, I would like to note that in my military unit there is hazing, but there is no place for hazing.

There are people who are confident that hazing is integral part army service. I disagree with them categorically. I have the right to my point of view because we all live in a free country.

How do you feel about hazing in the army? We are waiting for your answers.