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» What is to conjugate a verb. How to determine verb conjugation

What is to conjugate a verb. How to determine verb conjugation

Russian is considered the most difficult language due to the large number of exceptions. These are letter combinations and writing features individual parts speech. The greatest difficulty for students, and even for adults, is writing the endings of nouns and verbs.

Conjugation of verbs

Not only children, but also adults find it difficult to write the letters e/i at the end of verbs in the present and future tense. Students in the fourth grade are introduced to the personal endings of this part of speech. During this time, children learn about how verbs are conjugated.

Conjugation is the change of a verb in the present and future tense according to numbers and persons. At the same time, the endings change. In many cases, problems with spelling do not arise if this part of the word is stressed. What should you do if the ending is not stressed?

In order not to make a mistake in choosing the desired letter at the end, you need to know some rules:

  • Put the words in their initial form and determine which letter combinations they end with. In the indefinite form (infinitive), the vowels “and”, “s”, “o”, “e”, “u”, “a”, “ya” precede -t. These are the ones you need to focus on.
  • Then the rule is applied: if in a word there is a letter “and” before -t, then this is II conjugation, the other vowel is I.

Important! This definition of conjugation applies only to verbs with unstressed endings.

But from this moment the difficulties begin. The fact is that in any language there are many exceptions that do not obey the established laws of the language. Such curiosities also apply to verbs of the present and future tense. Knowledge of specific endings of the I and II conjugations does not always lead to correct result. It's all about words that do not obey certain rules that are found in both conjugations.

I conjugation contradictions

According to the rules of the Russian language, action words ending in the infinitive with -et, -at, -yat, -ot, -ut, -yt are verbs of the first conjugation. For example, melt, weed, dive, play, and so on. But some of them, ending in -et, -at, do not want to obey and go into the second conjugation. While shaving and laying are also exceptions to the rule, they are written with the vowel “e” in personal endings and are representatives of the first conjugation.

II conjugation contradictions

Schoolchildren have no less difficulty writing the vowels “e” or “i” in the endings of exceptions related to the 2nd conjugation. There are several words that do not want to obey the accepted rules of the language.

Exception verbs:

  • look, offend, see, hate, twist, depend, endure;
  • hear, drive, hold, breathe.

Let's give examples of changes:

  • drive, drive, drive, drive;
  • look, look, look, look;
  • see, sees, see, see and so on.

In addition, it does not matter whether the word has a prefix or not (drive - overtake, hold - withstand, wind - turn), such exception verbs still belong to the II conjugation.

Learning exception words

All exception words need to be learned and used when writing texts. Of course, adults can find their own ways of learning. And schoolchildren remember better if rhyming is used.

There are rhymes related to memorizing exception words. a large number of. Everyone can choose their own option.

Methods of learning

As we have already said, remembering the rule is not easy if you learn exception verbs separately as they are given in the rules of the Russian language.

Teachers always try to make it easier to learn any rules different ways. This also applies to verbs . Here are some handy tricks:

  1. Draw a picture showing the movement of, for example, little men.
  2. Come up with an interesting poem by inserting exception verbs into it.
  3. Choose words in such a way that they can be shown.

In practice, it has been proven that rhyming lines combined with movement are remembered faster and for a long time. All you have to do is start reading the poem, and the children remember the sequence of words and use them when writing.

I would like to offer this option.

The second conjugation includes, without a doubt, all verbs that are in -it (we exclude shave, lay).

And also these:

We drive, we hold, we look, we see.

We breathe, we hear, we hate.

And we are dependent, and we twist, and we offend, and we endure.

Words are rhymed in each sentence. While reading, children reinforce the words with movement:

  • drive - they wave their hand as if there is a twig in it;
  • hold - clench their fists, as if they were hiding something;
  • look - apply the edge of the palm to the head;
  • see - look into the distance in surprise.

And in this way every verb is put into action. Of course, the movements may be different, but the essence remains the same - the rhyme is learned quickly and firmly.

The ability to write correctly must be instilled from birth. Every Russian person should be proud of his origin. And write with errors in your own native language ashamed.



Ending – ut(s) –I CONJUGATIONS

Ending –at (-yat) -II CONJUGATIONS

Exceptions: LOOK

To determine the conjugation by the unstressed ending of a verb, you need to:

    Put it in an indefinite form (what to do? What to do?).

If a verb ends in –it, then it is a verbII CONJUGATIONS.

If it ends in - eat, -at, -ot, - ut, - yt, then it is a verbI CONJUGATIONS.

    Put in 3rd person, plural. number(s):

Ending – ut(s) –I CONJUGATIONS

Ending –at (-yat) -II CONJUGATIONS

Exceptions: SEE, HEAR, HATE, PUSH, BREATHE, HOLD, OFFEND. AND DEPEND, andLOOK, and also BE ENDURING, TURNING. All verbs that are in –-it, except SHAVE, LAY.

To determine the conjugation by the unstressed ending of a verb, you need to:

    Put it in an indefinite form (what to do? What to do?).

If a verb ends in –it, then it is a verbII CONJUGATIONS.

If it ends in - eat, -at, -ot, - ut, - yt, then it is a verbI CONJUGATIONS.

    Put in 3rd person, plural. number(s):

Ending – ut(s) –I CONJUGATIONS

Ending –at (-yat) -II CONJUGATIONS

Exceptions: SEE, HEAR, HATE, PUSH, BREATHE, HOLD, OFFEND. AND DEPEND, andLOOK, and also BE ENDURING, TURNING. All verbs that are in –-it, except SHAVE, LAY.

To determine the conjugation by the unstressed ending of a verb, you need to:

    Put it in an indefinite form (what to do? What to do?).

If a verb ends in –it, then it is a verbII CONJUGATIONS.

If it ends in - eat, -at, -ot, - ut, - yt, then it is a verbI CONJUGATIONS.

    Put in 3rd person, plural. number(s):

Ending – ut(s) –I CONJUGATIONS

Ending –at (-yat) -II CONJUGATIONS

Exceptions: SEE, HEAR, HATE, PUSH, BREATHE, HOLD, OFFEND. AND DEPEND, andLOOK, and also BE ENDURING, TURNING. All verbs that are in –-it, except SHAVE, LAY.

To determine the conjugation by the unstressed ending of a verb, you need to:

    Put it in an indefinite form (what to do? What to do?).

If a verb ends in –it, then it is a verbII CONJUGATIONS.

If it ends in - eat, -at, -ot, - ut, - yt, then it is a verbI CONJUGATIONS.

    Put in 3rd person, plural. number(s):

Ending – ut(s) –I CONJUGATIONS

Ending –at (-yat) -II CONJUGATIONS

Exceptions: SEE, HEAR, HATE, PUSH, BREATHE, HOLD, OFFEND. AND DEPEND, andLOOK, and also BE ENDURING, TURNING. All verbs that are in –-it, except SHAVE, LAY.

To determine the conjugation by the unstressed ending of a verb, you need to:

    Put it in an indefinite form (what to do? What to do?).

If a verb ends in –it, then it is a verbII CONJUGATIONS.

If it ends in - eat, -at, -ot, - ut, - yt, then it is a verbI CONJUGATIONS.

    Put in 3rd person, plural. number(s):

Ending – ut(s) –I CONJUGATIONS

Ending –at (-yat) -II CONJUGATIONS

Exceptions: SEE, HEAR, HATE, PUSH, BREATHE, HOLD, OFFEND. AND DEPEND, andLOOK, and also BE ENDURING, TURNING. All verbs that are in –-it, except SHAVE, LAY.

Good afternoon, dear student! Today we will talk about one of the most complex species parts of speech in Russian - about the verb. It is not surprising that foreigners always have difficulties when learning this part of speech, because even Russian-speaking people very often make mistakes. So what is conjugation?

Conjugation is a change in the form of a verb in persons and numbers. There are only 2 types of conjugation in the Russian language: 1st and 2nd, but there are quite a lot of exceptions that need to be remembered. Person in Russian is a verb category that indicates who performs the action. As far as we know from previous articles, there are 3 persons in the Russian language: 1- the pronouns I, we. The 2nd person refers to - you, you. The 3rd includes - he, she, it, they.

To understand which conjugation a particular verb belongs to, we need to know that stress plays an important role here. The fact is that conjugation is determined by the endings and suffixes of the verb.

1. According to the stressed personal endings of present tense verbs.
2. If the ending of the verb is unstressed, the conjugation is determined by suffixes of the indefinite form. Let's look at how to determine the conjugation by personal endings; the highlighted letters are under stress:

1 conjugation

Face Ends Units h. Mn endings Ch. Example
1 -у/у -eat Rice at u/Rast e m
2 -eat -yeah Rice at eat/grow e those
3 -et -ut/ut Rice at et/rice at ut

2 conjugation

If our endings are unstressed, then in order to determine the conjugation of the verb, we need to turn to the indefinite form and determine the desired conjugation using the suffix. But in the Russian language there are many exceptions, which I wrote about above.

Verbs of 1st conjugation are represented by the following suffixes:

  • verbs in the indefinite form with the suffix -et, except for 7 exception verbs: see, offend, hate, depend, endure, watch, twirl.
  • verbs that have the suffix -at in an indefinite form, except for exception verbs: breathe, drive, hear and hold.
  • three verbs with the suffix - it: rest (based on something), lay and shave.
  • all verbs with suffixes: -ot, -ut, -t: shoe, weed, grind.
Verbs 2 conjugations:
  • all verbs that have the suffix - it, except for 3 verbs that were described in 1 conjugation.
  • seven verbs with the suffix - eat: which were described in 1 conjugation.
  • four exception verbs with the suffix - at: described in the 1st conjugation.
However, in the Russian language there are a lot of differently conjugated verbs that can refer to both the 1st and the second conjugation, for example,

Want, honor, run, forgive

These verbs belong partially to the 1st and 2nd conjugations.

Information about the grammatical features of the Russian language is useful not only for schoolchildren, but also for all people whose literacy has not been brought to the level of automatism. Even adults do not always remember what verb conjugation is, how and why this concept is used. It's time to refresh your memory of these rules from the fifth and sixth grade.

What is conjugation

Verb conjugation is a constant grammatical property of this part of speech, which is a system of changing the form of the verb in the present tense, depending on numbers and persons.

In the Russian language there are two types of conjugations, which are called the first and second (usually denoted by Roman numerals I and II).

By general rule, conjugation is determined by the ending of the verb. If the ending is unstressed, the conjugation is determined by the suffix of the indefinite form of the word.

Verbs in the past tense have no conjugation.

Rules for determining conjugations

Determining this verb property is important in order to correctly write vowel letters at the endings of verbs. To do this, pay attention to the stress in the word being checked. If the ending contains a stressed vowel, there is no doubt about which letter should be there.

Conjugating verbs using personal endings.

First conjugation verbs:

Face Examples
1 -у or -у -eat I draw, I sew, I grow
2 -eat -yeah draw, sew, grow
3 -et -ut or -yut draws, sews, grows

Second conjugation:

Face Singular ending Plural ending Examples
1 -у or -у -them I’ll buy it, I’ll keep it, I’ll cook it
2 -hey -ite buy, keep, cook
3 -it -at or -yat buy, keep, cook

Verbs with the prefix “you-“

In this case, you can determine the conjugation by discarding the prefix, using the remaining word in the usual order, for example, from the word “stand” you get “stand” - “you stand.” The verbs “stand” and “stand” are the second conjugation.

If the prefix cannot be discarded, for example, in the word “turn off”, it is replaced with another prefix - “turn off”, “conclude”, and the conjugation is determined by the personal ending. “You will conclude” is the second conjugation, which means that the verb “turn off” is the same.

Intransitive verbs with the prefix you are modified according to the rule of the first conjugation (get well - will recover).

According to the rule, to determine the conjugation, you need to take the infinitive of the same type of verb in which the finite form appears:

  • you will meet - meet (completed form);
  • you meet - meet (unfinished view).

Conjugating verbs using unstressed endings

The general rule for determining conjugation is given in the table below.


Exception verbs are the above eleven words that belong to the second conjugation, although they have the endings of the first. When conjugating these verbs by person and number, you should pay attention to their personal endings. Similarly, the verbs “shave” and “lay” are exceptions in the first conjugation, because they have the ending of the second. You just need to remember these words in order to use the correct vowels in the endings.

In addition, there are two more groups of atypical verbs in the Russian language - heterogeneously conjugated and special conjugated verbs.

Heterogeneously conjugated words have endings of both the first and second conjugations: these are the words “to run”, “to honor”, ​​“to want”, “to give”, “to dream”. “Honor” in the third form has two types: “honor” and “honor.” In some forms, these verbs give the ending of the first when conjugated (usually in singular), and in others - the second conjugation (usually in plural).

For example, the word “give” has the endings of two conjugations in different persons and numbers: he gives, you give, I give, they give, you give, we give.

A special conjugation has unusual endings in the singular, and in the plural the verb changes either according to the rule of the second conjugation, or according to the rules of the first and second. Examples: eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat; I'll give, I'll give, I'll give, I'll give, I'll give, I'll give.

Verbs in the past tense, subjunctive and indicative moods do not have personal endings: read - read, read would - read. Imperative mood gives personal endings only to verbs in the second person: read, read. There are also insufficient verbs that are not singular in the first person: convince, win, bass, hang. They are used with additional verbs or generally in the combination “additional verb + noun, close in meaning”, for example, I will win, I am forced to hang, I will win.

To easily learn, remember and use the rule of conjugations, you first need to understand the basic principle - there are two common conjugations, because there are two types of endings for verbs (not to mention exceptions).

First of all, you need to check whether the stress falls on the ending of the verb. Based on the stressed ending, you can very easily determine the conjugation - you just need to remember that the first conjugation in the third person plural ends in -ut or -yut, and the second - in -at and -yat.

If the ending is unstressed, the second conjugation includes all verbs in -it, except for “lay” and “shave”, which you just need to remember. To make it easier to learn 11 exception verbs in the second conjugation, you can memorize poems composed specifically for this purpose, for example:

Drive, hold,

look and see

breathe, hear,


And depend and twist,

both to offend and to endure.

You will remember, friends,

they cannot be conjugated with “-e-”.

The remaining verbs with unstressed endings, by the method of elimination, mainly belong to the first conjugation.

Examples and exercises

Task 1. Select verbs of the second conjugation from the list: drive, drive, clean, pull, prepare, set, launch, conjugate.


  • you're going - I'm going, we're going, they're going (1 reference);
  • drives - I drive, we drive, they drive (2 references);
  • you clean - I clean, we clean, they clean (2 questions);
  • pull - pull, pull, pull (1 reference);
  • prepare - let's prepare, prepare, prepare (2 sp.);
  • put - put, put, put (2 sp.);
  • launch - launch, launch, launch (1 sp.);
  • conjugate - conjugate, conjugate, conjugate (1 conjugation).

Correct answer: drives, cleans, cooks, installs.

Task 2. Insert the missing vowels in the endings: swim - swim_sh, clap - clap, glue - glue, remember - remember, fry - fry, lay - stel, get scared - frightened.

Answers: bathe, clap, glue, remember, fry, spread, get scared.

Task 3. Select from the list only verbs of the first conjugation: swim, bark, prick, wear, walk, build, weed, fly, breathe, walk.


  • swim - swim, swim, swim (1 reference);
  • bark - bark, bark, bark (1 reference);
  • prick - prick, prick, prick (1 reference);
  • wear - wear, wear, wear (2 sp.);
  • walking - walking, walking, walking (1 reference);
  • build - build, build, build (2 references);
  • weed - field, fly, flight, fly (1 reference);
  • fly - flying, flying, flying (2 references);
  • breathe - breathe, breathe, breathe (2 questions);
  • walk - walk, walk, walk (2 questions).

Answers: swim, bark, prick, walk, weed.

All verbs were divided into two main groups according to conjugations for convenience. Having identified common endings for each type, people differentiated them into the first and second conjugations. By remembering easy conjugation rules and learning exception words, it will be easier for adults and children to avoid mistakes in the endings of verbs in written or spoken speech.

Despite the fact that several hours are devoted to the Russian language course on the topic “Verb conjugations,” many students experience difficulties in mastering this topic. They do not know which type to classify this or that verb, and feel awkward when encountering differently conjugated verbs. The algorithm for determining the first or second conjugation is still vaguely understood. Below we will analyze the conjugation of verbs, provide a number of rules defining this division, and also analyze several examples of such conjugations.

The word “conjugation” entered the Russian language around the 17th century, being a derivative of the stem “conjugate” in the meaning of “to unite”, “to connect together”.

In the linguistics of the Russian language, “conjugation” is understood as changing verbs by persons and numbers(in some cases also by time and gender). The currently dominant conjugation system in the Russian language is the result of a significant simplification of the conjugation system of the Old Russian language. In it, the categories of aspect and time were not completely separated, they had several paradigms of number - singular, plural, dual, time had four forms of the past tense and two of the future, etc.

Conjugation as a form of verbal change in the paradigmatics of language is opposed to declension.

Types of conjugations in Russian

In today's Russian language there are two types of conjugations - the first (I) and the second (II)

For convenience, it is better to start presenting the material with the second type of conjugations. The second type contains exception verbs that do not fall under the first type of conjugation. Therefore, if you determine that a verb does not belong to the second type of conjugation, then in the vast majority of cases such a verb belongs to the first type. The only exceptions are a few differently conjugated verbs, which can be classified simultaneously as the first and second types.

To the second conjugation include all verbs ending in “-it”, except for the five verbs “to shave”, “to build”, “to wear”, “to lay”, “to praise”. The latter belong to the first type of conjugation.

Also included in the second conjugation are seven verbs ending in “-et” - “look”, “turn”, “see”, “depend”, “hate”, “offend”, “endure”. All other verbs ending in “et” belong to the first conjugation.

In addition, the second conjugation includes four verbs ending in “-at” - “drive”, “breathe”, “hold”, “hear”. All other verbs ending in “-at” belong to the first conjugation.

To make it easy to remember the listed exceptions, there is even a rhyme:

Examples of second conjugation verbs

TO first conjugation include all other verbs ending in “-at”, “-ot”, “-ut”, “-t”.

Rules and examples for determining conjugation

At shock ending Verb conjugation is determined indefinitely. This form answers the question “what to do?”, “what to do?”. Put the verb in the indefinite form, and identify the first or second conjugation.

At unaccented personal ending the verb must:

In Russian, when determining the conjugation of a verb, the initial form must be taken of the same type as the personal form.

For example:

The verb “draws” (the initial form of “draw”. The verb ends in “-at”, therefore this is the first conjugation);

The verb “saws” (the initial form of “saw” ends in “-it”, which means this is the second conjugation);

Let's do the conjugation specified verbs, that is, we change them by persons and numbers. To determine the person of the verb, we put a personal pronoun in front of it.

Verb "draws"

I draw We draw

Are you drawing? Are you drawing?

He draws They draw

The verb "saws"

I'm sawing We're sawing

You're sawing You're writing

He saws They sawed

Determining the vowel of unstressed personal verb endings

Let's find out which vowel should be written in unstressed personal endings of verbs.

There are two ways to do this:

First way

Conjugate verb to put in 3rd person plural

Ut, -yut – the first conjugation is the letter “E”.

In the personal ending there will be a mandatory vowel “e” (they draw - the first conjugation is draw).

At, -yat – second conjugation – letter “I”

The personal ending will always have the vowel “and” (they paint - the second conjugation is paint).

Second way

The second method is to put the verb in an indefinite form, answering the questions “what to do?” "what to do"?

If this verb does not end with “-it”, then it is of the first conjugation, and in the personal form of the verb you need to write “e”

If the verb ends in “-it” (what to do – saw), then it is of the second conjugation, and you need to write “and”.

Praise_i - (what to do? - praise) - second conjugation - in the personal form we will write “and” - praise, etc.

Variably conjugated verbs

Also in the Russian language there are heterogeneously conjugated verbs that can be conjugated using both the first and second types of conjugation (for example, honor, want, run, etc.). And also have a specific ending system (give, eat, etc.).

For example, the verb “want” in the 3rd person singular is classified as the first type of conjugation (“wants”), and in the third person plural it is classified as the second type (“they want”).

Such verbs do not belong to any of the presented conjugations, and are exceptions in the conjugation of verbs in the Russian language.


Above we examined verb conjugation and listed a number of rules in the Russian language according to which the types of verb conjugation are classified. And they gave a number of examples of such conjugations. Use the algorithm specified in the article to determine the first or direct conjugation, which will give you the opportunity to avoid mistakes when writing texts.

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