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» What to choose a boiler or a column. Which water heater (boiler) to choose - electric, gas or indirect? Electric storage water heater

What to choose a boiler or a column. Which water heater (boiler) to choose - electric, gas or indirect? Electric storage water heater

If you don’t know what to choose - a gas water heater or a water heater, read our article carefully. It is important to take into account all the nuances so that there are no problems with operation in the future. Let's figure out how profitable and convenient it is to connect your own water heater.

What types of heaters are there?

Boilers are divided into two main types: flow-through and storage. The latter are equipped with a tank of different volumes with thermal insulation. Water accumulates in the tank and is constantly heated using a heating element.

Flow devices are equipped with. Water flows through them, instantly reaching desired temperature. This technique has great power.

Boilers can operate from different energy sources:

Electric heaters are also the most popular. Which is better to choose? To understand the issue, you need to understand the principle of their operation, evaluate the advantages and disadvantages.

Gas water heaters heat the water quickly using a burner. They work on the flow-through principle, so you will get a hot stream at any time, just open the tap. Heating devices gas engines cannot be called a new invention, but today they are especially popular. Their body is compact, has nice design. In addition, gas is cheaper than electricity.

Electric storage devices are most often found in apartments, houses, and enterprises. They are designed for a power of 1.5-3 kW. The manufacturer took care of efficiency: polyurethane foam is hidden between two layers of the tank, which retains heat. Special sensors allow you to bring water to a certain temperature and constantly maintain it.

Recently they began to produce hybrids - storage gas boilers. They are not very popular yet.

In fact, geyser- the same flow heater. So what is more profitable to buy?

Pros and cons of water heaters

Let's start the comparison with electric boilers. When the temperature in the tank reaches a certain level, a large volume of hot water is immediately available to you.

If you choose a tank according to your family's needs, then it will provide water for everyone.

Main advantages:

  • Easy to install. You can perform the installation yourself according to the instructions. This does not require a gas supply system, only reliable wiring and an outlet of suitable power.

The boiler does not require special documentation or permission for installation.

  • Ease of use. Provides multiple sampling points. In this case, the flow force depends on the power of the tap, and not on the pressure force in the system.
  • Connection does not require laying a separate pipeline and ventilation outlet.
  • Long service life. Some models are equipped with dry heating elements. The spiral is in a protective flask and is not subject to scale or corrosion.
  • High efficiency - 99%.
  • Safe to use when installed correctly.
  • Quiet operation. The tubular heating element operates almost silently.

The disadvantages of a storage boiler are the limited volume of heated liquid. If you have used up the resource, you will have to wait at least half an hour until the next portion is ready.

There may be two scenarios for the development of events wrong choice tank volume:

  • The equipment chosen was too spacious. Then the contents take longer to heat up, energy is wasted to maintain the temperature, and in fact all the contents are not used.
  • Insufficient volume will result in constant waiting for water to heat up.

Since the equipment runs on electricity, when it is turned off, the contents will cool down.

Another disadvantage is the weight and size of the tank. For a family of 3-4 people you need at least 80 liters. In small rooms, placing such a housing becomes a problem. Installation must be carried out on a solid brick wall.

The device requires constant cleaning. Hard water causes scale and corrosion. It is necessary to clean the heating elements and walls from plaque and use filters.

Gas water heaters also have their followers. Their main advantages:

  • Instant water heating. As soon as you open the tap, the ignition is activated and heating occurs. Moreover, the flow comes in unlimited quantities until the mixer closes.
  • Operation does not depend on the availability of electricity.
  • Economical: gas is cheaper than electricity.
  • Turbocharged models are equipped with mechanical turn signals. With their help you can regulate the burner power.
  • The compact body does not take up much space. Often has a modern and unusual design.
  • The geyser does not have problems with scale from poor-quality water, but it still requires periodic maintenance.

Although the column efficiency is less than 90%, this is not noticeable in practice.

  • Some models can be used for water heating and heating.

It turns out that operating the speaker is cheaper, more convenient, more economical and more profitable. Why then does electrical technology have the main advantage?

  • The product data sheet indicates the volumes that the dispenser provides users with. But it does heat up to a certain temperature, so it is important to consider the temperature of the liquid at the inlet. For example, the model provides 11 liters per minute with heating up to 25 degrees. If the input was 10 degrees, then the output will be 35°C. This will be enough for summer use. Otherwise, you need to choose a product with more power.
  • Difficult to install. It is not enough to simply buy and connect the device. First, a project is prepared, which is agreed upon with the municipal institution. Permission is obtained and documentation is drawn up. Installation should only be carried out by a specialist.
  • Organization of chimney and ventilation. Combustion products must be discharged outdoors.
  • Pressure dependent. If the pressure in the pipes decreases, the burner may not fire. Ease of use is questionable when the second point is turned on. For example, you are taking a shower, and the tap opens in the kitchen. Then your water temperature will drop.

Installation gas installation only possible in the kitchen. According to the rules .

We looked at the advantages and disadvantages of technology. What to choose?

Which water heater should you choose?

In the selection process, the question of price arises: for some, cost is great importance. Since the operating principles of the devices are different, you can rely on their provision hot water.

See table:

In terms of cost, gas equipment wins.

You need to take into account the complexity and cost of installation. Let's compare them in the table:

Electric boiler Gas water heater
It is not easy to choose an installation location, since the structure is large. The compact dimensions of the case will easily fit into the kitchen.
The weight of a filled tank is very large. You need strong fastenings and a brick wall. The column weighs little. Fire safety must be taken into account during installation.
There is no need to organize a chimney. A chimney and ventilation are required to remove combustion products.
You can connect to the network yourself. However, with high power you will have to lay a thick cable. Connecting a gas main requires accompanying documentation and the presence of a specialist.
You can begin operation after connection. Commissioning and permit required.

By comparing all the pros and cons, you will make right choice. The column has advantages in a home where it is impossible to connect another heater. But if you take into account the cost of power, its operation will be cheaper.

Both types of this equipment have a number of features, including both advantages and disadvantages. If you don't know what is best to choose - indirect heating boiler or geyser, then we hope that our article will help you decide. So, a geyser is considered one of the most common methods of autonomous hot water supply. It is a flow-through water heater that heats cold water from the tap directly “on the fly.” Thanks to this, heating is carried out almost instantly, and the volumes of hot water supplied depend on the power of the column.

The gas water heater is compact and provides fast water heating. However, it requires that the house be connected to a centralized gas and, preferably, water supply. In many ways, the efficiency of such equipment depends on the pressure of the supplied cold water. Also, to install a gas water heater, a chimney is required, at least coaxial (for turbocharged models). In some cases, this may cause some inconvenience to the user.

As for the indirect heating boiler, it does not have a flow-through, but a storage principle of operation, accumulating hot water heated by a separate heating boiler in its container. Therefore, it is advisable to use this equipment (boiler + boiler) only in conjunction with each other. Some models of such water heaters have a built-in electric heating element that supports high temperature water. The advantage and, at the same time, disadvantage of this boiler is its bulkiness - it can store a large volume of liquid, but at the same time it requires a lot of space for its placement.

So, indirect heating boiler or geyser- which equipment will be more profitable? The column is intended exclusively for flow-through DHW heating in relatively small, household quantities. At the same time, the house must have a stable, good pressure of gas and cold water. It does not have a tank, so if the cold water supply is turned off, you will be left without hot water too. A gas water heater is ideal for apartments or houses with central heating, as well as stable water and gas supplies.

In turn, an indirect heating boiler is much more economical than a gas water heater, since it receives water already heated by the boiler and spends a minimum of energy maintaining its temperature. It does not require a gas pipeline to heat water; the boiler can operate on electricity or completely autonomously (using coal, wood, pellets). In addition, it stores hundreds of liters of liquid in reserve in its container, which is ideal for cases where increased DHW consumption is required. Its disadvantages include its bulky dimensions, as well as very high price a set of a heating boiler and an indirect heating boiler (which, however, soon pays off).

Every year, installing an individual source of hot water supply in private houses and apartments is becoming more and more important. The era of centralized hot water supply is gradually becoming a thing of the past, because sometimes it may be more profitable to have your own water heater. This allows you to control costs for public utilities and save money at your discretion. The only question is: what equipment to choose for heating water? The purpose of the article is to give a detailed answer to this question, to determine which is better - a gas water heater or a boiler, revealing all the pros and cons of various water heating units.

Types of household appliances for DHW needs

At the moment, there are 2 types of water heaters that differ in operating principles: instantaneous and storage. Both use two energy sources: natural gas and electricity. Let's collect them all in one list:

  • geysers for water;
  • electric storage water heaters (boilers);
  • gas storage heaters;
  • electrical flow installations.

The first 2 types of water heating devices are the most popular; they constantly compete with each other, despite the difference in the energy carriers used. Gas water heaters are devices that directly heat running water in the heat exchanger with a burner flame. Hot water is supplied almost instantly, you just need to open the tap.

Electric boilers work differently: a tank filled cold water, gradually warms up with built-in heating elements. It makes sense to turn on hot water when the container has heated up to at least a temperature of 40 ºС, which will take 2-3 hours. If the temperature has reached the set temperature, but there is no water supply, the device maintains it at a certain level, turning the heating elements on and off.

Less commonly, storage gas heaters are used to supply hot water. This product appeared on our market relatively recently and has not yet gained much popularity. Domestic gas boiler It is a kind of hybrid between a gas water heater and an electric boiler. From the latter he took the principle of operation, and from the column - a method of heating water and natural gas as a source of thermal energy.

And finally, instantaneous electric heaters operating on the principle of a gas water heater, only using electricity instead of natural gas. For this reason they got their name - electric speakers.

Despite the fact that they appeared on the market a long time ago, to this day they are truly exotic, as they are very rarely found in private homes. The reason lies in too high electrical power apparatus, such a device is not installed in every home. Therefore, we can consider these heaters only for informational purposes. Now, to make a comparison, we will analyze each type of equipment separately.

Gas water heaters: pros and cons

The biggest and main advantage of units of this type is the ability to provide the house with hot water for an unlimited time. The burner of the device begins to heat the water almost immediately after opening the tap and will do this until the valve closes. This feature of geysers makes them the undoubted leader among all units in terms of comfort.

The only condition: the thermal power of the burner must be enough for all consumers. Modern turbocharged units are equipped with electronic combustion intensity control systems, as a result of which changes in water pressure have virtually no effect on its final temperature. But if thermal power geyser is initially selected incorrectly, then at high flow rates barely warm water will flow from all mixers.

An important advantage of gas instantaneous heaters is their small dimensions, allowing the device to be squeezed into the smallest kitchen. This is why speakers are so popular among residents of small apartments. In addition, the product is quite reliable (if you do not take into account Chinese products) and repairable. Due to the fact that water supply networks in the post-Soviet space leave much to be desired, the gas water heater periodically requires maintenance and cleaning.

Now about the disadvantages:

  • Installation of gas-using equipment is a troublesome task and requires investment. You need to complete the project, get it approved, and then install and connect the heater, which only a licensed organization has the right to do;
  • any gas water heater requires a chimney and supply and exhaust ventilation for its operation;
  • for stable operation of the device you need a certain pressure of water and gas;
  • In terms of efficiency, the column is inferior to a boiler; its efficiency is a maximum of 92% versus 98-99% for electrical appliances.

Another delicate moment. In many cities in winter time the inlet water temperature is very low. A gas flow installation, even the most powerful, is not able to heat up to normal temperature such water at normal flow rates. That is, when operating at maximum, the column will not produce the promised 10 l/min of hot water, but only 5.

Advantages and disadvantages of an electric boiler

The storage electric water heater has many advantages, which determines its high popularity:

  • simple installation that does not require approvals or the involvement of specialized organizations;
  • no chimney or ventilation required;
  • independence from pressure in the water supply network and its temperature;
  • high efficiency (efficiency up to 99%);
  • the ability to simultaneously provide a large flow of hot water;
  • The heating elements of a modern boiler do not come into direct contact with water and are not covered with scale.

The two main disadvantages of the unit are the limited volume of water dispensed and the need to wait for the next portion to heat up for several hours (from 1.5 to 5). An incorrectly selected tank capacity will lead to the same consequences as an incorrectly selected power column - cold water will run out of the tap.

The volume of space occupied by a boiler is quite significant compared to a gas one. flow apparatus. And, although there are tanks with a flat configuration, for ordinary family out of 3-4 people you will need a capacity of at least 80 liters, which is a significant disadvantage in an apartment. Because of this, the boiler in small bathrooms is suspended above the bathtub, often hitting the head against it.

Winner selection

Before resolving the dispute - boiler or water heater, let's say a few words about storage gas heaters. They are promising because heating of the entire volume of water in the tank occurs twice as fast as that of its electric “brother.” It is also independent of water pressure and is able to immediately provide high flow rates for domestic hot water. The disadvantages are inherited from the column: the need for permits, the complexity of installation and the need for a chimney and ventilation.

The question - which is better to choose - is not worth it at all when there is no gas supply in the house or an insufficient electricity limit; we consider the situation from other points of view. So, in the “ease of use” category, the gas water heater definitely wins; it allows you to get what you want almost immediately. On the other hand, installation of gas-using equipment will cost a pretty penny. Because installing a boiler will cost less and will be completed much earlier, it wins in the “cost and speed of installation” category.

Which heater will win in the “economical operation” category depends on the location of the user. It is clear that it will be more profitable for Russians to use natural gas, because in the Russian Federation it is much cheaper than electricity and the boiler will always be an outsider. But residents of Ukraine and Belarus have something to think about, for example, a multi-tariff electricity meter. Thanks to him, the storage heater can be in first place.

In the “reliability and service” category, friendship wins. And with tap water, rich in salts and impurities, which equally successfully attack the magnesium anode of the boiler and the water unit with the heat exchanger of the gas water heater. The anode “lives” from 2 to 5 years, during which time scale grows in the heat exchanger and rubber seals dry out, so the question of which is more economical to maintain remains open.


The correct choice of this or that equipment depends on many factors. It is impossible to clearly give preference to electric or gas appliances. And for those people who have boilers with a good power reserve installed in their home, we can recommend an alternative - indirect heating boilers. These thermal units combine a lot of advantages and have almost no disadvantages.

To provide the house with hot water, they use centralized water supply, electric heaters, double-circuit boilers and speakers. Boilers and boilers are popular among consumers. What's better? Let's try to find the answer to this question together.

Advantages of a geyser

Today, comfort in the home depends on reliable technical equipment. People who decide to save family budget sooner or later they buy a gas water heater to heat water.

This option suits most consumers. Buyers consider gas water heaters to be an economical and reliable option. The column is capable of providing warm water one or more water intake points in the house, while satisfying the needs of all residents. According to new manufacturing technologies gas water heaters enterprises produce efficient devices, maintaining quality characteristics.

When choosing a device for uninterrupted provision of warm water at home, a person takes into account the technical capabilities of a gas and electric water heater. In practice, a gas water heater is cheaper than an electric water heater. The speaker can be installed in any type of room with centralized ventilation.

Gas appliances for heating water are divided into flow-through (columns) and storage (boilers). A significant disadvantage of storage devices is their large dimensions. The geyser is significantly smaller in size compared to the boiler. In addition, flow-through devices are in no way inferior to storage devices in terms of performance.

The geyser is of interest to the consumer because:

  1. Allows you to save money.
  2. Has an aesthetic appearance.
  3. Easy to use.
  4. Has a long service life.
  5. Safe to use.

Boiler advantages

There are many models of storage water heaters on the market. They are separated by price and quality characteristics. Boilers are used in multi-apartment buildings. There is no gas exhaust during installation.

What are the positive qualities of storage water heaters? Electricity is more affordable than gas. Compared to a water heater, a boiler can perform its functions immediately after being connected to an outlet. Electric water heater runs on electricity without creating plumbing system excessive pressure. Hot water will also be available in several places.

Boiler after heating water to required temperature automatically turns off to avoid system overheating. Storage water heaters are very economical, including cost, installation and maintenance.

In addition to their positive qualities, boilers also have minor disadvantages. Install in a room with small area The water heater is more complicated. The fact is that the size of the unit is large, and the volume of water is insignificant. The liquid heats up over time, not immediately. Accordingly, energy costs increase. A storage water heater must be serviced regularly, which leads to another additional cost.

Instantaneous and storage water heaters

In addition to gas and electric, there are also flow-through And cumulative heaters. Most flow-through units operate using electricity. A special flask contains a heating element that heats the water. A flow-through heater of this type is mounted on a mixer.

The water that passes through it heats up very quickly, in a matter of seconds. The water temperature is approximately thirty degrees. The disadvantage of this type of heater is high energy consumption and excessive load on the electrical network. Instantaneous water heaters There are single-phase and three-phase.

Functioning storage water heater thanks to heating the liquid in a special container. This is the main disadvantage of the unit, since the tank requires a lot of space in the room. Heating the liquid takes several hours. The water maintains its temperature for a long time. Thanks to this, storage boilers allow you to save a significant part of the family budget compared to instantaneous boilers.

There are other types of heaters, e.g. flow-storage. In this type of unit, water is returned to the system. This boiler is expensive due to high energy costs. IN apartment buildings they are extremely rarely installed.

In private homes, water heaters are used that operate using alternative fuels - coal, wood, etc. Accordingly, it will not be possible to install a boiler of this type in high-rise buildings.

There are also water heaters that work through heating system. The water in these units heats up slowly and to a low temperature.

What to buy

To determine which unit is most suitable, you should carefully study the prices. Room parameters, as well as family needs.

You should choose a water heater carefully, considering specifications Houses. Experts do not recommend installing in apartments flow type. Fires often occur due to these water heaters. It's better to buy a boiler. The wiring in new buildings is much stronger and problems should not arise.

It is worth remembering that each of the units has its own disadvantages and advantages, which are closely related to the conditions where the device will be operated.

Plus the geyser - small dimensions. Thanks to this, the device can be placed in almost any ventilated room. The column can provide the house with hot water in a matter of seconds.

However, to install gas appliance of any type, appropriate permission must be obtained. To avoid unpleasant consequences in the future, installation of gas equipment should be carried out according to the rules with the help of qualified specialists.

Before you buy a water heater rather than a boiler, pay attention to the water pressure in the house. This can be done by opening several mixers at the same time and the water supply temperature will change when the column is turned on. This factor does not affect the operation of the boiler.

The column, unlike a boiler, lasts longer and requires minimal maintenance. Once a year, specialists check the system pressure. If the water temperature drops and the flow decreases, flush the heat exchanger.

Usage autonomous systems water heating is becoming widespread not only among owners of private housing construction, but also among residents apartment buildings. If for some this is the only way to increase the comfort of living in the absence central water supply(hot, cold), then in apartment buildings the installation of autonomous systems is due to interruptions in the water supply and inconsistency temperature regime established standards.

The main criteria for choosing heating devices are:

  • performance (power);
  • efficiency;
  • conditions and features of equipment installation;
  • price.

All these features directly depend on the type of energy carrier used, which are mainly gas and electricity. Modern geysers and electric heaters can fully satisfy the need for hot water. Each type of heater has its own advantages and disadvantages.

What is a geyser

A geyser is a type of device in which heating occurs under the influence of a gas burner flame. There are two types of water heating equipment. Cumulative (boiler) and flow-through. The most widespread are flow-type devices.

Advantages of a geyser

The main advantage is the cost-effectiveness of the equipment with fairly high productivity. To additional positive qualities The following characteristics should be included:

  • Small dimensions;
  • The ability to use hot water at any time during the entire service life;
  • Availability of control and measuring equipment and electronic system control allows you to regulate the combustion process depending on the existing water pressure in the system and at the outlet at the sampling points.

Using a boiler allows you to have a large amount of water on hand at one time, but heating it will require a certain period of time.

The choice of equipment should be made based on the expected water consumption and installation of the hot water supply system. If there are several sampling points (taps, mixers), you should choose equipment with higher power. Calculation required power can be done by a specialist.


The disadvantages of gas heating devices is the need to develop project documentation, approval from regulatory authorities, complexity of installation. The installation is not economically feasible in the absence of a centralized gas supply. Using liquefied (ballooned) gas will be too expensive.

IN electrical appliances A heating element is used as an element for heating water. Based on the type of design, they are also divided into storage and flow. But the latter require the use of heating elements of increased power, which creates an additional load on the electrical wiring and increased energy consumption.

Therefore, a boiler (storage) type system is most often used. This option can also be used for simultaneous heating large quantity water, depending on the capacity of the tank used, and as a combined system.

In this case, after heating to a certain temperature, water can flow to the sampling points. The automation used in these devices controls flow and supply, and ensures that heating elements are turned on and off, depending on the set operating modes.


Main advantage electric heaters is that there is no need for additional approval for installation. The installation and connection process is simpler compared to gas equipment.

A comprehensive solution for simultaneous heating and water supply allows you to simultaneously use several taps or mixers for selection. Reliability and safety during operation is another plus in favor of these devices.


The main disadvantage is considered to be high energy consumption. Modern electric heaters, due to the installed electronic equipment, are designed to operate in standby mode. Switching on is carried out depending on the modes of use and the amount of water consumption. In most cases they are always on.

The disadvantages include the possibility of failure of the heating elements due to scale deposits due to poor quality water. But modern heating elements have a ceramic shell that prevents the process of scale deposition. They are more expensive, but their service life justifies their cost.


The conclusion from all of the above is that the choice of water heater should be made based on the operating conditions of the device itself. More economical gas equipment not always able to provide sufficient heating of water at high flow rates.

Installation costs are higher than for electric heaters. In its turn, electrical devices require high-quality electrical wiring and with constant operation, financial costs can be quite significant. The choice always remains with the consumer.