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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» CT in biology. Remote rt. Biology for ninth graders: effective workbooks and problem books

CT in biology. Remote rt. Biology for ninth graders: effective workbooks and problem books

Biology is not mandatory when passing exams, both the OGE and the Unified State Exam. A ninth grader can choose it at his own discretion. If he wants to connect his life with a profession related to it, for example: medicine, psychology, ecology, physiology, genetics, then he needs to devote a lot of time to preparation. This is especially important for those who dream of building a successful career. School knowledge for admission to medical universities usually not enough. Fortunately, if you really want and set a goal, you can achieve everything you want. You just need to devote free time to studying at home. And he can help with this online workbook for a biology workbook for grade 9 (authors: V.V. Pasechnik, G.G. Shvetsov).

How can you benefit from this guide?

Such a reference book will help the student regardless of his future plans. After all, it will provide him with excellent academic performance, the opportunity to get an A in this subject, and therefore have a good certificate in his hands. And the one who already understands everything in the lessons will be able to prepare in advance for control and final tests, pass sections, which will help him to be more confident in himself and in his abilities. Other advantages of the collection:

  • It’s very easy to find a topic of interest in the cells, each of which relates to a specific item. There will be no confusion, every number is checked, it’s easy to find a clue by the page number in the publication;
  • the portal has easy navigation (it’s very easy to find the exercise you need: you just need to select the section you’re interested in, click on the task, and the right solution will appear in front of you);
  • fast loading on a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone;
  • portability and accessibility (online mode);
  • availability of correct decisions;
  • positive reviews from previous users.

Thus, we can conclude that manual with GDZ in biology (workbook) for grade 9 from Pasechnik will be useful to students of any level of knowledge. It will ensure his successful entry into educational institution, and perhaps even a budget place.

When taking a test at centralized testing, applicants write down their answers on a paper answer form. In order to acquire the skill of filling out the answer form we recommend print the form.


When filling out the answer form for centralized testing, you must consider the following:

  • the answer is recorded only in specially defined fields with black gel pen;
  • each field is filled in starting with first position;
  • unfilled cells of the field remain free;
  • letters are entered in accordance with the patterns of writing characters located at the top of the answer form ( rice. 1);
  • Random marks and blots are not acceptable.

The answer form consists of registration areas And answer areas. IN registration areas answer sheets are located fields filled in by the applicant as directed by the responsible organizer in the classroom (Fig. 2).

Test point code: indicate the code of the testing point in accordance with the RIKZ coding For example: 101 - BNTU
Frame: indicate the building number of the testing point in which the applicant undergoes centralized testing Building number of the educational institution in which the applicant is undergoing centralized testing (1, 2, etc.)
Audience number: indicate the number of the testing point auditorium in which the applicant undergoes centralized testing Number of the audience in which the applicant undergoes centralized testing (45, 3a, etc.)
Item code For example: 01 - Russian language
Short name of the item For example: RUS - Russian language

Fields to be filled in by the applicant independently:

Applicant's signature on the answer sheet must not extend beyond the bounding box lines. Please note that during centralized testing, when filling out the answer form in the “Signature” field, the applicant puts his signature, making sure that the number of the answer form option corresponds to the number of the pedagogical test option.

If the registration area is filled in incorrectly, the incorrect data is canceled by crossing it out, after which the correct data is recorded.

Answers area comprises Part A And parts B.

Part A answer area includes two fields (Fig. 5):

Field 1– horizontal row of numbers test tasks, under each of which there are vertical columns of five cells to indicate the selected answer with a label.

A sample mark (cross) is given in the answer form. It is forbidden to correct the label graphically(shade) or cover with correction fluid.

To enter an answer, the applicant must put a check mark under the test task number in the box whose number corresponds to the number of the answer option he has chosen.

Field 2– area for canceling erroneous marks.

You can undo multiple erroneous marks in one test job. A maximum of six erroneous tags can be undone. To cancel an incorrect answer and indicate the correct answer, you must:

  1. Specify the test task number (see Fig. 5, footnote 1) and the number of the incorrectly selected answer option (Fig. 5, footnote 2).
  2. Place a check mark in the required box in the test task column.

Answers area parts B also includes two fields (Fig. 6):

Field 1– a field for writing short answers to tasks.

Answers to assignments parts B must be written to the right of the test task number.

The answer is recorded in the answer area in accordance with the requirements of the instructions proposed for the assignments for each academic subject.

The answer to this part is given only in short form(word, phrase or integer). Each number, letter or minus sign (if the number is negative) is written in a separate cell.

If the conditions of the pedagogical test allow an answer consisting of two words, then it is written down together, without a hyphen, space or other separating mark.

Field 2– the area of ​​replacing erroneous answers to tasks.

To cancel an incorrect answer and indicate the correct answer, you must indicate the number of the incorrectly completed test task (Fig. 6, footnote 1) and write down the correct answer (Fig. 6, footnote 2). You can cancel up to two incorrect answers.

You can also familiarize yourself with the procedure for filling out the answer form for centralized testing by watching the video (Grod State University named after Yanka Kupala):

2. Open test option

Item Execution time, min Item code Test delivery language
Russian language 120 01 RUS -
Belarusian language 120 02 - BEL
Physics 180 03 PHYS FIZ
Mathematics 180 04 MAT MAT
Chemistry 150 05 KHIM ХІМ
Biology 120 06 BIO BІYA
English language 120 07 ENG ENG
German 120 08

Testing Center of the Ministry of Education Russian Federation


OPTIONS AND ANSWERS centralized (entrant) testing

Test Preparation Guide

BBK 74.202.5 UDC 37.1 M20

Tests. Biology. Options and answers for centralized (entrant) testing - M.: Testing Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 2004.

Collection “Tests” (options and answers for centralized (entrant) testing in 2004) - the book presents samples of tests used during centralized testing in 2004 in biology and advanced biology. Tests are designed according to the requirements educational standard. The structure of the tests is given. Answers for all presented tests are provided. Dan brief analysis characteristic errors in the test subjects' answers.

The collection is intended for self-study graduates of general education institutions for final certification and entrance exams to universities, as well as to help teachers and methodologists who use the test method of knowledge control in their work.

ISBN 5-94635-190-7

Testing Center of the Russian Defense Ministry, 2004


Biology test structure

Biology Test No. 1

Biology Test No. 2

Biology Test No. 3

Biology Test No. 4

Biology Test No. 5

Biology Test No. 6

Biology Test No. 7

10. Biology test No. 8

11. Biology test No. 9

12. Biology test No. 10

13. Statistics of student responses to biology tests

14. Analysis typical mistakes allowed during execution

applicant testing in biology

15. Correct answers to biology tests

16. Structure of the Biology-P test (advanced)

17. Biology test-P No. 1

18. Biology test-P No. 2

19. Statistics of student responses to tests in Biology-P

20. Correct answers to tests in biology-P


The most important feature characterizing Russian education recent years, is an attempt to use modern technologies to assess students' educational achievements. For this purpose, the mechanisms of centralized testing and the unified state exam are used.

Objective assessment of educational achievements is carried out, as a rule, by standardized procedures, during which all students are in the same (standard) conditions and use measuring materials (tests) with approximately the same properties. This standardized procedure for assessing educational achievements is called testing.

A correctly composed test is a set of balanced test items. The number of tasks in the test in various sections should be such as to proportionally reflect the main content of the subject. The use of test items of different difficulties should ensure equal difficulty various options tests.

The development of modern pedagogical tests is possible only if there is large quantities test tasks, the properties of which are determined before the test is used.

Centralized testing assesses the level of preparedness of students on a 100-point scale, taking into account the difficulty and differentiating power of correctly and incorrectly completed tasks.

When assessing educational achievements, the Testing Center uses quite complex mathematical models. You can familiarize yourself with them in the special literature of the Testing Center.

The student being tested must know that the number of tasks he completes correctly does not determine his test score. The difficulties of correctly and incorrectly completed tasks can significantly affect the assessment of test results.

The test materials and results presented in the collection can be used as guidelines for preparing for centralized testing in 2005.

The practical use of modern tests of educational achievements gives students the opportunity to objectively assess the level of their knowledge, as well as determine their place (rating) among the many Russian students who have undergone centralized testing. This service is in increasing demand. Every year, about a million students take part in centralized testing. Over half of Russian state universities accept the results of centralized testing as assessments of entrance examinations. Tens of thousands of applicants who have submitted centralized testing certificates to university admissions committees are annually enrolled in state universities in Russia.

The technology and methods of centralized testing are widely used when conducting the unified state exam in Russia.

Biology test structure Developers: Babenko V.V., Kovalev V.V., Manamshyan T.A.

Editor: methodologist of the Testing Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for Biology Grudzinskaya E.L.

1. Introduction. Signs of living things, multi-level organization of living things.

1.1. Achievements of biology, methods of biology, their role in understanding the world around us. Signs of being alive. Levels of organization.

2. Cell as a biological system.

2.1. Cell theory.

2.2. Structure and functions of cells (eukaryotes).

2.3. Features of metabolism and energy conversion in heterotrophic and autotrophic cells.

2.4. Cell cycle. Cell division. Division phases.

3. An organism as a biological system.

3.1. Reproduction and individual development of organisms.

3.2. Realization of hereditary information.

4. Diversity of organisms.

4.1. Features of the structure and activity of viruses and bacteriophages.

4.2. Features of the structure and activity of bacteria and fungi. Lichens.

4.3. Features of the structure and life of plants. Manifold. Taxonomy.

4.4. Features of the structure and vital activity of animals. Diversity and systematics.

5. Man and his health.

5.1. General structure of the human body.

5.2. Systems internal organs person.

5.3. Internal environment of the body.

6. Evolution (evolutionary processes in the organic world).


7. Ecology (ecosystems and biosphere).

7.1. Supraorganismal levels of living things: population-species and biosphere-biocenotic.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation Testing Center

Biology Test No. 1

Instructions for students.

The test consists of parts A and B (55 tasks in total). It takes 120 minutes to complete. It is recommended to complete the tasks in order. If the task cannot be completed immediately, move on to the next one. If you have time, go back to the tasks you missed.

Part A consists of 37 tasks (A1-A37). There are several answers to the tasks, of which only one is correct. Choose the correct answer in your opinion. In the answer form, under the task number, place a cross (X) in the box whose number corresponds to the number of the answer you chose.

The study of the structure of enzymes is carried out at... level.

1) organismal


3) tissue


Enzymes include


RNA polymerase

EPS is absent in



amoeba vulgaris


A4. From the presented diagrams of mitosis or meiosis, identify the cell(s) at the anaphase stage of the first division of meiosis:

Determine the probability of white flowers appearing on a night beauty

when crossing plants with pink flowers, if inheritance

pink color is intermediate in nature.

The gender-related nature of the inheritance of color blindness has been revealed...

1) twin


3) biochemical


A7. Only in plant breeding is the method used

1) distant hybridization

2) inbreeding

3) determining the quality of the sire by offspring

4) polyploidization

A8. Only gets into the cell nucleic acid virus when

A9. Plants that are unable to grow without symbiosis with a fungus include

1) orchid


A10. Chlorophyll-bearing parenchyma refers to... tissue.

1) mechanical




AN. The above-ground method of seed germination is characteristic of

A12. For cuckoo flax typical

1) development of antheridia and archegonia on different plants

2) development of archegonia and antheridia on one plant

3) gametophyte reduction

4) diploidity of spores

A14. Characteristic for birds of steppes and deserts

1) strong chisel beak

2) beak with transverse horny plates

3) long tail

4) long muscular legs

A16. Circulatory system the grape snail has

1) two atria and one ventricle

2) one atrium and one ventricle

3) one atrium and two ventricles

4) three atria and one ventricle

A17. Ventilation of the lungs in bats occurs due to

1) lifting and lowering wings

2) rise and fall of the sternum

3) contraction of intercostal muscles

4) contraction of the intercostal muscles and diaphragm

A18. They take care of their offspring

1) pond snails

3) octopuses


how many orders of reptiles



representatives: two specimens of viviparous lizard, one specimen of cobra,

two individuals of viper, two individuals of Nile crocodile?



in progress


first appearance(s)

1) salivary glands

2) bladder

3) cerebellum

paired limbs

A21. Can cause significant harm to a person


A22. The main tissue of the brain as an organ is... tissue.

1) epithelial

2) nervous

3) muscular

4) connecting