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» Open day at the medical academy scenario. Scenario of an open event "open day"

Open day at the medical academy scenario. Scenario of an open event "open day"


Concert number performed by Sharafutdinov Firdus.

"Yashlek bit st ber gen ә”

1 presenter: Good afternoon and good hour
It's not in vain that we gathered you!

After all, today everyone is surprised

We opened the door beautifully.

Let's go into this building

To this glorious wonderful house.

2 presenter: This house is not just a house
It's clean and cozy!

Lots of light and flowers

Our home is ready to welcome everyone!

- Good afternoon! Hello everyone!
- Today is a very important holiday in our college -"Day open doors» . Our college opens its doors to students educational schools, parents and residents of our city. We are glad to welcome all guests of our holiday.

You will find a story about the professions recruited for 2016/17 academic year, a tour of the educational building and training and production workshops, professional tests in which everyone can take part, as well as master classes.

Right now it is opening before you new life, and perhaps today a new stage will begin in your destiny.

Presenter 1 How difficult it is, among many different professions, to find the one that outweighs everything!

Presenter 2 Who to become? How can you help yourself? And where do you need to study first?

Presenter 1 How can choosing a profession not be a nightmare?

Presenter 2 And how can intelligence be made a valuable commodity?

Presenter 1 We will not be able to solve this today, but we invite you to discuss the issue.

Presenter 2 : The head of the branch of our college, Khidiyatullin Robert Talgatovich, is invited to the stage for a welcoming speech.


Presenter 2 :. We offer you now
Listen to a story about our house,

What we do, how we live

You will find out about everything now!

Presenter 1 . Before I start the story,

Bakiev Rail will sing you a song__________________________________________________________

Presenter 1 : Today our story is addressed to those who choose for themselves

work history. Today you are at school, today at your desk. And yet he involuntarily bent over the map. When choosing labor paths for yourself, strive to become sellers and miners, but wishing happiness for your beloved land, we

We tell you: “Go to college. The one who is brave, who is not afraid of obstacles,

who decided to devote himself to the real business - come to us!

The word of greeting is given by ___________________________


Presenter 2: Love for the profession, for the educational institution that raised them, leads to the fact that many of the college graduates, having graduated from the institute, having received training in production, returned as managers to their native region.

These people are like a relay race of generations.

They bring their experience and knowledge,

To us, the young, inquisitive shift,

They give you a start in life.

Presenter 1:

Many of our graduates today occupy leadership positions in enterprises and institutions of our city. We can’t list them all right now.

The floor is given to the head of the plant building materials Mullagaliev Rafael Adgamovich.

Presenter 2 : We gnaw on the granite of studies, but we also have hobbies. First of all, let's say right away - there is an excellent sports base. In the summer - a ball, in the winter - skis, in general there is a place to take a break from notebooks and books, so that tomorrow you can be on the road again. There is everything here that anyone needs - dancing, music, pop music. What else would you like to list? Still, the main thing is study.

Presenter 1 :

The college has a stable teaching staff, which includes teachers, masters industrial training.

And now the floor is given to the director of the Arsk Agro-Industrial Vocational College, Kutdusov Ilnur Faradisovich.

Presenter 2: Today there are 60 first and second year students studying at the college! This year, the college graduated 39 students with vocational education diplomas in the professions “Master of civil works”, “Sanitary and technical installer”, ventilation systems and equipment"

Presenter 1:

And now we suggest we pause for musical break. Meet! Sings for you first year student Bakiev Bulat “Kartaima ankay”

Presenter 1:

Dear friends, we continue to get acquainted with our college! Now let’s plunge into the aura of everyday life at an educational institution. One of the main questions for a future student and their parents is “What am I going to do here?”

Presenter2: So, dear applicants, we remind you once again what specialties are available in our educational institution,let's start the presentation of ourprofessions.

To get acquainted with our professions, the floor is given to the master of industrial training, Fagim Ibragimovich Faizrakhmanov.

Presenter 1: What do the students themselves think about their future professions? Let's listen to them.

There are many different professions, I chose one for myself.

I will soon become a welder, but I don’t understand why?

Maybe they pay a lot of money, and the work is in demand.

Maybe they will teach you a lot and give you a scholarship.

Yes, guys, that's right, I'm ready to become a welder,

Grandfather, father and brother, of course, there are many craftsmen in the family.

We like to always use an electrode to create an even seam.

And admire the arc, only through glasses.

So you can’t go wrong if you decide to become a welder,

After all, you cannot find a more reliable profession in the whole world.

Primed, plastered, painted
Bring beauty to the house,
And let the robe smell of paint
And plaster a mile away,
But there is no smell of laziness here,
Does not smell of boredom and melancholy,
Coordinated and friendly work
And there is a smell of simple friendship here.

Painstaking work stone by stone,
The mason is a master, a playful child,
He builds houses like pyramids,
The bricks will fall like volumes.

Each brick is as if in a notebook,
The letters are even in the stones in the masonry.
Mason, craftsman, me and builder,
You are your master's trowel.
Presenter 2: The creative potential of our students is limitless, vital energy simply flows like a fountain. And so that you can verify this, we bring to your attentionmusical break.

Sings for you Bakiev Rail.

Presenter 1: “Today is Open Day.” Although it seems to us that this is not an entirely accurate name for this holiday. After all, the doors of our college are always open to everyone. We are addressing you school graduates. Come study with us!

Presenter 2: We invite all guests of our holiday to an excursion to the training and production workshops, which will be conducted for you by industrial training masters.

Event scenario

"Open Day"

LEADING: If only all the professions in the world

Suddenly pile up like a mountain on the planet,

It's probably at its top,

The word "medicine" would flash

For almost since the Stone Age

There was no more honorable fate

What to fight in the flames of struggle

For saving a person's life.

We are pleased to welcome you to *********** Medical College. We are especially pleased that not only school graduates came to us, but also their parents.

Taking part in our meeting are:

Chairman of the Central Committee of General Professional Disciplines ***********.

Responsible secretary of the admissions committee *************.

First year students.

Medicine is the same age as humans, and translated from Latin means “medical activity.” The purpose of medical activity is to strengthen and preserve health, prolong the lives of people, prevent and treat diseases, and, probably, that is why the medical profession is the most necessary and humane, because only a healthy person can be truly happy. But doctors have long had assistants, nurses, and paramedics.

************ Medical College has been training mid-level specialists - paramedics and nurses - for more than 20 years. And today we want to introduce you to these wonderful professions and tell you about the conditions for admitting applicants in 20***.

First-year students will tell you what a paramedic and a nurse do:

HOST: We introduced you to the functions that are included in the responsibilities of a paramedic and a nurse. And now we invite you to go on a television tour of our school.

(A video about the school is shown).

You already have sufficient information about the professions of a nurse and paramedic, you have become acquainted with the life of college students, and now you are the executive secretary of the admissions committee ************************ * will tell you about the conditions of admission * in 20*****. In conclusion, she will answer all your questions.


How often do we see ambulances rushing along city streets or along country roads to places where lives are in danger!

We immediately recognize these minibuses with a red stripe and a flashing light on the roof, and we peer with excitement into the serious faces of those who are constantly fighting with death.

Paramedic "Ambulance" medical care“This is a specialty that requires highly qualified workers. People working here are able to instantly assess the situation, the condition of a patient or injured person, and urgently take action. necessary actions. To work here, special personality qualities are required: determination, speed of reaction, utmost conscientiousness, perseverance in achieving goals, high ability to work.

The visiting team consists of a doctor and 1-2 paramedics. Work on an ambulance is not easy. There are times when there are calls one after another, and the team is in constant tension all day long.

And every challenge is a challenge to fight.

Ambulances operate in even more difficult conditions in rural areas, where long distances, not always good roads and often more complex cases diseases. and instead of a team, one paramedic rushes to help the patient.

What kind of knowledge, what kind of composure and determination should he have in order to independently, quickly and accurately make a diagnosis under such conditions and choose the most rational option help!

A paramedic's responsibilities depend on where he works.

A medical assistant at a health center at an enterprise works independently, since most health centers do not provide positions for doctors. He provides first aid for acute illnesses, injuries and industrial accidents. Therefore, he often has to make decisions, sometimes very responsible ones, relying only on his experience and knowledge.

Paramedics at rural FAPs located at a considerable distance from local hospitals have the greatest independence. The paramedic is often the only physician there and sometimes replaces doctors of all specialties.

A paramedic at a FAP conducts outpatient visits to patients, visits them at home, performs medical procedures, and conducts preventive examinations, gives vaccinations, monitors the sanitary condition of the village. If there is no midwife on staff, then the responsibilities of the paramedic include conducting gynecological examinations, monitoring pregnant women, and providing prenatal care and care for newborns. Life requires a paramedic in these conditions to be a good diagnostician, to know the clinic and treatment of many diseases.

Currently, many clinics have introduced positions of junior doctors, whose duties are performed by paramedics. Job responsibilities they are similar to the responsibilities of local general practitioners.

The profession of a paramedic is a feat that requires dedication, purity of soul and purity of thoughts. Required condition, necessary for paramedic activity, is secondary medical education, which can be obtained at medical schools and medical colleges.

The variety of specific tasks facing medicine requires certain skills and knowledge in the work of a paramedic. They need to be able to establish contact with patients, possess the art of caring for them, make the correct diagnosis, be fluent in first aid techniques, know different kinds treating patients.

Sometimes not only the health, but also the lives of people depend on the personality traits of the paramedic, on his behavior and attitude to work. Therefore, anyone who wants to devote himself to medicine must weigh whether he can always be ready to come to the aid of the patient; Are you ready to selflessly do your hard work under any conditions?


In this hall gathered those who may not yet have made their choice. future profession. Some of you will be a teacher, some a lawyer, some just a worker, and I want to talk about the profession of a nurse.

I believe that the medical profession is the most humane on Earth. And this wonderful profession needed by society - “nurse” - can be obtained at our Budennovsky Medical School.

Many people have the idea that a nurse’s job involves syringing, intravenous administration of medications, and documentation. But that's not all. In the hands of a medical worker is human life. There is no place for careerism in this profession. Callousness and cruelty. Human help seeker The doctor is not only physically ill, he suffers morally and therefore the nurse is a support and support for her patient. You should always remember that the main motto of a nurse is “Do no harm!”, and her main function is to provide the patient with personal care. High Quality. A nurse spends days at a patient’s bedside, trying to distract him from terrible thoughts, using various methods distractions, notes changes in his condition, including emotional state.

Professional quality nurses are defined first of all, not only by knowledge and competence, but also by sensitivity, tenderness, patience and love for people.

The nurse has knowledge of speech culture, communication psychology, and medical psychology.

Having received the profession of a nurse, you can work in a hospital, clinic, sanatorium, school, kindergarten, in production, in a gerontological center, etc.

You can work as a guard nurse in hospital departments.

She keeps documentation, fills out patient records, lays out medicine and delivers it to patients, explaining how to take these medicines. Transports patients to testing or other departments.

The procedural nurse puts in IVs or gives injections.

The dietary nurse monitors the correctness of the diet.

A nurse working at the reception desk deals with patient documentation.

If there is a nurse in the family, then this is a valuable acquisition: she will give an injection, give a pill, put mustard plasters or cups, and teach personal hygiene.

The nurse does not stop there, she constantly improves her knowledge, reads literature, follows innovations in medicine and improves her qualifications

After medical school, you can obtain a higher medical education as a nurse at a medical institute.

There are more than 20 universities in our country, such as: St. Petersburg Medical Academy, Samara State Medical University, Orenburg State Medical Academy and others. Provided without interruption from main work extramural training.

After graduating from medical school, you can become a senior nurse, manager or teacher at a medical school.


It was once believed from time immemorial,

According to the wisest opinion of Hippocrates,

What mercy and word

And it’s ready to treat without drugs.

Since Romanov times,

Full of heartfelt zeal,

Treated the pain, muffled the groan

Sick sisters of mercy.

Many years flew by

History moved forward

But with a good heart never

My sister did not cheat on herself.

Today's nursing process

He proved to everyone that there is progress.

My sister grew up. I learned everything

And I have achieved a lot in life...


If peaceful meetings are suddenly interrupted

If something bad happens somewhere

I know that nurses

They will come to the rescue everywhere and always

Choosing a profession is one of the most important issues facing every person in life, since this choice largely determines further fate person, position in society, moral and material satisfaction.

Our technical school is a path for pragmatic people, because... The specialties acquired here will be in demand everywhere and always.

Our teachers spoke about this and other aspects of studying at the college, giving a tour of classrooms and laboratories, training and production workshops, which are sufficiently equipped modern equipment, interactive complexes, video and audio equipment. Schoolchildren were presented with an exhibition of works by students of various specialties, clearly demonstrating the possibilities technical means training.

According to tradition, the holiday ended with a concert of amateur performances by our students educational institution, in which children from a sponsored correctional boarding school for hearing-impaired children took an active part. From the team of teachers, staff and students, the children were presented with a gift - a TV.

The Open Day holiday showed potential applicants that studying at our college is interesting and honorable!



Progress of the event:

Leading: Neither in far away kingdom, in the thirtieth state there lived a shah, not a shah, a padishah, not a padishah, just a man. And he had three sons. (Ali Baba comes out to oriental music). The eldest was a smart kid, the middle son was not so or that, and the youngest was not a fool at all.

Leading: In one of May days he called his sons and said: (skit of Ali - woman and sons)

Ali - Baba: That's it, my dear sons, the time has come to choose where to go to study. There is a lot of choice, you will have to draw lots.

He takes off his hat and puts down the papers. The sons take turns getting it.

Leading: The eldest son had the lot to study at DSU. Secondary in energy college. The youngest son, who is not at all a fool, says:

Son: I won’t draw lots, I’ll go and see where, how and what they teach.

Ali Baba: Well, son, it’s reasonable, go and look!

Leading: And went younger son in search of an educational institution. He walks and walks, suddenly there is a mansion in front of him, he looks in, and there is a lesson going on.

Scene: “Roll Call”

Teacher: Hello guys! Thank you for coming…. Why are there so few of you today? (opens the magazine, starts roll call). Abdulaev?

Student 1: Here.

Teacher: Gamzatov?

Student 2 : Still sleeping. He already came yesterday!

Teacher: Akhmedova?

Student 3 : What are you talking about! It's only the second lesson now! She comes to the third!

Teacher: Oh! Yes Yes…. Ibragimov?

Student 4 : Ibragimov studies at the institute on Fridays, in his third year...

Teacher: Hasanova? Gulnaz! Are you here?

Student 5: I'm leaving after this lesson. We are leaving for Egypt today.

Teacher: Magomedov?

Student 6: He has already left for the village, tomorrow is Saturday!

Teacher : Good good…. Osmanov?

Student 7: He can’t come, their car has broken down.

Teacher : But he lives nearby, doesn’t he?

Student 7: He's stressed... he's worried...

Teacher: Rashidov?

Student 8: Rashidov’s leg hurt, and Suleymanov and Ramazanov went to see the doctor to see him off...

Teacher: Well, it turns out everyone has good reasons. Let's write down the topic of the lesson...

The bell rings and students run out of the classroom.

Teacher in the hall: I didn’t have enough time today...

A cheerful melody sounds.

Leading : The third son shook his head and walked on, and the guys met him, running somewhere, fussing.

Younger son: Guys, wait, who are you and where are you going?

Children: We are boarding school students, hurrying to the holiday with our bosses at the Dagestan Mechanical College. Go with us.

A song performed by boarding school children.

Leading : Here the youngest son approaches a huge beautiful building, timidly opens the doors and walks in, and there...

Photo of the technical school on the screen.

Word from Deputy Director for MMR Gadzhieva D.S.

Leading : We learn today's news from our student radio.

Sketch “Student Radio”

Presenter 1: Student radio “What Happened?” is on the air.


Let's start with the news:

  1. The students of our technical school made an important discovery for themselves: they noticed that work is female, and rest is masculine.
  2. DMT has opened a kickboxing section. For classes, you should have a tracksuit, sneakers, iodine, plaster, and a stretcher.

Now let's move on to congratulations, and we have a call:

Hello, we are listening to you (silence)

Hello, hello, we are listening to you, who are you?

I, Magomed!

Magomed, why do you have such a sad voice?

I'm getting married tomorrow

And how old are you?

So early? You are probably marrying for great love, right, Magomed?

Her dad said: “Anyway.”

Don't be upset, Magomed, this song sounds for you!

And we have another call, we are listening to you.

I want to congratulate my beloved girl Patimat on her birthday, wish her all the best and convey to her Arkady Ukupnik’s song “I will never marry you.”

Due to numerous requests from radio listeners, we are broadcasting the song performed byChichinadze Oksana.

The song “Student” performed by Oksana Chichinadze.

Leading : My youngest son became interested in who studies here and what specialties they teach. I decided to look into the first door I came across, and there were guys specializing in “ Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles” signs are studied.

Scene: “Traffic Signs”

Anya: A lesson in safety and traffic rules!

1 sign – Take off your cap, don’t hide your horns!

2 sign – Maximum speed along the corridor.

3 sign – There is no light in Makhachkala!

4 sign – Keep an eye out for tons of textbooks!

5 sign – Run away from the deputy director!

6 sign – Don’t make noise in class!

7 sign - Catch me, Hasan Magomedovich!

The song “Bibika” performed by children from a boarding school.

Leading: The youngest son became interested and moved on.

Scene: He opens the door, and there are students majoring in Economics and Accounting.

Leading: Drama club, photo club, I also want to sing.

The song “Island” is performed by technical school graduate Asiyat Vagabova.

Leading: “Not bad,” thought the youngest son and headed towards other doors.

Scene programmers.


Oh no no no! Thanks Gates! Thanks Gates! Thank you!

Oh no no no! He is the creator of Windows!

Programmer 4: Handsome guy!

Younger son: Oh guys, who are you? And why are you so happy?

Programmer 1: We are programmers. And we are happy because we have Windows! He made our life easier!

Younger son: What is Windows?

Programmer 2: Windows is a miracle of technological progress. This is the most advanced program in the world, which, however, sometimes freezes.

Younger son: And where can you find out about this?

Programmer 3 : In the book “Windows for Dummies”.

Younger son: Dummies? Can even dummies work in this program? What about the frying pans?

Programmer 4 : Kettles can, but frying pans cannot. We, programmers, work best.

All Programmers(Sing to the tune of “Comrade Song”)

I'm rising to the alarm again

And again the battle is such that the files are crowded!

Just don't freeze, for God's sake.

Comrade, Windows! Comrade, Windows!

Younger son: Wow! This is how much a programmer needs to know!

Programmer 3: Yes! We need to navigate all types of programs, the design and operation of a PC, know where to connect the printer, where the scanner is, and where the modem is.

Younger son: Oh, what words! What to connect to what? And how can you exploit it “for now”? Education for me too! Have you just met and yet?

Programmer 4 : Not yet, but PC! Feel the difference! A personal computer is the dream of every normal person.

Youngest son: Ahhhh.....

Programmer 1:

Where is the computer, think for yourself,

Everywhere you go you will come across the program and us.

Programmer 2:

PC in medicine, PC in manufacturing,

In art, politics, animal husbandry.

Programmer 3:

Of course, today we are just playing,

We open virtual worlds.

Programmer 4:

What a miracle, what happiness:

The computer will not let you get lost in bad weather.

Programmer 1:

Any hairstyle, any clothes

In the blink of an eye he will draw for you.

Programmer 2:

He will color, show, tell a little,

He'll send you flying and even sing a funny song!

Gym. The song “Basketball” is performed by Oksana Chichinadze.

Younger son: Yes, it's great here. And they talk so interestingly.

Scene: “Magomed and Patimat”

Patimat - Is that you, Maga?

Magomed - Yes, Patimat.

Patimat - What do you want to say?

Magomed - Pray quickly, I won’t interfere, I’ll wait nearby. May Allah forbid that I kill you without preparing my soul.

Patimat - You're scaring me. You look sinister when you roll your eyes furiously.

Magomed - Shut up!

Patimat - I’m silent, but what happened?

Magomed - You, Lech, let this bastard write off the test that I gave you to write off.

Patimat - It’s not true, no, ask Alikhan.

Magomed - I saw his test myself and the grade there was good.

Patimat - Amina probably let him write it off. She kept staring at my notebook. Ask, he will confirm.

Magomed - He confirmed.

Patimat - What did he say?

Magomed - What did you give him to write off?

Patimat - Can't be! He, lech, bullish and all that.

Magomed - What impudence, to insult a friend.

Patimat - Although he is your friend, he is cunning, and you are mad and hot as a flame.

Magomed - Shut up, do you hear! How the sky endures!

Patimat “I won’t shut up, I’ll say everything to the end, nothing, nothing will stop me.” You too lech, bullish and all that. I no longer need your tests. I found myself a better and smarter “garlic”, He promised to give me everything to write off, so get out of here as soon as possible.

Magomed - If so, I’m leaving you, Amina is dearer and more beautiful to me a hundred times. I am a fanatic, but still merciful, and I won’t let you suffer for a long time. I’m leaving.

Patimat - Farewell!

Magomed - Farewell!

Girl's dance.

Leading: The youngest son became even more interested and went further. He sees a door, and on it is written “Assembly Hall”. I decided to look there. And there the talents rehearse their amateur performances.

Song performed by Asiyat Vagabova.

Younger son: Decided! I will study here!

Lezginka dance.

Leading: The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, we are waiting for you to visit us on a September day.

Goodbye, see you again.

Students come out with the song “I, you, he, she...”

Regional state autonomous
professional educational institution
"Yutanovsky Agro-Mechanical College
named after Evgraf Petrovich Kovalevsky"

Methodological development
festive event script
"Open Day 2016"
Prepared by:
Hristova T.S.
Considered at the meeting
methodological commission
curators and educators
Recommended for use
in the educational process
Protocol No. ___ dated “__” ______ 2016
Chairman of the MK Prokofieva T.P.


Musaev: Good afternoon!
Starodubtseva: Good afternoon, dear guests of our meeting: teachers,
school students, teachers, parents.
Musaev: We welcome you within the walls of our educational institution.
Starodubtseva: Every year in May we gather school applicants in order to
open its hospitable doors for you: young, energetic, creative,
Musaev: In order to tell you
In chorus: Welcome to the Yutanovsky Agro-Mechanical College!
Musaev: Today we will talk about our educational institution.
Labutina - Can we, first-year students, tell you about him?
Starodubtseva: Of course, get on stage
Shpachenko: Hello!
Freshmen run out of the hall
Labutina: Vlad! How quickly time flies.
Glinsky: Remember, quite recently we also sat in this hall as
Shpachenko: Yes, and today we are already students
Labutina: The most advanced
Glinsky: Most innovative
Shpachenko: The best educational institution in the Belgorod region

In chorus: Yutanovsky Agro-Mechanical College!
Labutina: Our educational institution is unique and inimitable:
Shpachenko: Ask why?
Glinsky: Yes, because after graduating from technical school, we have the opportunity to enter
Belgorod State Technological University named after Shukhov.
Agricultural University named after Gorin, and, mind you, without
all sorts of Unified State Exams.
Labutina Our educational institution is unique
Shpachenko: Because modern material, technical and
information base
Glinsky: Our educational institution is unique
Labutina Because thanks to our teachers we participate and win in
regional, all-Russian, international competitions.
Shpachenko Our educational institution is unique
Labutin Because already from the first year our teachers prepare us
future professionals.
Starodubtseva: We are now talking about the fact that our technical school is unique.
Musaev: And this is true, because it is headed by a unique person. Basil
Semenovich Belikov
Starodubtseva: Vasily Semenovich, we invite you to the stage.
Director's speech
Starodubtseva: And now we will tell you about all the professions and specialties,
which are available in our technical school.

Marova: Wait, wait! Can you tell us?
(A student rises from the hall)
Musaev: Of course you can! We invite you to the stage.

Good afternoon and good hour
It's not in vain that we gathered you!
After all, today everyone is surprised
We opened the door beautifully.
Let's go into this building
To this glorious wonderful house.
This house is not just a house
It's clean and cozy!
Lots of light and flowers
Our home is ready to welcome everyone!
We offer you now
Listen to a story about our house,
What we do, how we live
You will find out about everything now!
Somewhere in the distant kingdom,
In the Utah friendly state
Once upon a time there lived a glorious, wise king,
Fair sovereign.
He ruled the country for a long time,
Made everyone love the order.
And one day I wanted
Summarize everything.
And to all corners of the country
Messengers were sent.
Find out and report
Is it good to live in that country?
A lot of time passes
The messenger comes with a letter.
The king of the messenger imprisons
At his table and asks:
Is it good in the volost or bad?
And what kind of miracle is there?
I've traveled all over the world.
And life in the country is not bad.
There is a miracle there:
under the mountain, by the river

There is a wonderful tower there.
In that mansion there are miracle children
They know everything in the world.
Adults help them.
Everyone lives together there.
Goodness and joy will be known
And they have countless friends
And there are helpers.
They will provide support and assistance
And everyone is grateful to them from the bottom of their hearts.
Song “Little Country” (Marova, Labutina, Shpachenko, Ponomarenko)
from the fuse the chalk mountains
Near the Oskol River.
Our young men are businesslike.
The girls have enthusiasm.
We all came here to study
Different professions.

Friendly and fun.
in our Yutanovka
There are different groups:

This is what they teach here
Oh, I marvel at this miracle!
I will be proud of this house!
And yet in that house
Turns a fairy tale into reality
For people a car
This is a miracle on wheels and springs.
From the professions of our days
No mechanic is more important.
He knows a lot about cars and engines.
Everyone around him appreciates him.
Happy is he to whom he is a friend.
Without mechanics, cars are like a child without nannies,
We will teach you everything
By desire, by mind,
There is no more honorable title than auto mechanic.

And again I marvel at the miracle!
I will be proud of this house!
Here comes the second messenger!
What did I see, the king is the father!
A house in a village, that is, what
And there are countless miracles in it.
Nice guys in canvas robes
Strength, wealth and pride of the country,
Experience and intelligence, mastery of the highest standard,
Welders' hands are needed everywhere.
He cooks neither cabbage soup nor borscht,
He welds metal parts,
And he’s not averse to cooking pipes,
This is a welder, did you recognize it?
WELDER. ON THE MOTIVE “What they teach at school.” (Marova, Labutina, Musaev)
How to weld iron.
Connect all the pipes.

Armatures are a faithful friend,
Corners and fittings.
The welder teaches, the welder teaches, the welder teaches.
Where the iron rots,
He pulls out the welding in an instant.
The welder teaches, the welder teaches, the welder teaches.
And never be confused
Electrodes, wires.
The welder teaches, the welder teaches, the welder teaches.

And again I marvel at the miracle
I will be proud of this house!
I drove for a long time, I walked for a long time
I found a wonderful miracle.
All the residents are in the same house.
Every day in any weather,
snow falls, or nightingales sing,
hurry up to study
They have a mission to feed everyone.
Cherish your free moment
And mashed potatoes and salad with jellied meat
Seasoned generously a funny joke
and season it with a sharp word.
They flutter gracefully between the pots
from the oven and back to the stove...
Can't compare to Maya Plisetskaya
with us in plastic and beauty
The cook is creating at the stove!
How he soars on wings!
Everything is seething around him!
The kitchen is his forge!
Confectioner (to the tune of the song “And I am clear days”) Marova, Labutina
This is how it always turns out
What are we trying for you?
And we prepare desserts
For any holiday.
Favorite work,
And incomparable to anything,
After all, we are a sweet fairy tale
Let's bake with you.
And we have the sweet life
We help create
For adults and children
We give joy again.
We are brave confectioners
We have skillful hands,

And we are the best muffins
We bake in this world.
The fairy tale begins here
Everything works out for us.
We make beautiful cakes.
We bring joy to people.
Oh! I marvel at this miracle
I will be proud of this house!
I am surprised, Father Tsar!
There is a house on the edge of the forest,
And the residents are in that house
smelled of oil and diesel fuel
And there are no smells more pleasant for them!
They smell like the sky and the radiant sun.
They smell like the wind is cold and clean.
Soft coolness, fresh dew,
Bee honey, loose earth
Have you guessed who they are?
These are tractor drivers, simple tractor drivers.
TRACTOR DRIVERS. To the tune of the song: “Someone came down the hill.”

My darling is probably on his way.
Our village is very nice.

They trained in a rural field.
His excellent specialists.
Now our breadwinner is reliable,
At five he studied the tractor.
Again I marvel at the miracle
I will be proud of this house!
Instrumentation and automation (Musaev)
What did I see, king?
In that house
Monitor what the supercharger breathes
To make their employer happy
One thing is connected with him,

And the truth is forever, although he is a boss, he is still a man
How do musicians read sheet music when they're older?
Any microprocessor system
The diagnosis of the unit is given with a bang
Pressure, temperature, like doctors
Some are there by vocation, and some are there just because
Not everyone is educated, but everyone is not a fool
Everything is under control, everything is automatic
They have enough reality and romance in their lives
And let there be no fame, no money, no honor
That's why they have a favorite job

I marvel at the miracle again
I will be proud of this house!
May all the Kipovites in the world love you.
Where is our sixth messenger?
I've finally arrived!
There are countless professions and specialties.
But there is still a cool one among them.
Glinsky“What is this,
That she’s cool to you?”
After finishing school, of course
Let's all go to "TO and RAT"!
And every guy here is sure
Glad to learn with interest!
I know everything will work out for them,
and I believe in the best, and in that,
What to repair
excellent views of all cars.
Then the “services” will open,
and everything will be okay for them!
Provide themselves with work
your family and all your friends."

"You decipher
your incomprehensible “TO and RAT”,
Where are you and me and all the boys,
Will everyone be happy to learn?”
"TO and RAT" Maintenance
and repair of motor vehicles –
specialty in demand,
important, necessary, interesting
And again I marvel at the miracle!
I will be proud of this house!
Well, messengers, thank you,
Fleet-footed masters.
To carry out my decree,
They ran around the kingdom at once.
They told me everything
They showed me miracles.
All the messengers appeared with honor,
And good lime
Glad is the great wise king,
The sides of that sovereign.
I liked the country,
That she’s full of skills.
That’s the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened – well done!
To the tune “Fashion changes from year to year...” (MArova, Spiridonov,
Ponomarenko, Tsyganov, Musaev))
Fashion changes from year to year
For professions and specialists.
But in Yutanovka there is miraculous nature
Allows you to raise daredevils.

Who drives all the cars like an ace.

There are gas welders among us.

Yutanovskie pros

We can wipe everyone's noses,
And then drink coffee.

Our strength is to raise masters.
The cook cooks excellent porridge,
Well, a welder is a welder.

You must believe this!

Musaev: Dear applicants! We told you about our technical school.
Starodubtsev our achievements, specialties,
Musaev: And we hope that on September 1 you will become students of Yutanovsky
agromechanical technical school.
Starodubtseva Our meeting has come to an end.
Musaev: But we hope that it is not the last.
Starodubtseva The doors of our educational institution, as well as our hearts, are open
for you always.
In chorus: See you again!
FINAL TO THE MOTIVE of Allegrova: “Happy Birthday.” (Marova, Labutina,
Starodubtseva, Krivmin)
The arrows are spinning faster and faster
We are becoming more and more mature.
In our technical school it is not in vain.
All friends gather.
Open day for you.
Come, everything will be great.
There will be a lot of students here.
Our YuAT will be cool!!!
We invite you!
We wish you success and joy,
Dreams come true
Decide quickly.
We invite you,

And the mood of the whole area.
You will find friends here.
Scenario for the “Open Day 2016” in
OGAPOU "Yutanovsky Agro-Mechanical College".
Song "Small Country"
From the fuse the chalk mountains
Near the Oskol River.
Our young men are businesslike.
The girls have enthusiasm.
We all came here to study
Different professions.

To comprehend the wisdom of life
Friendly and fun.
in our Yutanovka
There are different groups:
welder and cook, technician, mechanic.
This is what they teach here
Auto Mechanic. To the tune: “Songs of the Musketeers”
Let's rejoice in our lifetime,
Who knows a lot about cars, breakdowns are common.
Until, until the mechanic comes to your aid.
The car will not go further up the hill.
There's a wheel creaking again somewhere.
The pads squeaked - this means:
Go to the master for luck.
He will fix everything for you and nothing else.
WELDER. ON THE MOTIVE “What they teach at school.”
How to weld iron.
Connect all the pipes.
The welder teaches, the welder teaches, the welder teaches.

Armatures are a faithful friend,
Corners and fittings.
The welder teaches, the welder teaches, the welder teaches.
Where the iron rots,
He pulls out the welding in an instant.
The welder teaches, the welder teaches, the welder teaches.
And never be confused
Electrodes, wires.
The welder teaches, the welder teaches, the welder teaches.
TRACTOR DRIVERS. To the tune of the song: “Here’s someone from the hill
came down."
Someone came down from the hill.
My darling is probably on his way.
Our village is very nice.
He is a well-known tractor driver.
They trained in a rural field.
His excellent specialists.
Now our breadwinner is reliable,
At five he studied the tractor.
Confectioner (to the tune of the song “And I am clear days”)

This is how it always turns out
What are we trying for you?
And we prepare desserts
For any holiday.
Favorite work,
And incomparable to anything,
After all, we are a sweet fairy tale
Let's bake with you.
And we have the sweet life
We help create
For adults and children
We give joy again.
We are brave confectioners
We have skillful hands,
And we are the best muffins
We bake in this world.
The fairy tale begins here
Everything works out for us.
We make beautiful cakes.
We bring joy to people.
To the tune of “Fashion changes from year to year...”

Fashion changes from year to year
For professions and specialists.
But in Yutanovka there is miraculous nature
Allows you to raise daredevils.
Those who repair the engine very dashingly,
Who drives all the cars like an ace.
There is a mechanic and a pastry chef,
There are gas welders among us.
Well, what can I say, what can I sing?
Yutanovskie pros
We can wipe everyone's noses,
And then drink coffee.
Mystery in different professions our.
Our strength is to raise masters.
The cook cooks excellent porridge,
Well, a welder is a welder.
And as soon as September comes,
Students will knock on our door,
Everyone will receive specialties here,
You must believe this!

FINAL TO THE MOTIVE of Allegrova: “Happy Birthday.”
The arrows are spinning faster and faster
We are becoming more and more mature.
In our technical school it is not in vain.
All friends gather.
Open day for you.
Come, everything will be great.
There will be a lot of students here.
Our YuAT will be cool!!!
We invite you!
We wish you success and joy,
Dreams come true
Decide quickly.
We invite you,
We offer you a huge selection,
And the mood of the whole area.
You will find friends here.

Open day scenarios at DDT

"Children's Kingdom - a united state."

Slide 1.

(The House for arts and crafts for children).

Presenter 1: Hello, boys and girls!

You came to us for the first time.

We are all glad to see you.

Don't crowd at the door

Come quickly!

Presenter 1: The school year has begun! And today we would like to open the doors to the world

Creativity and fantasy.

The hour has come

The doors are wide open for you,

It is very flattering for us to receive friends.

Inviting you to our home,

To the guest - low bow

And the place of honor.

So let me, friends, introduce you to our Children's Home


Presenter 1: This is an extraordinary, amazing house, where children rush to

See others and show yourself,

He twists and turns to the rhythm of modern

Life, and it is driven by tireless, creative, loving children

Additional education teachers.

They help children decide, find an interesting thing that will

The passion of this life, and perhaps their future profession.

Many boys and girls find activities here every day.

In their hearts, they visit numerous associations in DDT and find themselves

New friends.

Presenter 1: Friends - what a wonderful word!

It's easier to study and relax more fun with friends!

Well, friendship begins with a smile!

  1. (The song “From a Smile” plays)

So let's, friends, give each other smiles!

Turn to each other, smile and shake hands!

(the guys shake hands)

2. The music “Forest Trash” plays

(Leshy slowly appears)

Leshy: What's that noise? What's all the fuss?

How are you not ashamed to make noise?

I was dozing peacefully in the forest, suddenly I heard a wild noise

I listened - they were laughing and making noise.

They don't give me peace.

Did you ask permission?

Presenter 1: Who are you?

Leshy: Guess it.

There is one in the forest

Very important gentleman.

He's all overgrown with cones,

Only the nose is visible on the face.

Can be shy like a bunny

And his name is...? (Leshy).

That's right, I'm Leshy.

I got very angry.

Why did you wake me up?

Autumn has come, it’s cold, it’s time for me to sleep.

Oooh, how angry I am!!!

Now I’ll put a spell on you so that they don’t interfere with my rest.

Presenter 1: Leshy, you are not evil, we know for sure.

We have a holiday here today. The guys came to visit, and here you are arguing.

It’s better to travel with us around our kingdom, maybe you too

I would like to attend some club.

Goblin: Ah-ah-ah, you don’t want to be bewitched!

Okay, I'm not an angry old man at all, I just look angry!

But, if you don’t want to be bewitched, complete my task.

And if you can’t handle it, then blame yourself!

Presenter 1: Okay, Leshy, give me your task!

(Leshy's tasks). (Leshy himself reads.)

Leshy: - You will have to answer YES or NO all in unison to my questions!

  1. Tell me one secret:

Do giraffes live in the TUNDRA?.. (no).

2. You will see a mole on a clear day,

Soaring in the SKY, right?.. (no).

3. Orange and red color

Do they consider you hot?.. (yes).

4. Cars are given the green light,

IS IT POSSIBLE to walk along the zebra crossing?.. (no.)

5. In the morning there is sunshine in the window,

NIGHT is coming, right?... (no).

6. There is WARMING water in the river

Is there such a thing in the PERUBI?... (no).

7. And we will see a star,

If the sky is cloudy at night?... (no).

8. Forest habitat

For woodpeckers, hares, squirrels?... (yes).

9. The reader, having always read,

EATS a book, right?... (no)

10. When the cold comes,

Are all the ELOS flying south?... (no)

  1. The snow melts - there is water in the streams.

Does this happen in the spring?... (yes).

Oh, what great guys! We completed the task!

Don't want to be bewitched!

Well, let's go through your kingdom!

Presenter 1: Leshy, do you like fairy tales? (Yes).

What about you guys?

Name your favorite fairy tale characters.

(name any fairy-tale characters).

1. Slide 2. (STANLEY Theater Association

Fairy tales also live in our children's kingdom.

Yes, yes, real fairy tales.

Goblin: A library with books or what?

Presenter 1: No! This is a theatrical principality.

There they teach you how to make fairy tales and turn into various fairy-tale characters.

And this principality is ruled by ………………………

She is the one who opens the wonderful world of theater to children!

The STANLEY troupe is on stage.

1. Slide 3. (Ship Modeling Studio).

Look at the self-propelled gun.

You can go hiking on it.

In our shipbuilding

Everyone will find something to do.

50 years………….teaching boys to design ships.

Children who are involved in ship modeling go on hikes every year, where the teacher teaches his students to survive in extreme conditions. And look how amazing the models are!

Every detail, from the body to every little detail, is made by children's hands. The children's numerous victories at regional competitions and participation in All-Russian competitions indicate high creative and sporting success.

(Leshy carefully examines the models and shakes his head).

Leshy: This is quite suitable for boys.

Well, well done, guys!

1. Slide 4. (Studio “Mistress.”)

Presenter 1: In our kingdom there is the Principality of Handicrafts.

Handicrafts are taught in the “Iskusnitsa” studio.

Studio “Iskusnitsa” was organized in 2000. It trains students from

7 to 17 years old.

Real wizards live here.

A Puppet Workshop operates in this principality. In it the guys perform

Totem dolls, which have served as a protector since ancient times

A person, his family. A good housewife carefully stores scraps at home

Materials, threads, ribbons. From all this you will be taught to perform wonderful

A blanket, an elegant pillowcase or pillow. This technique is called

Patchwork sewing. How beautiful are the products made using the macrame technique?

Beading! How nice it is to receive as a gift something that a person

I put my whole soul into it! With their works, the guys participate in various

Competitions and exhibitions where they take prizes!

Leshy: Well, well done, guys!

1. Slide 5. (Association “Bell”)

Presenter 1: And in the vocal principality

You can learn to sing,

This will be useful in life.

Head of the association “Bell” …………………………

It is impossible to live in the world without music and songs!

1. Slide 6. (Photo studio “Chaika”.)

Presenter 1: There is a miracle in our kingdom,

That you can’t even take your eyes off it!

This miracle is called a photo studio!

He has been running this photo studio for many years………………………..

He teaches the kids the secrets of photography. Guys with great desire

Attend classes. They take prizes with their works in

Various competitions.

Leshy: Oh, well done, guys!

Meet ……………………………. with a song………….

Leshy: This is the kingdom! This is home!

It's a good place to live!

I will sign up for all clubs!

There is so much I want to be able to do and know!

It's fun here! And I'm very bored in the forest!

Presenter 1: Wait, Leshy, I haven’t told you everything yet!

1. Slide 7. (Association “Friends of Traffic Light.”)

Helps for a long time

Guys, their friend, Traffic Light!

Explains without stress

He gave them the rules of the road!

And the head of the association helps them with this


1. Slide 8. (Fantasy World Studio.)

Leshy: When I'm bored alone in the forest, I often fantasize!

Presenter 1: Well, great, don't be sad!

It’s better to visit “Fantasy World”,

Fantasize as much as you like

If you want, draw, but if you want, whip.

Our circle which year

Takes first place.

This circle is led by the main craftswoman and inventor


The “World of Fantasy” studio fully lives up to its name, as evidenced by the work performed in various techniques: appliqués made from pieces of fabric and fur, from household waste, buttons, beads. You can learn all this from Irina Vyacheslavovna.

You can see the studio's works at the exhibition.

1. Slide 9. (Choreographic group “Zabava”.)

Presenter 1: In our merry kingdom

You won't be bored!

Do you want to dance?

So no need to be shy!

Come to the dance club

Make good use of your time!

Head of the choreographic group "Zabava"


The choreographic group “Zabava” is on stage.

Leshy: Well, well done, guys!

Leshy: You never get bored here! Perhaps I will live here in this kingdom and everything

I'll learn!

Presenter 1: I told you now

A tale about our home and about us.

How we live, we don’t get bored,

Let's not waste time.

How we attend clubs

We live together, have fun!

1. Slide 10. End.

Now the moment of farewell has come,

Our speech will be short

We say “Goodbye!”

See you again!

Anyone who would like to enroll in any club should contact the director of DDT.