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» Wooden cottage design. Country interior - what style is best to decorate it in and how to distribute the space. Veranda is a place where you can enjoy nature

Wooden cottage design. Country interior - what style is best to decorate it in and how to distribute the space. Veranda is a place where you can enjoy nature

So what if it’s late autumn outside? In just about four months, the sun will shine again, the snow will melt, and another summer season will begin. Let's remember the old proverb: “Prepare a sleigh in summer, and a cart in winter” and talk about interior design in advance country house inside. The traditional decoration of country houses is often old cabinets, tables and sofas that have become unnecessary in the apartment, but does this mean that the rooms in a country house do not need to be renovated and that it is impossible to apply design innovations to them? Not at all. Moreover, the “shabby chik” style (one of the vintage trends) is very popular, and only the lazy have not heard of techniques for artificially aging objects - for example, craquelure, brushing and decoupage.

DIY country house interior

On warm summer evenings, only flights of fancy and technical nuances can limit the owners in decorating and arranging their surroundings, since the introduction of fashion trends into a country house style does not require either a lot of money or serious special skills.
Look at the photo, how cute and cozy the old cabinets look, but they were decorated with your own hands. At the same time, it is important to clarify that the monetary investment will be minimal - for decoupage you only need napkins, glue, varnish and the desire to make your country life more comfortable.
Another example of the interior of a country house inside an economy class, in which all the fashion trends decorating the interior of a country house with your own hands:
  • an ordinary old sideboard is independently painted in natural colors and decorated with floral patterns using the decoupage technique;
  • the chandelier lampshade, curtains, tablecloth, upholstery and woven floor mat are made of natural textiles and go well with the natural wood of the chairs;
  • wood siding on the walls echoes wood laminate on the floor;
  • natural materials of natural muted colors with floral patterns were used, since others - acidic chemical shades - would look out of place.
  • Rules for decorating the interior of a country house

    Above we described in detail a fairly typical photograph of a small living room in a country house, on the basis of which we can draw small conclusions:
    1. It is advisable to use natural (or their imitation) Construction Materials: wood, artificial stone, brick-like tiles, laminate, but do not forget that often a dacha is a fairly light, non-permanent structure, so give preference to waterproof and permanently colored fittings. 2. The desire to reunite with nature is one of the reasons why we go to the country, so natural, soft colors are most preferable when choosing textiles for interior decoration: blue, green, beige, pastel, decorated with “cheerful” plant intonations are the priority shades.
    3.Lighting devices play a big role in interior design country house inside is economical: the light should be soft and cozy, and decorate chandeliers, sconces and floor lamps with diffusing woven or matte lampshades, the color of which will harmoniously complement and set off the color of the walls or textiles you have chosen.

    Zoning and interior of a small country house inside

    If the layout of the house resembles a studio or there is only one room, then before starting renovations it is advisable to carry out zoning, which should take into account:
  • working area, which should preferably be located near sources natural light(windows, verandas, etc.) or provide good artificial light;
  • a dining place, including a table and chairs: of course, it is very pleasant to have breakfast or meet guests on the green lawn, but be sure to provide comfortable placement of this furniture directly in the house, since rainy weather may upset your plans;
  • a sleeping place combined with a resting place, for the organization of which it is beneficial to use folding sofas, chair-beds or transformable furniture.

  • By the way, pay attention to the small electric fireplace - beautiful element an interior that is very pleasant to be next to on cozy family evenings. Separately, I would like to dwell on the obligatory, but often overlooked rooms for ethical reasons: the toilet and the bathroom. In most country house plans they are located on the street or are combined, however, these small rooms can be turned from “latrines” into comfortable and attractive rooms.
    The small outdoor building has everything you need: a toilet, a sink with a pedestal, a boiler, a shower and, if desired, you can even install a small washing machine.

    Interior of a country wooden house inside

    A wooden house is, perhaps, the most fertile of dacha styles, which can be decorated either ornately: for example, with carving or forging, or naturally - emphasizing the beauty of the wood, simply by varnishing polished logs that have retained their natural structure. Country, Russian hut, eco and other “rustic” design styles will fit very organically into the design of wooden log houses.
    It is unlikely that marble or crystal accessories would be appropriate for a wooden dacha, but discreet decor will suit the court: forged parts, inserts made of natural or artificial stone(for example, on a working wall), a small Russian stove or fireplace will undoubtedly decorate the living space of a log house.
    All the interior details in this photo are aimed at emphasizing the beauty of the wood: the color of the textiles successfully combines with the shade of the round timber and floor tiles, with the help of a trapezoidal arch, zoning is successfully done, and the fireplace, lined with brick-like tiles, adds coziness to the high room. Please remember: a dacha is not a wardrobe for storing old things, but a place where you merge with nature, resting your soul and body after cramped city streets. Apply maximum skills with a minimum of investments, and even old unnecessary things will sparkle with new colors. A country house ik, of course, will reciprocate your feelings by opening its welcoming doors for cozy family evenings.

    In a dacha, the house is perhaps the most important object, which should be functional, beautiful, and cozy. After a long week of work, I really want to relax and throw off the burden of problems that have accumulated over a long working week. The interior of a country house should be conducive to relaxation. In this regard, it would be quite appropriate to decorate a country house in a country style. Moreover, it is considered that this is the most The best way make your garden house beautiful and save your budget. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that gardening tools are often stored in the house.

    Old things in the interior

    Now that everything has been noted and studied, start making changes. However, there is a little secret that will allow you to do everything right and what is done will not look like grandma's room. Alternate elements of old with new. For example, attach modern holders to curtains that have long gone out of fashion. Inexpensive glass vases with colored stones or dried flowers will add relevance to the interior of a country house. Old paintings can be decorated with bright colored stickers, adding a little humor to the design. The rooms of the house can be made completely different.

    Rooms of the cottage

    The only thing that should unite the rooms of a dacha is comfort and coziness. Old coffee table You can change it by painting the corners and all protruding places with gold paint. You can change the furniture in the same style. Buy candles and place them on the table. Cover the old candlestick with gold as well. Knitted napkins will add romance. You can buy satin ribbons different colors. Cut the ribbon, make many small bows and decorate the living room curtains with them. Bedspreads made from scraps of fabric are very popular today. From clothes that have outlived their usefulness, you can make a bedspread in this style. Manufacturing information is available on the Internet. Anyone can learn this. Knitted rugs are also popular. They are made from colored scraps cut into ropes. They are connected to each other. Then they are crocheted using the simplest knitting technique. Everything is in your power. Make your country house beautiful by spending a minimum of money.

    Old, unnecessary things accumulate in a city apartment. Sometimes it’s a shame to throw them away, so we drag it all to the dacha with the thought that someday they will come in handy. Of course, you can make a storage room out of your dacha, but for those things that are truly dear to you. But it’s still worth getting rid of the junk.

    Country interior - a mix of various styles

    The interior of the dacha should be homely and warm. Just like in an apartment, a country house needs to be divided into zones: work, relaxation, living room, dining room. Since a country house is as close to nature as possible, this style is very suitable for it - country style (rustic style). To create it, only natural materials are used: the floors are made of boards. They can be left in their original condition, but such floors are more difficult to clean than painted or varnished floors. You can choose a transparent varnish and then the texture of natural wood will be preserved.

    Professional designers recommend mixing styles, since members of the same family may have different tastes. You can decorate the interior of your dacha in classic style, with some retro touches. For example, use wicker furniture and lampshades decorated with natural fabrics. Add bright details in country style: sofa cushions, tablecloths and capes. With the help of such accessories you can easily change the interior to suit your mood.

    For a country interior, you can use elements of the American style. It's quite simple. American style does not involve expensive materials, but the design solution itself looks luxurious and rich. Such an interior is built on the use color combinations and contrasts. For example, architectural forms such as niches, arches, and ledges can fit well. In such an interior there should not be sharp corners, they all need to be smoothed out. The best option for lighting - wall and tabletop.

    Materials for country interior

    No matter how much you want it, choose natural materials and give up plastic. Don’t you really want to make the interior truly rustic, cozy, on the same wavelength as nature?

    • When creating a country interior, the walls can be covered wood materials, or you can combine materials using them to decorate some sections of the walls decorative bricks or decorative stone. The interior in country style is made in elegant, light colors and shades. The perfect solution- the color of amber, tea, peach, salad color.
    • Make the lighting in your dacha soft and pleasing to the eye; lamps with diffuser shades and matte shades will allow you to achieve the desired effect. The work area should be well lit.
    • Fabrics used in a rustic interior should be made from natural fabrics with small patterns. The pattern can be floral, or you can choose fabrics with small polka dots. Windows with curtains made of such fabric will look elegant, simple and at the same time original.

    Garden furniture

    To create a cozy country interior, it is best to choose furniture made from natural wood. Elements woven from wicker will look good. Choose furniture with simple forms. It must certainly be cozy and comfortable. To store things, you can use not only cabinets, but also chests of drawers with chests. Shiny surfaces, plastic and glass are not typical for country style.

    A country interior with a fireplace will look very good.

    Complete the decor with a variety of cute items. Arrange vases, cover the table with a linen tablecloth, decorate the walls with small paintings with rustic motifs, upholstered furniture You can cover it with cozy blankets - all this will make the room more comfortable.

    What is your dacha interior like? Photo

    As you know, in order to fully relax, the interior of the room should contribute to this. As for the interior of a country house inside, a photo of which can be found below, it can be very diverse, depending on the preferences of the owners.

    Considering the modern pace of life, for many people a vacation becomes a huge luxury, and a full-fledged vacation becomes something completely unattainable. People solve this problem in different ways. Some people like to spend time having fun in the city, while others prefer to relax outside the city. Many people start a dacha where they can escape the bustle of the city at any time of the day or night.

    Outdoor recreation in your own country house can be simply fabulous. To enhance these magical sensations, you should approach the design of your home correctly and local area. These points are very important, since an untidy yard and an unpleasant interior of a country house will interfere with stress relief and will only ruin your mood. Even in small house you can create the most favorable atmosphere for relaxation and make the atmosphere cozy.

    Design specialists know many ways to create a favorable environment in a country house that will allow you to get rid of the stress caused by city life. At the same time, when we're talking about About the dacha, it is not at all necessary to invest large sums in decorating the house. A simple rustic style is quite suitable here, which you can work on with your own hands.

    Experts advise abandoning modern and high-tech styles when working with country houses; rustic country style with its numerous wooden accessories, rocking chairs and wicker furniture will look great here.

    In addition, the Provence style feels great in such a house, that is French country. IN in this case a lot of wood is used, painted white. The peculiarity of the interior of a country house in the Provence style, the photo of which is presented, is that to create it it is not at all necessary to purchase special furniture and make expensive repairs. Often it’s enough just to tidy up grandma’s old closet, make a couple of wooden tables, take a floor lamp that’s been decades old, and buy an impressively sized light-colored sofa. There can be a lot of directions for decorating a country house, but it is the rustic options that look most harmonious.

    When building a country house, you should use natural wood. This will save you from solving many problems with interior design. Natural wood, which was correctly laid during the construction of the walls, will not require additional processing. It can simply be impregnated with special substances to extend its service life, and then varnished. Wooden houses They are not only simple to decorate, but also very warm, and this is a huge plus for those who are going to relax at the dacha in the winter.

    Regarding the general color range for a country house, then it is worth using mainly bright hues. This applies not only to the interior of a small country house (see photo), where it is necessary to visually expand the space, but also large premises. If you wish, you can dilute the overall light background with dark splashes, but you cannot make the entire room gloomy, since a dacha is a place to relax.

    The interior of a wooden country house should be diluted with fresh flowers, as in the photo example. This is especially true for the Provence style, where living plants on a small white table are an integral attribute.

    How to choose a style?

    As mentioned above, a country house is the place where a person rests his soul and body. Everything here should promote relaxation and put you in the right mood. House in rustic style will fit perfectly into the local landscape, unlike a high-tech building or a Victorian palace. The last two look very beautiful, but relaxing outdoors in such a house is not very comfortable and cozy.

    A country house should be conducive to allowing people to reunite with nature as much as possible. Country houses that are decorated in a rustic style will look much more modern in natural environment. Moreover, country and Provence styles also have one undeniable advantage, namely the opportunity to not spend much on decorating and purchasing furniture. It is the rustic style that is ideal for creating an economy class interior inside a country house, and the presented photo demonstrates this perfectly.

    Provence and country

    Those people who gravitate towards a beautiful and simple rustic style should pay attention to one of these trends. You can hardly think of anything better for a country house.

    In both cases the maximum is used natural materials, and all colors should be natural and natural. It is better to choose simple and wooden furniture. Old cabinets, tables and chairs that can be restored and installed in the living room and bedroom work well.

    As additional accessories, you can take multi-colored pillows in natural colors. In a rustic style, patchwork and other types of needlework are welcome.

    You can decorate any room in your country house with decorative accessories made by yourself.

    Scandinavian style

    If decorative ruffles and numerous souvenirs made from natural materials are not to the owner’s taste, you can opt for another calm style, namely Scandinavian design the interior of a country house, the photo of which is presented below. Restraint is encouraged here, which manifests itself in literally everything. Often, when decorating a room in Scandinavian style They don’t even use curtains, but that’s not an acquired taste.

    In this case, all furniture and a few accessories should be of restrained shapes and soft colors. The result is a rather pleasant and extremely calm environment, and for a country house this is just what you need.

    How to decorate a country house with your own hands?

    If the owner of a country house has artistic talent, it can be used when decorating the premises. In this way, you will be able to create an excellent interior inside a country house with your own hands, look at the photo, and perhaps it will inspire you to create something of your own, exclusive.

    With help regular paint, for example, acrylic, you can create an ornament that will decorate the living room or bedroom. If the house is made of timber or sheathed inside wood panels, it is worth drawing a picture on wood sheets, and then attach them to the wall in the right place.

    Beyond the walls creative person can independently process and old furniture. For example, a restored wardrobe can be covered with patterns and a layer of varnish, after which it will become not just a place to store clothes, but also decorate the interior of a country house.

    As for the rooms, even in a small country house There should be rooms such as a living room, a bedroom and a kitchen. It is not at all necessary that they be huge, but it is still necessary to separate a place for receiving guests and drinking tea, a room where the owners of the house will sleep, and a room for cooking.

    In the living room you can often find such an important country house thing like a fireplace. You can lay it out yourself, but to do this you need to know the operating principle of such systems. Otherwise, improper use of the fireplace can lead to tragedy.

    If you don’t want to heat your fireplace with wood, you can take a closer look at decorative elements of such a type. They look no worse than a regular fireplace, but are absolutely safe and work from the mains. At the same time, such fireplaces can give the interior more comfort and can even heat the air during the cold season.

    There can be a lot of options for decorating a dacha, and most of them do not require major expenses. The main thing here is for the owners of the country house to feel comfortable and cozy, so ostentatious luxury in this case is absolutely useless.

    Planning space in a small country house

    Families often prefer small country houses for their holidays: they are practical, do not require much energy, and usually look much cleaner and tidier than a huge home that is difficult to keep track of. However, in such conditions, the problem of cluttering space often arises. The following simple and effective tips will help you solve it:

    1. The greatest troubles regarding planning the interior of a country house usually arise in the kitchen: for the convenience of cooking it is necessary a large number of appliances: stove, microwave, oven, not to mention the numerous cabinets with dishes and kitchen appliances! Measure in advance square meters under this equipment and, if necessary, purchase furniture to order - it’s better to spend money once than to put up with inconveniences all the subsequent time.
    2. In the living room of a small country house, place the minimum amount of furniture, leaving empty space in the center - this will visually enlarge the room.
    3. It is not recommended to lay thick carpets in rooms: it’s not even a matter of clutter or beauty, but the health of the residents. In the summer, during relaxation, the floors are usually warm, so the practical use of carpets disappears. But so much dust accumulates in them that small room absolutely can't breathe!
    4. When arranging a country house, give preference folding furniture: V daytime it can be easily removed to free up space.
    5. In conditions of limited space, focus primarily on the practicality of the interior of a country house: curtains for zoning a room, shelves instead of massive cabinets, folding tables for work and study - all this will help you effectively save space.
    6. The color of the walls of a country house plays a huge role: dark colors narrow the room, making it smaller, while light shades in combination with proper lighting and mirrors can visually expand the space.

    The right decor country estate– the key to a pleasant holiday in your favorite place. Please yourself and your loved ones with the bright and individual interior of a country house, and the photos below will tell you some interesting design solutions:

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