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» Exam in Russian 23rd option. Option. Online tests of the Unified State Examination Russian language. How do you understand the meaning of the word kindness?

Exam in Russian 23rd option. Option. Online tests of the Unified State Examination Russian language. How do you understand the meaning of the word kindness?

What is the value of childhood? Can childhood be considered the most important time in life? These are the questions that arise when reading D. Granin’s text.

Revealing the problem of the value of childhood, the author relies on his memories of childhood, on his own impressions received during this wonderful time and preserved in memory forever. According to the writer, childhood is an independent kingdom, independent of the adult future. Man is destined for childhood, so in old age it is this that is most remembered.

At this happy time, it seems to a person that the world is arranged for him, he is in the kingdom of freedom, not only external, but also internal.

Let's turn to literary arguments. In the story “Nikita” by A.P. Platonov, the world is shown through the eyes of a five-year-old child who early morning until late in the evening he is left to his own devices, because his father is at war and his mother works in the field.

Nikita populates his imaginary world with living creatures, humanizing everything around him. For example, he thinks that there is a little man living in an empty barrel, whom the baby persuades to weed millet in order to get a workday. The gentle sun looks like a deceased grandfather; grandfather probably lives there now. In Nikita's imagination, little water men live in an abandoned well, and the old tree stump has an angry face. Nikita is scared because all these imaginary creatures seem unkind to him. The father who returned from the war explained to his son that he had invented these evil little men, and that he “made the nail man” “with difficulty,” so the nail is a good man. The boy decided that he needed to work, then everyone would be alive. And the father firmly knew and believed that his son was kind and would remain so throughout his long life.

Let us give one more literary argument. In N. G. Mikhailovsky’s autobiographical story “Tema’s Childhood,” we meet an eight-year-old boy. Already in the first chapter it is shown how sharp the impressions are little hero and how strong his experiences are. Early in the morning he saw that his father's favorite flower had bloomed in the garden. A tender feeling for the flower awoke in the child, and he wanted to kiss it, but lost his balance and broke the flower. For Tyoma this was a real tragedy; he felt deeply unhappy because of the irreparable misfortune.

We came to the conclusion that in childhood a child is surrounded by a special, independent world, independent of adults, a rich imagination helps him see this world in his own way, and feelings of joy and sadness are experienced much more acutely than in adults. What seems like a trifle to a child is of great importance.

Updated: 2018-01-15

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Option 23

(1) Sixteen years have been waiting for me... (2) It’s terrible to be a late child! (3) I have become a precious gift, like a cup that, elegant and clean, stands behind glass, but from which one never drinks tea. (4) They can’t wait for the late child, and when they finally wait, they begin to show him such love, such attention that he wants to run away to the ends of the world.

(5) To be honest, the pride of our family should be sister Lyudmila: she is a candidate of sciences and works in an architectural studio.
(6) And everyone in the house is proud of me. (7) This is unfair.

(8) To disguise this injustice, my father praises me as if in jest. (9) Even for C grades brought home from school, they don’t scold me.

- (10) What a capable man! (11) I didn’t study my homework at all yesterday, I was sitting in front of the TV, and I got a C!

(12) Often my father asks me to remind him of the contents of a movie or a book that we both read.

- (13) What a wonderful memory, eh! - he says joyfully. - (14) He remembers everything, as if he was reading it yesterday... (15) But I forgot everything, got everything mixed up!

(16) It seems to me that my father is just happy that he forgets and confuses everything.

(17) The next day, after I smeared Kostya’s face, my father said:

- (18) Fighting, of course, is not good. (19) But still, how brave! (20) Two heads lower, but he went on the offensive and made up his mind! (21) Such a one will not burn in fire and will not drown in water!

(22) This is what love can lead to!

(23) But I don’t like it at all that everyone at home praises me.
(24) Is it difficult to answer a three? (25) Or remember the contents of the book? (26) What kind of cretin am I? (27) And why should I be especially happy that I am “two heads” shorter than Kostya? (28) Although in fact it’s only half a head.

(29) Father and mother, it seems to me, are very pleased that I am short. (30) After all, they were expecting a child and want me to stay with them for the rest of my life. (31) But I don’t want to!

(32) I once heard on the radio that if there are several children in a family, it is not good to single out one of them. (33) I told my parents about this.

- (34) Another would be proud to be singled out, but this one thinks about his sister. (35) How kind, eh! - exclaimed the father.

- (36) “So, love and care did not make you selfish,” my mother concluded. - (37) We are very happy.

(38) That's all for you! (39) They are very happy. (40) And me?..

(According to A.A. Aleksin)*

* Aleksin Anatoly Georgievich (born in 1924) - writer, playwright. His works, such as “My Brother Plays the Clarinet”, “Characters and Performers”, “Third in the Fifth Row”, etc., tell mainly about the world of youth.

2. Which answer option contains the information needed tojustification answer to the question: “Why doesn’t the hero-narrator want to be praised by his family?”

1) Hero-storyteller feels completely unworthy of the love of his parents and older sister.

2) To the hero-storyteller one has to make enormous efforts to justify this attitude of relatives.

3) To the hero-storyteller I want him to be accepted in the family for who he really is.

4) Hero-storyteller feels that praise spoils his character, makes him selfish and callous.

3. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech isphraseological unit .

1) Often my father asks me to remind him of the contents of a movie or book that we both read.

2) - What a strange memory, eh! - he says joyfully.

3) I once heard on the radio that if there are several children in a family, it is not good to single out one of them.

4) They can’t wait for the late child, and when they finally do, they begin to show him such love, such attention that he wants to run away to the ends of the world.


4. From sentences 21-25, write down the word in which the spellingconsoles is determined by the rule: “In prefixes ending in -Z and -S, Z is written before vowels and voiced consonants, and S is written before voiceless consonants.”


5. From sentences 8-12, write down the word in which the spellingsuffix is determined by the rule: “In full passive participles the past tense is written NN.”


6. Replace the colloquial word"smeared" in sentence 17 stylistically neutralsynonymous . Write this synonym.

7. Replace the phrase"speaks joyfully" (sentence 13), built on the basis of adjacency, a synonymous phrase with connectioncontrol . Write the resulting phrase.

8. Write it out grammatical basis proposals 9.


9. Among offers 12-17, find all offersWith homogeneous members . Write the numbers of these sentences.


10. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers representing commas inintroductory words .

The next day, (1) after I smeared Kostya’s face, (2) father said:

- Fight, (3) Certainly, (4) not good. But still, how brave (5) A! Two heads lower (6) and went on the offensive, (7) made up his mind!


11. Specify quantitygrammar basics in sentence 32. Write the answer in numbers.


12. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas between parts complex sentence relatedsubordinating communication

Father and mother (1) I think, (2) very pleased, (3) that I'm short. They were expecting a child and want (4) so that I remain them for the rest of my life.


13. Find among sentences 1-4complex offer with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.


14. Find among offers 29-35complex offer with union coordinating and subordinating connection between parts. Write the number of this offer.


15.2. Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the ending of the text:

“That means love and care did not make you selfish,” my mother concluded. - We are very glad. That's all for you! They are very happy. And I?.."

Bring it in your essay 2 (two) arguments from the text you read that support your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate numbers necessary proposals or use citation.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the phraseLIFE VALUES ? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-discussion on the topic"What are life values" , taking the definition you gave as a thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning:one example- give an argument from the text read, andsecond - from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite original text without any comments, such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.





speaks with joy.

They don't scold

12, 15, 16.

Option 23. Assignments for the Unified State Exam 2018. Russian language. I.P. Tsybulko. 36 options

Read the text and complete tasks 1 – 3

(1)About imitation of the starry sky in indoors dreamed by many since ancient times, just remember Archimedes, who supposedly built a device that simulated starry sky with the planets, and even described it in the essay “On the Making of the Celestial Sphere.” (2) The invention of the telescope at the beginning of the 17th century and the rapid development of astronomy associated with it became an incentive for the construction of mechanical models of the astronomical vision of the world, and first of all they began to build mechanical models heliocentric system in order to popularize the still disputed theory of Copernicus: since all the planets move around the Sun in one direction and almost in the same plane, using a set of shafts and gears they made devices where balls - planets - moved around the central ball - the Sun - in compliance with such the same relative speeds and distances as in the sky. (3) These models were called Copernican planetariums.

1. Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The incentive for the construction of planetariums, the first of which was supposedly built and described by Archimedes, was the development of astronomy associated with the creation of the telescope at the beginning of the 17th century, and first of all, mechanical models of the heliocentric system, called Copernican planetariums, were created.

2) In order to popularize the still disputed theory of Copernicus, at the beginning of the 17th century, models of the heliocentric system were created: using a set of shafts and gears, devices were made where balls - planets - moved around the central ball - the Sun - maintaining the same relative speeds and distances as and in the sky.

3) Presumably, the first planetarium was built and described by Archimedes, but the development of astronomy was caused by the creation of a telescope in the 17th century, which led to the construction of planetariums, and first Copernican planetariums were created - mechanical models of the heliocentric system.

4) At the beginning of the 17th century, Copernican planetariums were created - mechanical models of the heliocentric system, which were devices in which balls - planets - moved around the central ball - the Sun - maintaining the same relative speeds and distances as in the sky.

5) Archimedes also built a device that simulated the starry sky with planets, and even described it in the essay “On the Making of the Celestial Sphere,” which confirms the existence in ancient times of the idea of ​​creating a starry sky indoors.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the first (1) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

on the other side

Despite everything


For example

3. Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word TRANSMISSION. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.


1) Action according to the meaning of the verb “transfer”. P. order. P. telephone messages. P. knowledge and experience. P. relay baton. P. thoughts at a distance. P. ownership of land.

2) A mechanism that transmits movement and power from one part of the device to another. Gidravlicheskaya village. Chervyachnaya village.

3) What is broadcast on radio and television. Interesting item. Listen to the program. Program Guide.

4) Things, products transferred to someone. (to hospital, prison). Bring the package.

5) Throwing a ball, puck from player to player of one team (sports). Accurate p. Goal p. Midfielder. P. from the center of the field.

4. In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.


will tilt


5. In one of the sentences below, the highlighted word is used INCORRECTLY. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

The SELECTION round has already passed, and preparations for the concert were in full swing.

It is necessary to follow the rules of etiquette so as not to accidentally put a person in a HUMILIATING position for him.

Komlev no longer felt hatred and understood that he would not be able to REPAY his enemy.

Confusion reigned in the ENEMY camp.

Every year the library receives about a thousand orders from its SUBSCRIBERS, including e-mail.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

kilogram of WAFFLES

SEVENTY percent

CHILL in the wind

movement is SHARPER

a lot of EGGPLANT

7. Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they were made: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

B) incorrect construction of a sentence with participial phrase

B) error in constructing a complex sentence

D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

D) incorrect use of a numeral name


1) When the horse fell into the ditches, all three had to get out of the sleigh and walk waist-deep in the snow.

2) The foggy streaks began to gradually turn red and disperse, into which the meadows and arable lands were drowning.

3) When you look at the monument to M. Yu. Lermontov, you get the impression that the poet is looking around and admiring his beloved city.

4) Having met by chance, two friends told each other for a long time last news.

5) The United States took unprecedented security measures during the preparation and holding of the meeting of heads of state participating in the next UN assembly.

6) Those who have visited Antarctica could see the active volcano Erebus, located on one of the coastal islands.

7) Sitting on an earthen embankment, the spectators could see the entire stadium.

8) Bees are attracted to flowers that not only emit a fragrant aroma, but also have bright colors.

9) Personal hygiene is a set of hygienic rules, the implementation of which helps to preserve and strengthen human health.

8. Identify the word in which the unstressed vowel of the root being tested is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter. touch



lie down

9. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write down these words by inserting the missing letter,

from..skat, super..gra

z..birth, r..list (ceiling)

pr..opened, pr..increased (speed)

pr..glued, pr..following

and... frightening, insecure...

10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap.

take your leave





11. Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.


(smoke) isn't it...

12. Determine the sentence in which NOT is written together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

Salvation came unexpectedly and precisely at the moment when it seemed that help was coming (NOT) WHERE.

The closed sluices raised the waters of a (NOT) WIDE, but a narrow river high.

The dust settles, and completely (NOT) HIGH pyramidal poplars.

The sun, not yet HIDDEN by clouds, illuminates a gloomy yellow-purple cloud.

It seems that spring has (NOT) HAPPENED for a long time, everyone was looking forward to it.

13. Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

It was necessary to wait for Semenov at ANYTHING, (BECAUSE) his arrival decided a lot.

Ranevskaya comes from Paris to repent of her sins, and ALSO to find peace in her native estate.

The sky was gloomy just like yesterday, the sea was stormy, (THUS) the boat trip had to be postponed.

(C) DURING last summer I had the opportunity to live in an old estate near Moscow, (WHAT) it was not like ordinary estates.

(FROM) UNDER THE snow the first spring flowers appeared, and (C)ONCE the joy of nature's renewal was breathed.

14. Indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) one letter N is written.

Peter I's favorite dishes were fried (1) meat with vegetables, baked (2) fish, thick sausages, finished (3) ham and marinated (4) mushrooms.

15. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) From sheet metal they make machine and instrument casings and utensils.

2) Tinsmiths must know the structure of various machines and devices for processing sheet metal and be able to work on them.

3) Wood glue is produced in the form of grains or hard tiles with a shiny surface.

4) We stayed up for a long time and admired the sky and the sea.

5) The main character’s attacks on people are inappropriate and he looks comical in his excessive demands on people.

16. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) in whose place(s) there should be a comma(s).

The steppe air (1) filled with a thousand different bird whistles (2) was hot, and in high in the sky the hawks (3) stood motionless, spreading their wings (4) and motionlessly fixing their eyes on the grass.

17. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s), in the place of which(s) there should be a comma(s).

The leaves on the trees do not move; on a hot summer day they (1) seem to (2) shine through with emeralds, so that the lace of veins is visible. Only individual leaves will suddenly sway (3) apparently (4) from the movement of a bird suddenly fluttering from a branch.

18. Place all punctuation marks: indicate the number(s), in the place of which(s) there should be a comma(s).

Gross domestic product is the indicator (1) on the basis of (2) which (3) countries are divided (4) into developed and developing.

19. Place all punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas.

They say (1) that kindness cures loneliness (2) and (3) when I settled in the village (4) I had the opportunity to verify this.

20. Edit the sentence: correct a lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of modern Russian literary language.

P. M. Tretyakov was fond of collecting paintings all his life and by the age of thirty-five he was already a well-known breeder throughout Russia, respected not only by art critics, but also by artists.

Read the text and complete tasks 21 - 26

(1) Childhood rarely makes it possible to guess anything about the child’s future. (2) No matter how hard fathers and mothers try to see what will come of their child, no, it is not justified. (3) They all see childhood as a preface to adult life, preparation. (4) In fact, childhood is an independent kingdom, separate country, independent of the adult future, of parental plans, she, if you like, is main part life, it is the main age of a person. (5) Moreover, a person is destined for childhood, born for childhood, in old age childhood is remembered most of all, therefore we can say that childhood is the future of an adult...

(6) Childhood was the happiest time of my life. (7) Not because things got worse. (8) And over the next years I thank fate, and there were a lot of good things. (9) But childhood was different from the rest of my life in that then the world seemed arranged for me, I was a joy for my father and mother, there was still no sense of duty, no responsibilities. (10) Childhood is irresponsible. (11) It was then that responsibilities around the house began to appear. (12) Go. (13) Bring it. (14) Wash... (15) School, lessons appeared, a clock appeared, time appeared.

(16) I lived among grass, berries, geese, ants. (17) I could lie in a field, fly among the clouds, run to God knows where, just rush, be a horse, a car, a steam locomotive. (18) Could talk to any adult. (19) This was the kingdom of freedom. (20) Not only external, but also internal. (21) I could look from the bridge into the water for hours (what did I see there?). (22) I stood idle for a long time at the shooting range. (23) The forge was a magical sight.

(24) As a child, I loved to lie on the warm logs of a raft; without taking your eyes off the water, watch how they play there in the reddish depths, the bleaks glisten.

(25) You turn on your back, clouds are floating in the sky, and it seems that my raft is floating. (26) The water is gurgling under the logs, where is it floating? - of course, to distant countries, there are palm trees, deserts, camels. (27) In children's countries there were no skyscrapers, no highways, there was a country of Fenimore Cooper, sometimes Jack London - everything is snowy, blizzard, frosty.

(28) Childhood is black bread, warm, fragrant, there was no such thing later, it remained there, this green peas, this is grass under bare feet, these are pies with carrots, rye, with potatoes, this homemade kvass. (29) Where does the food of our childhood disappear? (30) And why does she always disappear? (31)Lean sugar, millet porridge with pumpkin...

(32) There were so many different happy, cheerful things... (33) Childhood remains the main thing and gets prettier over the years. (34) I cried there too, I was unhappy. (35) Fortunately, this was completely forgotten, only the charm of that life remained. (36) Namely life. (37) There was no love, no glory, no travel - only life, a pure feeling of delight at one’s existence under this sky. (38) The value of friendship or the happiness of having parents was not yet realized, all this later, later, and there, on the raft, only me, the sky, the river, sweet foggy dreams...

(According to D. A. Granin)

21. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

1) Childhood is a preparation for adulthood, since in childhood a child is just beginning to comprehend the structure of the world.

2) Parents' attempts to understand what their child's future will be like are most often unsuccessful.

3) The narrator became acquainted with the works of F. Cooper and J. London in adulthood, when he traveled to distant lands.

4) From childhood, the narrator was taught to be responsible, to perform household duties, and to work in the forge.

5) The narrator considers childhood to be the happiest time, despite the fact that later there were many good things in his life.

22. Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers.

1) Sentences 3, 4 contain justification for what is said in sentence 2.

2) Sentences 6-9 contain reasoning.

3) Sentences 16-20 present the narrative.

4) Sentence 28 presents a narrative.

5) Proposition 31 contains the answer to the questions formulated in sentences 29, 30.

23. From sentences 24-27, write down one phraseological unit.

24. Among sentences 1-6, find one(s) that is related to the previous one using attributive and personal pronouns. Write the number(s) of this sentence(s).

25. “The text uses various techniques, in particular (A)___ (“childhood” in sentence 5), as well as tropes: (B)___ (“magical spectacle” in sentence 23, “sweet foggy dreams” in sentence 38) , (C) ___ (“childhood is an independent kingdom” in sentence 4, “the kingdom of freedom” in sentence 19). Childhood is replaced by another time, which in the text is characterized by a syntactic device - (D) ___ (sentences 12-14).”

List of terms:

1) synonyms

2) metaphor

3) epithets

4) lexical repetition

5) phraseology

6) antonyms

7) one-part sentences

8) interrogative sentences

9) appeals

Option 23

Job number


Job number


to also

For example

123 or any combination of these numbers


1234 or any combination of these numbers



embryo painted


you'll drive

keep your eyes peeled

out of nowhere


1. The problem of the value of childhood. (What is the value of childhood?)

2. The problem of a child’s perception of the world around him. (How do children perceive the world?)

1. Childhood is the main time in life: a person is destined for childhood, born for it. This is an independent kingdom, a separate country, independent of the adult future.

2. The child perceives the world around him in a special way: it seems to him that the whole world is arranged for him, and this makes him attractive. The child experiences internal and external freedom, he is not burdened with any responsibilities, a sense of duty: there is no love, no glory, no travel - only life, a pure feeling of delight at his existence under this sky.

Job source: Decision 4637. Unified State Exam 2017. Russian language. I.P. Tsybulko. 36 options.

(1) Many people have dreamed of simulating the starry sky indoors since ancient times; just remember,<...>, Archimedes, who allegedly built a device simulating the starry sky with planets, and even described it in his essay “On the Making of the Celestial Sphere.” (2) The invention of the telescope at the beginning of the 17th century and the associated rapid development of astronomy became an incentive for the construction of mechanical models of the astronomical vision of the world, and first of all, they began to build mechanical models of the heliocentric system in order to popularize the still disputed theory of Copernicus: since all planets move around the Sun in one direction and almost in the same plane, then using a set of shafts and gears they made devices where balls - planets - moved around the central ball - the Sun - maintaining the same relative speeds and distances as in the sky. (3) These models were called Copernican planetariums.

Task 2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the first (1) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

on the other side

Despite everything


For example


1. We read the indicated sentence and determine by meaning which conjunction, allied word, preposition or introductory word is missing.

<...>, Archimedes, who allegedly built a device simulating the starry sky with planets, and even described it in his essay “On the Making of the Celestial Sphere.”

The word is highlighted on both sides with commas. Most likely this is an introductory word. The proposal illustrates the fact that “simulating the starry sky indoors has been a dream of many since ancient times.”

2. Choose suitable option from those proposed. Read the sentence by filling in the blank:

(1) Many people have dreamed of simulating the starry sky indoors since ancient times; just remember,<например>, Archimedes, who allegedly built a device simulating the starry sky with planets, and even described it in his essay “On the Making of the Celestial Sphere.”

Examination. We substitute the remaining words from the proposed list in place of the gap.

The answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, phrase, number or sequence of words, numbers. Write the answer to the right of the task number without spaces, commas, etc. additional characters.

Read the text and complete tasks 1–3.

(1) The debate about when and why bird flight originated is still ongoing. (2) Some scientists believe that it’s all about the ice age: the advancing glacier drove the birds out of their usual habitats, and when the glacier retreated, the descendants of the fugitives returned home. (3)______ after all, almost none of the migratory birds build nests and raise chicks in wintering areas.


Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. Almost none of the migratory birds build nests or raise chicks in wintering areas.

2. Some scientists believe that birds return home when the glacier recedes.

3. The reason for bird flights was the ice age: when the glacier advanced, the birds flew away, and when it retreated, they returned to their usual habitats.

4. Scientists are still arguing about when and why bird flights arose.

5. The Ice Age, which drove birds out of their usual habitats, became the cause of bird flights.


Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

1. Indeed,

2. Fortunately,

4. At the same time


Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word RETURN. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

RETURN AND Th, -upl Yu, -at eat; owls

1. Having stepped, move away, move back, to the side. O. from the door. Oh, one step. The forests retreated to the north (trans.).

2. Move back under the pressure of the advancing enemy. O. with battles. O. before difficulties (translated).

3. from what. Give up your intentions and plans. He won’t back down from his own. I won't give up until I get my way.

4. from what. Stop sticking to something. O. from my opinion. O. from custom.

5. from what. Shift attention from the main to the secondary. O. off topic.

6. (1st person and 2nd person not used), trans. In certain combinations: become weaker, get closer to the end. The disease has subsided. The fire receded. The elements have receded.

7. from what. Indent. O. slightly from the edge of the sheet.


In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.





One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

1. As a child, she was a very TRUSTING child.

2. Each era develops its own VALUABLE guidelines

3. He was always an overly PRACTICAL person.

4. Today my sister WEARED a festive dress.

5. CONFIDENT tone of conversation.


In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

RINSES the laundry

according to the TABLE


TWO beautiful pianists

Little Pony


Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members 1) A.S. Pushkin wrote that he was not born to amuse kings.
B) violation of the construction of sentences with participial phrases 2) Marie Skłodowska-Curie is the only woman to be awarded the Nobel Prize twice.
C) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial phrase 3) Even at the most hard times A. Akhmatova believed that “And yet they will recognize my voice, And yet they will believe it again.”
D) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech 4) In the novels of M. Sholokhov there are no lies, pretending to be another truth.
D) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition 5) Getting closer, the hunters saw that the bear was not killed, but only wounded.
6) The barred round windows of the monastery and the old gilded dome seemed familiar to me.
7) According to letters from contemporaries, in his youth Leo Tolstoy preferred to travel on horseback.
8) Going up to the second floor, I saw a long corridor and a wooden door
9) Enjoying a delicious dinner, our conversation flowed serenely.

Write your answer in numbers without spaces or other symbols


Identify the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.






Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

h...spend the night, w...cook

pr...breezy, pr...given

and...cook, food...

pr...increase, pr...passion

p...road worker, not...sightly








Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.

opening... May

you're worried


Indicate all the numbers replaced by I.

Now no (1) mountains, no (2) sky, no (3) earth - no (4) what no (5) was visible.


Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

1. (S)AFTER, we more than once recalled how Fedor bravely walked (OVER) THAT rocky ledge.

2. It was STILL hot outside, (THUS) the question about delivery drinking water turned out to be the most relevant.

3. (NOT) DESPITE feeling poorly, Sergei managed to finish the work (IN) WITHIN a week.

4. TO get to the pass, we had to walk for so long that many people (FREQUENTLY) thought about returning to the camp.

5. Kids played in the yard the SAME as a year ago, and strict grandmothers made sure that order was maintained.


Indicate all the numbers replaced by one N.

On the yacht - the company (1) stamp “K. Faberge”, and on the silver(2) rim, placed on the crystal, her name “Faith” is engraved(3).


Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. You will find thorny thorns of wild roses near Moscow and in Siberia in Central Asia and on Far East.

2. Quiet and silent in winter forest and in forest snow-covered glades

3. The grass flowers shine and bask and joyfully reach out to the gentle sun.

4. All day we walked through the forests, made our way through thickets of birches and aspens, breathing in the musty smell of grass and roots.

5. The world is filled with the smell of pine, the sun and the singing of a lark.


For two weeks now (1) our newly arrived (2) puppy has been exploring the world (3) at the same time testing (4) the boundaries of what is permitted.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences.

Some contemporaries were outraged by the use of A.S. Pushkin of common people’s words in contexts where (1) according to critics (2) it was necessary to use the words “high”. However (3) Pushkin resolutely rejected the concept of “low matter”.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Among the conversations (1) that then took place between Daisy and me (2) and (3) which often ended in the morning (4) because we discovered new aspects of the same things (5) the topic of traveling together to all the places (6) that I visited before.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

He was content with (1) what was written in the notebook (2) and did not show any annoying curiosity (3) even (4) when he did not understand everything (5) that he listened and taught.


Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the selected word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language.

The communal house was equipped with last word equipment, here they took care of the comfort of the residents: laundry, dining room-restaurant, club, store, rare at that time hot water, kindergarten.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-26.

(1) Autumn came by surprise and took possession of the earth - gardens and rivers, forests and air, fields and birds. (2) Everything immediately became autumn.

(3) Tits were fussing about in the garden. (4) Their scream was like a ringing broken glass. (5) They hung upside down on the branches and looked out the window from under the maple leaves.

(6) Every morning in the garden, as on an island, they gathered migratory birds. (7) Amid the whistling, squawking and croaking, a commotion arose in the branches. (8) Only during the day was it quiet in the garden: restless birds were flying south.

(9) The leaves have begun to fall. (10) Leaves fell day and night. (11) They either flew obliquely in the wind, or lay vertically in the damp grass. (12) The forests were drizzling with rain of flying leaves. (13) This rain continued for weeks. (14) Only towards the end of September the copses were exposed, and through the thicket of trees the blue distance of the compressed fields became visible.

(15) Then the old man Prokhor, a fisherman and basket maker (in Solotch, almost all old people become basket makers with age), told me a fairy tale about autumn. (16) Until then, I had never heard this tale; Prokhor must have invented it himself.

(17) “Look around,” Prokhor told me, picking at his bast shoe with an awl, “take a closer look, dear man, at what every bird or, say, other living creature breathes.” (18) Look, explain. (19) Otherwise they will say: I studied in vain. (20) For example, a leaf falls off in the fall, but people don’t realize that a person in this matter is the main defendant. (21) A man, say, invented gunpowder. (22) The enemy will tear it apart with that gunpowder! (23) I myself also dabbled in gunpowder. (24) In ancient times, the village blacksmiths forged the first gun, filled it with gunpowder, and that gun fell into the hands of a fool. (25) A fool was walking through the forest and saw orioles flying under the skies, yellow cheerful birds flying and whistling, inviting guests. (26) The fool hit them with both trunks - and the golden fluff flew to the ground, fell on the forests, and the forests withered, withered and fell overnight. (27) And other leaves, where the bird’s blood got in, turned red and also fell off. (28) I suppose I saw in the forest - there is a yellow leaf and there is a red leaf. (29) Until that time, all the birds spent the winter with us. (30) Even the crane didn’t go anywhere. (31) And the forests stood both summer and winter! (32) And in leaves, flowers and mushrooms. (33) And there was no snow. (34) There was no winter, I say. (35) It wasn’t! (36) Why the hell did she surrender to us, winter, pray tell?! (37) What interest does she have? (38) The fool killed the first bird - and the earth became sad. (39) From that time on, leaf fall, and wet autumn, and leaf-cutting winds, and winters began. (40) And the bird got scared, flew away from us, and was offended by the person. (41) So, dear, it turns out that we have harmed ourselves, and we need not to spoil anything, but to take good care of it.