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» Emilia Romagna is the birthplace of motors, currency cheese and unique frescoes. Emilia Romagna

Emilia Romagna is the birthplace of motors, currency cheese and unique frescoes. Emilia Romagna

Square: 22,123 km² Population: 4,101,324 people Density: 181 people/km² Provinces: Bologna, Ferrara, Forli-Cesena, Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Ravenna, Reggio Emilia, Rimini Communes: 341 Chapter: Vasco Errani since March 3, 1999 Official site

Physiographic characteristics

The Emilia-Romagna region extends from the Adriatic Sea in the east through the Apennine Mountains, before reaching the Ligurian Sea in the west. The region consists of two historical parts: Emilia (northwest, land along the Via Emilia) and Romagna (southeast).

Emilia-Romagna- region in Northern Italy. The area of ​​the region is 22.1 thousand km² (7.3% of the territory of Italy).

The administrative center is the city of Bologna.

The region is divided into nine provinces. Big cities: Bologna (Bologna, 369,000, with suburbs - 535,000), Modena (Modena, 175,000), Parma (Parma, 156,000), Reggio nell "Emilia, 141,000), Ravenna (Ravenna, 138,000 ), Ferrara (130,000), Rimini (128,000), Forli (108,000), Piacenza (95,000), Cesena (93,000), Imola (64,000), Faenza (Faenza, 53,000).

Emilia-Romagna- one of the largest regions of Italy. It borders Lombardy and Veneto in the north, Liguria and Piedmont in the west, Tuscany and Marche in the south, and is washed by the Adriatic Sea in the east. Between Emilia Romagna and Marche there is a small independent state - the Republic of San Marino. There are three types of climate in the region.

In the flat zone the climate is continental (cold and foggy winters, hot summers), in the mountain zone it is alpine ( Cold winter and cool summers), in coastal zone- moderate with cold north-easterly winds.

The main sectors of the economy are food, mechanical, electrical, textile, ceramics, automotive, and agriculture.

An important source of income is agriculture (grain growing, potato growing, growing onions and tomatoes, viticulture and fruit growing, cattle breeding, pig breeding, etc.). Strong gastronomic and winemaking traditions: Parmigiano cheese (Parmesan), Parma raw smoked ham, wines (brands) “Lambrusco”, “Trebbiano”, “Sangiovese”. Tradition violin makers(Sesto Rocky et al.). The automotive industry is represented by such giants as Lamborghini, Ferrari, Ducati, Maserati.

Tourism is developed (networks of resorts on the seashore).

The predominance of agricultural land located on the slopes of hills and mountains explains the high specific gravity production of crawler tractors. This is a feature of Italian agricultural engineering, its international specialization. Tractor manufacturing is most developed in the most important agricultural region of the country - Emilia-Romagna, in the cities of Reggio Emilia, Modena, Bologna, Piacenza, Suzzara.


The hallmark of the region is the red sparkling Lambrusco (dry or semi-dry). This effervescent wine with purple to pink hues is made from grapes of the same name grown on high trellises, mainly in the plains south of the Po River. The tradition of producing sparkling frizante wines is strong and widespread in Emilia, not only in the Lambrusco area. Numerous Frizzante are made from white Malvasia, Trebbiano, Ortrugo and red Bonarda and Barbera.

On the other hand, Romagna is known more for its still wines, although here the work to bring winemaking to a new quality level is just beginning. Decent Sangiovese can be found, as can several dessert wines from the autochthonous Albana. The hilly parts of Piacenza, Bologna and Parma produce the calm wines of Emilia. Here you can find very worthy Cabernet, Merlot, Barbera and other wines. But in general, Emilia’s winemaking tends more towards lightweight, shallow and not very serious wines. Exported Lambrusco is usually sweet, although the Italians themselves prefer dry with the name DOC, since it is dry Lambrusco that is most suitable for the rich and heavy cuisine of the region. More than 50 million bottles of Lambrusco are produced annually.

In the southeast of the province, this is Romagna, lies the production area of ​​the most famous wines - Albana, Sangiovese and Trebbiano di Romagna. There are some really interesting and rare finds in the region, both among sparkling and still wines. Such rare and very interesting wines include the white Pagadebit (it: Pagadebit di Romagna) DOC, known since Roman times, and the red sweet Canina (it: Cagnina di Romagna) DOC.


The population is 4.05 million people (6.9% of the country's population). Population density - 181 people per square meter. km. The population distribution throughout the region is very balanced due to the lack of megacities. The population of the most important industrial and shopping center region - the city of Bologna - makes up about 10% of the region's population. The region's population tends to increase, not so much due to an increase in the birth rate as to the large number of immigrants from other areas of Italy. According to ISTAT data for 2006, 6.8% of the population of Emilia-Romagna are immigrants.


Emilia-Romagna is one of the gastronomic centers of Italy. The local cuisine is based on meats, cheeses, pasta home production and for many centuries it has been considered the best in Italy and is famous throughout the world. It was in this region that the famous

A favorable location between two sea coasts, a mountain range on one side and a fertile river valley on the other. This is what provoked the rapid economic growth of the region back in the days of the Roman Empire, numerous wars in the Middle Ages and a fierce struggle with the Papacy in the future. Today Emilia Romagna attracts crowds of tourists with a huge number of attractions and unique masterpieces of art, sea ​​beaches And national parks. But the region is famous not only for its natural beauty, architectural delights and unique creations of great masters. No less famous are the products produced here - Balsamic vinegar, Parma ham and melt-in-your-mouth Parmesan cheese, which has a spicy aftertaste.

  • The first part of the name Emilia Romagna is named after the Roman military leader Marcus Aemilius Lepidus (d. 152 BC), under whose leadership the Via Emilia was built, stretching across the entire territory of the region from the Via Flaminia to the Via Postumia.
  • One of the asteroids, discovered in 1876, was named by French astronomers Emilia - in honor of the Emilian road.
  • Julius Caesar, having learned about the conspiracy being prepared against him, did not think long about “crossing the Rubicon.” This phrase, meaning making an irrevocable decision, is still in use today. But the Rubicon is just a river that has changed its course more than once.
  • The first European university was founded in Bologna at the end of the 11th century. The city is famous for its 35-kilometer arcades, just as Venice is famous for its canals.
  • Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, protected by the DOP (Destination of Origin) mark, can be used as collateral when obtaining credit funds from a designated bank with high-quality storage. The cheese maker receives two benefits at once - money for development and the opportunity to ripen cheese in optimal temperature and humidity conditions.
  • Between Modena and Bologna is the Motor Valley, where several factories producing the best Italian cars are concentrated. Each of them has museums representing branded models from different years.
  • Famous natives of Emilia Romagna - composer Verdi, artists Parmigiano, Prospero Fontana, Lorenzo Sabatini and Gaetano Gandolfi, painters and engravers the Carracci brothers, architect Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola, directors Pier Paolo Pasolini and Federico Fellini, opera singer Luciano Pavarotti and other equally outstanding personalities .

A little history

The Emilia Romagna region appeared on maps after World War II, but the territories became part of the united Kingdom of Italy back in 1860. Before this there were two separate historical areas– Emilia and Romagna, whose lands were inhabited in prehistoric times by the Umbrians and Etruscans, from the 4th century. BC. they were occupied by the Gauls, and at the turn of the 3rd century. BC. the Romans came here. First of all, they began to build the Via Emilia, which opened access to Rome on one side and to Genoa on the other. The favorable location of the transport route relative to the capital and seaports gave impetus to the founding of new cities and their economic growth.

In the 1st century BC. The Rubicon River marked the border between the Roman Republic and the provinces. At the same time, a naval defensive line was built in Ravenna, and the port became a link with Constantinople. At the beginning of the 5th century, the city became the capital of the Western Roman Empire, but not for long. It was in Ravenna that the last ruler of the West, Romulus Augustus, was born, occupied the throne for about a year and abdicated it in 476. 100 years later, the Byzantines created the Exarchate of Ravenna on the lands of Romagna. Its territories in the mid-8th century served as the basis for the future Papal State.

In the 6th-8th centuries. Emilia gradually came under the control of the Lombards. Subsequently, control of the region passed to noble families, which split the territories into separate principalities, leading their own political life. Only at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries. Papal troops managed to subjugate the lands of Emilia Romagna. At the end of the 18th century. The territories became part of Napoleonic Cisalpine Republic, which passed at the beginning of the 19th century. under the previous government. During the Risorgimento period the lands became part of the United Kingdom of Italy. The boundaries of Emilia Romagna were finally determined in 1948.

Attractions Emilia Romagna

The art of Emilia Romagna can be fully experienced in Ravenna. The peculiar style was formed during the period when the city was the capital, first of the Western Roman Empire, and then of the Lombards. The imagination is amazed by the golden mosaics and characteristic sculptures made of Ivory. Many objects in the region are classified as monuments World Heritage. The directions of creativity and style in art were determined by the schools of Ferrara and Bologna, Forli and Parma. They are considered real talent factories. The Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Renaissance - each of the periods left its mark on architecture, names on history, and masterpieces on future generations.

When to go to Emilia Romagna

Emilia Romagna weather

There are three climatic zones in the region - oceanic and sea ​​coast, humid subtropical - in the interior of the territory and humid continental - in the highlands. Bologna experiences significant rainfall, with the coldest month being January. average temperature air temperature is 2-3 degrees, and the warmest is July (24-26 degrees). Ravenna also has a lot of rain, and the average annual temperature ranges from 13-15 degrees. In Reggio Emilia, the thermometer often drops below zero in January, and in July it can rise to +30 degrees.

To relax on the shores of the Adriatic Sea, you need to meet the summer months. Peak holiday season in Rimini and Riccione it falls in July-August. Historical and natural attractions available all year round. Horseback riding and hiking in protected areas are best done from spring to autumn, and thermal spas- Anytime. Frescoes, mosaics, basilicas, villas and palaces can be admired all 12 months of the year, as well as gastronomic delights and tasting of locally produced wines. In the summer, tourists go kayaking and trekking, visit the amazing Italy in Miniature park and various food fairs. The Ferrari Circuit hosts car and motorcycle racing, and museums of prestigious cars are open all year round. Ethnic festivals and reenactments take place in Emilia Romagna historical events. As a pleasant bonus, local residents will be offered to try local cuisine - spinach and conger eel pies, pasta with Bolognese sauce and bean dumplings, real Parma ham and the now legendary Parmesan cheese. And, of course, you should not lose sight of the wines of Emilia Romagna - Lambrusco and Sangiovese, Gutturnio and Trebbiano.

Emilia Romagna on the map of Italy

The region's territory is located on the border of mainland Italy and the Apennine Peninsula. It stretches from the shores of the Adriatic Sea and almost to the Ligurian coast. The region unites two historical zones - Emilia, which received its name thanks to the Emilian road, built by the Romans in the 2nd century BC, and the proud Romagna, which in the Middle Ages witnessed serious battles between supporters of papal power, the Guelphs, and adherents of the representatives of the Holy Roman Empire, the Ghibellines. Emilia Romagna includes 9 provinces. The administrative center is located in the city of Bologna.

The region neighbors six regions of Italy and the small independent state of San Marino. The northern border for a greater extent is determined by the bed of the Po River. The flat part occupies almost half of the territory of Emilia Romagna, the hills spread over more than a quarter. The rest is mountainous terrain.

How to get to Emilia Romagna

International airports are located 6 km from Bologna and 8 km from Rimini. The first is named after the Nobel laureate in physics - Marquis Gugliemo Marconi. The second is named after the famous Italian director Federico Fellini. The airports serve flights arriving, including from Russia, the Baltic states, Belarus, and Ukraine. Between air gates and the cities of Emilia Romagna there are buses and trains. From nearby regions you can easily reach by land transport, from remote regions - by local airlines.

The northern region of Emilia-Romagna is one of the largest in Italy. In the south it borders with Marche and Tuscany, in the north with Lombardy and Veneto, in the west with Liguria and Piedmont, and only in the east is it washed by the beautiful Adriatic Sea. Historically, in ancient times this area was a kind of cordon between the southern and northern parts of Italy.

Geography, climate

The region is interesting because it represents terrain that is contrastingly different from each other. The southern part of Emilia-Romagna is located on a hill, the northern, on the contrary, is on the plains. The mountains here are quite deserted and lonely, while the flat terrain is replete with rich vegetation, many rivers originating in the Apennines, ancient estates, gardens, fields and roads full of traffic. The Adriatic coast also has lively beaches with all kinds of tourist attractions, as well as quiet, deserted lagoons.

The climate of Emilia-Romagna depends on the territory. Thus, the plains are characterized by hot summers and harsh winters with frequent precipitation and fog. Along the sea, the climate is milder, although northeastern winds blow here. Alpine type dominates in mountainous areas weather conditions with coolness in summer and coldness in winter.

History and origin of the name

In the region, archaeologists have recorded settlements dating back to the Neolithic era. Later, other tribes lived here - Celts, Etruscans, etc. In the 2nd century. n. e. Already by the Romans a road was built here connecting Piacenza and Rimini. She was named in honor of the consul Marcus Aemilius Leopidas - Aemilia. The name of the whole region - Emilia - came from this road. In the VI century. n. e. This territory was conquered by the Lombards and Byzantines, so Emilia was divided, calling it Romagna and Lombardy, respectively. After Italy reunited, the region reverted to its original name. The modern name Emilia-Romagna appeared only in 1947.


The cultural flourishing of the region occurred during the Renaissance. Traces of it have been preserved in cities such as Rimini, Parma, Ferrara, and Bologna. In the art galleries of Emilia-Romagna, the creations of legendary representatives of painting schools founded in the Middle Ages are preserved to this day.


The region is considered one of the richest in Italy. The most affluent cities are Ravenna, Parma and Modena. The vast majority of small and medium-sized businesses are developed here, while large enterprises practically do not exist. The largest factories are considered chemical industry in Ravenna and Ferrara, as well as automobile manufacturing famous brands Italian cars Maserati and Ferrari. For Agriculture cultivating fruits and vegetables and grain crops is typical high level automation. The level of livestock farming is the second most developed in the country.


There are 4 higher education institutions in the region educational institutions. The landmark of Bologna is one of the largest and oldest universities on the planet. About 100 thousand students receive education there. Universities in Parma, Ferrara, Modena-Reggio Emilia are also distinguished by their prestige and high quality education.

Transport connection

Emilia-Romagna has a very developed transport network. The region is famous for its high-quality and balanced railway communications. That is why it is not difficult to get to both large and small cities. Bologna is located international Airport, regional - in Rimini, Parma and Forli.


The residents of the sunny peninsula themselves consider the cuisine of Emilia-Romagna to be quite simple, but satisfying and tasty. We hear great first courses here: green tagliatelle or with Bolognese sauce; sausages - Parma ham, mortadella, Culatello Zibello ham; cheeses - Parmigiano, Reggiano and Pecorinodi Fossa. The region also boasts its DOC wines.


IN Bologna, the administrative center of Emilia-Romagna, managed to preserve most of the architectural monuments and historical buildings of the city center. Here you can see Gothic castles, small narrow streets, and various towers. Until now, having visited modern city, there is an opportunity to admire the appearance of medieval Bologna. The calling card of the city is its arcades, which play an important role in its stylistic design. The main attractions are Piazza Maggiore, King Enzo's Palace, the Church of San Petronio, the leaning tower houses of Torre Asinelli and Garisenda.

, known to many for her sausages, is also filled with architectural monuments. Its historical center harmoniously houses the Romanesque cathedral and the Gothic Bishop's Palace. Parma Monastery, with light hand Stendhal also became known throughout the world. Residents of the city are crazy about the Farnese Theater in Palazzo della Pilotta. The stage, pilasters, columns, balustrades, and sculptures have been preserved here since the 16th century. And the first performance was performed on the wedding day of Margherita of Tuscany and Edoardo Farnese.

It is rightfully considered the pearl of Emilia-Romagna and all of Italy. This is not surprising, because she has something to be proud of. The ancient university, the majestic Lion Tower, the Romanesque Cathedral of San Giorgio, and the Castle d'Este are located here. The city is famous for its palaces - Pallazo Diamante (now the National Pinakothek is located here), Turchi di Bagno, Prosperi Socrati, Schifanoia.

The city is known primarily for the fact that it was in these places in 72 BC. e. A legendary battle took place between the warriors of Cassius and Spartacus. Modena was ruled by such famous Italian dynasties as Canossa, d'Este and others. From historical monuments famous: the symbol of the city - Garlandina (XIV century), Palazzo Ducale, Comunale, del Museo, green gardens of Estense.

Concerning ancient city Ravenna, then it is associated with unique frescoes from the times of early Christianity and Byzantium. Most of them are kept in the basilicas of San Vitale and Sant'Apollinare Nuovo. There are also stone representatives of Ostrogothic art - the mausoleum and palace of Theodoric. The brilliant Italian poet Dante Alighieri ended his life in Ravenna in 1321. A small temple in the classicist style was built near his marble tombstone.

Tourist is famous primarily for its beautiful beaches on the Adriatic Sea. However, the city is surrounded by attractions. Here is the oldest Roman arch - the Arch of Augustus, as well as the Tiberius Bridge over the Rubicon River - living evidence of the campaign of Gaius Julius Caesar against Rome. Beach areas are located in both the magnificent Catholic and small Riccione. By the way, from Rimini it is easy to get to the miniature state of San Marino by car or bus.

Between Rimini and Bologna is located, which is rightfully considered an ancient production center ceramic products. The word "faience" came from these places. In the city you can visit the International Ceramics Museum, which displays objects made by masters of their own school.


Emilia-Romagna is known for its many talented individuals. Here are the most famous of them:

  • Lucio Dalla is a famous composer in Italy, originally from Bologna;
  • Vasco Rossi is an Italian pop-rock musician born in the small town of Zoca (between Modena and Bologna);
  • Federico Fellini is a brilliant film director, a representative of Italian neorealism. His film “Amarcond” (1973), which tells about Rimini, the city of his childhood, was awarded an Oscar;
  • « Parma is the musical capital of Italy

A little reference information for the Emilia-Romagna region:

Capital of Emilia-Romagna:

Official name: Emilia-Romagna

Provinces within the region: Bologna, Ferrara, Forli-Cesena, Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Ravenna, Reggio Emilia, Rimini.

Square: 22 thousand sq. km.

Population: 4.1 million people

One of the largest administrative centers in Italy is Emilia-Romagna. It is located between two seas: the Adriatic and the Tyrrhenian, and has the most beautiful views of the Apennine Mountains.

It’s not for nothing that Emilia-Romagna has a double name: this city is divided into two historical center- Emilia and Romagna. The first is located along the Emile Road in the northwest, and the second occupied the southeast of the region. Emilia-Romagna in the east near the Adriatic Sea is especially beautiful.

It neighbors Lombardy, Veneto, Liguria, Piedmont, Tuscany and Marche. Between the latter and Emilia-Romagna is the Republic of San Marino, a small state within the borders of Italy. Emilia-Romagna is distinguished by its richness of climatic zones - there are three of them in the region.

Emilia-Romagna is an agricultural region, where they grow vegetables, grains, raise livestock, and also make excellent Lambrusco wine, which is recognized throughout the world as a unique wine. business card this unique region.

This red dry or semi-dry wine is presented in a range of amazing shades - from soft pink to juicy purple. Lambrusco is made from special grape varieties that grow on the plains near the Po River. In Emilia-Romagna, the tradition of winemaking is spread throughout absolutely all areas of the region.

The industry of the regional center itself is also well developed, especially the food industry. Since ancient times, Emilia-Romagna has been considered the gastronomic center of Italy. Here they traditionally use meat, cheeses and a variety of home-made pasta, which are famous throughout the world.

Every year many tourists come to Emilia Romagna, as the tourism industry is very well developed. Attracted by resorts off the coast of the Adriatic Sea and beautiful cities(Parma, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Rimini, Ferrara, Ravenna, etc.).

Emilia-Romagna is rightfully recognized as one of the most beautiful regions of romantic Italy. This is a pearl architectural ensembles, a treasure trove of art and science. Here, in Bologna, is the oldest university in the country from the 11th century.

At every step you can see the most unique monuments history and architecture. One of these is the Gothic Cathedral of St. Petronio, where Charles V was crowned in 1530. Asinelli and Garisenda are ancient observation towers, from the platforms of which beautiful views of the city open.

Emilia-Romagna! Agree, even the name sounds charming. Therefore, if you go on a trip to Italy, do not deprive this wonderful region of your attention.

On the map of Italy, Emilia-Romagna occupies the northern part of the country and extends from the Adriatic Sea in the east of the region and almost to the Ligurian coast in the west.

The southern part of Emilia-Romagna borders with and Marche, while its northern part borders with Lombardy and.

Location of the Emilia-Romagna region on the map of Italy

The Neolithic era was the starting point in the history of Emilia-Romagna. The Etruscans lived in the region, then the Celts, and in the 3rd century AD. e. The region was conquered by the Romans.

In fact, the region received its name Emilia in honor of the Roman military leader Marcus Aemilius Lepidus.

It was the Romans who created and developed these territories. They paved the road from modern Rimini to modern Piacenza. And they built cities along this road that became the main cities of the region: Ravenna and Ferrara. In the 18th century, the region's territories were occupied by French troops. It was only in 1860 that Emilia-Romagna became part of Italy.

Emilia-Romagna – region of attractions

Emilia-Romagna is a region that brings together the most fabulous and picturesque cities which are rich in beautiful sights. Therefore, if you want not to miss anything, the most the best way- This is a rental car in which you can visit all the attractions of Emilia-Romagna. Emilia-Romagna is simply overflowing with interesting places!

You will learn all the details about the Emilia-Romagna region from the video:


So, this is a city that was once the capital of the region. The most popular attraction here is Mausoleum of Galla Placidia. In reality, this building is not a mausoleum, since Galla Placidia is buried in Rome. But the building has enormous historical value, since it was erected in the 5th century. In addition, by visiting it, you will receive great aesthetic pleasure from interior design building. This site is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Mausoleum of Galla Placidia is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site


Bologna is the capital of Emilia-Romagna, which attracts tourists with its architecture and picturesque nature. The main attractions here are the leaning towers of Asinelli and Garisenda. The height of the first is 97 meters; to climb to its top you need to overcome 498 steps. The height of Garisenda is 48 meters.
Another attraction of the city that every educated inhabitant of the planet knows about is University of Bologna.

The University of Bologna is famous all over the world

The modern university began many years ago with a law school, which left its mark on its modern development. After all, the main direction of the university remains legal.

Don't neglect and Archaeological Museum of Bologna, and Museum of the Middle Ages of Bologna. The exhibits will take you back far into the history of the city. The Archaeological Museum presents Egyptian and Etruscan collections, which are very important for Europe. The Museum of the Middle Ages will immerse you in the history of the city. You will be able to get acquainted with the items that were used in everyday life by the ruling elite.

The Church of San Giacomo Maggiore is famous for its paintings and frescoes by famous Italian artists of the 15th century. Here you can admire paintings by Lorenzo Costa, Amico Aspertini and Francesco Francia.

Based on this, Bologna as a whole can be considered a city of interest. And such status can be given to this city only for the arched galleries that stretch for 40 kilometers. Thanks to them, city residents and tourists are protected from heat in summer, and from precipitation in autumn and winter.

You can admire the sights of Bologna by watching the video:


In Modena you can visit Ferrari museums. Here you can feel like a car designer in Enzo Ferrari’s personal office, preserved with almost historical accuracy.

You will also get acquainted with the fascinating history of cars of this brand and the history life path Enzo himself.

In summer, the museum is open from April 1 to October 31 every day from 9.30 to 19.00. From November 1 to March 31, the museum is open an hour less – until 18.00. On Christmas and New Year the museum is closed.
The ticket price for one person is 20 euros and can be ordered via the link The ticket can be used within a year from the date of purchase.

At the Ferrari Museum you can feel like a car designer


It is worth seeing the Palazzo della Pilotta, which hides on its territory National Gallery, Archaeological Museum, Academy of Fine Arts, and the Farnese Theater.

In addition to architectural and historical monuments, Emilia-Romagna has so-called thermal baths - these are thermal centers, the territory of which is surrounded by nature reserves and sea coasts. There are a total of 23 such centers in the region (Castrocaro, Tabiano, Bagno di Romagna, etc.).

Now the thermal baths are gaining immense popularity among tourists, as various diseases are treated here, such as diseases of the respiratory tract, cardiovascular system, gynecological, rheumatic, dermatological and other diseases.

Many diseases can be cured in the thermal centers of Emilia Romagna

To go around everything interesting places Emilia-Romagna, you will have to spend more than one day or even a week. But visiting all these places will bring you amazing aesthetic pleasure and will leave a deep imprint on your memories.

Emilia-Romagna - wine region

In addition to a huge number of attractions and picturesque landscapes, the region is famous for its winemaking craft.

The hallmark of Emilia-Romagna is the red sparkling Lambrusco. This is due to the fact that Emilia-Romagna is very well located and has a favorable climate for growing many varieties of grapes.

The main grape variety in Emilia-Romagna is Lambrusco, which produces a light wine suitable for effervescent types.

The famous red sparkling wine Lambrusco is produced in Emilia-Romagna

Trebbiano and Malvasia varieties are used to produce white wine. To make red wine, Bonard and Barber grapes are used. Many wines from Emilia-Romagna are classified as frizzante. This is due to the fact that wine that has not reached final fermentation is placed in bottles, resulting in sparkling wines.

Where to stay in Emilia Romagna

There are a huge number of hotels in Emilia-Romagna.

You can also rent apartments here for a family holiday. Despite big choice hotels, when traveling to this region, you should book a hotel room in advance.

For example, in Rimini there is an excellent three star hotel Marittima. A tour to Rimini with accommodation in this hotel for two people for 7 days will cost about 60 thousand rubles.

One more the best option accommodation in Emilia Romagna is three-star hotel Mirador Rimini. In this hotel, a double room will cost your wallet about 6 thousand rubles.

The three-star Hotel Mirador rimini is one of the budget hotels in Rimini

Another economy hotel in Rimini Bamby marina centro. Three stars doesn't make it any less comfortable. They're waiting for you here wide range services, as well as excellent and comfortable conditions accommodation. The room rates at this hotel vary in the same range as the previous two.

Festivals and holidays

In addition to all the sights and architectural monuments, when you come to Emilia-Romagna, you can become part of its culture and traditions.

If you come to Rimini in early July, then you can witness a magical spectacle when the entire city dresses in pink color. In addition to buildings, tourists and locals must wear pink clothing or have at least one pink item.

Every weekend in September, Emilia-Romagna hosts Festival of Parma Ham.

At the Parma Ham Festival you will learn how this delicacy is made.

Concerts and exhibitions are offered as entertainment, but the most important thing is the opportunity to visit the factory where this amazing product is produced, as well as its historical museum.
Traditional Food and Wine Festival has been taking place in several cities in Emilia-Romagna for several years. WITH detailed information The festival can be found on the website

How to get to Emilia Romagna

You can get to the regional capital Bologna in various ways:

  • by plane;
  • by train;
  • by bus.

Guglielmo Marconi Airport is located six kilometers from the center of Bologna. From there there are regular bus services into the city that pass through the train and bus stations. Trains to Bologna run from all major cities in Italy, since Bologna is considered the transport hub of the region.

From Bologna you can get to the city in just half an hour using rail transport. And from Ferrara by train to Ravenna it takes a little more than one hour. All cities of Emilia-Romagna are connected by bus routes, so traveling around this region will not be tedious or difficult.

If you want to enjoy the enchanting views of Italy and become part of its history, head to Emilia Romagna.

Here you will find exciting festivals, educational museums and scenic views. Travel, expand your horizons and enjoy life!