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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Philip Kotler basics of marketing short course. Fundamentals of Marketing - Philip Kotler

Philip Kotler basics of marketing short course. Fundamentals of Marketing - Philip Kotler

© Williams Publishing House, 2007

© Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1984

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In today's complex world We all need to understand marketing. Whether we're selling a car, looking for a job, raising money for a charity, or promoting an idea, we engage in marketing. We need to know what the market is, who operates in it, how it functions, what its needs are.

We need to understand marketing and our role as consumers and our role as citizens. Someone is constantly trying to sell us something, and we must be able to recognize the sales methods being used. Knowing marketing allows us to act more intelligently as consumers, whether it's buying toothpaste, frozen pizza, a personal computer, or a new car.

Marketing is one of the fundamental disciplines for market professionals such as traveling salesmen, retailers, advertising executives, marketing researchers, new and branded product managers, etc. They need to know how to describe the market and break it into segments; how to assess the needs, demands and preferences of consumers within the target market; how to design and test a product with the consumer properties required for this market; how to convey to the consumer the idea of ​​​​the value of a product through price; how to choose skillful intermediaries so that the product is available and well presented; how to advertise a product so that consumers know it and want to buy it. A professional marketer must, without a doubt, have a wide range of knowledge and skills.

Those wishing to study marketing can find many books on the subject. But even the thickest textbooks barely scratch the surface of this science, because you need to know a huge amount of information about each marketing tool. Those starting to study marketing for the first time need the most general idea about its basics so as not to drown in a sea of ​​specific details. It is from the standpoint of this approach that the proposed book “Fundamentals of Marketing. Short course".

At the same time, the book “Fundamentals of Marketing. A Short Course should not be viewed as just a general excursion. The topic is too exciting to be limited to a schematic representation. The book provides case studies illustrating the drama of modern marketing: the failure of CBS's cable television system; the never-ending struggle between Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola; rise in the Miller beer market from seventh to second place; the influence of female Avon salespeople on purchases made without leaving home; Columbia Records' long-term campaign to popularize the Men and Work Orchestra; price war in the consumer computer market, etc. Each chapter begins with a description of a significant event in the field of marketing. The examples from reality given throughout each chapter fill the dry information about marketing with a pulse of life.

When working on the book, I was guided by several principles. It should be interesting to read. It should cover all the main points that both market workers and ordinary citizens need to know. The narrative should develop logically from chapter to chapter. The presentation must be based on data scientific research, and not based on rumors and speculation and be focused on management problems. My goal is to prepare the reader to make better marketing decisions.

Philip Kotler

Tools to facilitate the assimilation of material

The book uses many special techniques to make it easier for students to learn marketing. Here are the main ones.

Statement of goals. To prepare for the perception of the material, each chapter is preceded by a statement of its goals.

Start screensaver. Each chapter begins with short story from the practice of marketing, leading to the main material.

Digital data, tables. Basic provisions and principles about which we're talking about in the book, illustrated.

Insets. Throughout the book there are specially highlighted additional examples and other interesting information.

Summary. Each chapter ends with a brief repetition of the main provisions and principles set out in it.

Issues for discussion. Each chapter is equipped with a selection of questions covering the entire volume of material presented in it.

Basic concepts. Definitions of new concepts are provided at the end of each chapter.

Applications. Two appendices, “Marketing Arithmetic” and “Marketing Careers,” provide additional material, which is of practical interest.

Chapter 1. Social Foundations of Marketing: Satisfying Human Needs


After reading this chapter, you should be able to:

1. Define marketing and talk about its role in the economy.

2. Compare five approaches to marketing management.

3. Explain what exactly buyers, sellers and ordinary citizens expect from a marketing system.

4. Explain how organizations use marketing.

The Everyday Impact of Marketing on Consumers

Marketing affects the interests of each of us every day of our lives. We wake up to the Sears clock radio playing a Barbra Streisand song, followed by a United Airlines commercial about a Hawaiian vacation. In the bathroom, we brush our teeth with Colgate toothpaste, shave with a Gillette razor, freshen our mouths with Listerine antiseptic, spray our hair with Revlon hairspray, and use a variety of other toiletries and accessories made in different parts Sveta. We wear Calvin Klein jeans and Bass boots. In the kitchen, we drink a glass of Minute Made orange juice, fill a plate with Kellogg's Crispy Rice, and top it with Borden's milk. After a while we drink a cup of Maxwell House coffee with two teaspoons of Domino's granulated sugar while munching on a Sara Lee bun. We buy oranges grown in California, coffee imported from Brazil, newspapers made from Canadian wood, and news reaches us by radio from as far away as Australia. As we sort through the mail, we find another Metropolitan Museum of Art catalogue, a letter from a Prudential Insurance sales representative offering various services, and coupons to save money on our favorite branded items. We leave the house and go to shopping mall Northbrook Court, home to Neiman-Marcus, Lord & Taylor, Sears, and hundreds of stores stocked from floor to ceiling. Then we work out at the Nautilus fitness and health center, get our hair cut at the Vidal Sassoon salon and, with the help of the Thomas Cook travel agency employees, plan a trip to the Caribbean.

All this became possible thanks to the marketing system, and with minimal effort on our part. It has provided us with a standard of living that our predecessors could only dream of.

Current page: 1 (book has 62 pages total) [available reading passage: 41 pages]

Philip Kotler
Marketing Basics

© Williams Publishing House, 2007

© Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1984

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In today's complex world, we all need to understand marketing. Whether we're selling a car, looking for a job, raising money for a charity, or promoting an idea, we engage in marketing. We need to know what the market is, who operates in it, how it functions, what its needs are.

We need to understand marketing and our role as consumers and our role as citizens. Someone is constantly trying to sell us something, and we must be able to recognize the sales methods being used. Knowing marketing allows us to act more intelligently as consumers, whether it's buying toothpaste, frozen pizza, a personal computer, or a new car.

Marketing is one of the fundamental disciplines for market professionals such as traveling salesmen, retailers, advertising executives, marketing researchers, new and branded product managers, etc. They need to know how to describe the market and break it into segments; how to assess the needs, demands and preferences of consumers within the target market; how to design and test a product with the consumer properties required for this market; how to convey to the consumer the idea of ​​​​the value of a product through price; how to choose skillful intermediaries so that the product is available and well presented; how to advertise a product so that consumers know it and want to buy it. A professional marketer must, without a doubt, have a wide range of knowledge and skills.

Those wishing to study marketing can find many books on the subject. But even the thickest textbooks barely scratch the surface of this science, because you need to know a huge amount of information about each marketing tool. Those starting to study marketing for the first time need a very general understanding of its basics so as not to drown in a sea of ​​specific details. It is from the standpoint of this approach that the proposed book “Fundamentals of Marketing. Short course".

At the same time, the book “Fundamentals of Marketing. A Short Course should not be viewed as just a general excursion. The topic is too exciting to be limited to a schematic representation. The book provides case studies illustrating the drama of modern marketing: the failure of CBS's cable television system; the never-ending struggle between Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola; rise in the Miller beer market from seventh to second place; the influence of female Avon salespeople on purchases made without leaving home; Columbia Records' long-term campaign to popularize the Men and Work Orchestra; price war in the consumer computer market, etc. Each chapter begins with a description of a significant event in the field of marketing. The examples from reality given throughout each chapter fill the dry information about marketing with a pulse of life.

When working on the book, I was guided by several principles. It should be interesting to read. It should cover all the main points that both market workers and ordinary citizens need to know. The narrative should develop logically from chapter to chapter. The presentation should be based on scientific research data, and not on rumors and speculation, and should be focused on management problems. My goal is to prepare the reader to make better marketing decisions.

Philip Kotler

Tools to facilitate the assimilation of material

The book uses many special techniques to make it easier for students to learn marketing. Here are the main ones.

Statement of goals. To prepare for the perception of the material, each chapter is preceded by a statement of its goals.

Start screensaver. Each chapter begins with a short story from the practice of marketing, leading to the main material.

Digital data, tables. The main provisions and principles discussed in the book are illustrated.

Insets. Additional examples and other interesting information are highlighted throughout the book.

Summary. Each chapter ends with a brief repetition of the main provisions and principles set out in it.

Issues for discussion. Each chapter is equipped with a selection of questions covering the entire volume of material presented in it.

Basic concepts. Definitions of new concepts are provided at the end of each chapter.

Applications. Two appendices, “Marketing Arithmetic” and “Marketing Careers,” provide additional material of practical interest.

Chapter 1. Social Foundations of Marketing: Satisfying Human Needs


After reading this chapter, you should be able to:

1. Define marketing and talk about its role in the economy.

2. Compare five approaches to marketing management.

3. Explain what exactly buyers, sellers and ordinary citizens expect from a marketing system.

4. Explain how organizations use marketing.

The Everyday Impact of Marketing on Consumers

Marketing affects the interests of each of us every day of our lives. We wake up to the Sears clock radio playing a Barbra Streisand song, followed by a United Airlines commercial about a Hawaiian vacation. In the bathroom, we brush our teeth with Colgate toothpaste, shave with a Gillette razor, freshen our mouths with Listerine antiseptic, spray our hair with Revlon hairspray, and use a variety of other toiletries and accessories made in different parts of the world. We wear Calvin Klein jeans and Bass boots. In the kitchen, we drink a glass of Minute Made orange juice, fill a plate with Kellogg's Crispy Rice, and top it with Borden's milk. After a while we drink a cup of Maxwell House coffee with two teaspoons of Domino's granulated sugar while munching on a Sara Lee bun. We buy oranges grown in California, coffee imported from Brazil, newspapers made from Canadian wood, and news reaches us by radio from as far away as Australia. As we sort through the mail, we find another Metropolitan Museum of Art catalogue, a letter from a Prudential Insurance sales representative offering various services, and coupons to save money on our favorite branded items. We leave the house and drive to the Northbrook Court shopping center with Neiman-Marcus, Lord & Taylor, Sears and hundreds of shops filled with goods from floor to ceiling. Then we work out at the Nautilus fitness and health center, get our hair cut at the Vidal Sassoon salon and, with the help of the Thomas Cook travel agency employees, plan a trip to the Caribbean.

All this became possible thanks to the marketing system, and with minimal effort on our part. It has provided us with a standard of living that our predecessors could only dream of.

What is marketing

What is behind the concept of “marketing”? Most people mistakenly equate marketing with sales and advertising.

And no wonder! After all, Americans are constantly pestered by television commercials, newspaper advertisements, direct mail advertisements, and visits from salesmen. Someone is always trying to sell something. It seems that we have no escape from death, taxes and commerce.

Therefore, many are surprised to learn that the most important element Marketing is not sales at all. Sales is just the tip of the marketing iceberg, one of its many functions, and often not the most significant. If a marketer has done a good job in such areas of marketing as identifying consumer needs, developing suitable products and pricing them accordingly, establishing a system for their distribution and effective promotion, such products are likely to sell easily.

Everyone knows about the so-called special popular goods, which consumers are hunting for in droves. When Eastman Kodak created the Instamatic camera, Atari created the first video games, and Mazda created the PX-7 sports car, they were inundated with orders because they offered exactly the same products that were in stock. that time is needed. Not copycat products, but products that are clearly different from existing ones and offer consumers new benefits.

One of the leading management theorists, Peter Drucker, puts it this way: “The purpose of marketing is to make sales effort unnecessary. His goal is to know and understand the client so well that the product or service will exactly suit the latter and sell itself.”

This does not mean that sales and promotion efforts lose their importance. Rather, it is that they become part of a larger “marketing mix,” that is, a set of marketing tools that need to be harmoniously linked together to achieve maximum market impact.

This is our definition of marketing.

Marketing – view human activity aimed at satisfying needs and wants through exchange.

To clarify this definition, consider the following concepts: needs, requirements, requests, product, exchange, deal and market.


The original idea underlying marketing is the idea of ​​human needs. We define need as follows.

Need- a sense of a person’s perceived lack of something.

People's needs are diverse and complex. Here are the basic physiological needs for food, clothing, warmth and safety; and social needs for spiritual intimacy, influence and affection; and personal needs for knowledge and self-expression. These needs are not created by the efforts of Madison Avenue, but are the original components of human nature.

If the need is not satisfied, the person feels destitute and unhappy. And the more this or that need means to him, the more deeply he worries. An unsatisfied person will do one of two things: either he will search for an object that can satisfy the need, or he will try to drown it out.


The second basic idea of ​​marketing is the idea of ​​human needs.

Need – a need that has taken a specific form in accordance with the cultural level and personality of the individual.

A hungry resident of the island of Bali needs mangoes, a young pig and beans. For a hungry US resident - a bun with chopped steak, fried potato chips and a glass of Coca-Cola. Needs are expressed in objects that can satisfy the need in a way that is inherent in the cultural structure of a given society.

As society progresses, the needs of its members also grow. People face everything big amount objects that awaken their curiosity, interest and desire. Manufacturers, for their part, take targeted actions to stimulate the desire to own goods. They try to form a connection between what they put out and people's needs. A product is promoted as a means of satisfying one or a number of specific needs. A marketer does not create a need, it already exists.

Salespeople often confuse needs with wants. A drill bit manufacturer may believe that a customer needs its bit, when in fact the customer needs a hole. If another product appears that can drill a well better and cheaper, the client will have a new need (for a new product), although the need will remain the same (a well).


People's needs are almost limitless, but the resources to satisfy them are limited. So a person will choose those goods that will give him the greatest satisfaction within the limits of his financial capabilities.

Request - it is a need backed by purchasing power.

It is not difficult to list the demands of a particular society at a particular point in time. In the late 1970s, 200 million Americans bought 67 billion eggs, 250 million chickens, 5 million hair dryers, 133 billion domestic passenger miles, and over 20 million lectures from teachers. in English and literature in colleges. These and other consumer goods and services have in turn generated demands for more than 150 million tons of steel, 4 billion tons of cotton, and many other industrial goods. And these are just a few of the demands of an economy estimated at $1.5 trillion.

The society could plan production volumes for the next year based on the totality of requests from the previous year. This is exactly how production is planned in countries with centrally planned economies. However, requests are not a reliable indicator. People get bored with the things that are current and they look for variety for variety's sake. A change in choice may also be the result of a change in prices or income levels. K. Lancaster notes that products are essentially bundles of properties, and people choose those products that provide them with the best set of benefits for their money. Thus, a Volkswagen car embodies a basic means of transport, a low purchase price, fuel efficiency and European performance, while a Cadillac embodies high comfort, luxury and prestige. A person chooses a product whose combination of properties provides him with the greatest satisfaction for a given price, taking into account his specific needs and resources.


Human needs, wants and demands suggest the existence of products to satisfy them. We define a product as follows.

Product- anything that can satisfy a need or need and is offered to the market to attract attention, purchase, use or consumption.

Suppose a woman feels the need to look beautiful. We call all products that can satisfy this need product range of choice. This range includes cosmetics, new clothes, spa tanning, cosmetologist services, plastic surgery etc. Not all of these goods are desired to the same degree. Most likely, goods and services that are more accessible and cheaper will be purchased first, such as cosmetics, clothes, haircuts.

Rice. 1.1. Three degrees of need satisfaction

You can depict a specific product and a specific human need in the form of circles, and the ability of the product to satisfy this need can be represented in the form of the degree of their combination. In Fig. 1 shows that the product A does not satisfy the need X, product B satisfies her partially, and the product IN- fully. In this case, the product IN will be called " perfect product».

The more fully a product corresponds to the desires of the consumer, the more successful the manufacturer will be. Suppose an ice cream manufacturer asks its consumer what level of fat content and sweetness his ice cream likes. Let us also assume that the answer is shown in Fig. 1.2 dot marked “Ideal”. The consumer is then asked to taste three competing ice creams and rate their fat content and sweetness. The corresponding places of each variety are also represented by dots in Fig. 1.2. Variety B more than others, it combines ideal levels of desired properties. If a manufacturer offers ice cream that is closer to the consumer ideal than the variety B, the new product should go on the market better than this variety, given the comparability of their prices, degree of availability and other conditions.

The moral is that manufacturers should find the consumers they want to sell to, figure out their needs, and then create a product that satisfies those needs as best as possible.

The concept of “product” is not limited to physical objects. A product can be called anything that can provide a service, that is, satisfy a need. In addition to products and services, these may include persons, places, organizations, activities and ideas. The consumer decides which entertainment program to watch on television, where to go on vacation, which organizations to help, which ideas to support. And if the use of the term “product” at times seems unnatural, it can be replaced by others - “ satisfies the need», « remedy" or " offer" All these words have a certain value meaning for different people.

Rice. 1.2. Comparison of ice cream varieties based on fat content and sweetness


Marketing occurs when people decide to satisfy their needs and wants through exchange.

Exchange– the act of receiving a desired object from someone and offering something in return.

Exchange is one of four ways in which individuals can obtain a desired object. For example, a hungry person can get food in the following ways: provide himself with food by hunting, fishing or picking fruits ( self-sufficiency), steal food from someone ( weaning), beg her ( begging) and, finally, offer some means of compensation for providing him with food, say money, another good or some kind of service ( exchange).

Of these four ways to satisfy needs the greatest advantages has exchange. With it, people do not have to infringe on the rights of others, they do not have to depend on someone else's charity. Nor do they have to produce any essential item on their own, regardless of whether they know how to do it or not. They can focus on creating things they are good at making, and then swap them out for needed items made by others. As a result, the total production of goods in society increases.

Exchange is the core concept of marketing as scientific discipline. To complete a voluntary exchange, five conditions must be met.

1. There must be at least two sides.

2. Each party must have something that could be of value to the other party.

3. Each party must be able to communicate and deliver their goods.

4. Each party should be completely free to accept or reject the other party's offer.

5. Each party must be satisfied that it is advisable or desirable to deal with the other party.

These five conditions create merely the potential for exchange. But whether it will take place depends on the agreement between the parties on its terms. If an agreement is reached, it can be concluded that all participants benefit (or at least are not harmed) as a result of the exchange, since each of them was free to either reject or accept the offer.


If exchange is the basic concept of marketing as a scientific discipline, then the basic unit of measurement in the field of marketing is the transaction.

Deal– commercial exchange of value between two parties.

To do this it is necessary that the side A transferred to the party B an object X and received an object from her in return U . Let's say Jones gives Smith $400 and gets a TV. This is a classic money transaction, although the presence of money as commercially exchangeable values ​​is not at all necessary. At barter deal in exchange for the TV, Jones will give Smith a refrigerator. Instead of goods, services may be exchanged in a barter transaction, as when lawyer Jones writes a will to physician Smith in exchange for a medical examination (Box 1.1).

A transaction presupposes the presence of several conditions: at least two valuable objects, agreed conditions for its implementation, an agreed time of completion, an agreed location. As a rule, the terms of the transaction are supported and protected by law.

A transaction must be distinguished from a simple transfer. When transferring side A gives to the side B an object X, without receiving anything in return. Transfers relate to gifts, subsidies, charitable events, and are also a form of exchange. After all, the person giving the gift is counting on one or another benefit, such as a good disposition towards himself, relief from feelings of guilt, or a desire to put the other party in the position of obligation. Professional assemblers donations to various types of foundations are acutely aware of the motives of “reciprocity” underlying the behavior of donors, and strive to provide the benefits that they seek for themselves. If donors are simply forgotten or not shown appreciation, the foundation will soon lose their support. As a result, market professionals in Lately began to broadly interpret the concept of marketing, including in its scope not only the study of behavior during transactions, but also the study of behavior in the process of transfers.

Box 1.1. Back to Barter

Due to high prices today, thousands of people in the United States are returning to the primitive, simple practice of barter. Many people discover that it is possible to make a commercial exchange of their goods or services for the goods or services of others that they need. Lawyers, doctors and accountants exchange services, and some clever barterers manage to get haircuts, dry cleaning, dental treatment and other services without paying cash. The ranks of members of the ever-growing number of natural exchange clubs are replenished with many future practitioners of commodity exchange transactions.

A number of large firms also resort to barter trade. Several years ago, Xerox offered to trade 200 of its desktop copiers, valued at about $800,000, for items it needed, such as forklifts and airline tickets for its employees traveling on official business. And it is not surprising that specialized barter companies have already appeared to help individuals and firms carry out barter transactions. One such company is Barter System, Inc. from Oklahoma City - has 62 commodity exchange centers in different parts of the United States. One of the letters sent to a specially selected group of the company’s 25,000-strong contingent of clients included the following appeal: “Required: a batch of powdered milk or corn flakes with a total value of $300,000 in exchange for an aircraft of equal value.” To find clients who want to make a commodity exchange transaction, such barter organizations use computers, and for future transactions, as with monetary transactions, they provide loans. They usually pay their employees in cash, but if the employees agree, they prefer to pay them in durable goods and services.

When making a transfer, the market actor seeks to provoke a response to a particular offer. This response does not amount to a “purchase” or “commercial exchange.” Political candidate wants to get votes, a church wants to increase the number of parishioners, a community action group - what is called "idea uptake." Marketing consists of actions taken to achieve, in any form, the desired response. target audience in relation to any object, service or idea.

This book is popular, exciting and accessible form introduces you to the basics of marketing. The book surprisingly successfully combines theoretical information, examples of them practical application V real life and special methodological techniques to facilitate the assimilation of the material. This last feature makes this book useful not only for students, but also for teachers.

Introductory article

Is this irony? Not at all. In this case, the author’s incompetence: marketing has been known for a long time. Memorable readers may recall that back in 1974, the Progress publishing house published a large translated collection “Marketing”, and that books by Soviet and foreign authors devoted to this topic were also published later. Of course, the author knows that books were published and they had readers. But instead of explanations, I would like to “push together” two titles that are separated by six years: “In the Web of Marketing” (1982) and “Formula for Success: Marketing” (1988). There is hardly any need for comments here. And perhaps now the literal meaning of the title of this introductory article will become clear.

We really have to rediscover the content of a long-time, seemingly familiar concept, especially a concept that has recently become extremely popular. This popularity is confirmed not only by public complaints of business managers about the lack of knowledge in the field of marketing, but also by the appearance of numerous courses, schools, and seminars offering short term to train those interested in the basics of marketing activities.

It must be assumed that growing interest in marketing is also manifested abroad, despite the fact that this theory dates back more than one decade, that there is a rich literature on this problem, special periodicals are published, and many professional associations operate. This conclusion is prompted by the very fact of the appearance of the book “Fundamentals of Marketing,” the translation of which is introduced to the Soviet reader by the Progress publishing house.

Its author is Philip Kotler, professor of marketing at Northwestern University in the USA, one of the active figures in the American Marketing Association. He has written numerous articles in leading American magazines covering the problems of this activity, and a number of monographs. New job F. Kotler is an attempt to talk about a complex socio-economic phenomenon in an extremely simple way, with the reader just starting to study this topic in mind. The author set the task to organize, systematize, arrange in a logical sequence all basic information relating to all aspects of marketing activities without exception.

F. Kotler's appeal to writing such a book not before, but after The fact that he published many works devoted to a thorough study of individual aspects of marketing can only be regarded as a response to certain demands of business life, as a response to the lack of a holistic understanding of the phenomenon in the business environment. And if the principles of marketing need detailed explanation where they are widely used in practice, is it necessary to talk about how important the publication of the book “Fundamentals of Marketing” is in our country, when we are trying to quickly fill the gaps in understanding the mechanism of commodity-money relations , features of a market economy.

Not much time has passed since April 1985, but perestroika thinking is perhaps the most noticeable change in our social life. Our ideas, our opinions, our demands not only become more realistic, broader, and more liberated from year to year, but also from day to day. The changes taking place in consciousness, of course, cannot be considered accomplished. The formation of a new way of thinking is not easy, and numerous discussions sometimes resemble heated battles, where the usual intolerance of different opinions cannot be avoided. And yet how different we are today from ourselves yesterday.

And how quickly our everyday vocabulary changes! Just a few years ago, many of the concepts that we now freely operate with did not have a very clear meaning for us, but they had unambiguous labels of “not ours.” The situation is changing before our eyes. Let's take economics for example. To the formal and timid, half-hearted self-financing are added and make their way into public consciousness and in reality its essential components are self-sufficiency, self-financing, economic independence. Terms that have been eking out a semi-legal existence for a long time are returning to our dictionary (it seems that they existed, but it seems that No),market, commodity, commodity-money relations, law of value... Regained citizenship rights interest, without which, according to K. Marx, any idea would be disgraced.

True, the social rehabilitation of the market as an integral part of the socialist economy is accompanied by unabating disputes, in which some, in a polemical frenzy, are ready to consider the market the only panacea for all long-standing economic ills, while others, with a tenacity worthy best use, frighten us with the spontaneity, uncontrollability and uncontrollability of market processes.

It seems that both disputing parties do not have sufficient arguments both “for” and “against” in today’s economic practice. And what could be more fruitless than speculative debates!

Today no one will dare to openly defend the command-administrative style of managing the economy (and not only the economy). No, we are all already fed up with orders, orders, and thoughtless execution.

We are all for economic leverage. But our ideas about these same economic levers, about market processes, about the real operation of the law of value are still very vague and non-specific. (By the way, isn’t it this lack of specificity that still allows us to replace economic incentives with volitional decisions slightly disguised as them?)


In today's complex world, we all need to understand marketing. Whether we're selling a car, looking for a job, raising money for a charity, or promoting an idea, we engage in marketing. We need to know what the market is, who operates in it, how it functions, what its needs are.

We need to understand marketing and our role as consumers and our role as citizens. Someone is constantly trying to sell us something, and we must be able to recognize the sales methods being used. Knowing marketing allows us to act more intelligently as consumers, whether it's buying toothpaste, frozen pizza, a personal computer, or a new car.

Marketing is one of the fundamental disciplines for market professionals such as traveling salesmen, retailers, advertising executives, marketing researchers, new and branded product managers, etc. They need to know how to describe the market and break it into segments; how to assess the needs, demands and preferences of consumers within the target market; how to design and test a product with the consumer properties required for this market; how to convey to the consumer the idea of ​​​​the value of a product through price; how to choose skillful intermediaries so that the product is available and well presented; how to advertise a product so that consumers know it and want to buy it. A professional marketer must, without a doubt, have a wide range of knowledge and skills.

Those wishing to study marketing can find many books on the subject. But even the thickest textbooks barely scratch the surface of this science, because you need to know a huge amount of information about each marketing tool. Those starting to study marketing for the first time need a very general understanding of its basics so as not to drown in a sea of ​​specific details. It is from the standpoint of this approach that the proposed book “Fundamentals of Marketing. A Short Course” was written.

At the same time, the book "Fundamentals of Marketing. A Short Course" should not be considered as just a general excursion. The topic is too exciting to be limited to a schematic representation. The book provides case studies illustrating the drama of modern marketing: the failure of CBS's cable television system; the never-ending struggle between Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola; rise in the Miller beer market from seventh to second place; the influence of female Avon salespeople on purchases made without leaving home; a long-term campaign by Columbia Record to popularize the Men and Work Orchestra; price war on the consumer computer market, etc. Each chapter begins with a description of a significant event in the field of marketing. The examples from reality given throughout each chapter fill the dry information about marketing with a pulse of life.

When working on the book, I was guided by several principles. It should be interesting to read. It should cover all the main points that both market workers and ordinary citizens need to know. The narrative should develop logically from chapter to chapter. The presentation should be based on scientific research data, and not on rumors and speculation, and should be focused on management problems. My goal is to prepare the reader to make better marketing decisions.

Philip Kotpler

Tools to facilitate the assimilation of material

The book uses many special techniques to make it easier for students to learn marketing. Here are the main ones.

Statement of goals. To prepare for the perception of the material, each chapter is preceded by a statement of its goals.

Start screensaver. Each chapter begins with a short story from the practice of marketing, leading to the main material.

Digital data, tables. The main provisions and principles discussed in the book are illustrated.

Insets. Additional examples and other interesting information are highlighted throughout the book.

Summary. Each chapter ends with a brief repetition of the main provisions and principles set out in it.

Issues for discussion. Each chapter is equipped with a selection of questions covering the entire volume of material presented in it.

Basic concepts. Definitions of new concepts are provided at the end of each chapter.

Applications. Two appendices, “Marketing Arithmetic” and “Marketing Careers,” provide additional material of practical interest.

A marketing classic. Desk book for all modern marketers. No one can explain the essence of things like Philip Kotler. A textbook and entertaining read for those who want to make money from sales and more.

Professor, Master of Economics and Doctor of Philosophy Philip Kotler will tell you how to trade correctly. Run your business so that the profit is significant. You will also gain experience based on the mistakes of others. The book “Fundamentals of Marketing” is replete with examples of failed businesses. Describing the mistakes of some well-known and successful companies in the past will help you avoid making similar ones. But even if you are not an entrepreneur, knowledge of marketing will also come in handy. After all, we live in modern world, where everyone tries to use others for their own benefit. So, let's learn to distinguish the wheat from the chaff!

Who hasn't been to a McDonald's cafe at least once? Do you want to know the secret of this popular establishment that has spread its tentacles all over the world? To understand how the owners managed to do this, it’s worth reading Marketing Fundamentals. It will be interesting.

Another example is the famous world-famous company Ford. Her biggest failure became the talk of the town. Why did it happen? The author of the work will explain everything.

It is noteworthy that a common person does marketing every day without even knowing it. Are you looking for buyers to sell your old car at a better price? Are you looking for a new one? high paying job? To do this, you need to know the conditions of the market operating in this area and its demands. At the same time, there are a lot of people who want to sell us something, and sometimes we buy completely unnecessary things. And all because sellers know the “Fundamentals of Marketing” well, but we do not.

The book gets the point across clearly. There is no unnecessary “water”. The material is perceived easily and understandably. There should be more such textbooks! According to Philip Kotler, for successful business You need to understand your audience. If you know the true needs and wants of people, then the right product will sell itself. For example, what a hungry person needs is food. This is the one he will buy first. The same goes for thirst. And there is also a desire for love, vanity, beauty and other things.

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