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» Pistachio color in the kitchen interior. Pistachio kitchen: examples of interiors Pistachio kitchen what wallpaper is suitable

Pistachio color in the kitchen interior. Pistachio kitchen: examples of interiors Pistachio kitchen what wallpaper is suitable

Today you can find many various options registration kitchen area. Among these varieties, pistachio color occupies one of the honorable leading positions in popularity among interior designers. A pistachio-colored kitchen will be an excellent solution for people who prefer to create a delicate and calm atmosphere comfort. With the help of this range, the kitchen is visually enlarged, so it can be used for spaces of any size.

Kitchen design in pistachio color.

How to use pistachio color in the kitchen interior

People who are looking for design ideas for their apartment are advised to pay attention to this color. In no case will a pistachio kitchen look banal and simple. This design will sparkle with new colors, the room will be filled with noble notes, restraint and sophistication. The shade goes perfectly with various compositions and design styles - from traditional to modern high-tech.

The interior of a pistachio kitchen in high-tech style.

Features of pistachio color in the kitchen

This tone is obtained by mixing two colors - yellow and green. The pistachio shade is a little softer than green, and much richer than the olive palette. He is rightfully considered calm, has a positive influence on the human nervous system.

Pistachio color calms and helps to concentrate.

A person, being surrounded by this range, does not get irritated or tired. By giving preference to pistachio color, you can fill the space with freshness, joy and positive energy. This option will be an excellent solution for the kitchen, as it does not suppress or awaken the appetite on a subconscious level.

Classic cuisine pistachio color.

Benefits of pistachio color

The advantages of the range include:

  1. undemanding and easily combined with other shades;
  2. looks harmonious with various furniture sets. Rough items from solid wood or light components - all this will go perfectly with pistachio decor;
  3. it perfectly relaxes after a hard day at work and gives peace of mind;
  4. there is practically no undertone, so combinations can be unpredictable;
  5. adds bright colors to a monochrome space;
  6. visually enlarges the room and makes it brighter.

Pistachio facades help to visually increase the space.

Combination of other colors with pistachio cuisine

Photos of pistachio color in the kitchen interior prove that it combines exquisitely with various shades. But there are most interesting options, which look much more advantageous than others.

Pistachio easily combines with other colors.

Bright warm colors, for example, orange and yellow, will make the room positive and sunny. Especially if the apartment windows face north or west. For lovers gray You should carefully select the correct shade, for example, wet asphalt or metallic. Desaturated palettes will look faded and will hide all the advantages of pistachios.

Combination of pistachio with beige and brown

Pistachio and Brown color in the kitchen interior - a traditional choice that will perfectly highlight any design style. A kitchen space with this combination is filled with home comfort and sophisticated trendy notes. You can experiment with the color of the wood, but it is better to avoid light variations. Against such a background, the pistachio will not look so bright and rich.

Pistachio brown kitchen design.

Symbiosis with beige color creates a calming effect that will elegantly fit into a variety of stylistic concepts. This variation can be presented in different designs: beige walls and green furniture, or vice versa.

Pistachio combined with beige.

Kitchen pistachio with wenge

Dark colors of the furniture in combination with pistachio walls in the kitchen look very stylish and catchy. This solution will uniquely fit into the modern style, especially relevant for high-tech themes.

Kitchen interior design in high-tech style in pistachio color.

An excellent option is to use a glossy texture, which will reveal the color brighter. The only drawback is that pistachio and wenge colors are not suitable for rooms with small parameters. The composition visually reduces the already small area.

Pistachio matte set in kitchen design.

Kitchen styles in pistachio color

Regardless of the naturalness of the range, pistachio cuisine looks great in any style. Classic design will sparkle with homeliness and comfort, especially in combination with wooden furniture elements.

IMPORTANT! When decorating the interior in this color, do not forget about the right lighting. Warm yellow lighting will fill the atmosphere with richness and brightness, while cold white lighting will add calmness.

Kitchen in pistachio color with cool lighting.

Particularly relevant design ideas are pistachio cuisine in Provence, Mediterranean, country, hi-tech, modern themes. In some projects, paints can become the main ones, in others they can shade the base or complement it with a bright component.

Pistachio cuisine in Provence style.

Mediterranean style

Marine colors - blue, green, turquoise. The pistachio shade itself will be the highlight of this home interior. It harmoniously combines with natural wood and sand palettes - the main elements of the Mediterranean.

Kitchen in pistachio color in Mediterranean style.

Kitchen in Provence style pistachio color

A pistachio-colored Provence-style kitchen is an ideal solution for people who appreciate natural and natural shades. Using it as a base will give the space naturalness and lightness.

Pistachio kitchen in Provence style from natural wood.

It is possible to use a combination of the base with various combinations, for example, lime, bright orange and tone sea ​​wave. Such compositions will sparkle with new colors, filling the kitchen with airiness and freshness. It should be noted that Provence and rustic do not perceive sharp transitions, therefore the gradient should be complemented with yellow and green tones.

Pistachio stained glass kitchen furniture.

Selection of wallpaper, apron and interior details

For such stylistic concept It would be better to choose emerald, cream or peach wallpaper. Fans of richer solutions should pay attention to the uniqueness - red, purple or Orange color. You can replace the wallpaper with stone or panel finishes.

Pistachio kitchen with brown wallpaper.

It is recommended to select kitchen attributes to match the theme of the walls, so it is better to give preference to light colors. Decorated elements in this tone, for example, vases, rugs, jars, baskets, will also look advantageous.

Design of a spacious kitchen in pistachio color.

Rules for selecting finishes for walls, furniture, decor

  • the palette combines perfectly with wood, brown and coffee colors;
  • It is better to make the ceiling neutral;
  • It is better to lay the floor with laminate or tiles warm colors, which will not focus attention;
  • It is possible to use pistachio photo wallpaper in the kitchen, but in this case the furniture should be a different color.

Pistachio color in the kitchen with a colored apron.

Choosing a countertop for a pistachio kitchen

To add bright notes to the interior, it is better to use a bright set, for example, an orange or yellow tabletop. Lovers of practicality should purchase a brown or gray surface. The voiced options are harmoniously combined with the theme of the decor.

Pistachio kitchen with brown countertop.

Pistachio colored kitchen set

Provence is characterized by fades and pastels, rustic motifs and classics. Therefore, it is better to choose pistachio furniture in the form of laminated chipboard, wood, or acrylic stone. These elements can fully complement the chosen interior atmosphere.

Interior of pistachio modular kitchen.

This color will fill any space with comfort and grace. The correct combination of palettes (for example, olive, brown, beige tones) will create a calm and positive atmosphere.

Pistachio colored kitchen

50 photo ideas for kitchen design in pistachio color

To create an attractive interior in the kitchen, designers often use pistachio color. This shade of green is fresh, positive and peaceful, which is especially important for decorating a food preparation room. Regardless of the lighting in the room, such a design has the ability to lift your mood and vitality.

This optimistic shade is created by mixing green and yellow tones. A kitchen decorated in this way will never look ordinary. At the same time, pistachio color is not flashy, so it can be safely taken as a basis for creating kitchen design. An important difference between this shade of green is its ability not to change its main qualities depending on the lighting. Yellow lamps will make the kitchen environment cheerful and cheerful, while lamps with white light will make it more peaceful.

Pistachio color does not irritate or tire. This is a good option for kitchens where household members spend a significant amount of time. Pistachio color does not affect human appetite. This characteristic may not be entirely positive for those who set a goal to lose weight. However, it should be borne in mind that it is not necessary to decorate the kitchen area based on dietary considerations. To reduce appetite, it is easier to use dishes with colors that have a similar effect.

Kitchen styles in pistachio color

This shade of green can be used to create kitchen interiors in almost any concept. The only exceptions are very elaborate and solemn styles: Empire, Baroque, Rococo. The pistachio tone is too simple for these pretentious trends. However, these solutions are rarely used in kitchen interiors. Excessive luxury does not always look appropriate in rooms with practical functionality.

To create a certain style, you need to choose the right color that will be the main partner of pistachio. Combinations of basic colors with white, beige and brown look good in classic and “rustic” kitchens. To create a specific image, you should carefully work with the decoration of the walls, ceiling and selection of accessories. "Rustic" kitchens require more faded shades of primary colors and bright details in decoration. Classic style allows the use of glossy surfaces, but requires greater restraint when choosing decorative elements.

Gray and black dilutions help create kitchens in modern, high-tech, and futurism styles. It is appropriate to use rich glossy elements here. Pistachio color is used to create minimalist kitchens. This concept implies a lack of frills and deliberate modesty of decoration. An elegant, positive tone can successfully act as the main decoration of such a kitchen. In addition, a light green shade can visually enlarge any modest-sized room.

What colors are best to combine pistachio with?

This shade of green is distinguished by its “friendliness” towards many representatives of the spectrum. Possessing both brightness and unobtrusiveness, pistachio color allows you to create amazingly beautiful combinations. Besides standard options with the main color diluted with neutral tones, there are a number of rather unusual combinations. Pistachio looks harmonious with yellow, red, blue, orange, and black. However, in order to “please” any style direction of the kitchen, designers often resort to more strict combinations.


This color looks good with all representatives of the spectrum, and pistachio is no exception. Such a tandem can be used in any stylistic direction. Pistachio-white Provence kitchens look especially gentle. Both colors are quite neutral, so different proportions are allowed for room decoration. You can safely add orange, terracotta, cherry, and coral accessories to this combination as bright inclusions.


This color has the ability to soften and deepen brighter tones. A pistachio-gray kitchen will look very noble and elegant. A good decor option would be to install a greenish kitchen set against a background of smoky walls. This combination is often used to create modern interiors. In this case, you should not abuse the number of bright inclusions. You should be careful when creating accents: their tones must be in harmony with both base shades.


The combination of this color with pistachio is a natural combination. This tandem has a very beneficial effect on the nervous system. Soft tone beige enhances the sunny positivity of pistachio color. The peculiarity of such a union is the ability to provide an invigorating effect in the morning, and a calming effect in the evenings. These two shades are widely used to decorate “rustic” kitchens. The naturalness of the combination creates a truly relaxed atmosphere in the cooking room. This finishing option is very good for small kitchens - soft light colors will visually expand the room.


The use of this color together with pistachio is another harmonious design solution. Warm wood and a fresh shade of green create a very cozy kitchen. This combination looks both simple and respectable. Brown and pistachio tones allow you to create original kitchens in Provence and country styles. It is appropriate to use white, black, yellow, and blue accessories as additional accents.

Selection of wallpaper, apron and interior details

When creating an environment in pistachio tones, you should be guided by the same main principles as for any other color solutions:

  • too much rich shades may create a feeling of cramping. The pistachio color has a natural restraint that prevents it from slipping into bad taste, but this should be taken into account when choosing the main “partner” for it;
  • light matte surfaces visually increase the space. This fact should be used when finishing not large premises, kitchens in studio apartments;
  • there is no need to abuse the main tone chosen for the design of the room. It is necessary to make dilutions using neutral and other colors harmonious with the base;
  • To decorate a kitchen with windows facing north and west, you should choose warm matte shades. Rooms on the south side of the house allow the use of cool glossy surfaces.

When choosing the colors of the kitchen interior details, you should remember the style in which the room will be decorated. It is necessary to select elements for a pistachio set taking into account the features and capabilities of this color. This furniture looks very good against a light background. Therefore, when choosing wallpaper, you should focus on the following colors:

  • cream;
  • Ivory;
  • champagne color;
  • grey;
  • beige.

For lovers original solutions And modern styles red, purple, orange are suitable Decoration Materials. You should not choose overly colorful wallpaper with complex patterns. The pistachio set itself is a decorative element, and the background should not draw attention to itself. White wallpaper with modest purple, lavender, and blue patterns will look good.

To finish the apron, you can use materials whose color and texture are in harmony with the color of the set. It is also necessary that its tone matches well with the shade of the walls. The materials you can use are wood, brick, finishing stone, and washable wallpaper. In certain styles, it is appropriate to use textured “hog” tiles to decorate the apron.

For the kitchen ceiling you should choose light neutral colors - white, beige, gray. If the room will be installed multi-level ceiling made of plasterboard, some of its elements can duplicate the main color of the finish. For a light pistachio kitchen, it is important that large dark accessories are located below eye level. Otherwise, there is a risk of visually complicating the situation.

The most popular flooring option in a kitchen with pistachio cabinetry is parquet or laminate that imitates natural wood. Both light and dark options finishing. Ceramic tile suitable colors will also not spoil the design of the kitchen. You need to give preference to fairly large-format tiles.

When choosing furniture for the dining area, you should take into account that its style should fit the concept of the pistachio room. It is also necessary to maintain harmonious color matching of kitchen elements. Furniture made of natural wood, chipboard, or rattan would look appropriate next to the pistachio set. For table top good option will be the use of gray acrylic stone.

Household appliances for a pistachio cooking room are very easy to select. Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of all kinds of units in neutral colors that will look good built into a kitchen set. White, black, steel surfaces can become part of the decor of the room. If the main element of the kitchen is a pistachio set, you should not purchase kitchen utensils of the same color.

Photos of pistachio kitchens in the interior

Pistachio (light olive) kitchen with golden patina from natural beech. Design "Interia". Chipboard shelves Oak 131.

The kit includes:

  • Tristone stone countertop with integrated sink R-40-40
  • Stained glass windows W24A: tinted glass, matte gold ribbon; glass for shelves
  • Tandem boxes with closers and a metabox without closers under the oven, hinges with closers
  • Drying chrome 450 mm
  • Aluminum tray for the table under the sink
  • Gold diode lamps
  • Cornice
  • Shackle handles SF02-96 BA and buttons KF01-04 BA
  • Hood Elikor 841216 Integra 60 cream 400-V2L

Kitchen set dimensions: 3050 × 1050 mm

Project price according to my sizes and wishes

Free price calculation based on preliminary dimensions.

Dear customers. Please note that custom furniture has custom sizes and your wishes.
The same set of furniture can be both cheaper and more expensive.
In addition to size, the cost is usually influenced by:

External materials. For example, facades made of wood, plastic, enamel, with or without patina, matte, glossy, with photo printing, etc.;
tabletop made of plastic or stone, availability wall panel: in the color of the tabletop, with photo printing or others, etc.

Internal components. For example, hinges, drawers with or without closers, the presence, types and number of mechanisms; presence and quantity of decor, etc.

The furniture sets presented on the site are manufactured by our factory in different time, during which prices changed, so we do not recalculate all submitted photographs, but count projects created after measurements specifically for you or projects provided by you.

Each project has individual characteristics and an individual cost depending on the types and quantities of materials and components used, sizes and design.

Together we will create the best project in terms of appearance, convenience and price!

We will be happy to answer your letter!

(Prices for linear meter As a guide to the minimum cost depending on the material of the facades, they are given in the corresponding section (see the top menu of the site).

If you have a floor plan with a furniture design, a separate furniture design, a photograph for reference, or a hand-drawn drawing, please attach them to your application for calculation.

It is advisable that you come to our store to get acquainted with furniture samples, materials, components, capabilities and directly participate in the creation of your project on the computer with calculations. Please call the designers in advance (see the Contacts section) to agree on the time allocated specifically for you.

You can leave a request for measurement by phone or e-mail and then receive a furniture design with calculations. Also, after taking measurements, you can communicate with the designer via email.

Or send your request for calculation to us by email

Dear customers. Please note that we produce cabinet furniture in one piece (kitchens, wardrobes, walls, etc.) - the range is presented on the website. Furniture components and individual furniture services are provided by other relevant companies. For this reason, we do not accept applications for the calculation and production of a separate bedside table, a separate facade or body, a glass cutout, a piece of a tabletop, a set of handles, furniture with soft parts, or restoration of old furniture.

We always meet our cabinet furniture customers halfway and often take on solutions non-standard tasks: production of window sills in the color of furniture, solid wood grilles, stairs, etc. (See section Miscellaneous Furniture/Other Furniture). We also accept applications for the production of any additional order, including the smallest and non-standard ones.



Facades and interior decor (solid) for any furniture

Wood colors (you can select shade and patina)

Enamel colors Germany is a BMW partner (you can select the shade and effect)

Colors Russian laminate (laminated chipboard) usually for interior parts

Egger colors (laminated chipboard) usually for interior parts

Pleasant trifles

Pistachio kitchen in the interior: Light green kitchen design - interior design photos furniture factory Marusya Furniture, website

Pistachio kitchen in the interior: Panasonic microwave oven in a pencil case - photo of the interior design of the furniture factory Marusya Furniture, website

Pistachio kitchen in the interior: Built-in oven Hansa BOEY68429 Vintage series - photo of interior design of furniture factory Marusya Furniture, website

Pistachio kitchen in the interior: Built-in cooker Bosch surface- photo of the interior design of the furniture factory Marusya Furniture, website

Pistachio kitchen in the interior: Built-in Elikor hood - photo of the interior design of the furniture factory Marusya Furniture, website

Pistachio kitchen in the interior: Drawers for wall cabinets- photo of the interior design of the furniture factory Marusya Furniture, website

Pistachio kitchen in the interior: Drawers of kitchen cabinets - photo of the interior design of the furniture factory Marusya Furniture, website

Pistachio kitchen in the interior: Connecting cabinets to the ventilation duct - photo of the interior design of the furniture factory Marusya Furniture, website

Pistachio kitchen in the interior: Connection of tables to the ventilation duct - photo of the interior design of the furniture factory Marusya Furniture, website

Pistachio kitchen in the interior: Corner of the kitchen with ventilation duct- photo of the interior design of the furniture factory Marusya Furniture, website

Pistachio kitchen in the interior: The end of the false panel above the tiles - photo of the interior design of the furniture factory Marusya Furniture, website

Pistachio kitchen in the interior: Kitchen with lighting - photo of the interior design of the furniture factory Marusya Furniture, website

Pistachio kitchen in the interior: Display cases and hood with lighting - photo of the interior design of the furniture factory Marusya Furniture, website

Pistachio kitchen in the interior: Lighting in shop windows - photo of the interior design of the furniture factory Marusya Furniture, website

Pistachio kitchen in the interior: Lighting in cabinets and under cabinets - photo of the interior design of the furniture factory Marusya Furniture, website

Pistachio kitchen in the interior: Lighting the work surface - photo of the interior design of the furniture factory Marusya Furniture, website

Pistachio kitchen in the interior: Lamp under the kitchen cabinets - photo of the interior design of the furniture factory Marusya Furniture, website

Pistachio kitchen in the interior: Drying rack without a bottom for airing dishes - photo of the interior design of the furniture factory Marusya Furniture, website

Pistachio kitchen in the interior: Sockets under kitchen cabinet- photo of the interior design of the furniture factory Marusya Furniture, website

Pistachio kitchen in the interior: Drawer fronts - photo of the interior design of the furniture factory Marusya Furniture, website

Pistachio kitchen in the interior: Handles, staples and buttons - photo of the interior design of the furniture factory Marusya Furniture, website

Pistachio kitchen in the interior: Stone countertop with integrated sink - photo of the interior design of the furniture factory Marusya Furniture, website

Facade material: Natural hardwood - ash, beech.

Facade design: Interia

Types of facades: Blind, showcases, grilles, convex blinds and stained-glass windows, concave blinds.

Decorative elements: Upper cornice, lower cornice, sub-cornice strip “Checkers”, decorative inserts and overlays, balustrades, arches.

Facade colors: Warehouse program and selection of any other color.

Case material: Laminated chipboard of European quality standard E1 and/or natural wood.

Case colors: We have a warehouse program with more than a hundred colors, and we also offer custom-made laminated chipboards from all manufacturers represented in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Case processing: PVC edges, without the use of melamine and paper. PVC edges do not chip, do not cut your hands, and look aesthetically pleasing.

Dimensions of facades and buildings: Any, no extra charge for non-standard.

Pleasant trifles: At the request of the customer - sidewalls, color of the hood baguette and other elements in the color of the facades.
No holes on visible sides.

Table tops: Covered with plastic (Germany, Russia); Made from artificial stone (South Korea).

Accessories: Boxes, lifting mechanisms, hinges (Austria); Roll-out baskets (Italy); Handles, roof rails (Italy).

Services: Measurement with consultation
Free 3D design project in color
Delivery to any region
Assembly and installation
Warranty service

The kitchen, as a rule, does not have the most big sizes. But at the same time, it must serve as a place for preparing food, a dining room, and even a place for receiving guests. The way in which its decor is decided largely determines whether it is pleasant to be in it. The color of the interior design can compensate for the shortcomings of the room and make it extraordinary. What are the advantages in this regard of pistachio color?

Pistachio color in the kitchen interior is perceived as fresh, giving cheerfulness and energy. And at the same time, this color is calm - it does not excite the nervous system, does not tire or depress. It doesn’t stimulate your appetite, but it doesn’t suppress it either – this color is ideal for the kitchen!

Another plus in favor of choosing pistachio color is that it is not trivial, it is rarely used and allows you to create truly diverse, extraordinary solutions. This is due to the noble sound of color, which makes the interior respectable, restrained and sophisticated.

Pistachio color balances on a fine line between bright and pale tones, which is what makes it so harmonious.

What interiors is pistachio suitable for?

The desire to have a sunny kitchen does not always come true - often the sides of the room face the rarely lit sides of the house. In this case, it is possible to make the room more joyful, bright, and sunny by using certain design colors. And pistachio is an unsurpassed favorite here.

Likewise, this color is ideal for creating kitchens in different styles:

  • classic;
  • country;
  • Provence;
  • Japanese;
  • minimalism.

While creating different styles In kitchens, pistachio color can be used as the main dominant color, or as an accent or addition.

Important: when creating an interior, you need to stop in time and not overload it with pistachio tones. One thing can be done in this color - walls, curtains or furniture. The abundance of pistachio makes the interior intrusive.

Color combinations in the interior

Pistachio goes well with many colors. It is color combinations that allow you to create a variety of solutions and change interiors beyond recognition:

Important: It makes sense to add pistachio and light green in tandem white accent– as curtains on the windows and tablecloths on the table. This will make the interior fresher and brighter.

  • Pistachio and color warm wood : a wonderful combination for creating country style interiors. Creates a feeling of warmth, spaciousness and closeness to nature. The pistachio-colored kitchen walls are perfectly set off by natural wood furniture. You can use peach and orange as additional color accents.
  • Pistachio and pearl: Pearl and all gray shades soften pistachio and emphasize its depth. This combination is rare due to the wary attitude towards gray in the interior. Meanwhile, pistachio furniture against the background of gray-pearl walls creates an atmosphere of special comfort in the kitchen.
  • Pistachio and white: Classic color combination. A kitchen with this solution always looks respectable, fresh and elegant. As color accents You can safely use cinnamon shades.
  • Pistachio and black: It looks more than extravagant. This combination of colors does not tire, which is a valuable quality for interiors.

Important: Pistachio walls and a black apron look great in combination with a black and white set.

Pistachio and beige combine perfectly.


If you want to create a fashionable and extraordinary interior, pay attention to the pistachio color. And although, as a rule, such paint is pure form Rarely found in stores, the question of how to get pistachio color is easily resolved. It is enough to purchase white paint, yellow and green colors and you can achieve the desired shade.

Pistachio-colored kitchen (interior photo)

Russia, Moscow region, Moscow +79041000555

Pistachio cuisine: photos, suitable combinations of shades

Takes ~5 minutes to read


Modern kitchens are usually decorated in neutral and light colors to create a cozy atmosphere. Fashion trend is the pistachio color in the interior. The shade of green has gained popularity due to its versatility. Photos of kitchen spaces decorated in these colors can be found in online catalogs of companies offering interior design services.



This color is a light shade of green and promotes relaxation and tranquility.

Each person upon completion working day wants to find himself in a place that is conducive to relaxation and puts you in a positive mood, and in the morning charges you with vigor and good mood no worse than a cup of coffee. Therefore, this color began to be often used in the design of different rooms.

Neutral colors are pleasing to the eye and fit into almost any modern direction, visually refreshing the room.

Pistachio color has a number of advantages, because of which it is recommended to be used in kitchen decoration:

  • like any other natural shade, it does not carry an emotional load;
  • calms and evokes only positive feelings and emotions;
  • due to its versatility, it can be used in decoration, furniture and accessories;
  • combines not only with many colors, but also with wooden textures;
  • the harmony of the interior is achieved by restraint and sophistication of light colors;
  • Another feature is its predictability: different degrees of illumination do not change its tonality, so there is no need to worry that it may change due to a change in neighboring colors;
  • Suitable for implementing ideas in many styles.

Tone and rules of use in the design of walls and kitchen interiors


It is possible to properly decorate a kitchen using the following techniques:

  • if the pistachio shade is used in the cladding of the set, then the colors of other surfaces and accessories should be adjusted to it. For example, such facades will look organic with beige, milk or coffee walls without bright patterns or intricate patterns. To maintain the color scheme, the floor is decorated with laminate or artificial stone;
  • pistachio walls in the kitchen should have a matte surface or plain wallpaper. To emphasize depth and best properties shade, it is necessary to use glossy tiles or mosaics in finishing the work area. Depending on the style direction kitchens, the apron is decorated with artificial stone or plastic;
  • in a neutral kitchen you can add combined pistachio accents in the form of curtains or window curtains, lamp shades, picture frames, gray-green dishes and towels.

Combination of pistachio shade with other colors

As mentioned above, pistachio can be combined with various shades, but there are standard solutions combinations of colors, which are win-win options for decorating a kitchen space. Light green harmonizes well with warm natural colors and welcomes the presence of accents in some rich colors.

This color also goes well with sand, beige, milk and cream paints.

A kitchen with a light finish can be enlivened with red, orange or pink accents, which can be decorative elements and even dining chairs.

Other colors should be added sparingly to pistachio cuisine. But with blue and swamp green pastel shade It doesn’t match at all, but only fades against the background of dark colors.

Style directions


The chosen style influences the choice of color schemes and the construction of the concept in the kitchen interior. Pistachio color is used in almost any direction, but for such luxury styles, like Baroque, Empire and Rococo, a pastel shade will not be able to impart an atmosphere of solemnity and deep nobility.

But light green tone fits perfectly into decoration with natural motifs and modern interiors, which require restraint in the execution of style.


A light shade of green will be ideal solution for the interior where it is used wood trim and furniture made from natural materials along with rough textiles. Cabinets and other pieces of furniture made of wood painted pistachio look good. In this case, the walls should be decorated in beige tones, and for the floor it is necessary to use wooden board from light or dark breeds. If you want to feel closer to nature, then you should decorate your kitchen in a country style.



Considered in more detail. For a romantic provincial style, pistachio can become the main tone. Provence always attracts with its simple features and delicate shades. The fronts of light green cabinets can be paneled or carved. Sometimes they involve glass inserts. The windows are draped with pastel curtains in small flower or strip.

Pistachio is often combined with lilac as ornaments on walls, textiles or decorative items. Lavender color looks organically in a provincial style. You can dilute the palette with colors such as white, light yellow, milk and coffee with milk. For decoration and furniture, it is better to use wood with light and warm colors.


Mediterranean style

Many people are used to seeing mostly blue color scheme. But the landscapes of the Mediterranean coast include many various shades, including light green colors intertwined with sand and rich blues. Will make the room more spacious and refreshing white finish. Tiles imitating natural stone in a floor or splashback will successfully highlight sea ​​style, into which a pistachio-colored kitchen will fit perfectly.



In a direction that welcomes natural colors and natural materials, you can safely use this shade of green. It goes well with natural wood or stone finishes. Fresh flowers and shrubs in wooden pots or rattan baskets look good against a light green background. Pistachio may be present in natural fiber textiles and furniture. Pastel walls can complete the overall image of the room.


High tech

Pistachio is also used to soften strict designs, which are often designed in monochrome and with chrome surfaces. It most often appears as accents on cabinet fronts and in the form of decorative details. Black is used for additional accent inserts.


Japanese direction and minimalism

It is common to use combinations of neutral colors. With a minimal amount of decor, the color of pistachio looks organic in a minimalist interior. As “neighbors” for light green, shades of milky white and wood textures are selected. The decoration should use relief surfaces that will perform a decorative function in the room.

