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» Herbarium: how to make a home collection of plants. Collecting an autumn herbarium

Herbarium: how to make a home collection of plants. Collecting an autumn herbarium

Teach your child to explore nature - make a herbarium with him. © Shutterstock

Now is the time to make a herbarium with the baby, because in the yard Golden autumn with a whole palette of colors, striking in its richness of shades and color nuances.

What could be better than a walk through the autumn foliage with your baby? To make the walk educational, teach your child how to collect and make an autumn herbarium.

For adults, communication with nature is the restoration of spiritual harmony and balance. And for children it is knowledge of the world around them. If you want to raise a full-fledged and harmonious personality, teach your child to understand nature.

Making a herbarium for a child is very useful. Firstly, the baby will learn the concepts of “season”, “autumn”, and the names of plants. Secondly, the baby will learn to distinguish shapes and colors.

Making a herbarium is not easy; you not only need to find plants, but also collect them correctly, name them, and dry them.

What is needed for the herbarium

To make a herbarium with a child, scissors will be useful. And stock up on two pairs: for yourself and for the baby. You also need a press to dry the leaves; in principle, any heavy book will do.

You also need tracing paper or any thin paper, a folder or album for storing the herbarium, labels for names and glue. To create a herbarium with an older child, you will need a plant directory.

Where and how to collect material for the herbarium

Remember, plants for the herbarium must be collected in dry weather; there should be no dew on them, because wet plants become fragile when they dry out.

Collect leaves for the herbarium in an environmentally friendly place, because the child will not only play with them, but the herbarium will be in the children's room. Therefore, collecting plants for a herbarium in the city, along the road, is very undesirable. The best option- a forest far from the road or a garden in the country.

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How to dry and store a herbarium

The easiest way to dry leaves is in books and magazines. You can store dried leaves in a regular album by gluing them to PVA.

But with this method of creating a herbarium, it is very important not to overdry the leaves, because they will become fragile. To make the leaves more dense, they can be dipped in a solution of water and PVA glue (4 parts water to 1 part glue).

If a child wants to make a voluminous herbarium, twigs with fruits or flowers are suitable for this, which must be hung in a dry place to dry.

If you want to make a “especially durable herbarium”, you need to soak the plants in a glycerin solution (1 part glycerin and 3 parts hot water).

Plants absorb glycerin solution and do not dry out, maintaining their shape and elasticity. One caveat: the color changes, it becomes brownish-green. But the sheets can then be painted with paints.

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How to make such a herbarium? Yes, very simple. Dip the leaves in a glycerin solution for several days. And before lowering, cut the tip of the stem lengthwise by 4-5 cm. Remove the leaves when they darken.

Monitor the liquid level: as it is absorbed, add the solution in the same proportion. For a “glycerin” herbarium, it is better to take healthy leaves that have not yet been touched by gilding.

Then place the sheets of paper in the album so that they do not protrude beyond the edges of the sheet. You can attach the plants with narrow strips of paper or double-sided tape. And be sure to sign each sheet with your child. So the baby learns the names of plants.

October is a period of enchanting golden autumn, it is best time for walks in the park and compiling a herbarium of leaves. Bright foliage that falls from the trees - good material for the autumn herbarium.

The leaves for the herbarium must be dry; they are selected and carefully straightened. Without bending, the copies are placed in a folder. Fallen colored leaves contain less moisture and will take less time to dry than those that have been picked.

How to collect a herbarium from autumn leaves

The collected leaves at home are spread on a newspaper, covered with other newspapers and placed under a press to dry. Heavy books and other improvised means can be used as such a press. Napkins need to be changed at least once every three days to prevent rot.

Drying in newspapers or pressed paper will take longer, but the collected specimens will last longer. You can dry the leaves quickly using an iron. Leaves from the trees are placed in newspaper and ironed. The iron should not be very hot. Drying with an iron is carried out several times (3-4) until the leaves are completely dry.

The dried leaves, one at a time, are carefully glued using white strips of paper onto thick A3 paper sheets. If the collected leaves are not very large, then ordinary album sheets may be suitable for the herbarium.

Next to each specimen they write the name of the plant, place of collection, time of collection, information about the bush or tree. If there are seeds, they are glued next to the leaf. No need to try to attach all the leaves front side up.

(Here are the pictures you can come up with if you put leaves on a sheet of paper and draw in the details with a pencil)

Sometimes back side a leaf can tell you a lot about a plant. The leaves can be folded so that this reverse side is visible; it may have characteristics: fluff or gloss.

The leaves do not need to be glued, but rather sewn on with white or green threads. The sheets are combined into a herbarium folder; you can use transparent files or a file folder.

The herbarium is ready!

Crafts from autumn leaves

Like these ones wonderful crafts You can make it yourself from autumn leaves.

For example, a wonderful elk and a cunning fox:

Here is a bird on a branch and a wise owl:

And even a real African elephant:

Task-game. Find which tree dropped which leaf.

You can copy each picture, cut it out of paper, and the task is to find each leaf its own tree.

(Click on the pictures to enlarge the image)




Elena Gorb

I would like to offer you my small collection for viewing. On the territory of our preschool educational institution a lot has been created flower beds and garden beds. Every day we worked with the children on them (planting, watering, loosening, caring). Conducted observations, made sketches in an album, as well as photographs with views various plants- flowers, shrubs, vegetables.

The guys from my group and I decided to keep this beauty for ourselves for a long time. And so, we have a small collection in our group herbariums. To do this, children and their parents brought boxes, thick paper, newspapers, etc. First, we dried each plant between double sheets of paper, and then placed the finished ones in multi-colored boxes.

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Autumn is a very beautiful time of year, golden foliage, deep blue sky, dried flowers and leaves. Some landscapes you want to save and place in your home so that they give warmth and delight the eye for a long time. winter evenings. Autumn is the best time to collect and make a herbarium of flowers, spikelets and leaves.

To make a herbarium with your own hands that will last a long time, you need to know several nuances and rules for its collection and design. Firstly, it is better to collect materials and plants for a future herbarium in dry weather, because wet flowers and leaves are more difficult to store. Secondly, in addition to standard plants that are usually used for flower arrangements, you can also select whole buds and individual petals, spikelets, seeds, etc. Thirdly, it is better to collect already fallen leaves and dried flowers, rather than plucking all the plants in a row, destroying nature. And it’s easier to dry dry materials at home.

How to make a beautiful herbarium

If you can find several leaves or flowers that are similar to each other, this can result in a very original symmetrical composition. You can collect everything you catch your eye in the forest, with a little imagination, and every piece and element will take its rightful place in the future herbarium. Best helpers When collecting materials for the herbarium, children do not think about where and what can be used, but take everything in a row. Then you have to invent and find ways to attach all the collected plants, but the result is amazing.

Leaves and flowers are stored best and longest in dried form. To dry plants correctly, you can use one of the proven methods:

In addition to the means of drying materials for the herbarium, you need to remember a few more little tricks that will help in creating an original composition. For example, if the plant is dried correctly, it will be level and the top will not tilt down. The leaves can be slightly strengthened to make them denser using a solution of water and PVA glue, which are mixed in a ratio of 1:5.

You can add any dried flowers to the herbarium, but delphinium and dahlias retain color best and look best in the composition. Flower petals, dried separately from the bud, will last a long time and will decorate the picture.

Herbarium in the interior

A herbarium is a flat bouquet that can be stored in several ways: how decorative panel, in an album, in the form of bookmarks, in a photo album, as a three-dimensional picture and many others.

Decorative panel of dried plants

For this option, you need a base, the material of which can be fabric, canvas, or cardboard. The herbarium materials are laid out with the picture that you want to create and preserve, then each element of the composition is glued and left to dry for a day under heavy pressure. The herbarium can be laid out from painted plants and elements, or it can remain in its natural color. After all work is completed, the panel must be inserted into the frame.

In album

The herbarium on album sheets is a mini-guide on botany. A separate plant is glued to each individual leaf. Instead of glue, you can use tape or thread with a needle. Last option is guaranteed not to affect the evenness of the flower or leaf, and so that the stitches are not so noticeable, you can then carefully tint them with a similar color. To preserve the herbarium for a long time, you can put thin tracing paper between the pages, or even better, place each leaf with a plant in a transparent file. All files can be collected in one folder - it’s beautiful and reliable.


In order to make bookmarks, you need 2 strips of cardboard, which are glued together, and the ribbon of the future bookmark remains between them. A small composition is laid out on the surface of one of the sides; flowers or spikelets are better suited for such a small area.

The mini-herbarium is covered with tracing paper on top (parchment paper is also suitable) and greased with a mixture of PVA glue and water in a ratio of 4:1. The composition will be visible through the translucent paper, and the edges can be secured by sewing on a machine with thread of any color.

Herbarium painting

A painting using plants is a whole art that looks very unusual and beautiful. Part of the picture needs to be drawn with paints or pencils, and some elements should be laid out with petals, grains, and twigs. A little imagination - and the masterpiece will delight you with its originality.


Look how much different options design of the herbarium. You might find something you like.

How to design a herbarium

Photo album - this will be a mini book with a herbarium. Very similar to the way of storing a herbarium in an album, only the pictures and compositions will be small.

There is another type of herbarium - a clamshell. Sheets of paper are fastened together in a row, and the desired compositions or simply individual plants are laid out on them. When folded, it will be an ordinary notebook or book, and when unfolded, it will be a long strip with mini-pictures of plants.

Such a miniature composition looks very beautiful on the cover of a handmade postcard or on your favorite diary. It is best to secure the herbarium to the surface using self-adhesive film, which can be purchased at almost any stationery store.

If the herbarium is made in an album or photo album, the plants can be signed: names, a short description, medicinal properties(if the plant has them), where and when it was found. Signatures are best done on small labels, which are then pasted in the lower right corner of the page.

To interest a child in herbarium, you can offer him to buy a special bright album for this activity and an encyclopedia, where he can find all the names of leaves and flowers. You can search for information about plants on the Internet; here you will need the help of your parents. If a child knows that mom or dad will help in compiling a herbarium, the child’s desire will only increase.

Children are often asked to prepare materials for a herbarium at summer holidays. A walk through the forest looking for leaves and flowers, and then working on a sketchbook on a quiet evening is a great time for the whole family. When collecting and forming a herbarium, the most important thing is not the end result, but a leisurely process that will bring pleasure and joy to all family members. And the original composition of flowers and leaves will delight you for a long time and remind you of warm sunny days.

Video about herbariums

In these videos you will not only learn how to beautifully make a herbarium, but also learn about unusual species herbariums.

Kalashnikova Olga Alekseevna

Educational area: Artistic and aesthetic development. Cognitive development. Social and communicative development.

Age group: group early development(2-3 years).

Target: introduce children to the signs of autumn. Introduce a natural phenomenon - leaf fall. Introduce the variety of leaf shapes of different trees. Learn to identify leaves different trees. Learn to distinguish colors. Collect a group herbarium.

Materials: A4 sheets of paper, glue, collected tree leaves.

Location: children's playground and kindergarten area. Group location.

Form: group

Time spending: October.


Part 1.

Children go for a walk.


What time of year is it now?

Right. How did you guess? What signs of autumn do you know?

That's right. In autumn it gets cold, the leaves on the trees turn yellow and fall off. It rains often.

The teacher reads a poem to the children (Autumn Treasure by I. Pivovarova):

Yellow coins fall from the branch.

There's a whole treasure underfoot!

This is golden autumn

Gives leaves without counting.

Golden gives leaves

To you, and to us,

And to everyone.

Today we will collect a herbarium. A herbarium is when you collect different leaves and stick them on a sheet of paper. Let's make a herbarium together. Help me find beautiful autumn leaves.

Children, under the guidance of a teacher, collect leaves together around the territory of the kindergarten.

Children, let's determine which trees we collected leaves from.

The teacher suggests the names of the trees from which the leaves were found. The children repeat together.

Now show me the maple leaf.

Children try to find the right one among their leaves.

What a great fellow you are, how many wonderful leaves you have! But there are many of them, let's choose the most beautiful ones for the herbarium.

The teacher, together with the children, selects the most beautiful leaves from all the leaves (1-2 leaves from each child).

Part 2.

Upon arrival to the group, the teacher, together with the children, glues the found leaves onto sheets of paper, signs and staples the sheets of paper “into an album.”

Here's what we got:

Publications on the topic:

Each student studying biology receives an assignment to create a thematic herbarium as part of the educational program. Here is my granddaughter.

Goal: to form a generalized idea of ​​autumn as a time of year. Objectives: to teach to distinguish trees by shape, color of trunk and leaves;

How beautiful spring is, with its colors and diversity! I just want to save a piece of spring for winter and cold days. So I decided.

How, as a child, I decided to collect a herbarium only now for my children in kindergarten! The plants are dried in a book and sewn onto cardboard. For children.

Tasks. Educational: expand children’s understanding of the objects of the ecological trail and seasonal changes in nature. Form the aesthetic.

Thematic walk-event in the senior speech therapy group “Birds in autumn. Titmouse's day" Plan - summary of the organized educational activities on familiarization with the natural world in a senior speech therapy group. Thematic.