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» Heroes are people who have accomplished a feat. About children-heroes of our days. Qualities of a hero in the modern world

Heroes are people who have accomplished a feat. About children-heroes of our days. Qualities of a hero in the modern world

The most crowded swimming pools in the world are Chinese swimming pools. Despite them big sizes on the hottest days, when the temperature on the thermometer goes through the roof and the heat becomes unbearable (of course, China is not, but still it can be very hot there in the summer), they are filled to capacity with people.

And quite popular in China. But for most Chinese, swimming pools are a place where they can relax and cool off after work. And when the sun gets too hot, public swimming pools in China become so crowded that swimming in them becomes unrealistic; during rush hour you can barely move in them.

The population of China is huge and despite the catastrophic shortage of swimming pools, local authorities are in no hurry to build more swimming pools, because visitors come to them mainly only in the summer and they have to be monitored all year round. However, their number is slowly but growing, as income from this type of activity gradually increases.

One of them in China is the “Dead Sea of ​​China” - a sea basin located in Sichuan province in Deying County. total area basin is thirty thousand square meters, it can accommodate about ten thousand visitors at a time. But what, the Yao Stink pool can accommodate up to 230 thousand people.

Another large Chinese pool is Mao Moa, located in the capital, Beijing. Its capacity is 47 thousand. In 2008, due to the high percentage of bacteria in the water of this pool, 3,158 swimmers were severely poisoned, and one person even died. However, the Chinese Ministry of Health foresaw this situation, because according to their report, in 5,639 public swimming pools tested shortly before the mass poisonings, the safe limit for urea levels was exceeded ten times.

Swimming is quite popular as a sport in China. But still, outside the country’s sports schools and elite competitions, there are ordinary people who perceive it as a hobby and an opportunity to relax. For most Chinese, swimming pools are just a place to cool down after a day of work and calm down.

During the peak days of summer when heat becomes unbearable, the pools are painted in a riot of colors and filled to capacity with people. Thousands of people take a dip in the water to escape the scorching high temperatures. China's public pools are so full that you can barely move in them, let alone swim.

Considering the population, there is a catastrophic shortage of swimming pools here, and in the summer this becomes a real problem. Local authorities don't want to build a large number of swimming pools, since they will have to be maintained all year round, while visitors arrive here mainly during the summer season

However, the number of such establishments is increasing, as income from this type of activity is gradually growing. New gyms are being built, including swimming pools, some of which are truly gigantic in size.

One of the largest is the “Dead Sea of ​​China” - a sea basin located in Deying County, Sichuan Province. It was built inspired by the original Dead Sea, located in the Middle East. The total area of ​​the pool is 30,000 square meters and can accommodate up to 10,000 visitors at a time. But these are just flowers compared to the Yao Stink pool, which can accommodate up to 230,000 swimmers

Isn't it true that these pictures are disgusting? According to a report from China's Ministry of Health released last year, of 5,639 public swimming pools inspected in 24 regions of China, 10 percent exceeded the safe limit for levels of urea, which is known to come from human urine.

The study also noted that due to such a high percentage of bacteria in the water, in 2008 one person died and 3,158 swimmers suffered critical illnesses from ingesting water from the Mao Moa Pool in Beijing alone. This gigantic pool can accommodate up to 47,000 people at a time. Toxicologists took water samples and were shocked; the percentage of urine and feces in it was 90% of the total mass.

This material is dedicated to the heroes of our time. Real, not fictitious citizens of our country. Those people who do not film incidents on their smartphones, but are the first to rush to help the victims. Not out of vocation or professional duty, but out of a personal sense of patriotism, responsibility, conscience and understanding that this is right.

In the great past of Russia - Rus', Russian Empire And Soviet Union, there were many heroes who glorified the state throughout the world, and did not disgrace the name and honor of its citizen. And we honor their enormous contributions. Every day, brick by brick, building a new, strong country, regaining lost patriotism, pride and recently forgotten heroes.

We should all remember that in modern history of our country, in the 21st century, many worthy feats and heroic deeds have already been accomplished! Actions that deserve your attention.

Read the stories of the exploits of “ordinary” residents of our Motherland, take an example and be proud!

Russia is coming back.

In May 2012, for saving a nine-year-old child, a twelve-year-old boy, Danil Sadykov, was awarded the Order of Courage in Tatarstan. Unfortunately, his father, also a Hero of Russia, received the Order of Courage for him.

At the beginning of May 2012, Small child fell into a fountain, the water in which suddenly appeared under high voltage. There were a lot of people around, everyone shouted, calling for help, but did nothing. Only Danil made the decision. It is obvious that his father, who received the title of hero after worthy service in the Chechen Republic, raised his son correctly. Courage is in the Sadykovs’ blood. As investigators later found out, the water was energized at 380 volts. Danil Sadykov managed to pull the victim onto the side of the fountain, but by that time he himself received a severe electric shock. For the heroism and dedication shown in saving a person in extreme conditions 12-year-old Danil, a resident of Naberezhnye Chelny, was awarded the Order of Courage, unfortunately posthumously.

The commander of the communications battalion, Sergei Solnechnikov, died on March 28, 2012 during an exercise near Belogorsk in the Amur Region.

During the grenade throwing exercise, an emergency situation occurred - a grenade, after being thrown by a conscript, hit the parapet. Solnechnikov jumped up to the private, pushed him aside and covered the grenade with his body, saving not only him, but also many people around. Awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

In the winter of 2012, in the village of Komsomolsky, Pavlovsk district Altai Territory children were playing on the street near the store. One of them - a 9-year-old boy - fell into sewer well With ice water, which was not visible due to large snowdrifts. If it weren’t for the help of 17-year-old teenager Alexander Grebe, who accidentally saw what happened and did not jump into the icy water after the victim, the boy could have become another victim of adult negligence.

On a Sunday in March 2013, two-year-old Vasya was walking near his house under the supervision of his ten-year-old sister. At this time, Sergeant Major Denis Stepanov went to see his friend on business and, waiting for him behind the fence, watched the child’s pranks with a smile. Hearing the sound of snow sliding off the slate, the fireman instantly rushed to the baby and, jerking him aside, took the blow of the snowball and ice.

Twenty-two-year-old Alexander Skvortsov from Bryansk unexpectedly became a hero of his city two years ago: he pulled seven children and their mother out of a burning house.

In 2013, Alexander was visiting the eldest daughter of a neighboring family, 15-year-old Katya. The head of the family went to work early in the morning, everyone was asleep at home, and he locked the door. In the next room, a mother of many children was busy with the kids, the youngest of whom was only three years old, when Sasha smelled smoke.

First of all, everyone logically rushed to the door, but it turned out to be locked, and the second key lay in the parents’ bedroom, which had already been cut off by fire.

“I was confused, first of all I started counting the children,” says Natalya, mother. “I couldn’t call the fire department or anything, even though I had the phone in my hands.”

However, the guy was not at a loss: he tried to open the window, but it was tightly sealed for the winter. With a few blows from the stool, Sasha knocked out the frame, helped Katya get out and handed the rest of the children what they were wearing into her arms. I dropped my mom off last.

“When I started to climb out, the gas suddenly exploded,” says Sasha. – My hair and face were singed. But he’s alive, the children are safe, and that’s the main thing. I don’t need gratitude.”

The youngest citizen of Russia to become a holder of the Order of Courage in our country is Evgeniy Tabakov.

Tabakov’s wife was only seven years old when the bell rang in the Tabakovs’ apartment. Only Zhenya and his twelve-year-old sister Yana were at home.

The girl opened the door without being at all wary - the caller introduced himself as a postman, and since it was extremely rare for strangers to appear in the closed city (the military town of Norilsk - 9), Yana let the man in.

The stranger grabbed her, put a knife to her throat and began to demand money. The girl struggled and cried, the robber ordered her younger brother to look for money, and at that time he began to undress Yana. But the boy could not leave his sister so easily. He went into the kitchen, took a knife and stabbed the criminal in the lower back with a running start. The rapist fell from pain and released Yana. But it was impossible to deal with the repeat offender with childish hands. The criminal got up, attacked Zhenya and stabbed him several times. Later, experts counted eight puncture wounds on the boy’s body that were incompatible with life. At this time, my sister knocked on the neighbors and asked them to call the police. Hearing the noise, the rapist tried to escape.

However, the bleeding wound of the little defender that left a mark and the loss of blood did their job. The repeat offender was immediately captured, and the sister, thanks to the heroic act of the boy, remained safe and healthy. The feat of a seven-year-old boy is the act of a person with a mature life position. The act of a real Russian soldier who will do everything to protect his family and his home.


It’s not uncommon to hear conditional liberals blinded by the West or voluntarily blindfolded, dogmatic Advisors declare that all the best is in the West and this is not in Russia, and all the heroes lived in the past, therefore our Russia is not their Motherland...

Let's leave the ignorant in their ignorance, and turn our attention to modern heroes. Little ones and adults, ordinary passers-by and professionals. Let's pay attention - and let's take an example from them, let's stop remaining indifferent to our own country and our citizens.

The hero commits an action. This is an act that not everyone, perhaps even a few, would dare to do. Sometimes such valiant people are awarded with medals, orders, and if they do without any signs, then with human memory and inescapable gratitude.

Your attention, and knowledge of your heroes, the understanding that you should be no worse - is the best tribute to the memory of such people and their valiant and most worthy deeds.

Eleven-year-old Yakut woman Kharyskhaana Ammosova received the state medal “For Courage in Rescue” on November 2. In addition to her, the Federation Council awarded 19 more children who committed heroic deeds.

A 10-year-old girl who saved her younger siblings from a fire. A 16-year-old boy who exposed his back to being stabbed by a criminal to protect his friend. Four 13-year-olds who restrained a dangerous repeat offender. A 12-year-old boy who caught a one-year-old girl who had fallen from a window. A 17-year-old athlete who pulled out the wounded after a terrorist attack in the St. Petersburg metro.

These are real feats that our compatriots have accomplished, many of whom have not yet reached adulthood. “Children Heroes” - within the framework of this all-Russian project, the award ceremony for young Russians has been held for the fourth year in a row under the auspices of the Federation Council, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and Russian Union rescuers.

At the same time, not everyone came to Moscow for Bolshaya Dmitrovka, where the award ceremony took place. “In our country there are many children and teenagers worthy of respect and high awards - those who are not indifferent to the grief of others, who, risking their lives, threw themselves into fire and water to save a person’s life. In total, we received 229 submissions from 57 constituent entities of the Russian Federation,” said Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko. And she expressed sincere gratitude to teachers and parents for raising such worthy citizens of our country.

Winners of the “Children Heroes” award – 2017

Children and teenagers who showed personal courage in extreme situations

Mikhailaki Vladimir (17 years old), Saint Petersburg

On April 3, 2017, an explosion occurred in one of the train cars in the St. Petersburg metro. Vladimir was in the subway at that moment - he boldly began to provide assistance to the wounded passengers, helped them get out of the damaged subway car, independently tried to stop the bleeding and accompanied the victims on the way to the street, leading them through the acrid smoke.

Grishin Dmitry (13 years old), Trushin Pavel (14 years old), Movchan Dmitry (13 years old), Larin Dmitry (14 years old). All - Moscow region

One morning, four guys were walking through the village of Krasnaya Poima, Lukhovitsky district, Moscow region. Passing by an abandoned school, they heard suspicious sounds and noticed the movement of someone else in the building. The guys decided to find out what was going on: while examining the first floor of the building, they discovered a criminal who was trying to rape a seven-year-old boy. The attacker did not respond to demands to stop the violence, and then the young heroes took active action: using force, they distracted the criminal and dragged the frightened boy to a safe distance. After this, the guys called for help from a passerby, who helped detain the attacker. He turned out to be a previously convicted repeat offender.

Chernova Yulia (10 years old), Belgorod region

The tragedy took place in one of the houses in the village of Prizrachny, Prokhorovsky district, Belgorod region, in early February. Yulia stayed at home as the eldest to look after the younger children. But suddenly a fire broke out and quickly began to engulf the house. Yulia's brothers and sisters, frightened, hid under the beds and closets - certain death! At this time, the eldest, 10-year-old Yulia, tried to put out the fire with water, but the flames blocked the exit from the house. The decision was made quickly - Yulia smashed her fist window glass and managed not only to push all five children out of the fire, but also to throw a blanket and several warm clothes into the snow. When the girl saw her neighbor running to her aid, she lost consciousness. Fortunately, the adults managed to save Yulia herself.

Skvortsov Alexey (9 years old), Mari El Republic

A schoolboy was walking down the street in his village of Kokshamary, Zvenigovsky district. Suddenly he saw a broken wire of an electric lighting line on the ground, and next to it, a man lying unconscious little boy. Alexey was not taken aback and remembered the skills that he was taught at school during life safety lessons. The nine-year-old hero picked up a stick and moved the exposed wire away from the electrocuted boy. Then he called an ambulance.

Tumgoev Rashid (15 years old), The Republic of Ingushetia

15-year-old Rashid lives in the rural settlement of Surkhakhi, Nazran district of the Republic of Ingushetia. On June 26, 2017, he saw a mudflow approaching one of the houses in which there were eight children. Rashid rushed to the house and began dragging unsuspecting boys and girls out into the street. And Rashid carried the two youngest girls, four and five years old, in his arms. Afterwards, he took the children to a hillock, to the top of which, as he calculated, young hero, the mudflow will definitely not be able to reach. All children were saved.

Gorbuntsov Leonid (16 years old), Kemerovo region

A 16-year-old resident of the city of Belova was returning home from training when he heard a woman screaming for help - an attacker was trying to snatch her bag from her hands. He succeeded, but Leonid gave chase to the criminal. Having caught up with him on a nearby street, he held the robber until the police arrived.

Skvortsov Andrey (16 years old), Moscow

A third grade student was running home - she was a little late after school. At the entrance to her house, the girl decided to call her mother. New phone The schoolgirl attracted the attention of the attacker - he took it away and tried to escape. At that moment, Andrei was leaving the entrance and noticed the girl all in tears. Having learned from her what had happened, he instantly caught up with the robber, subdued him and managed to take him to the police department on his own.

Yusupova Milana (9 years old), The Republic of Dagestan

At the beginning of September, third-grader Milana, living in the village of Babayurt, went to her neighbors on behalf of her mother. On the way, she noticed smoke coming from an apartment on the second floor of one of the buildings. At first she was very scared, but then she heard the voices of two girls - they were begging for help. Overcoming fear, Milana entered the burning apartment, grabbed the six- and seven-year-old girls in her arms and ran out into the street. The savior came to her senses only when she realized that she had carried the girls to Milana’s own house! The children whom she bravely carried from the fire remained alive.

Pivovarova Kristina (16 years old), Moscow region

On May 2, 2017, on the platform of the Sharapova Okhota railway station, one of the passengers suddenly lost consciousness. The head of a fainting woman hung from the platform towards which the fast train was rushing. Seeing this from the opposite side of the tracks, Christina risked her life and rushed across the tracks, pulled herself up and climbed onto the platform, and then pulled the woman away from the edge of the platform. A few seconds later, a train rushed past them - the woman was saved.

Adonyev Yaroslav (12 years old), Republic of Bashkortostan

A schoolboy from the city of Sterlitamak was waiting for his friends in the yard. Yaroslav noticed that someone was throwing leaves from the second floor window. Coming closer, he saw a one-year-old girl standing swaying on the windowsill. Having immediately found his bearings, the schoolboy ran to the house and at the very last moment was able to catch the baby in his arms! For this, he had to fall to his knees and tear his elbows - the main thing is that the rescued woman escaped with only a slight fright. Yaroslav, with the child in his arms, ran to his friend’s mother, who called the police and doctors. It turned out that the girl was left in the apartment with her three-year-old brother. Only when he was home did Yaroslav realize what tragedy had been avoided thanks to his action.

Kovalev Roman (13 years old), Kursk region

A schoolboy from the village of Demino noticed that a fire was blazing in the windows of a neighbor’s house. Knowing that there was a paralyzed woman in the house, Roman broke the glass and climbed into her room. It’s incredible, but he managed to single-handedly carry a woman out of a house engulfed in fire in his arms! The patient's life was saved.

Spivak Ivan (14 years old), Stavropol region

Ivan was walking with his friends along the street of the city of Georgievsk when an 18-year-old boy began to threaten them. He was clearly not himself and tried to stab one of the guys. Ivan rushed forward and shielded his friend from the criminal’s knife, and he himself was wounded in the back. No one else was hurt except Ivan, and the criminal was quickly detained.

Fisurenko Nikita (15 years old), Sizonenko Roman (14 years old), Republic of Crimea

On August 8 of this year, Nikita and Roman, while in the village of Chernomorskoye, saw that four children were swimming in the sea during a storm. In front of the young people, they soon began to drown. In response to cries for help, Nikita and Roman rushed into the water and began to pull them out of the water. As a result, all four children were saved.

Dulaev Sarmat (11 years old), Republic of North Ossetia-Alania

In February, Sarmat and his friends went for a walk to the Terek River. An extreme outing for fifth-graders threatened to turn into a tragedy—one of the kids fell through the ice. The Sarmatian was not at a loss and began to pull out his friend, who was being carried away by the strong current of a mountain river. The struggle between the river and the boys was observed by several adults, who for some reason considered what was happening to be a “funny prank.” Meanwhile, the situation became critical - the ice was cracking, hands were slipping... Then Sarmat, gathering his last strength, grabbed his friend by the jacket and pulled him towards himself. The rescue took place - Sarmat was able to save his friend’s life without outside help!

Tarasov Anton (at the time of the feat - 16 years old), Donetsk People's Republic

This young man in the project “Children-Heroes” was noted separately. Anton accomplished his feat in 2014, but this became known only now.

At three o'clock in the morning, the village named after Komarov, located on the main line of fire, came under massive fire from the Uragan multiple launch rocket system. After the first explosion, the roof of the house in which the boy's family lived collapsed. Anton heard the screams of his mother and father and began to make his way into his parents’ bedroom.

His six-year-old sister Lisa found herself under a collapse of bricks, she did not move, it was difficult for her to breathe. Mom could not move the fallen blocks that had broken off from the wall. Anton crawled up to her and began to dig out his little sister. It was necessary to act very quickly, and Anton succeeded: he pulled out his sister, brought her to her senses, and checked the function of her arms and legs.

Parents also needed help. My mother was bleeding: shrapnel cut her back, and my father was also crushed by a collapsed ceiling beam; he could not get out on his own. The shelling continued, it was 20 degrees below zero outside. Having taken his mother and sister to the neighbors, Anton, together with a friend who came running to help, rescued his father - he was immobilized, his spine was hurt. Anton called an ambulance and sent the family to the hospital, while he ran to his older brother and grandmother. He acted without feeling his own injury - while rescuing his relatives, he was wounded in the leg. Fortunately, the boy's family survived. And after everything he had experienced, Anton decided to become a doctor.

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students of 7th and 8th grades



Heroes of the 21st century

When I heard about the essay competition, I thought: “Is there a place for heroism these days? It’s either a matter of war...” The whole world knows the heroic fortitude of the defenders of Moscow and Stalingrad. And I turned to the Internet, searching for “examples of heroism in our time.” Imagine my surprise when in the reports for November and December alone I saw many examples of courage and bravery of a wide variety of people, young and not so young, men and women. Judge for yourself.

Mikhail Makarets, a military man from the Kemerovo region, saved two children in a fire. Evgeny Pavlov, a policeman from the Primorsky Territory, saved a drowning man. Mikhail Kotogarov, a schoolboy in the Tula region, saved his brothers from a fire. And this list can go on for a long time. The geography of such feats, and this is how I can call people’s behavior, is large. Some may say that the duty of police officers and firefighters is to save people. But almost everyone has responsibilities, but does every person risk their life in fulfilling them?

IN Ancient Greece a hero was considered a “valiant husband, leader.” He must have been a man of exceptional courage and valor. In Sparta they even carried out a “selection” of strong newborns. Times have changed, and now a hero may turn out to be a person who does not think of himself that way at all. He simply has no time to realize whether he will accomplish a feat or not.

On March 28, 2012, during a military training exercise in the Amur region, a 19-year-old private unsuccessfully threw a grenade. The ammunition hit the edge of the parapet and flew into the side where other soldiers were standing. Major Sergei Solnechnikov instantly realized what had happened, pushed the confused soldier away and covered the grenade with himself. An hour and a half later, the major died on the operating table from his wounds. Maybe someone does not consider him a hero, but the parents of the rescued children, I am sure, will pray to God for the rest of their lives for the soul of this man, and future children will remember Solnechnikov and call him a hero.

Our life does not stand still, but rushes forward. But there is also a place for heroism in it. Anyone who does good deeds from the heart can become a hero. After all, great heroism is born from small actions.

Mironenko Vladimir, student of grade 7 “A”.

Heroes of the 21st century.

Who are the heroes? Is a person born a hero or does he become one? I'm sure I'm not the only one worried about these questions. Who can be considered a hero of our time? Everyone will answer in their own way. Some people believe that a hero is someone who has immeasurable strength, insane courage, and endurance, but for others, the concept of heroism has remained unchanged.

I would call a modern hero a person with an open, kind soul. Sometimes he does good to the detriment of himself and his health. While preparing for the essay, I read the words of the Czech writer Gabriel Laub: “Heroes are needed in moments of danger, but the rest of the time they are dangerous.” I cannot agree with this opinion. The more people there are who can rush to help another, the less danger there will be in our lives. Heroes do not need themselves, we, people, need them.

Some of my peers believe that the heroes of our days are famous actors, musicians, and politicians. They say they have achieved a lot in life. I don’t argue with them, but I admire other people who managed to overcome physical pain, fear, and dream of the glory of their Motherland. An example of such heroism for me is associated with the victory of our Paralympic team in the last Olympics in Vancouver in March 2010. They have significantly less opportunity to be strong. But they, in defiance of fate, at the cost of considerable effort, both their own and those of their loved ones, overcame their illness, their helplessness, so that the whole planet could hear “the sound of the anthem of their native country.”

One of the heroes of this Olympics is Irek Zaripov, who won five gold medals. Several years ago he was in a serious car accident and lost both legs. And after such an injury, he began to train, participate in competitions, fight not only with his rivals, but above all with himself. And the victory in Vancouver proved to everyone how, despite the circumstances, results can be achieved.

There is always a place for achievement in life, but the path to it lies through cultivating a sense of duty. In the struggle over one's weaknesses and shortcomings, that heroism of every person is born.

Anisimova Alina, 8th grade student.

Heroes of the 21st century.

It’s difficult to be a hero, because you need to save a world where there are a lot of bad people.

Being a hero is often scary, but they exist. What does a person who laid down his life for other people think about in his last seconds? We love our life... What does it feel like to give it away? After all, often a manifestation of heroism is a response to someone’s negligence and sloppiness.

This happened on June 24, 2010. On board the destroyer "Bystry" preparing to go to sea Pacific Fleet A fire suddenly broke out in the boiler room. The boiler room operator, sailor Aldar Tsydenzhapov, who was on combat watch, did not lose his head and resolutely entered into the fight against the flames. After extinguishing the fire, he shut off the fuel supply valve. Only after this he was the last to leave the compartment and managed to get out to safety on his own. With almost 100 percent of his body burns, the sailor was taken to the naval hospital, where doctors fought for his life for four days, but, unfortunately, they were unable to save him.

Feats were performed before us, and in our time there are feats, they will be after us. In any era there were people ready for heroic deeds. They perform a feat, first of all, not for themselves, not for glory, but only to make our life at least a little kinder and brighter, to the best of their ability. Aldar Tsydenzhapov accomplished such a feat.”

As long as our Motherland raises such sons who will come to its defense at any moment, Russia will be alive.Aldar Tsydenzhapov is the only one in the surface forces of our country’s fleet awarded high rank Hero of Russia in peacetime. And I must also say that the word “aldar” in Buryat means “glory”...

Patriotism is not just love for the Motherland. Patriotism implies not only a sense of pride in the country, but also a willingness to be with it in difficult times.

Zhelnov Vladislav, 8th grade student.

Heroes of the 21st century.

The great military and labor past of our country knows many heroes: Sailors, Suvorov, Nakhimov, Stakhanov, Sakharov, Zhukov, Kutuzov, Ushakov and many others. These people once glorified our country on the world stage. Their heroism is immortal. At the same time, we, the generation that grew up in the 21st century, should know that modernity also provides examples of the manifestation of patriotism.

But who are these heroes? In what region are these people born and live? Maybe we need special conditions, so that heroes appear? Maybe these are people of a special profession? There is a special kind of heroism - it lies in never, under any circumstances, changing the rules of honor, decency, friendship, and philanthropy. This is heroism of the spirit.

September 1st, 2004 high school No. 1, Beslan in North Ossetia, was captured by terrorists. They took students, their parents and teachers hostage, gathering everyone in a booby-trapped gym. The terrorists threatened to blow up the school building if they tried to free the hostages. Rescuers Dmitry Kormilina and Valery Zamaraev showed special heroism by being the first to enter the school captured by terrorists. As a result of the sudden shooting, they received mortal wounds, from which they later died in the hospital. The Beslan tragedy told the whole world about simple heroism ordinary people: how one sister, having escaped at the very beginning of the capture, returned for another, younger one, finding herself a hostage herself, and then saved her life during the fighting; how heroically, “like men,” in the words of one of the hostages, the children behaved, how they cared about the teachers and each other, how the teachers cared about them.

You can become a hero in simple, everyday matters, not only during war. Prominent thinkers They said: “People’s courage is often recognized more in small things than in great things.” Not every brave act can be called heroic. For example, in front of passers-by, running across the street in a dangerous, wrong place at a red light is not heroism, but stupidity, which can end very badly for the “hero”. An unusual, daring, exceptional act cannot be considered heroic if it is not committed for the benefit of people. I believe that a heroic act is an act that benefits society.

Natalya Dubovitskaya, 8th grade student.

Heroes of the 21st century.

Heroism... What is it? What separates a true hero from a coward? What guides a person when he performs heroic deeds?

Who will we call a true hero in the sense that we mean by the word “heroism”? Such a hero can be called a fireman who, despising mortal danger, carries a suffocating child from the fire, although he could have waited for his fellow firefighters to put out the fire so that he could pass with minimal risk to health. Doctors who save crippled people during hostilities in various countries, dying from bullets and shells from warring factions, also show an example of true heroism. A policeman who resolutely stands in the way of a bandit who is ready to kill for a dose of drugs or a wad of bloody money is undoubtedly a true hero.

I want to talk about “little” heroes. I call them that because they are small in age, but in terms of fortitude they are stronger and more reliable than many adults.

A resident of the village of Togur, Tomsk region, second-grader Sasha Kirasov was walking home from class when he heard children’s screams from the direction of the lake. Running closer, he saw two boys who had fallen through the ice. The second grader found a long board and, one by one, pulled the kids out of the water, then put them on a sled and took them home. As a result, the boys escaped with a slight fright.

A twelve-year-old schoolgirl from Yakutia, without hesitation, threw herself into the river to save the drowning Alyosha Mikhailov. She swam straight into her clothes towards the boy, who was being carried away by a strong current. Approaching the child and grabbing his hands, Sofia began to drag him to the shore. But the strong current did not allow this to be done. Gathering her last strength, she pushed the boy towards a branch sticking out from under the water with the words: “Hold on tight!” He, in a semi-conscious state, clutching a branch, was pulled out by adults who ran up, but Sofia was never able to get out.

Nowadays, there are teenagers who “act as heroes” on the roofs of train cars and high-rise buildings. This is heroism - playing for the audience, showing off. Heroism - not everyone is capable of it - when a person is able to sacrifice himself for something and do great good deeds

Sankov Nikolay, student of 7th "A" class.