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» Plasterboard for the ceiling: parameters and use. Ceiling plasterboard - features of the material, selection criteria Which plasterboard for the ceiling

Plasterboard for the ceiling: parameters and use. Ceiling plasterboard - features of the material, selection criteria Which plasterboard for the ceiling

Among the building materials provided by modern construction market, drywall occupies one of the leading places. It completely replaced plaster, is easy and quick to install, very convenient and does not require high costs.

But still, when finishing different surfaces use required different types drywall, which mainly differ in size. For example, to finish the ceiling, you need to know the parameters and size of the ceiling plasterboard in order to correctly calculate its required quantity and purchase the most suitable material for this purpose.

Differences in the sizes of plasterboard boards allow you to choose among them the most suitable for a particular job.

They have their own standards, according to which they differ from each other.

  • All types of plasterboard boards have the same width, which is 1.2 m.
  • The length of the sheets can be from 2 to 3.6 m.
  • Sheet thickness ranges from 6.5 to 12.5 mm.

By learning to determine the required type of drywall for a certain type of finish, you will become a true professional in your field!

Types of plasterboard sheets

So, let's start with the thinnest drywall, the thickness of which is 6.5 mm. This is arched drywall. Thanks to such a small thickness, it easily lends itself to any bends.

The thickest is wall plasterboard(12.5 mm), which is ideal for leveling wall surfaces and for creating all kinds of partitions, niches and other structures that require a certain rigidity.

The thickness of the ceiling plasterboard ranges from 8 to 9.5 mm, has a lightweight structure, which helps reduce the overall weight suspended ceiling and allows you to save on the number of profiles. By reducing the total weight of the ceiling, it became possible to make the distance between the slats wider ceiling profile, when installing a frame for a suspended ceiling.

In addition, ceiling plasterboard is much cheaper than wall plasterboard with the same dimensions, due to the difference in sheet thickness.

The following table shows the dimensions and weight various types plasterboard from well-known manufacturers:

Drywall Knauf

View Size(mm) Sheet weight per 1 sq.m (kg)















Drywall GYPROC*

GN 13


GEK 13




*GN 13-regular, GEK 13-high strength, GTS 9-windproof

The length and width of plasterboard slabs are selected for various needs, and are the same for all types of slabs. There are such variations: 2000x1200mm, 2500x1200mm and 3000x1200mm.

Drywall classification

Ceiling plasterboard is classified as follows:

  • Ordinary drywall (GKL) - used for finishing rooms with normal humidity levels. Its thickness can be minimal and range from 8 to 9.5 mm.
  • Moisture-resistant drywall (GKLV) - used in rooms with increased humidity, for example, a bathroom or kitchen, and has a reduced level of water absorption. There is no special ceiling option here, but you can use the most thin options ordinary waterproof material.
  • Fire-resistant plasterboard (GKLO) - used in fire hazardous areas. It is universal, and when choosing a ceiling option, it is also recommended to choose a thickness of up to 9 mm.

How to calculate the required number of plasterboard sheets for the ceiling?

The calculation must begin by determining the length and width of the room. Be sure to measure all four walls to avoid possible curvature. If any deviations are found, the basis should be taken large values, because it’s better to have a surplus than a shortage!

For example, let's take a living room of 5.6x3.1 m. Here, the most rational size of the ceiling plasterboard is 1.2x2.5 m, which will allow them to be used most effectively, with the least amount of waste, using the technology in a running pattern (see diagram).

The sheets will be placed lengthwise across the room, 3 of which must be cut in half, fitting them to required sizes. When installing the last row, the sections must be cut in width from 1.2 m to 0.8 m. As a result of calculations, we will get 8 sheets for covering the ceiling (excluding the reserve just in case).

Thus, knowing the differences and dimensions of different types of drywall, you can calculate the amount required material for ceilings of any size. I would like to believe that the information and recommendations contained in this article will help you when choosing the necessary material and performing renovations in your apartment!

Ceiling decoration - very important stage construction or renovation of premises. Very often it requires leveling, especially if we're talking about about renovations in apartments of old buildings.

The most common type of finishing material in last years is ceiling plasterboard. Its popularity is due to the presence of an impressive list of advantages.

What is this article about?

Advantages of the material

Dry ceilings are leveled using plasterboard. This type of work is especially popular when carrying out renovations in apartments dating back to standard buildings. Typically, the ceilings in such buildings have serious unevenness, and to eliminate them in the usual way using building mixtures consumes a lot a large number of material.

GCR is also good for creating various decorative structures, such as multi-level ceilings, domes, vaults, various convex, concave or wavy elements.

Environmental friendliness of drywall

All large quantity people pay due attention to the safety criterion of the material. And the drywall, including the ceiling, fully corresponds to it. After all, 93% of its composition is gypsum, paper makes up 6% and only 1% is various technological additives. Gypsum is a non-toxic material; its radiation level is the lowest among building materials. In addition, the material is “breathable”, which allows you to maintain the indoor microclimate.

Ease and ease of processing

The weight of the sheet of material is quite small. If the size of the ceiling plasterboard is 1200 x 2000 mm, then it weighs 18 kg, and with a size of 1200 mm x 2500 mm - 22 kilograms. So for work you need minimum cost human resources. Even a paint knife is suitable for cutting sheets.

Smooth surface

This plus allows you to use drywall as a basis for various types finishing materials(whitewash, paint, wallpaper, etc.) without additional processing.


The material has a low price and can be purchased at any hardware store.

Fire resistance

Drywall sheet is low flammable building materials, because most of its composition is plasterboard, which is non-flammable. Only the outer layer of the paper shell can burn.

Plasterboard for ceiling

In appearance, plasterboard resembles a sandwich, in which sheets of construction cardboard are located on both sides, and in the middle there is a gypsum binder mixture with a small amount of functional additives that give the material certain properties.

The thickness of the plasterboard for the ceiling is 9.5 mm, and for the walls - 12.5 mm. The arched material is the thinnest - only 6.5 mm. Moreover, the sizes for all sheets are mostly the same. The standard width is 1200 mm, and the length is 2000 mm, 2500 mm and 3000 mm.

The dimensions of ceiling plasterboard are somewhat different - it is extremely rare that it is three meters long. But styling this large sheet on the ceiling requires extra hands, it’s easier to use smaller cuts alone.

Ceiling plasterboard has a serious advantage - due to the thinner sheet thickness, it weighs on average 25% less than wall plasterboard. This simplifies the work, since during installation it must be raised to a greater height.

In the case when the ceiling structure has decorative elements of a round shape with a small radius, it is better to use arched gypsum board, as it bends better and has a minimum sheet weight.

Consequently, which plasterboard is best for the ceiling is decided in each case individually, but most often its different types are combined.

Types of ceiling gypsum boards

Standard ceiling plasterboard is suitable for installing ceilings in rooms with normal or low humidity.

If you are planning renovations in the bathroom, kitchen and other places with damp or wet humidity conditions, then it is better to take a moisture-resistant material, the so-called gypsum board (from the name of the manufacturer, the company Gyprok).

It differs from ordinary drywall in that it is treated with special hydrophobic impregnations, which prevent swelling and deformation of the sheet.

Leveling ceilings

The ceiling can be leveled using plaster. But this method is quite labor-intensive and time-consuming. In addition, it will not be suitable if the differences in unevenness are significant.

That's why ideal material for this type of work is ceiling plasterboard. The work will be done much faster, because you won’t have to wait for the material to harden and dry, as when working with plaster, and the very next day after installation you can finish the ceiling.

However, it is worth remembering that when leveling with plasterboard, the ceiling drops lower. This fact must be taken into account when renovating rooms with low ceilings.

You can do this work yourself, without resorting to the help of craftsmen, since the process does not require highly specialized knowledge and skills.

To do this, you will need tools for precise marking, iron profiles and special screws for drywall.

Installation of multi-level ceilings from plasterboard ceilings

Such decorative designs look very impressive. With their help, you can visually divide a large room into zones if for some reason it is impossible to erect interior partitions.

In the voids of such ceilings, communications can be disguised. And it is very convenient to install various lamps in drywall.

To install a multi-level ceiling structure in a hall, living room or bedroom, arched and ceiling plasterboard is suitable, and when carrying out such work in a bathroom or kitchen, it is better to use moisture-resistant gypsum board. To perform such work, a master needs to master certain skills. And, perhaps, the main one is the ability to draw up a drawing of the future product and make high-quality markings.

Preparing a plasterboard ceiling for finishing

Plasterboard is used to rough-process the ceiling. It is an excellent basis for decorative finishing with various materials.

Whatever material is planned on top of the gypsum board, it must first be prepared plasterboard surface- fill all joints and places where screws are screwed in. Then the surface should be primed.

Finishing the ceiling from plasterboard sheet

One of the most popular types of finishing is painting. It is worth paying attention that before using glossy paint, you must carefully remove all irregularities and roughness, as the paint can emphasize them.

Just as often for coverage plasterboard ceilings apply ceiling wallpaper. Gluing them is not difficult, since gypsum board has a layer of paper on the surface.

If you want to get an original ceiling covering, you can use decorative plaster. It is worth noting that it is applied to moisture resistant drywall. The technology for performing this type of finishing is not as simple as in the two options described above, so it is better to seek help from a specialist.

Lamps for plasterboard ceilings

When installing plasterboard ceilings, lamps not only perform a direct function - lighting the room, but also serve as a decorative element. And most importantly, thanks to the lighting, you can present the entire structure from a more favorable angle.

The main requirement for materials and equipment that are mounted on the ceiling is minimum weight. In small rooms, the weight of the slabs falls on the supporting profile. Being attached around the entire perimeter and to additional profiles in the middle, the gypsum boards evenly distribute their weight onto the frame. Another case is when there are large premises with long distances between load-bearing partitions. The mass of suspended elements is added to the considerable weight of the ceiling itself, which can cause Negative consequences. Therefore, the area of ​​the room can play a big role when choosing which drywall is best to use for the ceiling.

Creating a multi-tiered ceiling with decorative elements use arched plasterboard - it is the thinnest, which means it bends well

When designing multi-tier systems with bent elements, it is necessary, if possible, to use arched plasterboard specially designed for these purposes, which is the thinnest among the materials used, and therefore it can be bent with a small radius.

Types of materials

Depending on the thickness, gypsum boards are usually divided into:

  • wall;
  • ceiling;
  • arched

Different manufacturers may recommend in their descriptions various areas applications depending on size and weight, based on your considerations. When installing on vertical sections (walls), it is usually customary to use slabs with a thickness of 12.5 mm or more. The thickness of the plasterboard for the ceiling is less than 9.5 mm. For bent elements, panels of 6 – 6.5 mm are used.

By physical characteristics GKL is divided into:

  • ordinary;
  • moisture resistant;
  • fire resistant.

Moisture-resistant building materials contain impregnations that prevent the formation of mold and fungi. Such sheets have low moisture absorption. External difference consists of marking the paper shell in green.

Fire resistance is expressed in the inability to maintain combustion and maintain strength at elevated temperatures. Such panels usually have a pink tint. Any panels may differ in their protective characteristics. Which plasterboard for the ceiling is better must be determined in each specific case.

Applications by type

The main area is mounted using ceiling plasterboard, which has average characteristics in terms of weight and strength. As already mentioned, plasterboard for the ceiling has a thickness of no more than 9.5 mm. The thinner one - arched - is used for bent elements, which are usually installed vertically. Here, flexibility comes first, and strength is less important, since vertically installed elements do not experience stress.

Gypsum plasterboard sheets (GKL), colloquially called plasterboard, are a widespread material for the construction various designs and performing finishing activities. It is also used for arranging beautiful and original ceilings in public and residential premises.

All types of drywall - how not to get confused?

Plasterboard sheets are divided into four types. Ordinary material can be used to perform construction work in rooms with normal humidity and air temperature. The color of the material is gray, the sheet marking is blue.

The composition of moisture-resistant drywall must include silicone granules and special antifungal substances as additives. Due to this, the moisture-resistant material can be used in areas with high constant humidity - in garages, kitchens, restrooms. Such sheets are made green and marked in blue.

Reinforcing elements are added to the core of fire-resistant gypsum boards, which give the drywall increased resistance to the effects of fire. Fire-resistant products are rarely used in residential premises. They are more suitable for attic spaces and various production facilities. Fire-resistant gypsum boards are marked in red, while the products themselves are manufactured in gray.

Fire-resistant and at the same time moisture-resistant plasterboard, combining the advantages of both types of sheets. It is also best used in industrial facilities.

As you can see, moisture-resistant and ordinary drywall is most suitable for residential premises. When choosing a material, one more thing should be taken into account important characteristic GKL - the type of its edge. U plasterboard sheet she may be:

  • Thinned - suitable for cases when products are covered with reinforcement tape and then puttied.
  • Direct – there is no need to lay joints; the “dry installation” method of drywall is used.
  • Rounded - for use with reinforcing tape, but without.

Material is also sold in which the edge of the sheet is made thinner and semicircular. It is used quite often in everyday life, as is gypsum board with a thinned edge.

Plasterboard for the ceiling - which one to choose?

Now, knowing all the types of gypsum boards, you can figure out which sheet is needed for arranging the ceilings in your home. Experts recommend choosing a material with a thinned edge, optimal thickness sheet – 0.9–1.1 cm, length – 2.5–3 m. The width of products of all types (moisture-resistant, standard gypsum board) is the same – 1.2 m.

Ceiling sheets must have exactly these dimensions and characteristics. If the thickness of the gypsum plasterboard is less than 0.9 cm, it should be used for installing light arches on which there is no significant pressure; if it is more than 1.1 cm, we are talking about products for installing walls.

For rooms where humidity and temperature are always within normal limits, it is better to choose regular drywall. There is no need to overpay for the “special” properties of the material.

But for kitchen premises, moisture-resistant plasterboard would be ideal for bathrooms and restrooms. Its performance indicators are several times higher than those of standard sheets.

One more nuance. Ceiling gypsum plasterboard with the above characteristics (dimensions, edges, presence of a special coating) is usually chosen for the main ceiling, to which subsequently no additional decorative elements or the next level will be applied. If you plan to add additional design to the structure, it is better to take sheets 1.25 cm thick.

A logical question arises - which gypsum board should be chosen for decorating the main ceiling? Of course, the one with a minimum thickness of 0.65 cm. Thus, we will reduce the load on the “basic” structure and reduce the cost of its installation. Other geometric dimensions V in this case not important - the width and length of the sheets can be any.

A few words about the profile for drywall - it’s important!

We figured out what kind of gypsum board is needed to install the ceiling. Let's look at the subtleties of selection metal profile For ceiling material. The profile also varies. And its choice depends (directly) on the type of drywall used.

Profiles are divided into:

  • guides - their size is 27x28 mm;
  • angular - used to increase durability and strength ceiling structure, are placed on top of the main sheets, the dimensions of such profiles are selected individually;
  • arched - they are placed to form rounded and original shapes on the ceiling;
  • main – profiles that have maximum dimensions(27x60 mm).

The metal frame is of great importance for the operational reliability of the ceiling. Therefore, purchase profiles with the specified parameters. It is advisable that they be made of stainless alloys that hold well and are not subject to corrosion.

Leveling the ceiling with plasterboard allows you to improve the fire protection and sound insulation properties of this structure, hide deviations in level and electrical wiring, and obtain surfaces suitable for decorative finishing in as soon as possible. This technology is considered relatively simple; the emphasis is on choosing gypsum boards with the right characteristics(with the required edge, thickness, moisture or fire resistance), carrying out precise markings, creating a reliable frame and processing the joints of the sheets after finishing the sheathing. To eliminate errors, be sure to draw up a diagram of the location of guide profiles, plates and holes for lighting.

There is no specialized variety in this case; the term “ceiling” refers to ordinary drywall thickness within 9.5 mm. It is used in rooms with normal humidity (up to 70%), directing front side inside the room. In kitchens, bathrooms and toilets, an option with core and cardboard impregnated with hydrophobic substances is selected. This treatment allows them to withstand constant exposure to steam and moisture (even washing), they do not deform or become covered with fungus.

With increased requirements for fire safety the plane is sheathed with fire-resistant boards that can withstand up to 6-7 hours of direct exposure. This type is used in residential apartment buildings and private buildings to slow down the spread of flames; for the same purpose they are chosen when finishing archives, household and production premises, storages, ventilation systems. If it is necessary to combine the properties of moisture and fire resistance, GKLVO sheets are purchased; such a need most often arises when arranging industrial facilities. All specialized brands are represented by plasterboard of medium thickness - from 9.5 to 12.5 mm; a smaller range is selected for leveling ceilings.

To install curved elements in single- and multi-level structures, you need the GKLA brand, fiberglass reinforced. Standard thickness such plates do not exceed 6.5 mm; they are bent solely along their length, without making cuts or wetting. Regardless of the type, the type of edge of the product is additionally taken into account. Sheets with UK and PLUK (thinned and semicircular) are best suited. Options with straight ends are used only in multilayer systems or for installations that do not require laying joints. The surface and seams are covered with a thin layer of plaster.

Marking the ceiling before leveling

Work begins after clearing and removing crumbling building materials and treating with antiseptic primers. At this stage, along the perimeter of the walls using water or laser level one or more horizontal lines are laid down (based on the number of protrusions). If all the rules are followed, the straight line of the starting point will coincide with the ending point. To eliminate errors, a cord is stretched across the entire plane of the room. If it is necessary to simply level the ceiling, without complex lighting, the structure is lowered only to the profile height (i.e. 60 cm from the minimum possible point). When including spotlights in the lighting plan for correct location their bodies will need at least 10-12 cm (by analogy - when insulating or soundproofing, the level depends on the thickness of this layer). Markings are carried out for direct hangers - along the central axis of the profile with an interval of 60 cm.

There is no need for additional leveling; it is carried out only with frameless fastening, which is rarely chosen. But it is recommended to seal large cracks with a solution, at least to improve insulation and moisture resistance. In both private houses and apartments, it is advisable to combine the process of leveling with plasterboard and wiring electrical communications (the wires are either laid out in the attic and brought out into the right points, or between the profile), this allows you to save space. In bathrooms, kitchens and other rooms with high humidity The cable is placed in a box, in any case it is securely fixed. All wiring work is completed before the gypsum board sheathing begins.

Alignment and installation technology

The standard scheme of actions includes the following stages: assessment of the condition of the surface and its preparation → drawing up a plan for the placement of sheets, profiles and lamps, calculation of materials → marking → wiring → installing the frame → covering the structure → processing joints and plastering, decorative finishing. The fastening of the support begins from the walls - the lower part of the guide product is laid strictly along the marked line and fixed with dowels in increments of no more than 45 cm. Next, direct hangers are installed; when assembling multi-tiered projects, anchor varieties are used. After this, a profile is attached to them - 5 mm shorter than the distance between the walls to simplify its installation in the guides.

At this stage, it is important to level the plane as best as possible; level control is carried out when fixing each segment; to avoid errors, a fishing line is stretched between the walls. It is recommended to place the first profile at a distance of 30 cm from the edge, no more; in problem areas, its step is increased. It is also worth reducing the interval from 60 to 40 cm when using specialized brands - fire and moisture resistant. The increase is mandatory when the thickness of the plasterboard for the ceiling is over 12.5 mm.

Exclusively longitudinal placement is not enough: transverse inserts are required at all joints, and we should not forget about displacement. The most reliable option would be a staggered profile arrangement.

The easiest way to install the transverse elements of the frame is with the help of “crabs”, if they are absent on the right areas the metal is cut and bent, but this method takes a lot of time. The installation of the frame is considered complete after fixing all the inserts with self-tapping screws and checking the level again.

Finishing with plasterboard begins from the corners (all whole elements are placed at the edges, segments - towards the center). All holes for lamps are prepared in advance, after cutting the gypsum board. This stage requires the strength of at least two people to lift and fix the slabs standard size and weight itself is extremely difficult. For fastening to the frame, metal self-tapping screws are used, located in increments of no more than 25 cm. Their caps are recessed by 1-2 mm, protrusions are not allowed. During the sheathing, a small gap is left between adjacent sheets (within 5 mm).

The final stage is the finishing of joints and surfaces: the material is primed, the seams are reinforced with fiberglass or paper tape and filled with putty, several times if necessary. The holes for the self-tapping screws are covered with cross-shaped movements, and excess mortar in any areas is removed immediately. After drying, the slabs are lightly cleaned and covered with a thin layer of finish; when preparing plasterboard ceilings in private houses and apartments for painting, putty is applied twice, in this case the surface is carefully sanded.