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» Year of the Pig. What the Year of the Pig will bring for the zodiac signs. Characteristics of the Year of the Pig. Year of the Pig (Boar) according to the Chinese horoscope: ideal in all respects or a weak-willed person

Year of the Pig. What the Year of the Pig will bring for the zodiac signs. Characteristics of the Year of the Pig. Year of the Pig (Boar) according to the Chinese horoscope: ideal in all respects or a weak-willed person

Attributes certain properties and events, interpreted according to the typical features of the totem animal. True, the character of the controlling beast changes every 12 years of the cycle - depending on which element it belongs to. Based on this seemingly confusing system, 2019 will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Pig.

Color in in this case means the element of earth. There are 5 elements in the Chinese horoscope, and each one changes the symbol of the year in its own way. So the Wooden Pig has a punchy character, like a tree growing out of a crack in the asphalt. The Metal one is distinguished by its ability to earn money, and the Water one is able to see through people - like the bottom through a transparent layer of water.

The wild boar, subordinate to the element of fire, is the embodiment of comfort and the keeper of the hearth. And, finally, generous and hospitable, like the fertile land.

In the coming year, it fell to the Earth Pig, which means an abundant and eventful year awaits everyone. Someone is already living in anticipation of unprecedented bounties - and rightly so. Well, for some, the next 12 months will be the most exciting in life, because a small miracle is about to appear in your family - your baby.

Astrologers believe that in 2019 we will experience a wave of baby booms, and many families should expect a new addition. Moreover, both for those who have long wanted a child, and for those for whom the news of pregnancy will be a complete surprise. But absolutely all parents will be interested to know the characteristics by month, what kind of children born in 2019 they are.

Knowing the basic traits and predispositions of the baby is very important in further development your child. The patron animal gives him a certain set of talents, abilities and characteristics.

With this information, you can choose best practices education, choose interesting and useful hobbies that the child will enjoy doing. And most importantly, you can easily find mutual language with the younger generation.

general characteristics

Children born in the year of the Pig are cheerful and sunny, regardless of their zodiac sign. From the first days of their life, everyone around them begins to reach out to them, as if spellbound, and such universal love will surround the child constantly, at any age.

Already from the cradle, the baby will begin to show curiosity about everything around him and will try to participate in all events. He needs constant attention, and, despite the embarrassment, little Pig will be any possible ways achieve this. Growing up, children of this sign will become excellent listeners and even interlocutors for adults.

Thanks to their ability to notice details, they will surprise older friends or relatives with their childish insight and breadth of knowledge. From an early age, those born in the year of the Pig will build their own principles, which they will not violate in the future under any circumstances. So, it is better for parents to pay close attention to the child’s opinions and habits - many of them will remain with him for many years.

Young pigs are generous and are unlikely to try to hide the last candy in a secluded corner. They will share the “trophy” with the whole family, but will be childishly happy if they get the whole treat. These children love praise; it is important for them to feel appreciated, needed and loved.

Feeling at least minimal support, they will happily help with housework and take a responsible approach to their responsibilities. If Kabanchik does not receive any reward (material or verbal) for the work done, he will be upset, to the point that a once favorite activity, for example, washing dishes, will become hateful for him.

Education for children born in the year of the Pig

Babies born under the sign of the Pig love to learn and explore the world. On the other hand, this is an extremely restless person, and as soon as the child loses interest, all diligence seems to blow away with the wind. Because of this, knowledge often remains superficial, although extensive. That is, he may know the capitals of all states, but it will be difficult for a child to find at least one of them on the map.

If parents want to give their offspring deep and thorough knowledge, it is worth hiring a tutor or working with the child themselves, presenting the material in the most exciting way possible - with interactive activities, games, competitions. In addition, the children of 2019, who belong to the element of earth, are the laziest and most passive of all Pigs, which means they will have to try hard to interest such a couch potato.

In high school and college, these teenagers already understand that apathy is their main enemy. They will try to overcome their natural laziness in order to eventually become one of the people, but from time to time, they will need both the carrot and the stick. Therefore, independent navigation into adulthood should be supervised by elders. This is the only way the young Pig will achieve prosperity and success.

Friendship and peer relationships

Little Pigs are friendly and sociable. Most often they are rather silent, but they love company and have no difficulty making friends. Their honesty and nobility plays a significant role in this. This is the most non-conflict sign of the eastern horoscope. However, parents will have to rescue their child from a fight more than once, both son and daughter.

This is because they do not tolerate injustice, and if necessary, they will definitely come to the defense of a weak comrade. In adult life, especially during the period of youthful maximalism, children of this year can get into trouble for themselves, precisely because of their rejection of hypocrisy and deceit.

A confrontation with the real world, where dishonor, corruption and bigotry reign today, will be very painful for them. But, despite their contradictory youth, young Pigs will not lose their peacefulness and goodwill, and will only strengthen their desire to help the weak, engage in charity work and volunteering.

Health of children born in 2019

The trigger for illness in Pig babies is always lack of attention and loneliness. They are physically independent – ​​when it comes to warming up food or getting dressed, but they are completely helpless emotionally.

For example, if working parents do not call a first-grader who has returned to an empty apartment after school, the child may fall ill that same evening. At a more conscious age, children will begin to eat away at their psychological problems, quickly losing their sense of proportion. Hence the weight problems digestive system and metabolism.

In addition, these are people of mental work, which means they are more likely to be sedentary, sedentary image life. WITH early years it is necessary to instill in the child a love of walking, cycling, swimming, tennis, etc., so that sports activity becomes one of his fundamental life principles.

What hobbies and professions to choose?

From childhood, a pig can be “pushed” to choose a profession. He must choose the direction himself, but after that it is worth sending him to courses, master classes, clubs and sections.

Those born in 2019 will make methodical doctors, detail-oriented lawyers, and responsible social workers. The pig may be interested in working as a cook, and you can be sure that the title of chef is only a matter of time.

Children of 2019 like work that involves taking into account details, scrupulousness, i.e. those areas where they can apply their ability to collect many facts (ingredients, symptoms) into a single holistic picture. The main thing is to help the child immediately find his niche and do everything necessary so that interest does not disappear.

Video horoscope

The article was written specifically for the website “2019 Year of the Pig”: https://site/

01/30/1911 - 02/17/1912 - Metal
02/16/1923 - 02/04/1924 - Water
02/04/1935 - 01/23/1936 - Tree
01/22/1947 - 02/09/1948 - Fire
02/08/1959 - 01/27/1960 - Earth
01/27/1971 - 02/14/1972 - Metal
02/13/1983 - 02/01/1984 - Water
01/31/1995 - 02/18/1996 - Tree
02/18/2007 - 02/06/2008 - Fire
02/05/2019 - 01/24/2020 - Earth

The boar belongs to the Yin group of animals. This is the twelfth sign of the Chinese horoscope. He rules from 21 to 23 hours......

The Pig loves his family, where he can only be himself.

He can never refuse anything to dear people, even if he cannot afford it.

Taking from his income, such a person will always find a way to have fun and welcome his friends well.

The cheerful, sociable Pig, like a magnet, attracts a variety of people....

Compatibility of Pig in marriage with Rat - First Earthly Branch

This community can turn out to be happy and fruitful. The cunning representative of the First Branch has a very developed instinct for self-preservation, and he can help the Pig be more careful and prudent in his transactions. In gratitude for such attention, the generous representative of the Twelfth Branch will give the Rat the opportunity to manage his finances. None of them will be too demanding, although the Rat will try to guide the Pig in the direction it needs. Rest assured, the representative of the First Branch will curb Hai's passion for throwing money around. These two individuals can establish good emotional and business connections with each other, and their partnership will be long and happy....

Pig and Aries Sign

These signs don't like to lie. Their sincerity is simply touching. Such Pigs are very loyal and impulsive, they take everything seriously. This can upset and hurt them. Their destiny is influenced by the delight of blind faith. True, these people are aware of their naivety, considering themselves short-sighted. Aries balances the Pig's character with its tenacity. However, he does not lose his objectivity. Such people, as a rule, make a lot of mistakes, but until the last moment they believe that they are in a winning position. This is just a misconception, in fact they are being led. They cannot understand that their conscience is too good for this world. Aries-Pigs must develop the depth of their feelings. They have sufficient energy, authority and have the opportunity to participate in any business. You need to use their impulsiveness, but you always need to be on guard, because upset and disappointed Pigs-Aries are capable of extremes....

Love Boar

Boars love to live. They adore flowers and know how to grow fruits in the most unfavorable soil. This is a dignity inherent only to them. Pigs tend to idealize everything, they live in their reality, and glorify the joy of life and feelings. Therefore, they are very gentle lovers and delightful partners.

From an early age, Pig have a weakness for love pleasures. They are very sensitive, seem strange at first glance and have a vivid imagination. They experiment endlessly, fulfilling their desires, which constantly haunt them. And it doesn’t take much to arouse a new passion in them. In love, Pigs do not know how to be cunning, use cunning, and know how to talk with a partner. For them there are no vicious relationships, and love is something ideal. As you can see, this is a pretty healthy philosophy, and it brings great success to the Pig....

Boar and Boar

This is a very favorable union. They know how to be condescending to their partner’s weaknesses, and they have the basis for building this union.

It is very good if they have interests in work, this will further strengthen the union, otherwise there is a danger of separation.

Misunderstanding can darken their life and result in terrible scenes. Such Pigs will find a reason for an argument.

As a rule, the stumbling block is in raising children. While the parents rant, the offspring are at risk of growing up.

These people love to be near the family hearth and do not tolerate change.

The life of these people is impossible without work.

To avoid mutual grievances and reproaches, it is better for both partners to work together....

Such men are very gentle and soft lovers, so their life can sometimes be difficult.

Some women see them as someone who can be taken advantage of. Peace and unity will never arise in such a partnership.

If a freedom-loving person is chosen as a partner, then, as a rule, nothing good comes of it for the Pig man....

Pig is the 12th sign Eastern calendar, which combines advantages and disadvantages previous years. People born in the year of the Pig believe in human kindness, and they themselves are such. Honest and respected people are born under this sign, whose energy is overflowing.

Year of the Pig and the Five Elements

Each year corresponds to five elemental elements - wood, fire, earth, water, metal. The horoscope sign will correspond to the element of the year, and the person will acquire character traits from his animal and one of the five elements.

So, those born in the year of the Pig, what years of birth and elemental elements correspond to them:

Now it's 2018 - this is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. The Year of the Pig will begin in 2019. The corresponding element to the sign is earth, the color is yellow. That is, 2019 is the year of the Yellow Earth Pig.

Next years of the Pig:

  • 2031 - Metal Boar;
  • 2043 - Water Pig.

Character of men born in the year of the Pig

The characteristics of men born under this sign presuppose the presence of such qualities as straightforwardness and determination. Pig men are accustomed to achieving their goals. They act openly, but do not harm others. They declare their intentions openly and are not afraid of competition and enemies.

Men of this sign are distinguished by ease of communication. He does not raise his voice, always watches what he says and knows how to listen to his interlocutor. Such qualities help him make new acquaintances and profitable connections. But he has few real friends. Due to his trusting nature, he often falls for deception, so he tries to maintain relationships that have been tested by time and situations.

In relationships with women, he behaves like a gentleman. Knows how to look after beautifully. He won’t cheat on his beloved, but she can.

Love relationship

Such a man gives himself completely to the relationship, takes care of his soulmate, and spends his free time with her. He is able to solve any of her problems.

It is difficult for a Pig man to build strong relationships at a young age. He trusting and generous, therefore, he can live for a long time with a girl who will take advantage of his noble character. There is a lot of betrayal in the fate of such a man, which leaves an imprint on the guy’s heart.

After disappointments and insults, a man will meet his other half, who will appreciate his qualities. If a man falls in love with a girl, he will not delay the wedding. This is a family sign that puts wife, children and a cozy home first.

Career and work

The Pig man is a real workaholic. This person does not know how to hack or perform work at a low level. Therefore, his superiors do not need to double-check his work performance.

A man of this sign cannot be called a careerist. A promotion at work will please him only if it brings additional profit. He will not become the head of a department for the sake of prestige.

Such a man achieves success through honest work. He has no problems with finances or conscience. If, besides him, several other people are vying for one position, then Kabana will not use dishonest methods of struggle.

Character of women born in the year of the Pig

The characteristics of the Pig woman are distinguished by such qualities as complaisance, gentleness, and good nature. Representatives of this sign do not like to argue and agree with their husband on everything. Therefore, of them make ideal wives who value comfort and tranquility in the home. She sincerely cares about her family and doesn't expect anything in return. This woman will never remind them of how much time and effort she spent on them.

For such a woman, family is an important component of life. She creates comfort in her home, but is not pedantic. She loves her children and husband very much.

A Pig woman should not cheat, in which case she will release all her anger on her rival. She will not act from behind, so she will not follow her husband.

Pigs are kind to others and trust them, but people only take advantage of these qualities. Over time, Pig girls grow stronger and develop a sense of justice. From this moment on, she is able to protect herself, her children and her right to female happiness.

In love and marriage

These are shy and reserved natures. If the girl doesn't I'm sure of the guy's love, then she does not confess her feelings to him. IN love relationships The girl lacks cunning, she doesn’t know how to lie. But she knows how to talk to her loved one about relationships.

Girls of this sign are romantic and tend to idealize their partner and feelings for him. If the relationship doesn't go the way she imagined, she may feel despair and depression.

The Pig Girl does not know how to receive quick solutions. She always doubts and runs options of events several times in her head. But if she made a choice, even if it is incorrect, it will not be possible to convince her.

Family is very important for girls. They will not start a relationship unless it leads to marriage.

Professions and career growth

The Pig woman has inner strength that helps her achieve good results in a career. They can become good leaders, but they will not achieve great results in their careers, because they do not know how to lie and be cunning.

The Pig Girl always knows what she wants and achieves it. Her goals are realistic, so they are achieved accurately.

As a boss, she shows herself perfectly - she consults with her subordinates, forgives them for many shortcomings in their work, and does not terrorize them strict rules. Such a person will do the same job as everyone else.

The Pig woman loves delicious food. Therefore, it can achieve good results in restaurant business. Other professions suitable for her:

  • Doctor;
  • Scientist;
  • Architect;
  • Writer;
  • Poet.

Those born in the year of the Pig are distinguished by their straightforward and good-natured character. For them, family and children always come first.

Attention, TODAY only!

Years of the Boar, Pig:

1911,1923,1935,1947,1959,1971,1983,1995, 2007,2019,2031

In the Eastern tradition, the Boar is initially a greedy and dirty animal, which, after taming, brings benefits and becomes a symbol of fertility, male strength and prosperity. The Pig, of course, in itself is not very clean, so astrologers advise a person born this year to avoid dirt, because it poses a threat to them.

The boar is correct, helpful, and delicate. He has a gentle character and is famous for his peacefulness. He has a subtle, kind soul. He is scrupulous to the extreme. You can safely do business with him, because he will not deceive his partners. The Pig is born under the sign of honesty. Usually he believes what he hears, so his gullibility is often abused by not very conscientious people. But, being naive, he himself will never deceive. If he lies a little, it is only for the purpose of protection.

He accepts his failures calmly. Tolerant of the shortcomings of others. Despite the fact that those born under this sign always act in accordance with generally accepted norms of behavior, they are tolerant of the behavior of others and forgive people for their mistakes.

The boar is disgusted by hypocrisy and hypocrisy; he is a knight, a champion of justice. The Pig is simple-minded and recognizes only straight paths in life. Divides the world into white and black, into truth and lies, which is why he often suffers.

Helpless against hypocrisy, he becomes confused, trying to justify himself. He is so impartial that he will endlessly doubt whether he is acting honestly and correctly.

Outwardly, the Pig is peaceful and calm, but if you hurt him, he will go straight ahead. And he will either destroy his enemy or die. His inner strength is great, nothing can resist it. In most cases, Pigs are healthy physically and spiritually.

Therefore, if the Pig has an enemy, then he should know that the Pig cannot be intimidated by threats - they will only double his energy and determination.

Pigs find it difficult to get along with other people, but they are loyal to their few friends to the end. This is a cheerful comrade and the most devoted friend, always ready to lend a helping hand.

A certain turning inward, absorption in one’s personal interests, neglect of the interests of society, egocentrism, subtle mockery of morality, irony and self-irony, aesthetics - all this is also present in the sign of the Pig. However, the Pig, less than all other signs, claims its special significance and proximity to the higher spheres.

He rarely speaks, but when he dares, he says everything at once, and nothing can stop him before he exhausts the topic.

He has a reputation as a knowledgeable, erudite person, but in reality he is an amateur. If you check his knowledge, you will notice that it is fragmentary. The boar is always a materialist. The main thing for Pig is the summation of accumulated knowledge, its revaluation, and systematization.

Observation, contemplation, natural optimism, and desire to change places make Pig an avid traveler. He also willingly and easily starts new things and gets excited about any new project. But, having unwinded them, he quickly begins to get bored and loses interest in the matter.

He is characterized by sensuality and a penchant for epicureanism. His character is aristocratic and bohemian. At the same time, Boars are very unpretentious and undemanding to living conditions: they feel comfortable both in a shack and in a dugout.

Under their complacent appearance, Boars hide will and even authority. They are not afraid of difficult problems and take on a lot. If they do something, they put all their effort into it. And they fulfill the intended tasks and goals.

The Pig understands perfectly well that prosperity can only be achieved through tireless work. And he always knows what he wants, and since he only wants what is possible, he gets it in full. If he believes that there is a goal to strive for, then he achieves what he wants with enviable tenacity. However, before making a decision, he will weigh the pros and cons for a long time, and it may seem that he is hesitant and does not know what he wants.

The Pig is a hardworking and responsible worker and is highly respected for his reliability and integrity. Having tried many jobs, he remains where people really need him.

He will always provide himself with a living wage. Thanks to his peaceful, balanced character, the Pig is liked by others, and they willingly help him achieve material well-being. Despite the fact that those born under this sign part with money very easily, they have good financial acumen and an amazing ability to quickly recover from setbacks.

Pig is usually described as a competent and reserved person. However, it life path It is very thorny and complex; enormous willpower and independence of character help him overcome all adversities.

The Pig almost never asks for help, considering this a sign of weakness. But he himself is a very kind and sympathetic person, and many take advantage of this. Capable of selfless and ardent love in relation not only to relatives, but also to the opposite sex.

Male boar. Characteristic

The Pig man has a chivalrous character and a kind, open soul. He captivates those around him with his innate tact, gentleness, erudition, and ability to get along.

Three signs - Horse, Ox and Boar - have a unique type of temperament and draw energy not from the mysterious depths of the Cosmos, but from the simplest and most ordinary phenomena of nature. The sun rose - good, set below the horizon - even better.

Boars are not aggressive, but no one will be able to intimidate them and send them running. They endlessly trust others, but at the same time they are quite strict and rarely compromise.

This is a cheerful, cheerful person, although rather silent. He is not fussy about food and does not require any special food delights. In everyday life he is simple and does not strive for special comfort. He doesn’t care whether the house is clean or completely in disarray. Even if the house has not been cleaned for a month, things are scattered in the corners, everything is covered with dust - Pigs do not pay attention to this, it is not important to them. They simply don’t see the dirt around them.

No matter what happens, Pig will always find what he needs for a living wage. He has good taste, so he can succeed in areas where fantasy and imagination are required. Can successfully engage in literary creativity, applied arts, and trade. He will have both work and money, and for this he will not spend much effort. Throughout his life he will be helped, and thanks to this help he will be able to reach the highest financial spheres. Having married, he will consider it a matter of honor to ensure prosperity for the family.

None of those around him have any idea about Pig’s experiences related to problems in his personal life. He carefully hides his problems from prying eyes and never resorts to outside help to resolve family differences. Pigs rarely leave their family, even if there is no love and understanding in it.

Although Pig is very efficient, he knows how to relax and have fun and does not spare money on entertainment. Pig has few real friends; he is faithful to them all his life and is ready to make any sacrifice for their sake.

Female boar. Characteristic

Pig men have a realistic type of thinking, while women of this sign have a so-called mystical type of thinking.

They love to give gifts and organize small holidays.

These are good housewives. The Pig woman values ​​her home. For her, home is her quiet haven, where she can create harmony, warmth and comfort.

In an argument, she prefers to give in or pretend to change her mind.

When solving life problems, the Pig Woman prefers empirical methods: taste, touch, check and double-check everything.

She has a rather lively character, and she could quickly flare up if she did not hate quarrels and arguments.

Pigs are kind and attentive to loved ones and acquaintances, although their family affairs do not always go smoothly. They strive to eliminate all conflicts and avoid long-term disagreements. How much complex problems they never stood up to them - they never give up, although they act under the influence of a momentary impulse.

The Pig woman is not inclined to litigiousness, and will be ready to make concessions just to avoid excesses. And she is right: being impulsive and honest, she always loses in the fight with a less scrupulous person.

Most Pigs tend to have a family and children. For the sake of preserving the family, they are ready to adapt, make compromises, and spare no effort or energy for their loved ones. They are even capable of self-sacrifice, but sometimes they perceive their marriage partner as property. They have a large reserve of good nature and patience; it is difficult to anger them.

The children idolize her. If she loves her husband, she will not argue with him. She is ready to make any concessions to avoid a quarrel. She is sociable and cheerful, does not like loneliness. A home and a large family are vital to her.

Varieties of Boar

Metal Boar (1911,1971, 2031)

Water Pig (1923, 1983, 2043)

Wooden Boar (1935, 1995, 2055)

Fire Boar (1947, 2007, 2067)

Earth Boar (1959, 2019)

Born in the year of the Pig

Mark Bernes, John Rockefeller, Mikhail Kalinin, Ronald Reagan, Konstantin Chernenko, Heydar Aliyev, Wojciech Jaruzelski, Wilhelm Canaris, Maurice Ravel, Genghis Khan, Otto Bismarck, Vladimir Vernadsky, Alexander Deineka, Mstislav Keldysh, Samuil Marshak, Anatoly Lunacharsky, John Reed, Thomas Mann, Fyodor Tyutchev, Prosper Merimee, Ernest Hemingway.

People born in the YEAR OF THE BOAR (PIG)

1947, 2007, 2067 - year of the fire boar

Fire makes a horoscope year of the boar very active and dynamic. The fire boar is very stubborn, loves to take risks and strives directly for the goal. However, first he thoroughly thinks through his tactics and weighs the chances. The representative of the Year of the Pig, namely the fiery Pig, is very erudite, which helps him consider problems from a variety of points of view. This is a versatile nature; he can get so carried away by something that he completely forgets about tactics and strategy. The Fire Pig tends to get scattered and rarely finishes what he starts, which, of course, is not a plus. And yet, as a rule, those born in the year of the Pig under the influence of Fire are successful in many of their endeavors, thanks to their energy. The Pig horoscope sees them as magnanimous, generous and noble people.

1959, 2019 - year of the earthen boar

The element of Earth contributes to the fact that according to the horoscope year of the boar, being under its influence, gives birth to calm, balanced and strong people. They have an excellent understanding of financial matters, know where and when to invest money, and quickly make a fortune for themselves. But the earthen Pig does not forget about others, especially friends and relatives, here he shows all his positive traits. If you need to place someone somewhere, the earthen Pig is simply irreplaceable. According to the Pig's horoscope, he has pronounced organizational skills, an active life position and a friendly character, which makes him very popular in his circle.

1971, 2031 - year of the metal boar

Behind the open and benevolent character that the element of Metal gives the horoscope Year of the Boar, usually hides great ambitions. The metal boar (pig) is ambitious and strives to realize his dreams. To do this, he spares no effort or energy, fortunately he does not occupy it. A representative of the year of the Pig and the elements of Metal is an active and active person with firm life guidelines that he always tries to follow. Metal pig She can express herself in different areas of life - she is interested in absolutely everything. Sometimes these people suffer from their gullibility, but they approach everything with their inherent sense of humor. According to the horoscope, Pig loves fun companies, parties and cultural events - there he feels quite cozy and comfortable.

1983, 2043 - year of the water boar

Water makes the nature characteristic of the horoscope year of the boar, sensitive and vulnerable. The water pig is capable of empathy and understanding, but its disposition and gullibility are often used for selfish purposes, and it cannot refuse anyone. The water boar is easy to deceive, but even when fooled, it remains generous to its offenders and rarely bothers to take revenge. His nature is abhorrent to deliberately cause harm to another and even simply to make offensive remarks about him. According to the eastern horoscope, the Pig, especially the water one, is very peaceful. Those born in the year of the Pig have diverse interests and are able to be successful in almost any field in which they are involved. Representatives of the Year of the Pig are characterized as responsible, persistent, hardworking and resilient people. They are open and sociable, often the life of the party.

1935, 1995, 2055 - year of the wooden pig

According to the horoscope Year of the Pig, the wooden Pig shows remarkable oratorical abilities - he knows how to look convincing and recruit supporters, which makes him a brilliant politician. If only he had not been so simple-minded (like other representatives of the year of the pig), he could have reached great heights. He is usually loved for his friendliness, ability to laugh at himself and listen to others. Those born in the year of the wooden boar always take care of their friends, are aware of all the events in their lives and try to help in everything. According to the eastern horoscope, the Pig loves to travel, and not in the role of a passive observer, but chooses activities close to extreme sports - kayaking, mountaineering, hiking.


Fred Astor, Oliver Cromwell, Dalai Lama, Ralph Waldow Emerson, Alfred Hitchcock, Saddam Hussein, Elton John, Carl Jung, Henry Kissinger, John McKenrow, Ronald Reagan, John Rockefeller, Steven Spielberg, Max Rothschild, George Rockefeller, Gerald Ford, Albert Schweitzer, Blaise Pascal, Georges Pompidou, Otto von Bismarck, Francoise Sagan, Hector Berlioz, Paul Cezanne, Vladimir Nabokov, Bernard Law Montgomery, Herve Bazin, Marc Bernes, Rasul Gamzatov, Todor Zhivkov, Melvin Calvin, Marcel Marceau, Albert Osborne, Boris Pokrovsky, Arkady Raikin, Mikhail Tal, Lavrentiy Beria, Joseph Balsamo Cagliostro, Alain Delon, John Ellington, Thomas Mann, Jean Paul Marat, Prosper Merimee, Modest Mussorgsky, Maurice Ravel, Van Dyck, Velazquez.

Children born in the year of the BOAR (PIG):

A child born in year of the BOAR (PIG)- an optimist with a huge supply of energy. Everyone who interacts with him will notice him vitality and warmth. Such children are never indifferent and always strive to actively participate in what is happening. A cheerful and enthusiastic child of the twelfth earthly branch is joy, love and energy itself.

Your little one is part community worker and part missionary. He is always one hundred percent busy trying to “promote” some idea. This dedication is due to the strength of his intrinsic motivation. If he doesn't have the inspiration or even the desire to do something, it will be very difficult to get him to get up in the morning. But if he believes in something and wants to achieve something, he will throw himself into his task headlong. He instinctively strives to communicate and sets himself difficult tasks. Throughout human history, Pigs have led enterprises and organizations, created huge fortunes, and improved the standard of living of society thanks to their insight and entrepreneurial spirit.

The Pig can be assertive and at the same time charming. Your child has unique persuasive abilities. He can perfectly organize the work of many people and cope with planning a responsible large-scale event. From birth, he is endowed with excellent mental abilities and the ability to understand people. Usually Pigs top various ratings and succeed in all their endeavors. Accordingly, such children are not afraid that they will be elected as a headman or entrusted with heading a committee to collect funds or signatures. They truly believe that they can accomplish the impossible, and usually succeed thanks to the unanimous support of family and friends.

The Pig child gives a lot to others and is capable of self-sacrifice. When a Pig man focuses on something and directs all his abilities in the right direction, no one can compare with such a leader. But if you leave such a child to his own devices and allow him to “jump” from one endeavor to another, he will quickly lose interest and give up everything. The Pig's weight often reflects whether he is happy with life. If such a child is upset, he eats a lot and gains weight. But when the depressed mood dissipates, he immediately loses weight and looks at life in a new way. He is great at gathering people and will always gather a support group for himself. Your child will do a great job raising money for a sporting or charity event. He acts according to his mood. Such a generous and open person is easy to appreciate and love. However, he naively trusts others, so he should be taught as soon as possible to avoid people who might abuse his trust. Unfortunately, in life you have to get into trouble, and the chivalrous, kind-hearted Pig will probably learn a lot of unpleasant things about people before becoming more careful and reserved. But most likely the Pig will only learn from his own mistakes. At heart, your child is a true humanist who always believes in best sides of people.


People born in years of BOAR, are distinguished by courage and bravery, the ability to self-sacrifice. They are honest and conscientious and attentive to those they love, respect, and value. The character and disposition of the “boar” is truly chivalrous, their few friends and relatives know this, and representatives of the opposite sex will confirm this. Gallantry and helpfulness, subtlety of soul and excessive scrupulousness are pronounced features of his nature.
The "boar" is smart, but almost helpless in the face of cunning and slyness, in the face of hypocrisy and flattery, he often hesitates when he has to make excuses. He is strict and demanding both towards himself and towards others, and rarely makes any compromise. "Boar" is very naive, believes what he is told, and always backs up his own words with solid arguments and facts.
He is a cheerful and interesting conversationalist who is loved in society. True, he is a man of few words, he rarely speaks, but once he decides to do so and starts, you can’t stop him until he speaks out to the end. However, they always listen to him with great interest, because he has something to say, he reads a lot, though almost indiscriminately, without a system. He gives the impression of an erudite, knowledgeable person, but this is only partially true, because there are many gaps in his knowledge. One of the Japanese proverbs says: “The boar is wide in front, but narrow in the back.”
The character of the “boar” has a lot of sensitivity, he has a kind soul, he is simple-minded, recognizes only straight paths, and retreat for him, as they say, is like death. He puts his soul, strength and energy into everything he does. But it’s difficult to get along with people, although he is faithful and devoted to his few friends, and will never leave them in trouble.
He does not like disputes and quarrels; he tries to avoid bickering, scandals and confrontation. Family affairs are not going entirely smoothly, but he tries to avoid all the pitfalls, sharp corners bypass, do not allow long-term disagreements. "Boar" is a knight everywhere and remains such at home, in the family, in the service and in society.
No matter what complex problems arise in front of him, he does not lay down his arms, although he often acts under the influence of a momentary impulse. The “Boar” can always be trusted, but he himself is naive, trusting and defenseless in this. If he is fooled, he takes it without malice. He is equally tolerant of the shortcomings of other people. He is a good player, but there is no competitive spirit in him. He rarely lies, and then only for the purpose of self-defense, self-preservation.
Whatever his ambition and vanity, his distant or short-term gradual goals, he does not forget about his duty or his duties, which he performs honestly and conscientiously. If the “boar” has made a decision, no one and nothing can stop him. True, we must give him his due: when making a decision, he will weigh the pros and cons for a long time; from the outside it seems as if he hesitates, does not know what he wants, what to do and how to act, but in reality this is not so - he knows everything well, it’s just his habit of weighing everything, reflecting on everything in order to avoid possible errors, mistakes, complications.
The strong and peace-loving “boar” greatly values ​​and respects his few friends, for whom he can make any sacrifice. He prefers to give in to them, even pretends to change his views and point of view.
He never argues with his family and friends. He is not prone to litigiousness and is ready to make any concessions in order to avoid a trial or process.
Knowing how to live, valuing “freedom and independence,” the “boar” gives this opportunity to others without interfering in their affairs. He himself does not really believe in the otherworldly paradise life and wants to create it with his own labor on our sinful earth. He sees the world is as it really is, and perceives it as such. Real views on things and practicality accompany him from the cradle to the grave, the grave. He is attracted by the problem: what is truth? - and he tries to find the answer to this most important question of existence .
"Boar" is no stranger to the delights of life - and this is natural. Almost from the cradle, such traits of his character as a strong desire for independence and the desire to protect himself appear. Threats to intimidate the “boar”, this only doubles his energy and determination.
In most cases, they are healthy both physically and spiritually. They always know what they want, and since they only want what is possible, they get it in full.
The sociable “boar”, as a rule, tries to amaze his surroundings; he likes to play the role of a leader or a person unusually knowledgeable in certain secret matters.
The closed "boar" is most busy with his own inner world, with your feelings. He is very concerned about the impression he makes on others.
The best professions for “hogs” are those that require inspiration, precision in detail, and the ability to reach reasonable agreements. They can equally work on machines and machines and become excellent tightrope walkers. And it’s best when the “boar” - right hand your boss.
Their hobby is crossword puzzles, they solve them with pleasure and compose them quite professionally. Many of them are engaged in various literary works, simple inventions, experiments, applied sciences and applied arts.
In sports, they prefer skating, tennis, cricket, baseball, and golf.
Thanks to their heightened sensitivity and very subtle understanding of color and form, their good artistic taste, they succeed in poetry and poetry, in writings that require fantasy and imagination.
And yet, in the book of the “boar’s” fate there is one page - a very unattractive one - an addiction to dirt, into which he can plunge, giving himself over to alcohol, drugs, and prostitution.
WITH material point In our opinion, the “boar” will always provide itself with a living wage. He will always have both work and money, and this will not require much effort. According to folk wisdom, he will always be provided with food with the secret thought that he, fattened, will be eaten at the New Year's holiday.
The first third of a boar's life can be relatively calm. During the second third, various kinds of problems are possible, mainly related to marital and family life. But even here he will never resort to outside help, he will look for a way out himself and find it himself.
If the “boar” was born long before the holidays, then he will probably avoid any troubles, but the closer his birth date is to New Year’s Day, the greater the chances of getting to festive table and be "eaten". And since “boars” often like to laugh at the world and at others, their last laugh will be at themselves.
The most suitable countries for "boar" are Pakistan, Denmark, Iceland, Israel, Malaysia, Burma, Brazil, Argentina.
Precious and semi-precious stones - agate, coral, beryl, lapis lazuli, alabaster.

During the years of the BOAR, everything should stabilize and go for the better. And things will go well, and the money will be returned with interest. You will be able to feel the joy of life and taste the fruits of abundance. These years are favorable for both intellectuals and financiers. But you should be wary of some administrative troubles.

MOUSE in these years you should just be happy. Everything will work out for her as well as possible, and in this spirit, let her plan her future.

VOL he can hardly cope with his work, there is too much to put on him, and the load is not light and is not always to his liking.

TIGER He will probably be pleased: risking everything, he will receive everything accordingly. And his only wish is for it to continue like this.

RABBIT I am heartily pleased. He is calm and will make new friends. His business is going well, and most importantly, he feels completely safe.

THE DRAGON will sparkle like in the lights of a festive fireworks display. These years are super good for him, of course, thanks to his dexterity and agility.

SNAKE will put up with what is and what God has given, put up with it and prudently await the year of the future, which promises her profit.

HORSE she will not only be satisfied, but even happy, right down to her mane. That's when she will be able to pay everything she needs and even pay off her previous debts.

GOAT she will also be happy, because the success of others brings her her share of happiness. Of course, she should sometimes be more careful, but she doesn’t even perceive the very meaning of this word.

MONKEY- will become simply unbridled and uncontrollable in these years. Finally, after the previous year, Fortune favors her. Now just get down to business, because it will go as well as possible.

ROOSTER- despite his interests, he remains an incorrigible conservative. There will be a lot of work, and climbing the financial slope will not be so easy.

DOG- let him think about his well-being, about his family and family budget. This must be used: after all, the year of the BOAR comes only once every twelve years.

BOAR- will simply blossom, happy not only in his affairs, but also in love. He may receive either an inheritance, or, suddenly and unexpectedly, a very large sum of money.



In a pinch, that's not a bad thing. Especially if the “mouse” curbs its aggressiveness and completely submits to the “boar”. Then in this union peace, tranquility, and prosperity will be ensured. Friendship here will unite two good friends who love to hang out and make noise around a full table. But the aggressiveness of the “mouse” will not find a response from the “boar”. Business relationship not equivalent. The "boar", however, knows how to make money, but the "mouse" is always ready to deceive him.

BOAR and Ox

It won't work! They are related by idleness and outbursts of laziness. The "ox" cannot bear the anxiety of the "boar", and the latter will look for erotic-sexual satisfaction on the side, because he will not find it at home. And this is already fraught with all sorts of troubles. Friendship can take place on the condition that both of them do not see each other and meet too often. Business relationships are highly possible. The "boar" can indeed be very useful to the "ox", and the latter must use the energy and skill of the "boar".


Why not? Things can happen between them a good relationship. Especially if the “tiger” does not abuse the patience of the “boar” and satisfies his erotic-sexual needs. Friendship is also very promising, since it is based on good mutual understanding. Business relationships are doubtful, as they can have a bad effect on the “boar”.


Everything would be fine with them if the “rabbit” agreed to a rather dubious way of married life. But in this case, the most correct clue can only be given by a comparison of both partners. Their friendship is possible provided that they do not go out into society together, because the “boar” shocks the sensitive “rabbit” with his bragging. Business relationship? This is a hundred times yes! They can even go brilliantly. The “rabbit” is dexterous and agile, while the “boar” is simply lucky. These partners can make themselves a fortune, or even more.


Nothing good will come of this. Although the “boar” is sweet and helpful, his partner “the dragon” is simply not able to fairly appreciate this. It's a pity: the opportunities for a good marriage here are promising. The friendship between them is characterized by good relationships. No problems, but no rush either.


This combination is highly doubtful. The poor “boar” will be so fascinated by his partner that he will fall under her complete influence, which will be real bondage for him. Friendship? Also a big question. Business relationships are also highly problematic. The "boar" simply does not need the wisdom of the "snake", because he is lucky. He always has money, or even a whole capital. And the “snake” can only harm him.


Not entirely good, but sometimes just bad. Irritation, excitement, and turmoil will always dominate here. The "boar" will suffer from the egoism of the "horse", whose passion he cannot satisfy. Friendship is futile! The restraint of the “boar” does not suit the “horse”. A business relationship is equally unlikely due to the lack of agreement between them.


This is a completely different matter! Mutual understanding, spiritual harmony, and mutual pleasure are possible here. The “goat” in this case will be simply happy, because the “boar” knows no shortage of funds (and for the “goat” good friend- the main thing) And yet, how long will it take to tame her? Friendship is very strong. General conversations and conversations bring them a lot of joy, when they forget about everything in the world. Business relations are quite promising. Things will go well for them, they will be very useful to each other.


Maybe! There is mutual respect and even understanding here. Together they will laugh heartily at others. And with the strengthening of this union, their life together will be simply good. Friendship is strong and lasting, and also fun. Business relationship? - worth a try! Both partners are very interested in such cooperation.


Such a combination of partners is possible if the “boar” financially provides for the “rooster”, who likes both the pomp and decorativeness of this marriage union. Friendship is highly questionable. It is better for the “boar” to stay away from the “rooster”, at a distance: this friend is too noisy for him. Business relationships probably won't work out either. The "boar" has no trust in business qualities"rooster".


Their marriage is possible on the condition that the mental superiority of one of them will not be turned into torture for the other. Friendship? - Gorgeous, durable and long lasting! They will be very devoted to each other. The "boar" can relieve the "dog" of its eternal anxiety. Their business relationships are rather dubious.


Here the alliance is very promising, provided that one of the partners will definitely give in to the other. In case of mutual concessions, they get along well with each other, understand each other well, and this is already a strong foundation for living together. Their friendship is also magnificent, strong and long-lasting. They have similar tastes. It’s like two inseparable regimental comrades who will walk and have fun together - in the manner of Rabelais’s heroes. Business relations? - A hundred times yes! They will make a great fortune. Fate will constantly favor them, for they are both Fortune’s favorites.


ARIES- This is a "boar's" head with a heart of gold.

CALF- This is a real pig, but very charming.

TWINS- This is a “boar” - well, just crazy. It will go very far unless it gets eaten along the way.

CANCER- This is “boar” - gingerbread. Let him also be careful lest he be eaten.

A LION this is "boar" premium, almost purebred.

VIRGO- this is a “boar” piggy bank. She will never lose herself.

SCALES- This is a “boar” squared. He always has such large reserves that he can roll around like cheese in butter.

SCORPION- this is the most severe “boar”, he can also show disgust.

SAGITTARIUS- This is a logical "boar". He always asks himself: “Is this lard, meat or just a pig?”

CAPRICORN- Also too strict a “boar” for a “boar”.

AQUARIUS- This is the most balanced “boar” who will achieve success without the slightest doubt.

FISH- This “boar” is always inspired. One might say - almost perfection itself.