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» Cities built in the 21st century. “Smart city” of the 21st century: they began to build electric houses in Russia (2 photos). Official opening of the exhibition

Cities built in the 21st century. “Smart city” of the 21st century: they began to build electric houses in Russia (2 photos). Official opening of the exhibition

This city was built in just three years! In three years, there are already residential buildings, a university and a school attached to it, as well as kindergartens, a sports complex and, what impressed me most, this is a lyceum where schoolchildren study - this is the “Silicon Valley” of Russia.

Innopolis is a new city built 40 kilometers from Kazan. The city's economy is based on high-tech industries.

The unusual thing about Innopolis is that it is one of the newest modern cities in Russia built almost from scratch. Gifted children study there, unique specialists work, their families live - and all this within the framework of an ultra-modern new city.

Innopolis is the first Russian city built in the 21st century to create a unique ecosystem that promotes the development of the IT and high technology industry in the Russian Federation. This structure is something like Skolkovo, but not for “startups”, but for already established high-tech companies. In Innopolis, as well as in Skolkovo, tax benefits are provided to project participants.

Innopolis was created for comfortable living and work of young IT specialists and their families! In total, it is planned to attract about 155 thousand people to the city, who will be able to work in the field of IT technologies, study under the same program and simply create comfortable living conditions in the science city!

Before you is Innopolis University, which is unlike any other university in Russia.

In August 2014, the university began to independently implement undergraduate and graduate educational programs.

During 2015, based on the results of selections held from May to July, more than 350 students from 45 regions of Russia and 10 foreign countries were accepted.

When you get inside the university, you don’t immediately understand what it is educational institution. I would even say that it somewhat resembles innovative office centers.

If you have certain knowledge, you can easily get into university. For example, when receiving a grant, Innopolis covers 90% or 100% of the cost of training. Upon receipt of the grant, the student undertakes to successfully complete the program with a diploma and choose one of the professional trajectories: employment in a partner company of the university; carrying out scientific research in the University; opening own business in the field of information technology.

And so, education in Innopolis is paid, the cost of 1 semester of study for a bachelor's program is 600,000 rubles, for a master's program - 700,000 rubles. Accommodation, access to the sports complex and food are included in the price. Students can, of course, receive a scholarship.

Where would a university be without creating robots? These robots talk, walk, stand up... And even play ball.

Campuses for students in Innopolis! As you can see, there are only 4 buildings. They are connected between themselves and the university by closed passages so that students do not run along the street in winter.

Not only the 20th century was the era of great urban development projects such as the cities of Brasilia or Canberra. In the new millennium, this process continues and takes on new, sometimes very surprising forms.
Songdo, South Korea
Located 65 kilometers from Seoul, a settlement called Songdo is the first “smart” city in history. This large-scale project, which began in 2002, was initially supposed to show how positively they can influence modern technologies to city life.
The master plan and development concept of Songdo were originally planned to make this city as convenient as possible for living and doing business. This locality has many park areas and boulevards, bike paths and charging stations for electric vehicles.

Songdo is a real “city of the future”. Each resident is equipped with a special smart card, which allows them to make the most of the opportunities of this locality, including free travel, fourth-generation Internet, rental of public bicycles, shopping and entertainment.

Eight unique innovative urban planning systems have been introduced in Songdo, including pneumatic waste collection, smart water networks, smart electricity and heat generation.

Huge opportunities in Songdo are also open for business - the city has been declared a free economic zone by the government of the Republic of Korea. Incheon International Airport is located next to it, and the regional offices of the world's largest corporations move here.
Olympic villages in Krasnaya Polyana, Russia
In February 2014, Russia hosted the Winter Olympic Games, which for the first time in history took place in a city with a subtropical climate - Sochi. For this large-scale international event, many objects and even entire towns were reconstructed or built from scratch.

Thus, in the area of ​​the settlement of Krasnaya Polyana in the mountainous part of Sochi, several new villages were built at once, located at different altitude levels. The most famous and largest of them are Rosa Khutor, Gorki Gorod and Gorki Gorod 540.

These settlements were built as investment projects by large Russian businessmen. Each of them has its own infrastructure, allowing you to live and relax there all year round. You can get there from Sochi and Adler by regular buses or along a specially built railway line.

True, after the end of the 2014 Olympics, the occupancy of these new towns leaves much to be desired - large crowds of people on their streets can only be seen during the peak ski season.

Naypyitaw, Myanmar
At the beginning of the new millennium, the authorities of Myanmar (formerly Burma) decided that all the troubles of this state were happening because the city of Yangon, which was then the capital of this country, was located unsuccessfully from an astrological point of view. Therefore, the government and other government bodies to a more suitable place for this. Astrologers identified the “ideal” site, and already in 2002, active construction work began there.

The move of the capital to Naypyitaw began in 2006 and ended in 2008. The new city quickly began to fill with residents, and by now its population has exceeded one million people.

Naypyitaw has emerged as a major Asian political, economic and cultural hub, with business districts, museums and a busy airport connecting Myanmar's new capital to the world.

Hallstatt, China
The Chinese are known throughout the world for their desire to copy the achievements of Western civilization, primarily various gadgets and devices. However, in the Middle Kingdom they do not hesitate to create copies of famous architectural structures and even entire European cities.

So China has its own versions of Paris, Venice and Amsterdam. And in 2011, near the city of Guangzhou, an almost exact copy of the famous Austrian town of Hallstatt, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, appeared.

Like its Austrian counterpart, the Chinese city is located on the coast picturesque lake. Moreover, most of the buildings in this village with incredible accuracy repeat the buildings from Hallstatt in Austria.

Yingkou, China
The Chinese economy, even in the twenty-first century, is partially planned - power and fused with it communist party solve many issues that in the rest of the world are regulated exclusively by market methods. And given the enormous scale of Chinese economic power, planning often leads to problems not seen elsewhere.

An example is the experience of the Chinese province of Laoning, whose party leader ten years ago decided to carry out a serious restructuring and modernization of the region’s economy. Designed the best specialists the plan involved the construction of a large number industrial facilities, housing and even several new cities for workers to live.

However, the plan cannot provide for absolutely all factors, including changes in conditions on the world market. This is what they encountered in Laoning province. Almost no one moved into the new district of Yingkou, built from scratch and designed to accommodate almost a million people.

The fact is that residential areas were built much earlier than industrial facilities. Moreover, the construction of factories eventually had to be abandoned altogether, so now the new Yingkou district has been practically empty for several years.

This, by the way, is far from an isolated case in China. In the Celestial Empire, there are already several dozen million-plus cities in which practically no one lives. The reason for this is dangerous investments in real estate that are not justified by real demand.

Innovative high-rise buildings with electric heating, climate control and an air purification system have appeared in a new district of Yekaterinburg

Electrohouses in Akademichesky, Yekaterinburg (Photo: Kortros)

In the Urals, they began to introduce elements of a “smart city” - a unique living environment that takes care of residents day and night. The first blocks built according to the new standards are located in Akademichesky - this district of Yekaterinburg is being built by the Kortros company, known for its innovative approach to housing construction. Distinctive feature“smart city” - engineering and planning solutions that can make life easier for citizens even before they even realize it. A new word in “smart city” technologies has become electric houses - buildings in which electricity is responsible for all basic processes.

What is an electrode

An electrode is apartment house with individual supply and exhaust ventilation system and electric heating. In practice, this means that the electrohouse does not have the usual heating radiators - heated floors are responsible for heating the room. A silicone insulated cable is used as a heat source, which is laid along monolithic slab ceiling and protected by a screed.

The heating is turned on at the request of the apartment owners: the system will be able to heat the room as much as necessary at the moment. Heated floors work at any time of the year - which means that the residents of the electric house are prepared even for unexpected frosts that may come ahead of time: when it gets cold, it will be enough to just press a button.

Intelligent climate control allows you to regulate the air temperature in each individual room. This mechanism will be useful for families in which people live with different ideas about a comfortable environment: now the living room can be made cooler, and the bedroom warmer. Or vice versa. Another advantage: residents of an electric house do not depend on the whims of utility workers; in such houses, the temperature is determined personally by the owner of the apartment.

Other processes are also electrified - for example, instead of standard hot water supply, the electrohouse has electric water heaters, which ensure uninterrupted supply of apartments hot water. While other houses may suffer from a month-long downtime without water, residents of electric houses simply do not notice the schedule of utilities - in two- and three-room apartments there is a separate water heater in each of the two bathrooms.

Finally, the electric houses have a system of forced individual ventilation with recovery warm air. Typically, high-rise buildings in Russia are built with natural ventilation- it means that ventilation shafts There are only in the kitchen and bathrooms. In all other rooms, fresh air comes only from the windows, and in order to ventilate the room, people have to open the windows even in severe frost.

The forced individual ventilation system with warm air recovery provides ventilation and additional air purification, and also reduces energy consumption for space heating, providing 5% savings compared to apartments without recuperators. Ventilation unit removes “old” air from “dirty” areas from the apartment, which passes through a plate recuperator, and then gives off its heat to fresh air, purified using a filter system. Then the warmed and purified air enters the apartment. Additionally, there is no need to open windows for ventilation - and dust from the street does not enter the premises. Such a system allows residents not only to breathe clean and fresh air, but also to significantly reduce the consumption of thermal energy for heating. In addition, residents of the electric house may not have to think about unpleasant odors and street air pollution. Smart technologies will make the atmosphere in the house not only warm, but also clean.

Room without batteries in the electrohouse (Photo: Kortros)

Initially, two new generation houses were built in Akademichesky - one has forced ventilation with recovery of warm air, in the other - electric heating and water heaters. After the Kortros company realized that the experiment was a success, and customers appreciated the innovative proposal, the developer began building two more electric houses - this time, all technical innovations are present in them in full.

How can this help you save money?

Fixed payments for heating, familiar to Russians, mean that a resident standard house pays the same amount regardless of the quality of the service. It doesn’t matter whether the house is warm, cold or hot - the result on the receipt is still the same. Individual space heating in " smart home» allows you to calculate payments fairly: apartment residents will pay exactly what they used themselves.

In practice, this means that in the event of a long absence (for example, during a holiday), the heating can be reduced - and this will immediately affect the bill. Cool weather lovers can simply turn down the heat and watch their bills go down. In one apartment, you can preset several time ranges during which the temperature will be fixed at a specific value: for example, from midnight to six in the morning the apartment can be heated to +23 degrees, and from six to nine in the morning - to +26.

The second advantage is related to supply and exhaust ventilation. The system allows you not to open windows for ventilation - therefore, residents will not have to pay for “heating” the street, which inevitably occurs when the windows are open.

Finally, residents of electric houses do not need to write out meter readings and then put them in a box or dictate them over the phone to the management company. All readings are collected remotely: the service organization itself will calculate everything and send an up-to-date receipt. Ultimately, savings will depend on the residents themselves: with a competent approach and timely adjustment of the heating level, payments can be reduced by 15%.

Why Academichesky is a “smart” district

A “smart city” is not only about houses, but also about everything that is located between them. In Akademichesky, the district infrastructure will make it possible to bring the familiar urban environment as close as possible to the latest technological standards. For example, using a 24-hour video surveillance system, you can monitor the entire area and surrounding areas. Thoughtful placement of cameras helps to avoid blind spots and view each point from at least two angles - which means parents can safely let their children go outside. Video surveillance affects not only courtyards and streets, but also entrances, elevators and even exits to the roof - with such control, offenders simply have nowhere to hide.

Bonus to standard video surveillance: any resident of Akademicheskiy has access to the “walk home” service, thanks to which you can track a person’s entire path. Thus, parents can see every step of their child, and late guests will not be afraid of getting lost in an unfamiliar area. The results can already be verified: during the construction of Akademichesky, not a single serious crime occurred in the district, and the situation with regard to individual offenses was 11 times lower than the average for Yekaterinburg.

In a “smart city” there are no trifles, so even garbage collection here is as convenient as possible for residents. Garbage cans are installed in isolated rooms on the ground floors - this is how the problem is solved unpleasant odor and wind that could blow light debris throughout the neighborhood. Instead, at Akademicheskiy, waste is removed every day - this way the yard remains clean without additional effort.

In general, the environmental component is taking an increasingly important place in the construction of new houses in Akademicheskiy. This trend has long existed in the West, but for Russia such an approach remains unusual. Electric houses allow you to wisely use available resources, not waste heat and water and not overpay for public utilities— so that not only people, but also the environment appreciate the new approach to the construction of buildings.

Individual features of a “smart city” could be found in different houses and districts throughout Russia, but only when taken together, these solutions form a truly comfortable and pleasant living environment in which one would like to live. The developer’s plans are to equip the housing with remote control devices and be able to give commands to one’s own home from afar - for example, turn on the lighting from the elevator without entering the apartment, using a button on the remote control. Simply because the “smart city” will never stop developing, even when the builders build the last house.

Final press release

XI world special exhibition “city of the XXI century” and

XIV all-Russian special exhibition “Furniture.

Wood processing"

From May 25 to 28, the city of Izhevsk hosted the xi international special exhibition “ city ​​of the 21st century" and the XIV All-Russian special exhibition "Furniture. Wood processing". The exhibitions were held on the basis of the order of the government of the Udmurt Republic No. 198-r dated March 22, 2010. Exhibition " city ​​of the 21st century"was held under the patronage of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

Organizers of exhibition projects: Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing Policy of the Udmurt Republic, Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Udmurt Republic, Ministry of Transport and Road Facilities of the Udmurt Republic, Izhevsk City Administration, OR "Alliance of Workers of Udmurtia", Udmurt Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Exhibition Center "Udmurtia" . Exhibition " XXI century" was held under the patronage of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

The partners of the exhibitions were: the main information partner - the magazine "Business Reputation", the main radio partner - the branch of LLC "Choose Radio" in Izhevsk, the main information partner - the magazine "Masterdom".

Official opening of the exhibition

At the official opening ceremony were: Prime Minister of the Udmurt Republic Yuri Stepanovich Pitkevich, Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing Policy of the Udmurt Republic Alexander Grigoryevich Khodyrev, People's Deputy of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Assistant to the Head of the State Duma Committee on Property Evgeny Isaakovich Bogomolny, Minister of Industry and Energy of the Udmurt Republic Oleg Viktorovich Radionov, Mayor Alexander Alexandrovich Ushakov, General Director of the Udmurt Chamber of Commerce and Industry Evgeny Yurievich Vylegzhanin, General Director exhibition center"Udmurtia" Liliya Flurovna Yusupova.

In his welcoming speech, Yuri Stepanovich, on behalf of the head of state and government of the Udmurt Republic, greeted the guests, organizers and participants of the exhibitions. He emphasized that exhibitions are traditionally considered significant and long-awaited events in the life of the city and the republic. Here we demonstrate all the best that can be applied today in the construction and woodworking branches. The motto: “build quickly and economically” has been used for many years, which will continue to protect itself in the future. Yuri Stepanovich also expressed his conviction that the repair complex will work efficiently, smoothly, using all the latest materials and technologies; wished all participants and guests successful work.

Alexander Grigorievich emphasized that the exhibitions are “21st century” and “furniture. Wood Processing” is the largest exhibition in the republic, which in scale is not inferior to other regional exhibitions. Everything possible has been done to ensure that the materials and technologies provided are as interesting and useful as possible for exhibitors and visitors. For the first time as part of the exhibition " city ​​of the 21st century» a joint exposition of development companies of the Udmurt Republic was demonstrated, where you can get acquainted with the projects of residential buildings that take part in the program of the head of state of the Udmurt Republic “housing for young families”, learn the layout of apartments, and get advice on purchasing residential real estate. Also at the exhibition there is a joint stand of the alliance of workers of Udmurtia and self-regulatory organizations of the republic (SRO NP "Stroitel", SRO NP "Mezhregionproekt"), where you can get detailed information about the activities and functioning of these organizations, highly professional advice on increasing the professionalism of employees, insurance, entry of new participants into SROs, self-regulation in the construction industry. Alexander Grigorievich wished all participants of the exhibition successful work, useful contacts, concluding contracts for the future, and the guests - great benefits from visiting the exhibitions.

Evgeny Isaakovich greeted the organizers, guests, participants and visitors of the exhibitions. He emphasized that today, in parallel with exhibitions in Izhevsk, exhibition projects of both Russian and global scale are starting their own work, which are also dedicated to new products in the construction industry, energy saving technologies, issues of energy efficiency, and reconstruction of housing stock. This all speaks to the importance of these tasks both at the domestic and foreign levels, and highlights the demand for exhibition projects.

Oleg Viktorovich, on behalf of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Udmurt Republic, greeted the organizers, guests, participants and visitors of the exhibitions. He highlighted that it has become a tradition to hold an all-Russian special exhibition “Furniture. Wood processing". And this is not just like that, because these industries are inseparably linked. The mutual exchange of views and technical information allows for a better understanding of the market, which is becoming increasingly complex due to the process of diversification. The exhibition showcased new collections of furniture, woodworking equipment, tools, woodworking products from Kirov, Kazan, Murom and other big cities of the Russian Federation. The exhibition is an excellent opportunity to show existing products, as well as the latest materials, equipment, and technologies. Oleg Viktorovich wished everyone fruitful work, useful contacts and success.

Alexander Alexandrovich emphasized that these exhibitions have been considered one of the largest and most anticipated events for many years. Exhibition projects brought together countless companies associated with the repair, woodworking and other neighboring industries. Now a lot of work is being done to good repair housing stock, thanks to this, the presented technologies and materials will help the formation of such a direction. Alexander Alexandrovich wished the participants successful work, good partners, and the conclusion of profitable contracts.

The chief federal inspector for the Udmurt Republic, Rustam Fidayovich Idrisov, joined the greeting of the organizers and guests of honor. In his own welcoming speech, Rustam Fidayovich on behalf of the plenipotentiary representative of the head of state R.F. In the Volga Federal District, Grigory Alekseevich Rapota congratulated the organizers, guests, participants and visitors on the opening of the exhibitions. He emphasized that the exhibition will provide participants with ideal opportunities to display technological technologies and their vigorous promotion in the context of rapidly changing demand in the market for repair and woodworking equipment, will draw attention to the issues of investment support for promising developments of high-tech products. Rustam Fidayovich hopes that these events will help speed up the process of reconstruction of companies in the woodworking and construction industries, the widespread use of scientific and technological achievements in manufacturing, and will open up new prospects for the economic development of the Russian Federation. And Udmurtia, as well as effective international partnership; wished all participants and guests of the exhibitions fruitful work, new business contacts and materialization of their plans.


The exhibits took place on an area of ​​1368 sq.m. (FOC "health" - 979 sq. M., street - 389 sq. M.). 151 enterprises participated in the exhibitions (“ XXI century" - 137, "furniture. Wood processing" - 14) from 15 subjects of the Russian Federation: Udmurtia, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Chuvashia, Mari El, Vladimir, Kirov, Leningrad, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan, Sverdlovsk, Voronezh regions, Perm region, Moscow, and also an enterprise from Germany. Among them are 105 participants from Udmurtia (70% of the total number of exhibitors). Together with regular participants, 51 enterprises (34% of the total number of participants) participated in these exhibitions for the first time.

Products from 20 countries were demonstrated at the exhibitions: Russian Federation, Belgium, Bulgaria, England, Hungary, Germany, Italy, Spain, Canada, China, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, the United States, Ukraine, France, Czech Republic, Sweden , Japan. During all days of the exhibition, about 10,000 people visited.

The exhibits showed a wide range of services and goods to the attention of visitors: materials for construction, structures and products, cladding and cladding materials, interior elements, construction technologies and services, equipment for construction work, special equipment, civil and industrial engineering, low-rise construction, integrated development of territories, energy saving technologies and equipment, equipment, machinery and technologies for housing and communal services, services in housing and communal services, landscaping, landscape and architectural design, loan processing, loan-rent, banking services, furniture, furniture fittings, fillers and components, woodworking equipment, technologies and tools, wood processing products and much more.

Leading manufacturing companies showed their own excellent products, which have already repeatedly appreciated the great financial effect of the exhibitions: CJSC "Udmurtgrazhdanproekt" (Izhevsk, design of structures and buildings), FSUE "USST No. 8 under Special Construction of the Russian Federation" (Izhevsk, large diversified construction enterprise), Talan LLC (Izhevsk, housing construction), Buderus Heating Equipment LLC (Kazan, sale of water heating equipment), Metacon LLC (Kazan, production and sale of construction and installation equipment, iron furniture), MODUS-M LLC (Kirovo-Chepetsk, supply of wood-cutting tools for sawmills and furniture production enterprises), NEW GROUND OJSC (Perm, design and execution of geotechnical works), Standardpark D LLC (Naberezhnye Chelny, production of all types of parts for today’s surface water drainage system), Tatgazselkomplekt LLC (Kazan, supply of a wide range engineering equipment for heating systems, water supply, sewerage, electrical equipment, thermal insulation and tools), LLC "Cheboksary Pipe Plant" (Novocheboksarsk, production of polyethylene pipes), LLC "ELSI" (Vladimir, production of wood-cutting milling cutters prefabricated and end replaceable carbide knives) and other companies.

Among the significant companies of the republic, the following companies worked at the exhibition: CJSC "Management Company "ASSO-Stroy" (Izhevsk, management of repair projects of varying complexity), LLC "Komos-Stroy" (Izhevsk, construction of commercial and residential real estate, development, property management), LLC NPO "NORT" (Izhevsk, developer and manufacturer of fireproof products), LLC "Radonezh" (Izhevsk, supply and installation of small forms of architecture, equipment for children's and sports grounds), LLC "apexdevelopmentgroup" (Izhevsk, low-rise construction), LLC plant low-rise construction“house-haus” (Izhevsk, production of sandwich panels using ECOPAN technology and construction of houses using this technology).

On the nearby territory of the Health Educational Center, most companies showed their own products and original exhibits. Thus, a company from Germany, the company "KERMIGMBH" (Plattling) provided a promotional vehicle with products - shower cabins and heating devices- in the middle; the Guran company (Izhevsk) showed petrol saws and Logosol mini-sawmills in action; Izhlesservis LLC (Izhevsk) showed not only petrol and electric motor saws in operation, but also cut out figures from wood using them; Wood House LLC (Izhevsk) built a laminated timber house, and Methodology LLC (Izhevsk) built a calibrated log house; The Professional Car company (Izhevsk) presented Komatsu forklifts and other special equipment.

Among the companies that took part in the exhibition for the first time, we can highlight Chrysotop LLC (Ekaterinburg, materials for road construction); CJSC "GEO-R" (Ryazan, production of polymer road mesh); LLC "Polyspen" (Kirovo-Chepetsk, today's material for thermal insulation made of extruded foam plastic under the brand name POLYSPEN®); OJSC “Izhevsk Radio Plant” (Izhevsk, GLONASS/GPS navigation equipment, equipment for energy saving and increasing the level of energy efficiency in the field of housing and communal services).

There were many new products at the exhibition stands. So, for example, the company “flagman” (Izhevsk) issued unique materials for thermal insulation based on K-flex foam rubber mineral wool ROCKWOOL; Tegola-Kazan company - unique materials for a new generation of roofing that allow transforming solar energy into electricity; Cheboksary Pipe Plant provided ISOKORSIS pipes, Magistral M PLUS welding machines for welding large-diameter PE pipes; Udmurt furniture company - furniture facades using the unique SUPER-GLASS technology in the republic, Partner-3 LLC (Izhevsk) - installed Cyclovac vacuum cleaners (Canada); artistic and blacksmithing enterprise "artmetal" (Tchaikovsky) - forging products using artistic elements of non-serial production.

Energy companies provided original energy-saving equipment: Kamenergo LLC (Izhevsk) - LED lamps, POLIKOM CJSC (Izhevsk) - surge protection devices DEHN + SOHNE and external lightning protection; Servicegroup LLC (Izhevsk) - an independent lighting system based on LED lamps, JSC "Izhevsk Radio Plant" - equipment for energy saving and increasing the level of energy efficiency in the field of housing and communal services.

Exhibition program

The main episode of the business program of the exhibitions was the conference “On technical regulation” in the construction industry. The conference was organized by the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing Policy of the Udmurt Republic. 180 people took part in the conference. These are representatives of the government authorities of the republic, customer services, design and repair organizations, construction industry and housing and communal services companies, management companies, public organizations, etc.

The conference discussed the implementation of the law “On Technical Regulation” and the technical regulations adopted in accordance with it in the construction industry relating to fire safety, safety of structures and buildings, materials for construction and products, safety of elevators, as well as energy saving and energy efficiency.

During the conference, reports were made by the Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing Policy of the Udmurt Republic Alexander Grigorievich Khodyrev, Doctor of T.N., Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Fire Safety Sciences (Moscow) Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Meshelkin, Assistant Chief of the Unit of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on construction and land relations Alexander Nikolaevich Kursky, assistant chief of the unit of the State Duma FS RF Energy Committee Sergei Nikolaevich Martyushov, first assistant to the head of the regional energy commission of the Urals Valery Ivanovich Kashin, assistant to the head of the Udmurt territorial department for supervision of general industrial safety of the Western Ural Department of Rostekhnadzor Alexandra Valentinovich and Potapova.

During the exhibitions, an all-Russian competition for the best products in construction field, housing and communal services, furniture and woodworking industries. Winning this competition for companies is a symbol of recognition and authority, as well as an additional image tool in promoting the company on the market.

This year, the competition included 13 nominations, 10 of which have already become classics: “materials for construction, structures and products”, “materials for finishing”, “materials for thermal insulation”, “construction technologies”, “equipment for construction work” , “architecture and urban planning”, “equipment for housing and communal services”, “low-rise house construction”, “wood processing” (tools, equipment, technologies), “wood processing products”. This year the style of the competition has been expanded, 3 new nominations have been announced: “ landscape architecture and urban design”, “fine furniture”, “materials for road construction”.

In total, 87 companies took part in the competition, with 118 units of products. 34 enterprises received medals of three degrees: gold, silver and bronze in the following categories:

1. Nomination “materials for construction, structures and products.”

Yellow metal - Technoekostroy LLC, Izhevsk

Silver - LLC NPO "NORT", Izhevsk

Bronze - TK Regionstroy LLC, Perm

2. Nomination “finishing materials”.

Yellow metal - JSC "Jenty", Izhevsk

Silver - Stroyparty LLC, Izhevsk

Bronze - TPK "lampa", Izhevsk

3. Nomination “materials for thermal insulation”

Yellow metal - DEALAN LLC, Izhevsk

Silver - Udmurt Industrial Company CJSC, Izhevsk

Bronze - T.E.M.P. LLC, Izhevsk

4. Nomination “construction technologies”.

Yellow metal - JSC "NEW GROUND", Perm

Silver - Cheboksary Pipe Plant LLC, Novocheboksarsk

Bronze - Servicegroup LLC, p. Yagul, Zavyalovsky district

5. Nomination “equipment for construction work”.

No winners

6. Nomination “architecture and urban planning”.

Yellow metal - Udmurtgrazhdanproekt CJSC, Izhevsk

Yellow metal - Federal State Unitary Enterprise "USST No. 8 at Spetsstroy R.F.", Izhevsk

Serebro - LLC Housing Investment Company of the Udmurt

Republic", Izhevsk

7. Nomination “landscape architecture and urban design”.

Yellow metal - Brokstal LLC, Medvedevo village, Mari El Republic

Silver – Aquarium Design LLC, Izhevsk

Bronze - LLC "company" bright ", Izhevsk

8. Nomination “low-rise construction”.

Yellow metal - Apexdevelopmentgroup LLC, Izhevsk

Serebro - LLC low-rise construction plant "house-haus", Izhevsk

Bronze - TPF Diakom LLC, Izhevsk

9. Nomination “equipment for housing and communal services”.

Yellow metal - Eniris-SG LLC, Moscow

Silver - LLC TD "TEPLOTEKHNIK", Izhevsk

Bronze - Alternative Energy LLC, Izhevsk

10. Nomination “wood processing” (tools, equipment, technologies).

Yellow metal - LLC "ELSI", Murom

Silver - GURAN company, Izhevsk

Bronze - Izhlesservis LLC, Izhevsk

11. Nomination “wood processing products”.

Silver - DEKO plant LLC, Izhevsk

12. Nomination “fine furniture”.

Yellow metal - HKP "artmetal", Tchaikovsky


Bronze - “Udmurt furniture company” (IP Latypov F.Kh.), Izhevsk

13. Nomination “materials for road construction”.

According to the decision of the organizing committee, for the first time within the framework of the exhibition “ city ​​of the 21st century"a joint exposition of development companies of the Udmurt Republic was demonstrated with projects of residential buildings that take part in the program of the head of state of the Udmurt Republic “housing for young families.” Here visitors received advice on the requirements for issuing a loan and got acquainted with the layout of the apartments.

Among other things, the exhibition featured a joint stand of the alliance of workers of Udmurtia and self-regulatory organizations of the republic (SRO NP Stroitel, SRO Mezhregionproekt). At the joint exhibition stand of the alliance and SRO, visitors got acquainted with the work and functioning of these organizations, professionals provided highly professional consultations on issues of increasing the professionalism of employees, insurance, entry of new participants into SRO, and self-regulation in the construction industry.

In honor of the 250th anniversary of the city of Izhevsk, a special exhibition was shown - an image of a small corner of the city of Izhevsk. Here, participants and guests of the exhibition got acquainted with the history of the city, iconic image and socio-cultural objects of the city, took photographs as a souvenir with the mascot of the anniversary - the Izhik boy in the historical caftan of the Izhevsk gunsmith.

During all days of the exhibition, various events were held for exhibition visitors. Thus, in the conference hall of the Federal Center "Health" seminars were held on LED lighting from the company "Kamenergo", "5 steps towards the formation of your personal business together with the trading house "Metakom Udmurtia" from LLC "New Economic Perspectives", "product review DEHN + SOHNE company for external lightning protection and surge protection devices" from JSC "POLIKOM", "new sealing materials in construction work"from Dealan LLC", "advanced doorhan technical solutions for energy saving in the field of movable fencing structures" from TsARDOM Service LLC. Among other things, the Kamenergo company held a presentation on energy-saving LED lamps at its own stand.

Among other things, in four days, a consulting center for design and home interior, where anyone who wants could receive free consultations from the center’s professionals on designer solutions in space planning, renovations, and advanced technologies in the field of home improvement.

Also for the guests of the exhibitions, practical master classes were held on composition in the interior (“MST. Furniture”), designer solutions for window decoration, interior decoration (“Svetlana” salon), technology for applying materials for decorative works(decor salon “patio”), lighting equipment (company “service group”), forging with artistic elements (HKP “artmetal”), installation of gates and fences (company “good professional”).

Exhibition audit data

The effectiveness of participation in the exhibition is difficult to overestimate. This is not only a productive image advertising of the company, but also an open commercial platform, it allows participating companies to show products and services to an audience of thousands, an effective method for conducting promotions, getting to know the services and goods provided, as well as existing new products.

Participation in the exhibition is also a direct access to the current and possible potential audience of participating companies. This year, in order to promote the exhibition and attract many visitors to the exhibitors’ stands, a comprehensive comprehensive marketing campaign was held, the activities of which included the placement of advertising and information materials in federal and regional publications, Internet resources, eight channels and nine radio stations; large-scale mailing and distribution of flyers (more than 130,000 copies); distribution of about 11,000 copies. Invitation cards for professionals from related regions; placement of posters at industrial enterprises (about 80), external and other types of advertising.

Among other things, participation in the exhibition means obtaining the intended result, which is confirmed by the exhibition audit data.

124 companies participated in a sociological survey conducted at exhibitions. As a result of the survey:

1. 74.2% of participants (92 enterprises) emphasized that promising business contacts took place at the exhibitions. The total number of such contacts is 1326.

2. 15.3% of companies (or 19 firms) have already concluded contracts at the exhibition. In total, 28 contracts were concluded by exhibition participants. The most a large number of contracts from TK Regionstroy LLC.

3. Protocols of intent were concluded by 21.8% (or 27 companies). The total number of arrestees in the letters of intent is 238.

4. 5.6% (7 companies) noted the highest popularity of their stands - more than 1000 visitors. Among them are Rosttechgroup LLC, Genty CJSC, Pronto-Kazan LLC, ENIRIS-SG LLC, Churovsky Plant of Silicate Wall Materials CJSC, KERMIGMBH, TPK Lampa.

5. 48.4% of firms emphasized that the results from participation in the exhibition justified the costs of participation in it.

6. 41.9% of exhibitors were satisfied with the number of business contacts with their potential audience

7. Expectations from the exhibitions were met by 75.8% of participants.

8. 56.5% of companies are planning to participate in exhibitions next year.

Throughout history, starting in 2000, at the exhibition " XXI century" provided their own capabilities to about 1,700 companies from 92 megacities of the Russian Federation. And neighboring countries and far abroad. During this time, about 990 thousand visitors became acquainted with the exhibition. Exhibitions were constantly changing, new materials and technologies appeared, the number of participants grew, because exhibition projects became more and more popular and in demand among professionals. Over 11 years, the number of exhibitors has increased almost 7 times, and the volume of exhibition space has increased by 15.

Natural resources and scientific technologies are for the benefit of the modern city.

I dedicate this material to those who are tired of looking for meaning in endless absurd forms of architecture and observing the violent use of natural resources. I will talk about architecture, about a little-known side - the symbiosis of nature and science.

Modern cities are growing exponentially, changing to better quality life - all this is facilitated by inevitable technological progress, it allows you to create new useful and unique options for comfortable life person.

Organic city - what do we know about it?

Imagining the scale of the city of Moscow, the city in which we live, it becomes obvious that this definition is difficult to apply to Moscow. Let's figure out what this city of dreams consists of - a city of the 21st century, especially since its disparate character traits not difficult to find in existing cities.

The fundamental factor of an organic city is the presence of a well-thought-out framework of parks and park areas in the city. For example, the much-loved Central Park in New York allows you to create a comfortable living environment for citizens and occupy their leisure time. This park has it all: cycling and Treadmills, picnic lawns, attractions, playgrounds, places for active rest, various cafes and restaurants. Growing trees improve the air of the metropolis and lower the average city temperature by several degrees.

The unusual installation "Gate" was held in Central Park in 2005. Freely hanging orange panels, swayed by the wind, created an unusual sight, reminiscent of flashes of the setting sun. The authors of the project are Christo and Jeanne-Claude.

The presence of a system of bicycle paths is perhaps the most environmentally friendly and healthy way of transportation in the city. A bicycle is an excellent alternative to a car. Those who have been to Europe (for example, Holland, Denmark, Germany) have seen that traffic on bicycle paths is as intense as on roads.

The project of English designer Aija Golubeva is a hybrid of a bicycle and an ice cream kiosk, powered only by solar energy consumed through solar panels built into the structure.

An organic city cannot exist without the ability to effectively collect, dispose and recycle various waste. In this regard, the direction of waste recycling is increasingly developing in the world.

The project of a new art studio was completed by the American bureau Maziar behrooz architecture. Made from two used shipping containers.

Possibility of reorienting old buildings to meet the new needs of the city when using new ones construction technologies. In London, New York, Moscow (especially in Lately) it has become very fashionable to renovate old warehouses, docks and factories into ultra-modern lofts, shops, restaurants, apartments and apartments.

Project of the MUDE museum by the Portuguese workshop Ricardo Carvalho + Joana Vilhena Arquitectosgave new life to the bank building designed 57 years ago by the modernist architect Cristino da Silva, turning it into the epicenter of design and fashion in Lisbon.

The city of the 21st century welcomes the introduction and use of “green” technologies in construction, namely economical and energy-saving technologies. For example, in Germany, the construction of “passive houses” is developed - they do not require heating thanks to special technology insulation and sealing of the building envelope.

A bold project by the British from the Make Architects team. This is an underground eco-home with zero energy consumption, designed for English football star Gary Neville - a supporter of a green lifestyle.

Already now, very real eco-cities are being prepared for launch, designed from scratch, taking into account all the subtleties and facts of creating clean cities. A grandiose project was launched in China, on Chongming Island in Shanghai. This is the world's first organic city - called Dongtan. It is almost equal in area to New York Manhattan, and its population will be about half a million people. The project will be implemented by the English company Arup. The city will be able to recycle almost all of its waste, electricity will be produced using wind turbines, solar panels and biofuel, and its residents will ride buses powered by hydrogen fuel systems And on hydrogen taxis using solar energy. In addition to houses, offices and shops, the city will have many “organic” farms and parks. Wastewater will be used for irrigation, and the street layout will encourage residents to abandon cars in favor of walking.

Another eco-city project by the famous Dutch bureau MVRDV and the Spanish company GRASS is Logroño Montecorvo Eco City. Of the 338 million euros allocated for its construction, 40 million will be invested in renewable energy. The eco-town will be located in the north of the province of Logrono, on an area of ​​56 hectares. Consisting of 3,000 energy-efficient homes, the city will be completely environmentally friendly and will not emit CO2 into the atmosphere. One of the attractions will be an eco-park, on the tops of which there will be wind generators and arrays of solar photovoltaic panels, the use of which will help avoid about 6,000 tons of CO2 emissions annually.

Three hundred years ago people lived in absolute dependence on nature. Their houses were closely connected with environment, they were constructed from local building materials and were directly dependent on local energy, food and water. In the age of the industrial revolution, man imagined himself omnipotent - many discoveries and achievements were made, not always aimed at benefiting humanity and the planet. Now there is an opportunity to properly combine technological progress and nature. The optimism of this association as a source of innovation gives us the chance to search for a new, meaningful and improved quality of life.