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» Finance horoscope for the year of Pisces. Family star predictions

Finance horoscope for the year of Pisces. Family star predictions

In 2019, Jupiter will be in Pisces in the 10th house until November 9 - the area of ​​​​professional success and career. Consequently, the main tests of the year also fall in this area. The 10th house of the horoscope determines how your career will develop, what you can achieve here, how realizable your plans and aspirations are, what advantages you have here, the degree of your professional skills.

Then he will move to the 11th house - the region of like-minded people, well-wishers and helpers. The 11th house contains information about relationships with friends and like-minded people in a group, about social tasks and projects, about interests, hobbies, hobbies, as well as where you can get help in difficult moments life.

This location of Jupiter promises Pisces great success in 2019 in everything related to their professional field. But only if Pisces knows what they really want and are ready to sacrifice something to achieve their goal. This is a feature of the 10th house - here you have to do as you need to, as the system requires, and not as you want.

The Pisces horoscope for 2019 warns that in order to achieve something, representatives of the sign will have to put in a lot of effort and hard work. If they sit on their hands in 2019, they will remain at the same level. And the opportunities provided by Jupiter will pass them by. Meanwhile, there will be plenty of them. And in order to make significant progress career ladder, and in order to receive some awards for their achievements in work.

This placement of Jupiter is especially favorable for anyone who strives to acquire a certain status, for example, for people involved in politics. Young Pisces can hope that they will take the first successful steps towards building their career. Perhaps in 2019 they will have to complete some important task or get their first position. Those who are at a more mature age will receive prestigious awards and bonuses, recognition of their professional merits, support from high-ranking officials, and perhaps even achieve fame. But - we repeat, only if they themselves make certain efforts for this and, of course, with positive aspects of Jupiter.

But with negative aspects of the planet in the professional field, you can expect all sorts of problems and obstacles. And they will most likely be caused by Pisces’ excessive ambitions, insufficient flexibility of thinking, snobbery or arrogance. Pisces may even lose what they have, their reputation will be hopelessly damaged, possible dismissal from work or demotion, failures in elections and similar troubles .

What difficulties and trials await Pisces?

Planet of karmic lesson, Saturn will be in Pisces in 2019 at 11 home-area like-minded people, well-wishers and helpers. The 11th house contains information about relationships with friends and like-minded people in a group, about social tasks and projects, about interests, hobbies, hobbies, and also about where you can get help in difficult moments of life.

The Pisces horoscope for 2019 says that in 2019 they can sharply narrow their circle of friends and break off relationships with many friends. This can happen due to various circumstances, for example, due to the onset of a certain age when a person prefers to stay at home rather than visit friendly parties. Or due to a change of residence. Or for some other reason that will be difficult for you to explain. It will just happen somehow on its own.

This is not surprising - in this way Saturn tests how strong your friendship is. Only the most reliable and loyal friends will remain with you. But if Pisces manages to establish some new friendships in 2019, they will indeed last a very long time. It is possible that your new friends will be much older than you in age or higher in position and will provide you with reliable support if necessary. But collective work now will be unsuccessful. The horoscope for Pisces for 2019 says that it will be possible only if some kind of joint research is carried out.

With the negative aspects of Saturn, all the problems described above in Pisces are aggravated even more. This could also be a betrayal of friends or people whom you considered such. Or your friends will begin to make unreasonable demands on you and give you ultimatums. Or you yourself will treat them somehow dishonestly - in any case, all this will lead not only to a breakdown in relations, but also to violent conflicts.

Pisces during this period can show dictatorial habits, completely rejecting any demands from the opponent to respect his interests. Or they will try to seize sole power in some group, demanding unquestioning obedience, but without sufficient grounds for this. The danger of doing something illegal and being involved in a criminal group increases.

Surprises and surprises for 2019

The planet of surprises and surprises, Uranus will be with Pisces all year in their 3rd house - the area of ​​​​information and relatives. This house includes all information related to travel and business trips, driving, relationships with relatives, applied studies, scientific or journalistic activities, communication with clients and the use of communications.

In 2019, Pisces will become even more inquisitive, Uranus will help increase their intelligence and eloquence. The Pisces horoscope for 2019 says that many Pisces may change their way of thinking or some beliefs, which will be very unexpected. And all because Pisces will be able to look at many things from a different perspective, understand the real meaning of events and discover the new nature of things. For this, some randomly obtained information may be enough, which will become truly revolutionary for Pisces.

In order to make a decision, a random insight will be enough for them. Whereas long thoughts may lead to nothing. Pisces will become real generators of new ideas, but the problem is that those who will be next to them will most likely be skeptical about innovative proposals, with outright coolness. They will be too unusual, too out of the ordinary. Many Pisces will study something new, often in areas traditionally patronized by Uranus - electronics, astronautics, computer specialties. To do this, Pisces can enroll in hobby groups, attend special lectures and other similar events.

Since the 3rd house is also the house of immediate relatives, sisters, brothers, unexpected changes and some extraordinary events can also be expected here. For example, Pisces may find out that they have another brother or sister. Or, on the contrary, one of their loved ones will break off all relations with them and disappear from their lives. Or he will move to another country and become practically inaccessible. However, Pisces themselves can change their attitude towards their closest relatives - both positive and negative. negative side. Or Pisces will open with them some kind of unusual look family business.

In 2019, Pisces can expect many new unusual acquaintances or those that begin under some unusual circumstances. There will be many trips and business trips, which can also bring many surprises.

With negative aspects of Uranus, Pisces may become extremely nervous and excitable during this year. They will be irritated over every trifle, and their judgments, which they themselves will seem extremely reasonable, will in fact be very awkward and full of absurdities. Pisces will talk extremely pompously, pretentiously, and at the same time about things in which they are not specialists at all.

All sorts of gossip will circulate around them, or Pisces themselves will become extremely talkative, which they will later have to bitterly regret. Relations with relatives will also deteriorate or they will become a source of some serious trouble for Pisces. You may suddenly break all ties with your previous environment and plunge headlong into new communication.

Or it will happen against your will. It will also be very difficult for those Pisces who are studying, for example, in universities - knowledge will be difficult to acquire, or you will unexpectedly fail an exam in a subject with which you have never had problems. It is not advisable to go on trips in 2019; many unpleasant surprises await you here.

Neptune, which is responsible for everything inexplicable that happens in our lives, will be in Pisces in 2019 in their 1st house - the area of ​​human personality. . This house includes information about appearance, character, talents, ethics, basic habits, health, and in general - about the fate of each individual.

The horoscope for 2019 Pisces warns that during this period Pisces will seem downright strange to many. Even those. Those who have known them for a long time will notice them. It’s as if Pisces has been replaced - they will become absent-minded, may speak out of place, overly sentimental, overly sensitive and vulnerable. Sometimes it will seem that Pisces are as if they are in another world, in fact, this will be the case - they will be completely absorbed in what is happening inside them, and will not notice external events at all. Those who previously showed strict adherence to principles on most issues will begin to seek compromise or agree with everything. Such changes in character will be caused by the fact that Neptune will give Pisces the ability to better feel other people, understand them and have compassion for them. But the trap is that some less than honest people may consider this a weakness and use Pisces for their own selfish interests.

Fortunately, Neptune, who rules this sign and is in the 1st house of Pisces at home, will endow Pisces with excellent intuition - an invaluable quality that allows you to quickly recognize the true motives of the actions of others. Pisces generally tend to trust this feeling much more than the voice of reason - and in 2019, with the positive aspects of Neptune, it will not let them down. Some Pisces may become true believers and become permanent parishioners of the temple, or join some more modern spiritual community. Many Pisces will discover telepathic abilities and will have prophetic dreams every now and then.

But 2019 will be especially favorable for those representatives of the sign who are engaged in some kind of creativity or will engage in it during this period. Indeed, you may discover talents that you didn’t even know you had. And the new business will captivate you so much that you will devote all your free time to it. For example, write pictures or poems. Even if you don't achieve fame, you will create a lot of interesting and unusual things. Your talent will demand an outlet, and you may completely lose interest in what you were doing before this year.

With negative aspects of Neptune, Pisces may be overcome by an inexplicable despondency. Even if things are going well for them, they will mope and constantly complain about life. Or they will experience sudden mood swings, when one day Pisces will be filled with bright hopes, and the next day they will paint everything in black colors, considering themselves a complete nonentity and a loser. Not surprisingly, this can lead to prolonged depression, which will affect not only themselves, but also those around them.

The Pisces horoscope for 2019 warns that now it may be difficult for them to understand where their enemies are and where their friends are, and how to distinguish them from each other. It is likely that Pisces will take part in various kinds of dubious enterprises and adventures, as a result of which their business reputation and, in general, good name will suffer greatly. Some representatives of the sign may begin to seek solace in alcohol, drugs, gambling, and others may develop various types of mental disorders.

Major changes in 2019

The planet of serious changes, Pluto in 2019 will tightly occupy Pisces’ place in the 11th house, which we already talked about when we talked about Saturn. He will stay here for a long time.

Pisces need to be prepared for the fact that now they can completely change the circle of their like-minded people, or rather, this will happen as if by itself. Obviously, this will be associated with changes in priorities among the representatives of the sign themselves; they will have new plans, goals and interests. It is possible that in the circle of new friends, Pisces will find support from some high-ranking official.

Based on certain noble aspirations, they can organize a secret community or join an existing one. In general, in 2019, Pisces may show particular dissatisfaction with the existing order, complain about how unfair the world is and believe that they should do everything they can to transform it.

The horoscope for 2019 Pisces says that Pisces may well get involved in legal politics or some kind of social activities. With the help of high support, they can even occupy some significant position or become famous thanks to some discovery they make.

Those Pisces who are not interested in politics must be prepared for transformations that are quite painful for themselves. Even with a positively oriented Pluto, they are more likely to be perceived negatively. Indeed, what good can happen if a long-standing and established friendship is interrupted or if dramatic changes occur in society itself?

With negative aspects of Pluto it will be even more difficult for Pisces. They will have to say goodbye to many of their plans and face the loss of a close friend or sponsor. The danger that Pisces will join some kind of illegal group that preaches violent methods of struggle for power and change increases significantly. established order. Those Pisces who are somewhere at the top may be overthrown from it due to a conspiracy of those whom they considered like-minded people and on whose support they were counting.

Pisces sign destiny vector for 2019

Rising North lunar node(Rahu) in 2019 will be in Pisces in the 5th house - the area of ​​​​entertainment, sex and children. Here you can find information about relationships with children and young people, the presence of educational abilities, sports, playfulness of nature and attitude towards gambling, sex life and the potential creative heritage of the individual. Accordingly, the Descending South Node of the Moon (Ketu) is in the 11th house, which we have already talked about. This determines the main vector of their fate for this year.

In 2019, Pisces will have to think about what they really enjoy, what they would really like to do. Perhaps it some kind creativity. Or you’ve been wanting to go in for sports for a long time, but you just couldn’t find the time for it. Or maybe your true calling is children? Finally, do what brings you joy.

But what you should not do under any circumstances is to neglect your own interests, believing that the public is much more important than the personal. You can spend time with your friends if you like it, but when constantly being in society is a burden for you, stop it. The Pisces horoscope for 2019 says that in 2019 your interests should be more important than the interests of the team. And of course - creativity.

Representatives of the Pisces sign can feel like a fish in water in absolutely any environment. These are opportunists, in the good sense of the word. A typical Fish will quickly find mutual language with every person in the company, and therefore, you will feel comfortable even among absolutely strangers. This quality helps you quickly establish useful connections and overcome many difficulties simply by talking with the right people"heart-to-heart".

The ability to competently manipulate and thereby achieve what you want is concentrated in your hands. At the same time, one can only marvel at your nobility. Pisces are the first people in the crowd who will rush to help if someone feels bad.

Often impulses to help and assist go against their personal plans and desires, but they, nevertheless, step over their needs for the sake of others. Sometimes, angry and gritting his teeth, but still. Representatives of the sign always keep their word, showing firmness and uncompromisingness in this matter. With rare exceptions, these are friendly and non-conflict people who try with all their might to avoid quarrels.

Despite their outward cynicism, representatives of the sign are kind and sensitive, even naive. Because of this, they often encounter dishonest people who openly take advantage of friendliness for their own interests. In the end, this does not bring much harm, but a certain percentage of your friends, alas, are not at all as sincere as you would like.

Pisces is the final sign in the zodiac cycle. The same can be said about the coming period: the twelve-year circle ends eastern horoscope. What will such a coincidence mean for a water sign? The Pisces horoscope for 2019 will tell you what pitfalls may come your way.

We want to make you happy right away. Astrologers say that this year will be incredibly successful for Pisces. It’s even difficult to say exactly in which area there will be more success, because luck will “trample” literally from all sides. This, of course, does not exclude hitches and tense moments.

For example, the end of spring will be marked by an energy decline, and by the end of the year black clouds of envy will gather around you, from which you will need to actively defend yourself, contrary to your peaceful principles.

Horoscope for women - Pisces

Everything would be fine for the representatives of this water sign, if not for their perfectionism. And we're not talking about putting things in neat rows. Fish are always in search of the best, which is why they often miss out. real chancesGood work, personal relationships, comfortable apartment at a favorable price... They are afraid to agree and thereby miss out on something more, although in the end they are left with nothing at all.

The coming 2019 will be quite calm and pleasant for you. The work process will proceed smoothly and without incidents, and a peaceful atmosphere will also be established at home. The most harmonious period of the year will be summer and the first part of autumn. Astrologers insist that you need to travel at this time.

Right now the trip will go like clockwork, even if you plan a long, eventful route on a modest budget. And if suddenly during the year you feel that your heart skips a beat, do not doubt that your happy hour has come, no matter what it concerns - marriage or the birth of your first child.

Horoscope for a man - Pisces

Strong representatives of the sign have gained fame as generous, caring and very interesting men. If there are rumors about someone as an excellent lover, rest assured, this Mr. X was definitely born between February 19 and March 20. Everything would be fine, but this guy is not known for his loyalty.

Many Pisces men sincerely consider it their duty to “love” everyone who needs their warmth, and do not see anything reprehensible in this. It’s worth paying tribute to – the romance with him will be short-lived, but very bright.

In the Year of the Pig, you should expect growth and numerous good fortunes. At the same time, be prepared for the fact that the influence of some malefic planets will interfere with your plans at the most inopportune moment. The situations will be very different, from globally unpleasant to anecdotal. A deal that fell through due to the negligence of colleagues, or the inopportune return of the husband of another passion - try to ensure that in any case you have a safe escape route.


In the work sphere, everything will work out harmoniously for Pisces; the year is unlikely to be full of significant events. If you have been working for a promotion for a long time, then you have a great chance to finally get what you want. However, the strong influence of a negative Mercury will definitely screw you over, which may ultimately cost you a career step in the near future.

You can avoid taking a step back only by carefully and scrupulously checking the results of your work, as well as smoothing out all the rough edges in communicating with those on whom your fate, one way or another, depends.

At the end of the year of the Pig, you will be consumed by other people’s intrigues, and in order for them to dissipate as quickly as possible, you will have to take part in them. Your presence in this “swamp” will be rather formal, but by disowning it completely, in the end you yourself may find yourself a victim of evil tongues.

Financial horoscope

Money does not promise you either bright income or disastrous expenses. In this area, as in the rest of life, you will find amazing balance.

Let’s put it this way: you won’t be able to buy a yacht as a useless luxury item, but if circumstances are such that you can’t do without it at all, then the finances for the purchase will be found quickly, as if by magic. The same goes for money for updating your wardrobe, renovating your apartment or traveling. Be careful about lending. The ease with which you are ready to share your money will not cause gratitude, but envy and gossip.

Love horoscope for Pisces for 2019

The Yellow Pig promises the “aquatic inhabitants” a colorful and unforgettable period. The most loving time will be the whole autumn and the first month of winter. Family Pisces will be surrounded by warmth, attention and love from loved ones, all conflicts will be resolved or simply forgotten.

For those who have not yet met their soul mate, the stars promise several promising acquaintances, but it is impossible to say in advance which one will turn out to be fateful. In the remaining months, you will need to learn to accept the wrongs of others, and turn a blind eye to the mistakes of people dear to you, without trying to insist on the right decision.

You will be surprised, but inaction can lead to unexpectedly pleasant results. It will also be important for Pisces to work on the spiritual side of their personality. This development will soon bear fruit, and for some it will result in marriage, for others - in the decision to have children, and for others - in a serious relationship for which they previously lacked the courage or time.

What will health be like in 2019?

Since 2019 will be easy and interesting year, then Pisces will not have any special problems with health. This does not mean that you need to forget the way to the hospital, eat poorly and not feel sorry for yourself. There are many vulnerable spots in the body of representatives of this sign, and they all require constant attention. The weakest part of the body is the legs; many diseases are associated with them.

Most often, it all starts with banal hypothermia of the feet, which leads to long-term colds. The next scourge of Pisces is uncomfortable shoes. Shoes that pinch are fraught not only with calluses, but also with problems with blood circulation in the lower extremities, hence the formation of blood clots, damage to blood vessels, and varicose veins.

In second place in terms of “explosiveness” are circulatory system and metabolism. Often “fish” ailments are associated with the accumulation of toxins in the body. In addition, one’s own thoughts are also dangerous. For suspicious Pisces, sometimes it’s enough just to think hard and imagine that they have a disease, and the symptoms immediately make themselves felt.

As a preventive measure, it is worth trying positive thinking practices, as well as regular visits to a therapist to make sure there is no illness.

Born in the Year of the Pig

Your life in 2019 will literally develop according to an ideal scenario. In general, the events of the year will not differ from the events of other representatives of Pisces.

So, if the Pig is your annual patron, you can relax and enjoy the bonuses that the planet Jupiter, the mentor and leader of your sign, will generously provide. He will be in a more than favorable position from the first hours of the coming year.

Video horoscope

The article was written specifically for the website “2019 Year of the Pig”: https://site/

Pisces is one of the lucky signs for 2019, which will bring success in all areas. They have waited for their finest hour and can enjoy their lives in the coming year. If you love to travel, then 2019 is the time when you can turn all your plans into reality. Below we will describe by month what awaits Pisces women and men in 2019.

What awaits Pisces in 2019?

The beginning of the year will be good for representatives of this sign: success is expected at work or in financially. You may be ready for promotion, praise and calling. Thanks to your successes, you will grow in the eyes of your colleagues and become more successful. Before the beginning of summer, it will seem to you that life is the same, but in reality it is not; by the time July comes, you will be convinced that this is not the case. But you shouldn’t have high hopes for a dacha because of someone’s envy; you may fall into depression for a short time.

Pisces is a zodiac sign with good intuition; it often helps out in difficult situations. They can instantly understand the mood of their loved ones or adapt to them. But in order not to quarrel with loved ones, you need to learn to restrain your emotions.

For men

You should not perform feats for the sake of your beloved: she will not appreciate it, and you risk getting hurt. If you want to surprise a woman, it is better to invite her on a romantic date or go to a movie together. If you are shy, you can give a small gift through your friends - a present that will melt the lady’s heart.

If we talk about a career, then there will be a lull for Pisces for a while. But if you want everything to be stable, don’t give up on work and go with the flow, completing routine tasks. Postpone important negotiations, business trips and concluding new contracts until better times. Calculate your strength - as there is a risk of overwork. You shouldn’t take on hundreds of projects for your own benefit; there is a risk of burning out and being left with nothing.

In summer, Pisces should spend as much time as possible on fresh air. If you have a sedentary job, then in the evenings you should pay attention to sports or at least walks. Don't refuse to meet with your friends, even if you think you don't need it, you can get a lot of pleasant emotions from the meeting. If you are not sure that the case will be successful, then save your budget and refuse to invest in dubious projects.

For women

Pisces women must decide in which area of ​​life they want to change their lives. A pig is not a very clean animal, and therefore do not start repairs, as this will take a long time. But if you want changes in your life, then be prepared that they will take a lot of strength and energy from you. If you decide to pursue a career this year, then prepare for great changes. Be prepared for the fact that the pig will constantly put a spoke in your wheels, and therefore the year will definitely not seem calm.

Pay more attention to your friends, only they will help you solve your problems. Pisces shouldn't refuse help if you need it. Reminisce about your youth and have fun with your friends at a club or bar.

The horoscope does not advise you to change your image, you already look good, you don’t need changes. If there are quarrels in your home in which you are not a party, take the third side of the dispute and do not add fuel to the fire. In 2019, Pisces should refuse to buy expensive things: there is a risk that you will purchase a fake.

Love horoscope

In the first half of the year, Pisces will be very busy with work, and therefore quarrels at home are not excluded. If you don’t want things to come to constant quarrels, learn to give in to your significant other and look for compromises. Closer to spring, you will be able to clarify all your misunderstandings, and the relationship will return to its previous level.

Summer is a great time for Pisces to relax with your lover, and the further away from home you go, the more positive emotions you will experience. in autumn love horoscope will not bring anything special, everything will be as before. However, small gifts of fate will accompany you. If you are single, then in 2019 you can meet your love - the main thing is not to miss this moment.

Money horoscope

Pisces know how to earn good money, but they main drawback- inability to spend money. This is exactly what it is main problem reason why you can’t become businessmen. The beginning of the year will not be the best: problems at work, misunderstandings from management, lack of money. In order to overcome all these troubles, you need an understanding family that will support Pisces in difficult times.

In the summer you need to start solving everyday issues, even if there are problems with finances, they will be solved on their own. In spring, avoid expensive purchases.

Career horoscope

If you want to achieve success in professional activity, some effort needs to be made in 2019. Some Pisces will let the situation take its course, but this will not achieve their goals. You need to find reliable partners with whom you will achieve your goals. If your relatives offer you help, you should not refuse it. In order to achieve all goals, you need to start the year with planning.

Health horoscope

No serious health problems are expected for Pisces. But due to poor nutrition and overwork, mild ailments may occur. If you often get nervous, then go in for sports, visit the gym. But you won’t be able to get rid of migraines in 2019, so that it doesn’t bother you so much, pay attention proper nutrition, eat more vegetables and fruits, which must be washed before eating.

The most the right time for unloading, this is the summer-autumn period, when you can go to warm countries and spend time profitably. Pisces have always had strong immunity, and this year they will not have to face a series of diseases. The most important thing is timely prevention of diseases. But if you have to deal with illnesses, stop self-medicating and trust your health only to professionals.

2019 is a time of change for Pisces in various areas. The most important thing is not to sit idly by if you want to achieve success and your goals.

Pisces is one of the lucky signs for 2019, which will bring success in all areas. They have waited for their finest hour and can enjoy their lives in the coming year. If you love to travel, then 2019 is the time when you can turn all your plans into reality. Below we will describe by month what awaits Pisces women and men in 2019.

What awaits Pisces in 2019?

The beginning of the year will be good for representatives of this sign: success at work or financially is expected. You may be ready for promotion, praise and calling. Thanks to your successes, you will grow in the eyes of your colleagues and become more successful. Before the beginning of summer, it will seem to you that life is the same, but in reality it is not; by the time July comes, you will be convinced that this is not the case. But you shouldn’t have high hopes for a dacha because of someone’s envy; you may fall into depression for a short time.

Pisces is a zodiac sign with good intuition; it often helps out in difficult situations. They can instantly understand the mood of their loved ones or adapt to them. But in order not to quarrel with loved ones, you need to learn to restrain your emotions.

For men

You should not perform feats for the sake of your beloved: she will not appreciate it, and you risk getting hurt. If you want to surprise a woman, it is better to invite her on a romantic date or go to a movie together. If you are shy, you can give a small gift through your friends - a present that will melt the lady’s heart.

If we talk about a career, then there will be a lull for Pisces for a while. But if you want everything to be stable, don’t give up on work and go with the flow, completing routine tasks. Postpone important negotiations, business trips and concluding new contracts until better times. Calculate your strength - as there is a risk of overwork. You shouldn’t take on hundreds of projects for your own benefit; there is a risk of burning out and being left with nothing.

In summer, Pisces should spend as much time as possible outdoors. If you have a sedentary job, then in the evenings you should pay attention to sports or at least walks. Don't refuse to meet with your friends, even if you think you don't need it, you can get a lot of pleasant emotions from the meeting. If you are not sure that the case will be successful, then save your budget and refuse to invest in dubious projects.

For women

Pisces women must decide in which area of ​​life they want to change their lives. A pig is not a very clean animal, and therefore do not start repairs, as this will take a long time. But if you want changes in your life, then be prepared that they will take a lot of strength and energy from you. If you decide to pursue a career this year, then prepare for great changes. Be prepared for the fact that the pig will constantly put a spoke in your wheels, and therefore the year will definitely not seem calm.

Pay more attention to your friends, only they will help you solve your problems. Pisces shouldn't refuse help if you need it. Reminisce about your youth and have fun with your friends at a club or bar.

The horoscope does not advise you to change your image, you already look good, you don’t need changes. If there are quarrels in your home in which you are not a party, take the third side of the dispute and do not add fuel to the fire. In 2019, Pisces should refuse to buy expensive things: there is a risk that you will purchase a fake.

Love horoscope

In the first half of the year, Pisces will be very busy with work, and therefore quarrels at home are not excluded. If you don’t want things to come to constant quarrels, learn to give in to your significant other and look for compromises. Closer to spring, you will be able to clarify all your misunderstandings, and the relationship will return to its previous level.

Summer is a great time for Pisces to relax with your lover, and the further away from home you go, the more positive emotions you will experience. In the fall, the love horoscope will not bring anything special, everything will be as before. However, small gifts of fate will accompany you. If you are single, then in 2019 you can meet your love - the main thing is not to miss this moment.

Money horoscope

Pisces know how to earn good money, but their main drawback is their inability to spend money. This is precisely the main problem why people fail to become businessmen. The beginning of the year will not be the best: problems at work, misunderstandings from management, lack of money. In order to overcome all these troubles, you need an understanding family that will support Pisces in difficult times.

In the summer you need to start solving everyday issues, even if there are problems with finances, they will be solved on their own. In spring, avoid expensive purchases.

Career horoscope

If you want to achieve success in your professional life, you need to make some efforts in 2019. Some Pisces will let the situation take its course, but this will not achieve their goals. You need to find reliable partners with whom you will achieve your goals. If your relatives offer you help, you should not refuse it. In order to achieve all goals, you need to start the year with planning.

Health horoscope

No serious health problems are expected for Pisces. But due to poor nutrition and overwork, mild ailments may occur. If you often get nervous, then go in for sports, visit the gym. But you won’t be able to get rid of migraines in 2019, so that it doesn’t bother you so much, pay attention to proper nutrition, eat more vegetables and fruits, which need to be washed before eating.

The best time to unload is the summer-autumn period, when you can go to warm countries and have a good time. Pisces have always had strong immunity, and this year they will not have to face a series of diseases. The most important thing is timely prevention of diseases. But if you have to deal with illnesses, stop self-medicating and trust your health only to professionals.

2019 is a time of change for Pisces in various areas. The most important thing is not to sit idly by if you want to achieve success and your goals.

Pisces are, as usual, gentle and somewhat absent-minded creatures. But in 2019 they will change greatly. The explanation for this is the combination of the governing elements and various planetary aspects, which will have a positive effect on the level of vital energy and motivation. Pisces will be patronized, and its element is Water. Pisces also belongs to the water triad of signs. Therefore, throughout 2019 they will enjoy all kinds of benefits. Wherever they go, they will feel at home.

Contacts with the second important element of 2019 - Earth - will help representatives of the described sign act competently, wisely, and successfully. Interestingly, Neptune, the ruler of the sign, will occupy an excellent position in relation to the hot Sun. Consequently, Pisces will have worthy allies, as well as patrons. Such contacts will make them more courageous and fearless. When communicating with friends, you need to learn from their life experiences and listen to advice.

Positive changes are likely on all fronts - both personal and professional. 2019 for Pisces promises the discovery of new talents and the development of one’s own personality. Those Pisces who are prone to creative activity, can try themselves in a variety of niches. It is possible that your favorite hobby will become your main source of income. What more could you ask for?

Pisces will be able to develop the trends of the previous year further. This will have a positive impact on their work and relationships with others. Past successes and victories will be an excellent basis for nominating your own candidacy for the position of leader. The sign will be able to become an informal leader or an official leader - the exact scenario will be determined by the surrounding situation. Pisces will be able to lead a business even if it is completely new, unusual and unfamiliar to them.

Finance, career

What is the year 2019 for Pisces financially according to the horoscope? There are a lot of things that need to be done that the sign has never done. But all changes and innovations will be positive.

Some Pisces will not be afraid and will tell their superiors everything they think about them. But instead of being fired, they will get a promotion. Such unexpected changes are possible. Someone will invest money in a dubious investment project, but to everyone's surprise, he will make a good profit. Some Pisces will have to overcome difficult obstacles in order to receive the coveted sum of money and non-standard professional experience. There will be a lot of situations. They are all different. Who will end up in what conditions depends on habits, lifestyle, and immediate environment.

Pisces working for the benefit of any organization must be alert. They can turn someone's unexpected failure to their advantage. At the same time, there is no need to walk over corpses and try to downplay the achievements of your colleagues. It is better to help a careless partner and solve the tasks together with him. It will be humane and correct, even if it immediately seems strange. However, such kindness will pay off in full.

By the time the first triad is completed, almost all representatives of the zodiac sign will understand that, working alone, they will not achieve significant peaks. It's better to start playing as a team. Pisces do not need to take leadership positions and drag someone along with them. It's important to just do your job, but you need to do it well. A secondary source of income will appear on its own. You have to decide how to use the money correctly.

Pisces who have their own business need not be afraid - the Year of the Pig will be promising for business development. You shouldn't expect any new leaps. Surprises are possible, but their source will be Pisces themselves. However, this does not mean that after difficulties something will change by itself. Making meaningful and profitable changes takes work. Great importance there may be personnel changes. You will have to part with one of your partners or subordinates.

The Year of the Pig will generally be successful in terms of career advancement. You need to not stop there and not let those around you do it. If any doubts arise, you should devote more time to your family. The support of loved ones will play a decisive role, although not the main one.


In the coming 2019 there will be many unusual and interesting events. The period from January to July will be stable, as no serious health problems are expected. But those people who have been seriously ill for a long time will not be healed at the behest of a non-existent magic wand.

This year, the stars advise you to improve and transform your body. It is important to start eating right and devote a lot of time sports training. This trend is relevant not only for adults, but also for children. It is important to fight your own laziness. If Pisces don’t take care of their health, no one will force them.

Starting in July, attention needs to be paid to ailments that were previously ignored and hushed up. Here we're talking about not about chronic gastritis, which many people have. It is more important not to self-medicate, especially if the problem is obvious. Astrologers do not want to scare anyone, they simply warn that health should be taken responsibly. If you have a disease, you don’t have to wait for it to go away on its own. It is important to understand the causes and choose effective but safe treatment.

Love, family

Pisces, who will not take a step towards their other half, must gather their strength and take it anyway. You can't put it off any longer. Already in the first days of 2019, the activity of star patrons will begin to decrease (this applies to almost all zodiac signs). If you put off love affairs until later, you can remain alone.

Astrologers consider Pisces flexible, easily adaptable to new life circumstances. These qualities will come to the fore in 2019. But it is important not to focus on any one emotion. It is recommended to consider the situation from all sides. Only then will Pisces be able to change their lives for the better.

Those representatives of the sign who have a family will have many opportunities to sort out old disputes. The 2019 horoscope for Pisces forbids heating up already difficult love situations. You also cannot wash dirty linen in public. It is not forbidden to ask friends and family for advice.

The interesting thing is that at some point Pisces will face a difficult choice. When making a decision, there is no need to rush, be nervous, or get angry. All these feelings will interfere with the acceptance of the only the right decision. The Pig promises Pisces a very rich sensory experience and prophesies a favorable outcome, regardless of the circumstances.