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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Game of tens on a jump rope. Scheme and rules of girls' favorite game: how to jump in a rubber band. Rules for playing rubber bands on your feet

Game of tens on a jump rope. Scheme and rules of girls' favorite game: how to jump in a rubber band. Rules for playing rubber bands on your feet

Jumping rope develops light and flexible movements, a sense of rhythm, helps strengthen body muscles, makes thighs and calves slender, and improves posture.

Choose a jump rope according to your height. You need to determine the required length of the rope like this: stand in the middle of it, put your feet shoulder-width apart and pull the rope along your body - the ends should be at waist level. If the rope is long, you can wrap it around your hands several times.

Jump low, on your toes, in the rhythm of the movement of the jump rope, so that the jumps are light and springy. Land lightly with your knees slightly bent. And to add variety to this useful activity, we offer you several jumping options.

Invite your best friend and let's go to the yard!


The goal of the game is to complete all combinations without errors. If you make a mistake, give way to the next one, and when it’s your turn to jump again, start where you left off. The first one to complete all rounds wins.

Round 1: starting position - take the handle of the jump rope in each hand and twist it in the forward direction (back to front).

1. Tens: get into the starting position and do 10 jumps on two legs.

2. Nines: do 9 “goat” jumps - alternating legs, as when running.

3. Eights: Do 8 jumps on your right leg.

4. Sevens: do 7 jumps on your left leg.

5. Sixes: Cross your legs and do 6 jumps.

6. Fives: change the position of your legs and do 5 jumps.

7. Fours: lift the toes of both feet and, passing the rope under them, lift the heels. Perform this position 4 times.

8. C's: Hold both handles of the rope in right hand and, spinning the rope close to the surface of the earth (horizontally), jump over it 3 times.

9. Twos: get into the starting position, then squat down. Twisting the rope in a straight direction, make two jumps - “frog”.

10. Ones: get into the starting position, jump up and, crossing your arms at this moment, jump into the formed ring.

11. Toes: make one jump without the rope touching the ground.

Round 2: do all the above combinations, twisting the rope in the opposite direction (front to back).


All participants in the game must have jump ropes. The leader jumps with a rope, changing the method of performing them every 10 jumps (crossing and spreading his arms, spinning the rope so quickly that it has time to make two turns in one jump, etc.). The rest repeat these movements with maximum accuracy. The one who makes the first mistake loses; if the leader makes a mistake, he becomes a simple player.


This is a game with big amount participants. This will require a long jump rope. Two twist the rope, the rest jump one after another. You need to get as close to the spinning rope as possible and, choosing the moment, jump to the place where the rope touches the ground, and jump out to the other side.

First they jump once, then two, three... up to ten. Whoever touches the rope is eliminated from the game, and whoever remains last becomes the “lifesaver.” It may turn out that, having already jumped ten times, not one person will remain, but several. Then they agree among themselves who will “rescue” all those who have dropped out of the game. To do this, the “lifesaver” must make five “cold” and ten “hot” jumps without touching the rope. “Cold” is when the drivers rotate the rope at a normal pace, and “hot” is when the rope is turned very often. In this case, “cold” and “hot” jumps are done without interruption: first, the rope is twisted slowly for five jumps and then immediately switched to “hot” jumps. If the “lifesaver” does not make a mistake, the game starts over, but if he fails, the first two who are eliminated from the game will twist the rope, and the rest will jump after the “rescue”.

The game of rubber band has been familiar to almost all of us since childhood. Meanwhile, not all the rules of this exciting game have been preserved in my memory, but I really want to teach my own daughter and her friends. In this article we will try to remember how to play rubber band correctly and highlight the main points of this fun entertainment for girls.

Rules for playing rubber bands on your feet

For playing rubber bands, the optimal number of players is 3. Meanwhile, this game is universal, since it can be slightly modified and adapted to any number of participants. In particular, some girls fix the elastic band on their own and enjoy jumping alone.

However, in most cases, the equipment is fixed on the legs of 2 participants, while the third tries to complete the tasks. If something doesn’t work out for a girl, she changes places with one of the standing participants, who, in turn, begins to jump. You can play with an elastic band in different ways, but still the most common variation of this fun is the game “tens”.

The basic rules of the game of “rubber band”, a variation of “ten”, are as follows: at the first stage, a rubber band 3-4 meters long, with the ends tied, is secured in the ankle area of ​​two girls. The third gradually performs all the given combinations and, if she succeeds, the elastic band is transferred to a new height according to the following scheme:

  • 1 – the elastic band is at the level of the ankles;
  • 2 – at knee level;
  • 3 – at hip level;
  • 4 – at waist level;
  • 5 – at chest level;
  • 6 – at neck level;
  • 7 – hold the elastic band with your hands in the ear area.

Of course, on high altitude It is not possible to complete all tasks with your feet. Depending on this, the tasks facing the players can be adjusted.

The following pictures will help you understand the rules for performing combinations when playing rubber bands:

  1. Stand sideways on the outside of the band to the left or right, jump inside and jump out to the opposite side. Perform 10 times.
  2. Stand sideways inside the elastic bands, jump out and return to the starting position. Repeat 9 times.
  3. The starting position is the same as last time. Jump and step on both sides of the band at the same time. Jump inside. Do this 8 times.
  4. Stand on either side, keeping one foot inside the bands and the other outside. Jump, turn 180 degrees and switch legs. Return to the starting position again. Perform the exercise 7 times.
  5. Place each foot on an elastic band. Jump, turn 180 degrees and switch legs. Return to starting position. Repeat 6 times.
  6. Stand sideways outside, to the left or right of the band. Hook the nearest side of the band with one foot and jump over the far side. If everything is done correctly, one of the legs should be in a closed triangle, and the other should be outside. With your other foot, pull the elastic band to the side until you get an angle. At the very end of the element, you need to jump outward to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.
  7. Stand outside facing the band. Jump inside with both feet, then jump out on the other side, and then return to the starting position with your back forward. Perform this element 4 times.
  8. Take the same starting position. Having hooked the first rubber band, push off and jump over the far one. Jump, turn 180 degrees and stand on the other side of the band, facing it. Repeat element in reverse side. Perform the combination 3 times.
  9. Stand to the side of the band, jump and place both feet on one side. Jump, turn 180 degrees and move your legs in the same way to the opposite side. Do the exercise 2 times.
  10. Finally, the last element only needs to be completed once. To do this, you need to stand outside with your back to the elastic band, hook your heels on one end of it and, pushing off with your feet, jump over the other. After this, the participant must jump out, free both legs from the elastic bands and find herself behind the elastic band, facing it.

Of course, to play rubber bands, it is not necessary to jump according to the specified rules. Most girls eventually choose those elements that are most interesting to them and arrange exciting competitions among themselves.

Outdoor games with jumping rope were incredibly popular among children in the middle of the last century. Today, unfortunately, this wonderful pastime is almost forgotten. The jump rope has changed its place of residence. Today, instead of courtyards and squares, she has settled in gyms. Try offering the kids forgotten games with jumping ropes. After all, this is not only a very useful, but also a fun activity.

Here we have collected outdoor games with a short rope. That is, this is a jump rope that you twist and jump yourself. Thus, almost all games can be played even alone. True, without a competitive effect. But it is best to play in small groups of two to seven people. If there are a lot of children, then pay attention to. Most of the outdoor games, both with short and long ropes, should be played outside.

“Travelers” - an active outdoor game with a skipping rope for children from 3 years old

This game is suitable for kids who are not yet able to jump rope. There is no need to jump here. This is an active game to develop dexterity, coordination and balance. A jump rope (or any rope) is randomly thrown to the ground. Naturally, it will not lie straight, but with bends and even loops. This is the travel route. It is best for an adult to “plot the route”. At the same time, keep in mind that the younger the children, the straighter the “path” should turn out. The kids' task is to walk from beginning to end of the rope without stumbling.

“Dance of the Rope Walkers” - an active game with a skipping rope for children from 3 years old

This outdoor game can take place not only outdoors, but also indoors. There is no need to jump here either. To play you need a lot of jump ropes - each child has their own. Children take the rope in their hands and step on it with their feet. Then they raise their hands so that the rope is stretched. Then they turn on the music and the guys dance. But, of course, there is one condition. You have to dance without leaving the jump rope.

"Who is bigger?" – an active game with a skipping rope for children from 5 years old

It's not even a game, more like a competition. The guys take turns jumping rope, and the rest count the jumps out loud. As soon as he makes a mistake, the next one comes out to jump. The one who lasts the longest wins.

“I know five...” - an active game with a skipping rope for children from 5 years old

In this active game, people usually jump the most in a simple way. Therefore, it is suitable for children who have just mastered the jump rope. I play with a small team - from two to five people. They agree on the order - who jumps after whom. You can determine the order with a nursery rhyme.

The first participant takes a jump rope and starts jumping. At the same time, he says the following words: “I know five names of girls: Masha, Katya, Yulia, Anya, Lena (any names).” Then the rope is passed to the next participant, and he does the same. If everything was done without errors, then the players move to the next “class” and the next time it is their turn, they will call out five names of boys. The one who made a mistake remains for the second year. The next time it’s his turn, he will again call out the girls’ names. There are ten “classes” in total: girls’ names, boys’ names, animals, birds, flowers, fruits, vegetables, rivers, cities, countries. The one who wins first to pass all "classes".

The game can be complicated by agreeing that each “class” corresponds to more difficult jumps.

“Alphabet” - an active game with a skipping rope for children from 8 years old

To participate in this game, children must not only already be able to jump rope confidently enough, but also know the Russian alphabet. Therefore, it is suitable for younger schoolchildren. Typically the game involves two to five people.

They jump in turns. You can choose any method of jumping rope. It is agreed upon before the start of the game. These can be simple jumps with two legs, jumps on one leg, crossing arms, etc. It all depends on the skill level of the participants. For each jump, the letters of the alphabet are called in order. The one who made a mistake passes the rope to the next one in line. The winner is the one who can go through the entire alphabet first. That is, make 33 jumps in a row without mistakes. Moreover, not only an unsuccessful jump, but also confusion in the order of letters is considered errors.

Game option: if you make a mistake, you can “correct.” To do this, you need to name the city (animal, plant, name - whatever you agree on), the name of which begins with the letter in which you made a mistake. But you need to do this very quickly, before anyone around you has time to count out loud to three. If this is successful, then the error is considered corrected and the player can continue jumping. True, he will have to start over, with the letter “A”.

“ABC book” - an active game with a skipping rope for children from 8 years old

As in the previous game, the letters of the Russian alphabet are used here. But the rules are completely different. This game trains not only dexterity, but also memory. It is better (but not necessary) for each child to have his own jump rope. The first participant calls the letter “A” and jumps in any way. It is advisable to jump in some tricky way so that it would be difficult for others to repeat. The second participant repeats the jump and calls the letter “A”, and then makes his own jump, saying the letter “B”. The third will repeat the first two jumps, and makes his own with the letter “B”. Thus, players move further along the alphabet. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game. The one who lasts the longest wins.

“Ten” - an active game with a skipping rope for children from 8 years old

This outdoor game consists of progressively more difficult gymnastic exercises with a skipping rope. But, if the elements themselves become more complex, then their number decreases. The first player begins to consistently perform jumping exercises until he makes a mistake somewhere. Then the turn passes to the next player. The winner is the one who gets to the last exercise first and completes it. There are two variants of the rules of this outdoor game. When, after making a mistake, it is the player’s turn to jump again, he can start either with the exercise in which he made a mistake, or all over again from the very beginning. This should be agreed upon before the start of the game.

Exercises-stages for an outdoor game with a short jump rope “Ten”:

Jump rope 10 times with both legs - a regular jump

“Run” through the jump rope 9 times, i.e. jump on one leg, changing legs - now the right, then the left.

Jump 8 times on your right foot

Jump on your left foot 7 times

Jump rope 6 times with both feet, but twisting the rope backwards

“Run” through the rope 5 times, twisting it backwards.

Jump rope forward 4 times, once as usual, crossing your arms once, again as usual, crossing again.

Jump rope forward 3 times with your legs crossed

Jump on your right leg 2 times, twist the rope backwards

Jump once and have time to rotate the rope twice.

Mirror - an active game with a skipping rope for children from 7 years old

Game for large quantity children. Choose one driver. The rest of the children are placed around him so that they can see clearly. But loose enough so as not to touch each other with jump ropes. The driver shows different jumps, changing them every five. Everyone else must repeat them. Those who did not have time to change positions or were unable to make the required jump are eliminated from the game.

Pair jumping - an active game with a skipping rope for children from 9 years old

Double jumping with one rope is one of the most difficult exercises. This requires not only good preparation each partner, but also the harmony of the couple. You can jump as a couple in a variety of ways.

Method one - two children stand next to each other and hold hands. Take the ends of the jumping ropes in your free hand. They unwind the rope and jump.

Method two - stand at the back of each other's heads. In this case, only one of the pair members turns the rope.

Method three - the couple stands back to back, one of the partners twists the rope.

There are no clear rules or winners in this exercise game. The leader is determined “by eye”. Which couple did the best and well done.

Three jumps - an active outdoor game with a skipping rope for children from 6 years old

This is not really a game, more of a relay race. The guys are divided into two (or more) teams. Jump ropes are placed on the ground 10-12 meters from the start - one for each team. The players' task is to run to the rope, make three jumps and come back. If a player makes a mistake while jumping, he must start jumping over again.

You can complicate or diversify the relay race. For example, you need to make not simple, but “artistic” jumps. You can get ideas for such jumps in the game “Ten” (see above). Another option is to put not only a jump rope, but also a hoop. All even-numbered relay participants must jump rope, and all odd-numbered participants must jump through a hoop. The judge carefully monitors that order is not violated. The one who mixed up the projectile must pause and jump over the correct one.

Tell me, how many games do you remember from your childhood? What did they play during breaks, in the yard? I didn’t immediately remember very much, but I started asking my friends, and then it started... We remembered a huge number of games that we constantly played. Moreover, not only the game was remembered, but pictures and photographs of certain moments “floated” in my head. It was incredibly cool.

My son and I haven’t played many games on my list yet, but I have a few favorites and many more to come!

Let's remember together the outdoor and not so outdoor games

Ball games

1. Steps

A circle is drawn with chalk on the asphalt or with a stick on the ground so large that all participants in the game can fit in it.

Everyone stands in a circle, and the driver throws the ball up, as high as possible and runs further from the circle, in any direction. The player who managed to catch the ball must stop the leader’s run by shouting “Stop!” After the leader has stopped, the player with the ball estimates the distance to the driver and assigns the number of steps. The steps can be very varied and different quantities, for example “2 giants and 5 midgets” or simply “7 umbrellas”. If the player, after completing the prescribed steps, manages to touch the driver with his hand, then he himself becomes the driver.

The steps are:

Giant - the largest and in the jump
Lilliputians - we walk on half a foot
Thread - when walking, place your heel to toe
Frogs - squat jump
Umbrellas - jump with a 180 degree turn
Bunny - jump, legs together

2. Similar to the previous one - a game Shtander ()

The driver takes the ball in his hands and stands in the center of the circle that the rest of the players form. The driver throws the ball and calls the name of any player (for example, “Stander-Pasha”) The one whose name was called must catch the ball, at this time everyone else scatters as far as possible from him. As soon as the ball is caught, the player shouts: Stander-stop!
Everyone freezes in place.

The player with the ball chooses any player to touch
Then the player begins to say how many and what steps he will need to reach the player.

It was interesting, of course, to name a bunch of “entertaining” steps to make it more fun.
For example, it was said: “Before Katya there are 7 giant ones, three umbrellas, two Lilliputian ones...”

After all the steps are named, the player with the ball performs them and must throw the ball towards the target player. If the player catches the ball or dodges it, the driver throws the ball up again and everything repeats all over again. If hit, the player becomes the driver.

3. I know 5......

One player takes the ball in his hands and says “I know 5 names of girls” and at the same time he throws the ball on the ground and hits it with his palm, saying “Masha one” (strike), “Sveta two” (strike), etc.

If the ball is not lost, move on to the next category

Boys names
- names of fruits
- names of berries
- names of vegetables, etc.

As soon as a player loses the ball, the next one comes into play.

I found another option on the net, these are games ():

The number of counters and their order are determined at the very beginning of the game. The first one to start takes the ball and says “I know one girl’s name” (mints the ball). Then the same player moves to the second category, etc.

When all the counting rhymes have been said, the same player continues, but with another counting rhyme: “I know two names of a girl.” In this case, the ball must be struck on the ground with the palm of your hand and called one name (name) for each strike.

They play a game until ten - “I know ten girls’ names”, etc.

If, in the process of hitting the ball, the player did not have time to name the next name or did not hit the ball, the game passes to the other player, one by one. When the ball makes a circle and returns to the player, the game for that player resumes from where it left off.

The winner of the game is the one who first gets to the last counting rhyme “I know ten names of cities” and completes it.

4. Dog

One “dog” is selected and stands in the middle of the circle. The remaining players stand in a circle and begin tossing the ball to each other. The "dog's" task is to catch the ball (intercept it on the fly). When the “dog” has caught the ball, it has the right to stand in a circle with the players, and its place is taken by the player through whose fault the ball was lost (the one who threw it “wrongly” or the one who did not catch it in time).

5. Three people play dog, and if there are more people, then the game is called Potato .
It starts with everyone standing in a circle and throwing a ball to each other, which needs to be either hit or caught (depending on the agreement). Whoever missed the ball sits in a circle and tries, squatting and jumping, to intercept the ball.

6. Bouncers

Great game when there are a lot of people

7. Edible-inedible

We throw the ball to each other, saying edible or inedible words. They caught the ball with something edible, and beat it with something inedible.

8. Earth, water, fire, air ()

Children stand in a circle, dribbling the ball in the center. He throws the ball to one of the players and says one of three words - “earth”, “water”, “air”. The player must catch the ball and throw it back, naming an animal with the word “earth”, a fish with the word “water”, and a bird with the word “air”.

If the player does not know what to call, he returns the ball to the driver, saying “fire”, and the driver himself must pronounce the desired name. If the driver also cannot say the required name, he takes the place of the “burnt out” player, and he becomes the driver.

The names of animals, fish and birds should not be repeated.

9. Wall or Balda (the game has many names, we called it that)

This game was mainly played by girls, although boys also sometimes joined us. To play you need a ball and a flat wall.

The ball is thrown against the wall and you need to jump over it. There was a whole “chain” of jumps. The first time you had to jump over without letting the ball hit the ground. Next time the ball was supposed to hit once and then jump. Then you had to jump over after two hits of the ball on the ground. Next time - three hits on the ground.
After this stage the clapping began. First, one clap - we catch the ball. Then two claps, three claps. There were also tasks with a twist around yourself. Sometimes elements from "know 5" were added to the game. It was necessary to throw the ball and name words from the desired “category”.

Perhaps there were some other tasks. Anyone who could not cope with the task received the letter B (from the word Balda). The one who “collected” the whole word lost

9. Ten – the game is very similar to the previous one. ()

Players take turns to “pass 10 classes,” that is, complete 10 tasks and “pass the exam.”

Tens - the player hits the ball against the wall 10 times in a row, gently hitting it with his fingers, as when playing volleyball.
Nines - the player hits the ball against the wall 9 times in a row, hitting the ball with his palms from below.
Eights - the player throws the ball 8 times under his right foot on the ground so that it bounces towards the wall, and catches it in his hands.
Sevens - the player repeats the previous exercise 7 times, but under the left foot.
Sixes - the player stands facing the wall and throws the ball from behind between his legs on the ground 6 times so that it bounces towards the wall and catches it in his hands.
Fives are the same as in the previous exercise, but standing with your back to the wall, repeating 5 times.
Fours - the ball is thrown against the wall 4 times so that it bounces off it onto the ground, from the bounce off the ground it hits the wall again, and then catches it.
Threes - with palms cupped, the player hits the ball 3 times against the wall.
Deuces - with two fists folded together, the player hits the ball against the wall 2 times in a row.
Ones - hits the ball against the wall with a straight finger 1 time.

Exam - the player performs an element of each exercise once and must not talk or laugh.

If during the game the player drops the ball or makes a mistake, then he gives the ball to the next player and finishes the game when it is his turn again.

10. Word game

We and classic game sometimes they played words with a ball (well, it was just more fun that way and there was a moment of surprise - no one knows who the ball will fly to)

Is there a more complicated version of the game?

The player who starts throws a ball to the other player and says the beginning of any word, for example: “Ar...”
“!” - the player must quickly finish and throw the ball to another “Ko...”
“... ruble!” - he immediately answers and then throws the ball further

This game can be played in teams (in this case, the players stand opposite each other)

Games like tag

1. Classic tags

One presenter who has to catch up with someone and show off

2. Hanging legs

The same as regular tag, but you can’t tag a player whose feet don’t touch the ground. You can sit on a bench, climb a tree, or just lie down on the ground and raise your legs

3. Sorcerers

It is played like regular tag, but the presenter’s task is to “bewitch” all players (or one player three times). The one who has been insulted must stand still and wait for someone else to “help him out”
If there are a lot of players, then we usually limit required quantity“bewitched” - usually three were enough.

4. Sea World

The rules are like tag. Only the one who is insulted becomes the shark’s (water) assistant.

5. Cat and mouse

The driver is chosen - a cat. He squats down and closes his eyes. The rest of the players are mice. They walk around the cat and can pet him. But at any moment he can wake up and start catching little mice. The one who is caught first becomes the driver.

6. Hares and carrots ()

Optional: carrots or other small items

A circle with a diameter of 8-10 meters is drawn on the ground. Place 10 carrots or any other objects in a circle. The circle is a "garden". A garden “Scarecrow” is selected that will catch hares. At the leader's signal, the hares can run into the circle and steal carrots, and the Scarecrow can catch the hares. The caught hare is eliminated from the game. But Scarecrow is allowed to catch hares only when they get into the garden; they cannot be caught outside the circle.

Other games

1. Broken phone

An old, time-tested game. But we still play with children with pleasure and it always turns out to be a lot of fun.

2. I was born a gardener

One driver ("gardener") is selected. In a whisper, he names (assigns) names of flowers (plants) to the players sitting on the bench. Then he recites a little rhyme
I was born a gardener, I got really angry,
I'm tired of all the flowers except...

and calls the “name” (name of the plant) of any player. He must immediately respond, and the following dialogue ensues:
Player: Oh!
Gardener: What's wrong with you?
Player: In love
Gardener: Who?
Player: Into the tulip

The player names any name of the plant that comes to his mind. He can also name the gardener, and he must respond to his name. The dialogue continues ad infinitum. The one who made a mistake (did not respond on time, mixed up the name, responded to someone else’s name, etc.) gives away a forfeit (any personal item), and at the end of the game “works off” it.

At the end of the game, forfeits are played: the gardener turns away, they show him the thing, and ask: What should this player do? The gardener assigns him a task (sing, jump on one leg, tell scary story- who is good at what), the player works off the forfeit and takes his item.

3. The sea is agitated once

A presenter is selected. He turns away from the others and says a little rhyme (while he speaks, all the players move chaotically)

The sea is agitated once
The sea is worried two
The sea is worried three,
The marine figure freezes in place.

The players freeze, depicting “sea” figures. The presenter approaches any player, touches him with his hand - the player depicts who exactly he is showing. The presenter's task is to guess what kind of figure this is.

One driver is selected. Two stripes are drawn on the ground - start and finish. All players stand near the start, the driver stands near the finish, and turns his back to everyone. The driver says:
The quieter you go, the further you'll get. Stop.

The phrase can be pronounced as you like - deliberately dragging out the words, the entire sentence, or, for example, starting slowly and then ending it abruptly and quickly - in general, introducing an element of surprise into the game. At this time, all players are trying to run as far as possible and get to the finish line; they freeze at the word “stop”. After the word STOP, the driver turns around. If he sees the movement of a player (who did not have time to freeze or stop due to the acceleration speed), he returns to the start.

The winner is the one who gets to the finish line first and touches the driver - he takes his place, and the game starts over.

5. ring

Players sit in a row and cup their palms in front of them. The driver clutches some kind of small item, usually a coin or a ring. Then he goes around all the players in turn, putting his folded hands into the “boat” and saying:

I wear and wear a ring and give it to someone

and quietly places this item in the palms of one of the players. Then he says:
Ring-ring, come out onto the porch!

And the “marked” player must jump up from the bench and run out. At the same time, the task of the other players is to keep the runner in their ranks, so the “chosen one” tries not to show that it was he who got the treasured item.

6. Traffic light

Two lines are drawn. The leader stands approximately between them.
Standing with his back to the players, he names a color. If the player could find the named color “on himself” (clothes, bow, hairpin, etc.), he took it with his hand and calmly crossed the “road”. If nothing suitable was found, he could only quickly run across to the other side (without running out of the “road”). And the “traffic light” was supposed to catch violators. The one he touched became a “traffic light” himself.

7. Brook

We play this game every time there are more than 10 children and adults together.

8. Cossack robbers

The game requires quite a lot of people - from 6 people. They were divided into two teams - “Cossacks” and “robbers”. It was necessary to agree on the boundaries of the territory where one could hide.
The “Cossacks” closed their eyes, and the “robbers” ran to hide, drawing in the direction of the arrow (they could be “hidden,” that is, they could be drawn on trees, on the wall of a house, or otherwise disguised). It was allowed to draw deceptive arrows.
Then the “Cossacks” run to search. But it’s not enough to just find the “robbers,” you also need to catch him and take him to “prison.” As soon as the “robber” has been imprisoned, a “Cossack” guard is assigned to him, who must ensure that the “robber” does not run away or that his friends “robbers” do not free him. The Cossacks won if they managed to catch all the robbers.

9. Tangle (or Confusion)

Everyone holding hands gets entangled, the leader must untangle

First, a leader is chosen. Then they determine the distance for the “trains” and create various obstacles from overturned chairs, towns, and pins. Next, they determine who will “manage” the “railroad,” and the managers, in turn, must evaluate the skill of the “driver.”

The guys are divided into two teams. In each of them, players must choose the “driver” of the “locomotive”, the rest become “cars”. The “drivers” stand in front, and the (“carriage”) participants line up behind them in a chain, holding each other by the waist. At the signal from the leader, the “trains” must set off, and the “driver” must choose such a speed as to simultaneously overcome all obstacles without losing a single “train” and overtake the “train” competing with him.

The winner is the “engine driver” who was able to more successfully navigate his “locomotive” along the difficult distance. He subsequently becomes the leader.

11. Mousetrap

The two stand opposite each other, join their hands and raise them higher.
Both say in unison:
- We were so tired of the mice, they chewed everything, ate everything. We'll set up a mousetrap and then we'll catch the mice!
The task of the players while the presenters are saying the rhyme is to run under their clasped hands. But on last words The presenters suddenly give up and one of the players is sure to be caught. The one who falls into the mousetrap joins the catchers. The mousetrap grows. The game continues until there is only one mouse left - the winner.

Games with an elastic band

Besides the fact that in my childhood absolutely all the girls jumped in rubber bands, there was another wonderful game that we now love to play with children.



Two players stand opposite each other, holding an elastic band (one “end” in each hand). Then they say the chant “O-LIM-PI-A-DA One... Two... Three” and tangle the elastic band as best they can. The task of the rest is to climb or jump over without touching the rubber band. If everyone succeeded, then the game continues. If someone hurts, then he replaces the “holder”.

Games with rope

The leader stands with a rope (or jump rope) in the center of the circle. And he begins to twist the rope just above the ground. Everyone else must jump over

In the summer at our dacha we often organize a rope course for children. "web"

Vertical option


Or horizontal


Tell us, what other yard games do you remember and what do you play?

All these outdoor games require a wall. For example, a blank wall of a house. Or a tennis practice wall. It is very good if the area near the wall is asphalted. You can play together or small company– 3-5 people. If there are more people, then you have to wait too long for your turn and the guys start to get bored. A ball for games must be “bouncy” and elastic. The games are suitable for children from 5-6 to 10-12 years old. All presented outdoor games develop children's coordination and dexterity.

“Ten” - an active game with a ball against the wall for children aged 7-8 years

In the game you need to complete 10 tasks - hence the name - “Ten”. To play you need a “bouncy” rubber ball, preferably 12-15 centimeters in diameter. And a blank wall to avoid getting hit by glass. The guys take turns doing tasks. The one who made a mistake passes the ball to the next one.
If there is quite a lot of space in front of the wall, then you can play a little differently. On the asphalt in front of the wall they draw original classics, as in the picture.

Each task must be completed first “in the first grade,” then in the second, etc. When the first task is completed in all “classes”, the player again returns “to the first cash desk” and completes the second task. When completing tasks, you must not go beyond the boundaries of the class rectangle or step on the line. The game becomes more complex and interesting. There are many different options tasks that need to be completed.
Exercises-tasks for the outdoor game with the ball “Ten”:

  1. Throw the ball so that it hits the wall and catch it with both hands.
  2. Throw the ball so that it hits the wall. While the ball is flying, you need to clap your hands and then catch the ball with both hands.
  3. Throw the ball so that it hits the wall and catch it with one hand.
  4. Throw the ball so that it hits the wall, turn around and catch the ball.
  5. Throw the ball so that it hits the wall and jump over it.
  6. Throw the ball so that it hits the wall, then the ground, and jump over it.
  7. Throw the ball so that it hits the ground, then the wall and catch the ball with both hands.
  8. Throw the ball from under your feet so that it hits the wall and catch it.
  9. Throw the ball with your back to the wall so that it hits the wall, then turn and catch the ball with both hands.
  10. Throw the ball between your legs with your back to the wall so that it hits the wall, then turn and catch the ball with both hands.

The winner is the one who completes all the tasks first and finishes the “school”.

“Frog” - an active game with a ball for children from 6-7 years old

Children stand one after another, at a distance of about 2 meters from the wall. The first player throws the ball against the wall so that it hits the wall, then the ground, and jumps over it. In this case, the child should not touch the ball. After the jump is completed, the player runs to the end of the column and becomes the last in the “queue”. Second standing the child catches the ball and also throws the ball and jumps over it.
If the child was unable to jump over the ball or touched it with his foot or hand, then he becomes the “owner” of the first letter from the word “Frog”. On the second miss - the second letter, etc. The one who “collects” the word completely leaves the game. The winner is the one who lasts the longest.
The outdoor game “Frog” is popular among preschool children and girls aged 8-12 years. Boys prefer a tougher option - the game with the ball "Goat"

“Goat” - an active game with a ball for children aged 9-10 years

For this game they usually take a soccer ball. The wall must be blank. Otherwise, residents of the first floor risk being left without glass.
All the guys line up at a distance of about 2 meters from the wall, one after another. The first in the column kicks the ball so that it hits the wall and immediately runs to the end. The player standing behind him hits the ball that bounced off the wall and runs to the end of the queue column, and so on. If a player does not hit the wall with the ball or misses the ball, then he is “assigned” the first letter from the word “Goat”. For the next mistake, use the second letter. And so on until someone makes 5 mistakes and collects the whole word.
The one who has typed the entire word stands facing the wall, and the rest of the participants try to hit the ball not at the wall, but at this “live target”. For each hit, one letter is written off. Having received five “kicks” with the ball, the player is completely “cleared” and returns to the game.
There is another option for “copying” letters, perhaps more humane. The player who “got the goat” tries to prevent the player from hitting the wall. At the same time, he himself stands near the wall, facing the other players, becoming a kind of goalkeeper. If he succeeds, then he “outweighs” his letter to the one of the guys whose throw was unsuccessful.

“Wall” - an active game with a ball for children aged 4-5 years

A lightweight version of the games “Goat” and “Frog”. Children stand one after another against the wall. The one who stands first throws the ball against the wall, runs and stands last. The player who is now first must catch the ball, throw it at the wall and run to the end of the line, etc. If a player makes a mistake and fails to catch the ball, he is eliminated from the game. As a variant of this game, you don’t have to catch the ball, but jump over it.

Other outdoor games for children with a ball: