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» Games and exercises for hyperactive children. Games for hyperactive children

Games and exercises for hyperactive children. Games for hyperactive children

1. Outdoor games

“Find the difference” (Lyutova E.K., Monino G.B.)

Goal: developing the ability to concentrate on details.

The child draws any simple picture (a cat, a house, etc.) and passes it to an adult, but turns away. The adult completes a few details and returns the picture. The child should notice what has changed in the drawing. Then the adult and child can switch roles.

The game can also be played with a group of children. In this case, the children take turns drawing a picture on the board and turning away (the possibility of movement is not limited). The adult completes a few details. Children, looking at the drawing, must say what changes have occurred.

“Tender Paws” (Shevtsova I.V.)

Goal: relieving tension, muscle tension, reducing aggressiveness, developing sensory perception, harmonizing relationships between a child and an adult. An adult selects 6-7 small objects of different textures: a piece of fur, a brush, a glass bottle, beads, cotton wool, etc. All this is laid out on the table. The child is asked to bare his arm up to the elbow; The teacher explains that an “animal” will walk along your hand and touch it with its affectionate paws. You need to guess with your eyes closed which “animal” touched your hand - guess the object. Touches should be stroking and pleasant.

Game option: the “animal” will touch the cheek, knee, palm. You can change places with your child.

“Shouting-whispering-silent” (Shevtsova I.V.)

Goal: development of observation, ability to act according to the rule, volitional regulation.

You need to make 3 silhouettes of a palm from multi-colored cardboard: red, yellow, blue. These are signals. When an adult raises a red palm - a “chant” - you can run, scream, make a lot of noise; yellow palm - “whisper” - you can move quietly and whisper, when the signal “silent” - blue palm - children should freeze in place or lie down on the floor and not move. The game should be ended with silence.

“Gvalt” (Korotaeva E.V., 1997)

Goal: development of concentration. One of the participants (optional) becomes the driver and goes out the door. The group chooses a phrase or line from a song known to everyone, which is distributed as follows: each participant has one word. Then the driver enters, and the players all at the same time, in chorus, begin to loudly repeat each of their words. The driver must guess what kind of song it is by collecting it word by word.

It is advisable that before the driver enters, each child repeats the word given to him out loud.

Goal: development of communication skills, activation of children.

The game is played in a circle, the participants choose a driver, who gets up and takes his chair out of the circle, so it turns out that there is one less chair than there are players. Then the presenter says: “Those who have... (blond hair, watch, etc.) change places. After this, those who have the named sign must quickly get up and change places, at the same time the driver tries to take the free place. The participant in the game who is left without a chair becomes the driver.

“Conversation with hands” (Shevtsova I.V.)

Goal: to teach children to control their actions. If a child gets into a fight, breaks something, or hurts someone, you can offer him the following game: trace the silhouette of your palms on a piece of paper. Then invite him to animate his palms - draw eyes and a mouth on them, color his fingers with colored pencils. After this, you can start a conversation with your hands. Ask: “Who are you, what is your name?”, “What do you like to do?”, “What don’t you like?”, “What are you like?” If the child does not join the conversation, speak the dialogue yourself. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that the hands are good, they can do a lot (list what exactly), but sometimes they do not obey their master. You need to end the game by “concluding a contract” between the hands and their owner. Let the hands promise that for 2-3 days (tonight or, in the case of working with hyperactive children, an even shorter period of time) they will try to do only good things: make crafts, say hello, play and will not offend anyone.

If the child agrees to such conditions, then after a predetermined period of time it is necessary to play this game again and conclude an agreement for a longer period, praising the obedient hands and their owner (Fig. 1).

“Speak!” (Lyutovo E.K., Monino G.B.)

Goal: developing the ability to control impulsive actions.

Tell the children the following. “Guys, I will ask you simple and complex questions. But it will be possible to answer them only when I give the command: “Speak!” Let's practice: “What time of year is it now?”

Rice. 1. “Conversation with hands”:

(Teacher pauses) “Speak!”; “What color is the ceiling in our group (class)?”... “Speak!”; “What day of the week is it today?”... “Speak!”; "How much is two plus three?" etc."

The game can be played individually or with a group of children.

“Brownian movement” (Shevchenko Yu.S., 1997)

Goal: development of the ability to distribute attention. All children stand in a circle. The leader rolls tennis balls into the center of the circle one after another. Children are told the rules of the game: the balls should not stop and roll out of the circle; they can be pushed with their feet or hands. If the participants successfully follow the rules of the game, the presenter rolls in an additional number of balls. The point of the game is to set a team record for the number of balls in a circle.

“An hour of silence and an hour of “you can”” (Kryazhevo N.L., 1997)

Goal: to give the child the opportunity to release accumulated energy, and for the adult to learn how to manage his behavior. Agree with your children that when they get tired or busy important matter, there will be an hour of silence in the group. Children should be quiet, play calmly, and draw. But as a reward for this, sometimes they will have an “okay” hour, when they are allowed to jump, scream, run, etc.

“Hours” can be alternated within one day, or they can be arranged in different days, the main thing is that they become familiar in your group or class. It is better to stipulate in advance which specific actions are allowed and which are prohibited.

With the help of this game, you can avoid the endless stream of comments that an adult addresses to a hyperactive child (who does not “hear” them).

“Pass the ball” (Kryazheva N.L., 1997)

Goal: remove excessive physical activity. Sitting on chairs or standing in a circle, the players try to pass the ball to their neighbor as quickly as possible without dropping it. You can throw the ball to each other as quickly as possible or pass it, turning your back in a circle and putting your hands behind your back. You can make the exercise more difficult by asking children to play with their eyes closed or by using several balls in the game at the same time.

“Siamese Twins” (Kryazheva N.L., 1997)

Goal: to teach children flexibility in communicating with each other, to promote trust between them. Tell the children the following. “Get into pairs, stand shoulder to shoulder, put one arm around each other’s waist, and place your right leg next to your partner’s left leg. Now you are conjoined twins: two heads, three legs, one torso, and two arms. Try walking around the room, doing something, lying down, standing up, drawing, jumping, clapping your hands, etc.” In order for the “third” leg to act “harmoniously”, it can be fastened with either a rope or an elastic band. In addition, twins can “grow together” not only with their legs, but with their backs, heads, etc.

“Gawkers” (Chistyakova M.I., 1990)

Goal: development of voluntary attention, reaction speed, learning the ability to control your body and follow instructions.

All players walk in a circle, holding hands. At the leader’s signal (this could be the sound of a bell, a rattle, clapping hands, or some word), the children stop, clap their hands 4 times, turn around and walk in the other direction. Anyone who fails to complete the task is eliminated from the game. The game can be played to music or a group song. In this case, children should clap their hands when they hear a certain word of the song (agreed in advance).

“My triangular cap” (Ancient game) Purpose: to teach concentration, to promote the child’s awareness of his body, to teach him to control movements and control his behavior. The players sit in a circle. Everyone takes turns, starting with the leader, and says one word from the phrase: “My cap is triangular, my cap is triangular.” And if it’s not triangular, then it’s not my cap. After this, the phrase is repeated again, but the children who get to say the word “cap” replace it with a gesture (for example, 2 light claps on their head with their palm). Next time, 2 words are replaced: the word “cap” and the word “mine” (point to yourself). In each subsequent circle, the players say one word less, and “show” one more. In the final repetition, children depict the entire phrase using gestures only.

If such a long phrase is difficult to reproduce, it can be shortened.

“Listen to the command” (Chistyakova M.I., 1990)

Goal: development of attention, arbitrariness of behavior. The music is calm, but not too slow. Children walk in a column one after another. Suddenly the music stops. Everyone stops, listens to the leader’s whispered command (for example: “Put your right hand on your neighbor’s shoulder”) and immediately carries it out. Then the music starts again and everyone continues walking. Commands are given only to perform calm movements. The game continues until the group is able to listen well and complete the task. The game will help the teacher change the rhythm of the action of the naughty children, and the children will calm down and easily switch to another, calmer type of activity.

“Set up the posts” (Chistyakova M.I., 1990)

Goal: development of volitional regulation skills, the ability to concentrate attention on a specific signal. Children march to the music one after another. The commander walks ahead and chooses the direction of movement. As soon as the leader claps his hands, the child running last must stop immediately. Everyone else continues to march and listen to commands. Thus, the commander arranges all the children in the order he has planned (in a line, in a circle, in corners, etc.). Children must move silently to hear commands.

“The king said...” (Famous children's game)

Goal: switching attention from one type of activity to another, overcoming motor automatisms. All participants in the game, together with the leader, stand in a circle. The presenter says that he will show different movements(physical education, dance, comic), and the players should repeat them only if he adds the words “The King said. Whoever makes a mistake goes to the middle of the circle and performs some task for the participants in the game, for example, smile, jump on one leg, etc. Instead of the words “The King said,” you can add others, for example, “Please” or “The commander ordered.”

“Forbidden movement” (Kryazheva N.L., 1997)

Goal: a game with clear rules organizes, disciplines children, unites the players, develops reaction speed and causes a healthy emotional upsurge. Children stand facing the leader. To the music, at the beginning of each measure, they repeat the movements shown by the presenter. Then one movement is selected that cannot be performed. The one who repeats the prohibited movement leaves the game. Instead of showing the movement, you can say the numbers out loud. The participants of the game repeat in chorus all the numbers except one, which is forbidden, for example, the number “five” -. When the children hear it, they will have to clap their hands (or spin around in place).

“Listen to the clapping” (Chistyakova M.I., 1990)

Goal: training attention and control of motor activity.

Everyone walks in a circle or moves around the room in a free direction. When the leader claps his hands once, the children should stop and take the “stork” pose (stand on one leg, arms to the sides) or some other pose. If the leader claps twice, the players should take the “frog” pose (sit down, heels together, toes and knees to the sides, hands between the feet on the floor). After three claps, the players resume walking.

“Freeze” (Chistyakova M.I., 1990)

Goal: development of attention and memory. Children jump to the beat of the music (legs to the sides - together, accompanying the jumps with clapping overhead and on the hips). Suddenly the music stops. The players must freeze in the position at which the music stopped. If one of the participants fails to do this, he is eliminated from the game. The music sounds again - those remaining continue to perform the movements. They play until there is only one player left in the circle.

Purpose: relieving muscle tension, switching attention.

Children, at the leader’s signal, begin to move chaotically around the room and say hello to everyone who meets on their way (and it is possible that one of the children will specifically try to say hello to someone who usually does not pay attention to him). You have to greet yourself in a certain way:

1 clap - shake hands;

2 claps - greet with hangers;

3 claps - we greet with our backs. The variety of tactile sensations accompanying this game will give a hyperactive child the opportunity to feel his body and relieve muscle tension. Changing playing partners will help get rid of the feeling of alienation. To ensure complete tactile sensations, it is advisable to introduce a ban on talking during this game.

“A fun game with a bell” (Karpova E.V., Lyutova E.K., 1999)

Goal: development of auditory perception. Everyone sits in a circle; at the request of the group, a driver is selected, however, if there are no people willing to drive, then the role of driver is assigned to the coach. The driver is blindfolded, and the bell is passed around in a circle; the driver’s task is to catch the person with the bell. You cannot throw the bell to each other.

2. Games at the table (at the desk)

Hyperactive children have difficulty withstanding activities in kindergarten, and even more so - a school lesson, so it is necessary for them to conduct physical education minutes, which can be done both standing and sitting at their desks, at the discretion of the teacher.

For this purpose, it is useful to use “Finger Games” (M. Ruzina “Country of Finger Games”). Practice shows that children of senior preschool and junior school age enjoy playing games such as “Stairway to Heaven”, “Doll Fan”, “Racing”, etc.

The teacher can start the games with the message that now the children’s fingers will begin to “turn” into fairy-tale characters, funny animals, or exotic animals. Then you should suggest some games like the ones below.


Before the game starts, hands are on the edge of the desk. At the teacher's signal, the centipedes begin to move to the opposite edge of the desk or in any other direction specified by the teacher. All five fingers take part in the movement.


The game is played similarly to the previous one, but only 2 fingers are involved in the fittings: the index and middle. The rest are pressed to the palm. You can arrange races between the “two-legged” left and right hand, between the “two-legged” desk neighbors.


The middle finger of the right or left hand turns into a “trunk”, the rest - into “elephant legs”. The elephant is prohibited from jumping and touching the ground with its trunk; when walking, it must rest on all 4 paws. Elephant racing is also possible.

To ensure that the game does not turn into constant entertainment for students and does not interfere with other activities, before starting it, the teacher must clearly formulate the rules: start and end the game only at a certain signal. One of the signals could be a card from the game “Shouters - Whisperers - Silencers”.

Sea waves” (Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B.)

Goal: to teach children to switch attention from one type of activity to another, to help reduce muscle tension.

At the signal from the teacher “Calm,” all the children in the class “freeze.” At the “Wave” signal, the children take turns standing at their desks. The students sitting at the first desks stand up first. After 2-3 seconds, those sitting at the second desks rise, etc. As soon as the turn comes to the inhabitants of the last desks, they stand up and all clap their hands together, after which the children who stood up first (at the first desks) sit down, etc. At the signal from the “Storm” teacher, the nature of the actions and the sequence of their implementation is repeated, with the only difference being that the children do not wait 2-3 seconds, but stand up one after another at once. You need to end the game with the “Calm” command.

“Catching mosquitoes” (Lyutovo E.K., Monino G.B.)

Goal: to relieve muscle tension from the hands, to enable hyperactive children to move in a free rhythm and pace.

Tell the children: “Let’s imagine that summer has come, I opened the window and a lot of mosquitoes flew into our class (group). At the command “Start!” you will catch mosquitoes. Like this! The teacher makes chaotic movements in the air at a slow or medium pace, clenching and unclenching his fists. Either alternately or simultaneously. Each child will “catch mosquitoes” at his own pace and in his own rhythm, without hurting those sitting next to him. On the command “Stop!” you sit down like this: the teacher shows you how to sit down (at your discretion). Ready? “Let’s start!”... “Stop!” Well done. Tired. Lower your relaxed legs down and shake your palms several times. Let your hands rest. And now - back to work!”


Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B. Cheat sheet for adults: psychocorrectional work with hyperactive, aggressive, anxious and autistic children.

Gippenreiter Yu.B. Communicate with the child. How? M., 2000.

Karabanova O.A. A game in the correction of a child’s mental development. M., 1997.

What is hyperactivity?

"Active"- active, effective.
« Hyper"-indicates that the norm is exceeded.
Hyperactivity in children it manifests itself as inattentiveness, distractibility, and impulsiveness that are unusual for normal, age-appropriate development of a child.
This is a neurological-behavioral disorder characterized by excessive activity and excitability of the child.
To put it simply, such a baby cannot sit still, is constantly on the move, and all his actions are spontaneous and inconsistent. Often this condition is accompanied by attention deficit. This syndrome begins to manifest itself clearly at the age of 2 years, gaining momentum by school years.
Causes of hyperactivity
There are three groups of reasons:
The first includes the assumption that hyperactivity is caused by a disruption in the functioning of the brain associated with its organic damage during the period of intrauterine development, childbirth, and the first months of life. During perinatal development, the formation of the baby’s brain can be affected by: pronounced toxicosis (especially late), infectious and chronic inflammatory diseases of the pregnant woman, abdominal bruises, smoking and drinking alcohol, the threat of miscarriage, stress. The cause of hyperactivity can be rapid or very painful childbirth, bruises and head concussions in infancy.
Genetic factors suggest “inheritance” of the syndrome from older generations. Many studies are being conducted, but it has not yet been possible to find a separate gene responsible for hyperactivity.
This group of reasons is based on factors associated with a violation of the psycho-emotional state and some features of the social sphere.

How to understand what kind of child - active or hyperactive child?
Only a doctor can accurately diagnose hyperactivity based on diagnostic results and symptoms. But, if you know the difference between a disease and a norm, you can quite accurately determine the child’s condition.

Features of active children:
They can be active, even excessively, this is the normal state of children who learn about the world and enjoy every day. Distinctive feature This behavior is inconsistent, which means that the child can give free rein to his emotions, for example, once or twice a day. Such a surge is most likely in the evening. This is a protective function of the body that allows you to get rid of accumulated energy. After such a release, the child calms down.
Excessive mobility of the baby is observed only in one place, for example, at home. In kindergarten he behaves quite calmly or vice versa.
Non-conflict, that is, he can stand up for himself, fight back, but he himself does not provoke such situations.
Almost always cheerful, cheerful, full of energy and enthusiasm.
No sleep disturbance is observed.

Features of hyperactive children:
Children are excessively active almost constantly; there is a period of calm, but its duration is too short, from 2 to 10 minutes. During the selected period of time, you can observe a certain cyclical behavior: activity - calmness - activity, etc. The time of activity always exceeds the time of calm.
Activity manifests itself wherever the child is. The environment does not affect his behavior. Whether he is at home with his parents, visiting, kindergarten, public place– he is always active.
He speaks very quickly, often “eating” the endings of words. Moves from one topic to another, forgetting to finish the previous thought. Asks a lot of questions, does not give time to think and formulate an answer. It seems that he is asking questions just like that, without the goal of getting an answer to them.
Dream hyperactive child restless, anxious. At night he often wakes up, tosses and turns, and cries.
Unable to concentrate, he is distracted by any extraneous noise. Due to its activity during execution school assignments makes a lot of mistakes.
Cannot control his behavior or emotions. Impulsive. Can act as an initiator of quarrels and fights.

How to deal with an active child:
Excessive activity of an absolutely healthy child causes a lot of trouble for his parents. This requires increased control, attention and patience from adults. To smooth out sharp corners in dealing with an active child, you need to offer him your own, more meaningful options active games. For example, not mindlessly throwing a ball, but table tennis; not just running back and forth, but exercises, dancing to music, physical exercise. Active children should also be interested in quiet activities: reading books, drawing. The child himself will help with this, you just need to always give him a choice. Let him choose the genre of the book: poetry, fairy tales.
Let him decide what he will use to draw with: felt-tip pens, pencils, paints.

How to deal with hyperactive child:
A hyperactive child should be surrounded by attention and love. Like ordinary children of his age, such children should be taken to clubs, sports clubs, and developmental activities. With proper interaction, you can get good results, teach the child perseverance, self-control, self-organization, improve memory and attention. To achieve these goals, psychocorrectional classes are conducted in an interesting game form. The principles of communicating with hyperactive children are the same as with ordinary children, only multiplied by at least two.

Memo to the teacher:
Remember that touch is a powerful stimulant for shaping behavior and developing learning skills. By encouragingly touching your child and accompanying this with friendly words, you can achieve positive results from the child. Try to ignore his unwanted behavior.
Remember that hyperactivity is not a behavioral problem, not the result of poor upbringing, but a medical and neuropsychological diagnosis that can only be made based on the results of special diagnostics.
Remember that the problem of hyperactivity cannot be solved by willful efforts, authoritarian instructions and verbal persuasion. A child with neurophysiological problems will not be able to cope with them on his own.
Disciplinary measures in the form of constant punishments, shouts, comments, and lectures will not lead to an improvement in the child’s behavior, but rather will worsen it.
Effective results in the correction of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are achieved with an optimal combination of medicinal and non-medicinal methods, which include psychological and neuropsychological correction programs.
Rules for working with hyperactive children:
- Work with the child at the beginning of the day, not in the evening.
- Reduce the child's workload.
- Divide the work into shorter, but more frequent periods. Use physical education minutes.
- Be a dramatic, expressive teacher.
- Reduce the requirements for accuracy at the beginning of work to create a sense of success.
- Place the child next to an adult during classes.
- Use tactile contact (elements of massage, touching, stroking)
- Agree with your child about certain actions in advance.
- Give short, clear and specific instructions.
- Use a flexible system of rewards and punishments.
- Encourage the child immediately, without delaying it for the future.
- Give the child the opportunity to choose.
- Keep calm. No composure - no advantage!

Games with hyperactive children.

"Let's say hello". At the leader’s signal, the children move chaotically around the room and greet everyone who meets on their way. You need to greet in a certain way: 1 clap - shake hands; 2 claps - greet with hangers; 3 claps - greet the backs. To ensure complete tactile sensations, you can introduce a ban on talking during this game.

"Don't say 'Yes' or 'No'." Children sit in a circle. The driver, handing the object to one of the children, asks a question that his friend must answer. The answers should not contain the words “yes”, “no”, “black”, “white”. The trickier the questions, the more interesting the game. The losers give away forfeits. At the end of the game, these “forfeits” are redeemed (children read poetry, sing songs, etc.)

"Shouters, whisperers, silencers" . Make three palm silhouettes from multi-colored cardboard: red, yellow, blue. These are signals. When an adult raises a red palm - a “chant”, you can run, shout and make a lot of noise; a yellow palm – “whisperer” – means that you can move quietly and whisper; When the signal “silence” is given - a blue palm - children should freeze in place or lie down on the floor and not move. The game should end in silence.

Goal: Teaching the child one of the techniques of self-regulation.
Contents: A naughty child can be asked to wind bright yarn into a ball. The size of the ball can become larger and larger each time.
The adult tells the child that this ball is not simple, but magical. As soon as a boy or girl begins to reel it in, he immediately calms down.
When such a game becomes familiar to a child, he himself will definitely ask an adult to give him “magic threads” every time he feels that he is upset, tired or “wound up.”

"Games with sand and water."
Experts believe that playing with sand and water is essential for hyperactive children. These games don't have to be played only in the summer by the lake. You can organize them at home too. Such games calm the child.
At first, adults should help the child organize the game. It is advisable that they select appropriate toys: boats, rags, small items, balls, tubes, etc.
If one of the parents does not want to bring sand into the house (and then clean the apartment), you can replace it with cereal, after placing it in a hot oven.

“An hour of silence and an hour of “maybe.”
Agree with your child that when he is tired or busy with an important task, there will be an hour of silence. He should behave quietly, play calmly, draw. But as a reward for this, sometimes he will have an “okay” hour, when he is allowed to jump, scream, and run. “Hours” can be alternated throughout the day, or they can be arranged on different days. It is better to stipulate in advance which specific actions are allowed and which are prohibited. With this game you can avoid the endless stream of comments that an adult addresses to a child.

To ensure timely help for hyperactive children, experts advise using play therapy - game treatment - for their correction. After all, children at any age primarily love to play.

Types of correction games

Corrective-developmental games for hyperactive children are divided into several types:

  • Games to develop attention.
  • Games to relieve muscle and emotional tension.
  • Games that develop management skills.
  • Games that can strengthen communication skills.

There are 4 types of correctional and educational games for hyperactive children

There are several requirements for them that everyone must comply with:

  1. Parents begin to introduce all games in stages; first they begin to train one function. If the results of the games are visible, then games from the next group are selected further.
  2. Play activities are carried out both individually with the child and with the whole family.
  3. Try to predict the child’s overtiredness; to do this, switch attention to other objects during the task.
  4. A hyperactive child needs control from an adult, so try to introduce rewards and punishment in games in a timely manner.

All play activities develop with the child. At 2-3 years old, a baby can be very active, because during the day he accumulates so much energy that he needs to splash it out somewhere. Here you just need to run and jump.

When conducting classes with a hyperactive child, maintain consistency, restraint and moderation in punishments

What should parents do to properly organize their child’s play activities:

Try to play along with him. If a child dances and sings, then you can turn on the music and say that he is an artist performing for toys. Or if children are running and jumping all over the apartment, then you can play with them, imagining yourself as a hunter and them as hares. The main task of the mother is to direct and organize activities in a timely manner so that they are not aimless. At this age, playing with plasticine, various cereals and water will be useful, of course, under the supervision of an adult.

During independent play, the child’s activities should be organized

Games for preschool children (4-5 years old)

Game "Say one, two, three!" The adult asks the children simple questions, but they can only be answered when they hear the command: “One, two, three - speak!” Questions could be: “Name your pet”; "What is color"; “What kind of toy is this?”

Study games are a very good way to relieve stress.

Game "Snowman". The child pretends to be a snowman - spreads his tense arms to the side, puffs out his cheeks. The adult portrays the sun, which warms and strokes the child. The snowman melts and slowly falls to the floor.

Game "Ball". Children imagine themselves as colorful balloons. An adult depicts a pump, whose movements inflate the balls. Then comes the clapping of hands, the balls burst and slowly fall to the floor.

Various games and exercises for attention “This is unnecessary”; “Find the differences in the picture”; “Touch a color or an object.”

For hyperactive children 4-5 years old, games are good for developing attention and relieving muscle and emotional tension.

Games for children of primary school age (6-7 years old)

Exercise “Magic Ball”. Trains self-regulation. While playing, the child needs to wrap a ball of bright yarn around his hand. Children are told that the ball has extraordinary power, and whoever wraps it around their hand quickly calms down.

Game "Complete the picture." An adult draws any part of the picture on the board. After this, the children take turns coming to the board and completing the part that is missing in the picture. This way you will get a joint picture.

"Bird." Any fluffy and soft object is given to the child and a fairy tale is told. The child’s task is to warm the bird with his warmth and breath.

Game “Scream - Whisper - Silence”. You need to cut out 3 handprints from different colored cardboard: red, yellow and blue. They will represent command-signals. An adult will raise a red palm - you can run, scream, make a lot of noise; yellow - you can move quietly and whisper; blue - children must freeze in place.

Here are a few more interesting games and exercises: “Listen to the clapping”, “Let’s say hello”, “Waves”, “Talking with hands”, “Games at the desks”.

Hyperactive children all love to play with bulk materials, it develops fine motor skills and calms nervous system. Now there are many different sets for playing with sand and water, any of them can be bought in a store or made by yourself at home.

Exercises and games with sand

Playing with sand relieves stress, develops psycho-emotional state, and develops fine motor skills.

Younger children can draw pictures and shapes on the sand, and older children can write the letters of words with a stick or finger.

Drawing in the sand develops perseverance and motor skills

How are sand games played?

At the first stage, children are introduced to the possibilities of sand, that it can be dry, and if you add water, it can be wet. You can rub it between your palms, squeeze it, sift it, make snakes and handprints, or depict animal tracks.

Children really love the game “Secret”; "Find the treasure." The presenter buries toys, shells, pebbles in the sand, and the child, with his eyes closed, touching the object, tries to find out what it is and where it is, without opening his fist, or simply digs it up.

Play tables with sand or water will be very exciting for hyperactive children

Recommendations for play activities for parents or what to do with your baby

If a child runs around the apartment without stopping, screams loudly, jumps on the floor, makes chaotic movements with his arms and legs and does not hear you at all, then catch him, hug him and in a quiet voice offer to play.

You can ask them to remember how a horse, cat, or dog screams. Offer to show your hand, nose, knee. For an older child, ask them to count from 1 to 20.

Play “Freeze and Die,” there are many variations of this game. For example, on the command “morning” the child yawns and stretches, “day” - jumps, runs, “night” - pretends to be asleep.

All children like the game "Robot": there are only two players, the first driver portrays a robot that carries out all the directions and instructions, and the second - the owner - gives them. Agree with your baby that as soon as you press on his nose, he will immediately “turn off.” You can expand on this idea by drawing a remote control (or use an unwanted TV remote). Press the button on the remote control and say: “reducing the volume (turning off the sound, turning on slow motion).” Let the child follow commands.

Attracting a child's attention with the help of a game is very simple and very useful.

Invite your child to imagine that he is a lion on the hunt. At first he sits motionless in ambush, and then jumps and catches someone.

Ask your child to close his eyes and sit still, waiting for a specific signal. For example, when the bell rings for the second time, he must get up and put the toy on the shelf or collect the blocks from the floor.

Suggest the game “Hour of Silence.” During this hour, all family members can speak only in a whisper. You can get a reward for this, because it is very difficult to do, especially for such a child.

Take a napkin (or a piece of wood) and throw it up. Tell your child that while the napkin falls, you need to laugh as loudly as possible. But as soon as it falls, you should immediately shut up. Play together with your child.

It’s better to teach your child when he’s still a baby, so that when you open your arms, he’ll run into your arms (I know, many parents do this). If this hug is pleasant, by 3-5 years the habit will remain. Therefore, spread your arms and, when the child comes running to you, hug him tightly and hold the hug for a few seconds.

Suggest the game "Captain and the Ship". The captain gives commands (“Right”, “Left”, “Straight”), and the ship strictly follows them. For an older child, you can choose a goal (for example, swim to the hallway) and place obstacles in the room (skittles, Stuffed Toys). The child can choose any of the roles.

Block the road or grab a child running around the apartment. To pass (be free), he must answer a question that requires concentration (for example, name a sea animal, count the number of windows in an apartment, or come up with five words starting with the letter “A”).

Ask the baby running around the apartment to carry out your tasks(jump three times, run to the kitchen and back twice, jump off the couch four times). It is important that the active task is combined with the need to keep count of actions. For each completed task, draw a flower or a car in your child’s album.

Invite your child to repeat all your words and actions. Start showing fast, jerky movements or shout loudly. Gradually move to calmer, smoother movements and quiet speech.

In addition to achieving an immediate effect, these games will also help the baby learn to control himself. Do not forget that it is also important for parents to be patient and not lose composure, since the child takes an example from you, feels and reflects your own state.

Involve your hyperactive child as often as possible in various games and exercises

You will learn more about hyperactivity by watching the following video.

How to behave as parents of a child with ADHD, watch the following video by clinical psychologist Veronica Stepanova.

Many parents know that raising a hyperactive child is a rather complex process that requires patience and understanding. Such children are often impulsive, absent-minded, irritable, overly active, they cannot sit still for a long time and concentrate their attention. But all these problems can be solved.

Various games and activities– ideal tools that will help parents and teachers correct the behavioral characteristics of hyperactive children. They perfectly develop attention, volitional regulation skills, perseverance, promote relaxation, and gain useful knowledge. In our selection you will find interesting options such games.

Games for hyperactive preschool children

For one year old children

  • "What is this fruit?".

Place pre-washed fruit or a toy version of it in the saucepan. The baby’s task is to open the lid independently and examine the object with his hands. Tell your baby what this fruit is called. Other items can also be used.

  • " Repeat after me".

Invite your baby to repeat after you various actions. For example, touch your baby’s nose, and he should touch your nose, hold his ears, clap your hands, stroke his head, etc.

For children 2 years old

  • "In search of treasure."

Playing with sand is great for hyperactive kids. They help remove nervous tension and develop fine motor skills. Pour sand into the container. This can be a regular saucepan or a deep plate. If desired, use kinetic sand instead of regular sand, it is doubly pleasant to play with, it is pleasant to the touch, flexible and completely safe for children. Hide various small toys in the sand. The baby must find them, you can complicate the task and cover your eyes with a blindfold. Monitor your child carefully: if you use small toys in play, they can be hazardous to health.

  • "Word row"

State clearly several words in a row. For example, a house, a chair, the sun, a cat, a carrot. The child should clap his hands, for example, when he hears a word for an animal. Make the task more difficult, let the baby not only clap, but also stand up or jump. Such activities broaden your horizons and improve your attentiveness and reaction speed.

For children 3 years old – 4 years old

  • "Vice versa".

The presenter explains the conditions of the game to the players. He shows the kids various movements, the task of the children is to perform them in reverse. For example, if an adult raised his hands, the child should lower them, etc. The leader can accompany all these actions with words, then the task becomes even more complicated and the kids need not only to perform various actions, but also to choose the right words: “cold” - “hot”, “high” - “low”, “hard” - “soft” " etc. This game will teach you to concentrate and be focused, improve your logic and increase your vocabulary.

  • "Find the changes."

This activity will develop not only the attentiveness of preschool children, but also their creative abilities. Use pencils or paints to draw a picture on a piece of paper and let the baby take a good look at it. Invite your baby to turn away or close his eyes for a moment. At this time, your task is to add additional touches to the image, draw a new object or paint on a small detail. The baby must find these changes, then he will be considered the winner, and you will change places. Now the baby draws, and you become a player. You can complicate the task and make subtle changes; such activities are perfect for older children. For little ones, use more simple images, for example, sun, dog, house, etc. You can also play small company. This will make it even more fun and exciting.

PECULIARITIES! Be patient when working with your child, teach your little one not to be upset if he is unable to complete tasks correctly.

For children 5-6 years old

  • “What is this object?”

Ask your baby to close his eyes or cover them with a blindfold. Take several objects of different textures, place them on the table in front of your baby or put them in a bag. The child must choose any of them, carefully examine it with his hands and say its name. The game perfectly develops tactile sensations and relieves stress.

  • “Freeze.”

Play some fun music. Invite your little one to dance. As soon as the music stops playing, the child should freeze, while maintaining the position in which the melody ended. This game liberates, teaches you to be attentive and control your movements. To keep the fun competitive, try increasing the number of players. Invite your baby's friends or take part with the whole family. All players will receive a sea of ​​positive emotions.

  • "Edible-inedible."

To play this game you will need a ball. The presenter’s task is to say the word and throw the ball to the participant. If the named object is edible, the baby must catch the ball, if it is inedible, push it away. Lots of fun and smiles will be guaranteed. You can laugh together if a participant in the game “ate a phone” or other inedible object.

Games for hyperactive school-age children

  • "The Blind Artist"

This game is not easy, but very interesting. It will improve communication skills, attentiveness, and help children correctly express their thoughts. For this lesson you will need a sheet of paper, a pencil and a canvas. The presenter gives the task to draw one or another drawing. One child is blindfolded, he will be an artist. The second participant will help him draw using words and directions. To make the drawing work, both players must try. The task of one player is to listen carefully to the instructions and strictly follow them, the second one is to correctly formulate his thoughts. Let every child try himself as a teacher and as an artist. At the end of the game, be sure to have a conversation with the participants, analyze mistakes, and give tips.

  • "Search for letters."

You will need unnecessary books or other printed publications, preferably with large print. The child must, within a certain time, cross out one or another letter that the leader chooses. This activity requires concentration and perseverance, which is very useful for hyperactive children. Over time, you can complicate the task, for example, look for several letters, use underscores, or circle one letter, another in a square, etc. If your child fails to complete the task, do not scold or shame him under any circumstances, but come up with some funny penalties, for example, meow like a cat as many times as there are mistakes made, etc.

PECULIARITIES! Home puppet show will interest any little fidget. Invite your child to take part in the performance and in the production of the necessary attributes for the performance.

Games are a great way to correct many of the problems that hyperactive children face. In addition, such activities great alternative computer games, cartoons. The baby will have a good time and get positive emotions.

Corrective games for hyperactive children: useful video

What other games are there for a hyperactive child? Watch a video lesson from a teacher.

Today, many people have heard about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (hereinafter referred to as ADHD), moreover, many parents are faced with this directly. On the one hand, activity is a normal indicator for childhood, so sometimes it does not arouse suspicion. On the other hand, all good things should be in moderation: hyperactive behavior not only causes trouble for parents, but also signals a problem in the relationship between the child and the world. Let's consider this issue more broadly.

According to recent data, out of 100 children, 6-8 will have ADHD. Most often, the problems of this syndrome are encountered already in childhood. preschool age. It occurs almost twice as often in boys as in girls, but no one knows why.

What is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Not all children with ADHD are hyperactive, but for many diagnosed with ADHD, sitting still is nearly impossible. Constant physical activity can be a nuisance for others and a nightmare for teachers, as hyperactive children often exhibit bad behavior in the classroom. But for children with hyperactivity, physical activity is not the only aspect - their brain activity is often just as affected. Thoughts flow in a huge stream, in the most different directions. To help your child learn to manage himself and reduce hyperactivity, some strategies should be used to help reduce physical levels activity and calm your thoughts.

A child who has relatives with ADHD is more likely to develop this syndrome. The causes of ADHD are not reliably known, although scientists and doctors believe that it is associated with different brain activity, ability and speed of information processing.

No one gets ADHD on purpose, it's not anyone's fault. And ADHD is not infectious disease, you can't catch it from someone, like the flu.

While hyperactivity can cause inappropriate behavior in some situations, remember that it can also be seen as a positive sign. Many adults with ADHD value their endless energy and believe that they are able to achieve much more than others. We need to help children learn to use excessive energy and channel it in the right direction.

Children with ADHD are inattentive, hyperactive, and impulsive. They:

  • are in constant motion;
  • squirm and fidget;
  • it seems that no one is heard;
  • often talk excessively;
  • interrupt others;
  • very easily distracted;
  • can't finish what they started.

How is hyperactivity syndrome diagnosed?

Although a child may have some symptoms that are similar to ADHD, it could be something else. That is why the final diagnosis must be made by a doctor.

Doctors diagnose ADHD after six or more specific symptoms of inattention or hyperactivity occur on a regular basis. Diagnosis is a process that is carried out in several steps and includes the collection large quantity information from several sources. Parents, the child, the school environment, and other persons should be involved in assessing the subject's behavior. The doctor examines the baby's behavior with comparable indicators of other children of the same age.

The initial medical diagnosis can determine whether ADHD is present using standard guidelines developed by the Academy of Pediatrics, which stipulate that the syndrome can be identified in children between the ages of 4 and 18 years.

However, it is very difficult to diagnose ADHD in children under 5 years of age. This is because many preschoolers exhibit some symptoms of ADHD in different situations. In addition, children change very quickly during preschool age.

In some cases, behavior that looks like ADHD may be triggered by certain factors:

  • sudden changes in life (divorce of parents, death of someone, moving);
  • medical disorders affecting brain function;
  • anxiety;
  • depression;

Doctors divide ADHD into three types:

  • Combined type (inattentive, hyperactive, impulsive). Children with this type have all three symptoms. This is the most common form of ADHD.
  • Hyperactive and impulsive type. Children show both hyperactive and impulsive behavior, but for the most part, have less difficulty concentrating.
  • Inconsiderate guy. It used to be called attention deficit disorder (ADD). These children are not very active. They don't violate established standards behavior or other activities, often their symptoms may remain completely unnoticed.

Read also

How to captivate a hyperactive child

When helping a child with ADHD, you should remember that this is hard work, and some requests will have to be approached creatively, with a good supply of nerves. You just need to have a little fun and train your attention span. Research shows that playing every day can train your baby's brain and body. It is in the form of a game that certain goals are achieved much better, and this is much better than boring tasks, video games or punishments.

Here are five game examples for training concentration:

"Time Freeze"

Having trouble teaching your fidget to sit still? Let's play! You need to ask the child to do some set of movements until the “Stop” signal sounds. Then he must freeze and try to stay in the “frozen” position. To begin with, 10 seconds will be enough. If the baby manages to remain motionless all this time, he will have the opportunity to turn someone else into a statue. This game can be played almost anywhere, there are no restrictions.

Option for a fairy tale with a superhero. You need to imagine that the child is caught in a magical trap, he was frozen and now you need to wait a little until someone magical comes and breaks the spell.

Board games

The child should be given the opportunity to sit over the puzzle with mom or dad, color the coloring book, or draw a picture with finger paints. Splash around in the water to your heart's content, even a boat floating in the sink will do, pouring water through a funnel or sieve. These activities will help your baby sit still and concentrate.

If you can’t captivate your fidget with such games, you can entice him with competition. Have a race to see who can put five jigsaw puzzles together first, or who can use all the colors to create a picture. The amount of training time can be gradually increased. Be sure to praise your child for his achievements!

Turn on the music

ADHD children often need reminders about the task at hand because they become distracted by other things. Research has shown that music helps the brain organize time and space and aids in learning and memory. In other words, it is more difficult for a child to be distracted from the music, so the mind and body are better able to concentrate on the task at hand. It’s good to learn songs with your child that have verses with a clear sequence of actions, then, while humming the song, it will be much more fun and interesting, for example, cleaning the room.

Any problem can be interpreted this way. For maximum effectiveness, you can take your child’s favorite tune. Even if it’s prose with music, it’s not scary, as long as it interests the little one. Encourage him to write new lyrics for his own songs in order to capture other tasks that need to be completed. Children like such games; they willingly agree to do simple things to the music.

Make a child part of history

While coming up with a story, you need to ask your child leading questions, involving him in creating the story. This will help train your thinking and focus on the character in the story. “What is the dog doing? What will she do next in this or that situation? What would the child do if he found himself in this story?” It’s also good to share your own thoughts and reflections to show your child that the story is really exciting and interesting.

If it's not just before bedtime, it's a good idea to encourage both physical expression and display of the story being told. For example, a child can show how a dog crawls on all fours, how a hero saves a fairy-tale princess, or any other action. Physically acting out a character helps them get more involved than just listening and staying still.

"Say it out loud"

The child should be encouraged to use the self-training technique of talking to himself, as if he were a character in a play. Let him try to describe his actions out loud. Which he is going to do: “I am building a tower. One... two... three blocks. Oh oh! This one fell. I'll try again."

It is necessary to take the initiative and independently articulate your planned tasks as clear example. “I'm cooking spaghetti. I need a big pot and a lot of water. So, turn on the gas. What's next? Sauce!" Self-training will allow the child to mentally fixate on the task and consistently, step by step, complete it.

Creativity training

It’s good when parents give in to their children in games, small victories strengthen self-confidence and own strength. Also, do not forget about praise and encouragement. This will not spoil the child in any way, but will once again draw attention to how good it is to enjoy a completed task.

Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may be orderly and quiet life, but they simply need the help of adults in the very early stages of growing up.