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» Interesting facts about the shoemaker profession. Interesting facts about children's shoes and their choice. Progress of the educational lesson

Interesting facts about the shoemaker profession. Interesting facts about children's shoes and their choice. Progress of the educational lesson

Everyone faces the choice of children's and adult shoes, and this process has already become so firmly established in our lives that it has become banal and often even painful. It would seem that something interesting and complex could happen - you went into a store or visited an online store for children's shoes, chose, tried on, bought - ready. But there are some nuances that not many parents think about.

When choosing shoes, we don’t always think about when to choose them correctly, that is, what time of day is appropriate? And it should be, since in the evening the volume of the leg increases! For example, in the morning your leg or your baby's leg may be a whole centimeter smaller in width! Just imagine how much discomfort new shoes can cause if you bought them in the morning and put them on in the evening. This is fraught with painful calluses on children's or adult feet, and a feeling of tightness. And if you buy shoes in the afternoon, then such problems can be avoided.

What is the best way to try on shoes?

  • Body weight has its effect on the foot. So, if you are standing, your foot or your baby's foot may be half a size longer. That is why, when trying on shoes for a child, ask him to stand up and walk around the store, and not sit in new shoes on a comfortable chair. This is the only way you can truly understand whether the size is correct.
  • In addition, it is important to consider that when walking, with each step the foot moves forward a little, so it is important to consider that the inner insole of the shoe should be slightly longer than the foot itself.
  • Another important nuance- It is important to try on a pair of shoes on both feet. Often, one leg is larger than the other!

Shoes are not just a daily wardrobe item. For many, a baby's shoes become a souvenir. For example, American parents do not throw away or give away their children’s first shoes, they save them. Not surprisingly, such tiny shoes make cute keychains and pendants for the car interior. A similar tradition also exists in Norway, where the baby’s first shoes are covered with silver and this memorable souvenir is kept.

8/10/2016, 18:32 0 comments views

We continue to consider in detail the items of clothing that are familiar and ordinary to us and today interesting facts about the design of shoes.

So, we will start with such a simple and well-known detail as the tongue. Many may think that it was invented for the convenience of putting on boots, and some consider it a rather useless part of the shoe (especially if it slides to the side, wrinkles and gets in the way in every possible way). However, the tongue was introduced into the design of the boot in the middle of the 19th century for a reason: its purpose is to soften the pressure from lacing, as well as protect against chafing, from small stones and more effectively fix the leg.

By the way, the tongue has several varieties, depending on how it is attached to the shoe. If there is an additional layer of fabric attached to the front of the boot, it is the tongue itself. And, for example, in sports and hiking shoes, an analogue of the tongue is used - a blind valve, which is completely sewn along the entire length with the shoe.

Fans of comfortable penny loafers probably appreciated the leather strip with a slit on the front of them as pure decorative element, having no practical significance. And in this case, such a judgment will be close to the truth, but not 100%. In the distant 30s, the owner of the American factory “G. H. Bass & Co decides to slightly modify and improve the loafers, diluting their initially simple design with a small detail - a leather strip with a diamond-shaped slot, which was sewn to the top of the shoe for beauty. And it was this detail that inspired the name “penny loafers.” The fact is that in the middle of the 20th century, Ivy League students began to insert one cent into the diamond-shaped cutout on a leather strip. This was done so that the coin would attract attention to the shoes with its shine, and change, if anything, was always at hand. And American students believed that a penny would bring good luck in exams, and also kept a “stash” there in case of a hangover morning or in case of financial difficulties. So, keep in mind, this decorative detail can also become quite functional.

By the way, tassels, which are also often used in the design of some models, were originally created for a practical purpose - with the help of ties with tassels at the ends, it was possible to adjust the loafers for a more durable and comfortable fixation of the leg. When purchasing modern models, check to see if on the model you like, these brushes are not just for beauty.

No less popular among consumers are boots such as brogues, distinctive feature which is perforation. It really is the highlight of this shoe and is used in modern models as decoration. But initially, through holes were made in brogues so that the shoes would dry faster and have some ventilation. The fact is that the first who put on brogues were the inhabitants of wetlands, the Irish and the Scots, who did not yet know rubber shoes in those days.

There are brogues these days. different types and differ from each other, in addition to other features, also in the number of perforations: over the entire surface of the shoe, holes only on the toe or only along the seams.

Less common, but no less comfortable and fashionable, are monks - there is something to be said about them too. These elongated and narrow shoes do not have laces, but are equipped with one or two straps, which now serve only a decorative function. And once upon a time, straps and buckles were the only known fastening elements, and they were the ones used by monks. Laconic and modest design The monk corresponded to their way of life, and the material from which the clasp was made (silver or gold) indicated the status of a monk. The straps made it possible to quickly and easily remove shoes from your feet, but at the same time prevented them from falling off while walking.

No less interesting is the story of the appearance of belts on brutal heavy army boots. Now they are used as decoration, sometimes designers hang all their shoes with them, but once upon a time belts saved lives. They were the first to be used by tankers of the French army, who realized that they could get out of a burning tank much faster if they did not have to free their stuck leg by untying the lacing on their boots. In addition, with the help of straps it was possible to quickly and easily adjust the thickness and girth of the boot in case the leg became swollen or numb.

And finally, a fun fact. It turns out that heels on shoes first appeared on men's shoes, and were fixed on women’s only in the 17th century. In the late Middle Ages, heels began to be attached to the soles of riding boots. This innovation contributed to better fixation of the leg in the stirrup; it did not slip and the rider felt more confident, especially when it was necessary to stand up in the saddle to take aim. Later, heels were adopted by the military for long hikes, and now a small heel is considered more beneficial for the health of the legs and spine than no heel at all.

As the famous saying goes, a person is greeted by his clothes... And shoes are also part of the clothes. According to statistics, the majority of representatives of the fairer sex, when meeting a man, first of all pay attention to the condition of his shoes. Well-groomed, clean shoes increase its capabilities several times. There are many interesting facts associated with this part of the wardrobe. Let's talk about the most unusual of them.

The world-famous singer Madonna collects absolutely different shoes. Part of this collection consists of shoes that have not been worn even once. Since the material from which they are made is very fragile or precious. Also, the singer has a weakness for sneakers.

The largest number of shoe factories are located in Italy. This is very symbolic, because even on the map this country is very similar women's boot. And in terms of sales, France ranks first. This is where you buy greatest number shoes

There is an opinion that shoes with smooth soles are harmful, especially to children, because bones and joints become stronger during development. This opinion is wrong. Smooth soles, for example in sneakers, are ideal option for physical education, which completely refutes the above opinion. Sneakers are not only comfortable to play sports in, they are ideal for this purpose.

Some time ago in Latin America open toes on the shoes indicated that the owner belonged to representatives of sexual minorities.

In 2002, a record pair of shoes was created in the Philippine Islands. The length of each boot was 5.5 m, width 2.25 m and height 1.83 m. Only a 40-meter giant could put on such boots.

The famous American basketball player Shaquille O'Neal has size 55 feet.

The most popular shoe size for women is 39. Actress, singer and model Paris Hilton does her best to hide her size 44.

If you throw a couple into the sea sports shoes, she will not drown, and will float for about ten years.

All people's shoe sizes are not the same. At the same time, shoes on the right foot of a right-hander wear out much faster than on the left.

The ancient Incas entered into marriage at the moment when the couple exchanged their shoes.

In Tunisia, a man proposes to his beloved in a very unusual way - according to tradition, he gives his beloved snow-white slippers. If she accepts his gift and puts on slippers and the same white gloves, it means that she agrees to get married.

In the 20s of the twentieth century, Prohibition was adopted in the United States. In this regard, the illegal sale of alcoholic beverages was actively developed. To prevent the police from identifying illegal sellers, they attached special lasts to their shoes that imitated the footprint of a cow's hoof.

Most Latin American families were below the poverty line and could not afford to buy shoes. One day, Blake Mycoskie, the owner of large shoe manufacturing enterprises, visited the country. He saw barefoot children and decided to open a new direction for making woven sandals. Mycoskie reported on an unusual enterprise - when purchasing one pair of any shoes, the second was given to poor children in Latin America. Since the beginning of production, thousands of poor people have received free shoes for their children.

There is a company in the USA that recycles used sneakers. At special collection points you can return your old pair, which will subsequently be recycled into materials necessary for sports. Each individual part of the sneaker has its own purpose. So, sports tracks are made from the sole, and the fabric is recycled for the construction of basketball courts.

To avoid theft at military installations in Japan, the shoes were stored in different warehouses. The left side of the boots was far from the right.

The first sneakers were not created for sports at all. They served as a leg corset, which tightly fixed the foot during various injuries.

Tatiana Stebunova

Educational areas: cognition, communication.


Summarize children's knowledge about shoes.


Tell us about the origin of the shoes.

Form ideas about how shoes change over time.

To consolidate knowledge of the properties of materials6 fur, leather, rubber, felt.

Develop children's sensory perception through examination.

Material and equipment:

various shoes for exhibition

shoe images

pieces of materials (rubber, leather, fur, felt)

Vocabulary work:

Develop coherent speech, the ability to analyze, draw conclusions.

Practice naming words correctly plural, genitive case.

Preliminary work:

conversations on the topic. ,

selection of various shoes and organization of the exhibition.

reading Chukovsky's poem "The Miracle - the Tree".

Move educational activity.

Do you like riddles? Having guessed my riddle, you will understand what we will talk about today.

“We always walk together

Similar as brothers

We're under the table at dinner,

And at night under the bed"

Right, we're talking about about shoes.

I invite you to an exhibition of shoes called “Different shoes are needed, all shoes are important.”

How many shoes do you think a person needs? By reasoning

(Children tell what shoes are needed and why)

That's right: simple, insulated boots, rubber boots,

ski shoes, flip flops, sandals, party shoes and so on.

We have to change clothes several times a day.

When we get out of bed in the morning, the first thing we do is look under the bed for indoor shoes.

Before going to school or work, we put on shoes, boots, boots.

At work, many people also change clothes, there may be special shoes,

for example boots for factory workers.

In the evening, getting ready for the theater, we put on beautiful shoes.

We are all accustomed to shoes. It seems so ordinary, as if the person has always had it.

But not always!

The most ordinary shoe has a very long and very interesting history.

(The teacher reads to the children “When did shoes appear?”)

Let's try it like this primitive people walked on sharp stones without shoes?

(Children walk along the stone path with one naked leg.)

How do you feel? (prickly, painful, unpleasant, inconvenient).

And for a shod foot? (easy, free, confident)

Guys, who makes shoes? (shoemaker, shoemaker)

Yes, this profession appeared 5 thousand years ago. And year after year, shoemakers made more comfortable, more durable, more beautiful shoes. Among the shoemakers there were great masters of their craft. They made beautiful, elegant shoes from colored leather with shiny buckles and beautiful patterns.

Guys, pay attention to how beautiful the shoes have grown on the “miracle tree”.

(The teacher reads an excerpt from the poem “miracle - tree”)

Now let's play the game "reverse" with the racer.

Teacher - children

There are boots - no boots

Boots - boot

Slippers - slippers

Flip-flops – flip-flops

Sandals – sandals

Shoes - shoes

Sandals - sandals

Slippers - slippers

Physical education lesson "Happy Legs"

For a long time, the most common material for making shoes was animal skin.

Which valuable property has skin?

That's right, it is soft, flexible, it can be stitched, punched, and glued.

Take a piece of skin and tell me what it is like?

(durable, soft, lightweight)

But the most valuable thing about it is that it “breathes”, i.e.

Passes air through its pores or openings. Therefore, in leather shoes, the foot feels good, does not get tired, and does not sweat. What other material can shoes be made from? (rubber, fur, felt, cloth)

Remember what shoes you wore on frosty days? (in felt boots)

What material are they made of? (from felt)

What properties does this material have? (dense, warm, water-permeable)

It is made from sheep's wool.

And if it gets warmer outside, what will we wear? (leather boots)

Leather boots or shoes are insulated with fur so that they can be worn even in cold weather.

But now streams and puddles have appeared, what then is on our feet? (rubber boots)

Guys, today we got acquainted with various shoes and the materials from which they are made.

At home, look at your family's shoes and tell us what weather they should be worn in and what they are made of!

And finally, we will play the game “Find Your Mate”

(children take off one shoe at a time and, blindfolded, look for their pair of shoes)

Shoes have long been an integral element of our wardrobe. But what do we know about our favorite slippers, shoes, shoes and boots? Read 20 interesting facts about when and where shoes appeared, who was the first to wear heels, and much more on the portal website.

01:26 25.11.2013

1. Archaeologists have come to the conclusion that shoes appeared 26-30 thousand years ago, during the Paleolithic, in western Eurasia.

2. The first shoes were made of leather, made using tree bark, reeds, papyrus, bast, straw, yarn and wood.

3. In the 14th century in Europe, the length of shoes depended on nobility. The highest nobility were allowed to wear shoes 3 cm larger than their actual size. The nobles were forced to tie their shoes so as not to lose them.

4. The main purpose of the heel is to fix the foot in the stirrup, speed up walking, and increase a person’s height.

5. Men of the Turkic tribes were the first to wear high-heeled shoes to make riding more comfortable.

6. Turkic nomads are also considered the inventors of boots, for whom these shoes were the most comfortable for riding.

7. The most comfortable and beneficial heel for the foot is a wide one, about 2-4 cm high.

8. Orthopedists warn: walking in high heels for more than 5 hours a day is dangerous for the spine. This can also affect the course of pregnancy and childbirth.

9. Shoe sizes were invented in 1792 by the Englishman and shoemaker James Smith.

10. In Korea, shoe sizes are indicated in millimeters.

11. As a rule, the right shoe wears out faster than the left one.

12. Try on new shoes in the evening or after a long walk, when the foot is slightly enlarged or even at its maximum size.

13. 90% of the fair sex do not know how or do not want to buy shoes that fit, preferring models that are a size smaller than they should be.

14. Women who like stilettos are 26% more likely to experience pain knee joints than those who adhere to comfortable shoes.

15. It is believed that the stiletto heel was invented in 1950 by the Italian fashion designer Salvatore Ferragamo, who put his models in shoes with a long steel stiletto rod instead of a heel.

16. Flat feet can be caused by constantly wearing shoes with low speed and without a fixed heel.

17. To stretch leather shoes, you need to pour vodka into them. To dry a wet pair of shoes, you can stuff newspaper or paper into them to absorb the moisture.

18. You can update an old pair of your favorite shoes with acrylic paint, choosing a shade slightly darker than the “native” one.

19. Incredible but true: there are almost 2 trillion variations of lacing for shoes with 12 pairs of holes.

20. Shoe throwing is very popular in the USA and Canada, and is found in Latin America, Ukraine, Russia and Europe. To hang a pair of shoes on the wires, they are tied with laces. They say that in the USA this is how they mark the place where drugs are sold. There are versions that throwing shoes is a wedding ceremony, symbolizing the groom's farewell to his single life. School graduates and those who have completed military service also throw away their shoes.