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» Why do you dream of a Circle in a dream, what does it mean in a dream book to see a Circle? Lifebuoy

Why do you dream of a Circle in a dream, what does it mean in a dream book to see a Circle? Lifebuoy

Against carelessness that could put her in some difficult situation, but this dream has nothing to do with her marriage or love.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Circle- symbolizes the dreamer’s own integrity. Also represents the universe and the world.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Stand in a circle- to limit your rights. to limit your rights.

Standing in a circle means your rights are limited. a symbol of completeness, integrity, meaninglessness, repetition, hopelessness, trap, spiritual “I”.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing a circle as a geometric figure in a dream- means the isolation of your existence. If you see objects in the form of a circle - a hoop, hula hoop, etc.- this means that in reality, in your thoughts or actions, you constantly or from time to time return to the starting point.

For patients, similar dreams- may foreshadow impending death, for lovers- a quick wedding, for athletes- victory in competitions.

See yourself among friends- a sign of mutual assistance and goodwill. Family circle- to new household chores and troubles. Finding yourself in a dream surrounded by enemies or wild animals- a harbinger of serious danger. Draw a magic circle around yourself- you will be saved.

Women's dream book

Circle in a dream- means empty hopes for big profits.

A young woman has such a dream- warns against careless behavior that could put her in a difficult position.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

American Indians call the magic wheel the Great Circle of Life, which contains endless cycles of life. It contains death and rebirth, beginning and end, four directions, four elements (air, water, fire and earth) and four seasons.

Circle- this is a powerful symbol - a symbol of harmony, beauty and balance. It can mean completeness and wholeness.

Do you feel like you're running in circles, unable to achieve anything?- sit down and think about your true priorities, eliminating everything unnecessary from your life.

You find yourself in a vicious circle- take a fresh look at the situation.

Italian dream book

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Circle in a dream- symbolizes a state of fixation - repetition in the future of already passed situations (running in a circle). Inside the circle- there is an infinity of choice of movement options and solutions, but it is impossible to fundamentally change the goal of the movement, since the circle will round everything - it will start the movement in a closed, even pattern. Any solution to the problem that is outwardly the most sophisticated for the dreamer will only outwardly be outside the boundaries of the diagram.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Circle- mandala. Symbolism of the Sun. Female symbol. Balance, orderliness, but also limitation, isolation, loss of freedom. The final state of unity and the Universal.

Esoteric dream book

Circle- protection.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Circle- warning; exhaustion; vanity; calm; completion.

Collection of dream books

Circle- means harmony, beauty and balance. Completeness and integrity.

Circle- this is something closed, predetermined. It is a wheel with an eternal rotation without direction, non-progressive walking in a circle.

Circle in a dream, on the one hand- speaks of your internal balance, orderliness, but, on the other hand, hints that you lack creative freedom and development in life, you do not notice new progressive life paths that open before you.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Dream interpretation circle

According to the popular dream book, a circle is a symbol that has a large number of interpretations. Therefore, the dream you see can be interpreted only on the basis of the general context.

When to start interpretation?

As a rule, such a complex image indicates the completion of a task or the pathological fixation of the sleeper in solving some problem.

The main thing is to use your time rationally, discarding unnecessary things.

What will the professionals say?

I dreamed of an important multi-valued symbol Trying to find out what the circle is about in a dream, the dreamer may come up with different versions

, but it’s better to discard them right away. Dream interpreters are designed to simplify the search, and therefore it is better not to waste time.

The reason for the appearance of a circle in a dream is that the sleeping person is making erroneous calculations to make a big profit.

Gustav Miller does not advise engaging in such practice, since it simply takes up time and does not bring any benefit. A young representative of the fair sex who saw a circle in night dream , should be wary of cases involving family well-being

. Perhaps a temporary discord will begin in the relationship, and only mutual feelings can prevent a breakup.

Dream Interpretation from “A” to “Z” Looking at a circle in night vision means the dreamer cannot get out of a closed existence. If round objects appear in front of him, his own thoughts or actions constantly lead to the starting point. The dream interpreter believes that similar model behavior will not lead to the expected results, and therefore it is better to abandon it.

For certain groups of dreamers, the interpretation changes somewhat: Draw a vicious circle around yourself - you will be able to escape in. hopeless situation

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Do not rely on supernatural powers, since the final result depends on your own efforts.

Seeing a circle in a dream is a symbol that reflects the integrity of the sleeping personality. The fortuneteller personifies the dreamer with the world and the Universe, which is constantly expanding in him. If round-shaped objects appear in front of you, this means achieving your cherished dream and gaining inner satisfaction.

Dream Interpretation of the New Era

Seeing a water rescue device in a dream

The interpretation of a night dream in which a sleeping person saw a circle symbolizes thoroughness and sanity in making important decisions. The dream book believes that the dreamer does not always have enough composure, and therefore certain character traits have to be put together.

Which one was it?

The dreamed symbol has a large number of variations, so try to remember them.

Rescue Why do you dream about a lifebuoy? People who see him in a dream are considered opportunists in the good sense of the word. They are able to adapt to any situation, no matter how difficult it may seem. As the dream book thinks, an inflatable object that protects small child

, symbolizes upcoming changes in life that may affect various aspects. Try to interpret this sign correctly so that it does not confuse you.

Dreaming of a circle of fire According to another interpretation, the inflatable ring tells the sleeper that there should be reliable people around who want to pull him out. development.

An inflatable thing reflects the dreamer's arrogance. Esotericists believe that it is better to reduce your ardor, otherwise someone else will help do it.

Fiery Seeing a circle of fire is a sign telling about large quantities subconscious fears that interfere with achieving your goals. They do not allow you to concentrate properly, and therefore you get a mediocre result. In some cases, a circle of fire portends strong emotions that will sooner or later burst out.

Trust your own instincts.


I dreamed about a gymnastics hoop Why do you dream about people being cordoned off? The dream book for the Bitch says that behind the back of the sleeping person a serious conspiracy is being prepared that could destroy a business reputation. Finding yourself surrounded by your enemies means finding yourself in a difficult situation from which it is not so easy to get out.

Enemy networks are not so easy to see, so don’t try to make hasty decisions. Having considered popular versions

  • , pay attention to others, which sometimes contain equally valuable information:
  • a circle in a triangle means a loss of confidence in the future;
  • squared - to finding spiritual harmony or excessive attention from the environment;
  • from salt - to a possible magical attack, from which it is better to defend;
  • a gymnastic hoop is a sign that identifies the focus of attention on a specific problem;

on the sheet - to possible financial problems.

Is it difficult to predict? Dreaming of a circle formed by people means a fun and interesting pastime. Such story line

makes you think about a party, and therefore you can prepare for it in advance.

A girl who tries to draw a perfect circle in a night dream expects marriage, but there is no need to rush into an answer. If a married woman saw a similar plot, this means a pleasant acquaintance.

Your mark:

Seeing a dream in which the circle is represented by a flowerbed foreshadows a romantic acquaintance, which, although it will develop into a more serious relationship, will still not lead to a wedding. If the dreamer saw many round objects, then his desires will become reality, you just need to be patient a little. Circles on the water indicate that the person who dreamed about them is not stable.. Drawing this geometric figure on the floor to summon spirits means that in reality the dreamer needs protection and he will receive it, his situation will be resolved in the best possible way. Also, such a dream can promise a new friend who will help find a way out of a difficult situation. If a sick person holds on to a life preserver, this means that his recovery is just around the corner. But when such a dream occurs to a person with financial problems, in reality he can count on serious cash receipts that will help him get out of the debt hole.

What if you dream of a circle?

A circle is a warning sign, so a person should pay attention to such a dream, perhaps he can do something to avoid trouble. Seeing a circle in a dream means a hopeless situation, meaningless activity, so you should not start new things or sign contracts after this.

If a person draws this geometric figure on paper in a vision, then a carefree time awaits him. However, it will not last long, so you should not relax and abandon all your affairs; it is better to put them in order at this time.

Seeing the dreamer’s child swimming in a pool with a lifebuoy means that in reality a misfortune will happen to him, so you should better watch him, then perhaps trouble will be avoided. This is for a woman geometric figure portends empty hopes for profit, so she should not waste money and make thoughtless purchases. This symbol advises the girl to behave carefully, otherwise she may put herself in a difficult position.

What does it portend?

What the circle means in a dream has great importance for a person, so he should pay attention to it. So, if this symbol is seen by a housewife, then she will soon have to save on everything, and drawing up a household budget will become a familiar duty for her.

Not married woman he foreshadows a meeting with her future husband, but she should not marry him, since the marriage will be unsuccessful. For a businessman, the circle promises unreliable partners with whom it is better not to have any dealings and, if possible, to intersect with them as little as possible.

A circle is a dual symbol that changes its interpretation depending on other elements of the dream, which should also be paid attention to when deciphering it.

Sail in a lifeboat - you will be able to avoid big trouble;
the boat begins to sink - serious troubles, the fault of which will be your friends;
after long adventures on the open sea, you will finally land on the shore - your life will soon get better.
Also see Sea.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Circle

The American Indians call the magic wheel the great circle of life, which contains the endless cycles of life.

It contains death and rebirth, beginning and end, four directions, four elements (air, water, fire and earth) and four seasons.

Circle: This is a powerful symbol of harmony, beauty and balance.

It can mean completeness and wholeness.

Do you feel like you are running in circles, unable to achieve anything: sit down and think about your true priorities, eliminating everything unnecessary from your life.

You find yourself in a vicious circle: take a fresh look at the situation.

Interpretation of dreams from

A circle seen in a dream has many interpretations in dream books. Therefore, one should interpret what such a sign means in a dream based on the features of the picture seen. An image associated with round objects is identified with the completion of some task or the dreamer’s fixation on some issue.

What does Miller suggest?

A dreamed circle reflects erroneous calculations on big profit- Mr. Miller is sure. For a young lady to see round objects in a dream, it means the risk of being careless in some matter that does not concern love and family relationships.

About the inner world...

The sorceress Medea announces the integrity of the dreamer, his immense inner and spiritual world, interpreting what the circle means in dreams. Complete dream book New Era the interpretation of the dream identifies with the solidity and sanity of the sleeping person, the need to put all the parts together.

Esotericists compare the dream of a circle of fire with the dreamer’s inner fear, which does not allow him to concentrate and find a way out of the situation. Sometimes fire ball is a harbinger of strong emotions that can get out of control.

Details: outline

Depending on the type and purpose of the dreamed circle, dream books explain why such a dream occurs. So, see:

  • rescue - announces the character’s need for support and care;
  • a circle in a triangle speaks of mental turmoil, uncertainty about the future;
  • in a square - speaks of spiritual harmony or excessive care of others;
  • from salt - foreshadows the need to protect yourself from magical influences;
  • hula hoop - identified with the dreamer’s fixation on a certain problem;
  • drawing a circle means calculating finances.

Get ready for change!

People who happen to see themselves on an inflatable life ring will in reality have to quickly adapt to changing circumstances. If you dreamed that a child was swimming on a lifebuoy, it means: changes are coming in family life, which will affect not only the sleeping person, but also all his household members.


Seeing people standing in a ring, according to the dream book for the Bitch, warns of an impending conspiracy against the sleeping person. Being surrounded by people in a dream who are your enemies in reality speaks of enemy networks placed in reality, from which it will be difficult to find a way out.

Drawing a circle of salt in a dream, according to the dream book, speaks of the protection and patronage of good forces. Magic crop circles are associated with a mystical border that is forbidden to be crossed by otherworldly forces.

Fun is coming!

A dream about a ring of people holding hands speaks of the prospect of having a fun and interesting time. Sometimes, such a plot promises the opportunity to attend a special event.

For a girl trying to draw a circle in a dream, the dream book of Lovers promises an unexpected marriage proposal. Why a married woman dreams of such a plot heralds an upcoming pleasant acquaintance.