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» Why dream of a quarrel with a friend - interpretation of the dream. Why do you dream of arguing: with a friend, husband or a stranger? Basic interpretations of different dream books - why do you dream of swearing?

Why dream of a quarrel with a friend - interpretation of the dream. Why do you dream of arguing: with a friend, husband or a stranger? Basic interpretations of different dream books - why do you dream of swearing?

Former young man or ex-husband appearing in a dream symbolizes your excessive preoccupation with the past.

This is what prevents you from moving forward and developing as an individual; ex-love does not want to give up true love a place in your heart.

The dream in which you parted with this person suggests that the time is coming for a change of priorities, the collapse of previous ideals.

After this internal audit, things will go much better for you, in all areas of your life.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

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Dream Interpretation - Quarrel

A dream where they quarrel without your participation predicts production troubles and disappointment in the profession.

If you quarrel with someone, you will be burdened with financial troubles and troubles.

Quarrel with relatives - to good relations with them.

Friend - to the loyalty and devotion of friends (sometimes to some kind of loss).

A quarrel between lovers means treason.

If a man dreams of a quarrel with a stranger, a flash of jealousy will soon follow in reality.

If a woman quarrels with a woman in a dream, disturbing events await her.

A quarrel with a stranger of the opposite sex - to ardent love.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream interpretation quarrel with a friend

The best friend can sometimes replace the closest people. With her we can experience joy, share sadness and sadness, share latest news. But why do you dream about a quarrel with a friend? Swearing has never been a positive thing that benefits a relationship. It destroys the foundation that was built over a long friendship. What consequences does it bring with its chaos and anger? Go to new level communication, finding compromises or worsening the conflict? The dream book will try to answer this question along with the leading predictors of the mysterious world of dreams. He will tell you whether it is the result of lingering fatigue from disagreement or whether it promises a deeper meaning.

What does the interpreter say?

If you dreamed of a quarrel with a friend

Anything can visit us in the world of dreams. Often these are ordinary things, but sometimes you have to observe unexpected, sometimes fabulous plot twists. I would like to see only bright, positive dreams, but negative events also foreshadow a favorable and even happy future.

Who you are?

Your gender and current position are also important. Especially for a woman, a friend is a dear and irreplaceable person, with whom life is not so painful.

  1. Unmarried girl. For a free girl, such a phenomenon foreshadows some troubles in the business sphere. These can range from problems finding work, making a profit, to more serious difficulties including dismissal, deprivation of wages and severe reprimands.
  2. Woman. The lady should be seriously concerned about her current relationship with her husband. A loved one is tired of all sorts of quarrels and is at the stage of a breakup. It is necessary to call your soulmate for a sincere conversation, discuss differences and come to conclusions that suit both.
  3. Man. A harbinger of collapse in business. This doesn't mean that the thing you worked so hard on is doomed to fail. You should be as careful as possible and eliminate even minimal risks, not forgetting that even minor problems during prolonged stagnation can cause significant harm to your business.

What condition was your friend in?

If your friend was drunk

When interpreting perceived phenomena, minor details play a decisive role. A seemingly trifle can easily turn the whole plot around, which is why it is so important to remember all the details. What situation was your friend in? Perhaps you stopped being friends with her a long time ago or did she appear in an interesting position?

  1. Quarrel with best friend. This indicates a connection with her. Soon you will have a problem in your life that will be difficult to resolve. For advice, you will have to turn to a friend who will suggest the right, but very unusual solution.
  2. With my ex. The appearance of an ex-girlfriend is a sign that you are living in the past. You miss the old times, plunging into endless nostalgia, forgetting about the delights of the present. Allow yourself to let go of the past and live with new people who will bring much more joy.
  3. With a drunk. It is hardly pleasant for us to be in the same room with drunk people, who, moreover, are impossible to argue with. The dream book claims that this is a good omen, foreshadowing a lot of surprises. You will be pleasantly pleased with the unexpected surprises that you deserve.
  4. With a married woman. If a friend walks down the aisle and a conflict occurs on this basis, then this speaks of your envy in real life. Do not give in to sinful thoughts, trying to gain other people's successes, and learn to sincerely rejoice for other people.
  5. With a dying woman. This terrible phenomenon, where I dreamed of coming death, and even negativity in the form of quarrels, will bring, oddly enough, good health To your best friend. Luck and success will accompany her in all directions, and her health will be at its best.

In China, a quarrel is characterized as the approach of a joyful event, but in Iran it is a sign of imminent deprivation of something.

Nature of the quarrel

In real life, we can swear in different ways. These can be either loud, protracted conflicts or constructive conversations. Many factors depend on our temperament, as well as the character traits of the person with whom the disagreement occurred.

How did the quarrel go?

If the quarrel took place in a raised voice

Being an impulsive person, did you dream of a peaceful showdown? Or, being a calm person, a loud scandal occurred? Each of these factors has its own interpretation.

  1. Quiet solution to conflict. If at first there was a disagreement, but in the end you stopped pulling the blanket over yourself, having found a position beneficial for both, a calm awaits you family life. A warm atmosphere will reign in the house, and your loved one will present you with a pleasant and symbolic gift.
  2. Long quarrel. Are you unable to establish a relationship with a former or current long-term friend? This is a sign that you need to contact your inner world. You are probably not acting entirely correctly and honestly towards other people.
  3. In a raised voice. Finding out relationships where each family member does not listen to each other, unfortunately, is already quite common. IN in this case A long business trip awaits you, which will make you miss your close friends and relatives. The dream book also notes that the trip will be beneficial for material well-being.

Outcome of the quarrel

The fact of how the quarrel ended is also important. This is important point when interpreting the confusing plot of a dream.

  1. It turned into a fight. Soon you will be faced with unexpected expenses that will hit you hard. family budget. In general, a fight is a sign of approaching difficulties, overcoming which will be a very problematic task.
  2. It brought tears and strong emotions. You should be seriously concerned about your well-being. It is advisable to visit a hospital where the attending physician will identify possible diseases, and, if possible, indicate further actions. If the emotions were positive, you should expect relief from chronic diseases.
  3. A compromise has been found. The dream book claims that such a phenomenon characterizes you as an integral person. You know how to remain calm and find a way out of any situation.

If the quarrel occurred on the second, sixteenth, twenty-fifth or twenty-ninth, then there is no need to worry. These are “empty” numbers where dreams do not have any meaning.

Other interpretations

To get a complete picture, you should pay attention to other sources. Each dream book has its own interpretation of the incident that happened.

Seasonal dream book

What time of year did the conflict occur? This detail is of no small importance.


You may quarrel with your husband

Conflicts are coming in reality. To eliminate them, you need to improve the psychological climate in the family and give close people enough attention and affection.


It is also a harbinger of a conflict that will continue over a long period and may result in injury. You should be especially careful and avoid critical situations.


A period of difficulties has come with your soulmate. You will often misunderstand each other, which will lead to a lot of resentment. It depends only on you whether you will find the strength to overcome a difficult stage or go astray.


The dream book advises to take a closer look at your immediate surroundings. There is probably a deceitful friend in your circle who is hiding behind a hypocritical mask, preparing to strike.

Miller's Dream Book

The psychologist does not give a positive prognosis regarding of this dream. He believes that this is a sure sign of a dark period in life and loud conflicts in reality.

If a girl observed a similar plot, then she should prepare for long-term failures. And a woman can expect both divorce and protracted discord in family life.

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    interpretation sleep girlfriend. See in dream my girlfriend- to a quarrel with loved ones. Swear With girlfriend- to improve relationships with people. To fight with her means that you will spend a lot of effort to live in harmony and peace with others. Longo's Dream Interpretation. girlfriend in dream.If in reality you quarreled With girlfriend, A in dream saw how your relationship is improving - it means you are restless and are looking for a reason to meet in order to sort everything out and probably ask for forgiveness. Read more

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    Such dream may indicate that someone is trying to manipulate you. Why do you dream of a quarrel? With friend, girlfriend or friends? Conflict With friend in dream indicates that this person is able to support you in any situation. Quarrel With girlfriend in dream- most likely there is some kind of secret between you. Disagreement in dream With friends speaks of their devotion to you. Read more

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    Dream: I had a fight With girlfriend. I quarreled With girlfriend 3 days ago, we have never seen each other, since we live in different cities. She is in Moscow, and I am in Nizhny Novgorod, we communicated very well, we talked with her for a year and a half, maybe even more, and then I dreamed about her in dream, in dream She and I laughed, ran, then we went to a concert of our mutual favorite band. I feel that I am more to blame for the quarrel than she is, but for some reason I cannot move towards reconciliation. Read more

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    In dream I was at school and swore With classmate (we have bad feelings in life too Friend To friend) here we are had a fight I mocked her and then ran away and laughed.. hello, I don’t remember exactly in detail dream but I remember that girlfriend in dream attacked me with the fact that I like her boyfriend and she doesn’t believe me, although this is the best girlfriend, I cried so much that no one believes me, and besides, my mother had something else in dream also expressed it. Read more

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    If you are wondering why you dream swear in dream with a woman, it is important who exactly she was to you. Also, when interpreting, your emotional condition. A dream in which you happened to have a fight With mother, promises the beginning of some trials that you will have to endure soon. When you quarreled in a dream with your girlfriend, then, most likely, there is some kind of misunderstanding between you and in real life. Sometimes quarrel with the best girlfriend may promise long trips. They swore with his sister? Read more

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    Why do you dream girlfriend A woman can see dream, in which she meets her admirer girlfriends and beats him off - in fact dream says that her strict moral principles in life at the moment clearly sometimes prevent her from enjoying simple everyday joys. Girlfriend- Miller's Dream Book. We quarreled with my best girlfriend, in dream– yours dream promises you that some evil tongues are spreading various kinds of gossip about you behind your back. Read more

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    I dreamed of a quarrel With friend or With girlfriend, Argument With friends in dream- unresolved conflicts and disagreements. I dreamed that I quarreled With friend, but I didn’t want it and he was the initiator. He began to persuade our common friends go over to his side to beat me, because physically he is weaker. It was as if they were hypnotized. I started to fight with them, but I quickly dissuaded them friends do not enter into conflict with me, because I did not quarrel with any of them. Read more

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    I dreamed how you swear With girlfriend▼. Swear With girlfriend, the dream book warns - to problems. Family well-being is more likely to be threatened than professional activity. Swear With ex, according to the dream book - to positive changes. Professionalism combined with remarkable charm and self-confidence will help you achieve a lot, both in your career and in your personal life. Swear With friend in dream▼.Read more

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    Why dream of a quarrel with a guy - if in dream You quarreled seriously, and, especially, about some burning issue that interests you in real life, then - alas! - you cannot avoid such a quarrel in reality. Small Velesov dream book. In dream Why do you dream about Quarrel: Quarrel - A love meeting or good news. Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov. Dream Interpretation: What does a quarrel mean? Quarrel - see in dream quarrel with a stranger - a new activity; With friend- loss, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.Read completely

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    Dream book for the whole family. If you dreamed girlfriend- in real life you will receive support from a side where it would seem that it could not come from. Dream in which you are large had a fight With girlfriend with the use of assault - means that for the rest of your life you will strive for something unrealistic, which will only be realized at the end of your life’s journey. Read more

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    See in dream Girlfriend- If you dreamed girlfriend, then in real life you will receive support from a side where it would seem that it could not come from. Dream in which you are large had a fight With girlfriend using assault means that for the rest of your life you will strive for something impossible, which will only be realized at the end of your life’s journey. Read more

    Dream interpretation "sonan"

    Swear in dream with someone from relatives - to loss of respect. If you dreamed that you you swear with your boss, it means that in reality you want to prove something to someone, but you can’t. You need to admit to yourself that you are not playing fair. If in dream You had a fight With a stranger, which means you will soon meet interesting person. have a fight With the closest friend in dream- for the trip. Swear in dream with a spouse - to illness. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    I dreamed of a fight With Girlfriend, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why you dream about a fight. With Girlfriend in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream saw this symbol.i in dream communicated with people and my girlfriend started without listening to my request swear. in the end I'm with her had a fight and got into a fight. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    If in dream dreamer swears With someone close to you or with a loved one, then in reality large unexpected expenses await him, and you can also say about the dreamer that he is a spender. Swear in dream with one of the relatives portends a loss of respect. If you had a fight With stranger in dream, then expect troubles or bad news. Swear With homemade in dream- a sign that you are wasting your time and energy on trifles. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    After this sleep you should take another look at the guy you were arguing with in dream, - perhaps he is exactly the person destined for you by fate. However, in order to correctly interpret a dream, you need to remember all the details and details. I recently dreamed dream, What quarreled with her boyfriend, I was scared, I thought suddenly everything would happen in reality, but then I looked at your dream book and realized that this quarrel in dream on the contrary, for the better)).Read more

    Dream Interpretation "wmj"

    This dream may warn you about a real quarrel with a dreamed one girlfriend. Try to avoid conflict. Good luck to you! Sincerely. Your Witch.anna26kom Swear in dream With girlfriend, for what? Expert Answer: Hello! This dream Read more

If you dreamed of a friend, then in real life you will receive support from the side where it would seem there could not be any.

A dream in which you had a big fight with your friend using assault means that for the rest of your life you will strive for something impossible, which will only be realized at the end of your life’s journey.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for women

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Dream Interpretation - Quarrel

A dream where they quarrel without your participation predicts production troubles and disappointment in the profession.

If you quarrel with someone, you will be burdened with financial troubles and troubles.

A quarrel with relatives means good relations with them.

Friend - to the loyalty and devotion of friends (sometimes to some kind of loss).

A quarrel between lovers means treason.

If a man dreams of a quarrel with a stranger, a flash of jealousy will soon follow in reality.

If a woman quarrels with a woman in a dream, disturbing events await her.

A quarrel with a stranger of the opposite sex - to ardent love.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream Interpretation quarrel with a friend

Why do you dream about a quarrel with a friend in a dream according to the dream book?

You make a scandal and argue with your friend - be prepared to fight problems that will rain down on you from literally all sides, and most importantly, beware of the occurrence conflict situations in the house, as they can lead to irreversible consequences.

The ability to interpret dreams is valuable gift, because sometimes it is in a dream that consciousness gives us the deepest and most important clues.

Did you dream of a quarrel with a friend, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of a quarrel with a Girlfriend in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

A friend accused me of quarreling with another friend because of me and asking me not to come to her anymore

we worked together and a conflict began, she started giving me hints, I freaked out, then we completely separated and I went to work somewhere else, the dream was very vivid

I dreamed of my friend... as if we were walking with her and then something happened and she was offended by me. She started to hurt me in every possible way. One day I found her at the entrance and pressed her against the wall and took her by the neck... she fought back and screamed at my mother. And I just wanted to find out why she was offended by me... then she didn’t give me an answer and I ran into my apartment and started crying a lot, which is why I woke up.

I dreamed of childhood friends. We were sitting at the same table. An unexpected quarrel began. I started throwing porridge at one of them. She also threw it at me in response and was very offended. And when they left, they broke their crystal glasses.

It’s winter outside, for some reason I was riding a bike and my friend was bothering me and it was at night and then she went to the others to play and then I noticed that we had mixed up the packages at night and there was another girl Alena in our dreams then we mixed up the packages with her

We quarreled with our best friend because of what she said when I called her names, and everyone else quarreled with her yesterday, and today I had a dream that I was standing with her and I was making excuses, it's not my fault everything else

Due to the fact that I usually don’t have dreams that often, or if I have a dream, then in most cases it is prophetic, or foreshadows something that then happens.

“My friend and I came to another country to study, and now we came to inspect rented apartment. near the entrance she meets her former classmate, and after a period of time they leave silently. and I still remain standing, after a while I call her and shout that I don’t know where I am, I don’t know where to go and how to return (for some reason, subconsciously it seemed to me that she knew what and where to go). I was so offended that the feelings of resentment were so realistic, and I even woke up slightly. in the dream I clearly understood that I was very angry with her and that I would never speak to her again. then they called me, a young man (whom I sympathize with) called me, but since in life I have his number, I recently changed my number, and no one knows him yet, then in a dream I understand this, I understand that he could not find out number, and I pick up the phone as a third party, as if he had the wrong number (moreover, in life I would have acted one on one, since I sympathize with the person, but we have a conflict) ... and in the end the person helps me. whom I can’t stand, with whom I have eternal scandals.

It seems like such a strange hodgepodge, but what worries me is that in a few months this friend and I are actually leaving for another country to study….

Hello! I dreamed that we had a fight, but there was no scandal. She just started taking away the things that she gave me or simply lent.

this happened at her wedding, I was a witness. She told me that I don't do much and stuff like that. Well, then word by word we quarreled and I left.

the dream seemed to come true. I clearly remember my thoughts about why I’m unlucky with my friends, I trusted her so much, and she did this. I don’t remember how we fought. the fact is that my friend had the same dream that night. and she just thought, Vlad, stop shouting, we’ll face off

I stepped on my friend’s foot, then she stepped back on me. Because of this, she and I had a very big quarrel. They called each other names and sent them away. In the end she left me

my friend has a wife, a very good girl, but we had a fight more than six months ago. Today I dreamed that I accidentally met her while walking along the path, it was a sunny day, summer, she was not alone, but with some friend, and I was with someone (I don’t remember who). we passed each other, but both of us were in a hostile mood, or rather, she was the first to make a grimace, meaning that she didn’t like me, and then for some reason I showed her the middle finger, when in life I don’t allow myself to do that at all

In a dream, a friend died, I saw how they buried her and saw how they put her in a coffin, she died on some hill and lay face down, at that moment other friends ran up and I quarreled with one of them, because she was laughing at that moment , and I told her everything I thought, exactly what I told her, I cannot say in reality.

We had a very strong quarrel with a friend and a friend. They chased me, I tried to run away, hide, but they still found me. My friend poured water on me and hit me several times. The friend screamed obscenities and reproached me for many things. As a result, my friend and I made peace, but I never saw my friend again.

I had a fight with a friend at school but she had already finished school, then I was walking with another friend and she didn’t even say hello

In this dream, I first went to the store that was at the station. And at this station there were girls who were blind, they all wore black glasses, there was a doll that if you think about something, attacks you, I was afraid of it in the dream, so I ran into the store .I bought a lot of all sorts of crap there, I don’t remember what exactly. Then somehow I ended up at a friend’s house. She was offended at me for some reason and took my jacket that I bought and something else. And she started telling her some men like, beat her up (me). And they started attacking me and beating me, I fought them all off. But then my other best friend Yulia came up to me and also started taking me by the hands but didn’t beat me, I told her what kind of Alina are you? (friend) She looked and said: No, this was all on purpose. She was for me. But we didn’t show this to our friend. Then I supposedly beat Yulia off. And she went to her home. And then I found out that Alina invited me to her birthday. I was shocked, because we weren’t fighting with her, but she told me to beat me and now she’s inviting me. But I came, everything was beautifully decorated and clean. I didn’t take her a gift in dream and was thinking how to tell her that tomorrow I would buy her a gift based on the fact that I was going to the city tomorrow (in real life I was going to go to the city tomorrow to buy a jacket.). Then I woke up.


It's like my friend is spending the night at my father's house. She’s telling me something, the light goes out, I turn to my father and the light comes on, nothing is clear. But turning off the lights is connected with her, she feels offended

I’m sitting on a chair, my friend comes up to me, I ask her, “Eva, why did you turn on this song, are you talking about me?” And she said, “That’s what you are (fat).” I was very offended..

We always quarreled with her and once I dreamed that she came into my house and I kicked her out and she called me names)) please help me

I dreamed that I was going to visit my friend, and for a very long time I could not find her house. Some kind of new buildings. then some kind of structures accompanying the construction. And finally I come to her. I deserve gifts of canned compotes from plums and pears. I let her try it and ask how she likes my preparation. And she replies that I don’t know how to cook anything. And he begins to explain how. We end up fighting. And I leave her and shout to her, remember, bitch, the fact that you are now married and everything is fine with you is thanks to my husband. He was the one who found you a husband because he was good and had many friends. And I run away from her and shout to her that you bitch.

I don’t remember why, but my best friend said that she was no longer my friend from that moment, she got up and we fought with her, I don’t know the outcome, because I woke up.

Immediately from the beginning of the dream, my friend and I began to quarrel very, very strongly, it seemed as if one of us even hit us in the face. Here, I ask you to help.

Hello! I dreamed that I had a fight with my friend. We are not dating, but I really like her and look after her. what should I expect from this dream? Thank you in advance!

My friends and I were in a room that looked like a hospital. There was also another female person present, whom I do not know. One of my friends began to be sarcastic towards everyone, including me, but did not touch a stranger. And this unknown girl says to my friend, who was sarcastic: “Apparently you are the only normal one out of all of them.” The friend began to smile, I say, if you are the only normal one of us, get out of here, and then everyone started arguing among themselves, and the unfamiliar girl disappeared.

I dreamed that I was arguing with a friend about work, it was at work, and since we work in the office, we can say everyone took part in our reconciliation. Why do you dream about this?

we were walking and she started shouting at me that I said that she got 3 and I said why should I lie and she said that she was not friends with me and I woke up

I had a fight with my best friend. Cold colors predominated in the dream. She spoke to me with a grin.

well, I had an argument with one girl there, well, this is live, that I will never argue with my best friend, and then I had a dream that I had a very strong quarrel with her, that’s the whole dream

I dreamed of a quarrel with a friend, and we were in an unfamiliar place and mine was with us ex-girlfriend. She stood silently and said nothing. My friend and I were arguing heavily while standing in different corners of the room. Then I suddenly found myself on the street and felt a push, after which I felt that my nose and eyes were bleeding

The other day my friend and I celebrated our 4th anniversary as friends. And during all this time we quarreled a couple of times. After we celebrated this holiday vigorously and cheerfully, for the second day in a row I dreamed of her quarreling with her family and with me and leaving somewhere forever. The dreams are different for two days, but the plot is the same. I just can't see these dreams anymore. These terrible nightmares. My friend is dearer to me than anyone and I don’t want to lose her. Why such dreams?

so I had a dream that I had an argument with my friend and it all happened like this: we were running and my friend fell into a puddle and she said that I pushed her, but I accidentally pushed her, after all this she began to insult me ​​and call me names, and I I never insulted her or called her names. everything was my dream and then I woke up::

Hello, today I had different dreams, but mostly nightmares. But before anyone else, I had a dream about how I was quarreling with my friend on the phone. During school year, at the beginning of the summer holidays, and in general, I always invite her to go for a walk. I don’t remember a time when she called me somewhere. In a dream, she called me and asked for help (I don’t remember what kind). And I tell her like, “Did you need help and call?” Why did you forget about me all summer, how did I stop calling? And then she says, if you don’t want to help, that’s fine. And then the dream abruptly changed its subject.

A friend bought a car and invited me to drive, I refused but then agreed, we were not alone in the car and the girl sitting next to me changed gears and we flew into a ditch, the car turned over 3 times, it was white, we got out of it and stood in the mud and arguing with a friend, and that girl stood and laughed at our quarrel.

I dreamed that my friend and I were supposed to go to the bus stop together and go to the university, but then the picture changed and I arrived alone without my friend. So we quarreled that I didn’t wait for her and left

I saw a friend, but she ignored me, pretended that she didn’t know. She was walking with some wealthy woman. Then she screamed and called me, but I didn’t look back

I dreamed that I had a fight with a friend and then made up, what does this mean?

I dreamed that I was walking with a friend and she suddenly started swearing very strongly! I told her you don’t have to swear, she was offended, and then I woke up

I dreamed that my friends and I were planning to go somewhere. The apartment we were in was unfamiliar. There were a lot of people there besides us. The girls had already gathered and I asked them to bring me things from another room. They all refused. And then I started yelling at them, saying “what kind of friends they are after this,” and then I collected all my things and got ready to leave. Then I woke up.