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» How the Jivaro Indians dried the heads of their enemies. Dried human heads (12 photos) Dried human heads

How the Jivaro Indians dried the heads of their enemies. Dried human heads (12 photos) Dried human heads

The most incredible in the world - sex, rituals, customs Talalay Stanislav

Dried heads

Dried heads

In the midst of the Amazon jungle, in Ecuador, lives one of the most ferocious tribes of South America, the Jivaro; it has a bad reputation as “skull hunters”. Members of this tribe not only hunt for skulls, but also dry the severed ones. human heads. This is not just a mild “cosmetic” operation. They have perfected their art so much that as a result of their skillful actions, a large normal human head turns into a small one, no larger than an adult’s fist. The most amazing thing is that the facial features do not undergo any changes. In essence, the dried human head becomes an exact small copy of the original.

Dried head from the Jivaro Indians (Ecuador)

To do this, the brain and bones are removed from the head. The leather is boiled in a special herbal mixture for two hours until it becomes rubber-like. After this, it is sewn up, tied to a high pole and dried in the sun. Then the “leather” head is stuffed with heated pebbles and rolled out. As a result of this treatment, the original size of the head is reduced by almost half. If the head turns out to be too small for such stones, then hot sand is poured there instead, which causes it to shrink even more. Eventually she reaches required sizes. Hair that remains the same length makes the dried head look even more terrible. After this, she is usually decorated with bird feathers, which only enhances her terrifying appearance.

In order to prevent the escape of the vengeful soul of the murdered person, which, according to popular belief, lives in the dried head, its lips and eyelids are sewn up, and cotton balls are pushed into the nostrils.

In fact, the entire procedure for drying the head was invented due to the firm belief that if the head of the deceased is not subjected to such treatment, then the soul of the deceased will definitely escape through its holes and turn into a vengeful demon who will certainly kill the warrior who sent the owner to the next world heads. But, despite all the precautions taken, the soul of a dead man, according to the Indians, can still cause them harm.

To prevent this, special ritual ceremonies are held after the head is dried.

On the first night after killing a person, the warriors hold a celebration where they drink a tincture with hallucinogenic properties. This dramatically changes their mood, and they remain in a state of ecstasy for a long time. Then the warrior who killed the enemy and took his head remains completely alone for three days in order to “cleanse himself” in this way. The dried head lies on his shield near the hut.

The local witch doctor pours tobacco juice into his nostrils in order to protect him from the influence of evil spirits. The “cleansing” ceremony ends after the sorcerer orders with a ritual gesture to touch the hair on the dried head, and at this time he himself pronounces the necessary spells.

If it takes so much effort to remove a serious threat from the mind of the slain, then why are the Quivaros still such passionate hunters of people, enthusiastic killers? The fact is that, according to Quivaro belief, in order to live long, a person must acquire the so-called “aratum” soul. If he has such a soul, then he is threatened with death only from an incurable disease. You can get such a soul only if a vision appears to an Indian in the jungle, and this is only possible with the help of hallucinogenic drugs. Under the influence of drugs, a man experiences an irresistible desire to kill, but when he kills a person, he loses his “aratum” soul.

For the Quiwaro Indians, the real world is a world of illusions and hallucinations; reality is the world that he perceives under the influence of hallucinogenic plants. Knowledge of this world is very important for any kivaro, so even an infant who is only a few days old is given a hallucinogenic tincture in order to accustom the child to what they believe is the real world. The Jivaro, however, consider it insufficient to introduce only people to their real world. They also treat their faithful companions, hunting dogs, with a hallucinogenic potion for the same reason.

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We enter the site *g a m e r u.n e t* into the search (enter without spaces) - Select the Russification section - Look for the game - Download - Unzip it into the game folder.
An excellent site for Russification of all games.

Also, here is a guide to Russification from

We earn a living.

1. We actively steal from the townspeople (Until fame begins to increase for this)
2.We buy merchant shops
3.We buy treasure maps from painting dealers and search the chests
4. We send assassins on missions
5. Investing in shops
6.Catching couriers
7. Play Hazard

The sooner and the more actively you begin to improve Rome, the easier it will be for you in the future.

Armor, Clothes and Skins.

In what order should you upgrade buildings?

I. ______Merchant Shops__________Low/Medium__________High______________
II. ___Stables/Tunnel Entrances_____Low/Medium__________Medium______________
III. ________Aqueducts________________Average______________Average______________
IV. _____Guild Buildings__________Low/Medium___________Low_______________
V. __Attractions_________High______________Low_______________

Spin off:

  • Stalls: Discount, new items.
  • Entrances to the tunnel: The ability to quickly move around the city.
  • Aqueducts: Needed to get some Borgia flags.
  • Guild buildings: Faction members will appear nearby for recruitment.

Guild quests.

Merchant quests.

Dried heads.

You can actually get everything in the game 3 dried heads .
To complete the merchant's quest we need 2.
The most difficult thing is to get a head for the investment (Invest in Rome 1,000,000f).
I'll show you where to get the other 2 heads and complete the quest.


The tactics are quite simple, but it seems to me that everything in the game is confusing.

Invest in one of two ways.
Method I: Once you invest 10,000f in one shop (you will receive all 3 items), move on to another. (With this method you will get many items)
Method II: Invest in 1 and the same shop an infinite number of times (Over time, deposits will grow and the chance of getting a dried head will increase)

To get a Dried Head you need to invest 1,000,000f in one of the spheres, don’t get confused, investments are summed up, but for each sphere separately. Those. if you invest 1,100f in the 1st blacksmith, 1,800f in the 1st banker, 1,200f in the 2nd banker, and 1,500f in the 2nd blacksmith, then as a result of the Dried Head progress the following results will come out: Blacksmiths – 2,600f (1,100f+1,500f); Bankers: f3,000 (f1,800+f1,200).

Personally, I work according to method I, although during the entire game I managed to invest only 130,000f in blacksmiths, I received enough items to sell and have no regrets, and I found 2 heads without investment.

P.S. I do not recommend investing money in shops on the Tiber Island.

(BUG)How to get equipment for free.

You will only need 1 weapon/piece of armor from each rack/mannequin
Example: Using a Roman shoulder pad, we approach a mannequin with rondell armor.
Next, hover the cursor over the shoulder pad and click enter, then, without confirming the choice, move the cursor (or use the arrow keys on the keyboard) to select any closed part of the rondell armor, and confirm. You received new part armor Congratulations. We work with weapons by analogy.

Video example

Cards: Feathers/Glyphs/Flags/Artifacts/Harlequins.

The best equipment.

The results were revealed by comparison of characteristics and personal experience.

The funniest and most quick way to earn money.

A game "Hazard" will be available after helping the thieves in the 3rd sequence, i.e. after you upgrade the thieves guild.
Personally, I like to play at the maximum bet (7,500f), but when playing at such rates you need to remember that you can get into a series of losses and be left without money, after all, sometimes you will lose in Hazard’e, so take for such bets at more money.

Here's some gameplay to give you an idea of ​​the game.

Schemes of the Roman catacombs.

Why is it so crooked? - Because it was drawn by hand.
Part I

Part II

Part III

F is for flags, squares are for rooms
By the way, 1 flag is not indicated here, I don’t remember where it was, I would be grateful if you add it to the diagram.

These are standard cheats introduced into the game by Ubi, don’t bother me with complaints.
There are 6 of them in total, to open them you need to complete the chapters 100%

  • Riding a unicorn - Horses turn into Unicorns, and weapons begin to glow like Jedi swords.
  • Steel ass -You become invulnerable.
  • Massacre - You no longer need to continuously attack your opponents, you can execute them with the first blow.
  • Harem - All your assassin recruits become girls, enjoy)
  • Ideal Guild - All assassin recruits receive the rank of Assassin.
  • Calling all assassins! - You can summon assassins at any time.
All cheats are activated in the memory repeat mode. Cheats are turned off after the memory is completed.

During the passage of sequence 3, the thieves task should be completed last, because... after it, your fame will begin to increase, and after thefts and murders, you will have to reduce it.

After you reduce fame through heralds, the bribed herald can be robbed and get your 500f back.

The crossbow is worth buying at the very beginning of the 4th sequence, it will help you when you make your way to Castle Sant'Angelo.

Try to send assassins on missions where the difficulty level is marked with stars, for these missions you will receive more money and experience, as well as item .

Try not to send all assassins on missions; they are much more interesting in battle and they may be useful to you in your main memory.

In the Roman Catacombs, you can use eagle vision (hold down "y") to see arrows leading to the exit. ©

Q: In the mission “All to the Help” I can’t get 100% synchronization, I need to order the assassins to kill the targets, but in the 2nd/3rd zone, I call them and fail the task.
A: The point is that assassins kill meth targets. with knives, for some unknown reason, such a kill is not counted towards students and failure follows. To avoid this, deafen the frags with smoke. checkers, and then call the assassins.

Q: I can't play Hazard.
A: Either you are looking in the wrong place, or Hazard is not supported in your version of the game.

Q: I can’t pass by enemies unnoticed.
A: Either use courtesans or thieves, or call assassin students, or poison one of the guards - everyone will watch him die and will not pay attention to you.

Q: I can’t complete the task “Gatekeeper” 100%.
A: Throw smoke. checkers near each gate and close them while the enemy is stunned.

Q: I can’t get into Castel Sant’Angelo.
A: Wait for the 8th sequence, in it the gate will be open.

Q: How to get the "Strike" achievement.
A: In the mission "Gatekeeper" do not kill anyone, first close all the gates and then call "Hail of Arrows".

Q: I can't get the "Serial Killer" achievement.
A: Go to any training session with a “kill streak” theme, it’s easiest to get it there.

Q: It takes a very long time to level up recruits.
A: Send them on tasks according to the principle: 1 beginner (who needs to be upgraded) + several experienced ones (so that the probability of completing the task is at least 70%). The screenshot shows a recruit who completed only 1 mission.

Q: I can’t complete the “Newly Arrived” mission 100%.
A: Here we need to say thank you to our translators, we need to throw the captain not on the platform, but on the scaffolding.

Q: I opened the weapon using the method described above, but it was not saved, why?
A: These are faction weapons, there are 4 of them in total, they can be obtained by completing all tasks for each of the guilds.

Q: In the equipment, in the ammunition section, 1 item is not available, what is it?
A: I don’t know and no one knows.

Q: I can’t catch up with the thief/courier.
A: Use ranged weapons or apprentice assassins.

Q: My controls turn off when I control Leonardo's bomber.
A: This glitch is related to vertical synchronization, if it is NOT enabled, then similar problems begin. So you just need to turn it on and the control glitches will disappear. (Note)

Q: What are those little “Pistol” and “Knife” icons on some weapons?
A: By holding the strike button you use "Pistol" with the selected sword and "Throwing knives" with the selected dagger

Q: I can't get to the Borgia flag.
A: It is possible that it will be possible to get it from the aqueduct. Here is the longest path to the flag in the game.

The Jivaro Indians from South America know a lot about perverted fun, it is to them that we owe the appearance of dried heads in popular culture. You've probably seen them more than once in all sorts of TV series, like "The Simpsons" or in films, like "Beetlejuice." These dried heads are called “tsantsa” and, as you might guess, serve the warrior as proof of courage and, at the same time, as an amulet.

The Jivaro Indians live in Ecuador and Peru. They are the stereotypical example of a tribe living near the Amazon, that is, jungle hunters with blowpipes, poison arrows and eerie customs.

At the same time, until recently, the Jivaros were incredibly warlike. Perhaps the most warlike people in the world. A man had an extremely low chance of dying a natural death: 60% died in battles, the rest in hunting.

But most of all they became famous precisely due to the creation of tsants - the dried heads of defeated enemies. The source of this strange custom lies in the rather strange ideas of the Jivaro about the soul, which they call “arutam”.

It is believed that the soul is capable of flying at will and changing its owner every 4-5 years. And if it behaves like a bird, then it can and even needs to be caught. The dried head is literally a cage for the soul that was captured.

Tsantsa was made from a freshly killed enemy. The scalp was trimmed and carefully removed from the skull like a glove, and the bone and meat in this case remained on the dead person. The rest went into action.

The scalp and hair were dried and subjected to special manipulations. Different masters, apparently, did everything differently. For example, some people “marinated” it in brine beforehand, others did not.

Next, the head was reduced using heat treatment. It was filled with hot sand and pebbles. At the same time, this was done to dry and disinfect the future amulet. The resulting tsantsa was the size of an orange or a tennis ball.

From here follows a life hack that could save a life. How exactly did European missionaries determine that before them was a master of creating “satanic heads”? We looked at the hands of the man who was busy creating the tsants; they had ugly burns from constantly working with hot stones and sand.

By the way, one of the reasons for such carelessness with the hot material is that the master made the dried heads in a semi-conscious state. The Jivaro Indians used in their rituals a rather powerful psychedelic drug, Ayahuasca, which caused visions with fractal snake-like images. The creation of tsants is no exception; they were not made sober.

Before becoming a full-fledged cage for the soul, the dried head underwent a lacing ceremony: the mouth and eyelids were sewn up with ropes, and the nostrils and ears were plugged with plugs. The result was a kind of bottle for magical power that you could always carry with you.

As you might guess, with the arrival of Europeans, such customs as mass slaughter, kidnapping of women and the creation of dried heads were banned. Surely many old people now regret those wonderful times.

Nowadays the creation of tsants has been put on stream in the souvenir industry. Of course, not real heads are used. You can even order a tsants for a friend with a portrait likeness, so that he can estimate what he would look like if he ended up with the Jivaro Indians.

In the midst of the Amazon jungle, in Ecuador, lives one of the most ferocious tribes of South America, the Jivaro; it has a bad reputation as “skull hunters”. Members of this tribe not only hunt for skulls, but also dry severed human heads. This is not just a mild “cosmetic” operation. They have perfected their art so much that as a result of their skillful actions, a large normal human head turns into a small one, no larger than an adult’s fist. The most amazing thing is that the facial features do not undergo any changes. In essence, the dried human head becomes an exact small copy of the original.

Dried head from the Jivaro Indians (Ecuador)

To do this, the brain and bones are removed from the head. The leather is boiled in a special herbal mixture for two hours until it becomes rubber-like. After this, it is sewn up, tied to a high pole and dried in the sun. Then the “leather” head is stuffed with heated pebbles and rolled out. As a result of this treatment, the original size of the head is reduced by almost half. If the head turns out to be too small for such stones, then hot sand is poured there instead, which causes it to shrink even more. Eventually it reaches the desired size. Hair that remains the same length makes the dried head look even more terrible. After this, she is usually decorated with bird feathers, which only enhances her terrifying appearance.

In order to prevent the escape of the vengeful soul of the murdered person, which, according to popular belief, lives in the dried head, its lips and eyelids are sewn up, and cotton balls are pushed into the nostrils.

In fact, the entire procedure for drying the head was invented due to the firm belief that if the head of the deceased is not subjected to such treatment, then the soul of the deceased will definitely escape through its holes and turn into a vengeful demon who will certainly kill the warrior who sent the owner to the next world heads. But, despite all the precautions taken, the soul of a dead man, according to the Indians, can still cause them harm.

To prevent this, special ritual ceremonies are held after the head is dried.

On the first night after killing a person, the warriors hold a celebration where they drink a tincture with hallucinogenic properties. This dramatically changes their mood, and they remain in a state of ecstasy for a long time. Then the warrior who killed the enemy and took his head remains completely alone for three days in order to “cleanse himself” in this way. The dried head lies on his shield near the hut.

The local witch doctor pours tobacco juice into his nostrils in order to protect him from the influence of evil spirits. The “cleansing” ceremony ends after the sorcerer orders with a ritual gesture to touch the hair on the dried head, and at this time he himself pronounces the necessary spells.

If it takes so much effort to remove a serious threat from the mind of the slain, then why are the Quivaros still such passionate hunters of people, enthusiastic killers? The fact is that, according to Quivaro belief, in order to live long, a person must acquire the so-called “aratum” soul. If he has such a soul, then he is threatened with death only from an incurable disease. You can get such a soul only if a vision appears to an Indian in the jungle, and this is only possible with the help of hallucinogenic drugs. Under the influence of drugs, a man experiences an irresistible desire to kill, but when he kills a person, he loses his “aratum” soul.

For the Quiwaro Indians, the real world is a world of illusions and hallucinations; reality is the world that he perceives under the influence of hallucinogenic plants. Knowledge of this world is very important for any kivaro, so even an infant who is only a few days old is given a hallucinogenic tincture in order to accustom the child to what they believe is the real world. The Jivaro, however, consider it insufficient to introduce only people to their real world. They also treat their faithful companions, hunting dogs, with a hallucinogenic potion for the same reason.

Once upon a time, the American research scientist Piers Gibbon came across a film shot in the 1960s. It completely depicted the process of making tsants. The author of the film is Polish traveler Edmund Belyavsky. A researcher of the tribes of South America, he once drew attention to the fact that there is a huge demand for ominous “souvenirs” - Europeans willingly buy human heads and even collect entire collections.
Belyavsky's expedition into the jungle was designed for 6 months, but dragged on for 3 years. The travelers got lost in the Amazon and had to abandon some of the filming equipment and footage, but this, as it turned out, the most important recording was preserved.
Pierce set out to find out whether this was truly an authentic ritual and whether the human head on the film was real. With this thought, he goes to Ecuador, called the “homeland” of tsants, because greatest number mentions of this technique refer the researcher to the Indian tribes living in the north-west of South America, in the Amazon jungle. The scientist began his journey from the Goldi Museum (Brazil), entirely dedicated to the Amazon, where he hoped to find out at least the approximate direction of the search. Museum workers said that currently the technique of making tsants has been forgotten, but 40-50 years ago “dried heads” were in great demand among tourists, and the main suppliers of such goods were the Shuar Indians. Nowadays the production of tsants is prohibited throughout South America, but it is known that many more “headhunters” make money in this way.

Journey into the past

Pierce Gibbon's team ventured into the heart of the Amazon jungle. In one of the Shuar villages, Pierce stopped and showed the leader and local residents Belyavsky’s recording.
The spectacle did not shock anyone; the leader calmly looked through the film and confirmed that the tsants-making ritual depicted on it was genuine. And a local resident, who volunteered to be the expedition’s guide, recognized one of the people on the screen. He said the man's name was Campurin and he lived in the neighboring village of Tucupi. It was extraordinary luck. Before going in search of Campurin, Pierce tried to find out about tsantsa from the chief. However, the leader said that the Shuar had almost no people left who knew how to make small heads. “We are offended by the label of ‘headhunters,’” he said, but added that if white people continue to treat Indian lands so unceremoniously, he will personally turn to the memory of his ancestors and make a tsantsa out of the heads of Europeans. (It was about the conflict that flared up at that time between the tribe and the miners who were extracting gold near the village.)

Getting to Tucupi was not so easy: many Shuar villages can only be reached by boat. It turned out that Kampurin really lived in this village, but had already died a year ago. However, the Indians said that he lives nearby brother Campurina is Tsanite, and perhaps he can help the “white people.”
Tsantsa maker's brother Tsanith was very moved to see his brother on film alive, young and strong. Tsanit said that Campurin really mastered the technique of making tsants, and the recording was made in these parts, in the vicinity of Tucupi.

Weapon or souvenir?

For what purpose did the Indians make tsantsa? Until the middle of the twentieth century. tribes in the Amazon jungle were in a state of low-intensity war. Blood feud flourished, and the killing of one was followed by retaliatory bloodshed. The enemy’s head was cut off, and so that his spirit could not take revenge, such a “doll” was made from it and kept in the house. Tsantsa were originally a symbol of the tribe's power, they served to intimidate enemies, as if saying with their appearance: “This is what will happen to those who come here with bad intentions.”
Once upon a time, the “pale-faced” were afraid to invade the jungle, but then the roles changed: when the Europeans appeared, the Indians themselves began to show concern for fear... of losing their own heads. Tsantsa steel hot commodity, for which whites paid good money. They bribed the Indians, and they, having obtained the head of an enemy or just a neighbor, made a terrible souvenir from it.

A terrible ancient ritual has turned into a profitable business.
To this day, in Quito, the capital of Ecuador, you can find a real human tsants head. The cost of such exhibits averages about thirty thousand dollars. The authorities have not yet been able to stop the process of trafficking in heads - here and there there are reports of the discovery of headless bodies. It turns out that the ancient ritual has not disappeared anywhere.

Ancient ritual

The making of tsants has always aroused keen interest among scientists and tourists. How do Indians reduce a human head to the size of a fist, while retaining all the facial features of the deceased person? The film found shows that this is a very long and difficult process. The skin is carefully removed from the severed head and the skull is removed. The main difficulty is to preserve the face, since the muscles there fit very tightly to the skin. Then the removed scalp is boiled in boiling water, but not for long, so as not to damage the hair. The next stage is drying, the head is filled with hot sand and stones, cleaning out the remaining tissue. Then they are again kept in boiling water for some time and dried again. There can be about a dozen such repetitions. In the process, the skin shrinks, the head becomes small, but the hair remains almost in its original form, which is why voluminous hair looks so disproportionate on tsantsa.
When the master finishes the job of drying the head, he sews the eyelids together with a needle so that the spirit of the murdered person cannot see his offender; the lips are also sewn together, making it impossible to ask for help.
The whole process is accompanied by ritual songs and dances to pacify evil spirits. The head is considered finally ready in a week.

Peace-loving Shuar

The Shuar have long been known as bloodthirsty "bounty hunters", and Piers Gibbon tried to find out if this was really the case. It turned out that at present they are a rather peace-loving people who have earned a reputation as excellent warriors and defenders of their land. However, the fact that their ancestors made tsantsa from the heads of their enemies does not disturb their memory in any way - the Shuar tribes respect their history, the knowledge and rituals of the ancients. Nevertheless, there is still a parting saying in the Shuar language and closely related ones, similar to our “Have a nice trip!”: “Take care of your head!”