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» How to use chicken manure as fertilizer for strawberries. Spring feeding of strawberries Is it possible to feed strawberries with chicken droppings in the spring

How to use chicken manure as fertilizer for strawberries. Spring feeding of strawberries Is it possible to feed strawberries with chicken droppings in the spring

Growing strawberries is one of the most favorite activities of most professional and amateur gardeners. Many people like this juicy, tasty berry, and the jam made from it good help V winter period time. But not only planting a plant is justified by the fact that it is a tasty berry. It contains substances beneficial to the body. Strawberries are rich in vitamin C and folic acid. Doctors recommend it for those who suffer from anemia.

But in order to achieve stable and good yields, a plant requires good care and feeding plays a significant role here, especially important spring fertilizer for strawberries.

Why is it necessary to fertilize in spring?

After winter, when the soil is free of snow and has dried out a little, it is necessary to carry out work to clean the area where strawberries are grown.

  1. Clear last year's rotted leaves. This work is done on each bush. Although some gardeners leave the old foliage so that there is a gap between the ground and the ripe berries in the future.
  2. They clear the bed of dead plants and, first of all, of sick ones.
  3. If for some reason the mustache was not trimmed in the fall, it is trimmed in the spring. This must be done as early as possible.
  4. At the last stage of preparation, the soil around the bushes is loosened so that air access to the roots is as free as possible.

First feeding of strawberries in early spring starts already in April. It is very important not to be late here, but there is no need to rush. You also need to remember that you need to apply exactly as much as necessary, since a lack of fertilizer, as well as its excess, will have a detrimental effect on how the strawberry plantation will develop. The beds of this delicious berry are fertilized in the spring to increase the yield, as well as to ensure that the berries ripen large, tasty and juicy.

This is interesting! In terms of vitamin C content, strawberries are second only to currants, but they contain more folic acid than raspberries.

Mature plants

Care and feeding of strawberries in spring also depends on its age. If these are already bushes that bear fruit for the second or third year, then they need to be fertilized and cared for somewhat differently than for young growth.

Adult plants are fed three times:

  • after the appearance of the first 2 - 3 leaves;
  • at the moment when the strawberries are just blooming;
  • when fruits begin to form.

During all these periods, strawberries are fed in strictly defined doses and periods, which can be distributed as follows:

  • mid or late April, depending on the region in which the area for strawberries is allocated, the time to apply the first fertilizing;
  • May, June are the flowering period, but everything also depends on the region and the variety of strawberry.

It is the adult plant that needs such active feeding, since during the time that it bore fruit in previous years, the soil on which the berry grows is greatly depleted and strawberries require feeding in the spring.

How to improve productivity?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there will be a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we would like to recommend plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


Nutrition of young plants

After planting young plants, it is necessary to take care of their careful care. This is the key to future good harvests. No matter how much attention is paid to strawberries in their early years, so will the yields. And in general, you need to take care of it by adhering to the following criteria:

  • good watering is necessary;
  • regular loosening, as the soil becomes compacted after watering;
  • ensure timely trimming of mustaches;
  • How to fertilize strawberries in the spring becomes clear based on the fact that as soon as the snow melts and the soil dries out a little, it is necessary to feed the bushes with mineral fertilizers.

But in general, caring for strawberries in the spring requires a balanced approach, since the introduction of nutrients to young plants is not as necessary as in the case of adult plants. They completely absorb those nutritional elements that are in the soil. Therefore, they require constant feeding, but young shoots can still make do with what is contained in the soil.

How to fertilize

How to fertilize strawberries in the spring will be determined by the experience of the gardener and what kind of nutrient is needed at each specific period of time. Fertilizers are applied, both mineral and organic.

The latter can be imagined the following types feeding:

It is important to know! You cannot use fresh manure, but only rotted manure, otherwise the seeds that remain in it may germinate.

Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers

When fertilizing strawberries in the spring, you cannot do without inorganic compounds. And they come in two types: those that are quickly absorbed into the soil (phosphorus, for example) and those that require a longer time to be absorbed into the soil (iron or copper). What mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil to give nutrients strawberries:

The application of mineral fertilizers is essential for the plant to develop normally. If there is not enough nitrogen in the soil, the fruits will ripen too small. With a lack of potassium, strawberries lose their taste.

It is impossible to answer unequivocally the question of whether mineral or organic fertilizers are better, since both types of fertilizers are needed to grow a healthy, fruitful plant. Although it is obvious that organic fertilizers are less harmful to human health than inorganic ones.

Submission rules

In early spring, strawberries are fed with various fertilizers and done as follows:

Taking care of this plant is not easy and feeding plays a very important role in its development. And most importantly, without it it is impossible to obtain good harvests. And not just good ones, but ones where the berries are large and sweet.

Folk remedies

How to feed strawberries in the spring is completely clear, since main role Fertilizers play a role in this matter. But to all of the above, you can also add what is called folk recipes, which can be as useful as traditional fertilizers.

  1. Strawberries grow on acidic soils, therefore, the use of fermented milk products as fertilizers is quite acceptable. Milk contains calcium, amino acids, sulfur, phosphorus and much more, which has a beneficial effect on plant development. Old kefir, any other sour milk product added to humus or manure.
  2. In May, there is nothing better than fertilizing the soil - with bread. After all, it contains a lot useful substances: minerals, amino acids, proteins. To use bread as fertilizer, it is soaked in water for 10 days, then this mixture is diluted with the same water and the bushes are watered with this solution.
  3. There is no need to rush to throw away weeds that were destroyed during weeding. They also make excellent top dressing. To do this, you need to pour the collected mass of weeds for a week, and then water the strawberry bushes with the resulting solution.
  4. A universal remedy is ash, but only pure ash, obtained from burning wood, grass, straw, without any impurities in the form of polyethylene or something similar. In the spring, ash is sprinkled on the space between the bushes, or a special solution is made that is used to water the strawberries.

Application of these fertilizers, prepared according to folk recipes, will help you get bountiful harvest. And large fruits with a wonderful taste will be a wonderful addition to any table. If you eat at least not every day a large number of strawberries, this will strengthen the immune system and help the body successfully fight various viral diseases.

The best fertilizer for strawberries in spring

And a little about the author’s secrets

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It's hard to meet a person who doesn't like strawberries! But to collect from one bush big harvests, you need to properly care for your garden, paying special attention to fertilizing.

Required Tools


Why fertilize strawberries in spring?

Applying fertilizers in the spring is necessary to obtain a high-quality harvest with excellent taste.

Another purpose of fertilizing is to make the plant itself stronger, less susceptible to various diseases and pests that can simply destroy the entire crop. At the same time, you definitely need to remember that you cannot plant the bushes too densely - it is better to leave space between them, and also do not forget to weed the beds and water the strawberries carefully so as not to make the soil too wet.

After all, the lack of air and wet soil can lead to diseases, weakening of the plant and, as a result, a decrease in yield.

Before you start work, be sure to familiarize yourself with what periods of the growing season to fertilize, because this also affects the growth of the plant, its productivity and health.

Root and foliar feeding of plants

In crop production, two forms of fertilizing are used - root and foliar. The first of them is widely known and is actively used in both industrial and amateur gardening. IN last years The second form has become popular - foliar feeding, when fertilizers are applied by spraying directly onto the leaves of the plant. It is used in various cases:

  • when due to high level acidity or alkalinity of the soil, the elements necessary for the plant appear in a bound form and cannot be absorbed by the roots;
  • when visible signs of a deficiency of one or another chemical element appear on the external organs of the plant;
  • when a plant has problems with the root system due to mechanical injury them during transplantation, damage by pests, overheating or waterlogging of the soil, low soil aeration.

With foliar feeding, the concentration of applied fertilizers is much lower, since they are absorbed into the plant directly by the surface of the leaf. When root feeding, an increased amount of fertilizer in the solution is simply necessary, if only because a significant part of it is washed away by rain and watering.

Most recommendations for spring fertilizing of strawberries focus on the root form of fertilizing, although it is increasingly noted that foliar fertilizing is possible and even necessary, since it gives an excellent effect.

More details about the procedures in the video

Differences between spring work with young and adult plants

Earlier it was said about the great importance of applying spring fertilizing to strawberries. However, this agronomic operation is carried out differently for young last year’s plantings and for mature plants.

If, when preparing a place for planting strawberries, sufficient quantities of organic and mineral fertilizers, then spring fertilizing of plants in such an area may not be carried out at all. If the soil has not been so thoroughly prepared, then young plants are fed once after cleaning the beds and loosening the soil. To do this, prepare a solution at the rate of 1 tablespoon of sodium sulfate and half a liter of cow manure or chicken droppings per bucket of water. 1 liter of fertilizer is poured under each plant.

Mature plants that are more than two years old are fed in the spring to increase yield in three stages:

  1. after the berry garden has been cleared of last year’s leaves, the soil has been loosened and warm weather has settled;
  2. just before the strawberries begin to bloom, when the buds have not yet opened;
  3. after harvest.

The first feeding, which usually occurs in mid-April - early May depending on the region, stimulates the growth and development of the plant, the second - increases the yield of strawberries, the third - stimulates active planting flower buds next year.

The next section of the article talks about what adult strawberries are fed with in the spring.

How to fertilize strawberries in spring: traditional and folk remedies

Strawberry bushes that have been growing for two years or more must be fed with mineral fertilizers. Immediately after the snow melted and the leaves began to bloom, use the following mixture: 1 spoon of ammonium sulfate and half a liter of mullein are diluted in a 10-liter bucket of water. 1 liter of fertilizer is poured under each strawberry bush.

In the practice of growing strawberries, amateur gardeners use various compositions based on yeast, bread, and fermented milk products for the first and sometimes other fertilizing.

Yeast feeding

You can use yeast to fertilize strawberries during this period. Their proteins, amino acids, minerals contribute good growth plants and strengthening its roots. To feed in half a liter of water, the temperature of which is below 50ºC, dissolve 200 grams of yeast, leave for 20 minutes and pour into 9 liters of water room temperature. Water each strawberry bush generously with this solution.

By the way, yeast will perfectly protect strawberries from gray rot. Even if you haven’t fed your strawberries with yeast, it’s enough to dissolve just 100 grams of it in 10 liters of water and water the plants at the root.

Beer as fertilizer

There are mentions that a similar effect is obtained from watering strawberries with beer, but, apparently, due to the high cost of this method, more detailed information could not be found on the Internet. But there are reports that beer is an excellent bait for strawberry slug pests. Having placed saucers with a drink around the berry garden in the evening, it will be easy to gather these intoxicating drinkers in the morning.

Iodine and boric acid for feeding

Ingredients: iodine – 30 drops, boric acid – teaspoon, ash – glass per 10 liters of water.

Apply from 0.5 liters to 1 liter depending on the size of the bush.

Fertilize with potassium permanganate and boric acid

Feeding composition: potassium permanganate - 3 g, boric acid - 0.5 teaspoon, urea - tablespoon, ash - 0.5 cup per 10 liters of water.

Add up to a liter of solution to each plant.

Boric acid for productivity: video

Strawberry bread

The stale remains of bread collected over the winter (in some recommendations only rye) are placed in a vessel so that they occupy 2/3 of its volume and filled with water. Keep this mixture warm for 6-10 days until fermentation begins, add 3 more equal volumes of water.

Up to a liter of this mixture is poured under each bush, depending on the size of the bush.

Dairy products

One volume of whey or other fermented milk product is diluted with three times the volume of water.

Depending on the size of the bush, add from 0.5 liters to 1 liter of this liquid to each bush.

By the way, simply spraying strawberries with diluted milk saves them from ticks and aphids.

Before the flowers appear, you should feed the strawberries a second time. To do this, take 2 tablespoons of nitrophoska and a teaspoon of potassium sulfate, and dilute the fertilizers in 10 liters of water. Under each bush, carefully, so as not to get on the leaves and buds, pour 500 ml of the mixture.

You can also use an infusion of weeds, which helps the plant better fight harmful insects. To do this, when weeding, put the weeds in a bucket rather than throwing them away, then fill them with water and place the container in a warm room, having previously covered the bucket with film. Allow the solution to brew for seven days, after which you can water the plants.

During the budding period, foliar feeding of strawberries warm solution 30 g of urea in 10 liters of water has a beneficial effect on strengthening the root system and the development of healthy flower stalks. As a result, productivity increases significantly.

The third stage of feeding can only conditionally be called spring. After all, it is carried out after the harvest. But he has great importance, since it is aimed at stimulating the formation of next year’s flower buds by plants. The solution is prepared at the rate of 2 tablespoons of nitrophoska per 10 liters of water. If possible, add another glass of ash. 1 liter of solution is applied under each strawberry bush.

Solutions using ammonia

Various formulations using 10 percent ammonia used at all three stages of feeding strawberries, since it not only promotes plant growth and increased yield, but is also a means of preventing the appearance and control of pests.

  • First feeding.

For watering strawberries in 10 liters clean water pour in 1 liter of soap solution and 40 ml of ammonia.

Plants are watered so that the product gets mainly onto the ground. If a noticeable amount of fertilizer still gets on the leaves, carry out additional watering. clean water.

  • Second.

Treatment is carried out after flowering to rid strawberries of remaining pests. The concentration of the solution used is much lower - 3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water.

  • Third.

The purpose of the last treatment with ammonia after harvesting is to restore the strength of the plants and activate the formation of the next harvest. For treatment, mix 40 ml of alcohol and 5 drops of iodine with 10 liters of water.

Ammonia - a super product for the harvest

We feed strawberry seedlings to get a rich harvest

The result very much depends on how the feeding is carried out (taking into account the variety). Usually, strawberries are simply planted in the ground, fertilized in advance with manure, which is applied to the soil 30 days before planting seedlings (one bucket of manure for one square meter of bed).

If you have properly prepared the land for planting, then during the season all that remains is to add nitrogen-rich compost, 100 g of potassium and the same amount of phosphorus fertilizers. Feeding of remontant plants differs. Such varieties, characterized by a rich harvest and rapid growth, require at least 5 buckets of organic fertilizers, peat and complex fertilizing.

During the growth process, you can add slurry; to prepare it, we need cow dung, which is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:5. For each square meter Add 10 liters of mixture to the strawberry bed. It is important to water the plants before applying fertilizer.

Fragrant and juicy strawberries are a desired berry at every dacha. Gardeners try to occupy large areas with plantings, since the yield, most often, leaves much to be desired. High yields are possible with proper agricultural technology and care. Fertilizing is a necessary process, and timely fertilized beds will produce healthy berries and a decent harvest. Fertilizing strawberries is an activity that requires special attention.

The need for feeding

Despite the quality of the soil, the variety of strawberries, the region in which your garden is located, high-quality and systematic feeding of the berries is necessary for several reasons. The main reasons include:

  • increase in yield;
  • improving the quality of berries;
  • disease resistance;
  • improvement of taste.

In addition, fertilizer will give you a chance to reduce the volume of beds and not lose the amount of harvest. This means that the number of worries will decrease, and there will be more time that can be devoted to other cultures.

After spraying with certain compounds, strawberries are less likely to get sick, and if fertilized on time, they are not susceptible to diseases at all. This is especially noticeable during mass cultivation of strawberries by gardeners or farmers.

Warning! The amount of fertilizing and dosage must be observed, otherwise, you can spoil the new harvest or saturate the berries with harmful substances.

Basic feeding

Fertilizing strawberries can be divided into several main periods:

  • spring;
  • at the beginning of fruiting;
  • during transplantation;
  • autumn

By following the feeding sequence and correctly using certain microelements, you will maximize the possibilities of your plantings, save yourself from unnecessary worries, and surprise your neighbors with the amount of healthy and fresh berries.

Feeding with ash

Fertilizing strawberries with ash is the simplest and most available method feeding. Wood ash has been used in gardening for centuries. It is a source of potassium, calcium and phosphorus. Organic fertilizer contains up to 30 microelements that are very important for plants. Strawberries require little ash, and it takes a long time to react with the soil, releasing beneficial features, nourishes the plant.

Wood ash contains practically no nitrogen, which means it does not work to increase the green mass of the plant. This allows you to fertilize strawberries during the period of fruiting and the autumn growth of new buds.

In the spring, or during transplantation, wood ash plays the role of a catalyst for nitrogen fertilizers. Therefore, fertilizer will always come in handy throughout the season.

Wood ash feeding schedule

By performing work according to this schedule, strawberries will always be protected from external weather and technical changes, even in harsh climates.

  1. As soon as the night temperature is not lower than +8 0 C, and the plant begins to wake up, it is necessary to remove last year's dry leaves. After loosening the beds, you need to apply 1 tablespoon of dry wood ash to each root. It is better to do this in combination with adding nitrogen fertilizers to the soil.
  2. When transplanting or planting young bushes, wood ash must be added to the soil and mixed with the soil. For 1 m2 you need no more than 0.5 liters of dry ash.
  3. The beginning of strawberry fruiting must be stimulated. This will increase the yield. As soon as the first ovaries appear, it is necessary to loosen the soil, water the bed with settled water, and then water it with a solution of water and ash. For 10 liters of water you need 3 tablespoons of ash. Plants can be watered from above from a watering can; in addition to fertilizer, ash is an excellent remedy against weevils.
  4. In the fall, after the entire crop has been harvested and the greens have been mowed, it is time for the last feeding. This is mid-end of August. The bush begins to form new buds and mustaches. Water the bed with a solution of water and ash, adding 0.5 liters of dry ash to a 10-liter bucket.

Important! You should not use ash more often than this schedule, as the plant can be burned.

It must be remembered that wood ash reacts with the soil for a very long time, which means it transfers microelements to the soil over several weeks.

Fertilizing with urea

Inorganic fertilizer, also called urea. It contains the largest amount of nitrogen. Fertilizing strawberries with urea is an important part of plant fertilizer for increasing the green mass of the bush. Strawberries quickly respond to such care and quickly develop a bush that begins to bear fruit much earlier.

Urea fertilization schedule

You need to feed strawberries with urea once a season. At the beginning of the season, when the bush begins to wake up and grow leaves. As soon as the threat of frost has passed, you need to thoroughly water the bed with settled water and begin fertilizing:

  • dissolve 40 g of granules in a glass warm water;
  • add the solution to 20 liters of settled water and mix;
  • pour 0.5 liters of solution under the root onto heavily moistened soil;
  • Do not cover the bushes with film after watering.

Important! During the summer you can spend foliar feeding, which will improve the condition of greenery or prevent diseases.

To do this, you need to spray the leaves with a urea solution of 10 g per 5 liters of water.

Feeding with iodine

Feeding strawberries with iodine is a very old and proven method. It can rather be classified as a folk remedy for feeding strawberries. The solution not only nourishes the soil and heals the roots, but also allows for prevention against putrefactive diseases, which are frequent especially in damp and cool summers.

It is necessary to correctly calculate the amount of iodine, otherwise you may burn a healthy fruit-bearing bush, or even all the strawberry bushes.

Iodine treatment schedule

There are two types of such fertilizers:

  • foliar - spraying the leaves with a solution prepared from 5-7 drops of iodine per 10 liters of water, carried out at the beginning of the formation of inflorescences;
  • root - at the moment the berries form, water the strawberry bushes with water, and then pour 0.5 liters of a solution of 30 drops of iodine and 10 liters of water under each root.

It is necessary to fertilize strawberries with iodine in dry but not hot weather, be sure to first water the bed with warm water.

Advice! You should not cover the bed after watering with iodine, and it is better to carry out the treatment in the late afternoon.

Feeding with boric acid

Boron is a fertilizer that increases the chances of a high-quality harvest and health fruit and berry crops. It synthesizes nitrogenous compounds and increases the chlorophyll content in the leaves.

Boric acid is especially needed in new areas where turf prevails, podzolic soil. On black soil, rich in organic matter, with the addition of manure, less is required. A clear indicator of the lack of this fertilizer is weakness and necrosis of leaves on strawberries.

After boric acid the plant increases the number of ovaries, forms new buds, the bush becomes powerful and strong, with dark dense leaves and dense thick mustaches.

Boric acid fertilization schedule

Fertilizing strawberries with boric acid is carried out twice:

  • in early spring, water with a solution of 1 g of boric acid per 10 liters of water, as soon as the bushes begin to come to life, after removing old leaves, loosening, and pre-spill the beds with warm water;
  • at the beginning of the formation of buds, use a solution with 2 g of boric acid and 2 g of manganese per 10 liters of water, after thoroughly watering the strawberry bed with clean water.

Important! Under no circumstances carry out processing in hot weather.

It is better to do this at sunset, as the plants may burn. Do not cover the bed after fertilizing with covering material.

Feeding with chicken manure

Feeding strawberries with chicken droppings is one of the most well-known methods of combating plant starvation in poor soils. Chicken droppings can be used to restore strawberries even in the most lifeless state, and in a few days you will see the result. The effect of long-term exposure on plants is due to the fact that chicken droppings contains a huge amount of minerals that are not immediately released into the soil. For two to three months you don’t have to fertilize strawberries if you choose chicken.

Chicken manure contains elements such as: phosphorus, potassium, cobalt, zinc, magnesium, nitrogen, and therefore you should not refuse it for fear of burning the plant. It is necessary to correctly calculate the amount of smoke for the solution

Chicken manure processing schedule

This fertilizer is carried out only once per season, and only if you have not already added chicken manure when forming the bed and planting the strawberries.

The most convenient way is to prepare a concentrate that stores well and use it for a variety of crops.

  1. Dilute 1 kg of raw chicken manure with 1 liter of water.
  2. Leave for 1 week in a warm, dark place.
  3. Dilute 1 liter of concentrate in 10 liters of water.
  4. Thoroughly water the bed with clean water, after an hour, water it again with clean water, and check that the soil is saturated to 7-10 cm.
  5. Water the plants at the roots with no more than 0.3 liters per bush.

Warning! You need to be careful when using chicken manure on your garden beds.

Especially if you purchased dry concentrate. At first glance, it seems that the quantity is small, but in fact, inexperienced gardeners often exceed the dose, and in the best case, the plant sheds its flower stalks and begins to grow greenery. At worst, several beds die.

Fertilizing strawberries is necessary from the first days of planting, as it quickly depletes the soil. Follow the schedule and portions, and you will never have problems with berries. Every year there will be fresh and healthy berry, jam, and other aromatic desserts made from homemade strawberries.

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IN wildlife Strawberries bear fruit abundantly, but not regularly. To increase the yield in home garden beds or vegetable gardens, you need to properly care for the plant, in particular, introduce complementary foods or fertilizing. At different stages of strawberry development, certain fertilizers are required, but the most important period is the spring, when the planting of the future crop is underway.

As soon as the snow has melted and the soil begins to dry out a little, it’s time to prepare the beds for the new season. Timely introduction of fertilizing will help the plant wake up faster after winter, form new buds.

Unfortunately, not every site has fertile soil, and on devastated land it is unlikely that it will be possible to get a large juicy berry. Not only the soil is enriched with nutrients; the bushes are sprayed directly with nitrogen compounds.

Work should begin by cleaning the beds.

In autumn, in order to protect the crop from frost and precipitation, an insulating layer of dry leaves or straw was created. After wintering, the peculiar fur coat needs to be removed and the soil around each bush should be loosened. In this case, you should properly care for them before the strawberries begin to bloom - remove all weeds and old roots found in the ground.

From the bush dry leaves need to be cut off, diseased brown tops. It is also worth checking the condition of the strawberry neck after winter; the growing point should be slightly above the ground (4-5 mm). Burying the neck into the soil is fraught with rotting of the root system.

Lure should not be introduced randomly without respecting proportions. An insufficient amount of fertilizer will be ineffective, and an excess will provoke the growth of twigs and greenery. The berries will ripen later than usual, reaching minimum parameters.

Stages of proper fertilizing

In total, there are 3 main stages of introducing fertilizers:

  • after wintering at the beginning of the season– the procedure is aimed at early stimulation of the growth of young shoots and first leaves (April-early May);
  • feed at the end of the fruiting period– treatment or watering promotes the formation of new roots, the formation of flower buds that can bear fruit already in next season(July);
  • autumn bait, carried out in mid-September, is needed to prepare the crop (especially young shoots) for wintering.

Remontant varieties of strawberries are very susceptible to bait, so it is recommended to fertilize with nutrients at intervals of a week.

Organic fertilizers are considered the most affordable, especially if the farm has cows and chickens. Enriching the soil with organic matter compensates for nutrient deficiencies for 2-3 years.

In addition, the use of mullein or bird droppings improves the soil structure and increases air permeability, which is important for the vegetative process of strawberries.

Mineral fertilizers

Among the popular mineral fertilizers used to process or water strawberries:

  • urea;
  • saltpeter and sulfates;
  • complex preparations (Azofoska, Stimovit, Agricola, etc.).


The advantages of this group of baits are:

  • awakening activation plants after hibernation;
  • increasing productivity;
  • balanced composition;
  • low consumption;
  • acceleration of the period of fruit ripening;
  • improvement of taste and safety;
  • protection of plants from pests and fungal infections.

When using medications it is recommended strictly observe proportions when diluting the working solution or powdering the area. An excessive amount of the reagent leads to burning of the crop and its death. Other disadvantages include: high price, regularity of use.

It is worth giving preference to mineral chemistry in cases where strawberries are grown on an industrial scale.

There have been long-term debates among gardeners regarding the benefits of fertilizers: synthetic and organic. The best possible solution is complex use or sequential use. Then the crop will receive useful microelements, and the berries will be juicy and sweet.

Folk remedy - using sour milk

You can get a good strawberry harvest, according to reviews experienced gardeners on slightly acidic soils. To balance the acid open ground You can add sour milk to it.

This folk look Fertilizers are foliar, so spraying or pouring the working solution should be done at a distance 7-10 cm from the bush. The dairy product is mixed with water in arbitrary proportions (depending on the acidity level of the soil), but more often 1:2. You need to feed at the beginning of the season with repetitions: after harvesting and in mid-September.

Benefits of using fermented milk products:

  • enrichment of soil with potassium, sulfur, calcium, phosphorus and other microelements;
  • increase in yield and fruiting period;
  • growth activation culture;
  • increasing resistance to attacks by ticks, aphids and the development of various diseases.

The disadvantage of the method is considered consumption of fermented milk product and the costs for it. Such fertilizing is justified only in small beds, when it is necessary to fertilize several bushes.

Chicken manure solution

Chicken manure is a fast-acting organic fertilizer that promotes the awakening of beneficial microorganisms in the soil.

Timely feeding improves the quality and quantity of fruits, so it should be introduced at the beginning of the season after the soil has warmed up and dried (April - mid-May).

Benefits of organics:

  • improving the soil structure by increasing the level of humus;
  • rich composition, including micro and macroelements;
  • increase in yield and fruiting period.

Chicken manure is introduced Once every 2-3 years, That is undeniable dignity products before other fertilizers.

The disadvantage of this method is the specific smell when watering and compliance with proportions. An overabundance of the product may cause the plant to dry out.

Preparation of bait consists of the following steps:

  • pouring settled water into the droppings (to dissolve);
  • diluting half a liter of the resulting concentrate in a bucket of water.

It is not the plant itself that should be watered or sprayed with the solution, but stepping back 5-10 cm from it. One bucket can feed up to 25 bushes.

The composition of wood ash includes a large number of micronutrients, necessary for plants for development and growth. It includes: potassium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur and other substances.

The availability of fertilizer is the main advantage, because you can get the powder gray possible as a result of burning branches cut in the garden. Main - do not use painted wood.

Benefits of wood fertilizer:

  • activates growth strawberries;
  • makes the soil nutritious, improves its structure;
  • increases the fruiting period and productivity;
  • improves the taste of berries.

The disadvantage of this method is that the ash cannot be combined with urea, manure, saltpeter. In such a tandem, the fertilizer loses its properties.

The principle of application is simple, just add the dry powder into the grooves made along the beds (150 grams per linear meter).

For better absorption of nutrients by the soil, it is recommended to mix ash with peat.

One of the options for fertilizers for strawberries involves the use of yeast. It should be noted that this technology is also suitable for other crops, for example, tomatoes, potatoes, tomatoes.

The solution is prepared quickly and simply: a kilogram pack is diluted in 5 liters of water. The result is a concentrated composition, which must be dissolved again with liquid before processing (0.5 yeast mixture per 10 liters of water). About half a liter of solution will be needed for 10 strawberry bushes. It should be poured right under the bush.

If you only have dry yeast in bags in the kitchen, then the bait is prepared in the following proportions: one sachet per bucket of water plus 2 tablespoons of sugar. It is better to first dilute the yeast in a glass of warm water with the addition of granulated sugar, and after complete dissolution is added to a bucket of water. After 2 hours the product will be ready for consumption.

Advantages of yeast fertilizers:

  • rich nutritional composition (zinc, iodine, nitrogen, iron, phosphorus, etc.);
  • growth activation;
  • increasing the fruiting period;
  • promotes rapid adaptation of the crop to a new place after transplantation;
  • strengthens roots;
  • improving soil quality by creating a favorable environment for the proliferation of beneficial microorganisms.

The use of yeast increases the endurance of plants, prevents pest attacks and infections with various diseases.

Apply this technology effective only in warm weather, at low temperatures the fermentation process stops. This is the disadvantage of the yeast method.

To choose the right fertilizer for spring fertilizing of strawberries, you need to take into account the composition of the soil and its degree of fertility. If difficulties arise with the definition, it is better to use complex preparations rich in nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and other useful microelements. Then good harvest landing guaranteed!

Fragrant, tasty and healthy strawberries– a favorite of children and adults. How can you grow such a wonderful berry in your garden and get a good harvest?

Feeding of young bushes planted last year in the spring can be omitted at all, or done with the following solution: dissolve 0.5 liters of chicken manure or cow manure and 1 tbsp in a bucket of water. a spoonful of sodium sulfate. Water the plants with this mixture - 1 liter for each bush.

Do not overdo it with fertilizers (in the photo there are Victoria strawberry bushes)

Fertilizing adult strawberries

After 2-3 years, the soil in the beds becomes infertile and the plant has nowhere to take nutrients from. Therefore, in order to reap a good harvest, you need to know when and what to feed strawberries. In spring, fertilizing is done 3 times:

  • When the first 2-3 leaves appear
  • Before color starts
  • During fruit formation

The first fertilizer is applied in mid-to-late April, depending on the region. Organic fertilizers are ideal for such feeding: mullein or chicken droppings. They need to be scattered under the roots of the bushes, and a little earth should be placed on top (about 2-3 cm). You can also make a liquid solution. Take a bucket of water and dilute it with 1 liter of manure. Water each bush with the resulting slurry (1 liter per plant).

Regular yeast is an excellent fertilizer. They contain a large number of useful substances: amino acids, proteins, minerals. Fertilizing with yeast will ensure good growth and strengthening of the root system. It is necessary to dilute 200 g of live baker's yeast in 0.5 liters of warm water and let it stand for 20 minutes. Then pour the mixture into a container with 9 liters of water. Water each bush generously with this solution.

The second feeding should be carried out during the strawberry blossom period. For this it is better to take mineral fertilizers. They have a positive effect on the taste and size of the berries. The strawberries will be large, beautiful and sweet.

Strawberry fruits on a bush

For feeding you need to prepare a solution: 2 tbsp. spoons of nitrophosphate, 1 tbsp. spoon of potassium and 10 liters of water. Each bush should be watered with this solution. root system. 0.5 liters of mixture per plant is enough.

Nowadays there is a huge selection of mineral fertilizers that can be purchased in specialized stores. But they must be used strictly according to the instructions indicated on the packaging. Wrong dosage will harm the plant.

A good remedy for the third feeding would be an infusion of weeds. After weeding, you need to collect the weeds, chop them and fill them with water. Let it sit for about a week in a warm room, and then pour over the strawberries. This feeding is absolutely harmless for both plants and people. But it will help increase the number of fruits and have a positive effect on taste. Fertilizing weeds will protect plants from some harmful insects. Excellent feeding is an infusion of nettles.

We would like to note that for proper feeding garden strawberries you need to know exactly how old the bushes are growing where. It is best if they are located on different beds, this will make maintenance easier. Thus, young plants need not be fed only when a sufficient amount of useful substances is provided during planting. In the second and fourth years of strawberry life, you can take both organic and mineral mixtures. But three-year-old bushes will prefer mineral fertilizers.

During the first season, we recommend using mixtures with a high nitrogen content so that the bushes can gain green mass. You can trim at the same time. Then this will reduce the number stressful situations for your strawberry. Instead of manure, you can take nitroammophoska.

You can also use ash. It is beneficial for plants primarily due to its significant content of potassium and phosphorus, accelerates the decomposition of organic matter, and also helps in the fight against fungal diseases and root rotting. You can put a small pile under each bush. In addition, during planting of young annual plants It is recommended to mix a little ash into the soil.

One of essential elements fertilizing during flowering is potassium. Its deficiency may be indicated by browning of the leaves. This is a symptom of a serious problem that can lead to crop loss. To compensate for the lack of nutrients, we recommend using potassium nitrate. Usually it is diluted at the rate of one teaspoon per bucket of liquid. You need to pour about half a liter under each bush.

Foliar feeding of strawberries

When feeding in spring, they often fertilize not only the root system, but also the bush itself, to obtain better harvest and a healthy plant.

Strawberries are sprayed with nitrogen-containing solutions or organic matter. Feeding promotes good growth and enlargement of the ovary. When sprayed, beneficial substances are absorbed immediately into the foliage. The procedure must be carried out in dry and windless weather, in the evening.

Abundant fruiting

There are two types of mineral fertilizer compositions: highly mobile and low mobile. The first, which include phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and nitrogen, are characterized by rapid absorption. They instantly get into the roots, buds and foliage. The second ones are iron, boron, copper and manganese, which act more slowly.

Therefore, it is important to spray the plant with special care so that the nutrients get to the right place.

Which fertilizers to choose – mineral or organic?

Many gardeners have a question: what is better to feed strawberries in the spring - organic matter or minerals?

Mineral mixtures are quite effective and give good results. But they must be used correctly and with extreme caution. You should follow the instructions and avoid overdose. This can have a detrimental effect not only on the harvest, but also on human health. You should not feed with minerals later than 12-14 days before the first fruits ripen.

Fertilizing with organic matter will not provide much large berries. But it is safe for human body. In addition, manure and chicken droppings can be added in any quantity. Plants will take from them as many useful substances as they need, no more.

It is very good to saturate the soil with wood ash. It can be used to feed the roots, as well as foliar feeding. To do this, use an extract from ash.

Caring for strawberries after harvest

The fruiting period of strawberries is quite short. Already in mid-July, the plants stop bearing fruit.

Garden strawberry harvest

And it is from the end of July to September that the foundation for the harvest for the next year is laid. Therefore, during this period, strawberries also require proper care:

July and August are the time when plants begin to form new leaves, and old leaves that have served their function die off. And also intensive growth of the mustache begins. It is necessary to carefully cut off the old foliage, leaving only the young and hearts. The mustache should also be trimmed.

After the beds are in order, the soil needs to be fed. Good to take advantage of organic fertilizers- cow or horse manure. This will improve the soil structure and help the plants survive the winter.

It is very important to remember to water your strawberries after harvesting. The soil must be protected from drying out. You need to water abundantly, but not too often.

Regularly rid plants of tendrils so that the bushes do not spend all their energy on forming new rosettes. Trimming the mustache promotes the formation of new buds.

While watching the video, you will learn how to care for strawberries in the spring.

If by autumn the bushes have healthy, overgrown leaves, this will ensure a good wintering and a high harvest for next year.