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» How to use rice vinegar? Rice vinegar for sushi

How to use rice vinegar? Rice vinegar for sushi

At the moment, in any cafe in Russia you will definitely find such a dish as rolls and sushi. And you probably know that the main ingredient of this delicacy is rice. I will try to answer questions like " What is the mystery of rice vinegar?" And ""
Firstly, this is special sushi rice. He has specific properties, it contains a lot of vitamins and useful substances. But even all these qualities cannot help it become so tasty.
Secondly, to make the rice so desirable, it is mixed with a special mixture. There is nothing complicated about it and it consists of rice vinegar for sushi, sugar and salt.
Thirdly, this is the method of preparation and the use of only wooden objects in the cooking process.
So, what to do with rice vinegar when preparing rolls and sushi? It's simple, take 4 tablespoons of rice vinegar, 1.5 tablespoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt. Stir and get a mixture that needs to be mixed with rice; you just need to sprinkle it and mix.
Read more about preparing rice for rolls and sushi here.

When you get tired of ordinary dishes and want something special, you don’t have to go to a restaurant. Now on store shelves you can see products for preparing a wide variety of delicacies, including Japanese cuisine. However, one of the most important ingredients is not so easy to find Japanese dishes- rice vinegar. What can replace it?

Should we look for alternatives?

Rice vinegar is both a rare and quite expensive product. It is not surprising that many cooks are thinking about eliminating it from the dish altogether. However, this extreme measure will negatively affect the taste of homemade sushi or rolls. After all, this type of dressing is used mainly not to make the rice sticky, as many people think (if you cook it correctly, it will already be quite sticky), but to give the dish an exceptional taste. Rice for sushi and rolls is very bland, as it is cooked without adding any spices, and vinegar contains sugar, salt and wine.

Among other things, it has antibacterial properties, which is very important when working with raw fish. IN Lately, due to its milder and piquant taste compared to other types of vinegars, rice vinegar is becoming increasingly popular in Europe. It is used not only in Asian dishes, but also in the preparation of sauces, dressings, marinades for meat, and even added to soft drinks.

What can replace rice vinegar in rolls?

Since you can’t do without this gas station, and it’s extremely difficult to find in stores, or you want to save money, what to do? Is it possible to replace rice vinegar with regular vinegar? To be honest, it’s impossible without changing the taste. Apple or wine products in pure form will give rolls or sushi a more sour, sharp taste. But there is still an alternative. If you add to different kinds vinegars, sugar and salt, their taste will be closer to the original. Let's look at several recipes for making seasoning for rice. The technique will be the same, only the components will differ.

Using apple cider vinegar

  • apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tsp;
  • salt - ½ tsp;
  • hot water - 2 tbsp. l.

  • wine vinegar - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tsp.

  • table vinegar 6% - 50 ml;
  • soy sauce - 50 ml;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

Wine or apple cider vinegar and nori

  • vinegar - 2.5 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar - 2.5 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - ½ tsp;
  • nori - 1 sheet.

To prepare vinegar solution using these methods, you need to mix all the ingredients in one container and put it on the stove. Without bringing to a boil, heat until the sugar and salt are completely dissolved. In the case of nori, crushed seaweed must be added after the solution has been heated, and then the mixture must be beaten until smooth. You can also add dry seaweed or orange zest to any of these recipes.

Thus, the difference with a real oriental dressing will be almost invisible. Pour one of these dressings over the cooked rice and stir gently with a wooden spoon.

What else can replace rice vinegar for sushi? A good option will come from ginger marinade: it is also sweet and sour and goes well with rice. Lemon juice may also help. Take 2 tbsp. l. juice, add 2 tbsp. l. warm water and dissolve 1 tsp in it. sugar and ½ tsp. salt.

You should not replace the rice product with balsamic: it has a specific sharp aftertaste that can overwhelm the taste of the finished dish. It is also not recommended to use 9% table vinegar.

If you fundamentally want an identical taste, try making rice vinegar yourself.

Another alternative recipe that allows you to completely replicate the taste of the original. It is very labor-intensive and time-consuming, but the result will be worth it. You will not be able to distinguish this rice vinegar from the store-bought one and will also avoid counterfeits.

All containers for preparation should be made of glass, and mixing should be done with wooden utensils.


  • white rice (preferably jasmine) - 300 g;
  • dry yeast - 1/4-1/3 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 800 g;
  • egg white.


  1. Wash the rice and add water. Leave for 4 hours covered.
  2. Place the bowl of rice in a cool place overnight.
  3. The next day, strain through cheesecloth to obtain rice water. Pour a glass of sugar into it and stir until it dissolves.
  4. Steam the solution in a steam (water bath) for 25 minutes and then leave to cool.
  5. Pour into a glass container and add yeast (1/4 tbsp per liter of liquid).
  6. Leave for a week to ferment.
  7. Pour the solution into a clean jar. Tie the neck with gauze and place in a dark place for fermentation.
  8. The vinegar should sit for a month or two. room temperature to the desired taste.
  9. Strain the slightly cloudy prepared liquid, boil (for more long storage) and bottle it.

You should get more than a liter of vinegar. To make it more transparent, add egg white before the final boil.

Rice dressing prepared at home will be aromatic, sweet, with a slight sourness, and very pleasant to the taste. The product is much softer and more delicate than apple or alcohol vinegar; in addition, it is rich in amino acids.

Sushi is a popular dish that all housewives often make at home today. It is impossible to imagine it without a special dressing - sushizu in Japanese. We'll tell you how to do it further.

Classic recipe

Everyone loves sushi, but not many people know how to properly season the rice that is a component of this dish. How to make its classic version, we will consider further.

How to cook:

Dressing for sushi rice with regular vinegar

Simple vinegar makes any soaking of rice grains unique. We'll tell you how to do it further.


  • table vinegar 5% - 50 milliliters;
  • soy sauce – 50 milliliters;
  • sugar – 20 grams.

Cooking time: 15 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 grams: 168 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. We will prepare all the products in advance. Let's take a pan and place them there.
  2. Place the dishes on the fire and cook until the vinegar boils and the sugar dissolves.
  3. As soon as the granulated sugar crystals dissolve, remove the rice sauce from the heat and leave to cool for a while.
  4. While it cools, cook the rice cereal and make the filling. We will definitely use the cooled mixture to prepare a delicious Japanese dish.

Dressing for sushi rice with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar gives rice a unique taste and ensures good stickiness. It makes any dish easy to prepare.


  • apple cider vinegar – 2 large spoons;
  • water – 3 large spoons;
  • sugar – 2 large spoons;
  • salt – 1 small spoon.

Cooking time: 20 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 grams: 169 kcal.

How to make sushizu:

  1. Pour water into a small saucepan and place it on the stove. As soon as the water boils, pour vinegar into it, and also add sugar and salt.
  2. Reduce heat and stir the liquid every five minutes. When the sugar and salt crystals dissolve, you can remove everything from the heat.
  3. Cool the resulting sushi ingredient and only then use it for cooking. If all the steps were done correctly, you will end up with a sticky mixture that will make a delicious Japanese dish.

How to cook with nuts

Walnut is a wonderful ingredient for deliciously soaking rice. It adds piquancy and an unforgettable aftertaste. Let's look at how to make the nut sauce below.


  • nut butter – 5 large spoons;
  • apple cider vinegar – 8 milliliters;
  • sesame oil - 5 milliliters;
  • soy sauce - 6 milliliters;
  • water – 1.5 cups.

Cooking time: 20 minutes.

Cooking stages:

  1. Prepare nut butter. To do this, we crush walnuts or other nuts into small pieces, turning them into porridge. Mix with sesame oil.
  2. Gradually pour vinegar into the sushizu. Heat the water and cook for five minutes.
  3. When you get a uniform liquid with a pleasant smell, remove from heat and cool. We use it to prepare the Japanese delicacy only when it has cooled down.

Cooking with yeast

To get a fragrant Japanese delicacy, just use yeast. We will tell you below how to prepare sushizu with them.


  • egg white – 2 pieces;
  • granulated sugar – 110 grams;
  • dry yeast - 2 packets;
  • water - 150 milliliters.

Cooking time: 20 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 grams: 175 kcal.


  1. Dissolve the yeast in the water and leave for five minutes. Add the protein, mix everything and put it on the stove.
  2. Pour granulated sugar into the pan and stir every two minutes. The sugar should dissolve.
  3. Cook the mixture without ceasing to stir. When will she acquire grey colour and thickness, remove from the oven and cool.
  4. Use the cooled mixture for rice or put it in the refrigerator.

Wine vinegar dressing

Many experts argue which makes the Japanese delicacy tastier: wine or apple cider vinegar. They are sure of one thing - they are both good.

Let's look at the steps for preparing a delicious dressing below.


  • wine vinegar - 2 large spoons;
  • water - 155 milliliters;
  • granulated sugar - 2 small spoons;
  • salt - 1 small spoon.

Cooking time: 20 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 grams: 173 kcal.

How to do:

  1. Mix vinegar with water, sugar and salt. Place the resulting mixture on low heat.
  2. Stir constantly and wait until the sugar dissolves in the water. This should occur before the water begins to boil.
  3. As soon as the sugar dissolves, remove everything from the heat and cool. We use ready-made impregnation for cereals: water and leave for five minutes. This way the rice will quickly stick together and can become part of a tasty and high-quality Japanese delicacy.

Option with lemon

Russian chefs today are experimenting in every possible way with preparing Japanese delicacies. This applies primarily to refueling. Below we will see how to make sushizu with lemon.


  • rice vinegar - 1 small spoon;
  • sugar and salt - 1 small spoon;
  • lemon juice - 2 small spoons;
  • water - 155 milliliters.

Cooking time: 20 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 grams: 173 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Cook the mixture of vinegar with sugar, salt and lemon for some time. Stir constantly to obtain a homogeneous sticky consistency.
  2. When the sugar particles dissolve, remove everything from the heat and cool. We use the mixture for further cooking only when it has cooled.
  1. To make delicious sushizu, you need to use only fresh ingredients. This applies to soy sauce and nuts. This is the only way to get an appetizing and safe product.
  2. To get a good sauce for gluing rice, you need to wait until the sugar is completely dissolved in the water during cooking.
  3. You should always taste the dressing. The quality of the resulting dish depends on it.
  4. If there is no special rice marinade for sushizu, you can replace it with regular apple cider vinegar or white wine vinegar.
  5. No ingredient can be excluded, only replaced. Especially it concerns lemon juice and marinade.
  6. Lemons with thin peel should be used. It will have more juice and the sauce will be tastier.

Traditional Japanese seasoning can be replaced with wine, apple or table vinegar prepared according to certain recipes. It's easy to make your own rice vinegar if you want.

Where is rice vinegar used?

Rice vinegar is widely used in Japanese cuisine for cooking traditional dishes– sushi, raw vegetable salads, various sauces.
It is rich in amino acids, can neutralize lactic acid, leach the blood, and stimulate digestion. The seasoning has a characteristic light sour taste and aroma.

How to make rice vinegar in your kitchen

If you like sushi and make it often, learn how to make your own rice vinegar. To do this you will need short grain rice, sugar and dry yeast.

  • Pour 1 cup of rice into a jar and add 0.25 liters of water and leave in the room for 4 hours. Place the mixture in the refrigerator and keep it there overnight.
  • The next day, strain the rice, but do not squeeze it out.
  • Pour the liquid into a glass and add warm water to the top.
  • Add 4 tbsp to the solution. sugar and dissolve it, stirring the syrup with a wooden spoon.
  • Place the container with liquid on water bath. Wait until the water in the water bath boils and keep the bowl with the syrup there for 20 minutes, then remove.
  • Cool the broth, pour into a jar, add 1/3 tsp. dry yeast and stir.
  • Cover the jar with gauze and leave to ferment for a week. Do not cover the jar with a lid to allow air to flow freely to the yeast bacteria.
  • After about a week, the fermentation process will end and there will be no more bubbles in the solution.
  • The solution should be infused for a month.
  • Filter the solution and boil. The mixture should be cloudy, this is its normal color.
  • To clarify, you can add beaten egg white to the solution while boiling, and then filter again.
  • Pour the finished product into a glass container and place in the refrigerator.

Rice Vinegar Substitute Recipes

To ensure that the taste of the seasoning is as similar as possible to the original product, prepare it from several components according to special recipes.

Grape vinegar seasoning

Pour grape vinegar (4 tbsp), salt (1 tsp), sugar (3 tsp) into a small container and place on low heat. Heat the solution until all components are dissolved. Make sure the mixture does not boil. Do not use wine vinegar for these purposes if you are allergic to grape products or have increased acidity stomach.

Apple Cider Vinegar Seasoning

You will need 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp. sugar, 0.5 tsp. salt and 1.5 tbsp. l. hot water. Pour everything into a glass and stir with a wooden spoon until the elements are completely dissolved.

Seasoning made from table vinegar and soy sauce

Take 50 ml of 6% table vinegar, 20 g of sugar and 50 ml of soy sauce. Mix everything until the sugar and salt are completely dissolved.

Lemon juice seasoning

Properly diluted lemon juice can reproduce the taste of rice vinegar. Only the native Japanese will determine the difference.

Pour 2 tbsp into a glass. boiled warm water, 2 tbsp. lemon juice, 1 tsp. sugar, 0.5 tsp. salt. Mix everything until the contents are completely dissolved. You can heat the mixture, but you cannot boil it.

Many people have concerns that alternative recipes will spoil sushi and rolls. Experienced chefs refute this opinion. They recommend not to overdo it with the amount of seasoning, then the result will please even gourmets.

Over the past decade, rice vinegar has gained widespread popularity in international cuisine. Today, this type of vinegar, the most common in Asia, is increasingly used in the preparation of European dishes.


The term "su" in Japan means "vinegar rice." This product originated in China more than two thousand years ago. It appeared in Japan around 4-3 centuries BC. There, rice vinegar was incredibly expensive, so it was popular only among the privileged strata of society. It appeared in the kitchens of common people around the 16th century.

At first, “su” was used as a seasoning for rice. Over time, the use of rice vinegar expanded and it began to be used in the process of preparing Japanese national dish- sushi. Initially, to prepare sushi, small pieces of raw fish were cut, salted and mixed with rice. After a certain time, the fish secreted enzymes, under the influence of which the rice produced lactic acid. That, in turn, contributed to the process of preservation of pressed fish. Such a natural “marinade” not only gave the dish a special soft and slightly sour taste, but also allowed it not to spoil for a long time. This process of fermented milk fermentation took a long time - from two months to a year. Therefore, in the 17th century, a new recipe for making sushi appeared, which was based on the use of rice vinegar. Thanks to this product, the duration of sushi preparation has not only been significantly reduced, but also the taste has been significantly enriched.

Making Rice Vinegar

Typically, rice vinegar is made from rice wine or fermented rice.

Today there are three varieties of “su”: white, black and red.

Black sou is based on a mixture of glutinous and long-grain rice varieties, to which barley, wheat and rice husks are added. This mixture undergoes double fermentation, after which it is infused for seven months. The resulting vinegar is dark in color, thick and with a rich taste, which, depending on the preferences of the manufacturer, varies from sweet to stronger.

The preparation of red rice vinegar occurs by fermenting red yeast rice, that is, rice that has been pre-treated with red yeast. Its aroma and taste are distinguished by fruity and tart-sweet shades.

White vinegar is made from glutinous rice and has the mildest flavor. In its subtlety and tenderness, white rice vinegar surpassed even the famous French white wine vinegar.

By the way, despite the complexity of preparing rice vinegar, it can be made at home. The main condition is to use high-quality rice. To prepare, you need to wash 300 grams of rice in cold water, place in a ceramic or glass container and add 1.2 liters of water. Place the dishes in a warm place for about 4-5 hours, and then move them to a cold place for several days. After a few days, strain the rice, add 900 g of sugar to the resulting liquid, mix well until it is completely dissolved and place the solution in a steam bath for half an hour. Remove from heat and let cool, then pour it into a two-liter jar and add a third of a tablespoon of yeast. Leave the vinegar to ferment for a week, then pour it into a wine container, cover the top with gauze and leave it to ferment for another month. Just before use, the resulting rice vinegar can be filtered again and poured into small containers.

Uses of rice vinegar

"Su" is ideal as a seasoning. It is often used for marinating various seafood and is included in many sauces. They are great for dressing salads and all kinds of fish and meat dishes.

In general, the use of rice vinegar depends on its type. Black sous, for example, is ideal for eating with meat and preparing stews. Red sous is often seasoned in soups, noodles and seafood dishes, while white vinegar is suitable for preparing sashimi and sushi, for marinating fish and is an indispensable ingredient in oriental sunomono salad dressing. Also, using white “su”, deep fat is prepared for frying seafood.

Composition and benefits of rice vinegar

The use of rice vinegar is not limited to cooking. It is also used in medicinal purposes. Japanese scientists have discovered that “su” contains a number of amino acids important for the body - histidine, leucine, valine, lysine, phenylalanine, isoleucine and alginine.

In addition, as in any yeast fermentation product, “su” contains minerals and vitamins, in particular calcium, phosphorus and potassium. This dressing, which is very popular in the East, helps improve digestion and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.


Today, the market is replete with all sorts of unnatural products and fakes, so you need to be careful when buying rice vinegar. Do not neglect to carefully study the packaging and carefully read what ingredients the product is made of. Surrogate rice vinegar contains a large number of chemical additives harmful to the body.

In addition, people suffering from gastritis, diabetes, obesity, hypertension and kidney disease should not get carried away with rice vinegar.