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» How to find a job you like? How to get a job you love? How to understand what kind of work you like

How to find a job you like? How to get a job you love? How to understand what kind of work you like

A favorite job that you go to with pleasure - this is the dream of more than 70 percent of people who get up at the very early hours of the alarm clock and literally automatically “wander” to their stuffy, tired offices. On labor activity Almost a third of your life is wasted, and it’s truly terrible when your whole life you’re not doing what you’d like. How to find a job you like? What to do if you can’t understand what your inclination is? If you are asking such questions, then this article is for you.

Why do we accept jobs we don't like?

The roots of problems, oddly enough, always begin in childhood. Parents, for the most part, take upon themselves the right to decide who their child should become in the future. Undoubtedly, they are guided only by good intentions, wanting to give the child the best. But often they are the reason that a person gradually begins to hate his workplace.

Children are suggestible, and the advice of loved ones becomes serious instructions for them. Not everyone at a young age understands well what they would like to do in the future. And the instructions of adults are taken for granted. The child goes to the university chosen by his mother or father, then gets a job on their advice, and, in fact, becomes what his parents wanted him to be. And only later, some realize that all this time they were led by their relatives, and not by their desires. Yes, but changing everything is already so difficult.

Here comes fear, uncertainty or simple laziness, which become an obstacle to taking life into your own hands and finally starting to act according to your will.

But not everyone, realizing that they are in the wrong place, can understand exactly what they would like next. How to find a job you love, and is it so important to do what you like? This is what the next chapter is about.

What are the dangers of doing something you don't like?

Some agree to “not their place” because of a good salary or a prestigious position. Others may choose a position for its convenient schedule or location. Still others are simply led and act according to the instructions of their elders. But everyone faces the same fate: a feeling of dissatisfaction, lack of joy when thinking about work, frequent fatigue, fatigue, difficulty getting up in the morning, headaches, apathy, bad dream, a feeling of hopelessness, and as a result of it all – depression.

Psychologists say that if you don’t love something, then no benefits, be it a high income or a very convenient regime, will cover the negative feelings that a person experiences while doing it. Therefore, finding a job you like is useful both psychologically and for physical health. When work brings pleasure, the body does not feel tired, and it seems that energy reserves are endless. Difficulties become less significant, and stress is easier to bear.

How to find yourself

For a job to bring satisfaction and joy, you need to have a good understanding of what you would like to do. But the problem is that some people like too many areas and cannot decide, others, in general, cannot find themselves and no matter what they take on, they soon get bored with everything. There are several ways to help answer the question “how to find a job you love?” and understand yourself better.

  1. One of the simplest and best options for understanding what kind of employment will suit you is to do this: imagine the situation that you are very rich. You don’t have to work hard for money, and you have everything you need for a prosperous life for many years to come. Now think about what you would do for your own pleasure. Ask yourself: “What can I do to feel fulfilled?”

Some will probably think that in this situation there is no need to get carried away with anything. But practice shows that any person needs self-expression through some kind of activity.

Take a closer look at the thoughts that will visit you at the moments when you visualize such a picture. Perhaps you should seriously think about the field that presented itself to you if you were in the intended image.

  1. Try to analyze your talents and abilities. Think about what you do best, what things are easy, what you can do without much effort. When asking the question “how to find a job you like?”, just follow what your gut is striving for.

If you hold a serious leadership position, but your mind is in awe at the sight of indoor flowers and you are ready to spend hours caring for them, you should not be afraid of such thoughts, and consider that this is not at all serious. Even getting carried away indoor plants can be developed successful business, becoming a professional florist or breeding rare specimens.

Do you find it much easier to calculate with tables and numbers than to find customers for the products your company sells? Maybe you should think about a career as an accountant?

  1. Another good advice How to find a job you like - visit a psychologist. A competent specialist will allow you to release into conscious awareness those dreams, aspirations and desires that may be hidden in your subconscious. In turn, this will help you hear yourself and understand what you really want.

Also, psychologists often suggest taking special tests that determine a person’s aptitude for certain professions.

  1. The human psyche is designed in such a way that we get much more satisfaction and pleasant experiences when we do something for others than when someone does it for us. A simple way to try to understand what activities will bring you joy is to think about what you can give to people. Surely you know how to do something that is in demand, that is needed, perhaps not by everyone, but by some. Maybe you knit beautifully, and there are always people who want to buy your product, maybe you draw beautifully or are good at repairs household appliances. What services would you be happy to provide to others? Seriously think about the answers you receive.
  2. Remember your childhood dreams. They are the best guides that can lead you to your favorite activity. Of course, many of your dreams will seem stupid and frivolous to you today, but try to highlight exactly those dreams about the profession that lasted with you the longest, and maybe they are still alive in you to this day. Think about it.

What steps to take

It’s not enough to just sit and think about how to find a job you like. Water does not flow under a lying stone and this is the truth. You need to start taking steps that will definitely lead you to what you want.

  • Drive away any fears associated with a change in activity. Don't worry about what people will say if you suddenly quit your office career and go into clothing production. Remember that this is only your life and only you have the right to decide what to do.
  • If you have a job, but you don’t like it at all, don’t rush to quit. Go to interviews, see what others offer, don't jump to conclusions. You can leave when, when choosing, you have no doubt that the new proposed place is better than the present one.
  • Just starting your working career? Go for internships at different companies. Even if you don’t earn money for several months, you can get a good feel for the atmosphere of a particular activity.
  • Don't be afraid to try new things. You won't be able to fully understand whether a job is right for you or not until you do it. If you dream of becoming a fashion designer, sit down and design a dress. If you want to have your own store, get a job as a salesperson and see if you like communicating with customers.
  • Don't neglect training. If you feel that you have enough knowledge or skills for your desired position, do not skimp on training courses. Investing in yourself is always worth it.

Remember that only what you love will bring you real joy, which will spread to all areas of life.

Congratulations! You have taken the first step towards finding a job you love. From right the question asked at least half of the success depends. Be glad you put it that way. This means that something more than necessity speaks to you. Finding a job you like is not so easy. Many people have been looking for themselves in different ways for many years. And, in the end, they found it. There are simply no specific deadlines. Life may be similar, but biography is not. Therefore, be prepared to be patient and not lose heart.

5 practical ways to find a job you love

The question “how” is a question of action

Work you love is work that brings you joy. There is no other way to track it. I want to get up in the morning. At the end of the working day, one feels ready to continue tomorrow. You learn something new for yourself, learn something new. This area of ​​life makes you happy. In theory, this is work for the soul. But in practice this is not always the case. Love for such things that a person leaves on earth can leave and come again. It can last a lifetime. Or you may stay there for a while, and then work doesn’t seem to make you happy, and you start looking for something new. It’s difficult to keep track of this, moreover, it’s not under human control, it can’t be contained. That’s why be prepared to be patient and not lose heart. Someone wise said that there are people who live one life, and there are those who live many short ones. The main thing is to do something, to search.

1. And yet, how to find a job you like? You know, all the answers about oneself usually already exist within a person. Good psychologist knows this and asks such questions so that a person draws his own conclusions. Qualitative tests for vocational guidance are based on the same thing. If you are at a crossroads, try taking a similar test. Please note that this results in a professional field or set of professions that is suitable for you. If, after passing the test, you end up with one answer: “builder” or “programmer,” then look for a new one. Because a person cannot be fit into one specific profession. The test should tell you about 3 areas where, judging by the answers, you are most drawn. And the choice of something specific is yours.

2. The second way to search is to start from your talents. That is, because you immediately get it as if you had already learned this somewhere. But in fact, you have it naturally. You intuitively understand what's what. This is talent. Think carefully, every person has his own talent, at least one. Some have several, it’s more difficult for them. I don’t want to use big words, but perhaps this is a professional purpose, who knows. Talent backed by hard work will undoubtedly bring you the happiness you desire.

3. What did you love as a child? In childhood, a person is least susceptible to information meat grinder. The little man still has no prejudices or confusion in his head, so his soul is not confused. He behaves naturally, which in every possible way embarrasses adults who have forgotten how to be children. Remember what you liked to play as a child, how you behaved, what did you like? What did you want to become? If you don’t remember, ask your loved ones. In the matter of finding yourself, all means are good, and this is even more so.

4. And finally, the fourth way out is to do something without thinking. The first thing that comes to mind and is approved by the heart. A trial and error method that will lead you to what you love. In words, everything is very simple - water does not flow under a lying stone. This a good option for those who are used to action.

We have described for you four ways that can help you find yourself. Be patient. This is advice both for those who have just embarked on this path, and for those who have been searching for a long time. But the most important thing is yet to come, read to the end.

A pure soul is the key to successful searches

Yes, such a turn. Do not think that this is advice from the realm of something unrealistic. On the path of life, desires attach themselves to a person like leeches, which complicate his life. Among them are desires for power, fame, wealth, and abundant attention from the opposite sex. Without love, it is appetites that are never satisfied. Their mother is greed. They blind and make a person unhappy. And they always lead astray. Therefore, when you answer the question: “how can I find a job I like,” never be guided by the desires described above. Maybe this is why in the modern world there is so much music and words of the same type. Think about it, art is a mirror of life, reflecting the world as a whole.

Method number 5 - the most secret

When looking for a job you love, be more modest, knowing that the most important wealth is your soul. And she rejoices when you do good to someone. Modern world forgets about it. There are a lot of problems, which means a lot of work. Think about what problems and how you would like to solve them. The wording of the question is no less important here. To answer, consider abilities. Well, for example: “I want to help people with their jobs.” How to do it? Become an HR manager, go to work at an employment center, become an entrepreneur and create jobs, etc. Or: “I want people not to get sick.” Become a medical worker, or sew warm clothes, or become a comedian, and prolong people's lives.

Despite all its simplicity, you do not come to such awareness immediately, but over time. The sooner the better, so we hope you'll listen. The solution must be based on real existing problems or omissions. Emptiness should not be multiplied.

P.S. Hurray for everything that happened!

And, at the end of the article, I would like to give an inspiring The first biography that came to the author’s mind is life path Italian actor, director and screenwriter, Paolo Villaggio. Born in 1932, his youth was spent in the years of devastation and poverty during the Second World War and its consequences. Paolo did a lot of work after finishing his studies! And a waiter, and an announcer, and an accountant in one of the large companies, until, at the age of 35, he finds his true calling. And he uses all his previous experience to create his most famous paintings. So what do you think? That's how everything is needed for something. So be patient and go ahead! You will definitely be lucky to find a job you like.

Everyone knows how important it is to do something you love. This gives physical and psychological health, and also, as a rule, brings more income, since we invest all our energy and all our hearts into what we love. However, finding your favorite thing is not so easy. What prevents you from finding a job you like?

There are a number of beliefs and actions that prevent you from finding a job you like:

1. Belief in the supernatural power of everything that finds a bright response in our soul

There is an opinion that what you love is like true love: you can recognize it immediately, at first sight. And finding it, just like true love, is not given to everyone, it’s luck. Several times I heard the phrase: “You’re lucky, you have something you love.”

The belief that you have to be lucky to find what you love is based on the fact that every day we see around us a large number of people working in the wrong place. And then it may seem to us that this is how it should be, that this is life, that this is how it should be. And that a job you love is something like a miracle.

In fact, due to the fact that few people really know what they want to do professionally, finding their calling can seem like a miracle. But that shouldn't stop you from looking for it. True love It’s useless to look for it - it’s there on its own. But with work everything is different. And not only with work. Understanding what you want, what gives you pleasure is also work, sometimes quite long, but undoubtedly useful. It means the need to listen to yourself, the need to pay attention to yourself and notice what you like and what you don’t. In addition, it means the need to support what you like and what you don’t like - to reject and not make a deal with yourself: “Okay, so be it, I’ll do this for now.” Often when we compromise, we give up on our dreams and stop looking for what we want to do. Even if at the moment you are forced to do something you don’t like, don’t stop there, but keep looking. You won't find your own business.

2. Remember that the first and very important step in finding a job will be the very beginning of this very search.

Talk is one thing, but action is another. You shouldn’t hope that your favorite job will find you on its own, it’s unlikely. You may not believe it, but as soon as you take the first step, you will realize that you will be one step closer to your cherished desire. If you think about it, this is quite possible. However, thousands of people still sit at their jobs as if in hard labor, wasting months and even years of their lives in vain, achieving absolutely nothing in their lives.

There are quite a lot of reasons for this, but they are all banal and come down to two simple theses:

1) lack of faith in yourself and your strengths;

2) constantly postponing important things “for later.”

People have the most sophisticated forms of excuses, although this is not surprising, because those who don’t want to look for reasons, not opportunities...

The vast majority are simply afraid to leave their personal comfort zone. Fear forces them to endure an unloved job, in return it gives them a familiar, but understandable state of absolute dissatisfaction with their own life. Their lives turn into standard and boring obligations: every week they look forward to days off, and every year - vacations.

Where to look for your favorite job?

Be open to finding work you love. You can start by analyzing the job you currently have. Remember the moments that bring you joy and you feel interested. Understand the reason why this particular activity is most interesting to you. Then try to determine what type of activity can also interest you, but for a longer period of time.

However, you should not be upset if, after a detailed and in-depth analysis of your work, you do not find anything interesting or that brings you joy, much less a feeling of satisfaction from the process. I think, after thinking a little, you will still make a list of possible professions. Then, think about what you need to do to get this position.

Try to be honest with yourself at least now. Look around, how do you live and what position do you hold? Do you like what you have at the moment?! Believe me, all your wishes really have the ability to come true. Each of us can become anyone, the main thing is to believe in ourselves and our strengths. Don’t waste time, make a list of activities that bring you satisfaction and joy right now. Start taking action, stop being lazy and afraid!

Exercise #1:

1) Take a pen and a piece of paper and write down 10 sentences that begin with the words: “I must...”. You need to write down 10 things that you think you should do in life;

2) Now write down 10 sentences that begin with the words “I can’t...”. In this part of the exercise you need to write down 10 things that you think you cannot do;

3) Read out loud what happened. How does what you write make you feel?

4) Now cross out the word “should” in the first ten sentences and replace it with the word “want”. In the next ten sentences, cross out the word “can” (leave the “not” particle), and also replace it with the word “want”;

5) Read what you got. How does what happened make you feel now?

While doing this exercise, you may have noticed that everything you wrote down you either want to do or you don’t want to do. However, when you tell yourself “should” or “can’t” instead of “want” or “don’t want,” it blocks the energy and prevents you from enjoying or refusing to do what you do. Train in everything you do to reveal either your desire or your reluctance. The more you understand and know about your “wants” and “don’ts”, the easier it will be for you to apply this to your work.

2. Lack of goal to find a job you like

Often the desire to find a job to our liking is not realized because we do not set such a goal for ourselves. For example, just finding a job is important because you have to live for something. And to achieve it, we set ourselves a goal - to find a job, we take the appropriate steps - we compile a resume, send it to employers. And what is good for the soul is something you can do in your spare time, if you have time. And if there is no goal, then there are no consistent actions that will help you find what you like. Set a goal to find something you love. Analyze what steps will help you move in this direction. What do you need to find the job you love? What can help you find a job you like? Make an action plan. And the exercises that I offer will help you take the first steps in this direction and get closer to your goal.

3. Lack of action

Sometimes we say to ourselves: “If I don’t yet know what I want, then what’s the point of doing something? When I understand, then I’ll start moving.” But for now we don't practical actions, we risk staying in the same place. Finding a job you love is a matter of doing, not thinking, and it requires activity.

Exercise No. 2.

1) Answer the following questions:

If your life had a very specific purpose, what would it be?

If there was a god or other super being, what abilities could it give you? For what? What could you give to the world, to people?

2) In accordance with the answers, determine your life mission and form a life credo.

4. Fear of trying

Continuing the previous point, I would like to note that finding something you like is a purely practical matter. It is impossible to find what you love without trying yourself different types activities. It's impossible to know whether you like drawing or not if you've never tried it. Child psychologists recommend that parents take their children to different clubs and sections. In order for a child to decide for himself what he wants to do in life by the end of school, by this period he must try himself in different types of activities. You can only understand whether you like doing something or not by trying it.

Exercise #3:

1) Write down on a piece of paper everything you like to do, everything you have ever done and enjoyed it. You don't need to think about whether this could become your business yet. Just remember, reflect. Perhaps you once read a report in college and were greatly inspired by it. Or you like to sing with a guitar. Or go shopping. Write down everything you do with pleasure. This exercise can be done for several days, adding to the list what you still remember or come up with.

2) If you carefully read the resulting to-do list, you will notice that all the to-dos can be divided into groups. Remember the children's exercise called “Find the Common Thing”? So, you need to do the same thing: break down all your tasks according to some common characteristic. One group, for example, relates to communication with people, another group to clothing, a third to literature, etc.

3) What profession or professions are associated with each group of things that you enjoy doing?

4) Which of the professions you have identified do you prefer?

5. The belief that you are unworthy of having a job you love.

The roots of this belief lie in one's attitude towards oneself. If you believe that you are unworthy of being happy and doing things that bring you pleasure, then you will have a hard time discovering or applying this to professional activity. Change your self-esteem. It’s real to do what you like and still get paid for it.

6. Fear of losing what you already have

There is even a saying about this: “Even if it’s bad, it’s mine.” Or “Better a bird in the hand than a pie in the sky.” Sometimes we are afraid to try something new for fear of failure and loss of the results that have already been achieved. What if it doesn’t work there and I lose it here?

Take reasonable risks. Don’t rush into a new business recklessly, calculate the chances of success. If you have to start from scratch (and you almost always have to start a new business from the position of a “newbie”), first secure your rear or create a “safety cushion” of set aside money, just in case.

What you have already achieved in life is very important. This is your experience, your skills, your knowledge. The wise man is the one who relies on his experience.

Exercise #4:

1) Write down what you can do well.

2) How can each of the items you wrote down help you in the professions from the previous exercise? How can your skills and abilities help you in the things you love to do?

7. Lack of belief that what you love can bring you money.

We often think that what we like is a hobby, a passion, and work is something else. And this is perhaps one of the main obstacles to making the profession enjoyable. Hobbies and work can and should coincide in order for us to be happy and satisfied with life.

Exercise #5:

1) Take a look at the results of exercise No. 3. For each point, answer the question: what prevents you from making money from this?

2) Create a different resume for each profession identified in Exercise No. 3. Justify your choice with your experience and education.

3) From personnel services various companies There is a favorite question: why do you want to work in this position? You can answer it right now. Write a short essay on each profession and why you want to work in it.

Exercise No. 6.

Let's do a check for those professions that you chose in exercise No. 3.

1) For each profession, find a thing that will symbolize it. This can be absolutely any thing that evokes some associations with the profession. Place it in the room. Do this with every profession. There should be as many things as you were able to discover professions.

2) Now each profession has its own place in space. Stand on the place where one of the things lies (pay attention to which place you stood on first). This place is the space for the designated profession. By standing in this place, you “occupy” this profession, this professional niche. How do you feel in this place (and in this profession)? What feelings do you get in this place? Do you feel comfortable here, is it interesting, is it convenient? Are you at ease? What do you want to do in this place?

Take turns to other professions and do the same.

All you have to do is find out more about this profession, understand what you need to work in it, look at the websites about open vacancies for the expectations and requirements of employers for an applicant for this position and write a competent resume. If you still can’t find what you would like to do, try looking through the same sites. Open the categories that attract you most, see what positions and professions are available there, pay attention to what piques your interest. Send out your resume and go to interviews. This way you can learn more about professions and understand whether you really like them or not. The best time to make money is when currency exchange rates fluctuate. For those who don’t know how to do this, I give you a schedule of master classes where you will be taught the basics of trading on the FOREX foreign exchange market and many other tricks.

This question is really important, because work takes up 80% of our entire life. Not as little depends on work as it seems at first glance. This is not only earnings, but also mood, state of mind and emotional stress.

It is a great happiness for a person not to “adjust” his working hours and not look longingly at the time. If, nevertheless, this happened to you, then it’s time to think about changing jobs. But you shouldn’t exchange an awl for soap either. Better start looking for your dream job.

If you find a job you like, you are one step closer to satisfaction in your life.

7 steps towards your calling


The first thing you need to remember is the fair expression “start with yourself.” No need to sin all over the world, but it’s worth doing some introspection. This will give you a clear idea of ​​yourself, your qualities, capabilities and desires.

Since self-analysis is a serious matter, you will need several sheets of paper and a pen. Divide the first sheet of paper into two columns and write down everything you like about your work and what you don’t like about it:

You must clearly understand what you like about your work and what is unacceptable for you

On the next piece of paper, frankly write all your strengths and weaknesses. For example:

Personal qualities play an important role when choosing a job

Now write down all the activities that are close to you. Think about what attracts you most, what you truly want to do.

You must identify all the professions that are interesting to you

Work by character

You are faced with a very serious task - based on all your notes, determine which type of activity is most suitable for you. It is unlikely that you will be able to work as a PR manager if you are a reserved person and have frequent mood swings. Approach the analysis with all seriousness, because your career depends on your honesty with yourself.

By choosing a type of activity without analyzing your character, you can make a mistake in choosing a profession. Routine work will certainly disappoint you.

By analyzing the qualities of your character and your desires, you can find a job to your liking

It's time to experiment

If you have chosen something more suitable from the entire list of activities that attract you, go for it. You should definitely try your hand at your desired profession. As they say: “If you don’t check, you won’t know.” Through trial and error, you can find your place in the sea of ​​professions and become a happy person. If you sit at home with your hands folded, your dream job will not knock on your door and offer you an interesting vacancy.

To find a job you like, you need to try several professions

Don't refuse a job with a probationary period

If, when you get a job, your probationary period is not two weeks, as you expected, but three months, this is not a reason to refuse work. Probation gives you a great opportunity to see if you like it new job or it could have been better. You have time to take a closer look, test your strength, and delve into all the working nuances. If you like the work, then you will understand that you have finally found your calling. If not, then it’s worth continuing your search.

The probationary period makes it possible to decide on a place of work without concluding an employment contract.

Money can not buy happiness

If when choosing a job you are guided by the level wages for the proposed vacancy, it will not lead to anything good. You can search for a job you like, choosing it based on earnings, for many months, and maybe even years. Remember that everyone starts small. Of course, this does not mean that you need to go to work for pennies, working 18 hours a day. Having a high salary, but a job that depresses your emotional state, you will soon run away from such a position. The main thing is not to chase money, work should be a joy.

You will never find a job where you can sit back and get paid for it.

Personal opinion

In order to find a job you like, stop listening to others. Your dream job is your reflection, your essence, your present and future. Your environment cannot know what is best for you, what attracts you and what you will like. Only you can make a decision in your favor. You can seek advice and take it into account, but it is up to you to decide. This is the only way you will be able to find the job you like.

If you continue to listen to others, you will not be able to find the job you like.

Goals in life

Start from your life goals. If your goals are directly related to the job you are looking for, then you are on the right track. It is the kind of work that intersects with your goals for life that you need. You will be able to gradually rise up the steps of life to that happiness and regularity that 80% of people dream of.

Based only on your life goals, you will find a job you like

Psychologists have created many tests for career guidance: Russian, European, American. They focus on abilities, desires and human capabilities. Such tests in large quantities are distributed on the Internet, and you can go through them yourself. Tests are also often carried out at the labor exchange in order to find a more suitable job for you. These tests are useful if you don't fully understand what you want and expect from a job.

You can try taking tests that will help you understand what you desire more.

These tests look something like this:

Career guidance test according to the method of Academician E.A. Klimov

5 reasons why you can’t find a job you like

If you can't find your dream job, pay attention to several factors that may be causing your failure:

  1. Lack of purpose. The fact of looking for a job is not the goal. You must clearly define for yourself what a job you love means for you.
  2. Uncertainty. Remember, self-doubt is the worst thing that can happen to you when looking for your dream job. Low professional self-esteem will not allow you to find the job you like. Learn to present your professional strengths in a favorable light.
  3. Fear. Neither lack of experience nor age should become a barrier for you to find a job. Fear of the unknown is yours the main problem. Don't be afraid of change, get out of your old place and move forward.
  4. Passivity. Good work will never come to you on its own. To do this, you need to take active actions, and not wait “by the sea for weather.”
  5. Irresponsibility. If you find a vacancy that is attractive to you, take the trouble to compose a high-quality and competent resume. After all, the impression of you depends on your actions.

5 signs that you have found a job you like

Psychologists note several signs that will help determine that you are doing what you love:

  • Going to work is like going to a holiday. you are always in in a great mood go to work.
  • You are not counting down the minutes until the end of the working day.
  • Money is important, but it's not the most important thing.
  • You can do the job in any circumstances.
  • When you are busy doing something you love, you feel happiness from this type of activity.

In life it is very important to do what you really want. It’s really possible to find a job you like based on the tips above. The main thing is your desire, activity and aspiration. Work is 80% of our daily time, which is why it is so important to find a job you love. Doing what you love is a piece of real happiness.

Work is of great importance in our lives. She is a reflection of our inner world, determines the circle of friends and interests, status and place in society. The work is imprinted on our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual state. This is why it is important to do what you love and know how to find interesting work to your liking.

Signs you like your job

  1. you don’t “push time”, don’t longingly count the minutes until the end of the working day and the days until;
  2. you always go to work in a good mood, without feeling negative emotions from the need to engage in unloved activities;
  3. money is not the main motivation for fulfilling your goals job responsibilities;
  4. in any circumstances you are able to do your job;
  5. you feel joy from the work you do.

If the above signs do not apply to your professional activity, then you should think about finding another job that is more suitable for you.

Where to start searching for a suitable job

  • Finding yourself

Before looking for a well-paid job, you should find yourself, understand your desires, properties and character traits, likes and dislikes. It is not uncommon for a future favorite job that brings big profit- this is what you are now ready to do for free, devoting all your free time to this activity.

  • Experiments

If describing mental preferences and character traits turns out to be difficult, then it is enough to resort to the trial and error method. Test yourself in various areas of activity. On a piece of paper, write down ten or more directions that seem attractive to you and start consistently trying each of them. Don't stop until you try all the activities that interest you. After all, only by comparing everything, you can determine what you like best.

  • Character as a determining factor

The areas of desired activity you have written out should suit your character. If you have a calm character, then you need a quieter job, and vice versa, a more active person needs a job in which he will not be bored.

Sometimes, with the help of work, you want to correct your character traits. For example, if you are constrained and communicating with strangers is difficult for you, but with the help of your work you would like to correct this, then engage in activities that are directly related to communication. This could be working as a waiter, sales consultant, providing real estate services or direct sales activities.

  • Refusing the advice of others

The advice that relatives, friends and acquaintances can give you is advice that applies to their life, but not to yours. Only you yourself can know how and where to find a job you like. Perhaps for your own sake loved one best job– work in an office center in Moscow, and for you – at a fish factory in Kamchatka.

  • Leaving a job you don't like

If your work is no longer enjoyable, you look forward to vacations, weekends and holidays, you have difficulty waking up in the morning and drive to work in a depressed mood, then these are sure signs that it’s time to change your activity. You will be happy to go to your favorite job on a day off or come early. After all, if you mind your own business, you don’t get tired, but good mood has a beneficial effect on your physical condition.

  • Money is not the most important thing

“I want to find a job I like. Yes, so that they pay a lot and work little.” It is unlikely that with such a wording you will be able to engage in your favorite activity. Quite often, those who work solely for money feel much worse than those who do what they love, even if this is not yet high paying job. In reality, over time, those who enjoy their work get more money than those who were initially only interested in wealth.

  • Unpaid work

When looking for something you like, you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to work for free for some time. If you work for at least one month without pay and are not too upset by this fact, then this job will definitely suit you.

  • Big goals

To find suitable job, first you need to decide on life goals. If the present work does not correspond to the big goal, then you can safely quit it. You should never give up your dreams for money. According to sociological surveys, only one out of ten people was able to find a job they liked. So you are not so alone in this problem, but you have the power to solve it.

Reasons for failure to find a job you like

Finding a job is not the goal itself

First, you need to decide what work you like means to you: do you want to be the head of a company in Moscow and work according to a clearly established schedule, or do you prefer working on the Internet and the opportunity to adjust your own work time is an undeniable advantage.

Uncertainty is the worst assistant

Low professional self-esteem can become a big obstacle in finding the desired job. Their professional quality must be presented in a light that is favorable to you.

Leave the fear