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» How to open a taxi dispatch service: requirements, documents and how much it costs. From a simple driver to a millionaire, owner of an auto empire

How to open a taxi dispatch service: requirements, documents and how much it costs. From a simple driver to a millionaire, owner of an auto empire

You will need

  • - business plan;
  • - registration documents;
  • - office;
  • - furniture and office equipment;
  • - walkie-talkies and checkers;
  • - employees;
  • - advertising.


First you need to register with the tax office. You can become an individual entrepreneur or organize a legal entity. To open a city taxi there is no need to obtain a transportation license. This moment greatly simplifies the procedure for organizing a business.

Better before you start organizing taxi company draw up a business plan. Calculate all your expenses and income based on an analysis of the sales market and your competitors.

Select an office where the radio and dispatcher will be located. It can be located absolutely anywhere, even in a residential area. The main thing is that it is convenient for you to receive drivers coming in and leaving work there.

Buy everything necessary equipment. You will need a minimum set office furniture for dispatcher, walkie-talkie, checkers, office equipment. It is necessary to have a landline telephone, as well as mobile numbers different operators.

Hire employees. You will need several dispatchers who will work in 3-4 shifts, and drivers with personal cars. You must enter into agreements with taxi drivers under which you will act as an agent and charge them an agency fee. Of course, you can also register them as a labor document, but this way you will have to make payments for them with the tax office, pension fund and others government organizations.

Develop a price list for your services. It is advisable that your taxi fleet is not limited to passenger transportation. In order to withstand serious competition in the taxi market, it is necessary to provide customers with a full range of services: courier services, delivery of food orders, meeting at the airport and train station, “sober driver” service and others.

From a formal point of view, opening a service Taxi is not particularly difficult. Just register as individual entrepreneur or establish an enterprise, indicating the appropriate OKVED code as the main type of activity. But running a business can be more difficult.

You will need

  • - a package of documents for registration of an enterprise or individual entrepreneur;
  • - money to pay state fees;
  • - start-up capital, the size of which depends only on your plans, ambitions and capabilities.


Come up with a name for your service. If you establish an enterprise, this can simultaneously become the name for it, but this condition not necessary.
If you want to link to a telephone dispatch office (for example, “Taxi “Five” with a telephone number of solid numbers 5), find out in advance from the telephone company whether it is free, and, if possible, “stake out” it for yourself.
The law does not oblige you to register the chosen name as a mark, but it is better to do this, although the procedure is expensive: it guarantees that no one will forbid you to use this name, but you will have the right. Registration details can be found at Rospatent.

Register your enterprise or individual entrepreneur with the tax office. To do this, you will need to prepare a standard package of documents, different for each case, and pay a state fee (details and amount can be clarified at the tax office or Sberbank).
IN constituent documents(when registering an individual entrepreneur - in the application) indicate OKVED code 60.22 “Activity” as the main type of activity Taxi" In the application for registration of an individual entrepreneur, he must be first on the list.
When establishing, you will also have to resolve the issue of the company’s legal address and charter.

After receiving documents on state registration of an individual entrepreneur or enterprise, obtain statistics codes from the territorial department of Rosstat, open a bank account and make a stamp.
After this, from a formal point of view, you can work fully. But the material and technical base and the costs for it depend on your capabilities and ambitions: will you purchase and maintain your own taxi fleet and paint the cars in branded colors, or will you limit yourself to collecting orders and distributing them among third-party drivers for your percentage of each trip? hire staff or would you prefer to cooperate with drivers who have the status of an entrepreneur, will you work with Taxi hundred who have their own cars or rent their own and much more.

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Service Taxi– current and profitable business. However, before you become the owner of such a company, you need to collect the necessary package of documents and develop a business plan. There are two ways to open this business. The most optimal and economical option is a taxi dispatch service.

You will need

  • - application for registration individual as an individual entrepreneur (form P21001);
  • - TIN;
  • - passport and its photocopy;
  • - receipt of payment of state duty (800 rubles).


Your application must be signed and bound, and notarized. It should contain the intended OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs. They will determine your activities.

Before you start preparing documents, decide which tax system will be used in your company. Many individual entrepreneurs choose the simplified system (STS), which includes two methods of paying taxes - 15% on income (minus production expenses) and 6% on income.

An application for transition to the simplified tax system will need to be attached to the main package of documents. If you don't do this, you will be assigned common system taxation, which you can change only after a year.

At the same time, decide on the name of your company. It should be original and easy to remember.

On the specified day, you will receive the IP documentation, which will consist of a certificate of state registration of the IP, an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and a notice of registration. From this moment you can start your activity.

Affordable option building this business is opening a control room. He doesn't require it. You will need to rent an office, equip it with technical equipment, hire dispatchers and enter into contracts with private cab drivers. IN in this case, will be required from the starting capital. The profit will be 20-30%.

You will need three lines to receive orders, for which it will be enough to have one phone number, three and special programs for dispatch services - INFINITY, O-TAXI or MAXIMA. Using a dispatch program will allow you to keep track of calls, automatically determine the cost of a trip and provide communication.

This type of activity has significant advantages. You can get by with minimal start-up capital and you won’t need to rent a large, expensive office.

The second option for opening this business is to create your own taxi fleet. It involves large investments, purchasing cars, hiring drivers and registering a legal entity.

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From September 1, 2011 (according to Federal Law No. 69-FZ dated April 21, 2011), activities involving the transportation of passengers and luggage by taxi can only be carried out with a special permit. Permits can be obtained from the authorized body legal entities or individual entrepreneurs.

Opening a business in small town requires a particularly careful approach to choosing a business idea that will work in it. The most useful creative idea, which would be in demand in a metropolis, has a very high chance of failure in a small town, despite actively attracting customers. However, this does not mean that a business in a small town will most likely not be successful: small towns have their pros and cons for business, in addition, there is a certain number of ideas that high probability will work in a small town.


The small size of the city means that when starting a business, the founder will face the following problems:

1. there are few consumers - thus, there is no point in opening, for example, a highly specialized store (cosmetics self made etc.).

2. there are few highly qualified workers. The most qualified personnel work in the capital or regional centers. No matter what salary you offer, people will not be able to work better than they know how.

3. a small city is a space where everyone knows everyone. Therefore, if someone starts a rumor that they were poisoned in your cafe, half the city will definitely not go there. On the other hand, there is a plus in this, since rumors about a new good establishment will spread quickly.

1. cheap labor. In general, salaries in small cities are lower than in large cities, so personnel costs are lower.

2. low prices for renting premises.

3. lack of successful companies that have proven themselves in the market. Quite profitable solution there will be an inexpensive opening in a city where Pyaterochka has not yet arrived and where, in principle, there is little or no availability.

All these advantages will allow you to start with a relatively small start-up capital.

Anyone who decides to enter will have to say goodbye to the ideas of opening highly specialized establishments. No matter how much you would like to open a fitness center for women where you could do aerobics, yoga and Pilates, it is unlikely to work in a small town. It’s easier not to invent needs, but to find unsatisfied ones, of which there are quite a lot.

To find such a need, look at cities, newspapers with advertisements, just walk around the city. What do its residents need? It will be enough to identify at least five unsatisfied needs, and then choose from them the one that is easier and more interesting for you to satisfy.

It is important to take into account the specifics of the city. If it is located near the regional center, then it is possible to provide its residents with the same services that are provided in the regional center, but cheaper. This way you will attract clients from the regional center - they will travel to you to save money. If the city is located in a favorable location from an environmental point of view, and elite cottage villages, then you can safely open it, preferably with the “food for” service: the residents of these villages will certainly stop by to see you.


  • how to open your own business in a small town

Today services Taxi are in demand in almost any city. Trip to Taxi often saves time and money. If you are tired of handling private transportation yourself, and you want to put passenger transportation on a professional and legal basis, open a service Taxi. Organizing the work of such a company begins with drawing up detailed business plan.


Determine the type of service you intend to organize. The best option from a budget point of view there will be a service Taxi, aimed at the average consumer. At the first stage, creating a luxury category with a specially selected assortment will be impractical.

Register the company legally by choosing the legal form of the enterprise. This could be, for example, an enterprise or a limited liability company. Consider each option to take into account, in particular, all the subtleties of taxation.

Assess the need for transport and hired workers. For full-fledged work You will need your own fleet of cars (at least half of the total number of cars), as well as drivers with their own cars. In the future, subject to stable profits, the number of machines can be increased.

Create an algorithm for the service Taxi. It will be approximately as follows: - the client contacts the service using the contact phone number;
- the dispatcher records the client’s contact and coordinates;
- the dispatcher transmits data to the driver who is closest to the desired address;
- the driver takes the client to his destination and receives payment for the service provided.

Purchase the necessary equipment for the service to operate Taxi. You will need cars, taxi meters, radio stations. Additional technical elements include: tracking system, navigation devices, software for the central computer. You can purchase these devices later, when you begin to make tangible profits.

Calculate financial indicators and determine the approximate payback period for the service Taxi. If you have a fleet of your own cars, it will take you about a year and a half to recoup your investment. If you start by renting transport and hiring drivers with personal cars, the payback period for the project will be significantly shorter.

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  • How to open a taxi dispatch service
  • how to create a taxi company

is a person who has been registered with the tax authorities for the purpose of carrying out entrepreneurial activity without legal education. By choosing this legal form, you simplify tax and accounting, and you will also pay taxes at reduced rates. But there are also disadvantages here: not every serious organization will want to cooperate with an individual entrepreneur. Still, how to open an individual entrepreneur?

Taxi has long become not a luxury, but a means of transportation for residents of any city.

If we take into account the cost of gasoline, then everyone understands: it is much cheaper to travel on foot or by public transport, and when necessary (returning home late at night or with heavy luggage) to call a taxi than to purchase your own transport.

A dispatch service can become a good business for an individual entrepreneur (IP). It does not require large financial investments, special knowledge and skills, or the rental of gigantic areas.

The main advantages of opening a dispatch service are:

  • great demand for such services among the population;
  • the opportunity to occupy your niche, because competition in this sector is not yet too high;
  • relatively small expenses for launching your business project;
  • the ability to use competitive advantages to positively differentiate yourself from other taxi services in your city;
  • registration as an individual entrepreneur, which simplifies interaction with the tax service.

In today's business plan you will learn what do you need to open a taxi, what is the price this project and about the main advantages of this type of business.

  • Capital investments – 750,000 rubles.
  • Payback period: 8–12 months.

How to open a taxi company: planning


Individual entrepreneur is the most popular form for small businesses, which, of course, includes owning a taxi service.

The increase in gasoline prices has led to many motorists putting their iron horses in the garage and switching to public transport (trams, subways, trolleybuses, buses, taxis, etc.). The 2014 crisis led to many people being unemployed. Having your own car tells experienced drivers that they can make money by taxiing.

The owner of an individual taxi company will definitely not have a shortage of personnel. There is a lot of competition in this sector, but if you do it right, you can build successful business from scratch.

The amount of initial investment is 750 thousand rubles.

Pursued goals:

  • Provide the population of your city with a sufficient number of cars, qualified drivers and quality service from dispatchers.
  • Organize a profitable and well-functioning dispatch service from scratch.
  • Hire only professional drivers with at least 5 years of experience.
  • Avoid scandals between drivers due to competition for orders, which can negatively affect your business.
  • Reduce initial costs for radio communications, maintenance of the control room, etc., so that the taxi service pays for itself as quickly as possible.
  • Immediately establish your own competitive advantages so as not to be afraid of other taxi services.
  • Automate most business processes to make it easier to manage.

Marketing plan

Despite the fact that even small towns have their own taxi services, let alone large cities, this type of business can be made profitable and successful.

The main task that you should set for yourself is not how to open a taxi, but how to reduce the initial investment so that the investment pays off as quickly as possible and you start earning money for yourself.

Of course, there are expenses the amount of which you will not influence in any way, for example, registration of an individual entrepreneur, but for the most part you can try to get by with small investments. Then you won’t have to worry about competition from similar companies.

Competitive advantages

One of your main competitive advantages in opening a taxi dispatch service is reducing the cost of organizing a business, but you should not limit yourself to this in any case, because other taxi car owners will take clients away from you.

To make a business started from scratch competitive and profitable, use the following advantages:

  • Hire only experienced drivers who know the city well.
    Passengers tend to get annoyed if they have to tell the driver where to go.
  • All cars in your taxi service should be relatively new, beautiful and in good condition.
  • Supervise drivers to ensure they support perfect cleanliness in your car.
  • Your dispatchers not only must cope with the flow of orders without mixing them up, but also be polite at any time of the day. Rudeness towards a client during work should be punished with fines.
  • Don't be afraid to hire female drivers if they have the right qualifications.
    Taxis with a lady driving are in demand among customers.
  • Develop a loyalty program for regular customers by issuing them discount cards.
  • Equip taxi cars with portable terminals so that the client can pay not only in cash, but also with a bank card.
  • Build your IP honestly, punishing drivers for deceiving clients.

The target audience

Taxi services are used by all people, regardless of their gender and age: men, women, children, youth, middle-aged and elderly people.

If we talk about the financial situation of your potential clients, then you should focus on people of average income, since the poor segment of the population moves around the city on foot or by public transport, and the rich have their own cars.

You will be able to attract children's audience if you earn the trust of parents. Moms and dads should know that their child will be safe in your taxi and will not be shortchanged.

Taxi advertising

If your city already has taxi services, then it’s worth running a good advertising campaign for your individual entrepreneur to start earning money quickly. You can do this using:

  • commercials on local radio and television;
  • social networks;
  • advertisements in newspapers;
  • handing out flyers on the streets;
  • advertising banners, stands, showcases, etc.

Once you quickly and inexpensively deliver a client to the address he needs, without spoiling his mood with the boorish attitude of the dispatcher and driver, he will use your taxi again, and even tell his friends about it.

Print more business cards that drivers can hand out to each client and all you have to do is reap the financial rewards of good work.

Taxi service staff

If you have registered your company as an individual entrepreneur, then you will have to officially hire an accountant (you can, however, get by with the services of an outsourcing company), a system administrator and dispatchers.

But you can simply sign cooperation agreements with drivers, giving them the opportunity to independently settle matters with the tax authorities.

It’s also not worth hiring a director (especially in the first year of the company’s operation); you yourself can perform a supervisory and leadership function. P.S. just imagine how much you will save on the director’s salary.

The costs for one month of taxi service personnel can be found in this table:

How to open a taxi service: implementation

“If you don’t roll up your sleeves and try to do everything at least once in your life with my own hands, then you will never know what actions are necessary to promote a new business, expand the circle of clients, increase the number of sales and make a profit.”
Bill Bishop

Calendar plan

Even before starting work, you need to draw up a business plan with accurate calculations. This will help you get off the ground and get your investment back as quickly as possible.
It would not be superfluous to draw up a work plan for the taxi dispatch service for each month (at least in the first year of operation).
Then you can limit yourself to annual plans.

Stages of starting a taxi company

Find suitable premises, which will serve as your control center, is not difficult. One room of 20–30 square meters is enough. Finding dispatch service operators is also not difficult.
It is better to hire adequate young women with pleasant voices. Difficulties can only arise when searching for drivers with their own cars.

The main stages of launching an IP look like this:

Registration of an enterprise (IP)+
Renting premises and purchasing furniture +
Purchase of software and hardware complex,
for example "2T-taxi" or "Taha"
Recruitment of control room operators +
Signing contracts with drivers
(for the investment to pay off, you need to have at least 30 cars at your disposal)
+ +
Advertising company +
Starting a taxi service +

That is, you can start making money from your taxi company within 5–6 months after drawing up a business plan.

Business Starting Costs Chart

One of the main advantages of opening a taxi dispatch service is the relatively low start-up costs.

Average initial expenses can be found in the following table:

Expense item Amount (rub.)
Total:750,000 rub.
Registration of an enterprise and obtaining a permit for road transport30 000
Premises for rent (20 sq. m.)10,000 (per month)
Purchasing furniture necessary for work150 000
Purchase of computer and other equipment
(computer, electric kettle, microwave)
40 000
Cost of equipment180 000
Software cost
(with annual technical support)
200 000
Salary to employees93 000
Advertising10 000
Additional expenses7 000

In order to open a taxi company, you need to have at least 750–800 thousand rubles.

provided in this video.

Take note!

Calculation of revenue and profit

If you do not have your own fleet, but cooperate with drivers who taxi in their own cars, then you should enter into a contract with them, according to which the driver will pay you a monthly fee, for example, 5 thousand rubles per month + a percentage of their own income for the maintenance of the control room services (for example, 15%).

In total, your taxi service will bring in the following profit:

Source of profit May (RUB) Jun. (rub) Jul. (rub) Aug. (rub) Sep. (rub) Oct. (rub)
Subscription fee
(30 drivers)
150 000 150 000 150 000 150 000 150 000 150 000
Dispatch service income30 000 60 000 100 000 130 000 160 000 200 000
Revenue180 000 210 000 250 000 280 000 310 000 350 000

If you promote your business correctly, you will return the initial expenses after 8–9 months of work. But you will start earning decent money after a year of working in the city.

Now you know, how to open a taxi dispatch service, and are unlikely to miss the chance to build a profitable business that does not require large initial investments.

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Passenger transportation is a very profitable business. Many drivers who have worked for several years for a private taxi company decide to create their own business.
On the one hand, novice entrepreneurs got acquainted with the activities of taxis from the inside, but on the other hand, this area has many pitfalls.

What is a taxi service?

Primary activity

Taxi work is the delivery of passengers and cargo to the place specified by the customer of the service. Taxi is classified as a means public transport. Taxi services are paid by the customer in accordance with the company's tariffs and meter, as well as by agreement with the driver.

Taxi services have a variety of makes and models of cars at their disposal, and some companies provide representative models.

The activities of drivers are usually coordinated by dispatchers, who transmit information about orders via radio or telephone. Many taxis use GPS navigation systems.

There is a separate category of taxis that interact with single order distribution centers. Such taxis do not have their own system for receiving and distributing orders. Customer requests are coming in distribution center, and from there they are sent to taxi companies depending on criteria such as the cost of the trip and the distance of the passenger.

Taxi services have a number of advantages over other types of public transport:

  • Possibility of delivery anywhere in the city;
  • 24/7 operation;
  • comfortable travel conditions;
  • Fast shipping.

TO negative aspects The following points include:

  • high cost of services;
  • transportation of a limited number of passengers;
  • long wait for a car or refusal due to heavy workload in holidays;
  • inaccurate wait times;
  • a large percentage of illegal carriers, which results in low quality of service.


Taxi activities are regulated Federal Law No. 69, referred to as the “Taxi Law”. The document came into force on September 1, 2011. In accordance with this law, any individual entrepreneur - taxi driver or specialized company must have permission to transport passengers and cargo -

To obtain it, you must first register as an individual entrepreneur or open an LLC (or other organizational form) with the tax office, and then contact the Federal service on supervision in the field of transport.

The received document is valid only within the territorial boundaries of the region; in other cases, a corresponding agreement must be concluded between the regions.

A transportation license is issued on the basis of an application from an entrepreneur or founder of an LLC for a period of at least five years.

The permit is issued provided that the entrepreneur or taxi company owns (or leases) one or more vehicles intended for the transportation of passengers and luggage.

  1. The following conditions must also be met:
  2. Every six months, a light vehicle must undergo a technical inspection.
  3. Color compositions indicating taxis (“checkers”) must be applied to the body or side surfaces of the vehicle. In some cases, the legislation of the subjects establishes a unified color design
  4. car.
  5. An orange light must be installed on the roof of the car, and a taximeter must be installed in the cabin.
  6. Taxi driver experience is 3 years or total driving experience is at least 5 years. Taxi operators are required to monitor technical condition

vehicle and check its serviceability before leaving for orders; drivers must also undergo pre-trip medical examinations.

The license must always be kept in the vehicle. The driver is obliged to present it at the request of a passenger or a traffic police officer.

Work options

Many drivers who have their own car prefer to work “for themselves,” that is, engage in private transportation. The percentage of so-called “bombed” is gradually decreasing, everything more people choose the legal path.

If a car owner operates without registration as an individual entrepreneur and does not have a license for transportation, he may be brought to administrative responsibility for committing illegal business activities.

The earnings of a “private owner” largely depend on the make, age and condition of the car. The better the car looks, the more likely it is that the client will want to get to his destination in it. In unpresentable cars, and even with rusty spots and “crumpled” elements, people are extremely reluctant to sit down. On average, if the car looks quite well maintained, and provided that the taxi driver works 12 hours a day, the daily earnings are from 2500 to 3000 rubles and more.

Over time, frequent carriers build up their regular customer base. Of the amount received per day, about a thousand is spent on gasoline and a car wash. It is also necessary to take into account that it is periodically necessary to visit a car service center.

When choosing this option, you need to remember some nuances. The most profitable points, as a rule, are “divided” among themselves by illegal “bombs”. Sometimes such “taxi drivers” deliberately puncture their tires and commit other actions towards those who took their place.

Using the control room

You can also work on your own machine through dispatch services. Some drivers rent cars. Orders are usually received by telephone or walkie-talkie. The dispatch company places advertisements for taxi services in newspapers, the Internet and other sources. Typically, such organizations operate without a fleet of vehicles. The dispatcher takes calls by phone and transmits orders to drivers.

The company receives a reward of 15-25% from each order.

An agreement is concluded between the company and the driver. Most dispatch services require drivers to provide a certificate of individual entrepreneur registration. Payments to the company occur every few days - usually weekly.

This way of earning money has a number of advantages:

  • the freedom of action;
  • ability to select applications;
  • lack of control;
  • ability to work at any time of the day.

The driver must monitor the condition of the vehicle himself and bear the costs of its maintenance. On average per day in weekdays you can earn from 3 to 4 thousand, and even more on holidays. Minus gasoline and payments to the dispatcher, this is a pretty decent amount per month.

All your own (with your own vehicle fleet, control room)

The most profitable way to make money on passenger transportation is to open your own dispatch service and create a fleet of vehicles. Drivers are hired and will receive remuneration depending on the volume of completed orders. The format of the taxi service depends entirely on the available financial capabilities.

Having decided to open a taxi service with a dispatch center and a fleet of vehicles, you need to consider the following points:

  1. Rental of premises. For a control room, an area of ​​up to 30 square meters will be sufficient.
  2. Purchase of equipment. It is necessary to provide dispatchers with high-quality telephone communications and software. All vehicles must be equipped with stable radio communications.
  3. Hiring workers and salaries. To carry out the activity, you need to hire an accountant, dispatchers and drivers.
  4. Additional expenses. This includes advertising, payment for telephone and Internet, payment for technical inspection and medical examination of drivers, etc.

The payback time for a taxi company depends on the size of the fleet. If there are 50 cars, the payback period does not exceed six months.

How to open a taxi?

Market assessment, competitor analysis

Any business should be started after a preliminary assessment of the market and analysis of the competitive base. This will help you decide pricing policy companies. The competition between private firms is simply enormous. It is also necessary to take into account the percentage of “illegals” in the analysis, but it is not possible to calculate their number.

It is considered normal if there are 1-3 taxi services for every hundred thousand population.

This is for medium-sized cities (300-600 thousand people). For small towns, one is enough. If there are already a dozen carriers in your city, not counting private owners, you need to think carefully about whether it’s worth starting.

Due to such huge competition, each taxi service strives to stand out from its “colleagues”. Some companies conduct active advertising campaigns in order to create their own brand.

Today social orientation business turns into significant profits. Transportation of disabled people is one such service.

Taxi for disabled people

When opening your own business, you need to think through several details that would distinguish the service from its competitors:

  • If possible, you should install terminals in the car that allow you to pay for the trip with a card.
  • Cars can be equipped with Wi-Fi.
  • Some companies specialize in organizing “female” taxis.
  • You can add several exclusive car models to your fleet.
  • Get involved in transporting pets, etc.


Taxi activities fall under the “imputation” (UTII), so you can register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur. Each vehicle must obtain a permit to carry passengers. Obtain permission from the transport committee.

Business registration looks like this step by step:

  • preparation of a package of documents (application for state registration of individual entrepreneurs, copy of the Taxpayer Identification Number, copy of the passport, receipt of payment of the state fee for registration of individual entrepreneurs);
  • providing documents to the tax office at your place of residence;
  • receiving a registration certificate within 5 working days;
  • if necessary, submitting an application to the tax office to switch to a special regime;
  • registration in a pension;
  • additionally - opening a current account in a bank.

To register an LLC you need to complete the following steps:

  1. Submitting an application for state registration of a legal entity.
  2. Drawing up the charter.
  3. The sole founder draws up a decision on the establishment of an LLC; for two founders, a protocol on the creation of a legal entity is drawn up.
  4. Payment of state duty.
  5. Certification of the founders' passports by a notary.
  6. Drawing up an agreement on the establishment of a legal entity between two founders.
  7. A letter of guarantee from the owner of the premises under which the company is registered.
  8. Notarization of the certificate of registration of ownership of real estate.
  9. Application to the tax office for the transition to “simplified taxation” (if necessary);
  10. Registration in pension.
  11. Opening a current account.

What is the price?

It is impossible to name a specific amount required to open a taxi. Creating a control room will definitely be cheaper than creating your own fleet of vehicles.

Below is a table with expense items and approximate costs for them:

Expense item Approximate costs, rub.
State fee for registration of individual entrepreneurs 800
State duty for LLC registration 4000
Transportation permit Up to 1500
Radio station From 15 to 40 thousand or more
Sublease of radio waves 16-18 thousand
Software About 5 thousand
Phone number From 2.5 thousand
Equipment for one machine From 3 thousand
Cost of cars for your own fleet Depends on brand and models
Trademark registration (for taxis with a company logo and name) 6-7 thousand
Monthly subscription fee for using radio frequency 10 thousand
Communal payments From 2 thousand
Salary of one operator Minimum 15-20 thousand
Garage and office rental Prices vary depending on the city, region and area

From the table above it can be seen that opening your own taxi is a very expensive type of business.

Calculation of profit and payback

One car per day from 2.5 to 4000 thousand rubles. Thus, monthly income from a car can be up to 120 thousand rubles. If 40% remains with the driver, it turns out that the company will receive about 72 thousand per month.

Creating your own fleet with the purchase of cars can pay off after 1.5-2 years of activity.

And without a vehicle fleet, the payback period will be about six months.

Professionals share their experience

Professionals working in the field of taxi service recommend a simple method with which you can save a lot of money. It consists of cooperation with an existing company and the conclusion of a franchise agreement.

Concluding an agreement gives you the right to open a taxi fleet in your city under a well-promoted brand.

In this case you can use software and the company's central dispatch service. Thus, when choosing a method of work, you should focus on the available financial capabilities. Creating a large fleet of vehicles with its own control room is a very expensive business. At the same time, we must not forget that you can always work purely “for yourself.”

Story a simple driver, which is almost complete zero created large company private taxi in a big city, became a millionaire and advises you all to become one!

Today, taking a taxi is commonplace for many residents. major cities, therefore such a business,
as a taxi organization, it is popular.

But how labor-intensive is this business?

How to organize a taxi business from scratch and become a millionaire?

These and many other questions are worth asking a person who has gone from a driver in his own car to the owner of a large taxi business - Andrey Nikolaevich Dmitriev, a private entrepreneur from Samara, owner of the Bravo company.

Owner of the taxi company “Bravo” Dmitriev Andrey Nikolaevich

From his interview you will learn:

  • Is it worth opening your own taxi?
  • How quickly can you “rise”?
  • Do you need a business plan for a taxi?
  • Is it possible to lease taxi cars?
  • How to keep cars in working condition during continuous use?

Initial stage: “I am a simple taxi driver for a company”

– Andrey Nikolaevich, how did you get into this business? Why did you choose to work in a taxi?

– I didn’t specifically look for a job in a taxi. I was looking for work and accidentally found an advertisement for vacancies in a taxi. At first I worked in my own car, but after a couple of months I came to the conclusion that it was more profitable to use a company car. Or rent a car for a taxi.

– Many people believe that when you drive your own car, you earn more, because you don’t have to pay to rent a car. Is not it?

- Not really. Indeed, all the money remains with the driver, minus the payment for a special program, but the costs are significantly higher. A machine that is in constant use requires financial investment. In addition, it wears out and loses value, which is important for further sale.

Also, in many companies, the most profitable and attractive orders are given to drivers driving branded cars, so the likelihood of making good money on company cars increases.

– How did you decide to start? own business? Was this prompted by the difficulties of working as a driver or the interesting prospects that you considered during your activity?

– There were practically no difficulties, at least global ones. Rather, what mattered was the fact that I understood the system and began to understand how the process could be optimized and how to increase profitability. Having realized this, I began to understand the mechanisms of work and organization of this business with renewed interest.

Taxi car leasing is the best solution for us!

– So, the decision to create my own company has been made. What were the initial actions?

– Initially, we were looking for where we could buy a taxi car.

We studied proposals from both individuals and many companies and banks.

After carrying out the calculations, it turned out that the optimal solution would be to lease a car for a taxi - this is the only option that does not require significant initial capital and allows you to start working immediately.

We chose a leasing company that required a minimum down payment of 10%, and started processing.

– That is, you were immediately determined to create big company Taxi? Have you tried to consider other types of business?

– There were ideas to try to cooperate with a taxi with the right to buy the car, but we abandoned this option due to the fact that payments for rent and buy-out need to be made regularly, and business circumstances are different.

They also considered creating a minibus taxi as a business, but feedback from the owners of such companies forced them to abandon this idea.

A business plan for a taxi business is a must!

How to create a business plan for our taxi company or don’t come up with anything yourself!

– Did you plan the organization and expenses yourself?

- No. To draw up a business plan, we contacted a consulting company.

– Isn’t it possible to compose it yourself? Probably, a sample taxi business plan is on the Internet, where you can easily download it?

– Yes, initially we tried to find a business plan for a taxi and download it for free, edit it for our company, but the attempts were unsuccessful, the leasing company did not accept our work, we had to turn to specialists. We were provided with a detailed document with competent calculations for all sections, they even provided us with a business plan for a taxi dispatch center.

Choosing a car for a taxi is not easy!

Renault taxi or Lada taxi – the theory of difficult choice

– How did you select cars for work? What were the main criteria?

– We chose from four options: Renault Logan, Lada Granta, Kia Rio and Skoda Octavia. The last two models were not affordable at that moment; we could not afford them. Therefore, we decided to leave them for better times and made the main choice between Renault and Lada.

Basically, we drew conclusions based on our own impressions. In the company I worked for Renault Logan, my co-owner had a Lada Granta in his taxi. After sharing our impressions and discussing options, we decided that Logan was best car for a taxi.

Of course, the Lada Granta is also suitable for a taxi; driver reviews about it are also positive. But these machines break down quite often, and the cost of repairs is far from cheap.
Renault Logan is more reliable, the cost of this car is slightly higher, but inexpensive maintenance quickly compensates for the difference, and Logans do not break down so often.

Renault is also good for use in winter; the cars have good cross-country ability and cope well with driving through courtyards or snowy streets.
That is why we decided to start a taxi business with ten Renault Logan cars.

And now about a specific matter: organizing the work process

– We purchased the cars, but how did you resolve the issue with the drivers?

- Of course, the first months were difficult. There are still few orders, it is difficult for an employee to provide a full income, from which he also needs to pay a plan. To optimize the process, we were looking for regular customers with non-cash payments; such a partnership made it possible to implement a plan for drivers.

– How else did you attract clients?

We covered the car with film for taxis, carried out various promotions, discounts, SMS mailings, advertising on the radio, in elevators and on the Internet - we used all available advertising tools that the budget allowed.

At first there were very few calls, so we called various companies and organizations in search of corporate clients.

Almost immediately they created a company website, one of the first in Samara to organize a service for online orders, etc.
After about two or three months, work was able to improve a little, some stability appeared, and at least the drivers were provided with work.

– How large a control room is required for ten cars?

– For the first two months there was only one dispatcher, and then two more were hired at once. We strived to ensure that clients did not have to wait for an answer; the call should be processed immediately.

– What were the main difficulties in developing your business?

– Taxi is a business about which you can hear different reviews. We were probably lucky, we didn’t overcome any major difficulties, everything was consistent with the work process.

There were minor troubles, for example, with car insurance. It was difficult to find a company that did not require an unconditional deductible for CASCO insurance. At that time, it was difficult to obtain licenses, it took a lot of time, and this is one of the most expensive resources in our business. But all this was more interesting than difficult.

The old fashioned way is for people to call a taxi by raising their hand and going to the side of the road. Mobile app saves you from such actions if you want to order a taxi.

Taxi business is not a child’s activity or how to organize successful development

– About two years later, we paid off with the leasing company, and six months later we again turned to their services and arranged leasing for another ten Renault cars and five Kia Rios. If we have Kia cars, taxis could attract the attention of customers who prefer business class, so, despite the budget constraint, we still added them to our fleet.

-Are there more clients?

- Yes. Firstly, the increase in the fleet automatically made it possible to serve more customers, and secondly, our company had become recognizable by that time, and customers were happy to take advantage of the new advantages.

– How much has the company’s staff increased?

– When Kia Rio appeared in our taxi, the drivers even began to offer their services themselves. They were attracted to work in a business class taxi, and we had no problems with applications. People willing to work could secure a good income for themselves.

We tried to recruit two people for each car. In addition, there were always several people who were contacted if necessary if someone was not available for a shift.
There were six dispatchers, three girls per shift.

Better times have they arrived?

- Yes. Two years later, we purchased five Kia Rios and twelve Skoda Octavias. True, also with the help of a leasing company, where they have already become regular customers.

The appearance of the Skoda Octavia in the taxi service made it possible to expand the range of services, and the volume of work increased significantly.

Orders appeared for weddings, transfers, intercity trips, servicing presentations and business conferences.

Renting a taxi and purchasing the car has become popular among drivers.

Many clients, despite more high cost call, they prefer to order a comfort class car.

This is especially important for businessmen, public people or those who have a long trip or an important meeting ahead.

– How much more expensive is it to maintain cars like Kia and Skoda? Which cars bring in more income?

- Of course, both repairs and Consumables for Kia and Skoda it is more expensive than for Renault. But drivers have a higher plan for these cars, so everything is justified. And since ordering a comfort class car is more expensive, drivers also earn more.

The income is also, one might say, the same. It’s just that Renault allows you to make money on the number of orders, and Skoda on quality.

The situation today: we are “adults, millionaires” and plans for the future

– You are the owner of a large taxi company. Are there any difficulties in at this stage? What would you like to change?

– Today, the main difficulties have been resolved. From time to time there are downturns, sometimes there are small problems with staff or workload, but overall the situation is stable and nothing needs to be changed.

– How are your relations with competitors? Is the struggle for customers reflected in pricing and quality of services?

– We constantly monitor quality, regardless of competitors or anything else. Market pricing. If we see that drivers’ income is decreasing, we increase prices slightly. Also, the cost of travel is more expensive on holidays, during rush hour or when it is very busy.

I can’t say anything about our competitors; we occasionally compare prices, make them cheaper for a short time than theirs, but we don’t engage in constant struggle.

– Do you plan further development? In the direction?

– Yes, you can never stop there. Now we have covered the Samara market, next year we plan to launch a taxi in Novokuibyshevsk. And then you can open a company in Tolyatti. We have a lot of plans, but we strive to implement our plans in small stages, it’s more reliable.

Attention: the name, surname and name of the service have been changed at the urgent request of the interview subject (Editors)