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» How to kiss a woman on the lips. Cool tricks on how to kiss a girl for the first time without any problems. How to kiss a girl with tongue if she doesn't know how to kiss

How to kiss a woman on the lips. Cool tricks on how to kiss a girl for the first time without any problems. How to kiss a girl with tongue if she doesn't know how to kiss

Most guys are shy and afraid to take this step. There are cases when a guy manages to ask a girl for permission. Please note that this cannot be done! Now you will learn what and how to do to kiss a girl for the first time.

How to kiss a girl for the first time - get rid of nerves

Before you know when it's okay to kiss a girl, you must learn to control your emotions and nerves. Most likely you are too you bother and you just freeze in front of a girl just from the thought of a kiss. Only the right attitude can help you. Don't forget, it's just a kiss! This is not an exam or a test that you must pass perfectly. Act confidently, take your time - relax. If a girl comes to you on a date, it means she has some kind of sympathy for you. Even if something doesn't go according to plan, it doesn't mean that everything is lost and your relationship is over.

How to kiss a girl for the first time - proper preparation

You definitely need to prepare for the first kiss - everything should go smoothly. top level. Yes, the first kiss is not as important for guys as it is for girls. If you don’t want to prepare for yourself, then take care of the girl. Be sure to keep your mouth fresh, as this is the most important point. Any girl interest will disappear to kisses if the guy has bad breath. The first kiss is an impression of you. Before a date, try not to eat foods that could create a specific or bad smell in the mouth. We are now talking about garlic, onions, dumplings with vinegar, salted fish... To protect yourself, chew on your way to a date chewing gum or peppermint candy.

How to kiss a girl for the first time - looking for a reason to kiss

Rapprochement will happen without unnecessary difficulties, provided that you have done everything that depended on you (achieved mutual understanding and used all the methods of seducing women).

A simple trick

Start a conversation with your girl about kissing. Talk about “types of kisses” or “how they kiss in African tribes.” Girls usually fall for this and try to keep the conversation going. At this moment, invite your companion to try one or another option and reward her with a sweet kiss.

Ice cream

This method has helped many guys kiss a girl on the first date. Ask a girl if she likes ice cream. Every girl likes it, so she will ask: “Why did you ask me that?” You should tell her this: women who don't like ice cream They experience no feelings when kissing and kiss with their mouth closed. After that, French kiss her and ask her about her impressions.

How to kiss a girl for the first time - why you shouldn’t ask permission

Most women cannot immediately enter into a relationship with an unfamiliar man. If you ask permission and receive a positive answer, then you don’t even have to go to the fortune teller to see if she will respond to your proposal to make love. Silence, a vague “I’ll think about it” and the absence of a categorical refusal are clear signs that she is not against kissing, but is restraining herself due to stereotypes instilled by society. Don't ask, just say “let's try” and give the girl the best kiss in the world.

What if when you try to kiss, she moves away and says “no”? Say this: “Wow! You ruined such a moment! Surely all your former boyfriends left you because you don’t know how to kiss.” This is a risky move. The girl may no longer answer your calls, but this is the only way you can save yourself from a drop in self-esteem and confusion. There is a chance that she will reconsider her behavior and already on the second date will agree to a kiss.

The right moment depends only on you

Young people are constantly waiting for the right moment to kiss a girl for the first time. You shouldn't be passive and sit on a date waiting for a miracle. It's up to you to create the right mood!

Make the date romantic. Music, flowers, candles... This may seem banal to a guy, but not one girl yet resisted the attention. Do you think this is a tired topic? You are mistaken, girls have only seen this on TV. Create cozy atmosphere, do everything that depends on you. Have a great first kiss.

Men often wonder if it is possible to kiss a girl on the first date. It is possible, but if you take into account the reasons for a possible refusal and think about how to behave in a given situation. It’s great when the young lady herself hints at a kiss, but how to recognize it? Where and how is the best way to kiss a girl? What should you never do? This article will help you figure it all out.

On what date can you kiss a girl?

“Should you kiss a girl on the first date or is it better to wait until the second?” – there is no universal answer to this question. You can kiss a woman for the first time on the first date, and on the second, and on the fifth... It depends on the particular young lady, her beliefs and sympathy for you.

If a girl likes a man, then she is unlikely to object to a kiss at the end of the first meeting. If the kiss didn’t happen, but she agrees to a second date, then she definitely liked the guy. This means you can safely kiss her on your next date.

But if a man doesn't do this, the woman may think that he didn't like her.

How to understand that a girl wants to kiss you

Girls don't like to kiss in public, so she will probably look for a secluded place.

Woman long looks a man in the eyes and pauses in the conversation so that he can guess her desire.

Also a girl reduces the distance between you- in the movies she puts her head on the shoulder of her companion, she walks on the street or stands a little closer.

In general, pay attention to her behavior: if she tries to touch you by chance, looks into your eyes and is silent, then these are sure hints that she is expecting a kiss.

Why doesn't a girl want to kiss

There are three reasons for this:

  1. She doesn't like the man. When a person is not hooked, there can be no talk of any intimacy with him. To check this, ask for a second date. If the girl doesn’t agree, then that’s the problem; if it’s the other way around, then there’s another reason.
  2. She doesn't want to seem approachable. In order not to appear approachable, the young lady waits for the second or third date for a kiss. If at the second meeting she won’t let you kiss her, then you can ask her. For example: “I understand: you don’t want to rush things. I'm right?". This question is quite delicate, but at the same time it helps to understand everything.
  3. She's shy about something. It can be anything, and often depends on certain circumstances: the woman is not confident in the freshness of her breath, she is embarrassed by her braces, or there are too many people around. To find out the reason, you can ask a question related to point 2 - the answer should clarify the situation.

How to kiss a girl on a date

Firstly, she should be ready for this, i.e. the first kiss should not be a sudden surprise. Think about the location - a park, an embankment or the porch of her entrance. Last option– ideal, because it is unspoken that a man kisses his lady goodbye. It is at this moment that she will be 100% ready.

Secondly, avoid large crowds of people, especially if among them there is a risk of meeting her friends. This atmosphere puts a lot of pressure on the girl, because she may feel awkward.

Third, start the kiss gently, and listen to her actions - if she responds to it, then you can extend it, and, for example, hug your companion by the shoulders. For the first time this is quite enough.

Fourthly, don't say anything stupid right after the fact. An unsuccessful phrase can ruin the entire romance of the moment, so after a kiss it will be enough to just smile.

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Often the girl herself hints that she does not mind the kiss - this is not so difficult to understand.

And finally, a useful video on the topic:

But if the kiss doesn’t work out, don’t despair - invite the young lady on a second date. If she agrees, then the next attempt will definitely be successful.

It's always exciting. After it, you understand a lot about yourself, your partner, and even about how your relationship will develop, whether it will lead to sex or marriage. For some reason, men are more worried about their first kisses. This is understandable, since sometimes it is difficult to understand whether the “right moment” has come.

If you belong to romantic natures and want to see yourself from the outside or get a few practical advice regarding when and how to kiss a girl, we recommend watching the film “The Realities of Love” (I Want to Marry Ryan Banks - a 2004 comedy).

Of course, you shouldn’t be so afraid of the first kiss and other interesting moments in a relationship with a woman, because if she spends time with you, then most likely she herself has long wanted to move to another level. Perhaps she will even take a step towards you and kiss you first.

If this has not happened yet, then it’s time to take the initiative into your own hands. How to kiss a girl so that her knees buckle, her heart skips a beat, and she wants to repeat it again and again? And when is the best time to do this? You will learn all about female body language and gestures, when it is appropriate to kiss a girl according to the women themselves, and learn how to create the most successful romantic moments yourself.

Peace of mind, we tell you, only peace of mind! First of all, you need to stop being nervous and learn to control yourself around her. Do not fall into a daze when the moment is right for a kiss, otherwise it will never come. And in general, who knows when exactly this moment will come and is it worth waiting for? Sometimes you manage to kiss a girl in the first minutes of meeting her, and it turns out the best option to start a dizzying relationship. So don't be afraid, just don't eat a sandwich with onions before a date, and then it will definitely be difficult to ruin it.

You shouldn’t treat your first kiss as an astronaut selection process. Stop worrying about a little kiss and remember once again that a girl will not waste her time on someone she does not dream of kissing, and has probably already done this many times in her imagination. Even if everything doesn’t go as you imagined, the girl who is interested in you will not escape you, and if she runs away after the first kiss, then she was not your girl. Remember, a woman is like a boomerang, if she likes you, she will definitely come back.

No need to rush

There is no kissing charter that strictly regulates the time when you should kiss or have sex for the first time, but there is no need to rush into either one. Some guys believe that not getting a kiss is a sign that you are a loser and the girl won't want to see you again. Because of such thoughts, many people rush to snatch a kiss at any cost on the first day in order to feel like a winner. But, believe me, it’s better to give the girl time to dream about what it will be like for the first time. A goodbye kiss on the cheek is enough to spark her imagination.

How to kiss a girl? Read her gestures

Remember, if she doesn’t move away from you when you’re too close, and looks intently into your eyes, then a tremulous, exciting kiss awaits you very soon, and you’ll know exactly when! This can be called attraction: when she often bows her head towards you, looks at you with a smile, touches her hair and neck. When a girl is waiting for your kiss, her movements slow down, become smooth, and all this in order to give you the opportunity to catch her lips. Often they end a date with a kiss and this is very “cruel”, because a sleepless night in your dreams is guaranteed for both of you, but this is what foreplay was created for, to kindle passion.

Kiss like in a movie

There is no need to neglect romantic plots from films; it is better to take note of them. It is no coincidence that a specific film was mentioned at the very beginning, because in fact, girls do not have enough such bright moments in life, and all they can do is look from the outside at someone else’s life, albeit a movie one. If guys understand that before kissing a girl, they need to create the right atmosphere for this, things will quickly go smoothly. Dinner by the sea or watching the sunset are perfect for this, and look for details in films. The film industry is not just for entertainment, but to show what your life could be like if you dared.

Probably the greatest happiness is when everything happens at the right time and in in the right place. We hope that with our advice, your fear of kissing a girl will be successfully eliminated with that very first kiss and we will have to write for you already new article entitled: “My girlfriend loves my kisses so much that I need to distract her for a while to take a break.”

Kissing is one of the most enjoyable activities invented by people. Let’s imagine a situation where you are already dating a girl, but you still don’t dare to kiss her. Perhaps your beloved girl has a strict upbringing, or maybe she is simply trying to sell herself too much. How to determine the moment when you can kiss the girl you love without getting punched in the face.

First of all, so that the situation does not end badly, make sure that your teeth are thoroughly brushed, you did not consume garlic or alcohol the day before, your nails are neatly trimmed, and your hands are washed clean.

During the meeting, try to prepare the girl for a kiss. To do this, gently, often, as if by chance, touch her under various pretexts, imperceptibly exciting her. Then, having chosen the moment, you can move on to action.

Just don’t pester her with reproaches like: why don’t you want to kiss me. Since she is dating you, that means she expects kisses. Remember that girls respect strong and determined men. And you should not start dating if you are not sure of victory. And if you don’t succeed the first time, perhaps you need to let her get used to this idea a little and want to kiss her very much.

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So, 5 ways to kiss a girl.

Navigator by methods

Method 1. Approach the lips gradually

For the first time, not every girl can be kissed on the lips right away. When you feel that she is already sufficiently prepared by your touch, lightly hug her and lean towards her head. If there is no sharp reaction, lightly kiss the hair first, then the neck, then the ear. If you notice that she closed her eyes with pleasure and fell silent, leaning towards you, continue kissing her on the cheek, and then on the lips.

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Method 2. The eyelash has fallen

If you are already dating and there is a fairly trusting relationship between you, look closely at the girl’s face, as if you are looking for something on her. Then ask her to close her eyes as if to remove the fallen eyelash. At the same time, do not forget to ask her to make a wish.

When your eyes are closed, gently kiss the girl on the lips. Seeing the amazement on her face, you can joke: isn’t this the wish you made?

Method 3. A little passion

Many girls love decisive and persistent men. Sometimes passionate, confident pressure is very appropriate. Of course, if the entire previous atmosphere of the meeting contributes to this. Look closely into the girl's eyes, quickly hug her, pull her towards you and start kissing her. Of course, you will get a greater effect if you start with the neck, ears, hair and smoothly move to the lips.

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Method 4. Humor helps

Try this option. On a date, ask the girl to evaluate your new perfume by offering to smell her neck. It will not be amiss to remind you of the impeccability of both your clothes and hygiene. When your beloved, unsuspectingly, leans towards you, kiss her. Then make it a joke. It's rare that a girl will be offended by you. After all, if she’s dating you, she’s probably been waiting for kisses for a long time.

Method 5. Let's play a game

This method works well with both your girlfriend and a stranger. Somewhere in a youth vacation spot, we choose a girl we like, approach her and offer to play the game “Rock, Paper, Scissors” for a kiss. As a rule, no one refuses. Moreover, you need to approach with a wide smile in a friendly, relaxed mood. It depends on your luck here. If you manage to win, kiss without hesitation. If you lose, kiss anyway. And make it all a joke.

Now write a comment!

It is not surprising that many young people are concerned about how to kiss a girl for the first time, so as not to push her away, but, on the contrary, to attract her to them. Improvisation, of course. a good thing, but it’s better to still prepare for such an important event as a kiss.

When preparing for a kiss, one should not forget about the physiological side of the process. By penetrating a girl’s personal space, you become closer to the girl both spiritually and physically.

Therefore, at the moment of intimacy, it is necessary to remember not only about the kissing technique, but also about hygiene and accuracy.

  1. The pleasant aroma emanating from a man is truly an aphrodisiac that can turn the head of any young lady. So be sure to use a good men's cologne, but don't overdo it.
  2. Another logical point that should still be mentioned is brushed teeth and fresh, pleasant breath.
  3. Chapped lips are an extremely unpleasant sight that can negate all the romanticism of the situation. Agree that you wouldn’t like the chappiness and unattractiveness of your partner’s lips.
  4. Women's opinions on facial hair are divided. Some have a positive attitude towards a beard, others like clean-shaven men, others do not pay attention to such a beard at all. male characteristic. Of course, if you have a beard, you still shouldn’t shave it off, but giving it a well-groomed look is a must.

For everything to go well, you need to stop worrying and “shaking.” Your excitement will definitely be transferred to your partner, who may think anything - even to the point that she is unpleasant to you.

Therefore, pull yourself together, cast aside unnecessary doubts, because by agreeing to a date with you, the girl showed some sympathy.

Despite the apparent simplicity of this intimate process, we must not forget about several important points, which can contribute to the development of relationships or, on the contrary, destroy the sympathy and “chemistry” emerging between you.

For some guys who want to appear tough and macho, a kiss on the first date is considered obligatory or completely natural condition. We will not argue with this opinion, but there is still no need to rush.

Many girls consciously or unconsciously follow next rule– kissing on the first date is considered a kind of taboo.

Some young ladies do not want to show their availability, others just want to make sure of the seriousness of the gentleman’s intentions, and still others have not kissed at all, so they are somewhat scared.

Of course, there are liberated young ladies who are not averse to kissing even at the first meeting. In this case, the girls themselves will clearly hint at their desire.

If the young lady is shy, it is better not to take risks, so as not to break the connection that has arisen between you.

It sounds a little funny, but if you haven't kissed young ladies before, you need to practice a little. Having learned all the intricacies of the process, you will become less worried when it comes to actually kissing on the lips. It happens, for example, that lovers become embarrassed when their noses touch each other.

There are a lot of techniques for touching lips, and the kissing process is different great variety, so describing them is a thankless task. So rehearsal is extremely important, but don't forget about expressing your true emotions.

Your sympathy and sincere desire can smooth out any missteps.

It is extremely important to choose the right moment and time to kiss on the lips. Determining the signs of a girl’s “readiness” is not so difficult if you carefully monitor her facial expressions, gestures and behavior.

We can say that the young lady is ready for a kiss if:

  • it allows you to enter your personal comfort zone (less than 50 cm);
  • When communicating, she twirls her hair and touches her lips;
  • looks at your lips during a conversation;
  • does not avoid eye contact;
  • reacts positively to short touches (does not move away).

In addition, it is important to choose the right place for this “sacrament”. Many girls are embarrassed to kiss in public large cluster people, fearing that their friends would see them.

The last rows in the cinema are not always perfect place for kissing, since it is important for some young ladies to see their partner at this important moment.

Therefore, it is best to choose a quiet place and a time when the number of people rushing or walking past is minimized.

Honestly, the kissing technique is not as important as your tenderness and respect for the girl. You should not push, let alone force, this process, as this will create a characteristic impression of yourself. You need to create the most romantic aura possible, to let the young lady know what your intentions are. Perfect option consists of three components:

  • get closer to your lover (enter your comfort zone);
  • catch her eye by looking straight into her eyes;
  • Touch your lips slowly and gently.

When you approach the girl's lips slowly, this gives the young lady the opportunity to evade if she does not want to kiss you or is simply not yet ready to move on to such a close acquaintance.

Girls may react to your initiative in different ways. For example, someone feels discomfort when other people are looking at her at this moment, others simply do not want to kiss specific guys, others want to test a man’s reaction to refusal.

Important! Despite the girl’s reluctance to kiss, you need to behave with dignity. It doesn’t even make sense to remind people that insults or other similar actions are simply unacceptable.

It's important to show that her decision doesn't hurt you, so continue the conversation and be positive. You can turn an awkward situation into a joke.

On the Internet and in the male community in general, there are two completely different opinions about whether you should be interested in a girl’s permission before kissing.

So-called pick-up artists claim that men who ask permission to kiss look like weak and insecure individuals in the eyes of young ladies. “Be the alpha male, man!” - say such advisers.

This opinion is extremely common among guys and probably has a right to exist.

Let's talk in more detail about the opposite point of view, which says that a kiss is an action that takes place by mutual consent, especially when it happens on the first date.

And if a man kisses without asking, the girl may decide that her partner is not very interested in her opinion.

The main arguments in favor of asking a girl’s permission before kissing:

  1. This is an indicator of male education. When a guy asks a young lady if he can kiss her, he shows respect for her personality.
  2. The young lady may not be ready for a kiss or simply not want to kiss right then and there.
  3. Some girls show their initial sympathy for a guy only in the form of conversation and communication; sexual attraction and desire to kiss may appear only after a month or two.
  4. There is an opinion that touching lips without the other person's permission can also be classified as sexual violence.

Which of the above opinions is more correct is up to you to decide. Most likely, in the process of communication you will be able to determine how your interlocutor will react to intimacy. Will she be against a kiss on the first date or will she say a firm “no” to any inclination on your part?

When thinking about how to kiss a girl, you need to understand a simple thing - love relationships it is necessary to be guided, first of all, by intuition.

If you managed to win over the young charmer, were gentle and romantic, other meetings and dates will soon follow, and only then the first kiss. All you have to do is enjoy the process itself!