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» How to prepare yourself for summer at home. How to prepare your body for summer if you haven’t played sports before. Getting rid of unwanted hair

How to prepare yourself for summer at home. How to prepare your body for summer if you haven’t played sports before. Getting rid of unwanted hair

Let's face it: we love it when other people like our bodies. Every spring, many people think about how they will look on the beach or during a picnic. For such, gym regulars living in temperate climates came up with the term “snowdrop” - a person who appears in the gym when the snow melts.

Exercising is undoubtedly beneficial. But it is important to understand and accept one idea that will make everyone feel better: we want to play sports to please ourselves and others. Let’s take this thesis as a basis.

To please ourselves and others is our goal. It doesn't matter that it's only January. Getting your body in shape is a long task.

Find out about the condition of your body

First you need to find out Current state body and contact a medical center. Doctors will measure height, weight, strength, lung capacity, blood pressure and heart rate, determine the body mass index, the ratio of bone and muscle tissue, cellular activity, the amount of water in the body, and examine the heart. After the examination, the doctor will write a conclusion and recommend changing your diet or taking up a sport that is suitable for you.

In Russia, you can get tested for free. To do this, you need to contact a specialized state medical institution called the “Center for Medical Prevention” or something else. A referral can be made by a local GP.

If you know the state of your body and don’t want to go to the doctor, you can skip this step or determine your body mass index yourself: divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared.

Values ​​from 18 to 25 will indicate that body weight is normal.

After you have studied your body, specify your goal and name the criteria of beauty that you lack: six-pack abs, large biceps, broad shoulders or a narrow waist. Depending on what you want, you will either need to lose weight or tone up.

Lose weight

Regular exercise leads to a decrease in fat mass, although strengthening muscles may initially seem like you are gaining weight. To lose weight, exercise your body with aerobic exercise. In this case, the body uses oxygen obtained during respiration. It is important to monitor your heart rate during aerobic exercise. An acceptable corridor for a 30-year-old person is from 115 to 150 beats per minute, for a 50-year-old person - 100–135 beats. It is important to exercise for at least 20 minutes three times a week.

If you want to see six-pack abs, this is what you need.

Simple and effective method- . It does not require the purchase of a gym membership or specific equipment and is best suited for people with zero physical fitness. But, like any other sport, it requires self-control and discipline. You will have to accustom yourself to the correct breathing technique (learn to breathe through your nose and mouth at the same time), and also run in bad weather and frost.

For those who find running boring, other types of training are suitable: cycling, swimming or team sports (basketball, volleyball, football).

If exercising is difficult at first, start with long walks or Nordic walking.

Pump up

The basis for gaining muscle mass is anaerobic exercise, accompanied by a heart rate exceeding the aerobic corridor. When performing anaerobic exercise, the blood does not have time to deliver oxygen to the muscles. The lack of atmospheric oxygen is compensated by its production as a result of the breakdown of glycogen in the muscles.

Gradually, the body stores more glycogen, increasing strength endurance. And muscle growth is the body’s response to force loads.

Anaerobic exercise makes men massive and powerful, and gives girls roundness in in the right places and remove the excess.

The easiest way to increase muscle mass is powerlifting. This is a complex: squats with a barbell, bench press or on an inclined bench, deadlift. Basic exercises involve all muscles.

Powerlifting also helps you lose fat. Power training not only burns a lot of calories, but also contributes to higher energy expenditure outside the gym, since large muscles require a lot of energy.

Bodybuilding in Soviet time was known as "bodybuilding". Unlike powerlifting, where the main thing is to increase strength, bodybuilding is designed to create a harmonious, muscular body. In addition to the basic ones, bodybuilders perform isolation exercises on individual muscle groups for harmonious appearance muscles.

Eat properly

Playing sports involves not only doing exercises, but also changing your lifestyle. Effective training requires sufficient sleep, reducing general level stress and proper nutrition. Amateur athletes tend to underestimate the importance of nutrition.

It is advisable to regularly count the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates eaten, calories consumed and used during the day. Previously, athletes wrote down what they ate in a notebook, but now, thanks to web services and mobile applications, even lazy people can control their diet.

Whether you want to lose weight or build muscle, drink more water and eat less salt, spicy and fried foods.

To burn fat, you need to create a slight calorie deficit in your body. It is important to understand that with a sharp transition to low calorie diet the body will work in economy mode. Scientists have proven that with a low-calorie diet and daily aerobic exercise, along with fat in the body, muscle mass falls more actively than with exercise combined with nutrition to maintain the current weight Energy expenditure and physical performance in overweight women: response to training with and without caloric restriction..

Reduce your caloric intake gradually. To begin with, eliminate fatty, sweet and starchy foods and start eating more often during the day, but in small portions. Two hours before and two hours after training, refrain from eating. After six o'clock in the evening, eat low-calorie healthy foods: green vegetables, protein low-fat foods.

After a week or two, compare your weight to your previous one. If it has not changed, you can reduce your caloric intake by 10% and see how the body reacts in another two weeks.

You can only lose weight by 2–4 kilograms per month without harm to your health.

To gain muscle mass, eat high-calorie foods high in protein and low in fat and fast carbohydrates. Before training, eat two hours before, after it - an hour and a half. Immediately after training, it is useful to consume a protein-carbohydrate shake. Before going to bed, bodybuilders eat low-fat cottage cheese or drink a portion of a drink with casein, a protein that is contained in cottage cheese and is slowly digested.

As soon as the winter days fade into the past, gradually giving way to the approaching spring and next summer, many begin to “pull up” to fitness centers. We all want to have beautiful curves that we can “show off” in open summer clothes. For what? The answer is simple: to please the people around us. These seasonal gym goers are nicknamed “snowdrops.” They enter the gyms as soon as the snow begins to melt.

There is nothing wrong. An important motive and incentive for most people is the desire to please both themselves and others. So what should you do with your form when it's only January? Where to begin?

First steps. We determine the state of our body. To do this, you can contact a medical institution, which will help you take measurements of height, weight, blood pressure, muscle volume and bone tissue, quantitative presence of water in the body and other health parameters. In Russia, such examination is provided free of charge at the “Medical Prevention Centers”, where a referral is given by a local doctor. Based on the examination, the specialist will recommend a diet and the most suitable look sport or exercise system.

You can determine the condition body and independently. It is important to know your body mass index. This can be done by dividing weight by height (data in kilograms and meters), then squaring the resulting quotient. The numbers show the level of body weight. If they are located between 18 and 25, then the body weight is normal.

After this, you should specify goal for the future, what you want to improve: abs, buttocks, biceps, shoulders or waist. Depending on your goals, you can decide whether you need to gain weight or lose weight.

Ways to lose weight. The main ways to lose weight are regular physical activity. At first it will seem that the weight is growing, but this is only because muscle mass is initially increasing. Gradually everything will return to the desired norm. Aerobic training is considered the most optimal exercise. Running, Nordic walking, and regular long walks are suitable for this. Classes on fresh air do not require large material costs, like buying a subscription. But they should be carried out constantly (preferably three times a week for 20 minutes), regardless of mood or weather. During aerobic exercises, it is necessary to monitor your breathing technique: learn to breathe simultaneously through your nose and mouth, as well as monitor your pulse readings. The latter is taken into account depending on age: for people under 30 years old, the number of beats per minute should be 115-150, for those over 50 - 100-135 beats.

If running or walking gets boring, You can go cycling, swimming, and play sports.

Pumping up muscles. The basic principle of muscle growth is anaerobic exercise. This is how in the professional environment they call activities that do not require oxygen; they are performed using the fuel contained in the muscles. In essence, these are short-term and intense exercises, during which the body feels a lack of oxygen. Muscles begin to grow due to an increase in glycogen produced during power loads. In theory it’s quite difficult, but in practice it’s easier to understand. TO simple way increasing muscle mass includes powerlifting: strength exercises by using different muscles, for example, squats with a barbell, bench press or incline bench press. There are so-called basic exercises, which you can learn about from trainers or from the Internet.

Lifestyle adjustments. In other words, this means maintaining a sleep schedule, reducing sleep, and eating properly. One of the main requirements for getting your body into an acceptable shape is nutrition. What is required for this?

  1. First, you need to control your daily,
  2. secondly, drink more water, use less salt,
  3. thirdly, avoid fried and too spicy foods,
  4. fourthly, switch to a low-calorie diet. It is better to do this gradually. You can find a lot of information about such diets in the literature or on the Internet.

The result of the combination physical activity and reasonable low calorie diet You can receive it in just a few weeks. You can lose weight by no more than 2-3 kg per month. For muscle growth, there are also nutritional methods, selection special products and cocktails.

Main, so that the desire to change does not disappear before the process has begun.

There is only one month left until the start of summer, which means that very soon you will be wearing open clothes, not to mention swimsuits. In winter, many girls tend not to pay attention to their nutrition, and they don’t always want to work out in the gym when it’s frosty outside. In addition, the set excess weight winter is programmed by our nature. British scientists have discovered that being overweight in cold weather is just part of the survival instinct we inherited from our ancestors. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to change it. Our tips will help you prepare for summer and achieve ideal shape. Hurry up, there is not much time left!

1. Facial skin

IN winter time The skin of the face suffers the most - it is affected by frost, wind and temperature changes. So before summer comes, you need to take care of your skin. Avoid intensive scrubs and any procedures that can harm winter-depleted skin. Replace them with homemade toners and lotions to cleanse your face. To cleanse oily skin, you can use a decoction of cornflower, parsley or rosemary. If your skin is dry, it is better to use chamomile infusion.

2. Body skin

Low temperatures and heating in homes lead to dry and dehydrated skin. Remember that before you put on a skirt, dress or shorts, you should moisturize your skin so that it will look healthy and smooth. If you're still undecided about which cream or lotion is best for you, try using coconut oil. Apply it after your shower and it will replace your moisturizer.

3. Bikini line

In the summer you will have to wear a swimsuit, which means you need to take care of your bikini line. You can get rid of hair in this area using a simple and also cheap method - shaving. But, unfortunately, this can cause itching, as hair often begins to grow in after shaving. In addition, if the hair grows thick and dark, after shaving it will leave noticeable black spots.

Another option to make your bikini line perfect is waxing. Waxing should be done once every one to two months (this depends on the rate of hair growth). To avoid ingrown hairs, it is recommended to use the scrub at least twice a week.

To eliminate darkening of your bikini line area, you should always moisturize after showering. To achieve this, you can use lotions to prevent ingrown hairs as they also help in tackling dark areas.

4. Armpits

If you want your underarm skin to look lighter and hair growth to slow down, you can try this simple organic whitening cream.

  • 2 tsp. turmeric powder;
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda;
  • 3 tsp. honey;
  • juice of half a lemon.

Mix everything together to form a thick paste. Before use, clean the skin of your armpits. Apply the paste, leave it on for 20 minutes to dry, and then rinse off. After this, you should moisturize the skin.

5. Flat stomach

A flat stomach is key to looking great in a swimsuit, which means you need to pay extra attention to this area during your workouts.

One of the most effective is an exercise with a ball. You need to lie on your back and extend your arms above your head, holding the ball in them. You should reach the ball with straight legs. Then place it between your ankles and return it to the floor, keeping your legs straight.

The exercise should be repeated 10-12 times. Try to keep your lower back pressed into the floor as you pass the ball.

Another great way to get rid of extra inches on your waist is to take up boxing. Add it to your schedule.

6. Sides

To get rid of sagging sides, you should: simple exercises(you can even make them at home).

  1. Lie on your back and raise your arms up (perpendicular to the floor). Raise your legs and bend them at a 90° angle. Slowly place left hand behind your head and at the same time straighten your right leg, but make sure it does not touch the floor. Repeat the exercise on both sides at least 10 times.
  2. Lie on your back, bend your knees to your chest and place your hands behind your head. Pull your left knee towards your chest, straightening your right leg parallel to the floor and turning your right shoulder towards your knee. Repeat twice and return to starting position. The exercise should be repeated 20 times on both sides.

7. Buttocks

The buttocks are the largest muscle group in the body. Their workout will not only make your body beautiful, but will also help you lose weight faster. Squats are simple and effective exercise, but it only affects the buttocks on one side. Therefore, you can try performing a shoulder bridge on one leg.

8. Diet

Along with training healthy eating is also an important part of preparing your body for summer. Be sure to drink enough water. Increase your intake of natural diuretics such as cucumbers, lemons, green tea etc. Try to reduce processed carbohydrates such as bread and pasta. Also, reduce your alcohol intake because alcoholic drinks actually contain a lot of empty calories.

Take a moment and appreciate your body.

Remember that everyone can feel insecure, because no one is perfect. Focus on what you have and appreciate the work you have already done. Learn to accept your body and stop focusing only on flaws.

Summer is just around the corner. Very soon the heat will come and thousands of young men and women will flock to the beaches. Many people are already looking forward to it and have no other concern than how to prepare for the summer. Even in the spring, they pay attention to new models of swimsuits and sunglasses.

Are you ready to boldly go naked this year? If not completely, then don’t panic, you still have time. So how to prepare for summer?

1. Emphasize your strengths

You may have gained a little extra weight over the winter, but it doesn’t matter. Choose a swimsuit that highlights your strengths and hides your flaws. And hurry up and clean up your cute gym belly.

2. Pre-tanning

In order not to scare people with your pallor, go to the solarium before going to the beach. If you are afraid of the harmful effects of radiation, then you can use a spray or cream with a tanning effect, fortunately there are plenty of them on store shelves.

3. Skip the soda

Soda contains a lot of calories. You know this very well, but it’s still difficult for you to resist a cold cola. However, if you plan to look amazing on the beach, replace the soda with clean water - still and mineral.

4. Add intensity

To burn fat even faster, add high-intensity exercise to your workouts. As it turned out, this is much more useful than monotonous long workouts at an easy pace. Plus, you'll spend less time in the gym. Try alternating short, heavy loads with longer, lighter ones. However, under no circumstances should you give up training altogether, and if you don’t have any yet, stop being lazy and immediately go in for sports.

5. Moisturize your skin

Dry skin is a very distressing appearance. Therefore, take time to relax and apply a deeply moisturizing cream. This way your skin will become more attractive. Guys don't need to apply cream, but they can also take care of the freshness and health of their skin. To do this, take a fresh aloe petal and apply its juice to your face.

6. Stand up straight

Good posture is the key to your beauty. Straighten your shoulders, raise your head, and now you are radiating confidence! For many people, confidence is the sexiest trait that can't go unnoticed, so don't neglect this advice. Remember this not only when you need to prepare for summer. Always remember this.

7. Squats

If you haven't included squats in your workouts yet, now is the time to do so. For girls: thanks to squats, your buttocks will acquire appetizing shapes and your thighs will tighten. You can make any guy fall in love with you with your appearance. For guys: during execution this exercise A record number of calories are burned.

8. Remember your feet

After winter and spring shoes, your feet may not be ready for... open shoes. So go get a pedicure immediately.

9. Conquering stress

If you're really worried about how you'll look, it won't help you at all. When you experience stress, you provoke your body to produce more cortisol, which causes subcutaneous fat to appear. Learn to deal with bad mood. Yoga or warm yoga will help you with this aromatic bath. And look and be a truly happy person.

10. Drink more fluids

With enough water in your body, your skin will look healthier and cleaner, and internal organs will start working like clockwork. In addition, this way you will dull the feeling of hunger for a while. So, go to the kitchen right now and get a glass. clean water. Drink several of these glasses a day.

So, here we have compiled a minimum program for the course “How to prepare for summer.” All you have to do is really want everything to be great this summer and start taking care of yourself. Good luck! Don't forget about the session!

Summer is heating up outside, which means it's time to prepare for the season of heat and light clothing. Summer is a wonderful time of the year, but not everyone is happy about it. It's hard to rejoice in warming when your soul is cold overweight. Today we will talk about how to prepare for summer in a month, and get the most out of this process.

This means that if we give too much stress, the body will react by secreting large quantity stress hormone – cortisol. Regardless of discipline or willpower, high levels of cortisol cause you to quit a stressful activity.

  • . We talk about why it is important to increase the load in training. And why it needs to be done smoothly;
  • . We show you when you can train so as not to become exhausted.

Training programs for losing weight by summer

As part of this program, we will use only 2 exercises - jumping rope and squats. We work with a jump rope every day, we perform squats in the “2 days of training, 1 day of rest” mode.

We get 30 workouts with a jump rope and 20 days of squats.

Men can add pull-ups and push-ups here, which are performed every other day.

It's a bit of work, but don't worry. What we will do fully answers the question “How to prepare for summer in a month?”

20% of actions give 80% of results. 80% of actions – 20% of results.

I suggest throwing out 80% of unnecessary actions and focusing on the 20 that produce results.

Weight loss program with jump rope

Workout No. Approaches Duration of approach in minutes Total duration of jumps in minutes
1 5 1 5 90
2 5 1,5 7,5 90
3 5 2 10 90
4 7 2 14 90
5 7 2,5 17,5 90
6 7 3 21 90
7 8 3 24 90
8 8 3,5 28 90
9 8 4 32 90
10 9 4 36 90
11 10 4 40 90
12 10 4 40 75
13 10 4 40 60
14 10 4,5 45 60
15 10 4,5 45 60
16 10 5 50 60
17 10 5 50 60
18 11 5 55 60
19 11 5 55 60
20 12 5 60 60
21 12 5 60 60
22 12 5 60 45
23 12 5 60 45
24 12 5 60 45
25 13 5 65 45
26 13 5 65 45
27 14 5 70 45
28 15 5 75 45
29 15 5 75 45
30 16 5 80 45

Squat training program

Workout No. Approaches Repetitions Rest in seconds after approach
1 3 10 120
2 4 10 120
3 5 10 120
4 6 10 90
5 7 10 90
6 7 12 90
7 7 15 90
8 7 18 90
9 7 20 90
10 7 22 90
11 7 24 90
12 7 25 90
13 7 28 90
14 7 30 90
15 7 33 90
16 7 36 90
17 7 38 90
18 7 40 90
19 7 42 90
20 7 45 90

Don't look too closely at the latest numbers, which now seem gigantic. We will approach them smoothly so that the body has time to adapt.

This system differs from others in that it gives maximum results within 3-4 weeks of action. The first 2 weeks also give excellent result, but in essence they are only preparation of physics and psyche for the volume of work that will be received in 3-4 weeks.

If you start jumping rope for an hour from day one, your body will react as follows:

  • Cortisol levels will skyrocket. As a result, training will unconsciously begin to be perceived as hard labor;
  • High cortisol – high appetite. You will want to compensate for stress with tasty, high-calorie food;
  • There will be no weight loss. The hormonal system, freaked out by what is happening, will direct all its forces to maintain balance. The calories burned will be replenished through appetite.

You need to adapt to any system. Otherwise, the body will force you to give up halfway.

Ideally, you need to “swing” even longer. But we simply don't have time for this.

Workouts are fun

Much depends on what hormones you are training to release. For most, it’s cortisol, the stress hormone that made us cringe when we saw the tables above.

Only in a minority do hormones of pleasure override stress and allow them to feel the thrill of a challenge.

To enter the minority club, and not worry about how to prepare for summer in a month, use the following mechanisms:

  • Listen to music only during training. Refrain from playing your favorite music outside of activities to answer the question “How to prepare for summer in a month?” Music is a source of pleasure hormones. During abstinence from it, a shortage will form, which will lead to the fact that you can only listen to your favorite songs during training. IN in this case it will be difficult for the brain to distinguish what it gets pleasure from, so working on oneself will be fixed in the psyche as something pleasant;
  • Encourage yourself. After training, as a reward for the work done, you can meet your loved one, friends, play a game, buy new clothes or eat some of your favorite food. But only after class. Before him - it’s impossible;
  • Practice being present in the moment. Don't think about what you have to do in the future. If during the first five-minute workout you think that someday you will work there for 80 minutes, you won’t want to train the second time;
  • Create conditions for yourself in which it is easier to train than not to train.. For example, you can make a bet with a friend. For each missed workout you give him 1000 rubles. We have 60 training sessions under this scheme. I don’t want to lose 60,000, I’ll have to work. The best option– record training sessions on video and send them to the controller.

About nutrition

No strict diet. Find out about that and then finish reading this paragraph.

The point is to consume less energy than you get from food. It's better not to fall into harmful products, but it makes no difference where the calories come from.

By using healthy products gaining more calories is much more difficult. And it’s easier to get enough. Therefore, they should form the basis. But if, 5 days after starting training, you want to try your favorite rolls, you don’t have to limit yourself to this. Unless you have to count their number so as not to exceed the required calorie content.

Everything is much simpler than it seems to us.

Still don't know how to prepare for summer in a month? Ask questions in the comments. We will help you solve any problem.

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