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» How to prepare to participate in the exhibition? Tips and tricks for running a successful exhibition. How to organize an exhibition business

How to prepare to participate in the exhibition? Tips and tricks for running a successful exhibition. How to organize an exhibition business

Exhibition is the only unique and universal event in which you can use all marketing tools. Often participation in an exhibition does not require huge expenses, but it is correct and responsible preparation for the exhibition allows you to achieve significant results: increase sales volume, introduce new products or services, improve the image of your company, form a network of dealers or distributors, study the market, etc.

There are many reasons to take participation in the exhibition.

Exhibitions provide the opportunity to:

  • conclude agreements with potential partners
  • bring a new product to market
  • find new customers and partners
  • develop a new direction for your commercial activities
  • stimulate staff activity
  • obtain information about the current market situation
  • support local sales agents
  • meet business partners, etc.

Where are the exhibitions held?

Specialized exhibitions of the industry most often carried out in two large exhibition centers (complexes) in Moscow: Krosus Expo or Expocentre. (link calendar of exhibitions in Moscow>>)

If this is your first time deciding participate in the exhibition, we will try to explain the simplest concepts that you will encounter when preparing for the event.

Preparation for the exhibition

How to participate in an exhibition correctly, how to effectively hold an exhibition and get excellent results? Tips and tricks for participants/exhibitors.

First of all, it is necessary to determine specific and realistic goals what you expect to achieve with participation in the exhibition. The most common of them:

  • present a new product or service
  • replenish your customer base
  • find new partners
  • advertise your company
  • analyze a certain market segment, etc.

Of course, your company's goals may be unique.

Once the main goals have been determined, it will be useful to outline plan their achievements, by selecting the tools that are acceptable to you, to prepare stand staff to work at the exhibition. Undoubtedly, you are well aware of the basics of marketing and advertising, and we would not like to repeat simple truths, so we will give just a small example as an illustration.

Let's say your company is new to the market. In this case, it would be logical to focus on the stand in order to attract as much attention as possible to it. To do this, you can book a “favorable” place on the plan in advance, having studied in advance where the entrance to the pavilion, toilets, food points are located, that is, places where visitors gather. It may be helpful to know where industry leaders and competitors are located.

How to set up a stand at an exhibition

The new participant's stand should be catchy and bright. Can be used in the design of an exhibition stand colored pasting, lighting, bright banners, beautiful and stylish furniture...

Exhibition stand(standard stand, exclusive stand) - this is the face of the company at the exhibition, it largely characterizes its position in the market, its potential, ambitions, opportunities, therefore many participants are focused on building an exclusive stand.

To decorate your company's exposition, you can use additional equipment for exhibitions: collapsible exhibition structures or a mobile exhibition stand. If the exhibition format and budget allow, exclusive development will help achieve the desired effect.

The photo shows the exhibition stands of the participants of the exhibition “…. – 2011, 2012",
exclusive exhibition stands, non-standard construction.

How to determine the size of the stand?

Often the exhibitor finds it difficult to determine and select the size of the exhibition stand, because... has no idea what the stand (exposition) will look like.

Exhibition stand size determined based on the budget, technical necessity: demonstration of the brought equipment, placement of booklets, meeting area, reception and the number of workers at the exhibition.

Small stand(from 6 to 12 sq.m.) will allow you to compactly place information: posters, information desk, chair.

Middle stand(from 12 to 18 sq.m.) allows you to place display cases with product samples, several conference tables.

Large exhibition stand(from 20 sq.m. or more) - this is a large exhibition area for a group of managers to work, includes negotiation areas, product demonstration areas, determines the company’s level in the industry market.

Rules for working at the exhibition for participant staff

You have probably attended many events, and you will agree that it is not enough to attract visitors to your stand, you need to be able to work with them. Because we would like to remind the main staff work rules at the exhibition.

It will be great if the employees of the participating company are neat, friendly and attentive to every visitor.

Before the exhibition, conduct training for employees, explain to them the purpose of participation in the exhibition, the functions of each of them, who represents your target audience, etc. Awareness by employees of the goals of participation, methods and principles of work at the exhibition can turn your stand from an ordinary “showcase” into a springboard for moving towards new customers and new markets.

Employees must be sociable and knowledgeable about the company's activities, products and services. It would be great if they were experienced sales people. Visit the exhibition different people, and the ability to determine the type of visitor and keep his attention is an important component of success.

If the exhibition is international, knowledge of a foreign language will obviously not hurt.

Even if a visitor passes by your stand, it is important for him to feel that you are interested in him. Then you will become interesting to him. While waiting for visitors, you should not get carried away with phones, tablets, reading extraneous literature, or eating food directly on the table - no polite person would want to distract you, and you probably won’t notice him. This is why we propose to build small utility rooms to organize catering at the exhibition (company stand) or use specialized catering points on the territory of the exhibition center.

When communicating, show your interest, conduct an active dialogue, invite the visitor to send materials via e-mail– you receive his contact information in advance and even save on printing, which they often refuse to take due to its impressive weight. If you promise to contact your interlocutor after the event, be sure to do so. If you want the name of your company to remain in a person’s memory, the letter must reach him within 48 hours. During the exhibition, contacts should be systematized in order to remember their owners and not miss anything important.

If you plan to negotiate with foreign visitors and partners at the exhibition, then you need to take care in advance of having an interpreter at the company’s stand.

Attracting visitors

We recommend making address phone calls key partners and clients and inform them that your company is participating in the exhibition. Definitely, your website should contain information that the company will take part in the exhibition and what you will present there.

Of course, whatever the company’s goals, exhibitors usually expect an increase in sales and meeting new clients from participating in an exhibition. Organizers often hear complaints about an insufficient number of visitors. Indeed, one of our tasks is to conduct an advertising campaign and attracting the target audience to the exhibition.

However, do not forget that it is the participating company that should take care of a sufficient number of guests at each specific stand. For this we offer:

Publication of information about your company on the exhibition website;

We provide an unlimited number of free invitation cards so that you can send out targeted mailings to potential partners and clients in advance and invite them to visit your stand.

According to some experts, industry media should not be neglected. You can send press releases or other information materials about the activities of your company for publication in industry media, especially if these are media partners of the exhibition. In this case, you can agree to conduct an interview during the event or report about the company itself. This way, even before the event starts, you will have the opportunity to create a tight schedule of meetings and negotiations at your stand.

Evaluation of exhibition effectiveness

Summing up and assessing the effectiveness of exhibition activities.

It is worth remembering that after the exhibition ends, your work does not stop. To consolidate the emerging successes, it is necessary to act without delay. Arrange your next meeting with people you are interested in, send letters of gratitude for your interest to all new “acquaintances”. Every visitor who pays attention to your products or services deserves attention. Often, after participating in an exhibition, a lot of business cards with promising contacts accumulate, but, having returned to your usual work schedule, you forget about them, wanting to deal with urgent issues that accumulated during your absence. Indicating your priorities is, of course, your right, but remember that business cards and contacts established at the exhibition very quickly lose their relevance.

To summarize, we can say that exhibitions are an excellent opportunity to promote a company in a specific market, provided that:

  • If participation in them is planned in advance.
  • If some visitors go to an exhibition specifically to your stand, while you leave others no chance to pass by.
  • If the staff is able, willing and ready to work at the exhibition.
  • If during the exhibition accurate and informative records of negotiations are prepared, “hot on the heels” of which work immediately begins.

Vera Khairutdinova

Artist, member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, designer. Over 6 years of exhibition activity, she organized and held 29 personal exhibitions, 9 of which were in China.

The main advice for aspiring artists: do not be afraid to exhibit your work. I am sure that by following the further plan, you will realize your dream and hold your first exhibition.

How to tell about yourself

Write a resume

Include information about the place of study, about exhibitions indicating time, place, name. Surely you have participated in group activities. Constantly update your resume, add new art-related events, and delete less important ones. Also write about internships, master classes, bonuses, awards, if any. Add your photo.

Write a biography

Briefly tell us about yourself. Literally on half a page: write about who you are, where you were born, where you studied. Probably, some of your works are in private collections (even if you donated them) and, possibly, in different cities of Russia or abroad. Add this information too.

Prepare a booklet

This is an optional item, but it allows you to present information about you in a bright and colorful way. Post your photo, a photo of one or more paintings. Add brief information about yourself, what you write, contacts, mention your website or pages on social networks. A good option is a double-sided A5 leaflet. More informative than a business card, and also inexpensive.

Create pages on social networks

If you have them, post photos of your paintings more often. Very interesting are the shots in the process of painting, in the open air, and photographs of paintings in the interior. Ask to be photographed at work. Make short videos.

Register on artist portals

Perhaps some of the other visitors will want to purchase your work. The main advantage of such sites is when your name will be entered into search engines, your paintings will be among the first links in the search results. You can use these sites to post your work:

How to prepare works for an exhibition

Decorate the paintings

Paintings need to be framed in baguettes; for watercolors it is better to add a mat. Don't forget about the fasteners. IN Lately I switched to gallery-stretched canvases, 4 cm thick.

With gallery stretching, the edges of the image overlap the ends of the stretcher and no framing is required

I kill several birds with one stone: I save on decoration (baguettes are not cheap) and make it easier to transport the paintings. Frames are heavy and fragile, they are easy to damage, it is necessary to protect the corners with special corners, and if so, then we count every kilogram. And gallery-stretched canvases are lighter and more convenient for transportation and packaging. Besides, in modern interiors Such works look stylish.


Be sure to sign front side work. On the back, indicate your last name, first name, title of the work, size of the painting (write the height first, then the width), material (for example, “canvas/oil” or “watercolor/paper”), year. You can sign with charcoal, then be sure to secure it with a special spray or hairspray so that it does not fall off.

Take pictures of the paintings

It's best to have it professionally filmed. Photo good quality You can use it for a catalog, album, booklets, prints (making copies) or when printing on clothes and accessories.

But such photography is expensive, so at first you can take photographs yourself. For shooting, it is better to take the work outside and shoot in the shade. Then trim off the excess and process it in a photo editor. Make sure that the colors in the photo match the actual colors in the painting.

To store photos of paintings, create a separate folder on your desktop. Pictures can be pre-sorted into collections - this way you can always quickly find the ones you need. For photographs of paintings in interiors, also create a separate folder, as well as for photographs from plein airs and your photos at the easel.

Make a list of jobs

Make a list of all your paintings in a table. You can sort by collection or year. So you yourself will understand how many paintings you have, and put things in order. In the table, indicate the number, name of the painting, year, size, material, if necessary, cost, attach a photo. I add notes to paintings when they are sold or placed in a collection. Be sure to mark the paintings that you are donating to an exhibition or somewhere else.

What else should you consider when preparing for the exhibition?


Come up with a name for the exhibition in accordance with the style and theme of the paintings. Select works according to the concept so that together they look good and logical. Make a separate list according to the principle described above, only include in it those paintings that you want to demonstrate at this exhibition. Write about how the idea of ​​painting came, a story about the collection.

Site selection

There are many opportunities to exhibit for free: exhibition halls, galleries, business centers, libraries. Ask questions by mail or phone, come in and meet in person, ask if the staff can post your work or recommend who is best to contact. Show off your paintings.

If you are in Moscow, you can contact the head of the “Art in Nature” project Valery Senkevich or the Izo Art Gallery in the Romanov Dvor business center - for little money you can take part in a group or personal exhibition.

Packaging and delivery of paintings

Take care of your packaging in advance. Of course, it all depends on where and how you are going to transport the paintings.

  • If the work is framed, protect the corners - a small chip on the frame can ruin the whole look.
  • If you deliver by car and not very far, layer plastic film and bubble wrap will suffice.
  • If you are transporting long distances, transport companies They suggest adding cardboard packaging or rigid sheathing.
  • When transporting paintings abroad, do not forget to obtain an export permit. In Moscow, this is done by the College of Experts on Cultural Property. The cost for artists is 500 rubles per painting, but sometimes it is possible to cheat. Works from one series can be framed as a diptych or triptych and paid for as one painting.

Arrangement of paintings

Think in advance about how your work will hang. There should be 140–150 cm from the floor to the center of the picture. Check the lighting. It is best to use spotlights. If you exhibit in a gallery, they will definitely help you with hanging.

Press release

Specialists helped me make my first press release. The text should contain the name of the exhibition, brief information about you, what will be presented, the address, duration, opening date, telephone number. You can make further press releases yourself using the example of the first one.


Issue invitations to the opening of the exhibition. Indicate the name, address, time, phone number, what other events are planned (I often invite singer friends to perform). And send it out! It is very nice. I prepare a list of those I want to invite in advance and note who agreed to come and who did not. This way you can roughly count the number of guests in order to decide on the number of drinks and snacks for the buffet.


Be sure to invite a professional photographer. You can post photos from the exhibition on social media pages and send them to guests and friends. Such photos will remind you and your event.

Shooting video

A nice addition to your portfolio, although not required. If you decide to make a film about the opening of the exhibition, discuss in advance with the operator what you want to see in it, what close-ups are important to you, interviews with what people. In general, write a script for your evening and movie. When you apply for the next exhibition, don't forget to attach a link to it.

Your image

Think over your appearance in accordance with the concept of the exhibition and its location. If necessary, contact a stylist who will take care of your hair and. Such details will help you create a cohesive image that will definitely be remembered by your guests and will delight you in photographs for a long time.

Opening speech and communication with guests

Greet the guests and briefly talk about the paintings. Don't forget to thank the people who came to you. Pay attention to each guest, walk around the hall, make acquaintances, communicate, find out where the person learned about your event. And be sure to enjoy your evening!


Of course, you can do without it, but usually guests come to the event after work, and a glass of water or champagne would not go amiss. It all depends on your budget, you can add baked goods and snacks. Guests will appreciate such signs of attention.


Conducted upon request. You can invite those who didn’t make it to the opening.

Of course, organizing the first exhibition is an exciting and difficult event, but at the same time it is a way out new level professional development. Think about where you would like to see your paintings, tell your friends about your plans, ask advice from people connected with art, send your resume. In general, knock on all doors and show your creativity. And then the first exhibition will be the beginning of a series of exciting events that will open up new facets of your talent and give you many amazing acquaintances and discoveries. Good luck to you!

Once this issue has been resolved, further priorities are set accordingly.

If the exhibition is being done by a novice artist, then you can look for the opportunity to organize it free of charge. Whether you manage to sell it during the exhibition or not, any exhibition will still resonate. Free to organize exhibition perhaps, if with bars, banks, corporations, in the halls of which you can hang paintings s. For example, an exhibition in a bar is beneficial to both the artist and the owner of the establishment: the former gets the opportunity to show his work, and additional profit from the guests of the exhibition who order something. He himself, even if he doesn’t sell anything, can receive orders for work.

When the issue with the exhibition space is resolved, the problem arises: how to prepare the exhibition, where to hang it paintings s how to arrange everything. You may need the services of a curator who can help with this issue. Otherwise, you will have to rely on your taste and the characteristics of the room.

Helpful advice

If you yourself are a beginning artist and you don’t have much work yet, but you want an exhibition, try to find like-minded people - a conscientious exhibition will give required quantity paintings, and it will be useful to communicate with colleagues in the workshop.


  • how to organize an exhibition

Contemporary exhibitions paintings often claim to be a large-scale cultural event. Not the least role in promoting the exhibition is played by its correct design. Immersing viewers in the atmosphere of the exhibition is one of the main goals of the organizers.

You will need

  • - accessories;
  • - lamps;
  • - CDs with music;
  • - snacks;
  • - beverages;
  • - “brand wall”.


Take a closer look at the collection paintings to be exhibited. Determine its genre and style. Find similar exhibitions on the Internet and learn from the experience. major museums or salons in exhibition design.

Choose the necessary accessories that will complement paintings s. Don't worry about them being redundant. Well-chosen details will help create a feeling of immersion in the world of your collection. These can be interior items, furniture, accessories, dishes. All details should fit naturally into the overall atmosphere. For example, antique tomes laid out on an antique table will fit perfectly into the theme of the exhibition paintings era of classicism.

Choose the appropriate one color scheme walls In most cases for exhibition paintings A background in the spirit of minimalism that does not attract attention to itself is ideal. However, for some genres, for example, avant-garde or tachisme, extravagant drapery with fabric or rich shades.

Pay special attention to light, since lighting plays one of the key roles in creating the atmosphere of an exhibition. Provide various degrees of dimness, the ability to direct light fluxes to different sides. Consider individual illumination for each object on display.

Create the most positive and stylish atmosphere possible. Achieve perfect order in the halls. Put comfortable sofas in front of the most large-scale paintings that require long-term examination. Provide opportunities for visitors to purchase drinks and light snacks.

Choose music that will become one of the main elements in creating the overall atmosphere. Based on the theme of the exhibition and its stylistic orientation. However, regardless of these factors, give preference to acoustic versions of compositions.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

At the entrance to the exhibition hall, install a “brand wall” (a stand with the logos of sponsors and companies participating in the exhibition). Against the backdrop of this stand, visitors and organizers will be able to take photographs for the press.

To organize exhibition, there's a long way to go. First you need to decide that you want to connect your life with art. Then choose the direction you want to pursue, get an education in that field, and find a job in a museum that specializes in that type of art. And then organize your own exhibition.

You will need

  • Art education
  • Love for art


Select a date to organize an exhibition. Make sure there are no similar events taking place on these days.

To organize an exhibition, try to find additional funding - this could be companies and private investors. Large exhibitions usually cost big money, but they offer enormous opportunities to increase the prestige of the organization that sponsors the event.

When we're talking about about organizing the insert, you definitely need to create promotional materials - brochures and catalogs. Plan the content of the catalog and try to find art experts who will write texts for it. Approve the design of all materials dedicated to your exhibition - catalogue, postcards, calendars, etc.

Create an exhibition space. You may need professional help to install art installations or arrange particularly large ones. Organize the space so that it is convenient for visitors to move around it, and so that all exhibits are accessible for viewing.

Create information signs for all jobs. The full explanatory text includes not only the title, but also answers general issues that arise in the audience. This way, exhibition visitors will be able to better understand what is presented.

Video on the topic

In the world high technology Internet has gained popularity radio. Create your own radio at home is quite simple if you know how to approach this issue correctly. Moreover radio which you can do yourself, includes not just playing music through a player, but also special techniques used on professional radio stations.


To create your own radio You should take care when choosing a server. This can be any trusted server, for example, SHOUTcast server. After installation, run the sc_serv.exe file. The server is prepared and waiting in the wings.

Install the database and start the Mysql service using the command line. Minimize the command line window, launch SAM Broadcast 3 and select the type for the database in its settings. When these are completed, restart SAM Broadcast 3.

Exhibition business in modern conditions seems to be of interest to many participants in the domestic market. For some, this is a way to introduce the consumer to the range of products and interest them in their subsequent purchase. For others, this is an opportunity to earn a certain amount of money for what they have done. with my own hands design objects. For others - real chance meet serious partners and conclude interesting deals.

A special place in this business is given to the organizer of exhibition events. To be guaranteed to make a profit in this business, you need to know how to organize a sales exhibition, art exhibition or fair, and what is needed for this. How to open your own exhibition business will be discussed later in the article.

Features of exhibition activities

Every entrepreneur is concerned about creating a positive image for his company, attracting the attention of potential clients and buyers, and stimulating sales. From this point of view, the exhibition is an excellent marketing tool that allows you to contact directly with target audience.

However, we should not forget that an exhibition is, first of all, a display, a demonstration of all possible achievements of mankind in certain areas of its activity, be it art, economics, production or something else.

Only upon superficial examination can it seem that organizing an exhibition is not difficult. In fact, such an event is an important event that requires serious comprehensive preparation. For example, before organizing an art exhibition, there are a number of steps you should take:

  • choose interesting topic;
  • develop a program that can provide aesthetic pleasure to visitors;
  • find exhibitors;
  • create an exhibition;
  • make an attractive presentation, etc.

This is everything that relates to the ideological side of exhibition activities. In addition, there are also a lot of organizational issues. Therefore, to create an effective exhibition business, it is recommended that you first draw up a detailed business plan.

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How to write a business plan for an exhibition center

A business plan is where any business begins entrepreneurial activity. In the current conditions we cannot do without it. To succeed in business, an entrepreneur needs to act according to a pre-planned scheme, having initially calculated each step. In addition, a well-drafted business plan will help attract investors, which will be very appropriate when opening an exhibition business due to the large initial costs.

Exhibition center and what should it include? These are the main sections of a business plan with brief description what needs to be reflected in them:

  • introduction – here should be a brief summary general information about the project, indicate its cost, the need for additional sources of financing and economic efficiency - compiled upon completion of work on the business plan and summarizes the conclusions in other sections;
  • market overview - in this part you need to provide information on the main competitors and the economic feasibility and relevance of your own project;
  • investment plan– describe in detail all possible one-time and ongoing expenses for opening an exhibition center and display the total amount;
  • production plan - reflect the main business operations and business processes, the implementation of which is necessary for the implementation of the project;
  • marketing part - should contain pricing principles, promotion schemes for exhibition center services, advertising, etc.;
  • financial plan– present a calculation of the projected profit, reflect all the financial data of the project and, as a result, an indicator of the expected profitability of the business;
  • risks and guarantees - in this section you need to analyze existing risks and propose a scheme for minimizing them.

This is an example for opening an exhibition center. You can use it when drawing up your own project or entrust writing a business plan to professionals.

What is needed to open an exhibition center

An exhibition business, like any entrepreneurial activity, must undergo state registration for its legal existence. The organizer decides; there are no legal requirements regarding the form of the enterprise.

Important! Despite the absence of legal restrictions when choosing a legal form, registration is recommended for exhibition business legal entity, which has greater capabilities than an individual entrepreneur. The advantage of an LLC in this case is the possibility of participation of several founders at once and the formation of a larger authorized capital.

In addition to registering with the tax authority, the organizer of the exhibition center will have to go through an equally important and, perhaps, the most difficult stage of all - preparing the premises. The area of ​​the complex in which exhibitions will be held must be at least 2 thousand square meters. m. The room must have high ceilings, spacious halls and pavilions and be very well lit. Needless to say that external and interior decoration the center must be flawless? After all, the number of visitors and the desire of exhibitors to take part in exhibitions depend on how beautiful, cozy and fashionable the premises are arranged.

The premises can be rented or built specifically for these purposes. The second option seems more appropriate, since renting such a large area will be very expensive, and the payback of the project may take a long time. The construction of an exhibition center is associated with large one-time costs, but in the future it will allow significant savings on current costs.

In addition to the premises to house the center, you will need special equipment for organizing exhibitions: display tables, racks, stands, showcases, podiums, stands, etc.

One of the components of success in the exhibition business is the quality work of the staff. If you are planning to open a full-scale center for holding exhibitions, it makes sense to assemble a close-knit team of employees (organizers, designers, advertising specialists, etc.) working towards results.

Organization of exhibitions

When organizing an exhibition, the first thing to do is to choose a direction and determine the scale of the event.

Depending on the theme of the exhibition there may be:

  • artistic;
  • scientific;
  • technical;
  • trade (this also includes exhibitions and sales and exhibitions and fairs), etc.

For the business community, sales exhibitions and fairs are of greatest interest. Participants in such events within the framework of the exhibition demonstrate to consumers their best achievements, advanced developments, technological innovations, etc. What distinguishes them from a regular exhibition is that the visitor can purchase the exhibited products in order to try them out before they go into mass production.

How to organize an exhibition-fair or exhibition-sale? To do this, you need to determine the date of the event in advance (preferably 2-3 months in advance), the topic and criteria for selecting exhibitors.

The next stage is disseminating information about the upcoming exhibition among potential participants. For this purpose, the media, advertising on local radio and television, Internet communications, etc. are used. When inviting organizations to take part in a sales exhibition or fair, a date should be specified until which it is possible to submit an application for participation.

When all exhibitors of the exhibition and sale have been identified, you need to perform the following steps:

  • develop an exhibition project;
  • create an interesting program for holding an exhibition and sale (introduce an element of celebration, include master classes);
  • interest the client audience (conduct an advertising campaign);
  • organize the work of service personnel;
  • make a spending plan.

Costs of organizing an exhibition and ways to make a profit

How much it costs to organize an exhibition depends on what material and labor resources necessary for its implementation. All costs can be divided into 4 groups:

  • for the operation of the exhibition and sale (rent of premises if not owned, utility bills, organization of fire safety, etc.);
  • for creative preparation (script development, artistic design, etc.);
  • for technical equipment and implementation of the exhibition (preparation of equipment, purchase necessary materials, transportation of exhibits, wage personnel);
  • for advertising.

The minimum cost of an exhibition event is approximately 300 thousand rubles. It is difficult to determine the maximum, since it all depends on the number of exhibitors and the need to create additional conditions for the exhibits.

The income of the organizer, which can be earned from one exhibition-sale (exhibition-fair), exceeds the cost several times. The price for an organization’s participation in such an event varies from 120 to 500 thousand rubles. depending on the scale of the exhibition itself and the number and area of ​​exhibition stands.

Important! An exhibition center can receive considerable income if additional services are provided on its basis, for example, the design of exclusive materials for demonstration stands or holding training seminars. In addition, on days free from exhibitions, part of the center’s premises can be rented out for conferences, negotiations, etc.

Organization of a traveling exhibition

On the basis of the existing exhibition center it is possible to implement many interesting ideas. One of them is organizing a traveling exhibition. What is so attractive about this idea? The fact that the organizer does not need to create a project or design exhibits, but simply rent a ready-made package for a traveling exhibition and place it on the territory of the center. You can exhibit antiques, decorative butterflies, photographic materials, elements of modern design.

How to organize a traveling exhibition? Everything is quite simple. Need to find interesting offer. Many museums today rent out ready-made exhibits. Details of the exhibition organization are coordinated directly with representatives of museums and foundations. Preliminary preparation includes:

  • choosing the exhibition period (duration is on average 7-10 days);
  • conducting an advertising campaign (it is advisable to start actively advertising the exhibition 1-1.5 months in advance);
  • concluding an agreement on holding an exhibition;
  • insurance of exhibits (if necessary);
  • transportation of exhibition materials and their placement in the exhibition center.

The profitable part of such a project is formed through the implementation entrance tickets and provision of additional services (sale of souvenirs and postcards, photography, etc.).

It's no secret that our huge city is full of talented and unknown artists. Only often their works remain known only to a small circle of friends. And every young author at least once had questions: “Where and how to show the general public everything that I have been working on so reverently and with inspiration for the nth year now? And is it possible to make money with your art?” In order to somehow make life easier for young and unknown artists, “MONDAY” walked through the most famous venues in St. Petersburg, where they give way to young people.

Text: Anastasia Gladkikh

Illustrations: Savely Kozlovtsev

Erarta and young talents: is the most famous museum of contemporary art in St. Petersburg giving way to young people?

When we opened, in 2010 one of the venues was launched as a group exhibition of young artists. The idea turned out to be successful, and we tried to make such exhibitions of young people regular. Now we have already made four of them. First, I came up with a topic that would be interesting to a wide audience, then I contacted the artists.

I look for someone myself, someone finds me, sends me work, asks for help with advice. I'm always open - I'm easy to find in social networks, I willingly give out contact information to everyone. For many, this platform becomes a starting point; large debut exhibitions have taken place. However, young talents do not always manage to adequately assess their capabilities and correlate the “scale of their creativity” with our 200 sq. m. meters.
So, if they are very persistent and stubbornly do not heed my advice in the spirit of “try to work some more” or “this is not too interesting yet,” while we understand that a person’s creativity has not yet “ripe,” I invite him here, in these two huge halls, and I ask: “What do you want to show here?” In general, after this a person somehow understands whether he is ready or not.

What do you pay most attention to when selecting works? Are there any stable criteria?

The originality of the artistic expression is important. It can manifest itself both in technique and in content. Perfect piece of art has and interesting shape, and a remarkable idea. But, for example, I would not risk exhibiting dangerous biological substances or exhibits with exposed electrical wires within the walls of a museum.

Can a young artist count on any material benefits?

Organizing an exhibition is quite an expensive undertaking. Installation, transportation of works, lighting, buffet reception, promotion of the exhibition - the museum team is working on this. And we hope that the author can invest in his own project; at a minimum, will enthusiastically take part in organizing the process. At an early stage, artistic practice is only an investment; every young author must understand this. Museum exhibitions of emerging artists are often a good start to cooperation with the Erarta network of international galleries.

Yes, we have a lot of offers - these are already branded exhibitions that have “traveled” around the world and want to exhibit with us, and works of young talents, often not particularly well-known to anyone. We do not make distinctions between one and the other. The decision about the exhibition is made by two people at Etazhi - the director, Maria Rybakova, and the creative director, Savely Arkhipenko. As far as I know, they choose works based on the principle of like/dislike, there are no complex art criticism approaches, because “Floors” was originally conceived as a place for themselves and friends. So main principle decision making - personal sympathy for the project.

How can I get to your exhibition?

The artist must have a portfolio and some kind of exhibition concept. Let’s say, if one of your readers wants to “hang in the Floors,” he needs to write a preview and the most concise and succinct letter describing the idea. All this should be sent to Maria Rybakova. Then they consult with Savely and make a decision: “yes, it’s interesting, we’ll do it” or “no, sorry, not our format.” Floors has several free exhibition spaces, which is a plus. We can show the works of young artists in “Reels”, in the spaces “ White corridor" and "Grey Corridor", in the "Green Room", in "Formula" something is exhibited and sold.

Are there any restrictions? What are you sure you won't take?

For example, we will definitely not agree to display exhibits and objects that could serve as a reason to incite ethnic hatred. We don't go into any trash talk. There are no other restrictions.

Is it possible for you to not only become famous, but also earn money? Are exhibit items sold?

Yes, but this is done through the curator of the Formula gallery, Irena Kuksenaite. She herself searches for artists, selects something from installations, exhibits it at her place and offers visitors the opportunity to purchase this or that object.

Which one is the best effective way to take your works to an exhibition? Is there a secret?

There are no secrets - you need to make great art.

How can a young artist exhibit his work at the Borey Gallery?

We have instructions on our door on how to submit an application for the exhibition. The applicant prepares a folder that includes a disk with numbered photographs of works no more than 500 kb in size each (the number is not limited), a list of works with numbers corresponding to the photographs, indicating the technique, size, year and his biography with all contact information. You need to write your last name and phone number on the disk. The folder must also indicate the last name, first name, equipment, address, e-mail, telephone number and date of application. If the author has an idea of ​​what the exhibition should look like, then he should describe it all.

Who chooses the works that are worthy of hanging in your gallery? What selection criteria are used?

I do this based on my idea of ​​beauty and 22 years of experience. Sometimes I consult with colleagues, because not everything is in my area of ​​expertise. Five to ten years ago the situation was different. Now Mukha graduates go into design, or generally work outside of art, to earn money. And girls and boys come to us and bring drawings - something between fantasy and graffiti. I praise you and advise you to continue studying.

According to our rules, the author technical work does it himself - edging, hanging, dismantling the exhibition. We make an announcement, help create printed materials - we come up with layouts for flyers, postcards, booklets, which the author often has to print out himself. We provide space - this is the “Small Hall”, about 60 sq. m. meters. Its main function is to represent young artists. But since there are many proposals, and there are only 12 months in a year, we run projects non-stop: two days for hanging - Sunday and Monday, and the public sees the work for two weeks. Of course, this is not enough, but it is enough for the first presentation of young talent.

Are works from exhibitions sold?

Yes. But this is a wonderful miracle. Unfortunately, there are not many lovers of beauty. We have an established circle of collectors who always come to see new exhibitions. There are graphics lovers, painting lovers. But another question is that prices are often unreasonable. Ninety percent of artists don't understand how to evaluate their work. I always say: if you want your painting to be bought, then try to set an adequate price, and if you want to “show off” - set as much as you want, this is unlikely to change anything.

Anastasia, tell us how a young artist can get his works to Pushkinskaya-10?

We interact very actively with young artists. Some people come here “from the street”, others get in touch through mutual friends. When artists show up unannounced in our creative office with their portfolios, I always try to take the time to look at everything and comment somehow.

Are you the only one choosing the works that will go to the exhibition?

Yes and no. Each exhibition site has its own curator. For example, I am involved in the recently opened gallery “2.04”, where a lot of young, unknown authors exhibit, but I also do exhibitions in our other spaces. When I receive a portfolio, I think about which of our curators might be interested in it. If this is suitable for the “2.04” gallery, then we can organize an exhibition there quite quickly - this site now has the most flexible schedule.

What is the “2.04” site?

This is a very cozy, intimate room, about 30 sq. m. meters. The space is ideal for small personal exhibitions, installations, performances, etc. It is very multifunctional and can sometimes even operate in workshop mode. Our Australian resident Christian Halford worked there last month on his paintings.

Are paintings from exhibitions sold?

Yes, this happens, but it’s no more than one or two paintings from an exhibition. Sales are not active, but this is not our goal. It is extremely difficult for artists, especially young and unknown ones, to earn anything at their first exhibitions. But, on the other hand, participation in exhibitions can influence the future cost of works.

We pay attention to the quality and expressiveness of the artistic image. We also value experimental projects and works at the intersection of several genres. In such a non-conformist space as Pushkinskaya-10, everything can become part of the exhibition. However, we also have certain boundaries - both aesthetic and ethical.

Fortunately, the number of exhibition spaces in St. Petersburg is as impressive as the number of artists. And more and more new sites are constantly opening.