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» How to paint a refrigerator with car paint. Recommendations for painting a refrigerator at home. Necessary equipment for successful painting

How to paint a refrigerator with car paint. Recommendations for painting a refrigerator at home. Necessary equipment for successful painting

How to make your outdated, yellowed refrigerator white again, bursting with energy and beauty? How to paint old refrigerator at home on your own? Find answers to these and other questions in our article.

Buying a refrigerator is a joyful event for the whole family. A new device can delight you for years, but modern manufacturers produce quite durable models, and therefore homeowners are often faced with a pressing problem - the refrigerator copes with its duties in functional terms, but it appearance leaves much to be desired over time.

Also, painting a refrigerator is relevant for those who decide to introduce vintage style into the walls of their kitchen. If you already have a “refrigerator from the past,” then it will be enough to give it a “divine” look to create an atmosphere of authenticity and aesthetics.

What paint to paint the refrigerator?

The process of updating the refrigerator itself is quite simple, but the preparations take most of the time. Most homeowners ask what can be used to paint a refrigerator, what paint should they choose? We answer - polyurethane or epoxy paint. Its composition is quite complex, so the paint is incredibly durable. This is a recognized leader in durability among metal paints.

For work, it is necessary to take the device outside, since epoxy paint has a rather strong and pungent smell. The paint smells like rubber glue, so, as stated in the instructions, it should be used in well-ventilated spaces, after putting a mask on your face.

Stages of preparation for painting a refrigerator

  1. The first thing you should do is disconnect the appliance from the power supply, after defrosting the refrigerator if necessary.
  2. Remove all food from the unit so that it is not exposed to paint fumes.
  3. Clean the refrigerator if necessary - grease usually accumulates on the appliance, especially if it is in close proximity to cooking surfaces or the stove. In a word, the refrigerator must be clean before painting - no grease or other stains, plaque, etc.
  4. Move the refrigerator from your living space to the street, porch or patio of a private home, or open all doors and windows, creating a draft if you live in a multi-unit high-rise building.
  5. Remember that the paint will only “work” at temperatures not lower than 10 degrees Celsius.

Stages of painting a refrigerator

  1. To begin with, you should lightly sand the surface of the old refrigerator - you should stop at the moment when the surface layer becomes matte instead of glossy. Sandpaper is quite suitable for the procedure.
  2. After sanding, run a wet cloth over the surface of the unit to remove any sanding dust, and then be sure to dry the refrigerator with a dry cloth.
  3. Treat the surface of the refrigerator with a special degreasing solution.
  4. Use foam roller for epoxy paint and do not forget to wear a mask on your face, having previously removed all family members away from the work site.

The consistency of epoxy paint is similar to that of regular traditional paint, so there should be no problems with application. Small bubbles may form on the surface, but they tend to smooth out on their own. Hard to reach places It is quite possible to paint over it with a brush. In general, it is not necessary to paint the back panel of the refrigerator - there are many wires there that should not come into contact with the paint, and this side is hardly visible when placing the device in the kitchen. Thus, it is enough to paint three sides of the refrigerator - two sides and the front, as well as the top panel.

It is important to remember that you should first remove all removable parts from the refrigerator - handles, hinged doors, grilles, etc. It is better to paint them separately, this will be more convenient and will prevent the formation of smudges on the surface of the product. If you do not want or cannot remove the fittings, cover them with masking tape while painting, and then carefully apply paint to these elements separately, if desired.

In addition to protecting the fittings, you should also protect the floor next to the place where you are painting. This is important because epoxy paint dries quite quickly and is quite difficult to remove once it dries.

Painting a refrigerator with your own hands is quite possible. Why not? After all, this will require very little of your labor and effort, but the piece of equipment that is so necessary in any home will look new. You will find information on how to do everything correctly and not damage the coating of your household appliance in the process in this article.

Reasons for painting a refrigerator at home

There can be many reasons to change the appearance of your refrigerator:

  • It often happens that the unit is still functioning flawlessly, but you have made repairs and this White color doesn't fit in color scheme kitchens. If the rest of the household appliances (microwave, kettle, etc.) are small in size and not conspicuous, then the refrigerator cannot be hidden anywhere.
  • Sometimes well-functioning equipment takes on a non-marketable appearance, as scratches, abrasions from thorough cleaning, and areas of rust appear during use. But on new refrigerator There are no funds yet, and there is no need to throw perfectly serviceable equipment into the trash. The solution is to update the appearance of the refrigerator.
  • Or maybe you have an interesting design idea? The kitchen interior has become creative and fashionable, and the traditional white refrigerator, like a thorn in the eye, is taken out of context. Then such an option as painting the device really seems like an excellent way out of the situation.

Important! It’s very possible to test your artistic talent using old working equipment. It’s not such a shame if it doesn’t work out right away - you can wipe it off and paint it again. So there are many reasons why we can paint a refrigerator.

Necessary equipment for successful painting

The choice of tools directly depends on what kind of exterior refrigerator paint you will use. First, let's list what you need in any case.

Paint protection film or a stack of newspapers

Such items are necessary in order to cover all surfaces that may get splashed with paint. Newspapers, of course, represent more a budget option, but they can move during your work, and stains will remain somewhere. But using a special protective film is more reliable way, which will completely protect walls, floors and furniture from dirt.

Important! Some manufacturers produce protective film with an adhesive strip along one edge, which facilitates the process of attaching it in the right places.

Respirator and gloves

Gloves are needed in any case to protect the skin of your hands from exposure to paint and solvents. But a respirator is not needed when painting a refrigerator with acrylic paints. But if you paint with a spray or enamel in the form of a spray, then you can’t do without it. Small splashes will definitely get into the respiratory system, and you need to protect yourself from the toxic smell.

Masking tape

This item is needed to cover those non-removable parts of the refrigerator that cannot be painted (logo, handles, rubber seal on the door).

Important! You should not use regular adhesive tape, as it will leave traces of glue that will be difficult to remove later.

Fine sandpaper

It is needed to sand the surface to remove the old layer of enamel.


This liquid is needed to degrease the surface and remove paint stains.

Important! Acetone, white spirit or other similar products will do.

Cleaning products

Pelvis with hot water, rags, sponges, brushes, anti-grease agent - all this is necessary to clean the outer and inner surfaces of the refrigerator from old traces of grease, soot and other contaminants.


If your refrigerator is a “battery-worn” one and there are deep scratches on its surface, then you will also need quick-hardening putty. You will need to use it to fill all the holes and cracks before painting.

Other tools

  • If you decide to paint with automotive nitro enamel, then you won’t need anything else.
  • If you opted for acrylic paint, then you will need a narrow roller and a brush 3-5 cm wide to paint hard-to-reach places.
  • For epoxy (polyurethane) paint you will need the same tools.

What paint to paint a refrigerator at home?

There are a lot of types of paint in stores, but not all of them are suitable for painting a household appliance. So how to paint the outside of the refrigerator?

  • If you want to do everything perfectly, you can find special paint for household appliances, for example, New Ton. This is an alkyd enamel for the restoration of household appliances, mostly white.
  • If you have artistic talents and know how to draw, then you should try to depict something on the refrigerator using graffiti paints, such as the Montana brand. These are bright nitro paints with high-quality pigments, having a wide palette of shades. They are suitable for any surface.
  • Ideally, the refrigerator will be repainted in any color by automotive nitro enamel. It is easy to work with: it is stable, durable, lays flat and dries quickly. The big disadvantage is its toxicity and the mass of splashes on neighboring surfaces.
  • Polyurethane epoxy paint is captivating because it is the most durable of all. But it is two-component, difficult to apply, and very expensive. So the choice is purely “for everyone.”
  • Acrylic paint is probably the most best option. It is quite resistant to external influences, It has big choice shades and is absolutely non-toxic, does not emit unpleasant odors. And there will be much less splashes when painting.

Important! To consolidate the result and add additional effect, you can purchase varnish (glossy, matte or even with shimmer).

How to paint a refrigerator with your own hands?

The process of painting the refrigerator itself will not take much time. You will spend longer fiddling around with preparation.


  1. Unplug the unit and remove all drawers, shelves, and, in general, all internal contents.
  2. If it is possible to take the refrigerator outside, do so. This way you will have less to clean and scrub later.
  1. The next stage of preparation for painting is washing. Arm yourself with sponges, a bowl of hot water, a brush and household chemicals, which copes well with old fat and soot.

Important! You need to wash it thoroughly, otherwise the paint layer may lie unevenly.

  1. Unscrew the handle from the door if it is removable. If not, then cover it and other parts (inscriptions, sealing rubber) with masking tape so that you don’t have to wash the paint off of them later.
  2. Now arm yourself with fine-grained sandpaper (you can use a sander) and sand the surface. Pay special attention to those places where there is rust, clean them to bare metal.
  1. If there are deep scratches, repair them with quick-hardening putty and let it dry thoroughly.
  2. Clean the surface and degrease. If the paint manufacturer recommends priming first, do so, although this procedure is not necessary. There is also no great need to apply fire-prevention and anti-corrosion agents.
  3. Now start the painting itself. Test the color on an inconspicuous area first. Then paint the side that faces the wall to get the hang of it and “fill” your hand. And then start processing the front side.

Important! Rear wall It is not recommended to paint the refrigerator.

  1. If you paint in several layers, then give them the opportunity to dry thoroughly.
  2. Finally, if desired, secure the result with a layer of varnish. It will add shine and make the surface more resistant to external influences.

Paint application features:

  • Spray paints are easy and quick to apply. The container should be kept at a distance of 30 cm from the surface to be painted. Movements should be smooth. Move your hand from right to left without stopping in one place. Then you will get a uniform thin layer. If necessary, apply 1-2 more coats (one coat takes about 30 minutes to dry).

Important! Usually one bottle is enough for 2 layers for a refrigerator with a height of 170 cm.

  • Acrylic paint should be applied with a roller, also in a thin layer from left to right. Move from top to bottom, evenly, without jerking. Paint hard-to-reach places with a brush. After the first coat has been applied, allow the surface to dry thoroughly. To do this, leave the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. After this, you can apply a second layer.
  • Using stencils or masking tape, you can decorate the refrigerator with stripes, patterns, and geometric designs. That is, you can make a designer interior element out of ordinary household appliances. And if you have skills in working with an airbrush, then you can paint a landscape or a still life. It all depends on your skills, preferences and tastes.

Important! Similarly, you can paint the inside of the refrigerator. The tools and paint for the inside of the refrigerator are the same, but painting the inside is more inconvenient.

Video material

As you can see, to paint a refrigerator with your own hands no need to study a large number of information, and the process itself will not take much time. Using useful recommendations from this article, you can breathe new life in the refrigerator household appliance and thus update the kitchen interior.

A high-quality refrigerator will last for decades without repair. It would be a pity to throw away a working refrigerator, but it is very dissonant with the modern kitchen environment. Restoration will save you, but first you need to choose paints, get acquainted with the technology of work, and ensure safety for children and animals.

The industry offers compositions based on various film-forming substances. Not all of them are suitable for covering the outside of a refrigerator. Our task is to find suitable enamels - the most durable films.

The composition needs high adhesion - the paint must firmly adhere to the base, otherwise peeling of the top layer will begin with the first scratch. The film needs to be elastic, because the body is subject to thermal expansion. The painted surface is wiped with detergents; the composition must be resistant to aggressive liquids.

Choosing waterproof paint for interior work on metal. Such paint and varnish coatings include:

  • two-component primer-enamel for galvanized metal;
  • alkyd enamel;
  • heat-resistant silicone enamel;
  • nitrocellulose composition for metal and wood - automotive nitro enamel;
  • acrylic matte enamel for metal surfaces;
  • polyurethane or epoxy paint.

Can be used as an aerosol or applied with a roller. We choose what paint to paint the refrigerator with exception.

We don't need paint on galvanized metal, there's no need to overpay for heat resistance - the refrigerator is located away from hot surfaces.

What paint to paint a refrigerator at home

The master's task is to obtain flat surface, similar to the factory one. The layer should be opaque, lie flat, and not flow down. It doesn’t matter whether you use the material in an aerosol package or use a roller or brush. The main thing is that the applied composition must dry and have no smudges. Then the next layer is applied.

The choice of color for the outside of the refrigerator depends on the overall design of the room. You can create an accent spot or create a surface in harmony with the facade. The main thing is to use suitable covering and do the job carefully. Car paint is the most durable of all. Acrylic is made up on water based, odorless, the film is resistant to destruction. Epoxy is most durable when exposed to moisture. What paint to paint the outside of the refrigerator is up to you.

Application for painting refrigerator slate paint

Having researched the market paint coatings, we have found several compositions that experts advise using for work at home. Do you want to turn the walls of your refrigerator into a creative corner? Then you should use chalkboard paint for painting. The presence of composite particles in the composition will give the coating a slight roughness. The composition was created on latex based, the film turns out durable. On a dark, matte surface you can draw with chalk. The drawings are washed off with soap and water. As a stand-alone coating in a dark shade, it looks stylish.

The Finnish manufacturer Tikkurila is considered the best manufacturer of such compositions. Under this brand you can buy black paint Liitu. Sibiria is a domestic brand of slate, magnetic and marker compositions. Among them there are some with antiseptic properties. If you need a black refrigerator, buy a jar of Sibiria PRO or MagPaint from Holland.

Is it possible to paint a refrigerator with battery paint?

What is the difference between batteries and a refrigerator? Only because they experience seasonal heating. That is, the film must be elastic, withstand thermal expansion, adhere tightly to metal, be neutral to detergents and resistant to abrasion. The same requirements for the composition for refrigerators. Is it possible to paint a refrigerator and a radiator with the same paint when creating a kitchen design? Which one to choose?

You need to find a product that does not change color under the influence of temperature, has good hiding power and decorative effect. It is better if the paint has no odor. We suggest you choose:

  • alkyd enamel based on organic solvents has a white base element, coloring pigment additionally mixed, the smell is strong until drying;
  • water-based acrylic enamel is odorless, only titanium dioxide-based paint is used for the refrigerator inside and out;
  • organosilicon alkyd enamel, which contains special pigments that hide defects in uneven painting.

It is very important that all these compositions do not lose color over time; they can be decorated with a pearlescent additive.

Is it possible to paint the refrigerator compartment?

If the refrigerator compartment was enameled, rust will inevitably appear at the joints of the panels and in the cracks, no amount of cleaning will save you from yellow stains. Inner surface there is almost no ventilation, the air in the chamber is humid, it is difficult to choose a coloring composition. The smell of paint from the refrigerator takes a long time to be removed. Special absorbers based on activated carbon and silica gel are used.

Only water-based acrylate can be used. But before that, you need to remove the rust, apply a special converter, degrease and prime the surface. It is almost impossible to remove odors and harm from other paints from the refrigerator.

Refrigerator paint

If your refrigerator copes with its functions perfectly, but already looks shabby and does not fit into the interior of the kitchen at all, you can update it. Often it is the appearance of the device, or rather its damage, that is the main reason for replacement. Old refrigerators are not thrown away, but sold or used in the countryside. Accordingly, by updating the color, you don’t have to spend money on buying expensive equipment if you’re satisfied with the rest.

Suitable for this purpose are either self-adhesive film, or paint. The first option is difficult to implement, because it is difficult to paste over the surface of the refrigerator evenly and without wrinkles. In addition, the film is easy to scratch and quickly fades when exposed to sun rays shining through the window. It’s much easier to evenly repaint the refrigerator, choosing absolutely any color, and perhaps even create a pattern!

And now, first things first, let’s figure out how to paint a refrigerator at home, what paint is suitable for this, and what sequence of actions should be followed in order to do it yourself, without involving specialists.

Painting a refrigerator at home involves using special paint and tools. The surface of the equipment cannot be classified as simple or ordinary; accordingly, not every coloring substance can be used. High demands are placed on the paint layer:

  1. It must protect the facade from mechanical damage that occurs during operation.
  2. It should give an updated appearance and add variety to the interior.

Also, the paint should not “peel off” after a few months, that is, it must have high performance characteristics.

When choosing materials, take into account the specific use of the device. If the refrigerator is always located in a dry and heated room, that is, in the kitchen, there is no risk of rust. Another question is if the refrigerator is placed in a damp room, for example, in workshops or warehouses and other industrial areas with high humidity. In this case, it will be necessary to treat the surface with an anti-corrosion solution. For home use such a solution will be inappropriate, as well as fire protection base or paint, because in principle you cannot connect a refrigerator near a fire.

In this case, paint that can be mixed with other colors and adheres to vertical surface, elastic in structure and resistant to detergents. Thus, to paint a refrigerator, you need metal paint for interior work that is resistant to water.

There are several types of such paints, and the following types are ideal:

  • nitro enamel for painting cars - this type is easy to apply, has increased durability, and has a beautiful shiny tint. The paint is sold in aerosol cans, so application will not be difficult. Among the shortcomings we can highlight high cost, toxicity (should be used when open windows and in a respirator), inability to control splashes. To organize the process, you will have to cover the walls, floors and furniture to prevent subsequent cleaning;
  • acrylic paint for metal - applied with a roller or brush, available in many colors. The composition is characterized by safety, since it contains no toxic substances;
  • polyurethane paint - of all types, it is more resistant to wear. Moreover, it can be used both for the external surface of the refrigerator and for the internal one. It is not afraid of low temperatures and is easy to apply, so in cases where it is necessary to paint over scratches, it is used.

What tool will you need?

You cannot start painting right away; the surface must always be prepared in advance. The refrigerator is located in the kitchen, where food is constantly being prepared, so every housewife has traces of grease on its surface, covered with dust. These may be tiny specks, but they are there. That is why, before starting work, it is necessary to wash the surface well so that the paint lays evenly and easily, eliminating cracks and chips in the future.

To organize the work, including preliminary preparation and further painting, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • detergent to remove dirt;
  • abrasive sponge;
  • rags (dry and wet);
  • fine-grained sandpaper;
  • acetone or kerosene for degreasing;
  • primer (for better bonding of the paint layer and the surface of the equipment);
  • masking tape, film, tape;
  • newspapers to cover the floors;
  • respirator;
  • gloves;
  • dye;
  • brush and roller.

Having collected the materials, you can begin to work.

Preparation process

As already mentioned, painting a different color should begin with preparing the surface of the refrigerator. Therefore, follow the proposed action plan:

  • for safety reasons, disconnect the equipment from the power supply, also remove the internal shelves and partitions, especially if you will also be painting inside;
  • by using detergents and an abrasive sponge, clean the surface well and rinse off the applied solution. Just cleaning the refrigerator is not enough; you also need to thoroughly rinse off the chemical compounds;
  • Sand the surface with sandpaper, partially removing the old coating. Rub most thoroughly in places where there are already cracks and chips - here the old layer of paint is gradually coming off, so it is necessary to remove it so that in the future it does not cause damage to the new coating;
  • Wipe the refrigerator first with rags soaked in water, then with dry ones. This will remove the particles old paint, which also should not remain on the surface;
  • treat the refrigerator with a primer;
  • Seal handles and other fittings with tape or wrap with film. You can use masking tape to cover the elastic on the door and other parts that should not be painted. Also, if you are going to stick with a geometric pattern, then masking tape the perfect assistant for this;
  • cover the floors with newspapers and, if necessary, the walls;
  • test the paint on a small area of ​​the refrigerator. Evaluate whether the color is suitable, how the paint applies, etc.

Painting process

Having completed preparatory work, the most important thing remains to paint the old refrigerator. If you choose spray paint for this purpose, you must follow the instructions for it. General recommendations on using this type of paint:

  • When applying, keep the can at a distance of 30 cm from the surface to be painted;
  • movements should be uniform, from left to right, without staying long at one point, otherwise this place will be noticeable later;
  • paint in 2-3 layers, but each of them must dry, and only then the next one is applied.

If your choice fell on paint in a can, then you will need a brush or roller. Sharp color transitions either below or above will lead to an unattractive result. Move systematically from left to right. Painting is done in 2-3 layers, each of which must also dry.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about updating the appearance of a working refrigerator with your own hands; even a person who does not have the proper experience can cope with this task. The main thing is to follow the recommendations for choosing materials and the sequence of actions, and then the result will delight you for many years!

Painting a refrigerator is the easiest and most affordable way improve its appearance with your own hands, mask cracks and other cladding defects. This operation may also be necessary when you need to enter old equipment into a new interior after kitchen renovation. If you choose the right paint, the new coating will not only perform a decorative function, but also protect external surfaces device against corrosion.

Paint selection

To obtain a strong and durable coating, you should use moisture-resistant metal paints that are easy to apply in a thin layer.

Paints meet these requirements:

  1. 1. Enamel. You can use regular or automotive nitro enamels in cans. The latter are more expensive, but they are convenient to use, and the color range is quite wide: in addition to standard shades, there are silver and gold. Forms a durable, resistant to mechanical stress glossy finish. A significant drawback is toxicity.
  2. 2. Acrylic. Among the advantages: no toxins in the composition, affordable price, large selection of colors. However, the application process is more complicated: it is necessary to properly prepare the surface for painting. Acrylic coating inferior in strength to enamel.
  3. 3. Epoxy and polyurethane. Two-component compositions have almost the same qualities as enamels, but are more expensive. Another disadvantage is the complex paint application technology.
  4. 4. Slate. Water resistant and produces a striking black finish matte finish. You can purchase them at a hardware store or make them yourself. Last option will allow you to save significantly. To make slate paint you will need to combine 200 ml acrylic paint with 2 tablespoons of tile grout or putty.

Materials and tools

To paint a refrigerator at home you will also need:

  1. 1. A film that can be used to protect floors, walls and other surfaces from paint. You can use old newspapers instead.
  2. 2. Roller, brush 3-5 cm wide, paint tray. If the composition is used in cans, then these tools will not be required. To obtain a thin, uniform layer, you can use a spray bottle, but in this case it is necessary to carefully cover all surfaces of the room in which painting will be carried out.
  3. 3. Masking tape. Paper duct tape is needed to protect non-removable elements of the device (rubber seals, handles, etc.) from paint.
  4. 4. Respirator, goggles and rubber gloves. During the dyeing process, it is imperative to use protective equipment for the skin of your hands, eyes and respiratory tract. Work should be done in a well-ventilated area.
  5. 5. Varnish. If desired, it can be applied to painted surfaces. Depending on what kind of result you want to get, use matte, glossy or with shimmer.

To prepare surfaces for painting you need to take:

  • fine-grained sandpaper;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • abrasive sponge;
  • primer;
  • putty and spatula (if there is damage on the refrigerator casing that needs to be repaired);
  • rags;
  • degreaser.

Surface preparation

Before painting the outside of the refrigerator red, green or any other color, the surfaces must be prepared.


  1. 1. The device is disconnected from the network, freed from products, shelves, trays.
  2. 2. Clean the external surfaces from grease and dirt using a sponge with dishwashing liquid.
  3. 3. Use sandpaper to remove old paint.
  4. 4. If there is damage on the outer walls, they are sanded and puttied. Old refrigerators (ZIL, Dnepr) may have traces of rust and need to be cleaned.
  5. 5. Wipe treated surfaces damp cloth to remove any remaining paint, and then wipe dry with a clean rag.
  6. 6. After moistening the cloth with alcohol or other degreasing liquid, wipe the outside of the refrigerator.
  7. 7. Lay out newspapers or cover the floor and surrounding furniture with film.
  8. 8. To make the paint adhere better, prime all surfaces.
  9. 9. All parts that cannot be painted are sealed with masking tape.

Once the primer has dried, you can paint it small area to make sure the color you choose will look exactly as intended.


The procedure for painting depends on the type of paint and the tools chosen.

If you use automotive nitro enamel or a spray, the process is simplified. When painting with acrylic or slate paints Using a brush will take a little more time.


They begin to apply the composition from the less noticeable side (for example, the one that will be adjacent to the wall or covered by furniture) from top to bottom.